Greenline, March 2013

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March 2013 | Volume 34, Issue 3


Floriculture Field Days: May 14 & 15 at Epcot FNGLA is gearing up for Floriculture Field Days, May 14 & 15 in conjunction with the 2013 Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival! The two-day event is the pinnacle during a 12-week trial garden planted just steps from the resort entrance of Epcot. The trial garden is the spot where breeders from across the nation test varieties thought to be ideal for Florida’s tough climate and the conference is where the nation’s top professionals converge to assess the newest plants for themselves and their businesses, take in top-notch educational sessions, and tour the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival with members of Disney’s horticulture team. 2013 breeders include All American Selections (AAS); Ameriseed; Bates Sons & Daughters; Benary; Ball FloraPlant; Classic Caladiums; Grimes Horticulture; Hem Genetics; H. F. Michell/Greenfuse; Pan American Seed; Sakata Seed America; Sun-Fire Nurseries; Suntory; and, the University of Florida-IFAS. Breeder representatives will be on hand both days to interact with conference attendees and provide individualized information on their plants and products. Expert education presenters include: Joe Lamp’l, also known as “Joe Gardner,” is executive producer and host of the TV show Growing A Greener World; John Lowe is Chief Executive of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, a company recently featured by Time with the headline, “Can America’s Best Ice Cream Also Be Its Biggest?”; and Rita Randolph is a second generation business owner of Randolph Greenhouses in Jackson, TN and works in the trial gardens at the University of Georgia. A complete conference agenda can be accessed on FNGLA’s website:


The trial gardens are located at the International Gateway/Resort Entrance to Epcot. In this garden, breeders will showcase their latest varieties thought to be ideal for Florida’s climate. Inside the park, near “The Land” pavillion, is the location of the Floriculure Field Day Consumer Display Garden beds. These beds will showcase breeder submissions that are tested, proven and consumer available. (continued page 3)

TRIAL VOLUNTEERS All FNGLA members and FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professionals have the opportunity to serve as a trial volunteer each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from April 18 to the close of the Epcot festival on May 19. Through casual conversations and a soft survey, volunteers are charged with extracting consumer opinions about the trial plants, their gardening preferences/needs and more. See page 4 for additional details on how to sign-up!


Wes Parrish FNGLA 2012-2013 President

Think Globally, Act Locally Think globally, act locally. It is likely you have heard of this slogan and I think it makes a lot of sense. I have not discovered its origination. Yet, it appears to have been around for the better part of a century and used in contexts varying from town planning to education and business. I want to address the “act locally” part here. If I have learned one thing being involved with FNGLA , it is that we -- you and I -- can make a difference. Going to Washington, D.C. or Tallahassee can be a daunting adventure for most of us. The buildings are meant to impress, and they do. Legislators are so busy that if you get an audience you feel, and rightfully so, privileged. The whole experience is very daunting indeed. But, when I did get the opportunity to sit with a senator or congressman, I quickly came to the realization they are just like you and me. They have a hard job to do and they listen to us, their constituents, for advice and direction. The ones who seem to have a grasp of the facts seem to be rational in their views. The ones not up on the facts are often eager to listen and become educated as to what our facts are. I am currently dealing with the town in which our nursery is located. The town is trying to get the state legislature to grant the town an exemption from portions of the state’s agricultural statutes. These state statutes were enacted for these very reasons -- to protect nursery and other agricultural operations from local governments!

I was going to be out of town on the day of the state legislators were to hold a local public hearing, so I decided to wage my own grassroots “get to the meeting” telephone campaign. This is the type of situation we cannot expect our association staff to handle by themselves. My county’s legislative delegation was holding the hearing to get a clear pulse of their constituency so they could be better informed when they returned to Tallahassee in case the town pushed for action. There are times when it is not sufficient for just an association lobbyist to show up and express how his or her members feel on a subject. Sometimes we members have to take a visible grassroots stand. I can tell you it made an impression on the state legislators when the large turnout made it necessary to move the hearing from a meeting room to a gymnasium. I can tell you it made an impression when 35 people actually spoke against the town’s reported move. It was due to association members that I found out about the meeting. In all my telephone calls, not one had any idea of what our local town was attempting to pull. If you are reading this, then you are likely thinking about the bigger picture, and are already a member of FNGLA -- the largest state nursery and landscape association in the country. With that being said, please don’t sit back and expect or assume your work is done -- or is always being done for you. There are times, such as this, when you need to speak up and get on the phone or attend the meeting. It is in this way, those making the rules know how you feel and how those rules will impact your business. Wes Parrish

You will soon receive the notice to renew your FNGLA Membership for the upcoming 2013/14 year. Please look soon for an email directing you to FNGLA’s membership renewal section on our website for an easy, convenient way to renew your FNGLA membership.



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Ensure you have up-close access to the trial garden and Epcot: reserve your room at Disney’s Boardwalk Resort by the April 12th deadline to guarantee the FNGLA special rate of $175 Single/Double: events/floriculture-field-day/location.aspx


FNGLA’s Floriculture Field Days is an ideal venue to interact with the leaders of the Floriculture industry and to gain exposure for your business. Position your business as a leader to this key audience of floriculture experts, landscape professionals and garden center owners. Great sponsorships are available: http://www. Choose to have an exhibit table to display your business products or capture higher visibility with an exclusive event sponsorship of one of the conference happenings,including the opportunity to briefly address the group at the event. For more details on Floriculture Field Days, contact FNGLA at 800.375.3642 or email Linda Reindl,

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FNGLA HAPPENINGS Volunteer Opportunity Expanded for 2013: FNGLA’s Partnership at the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival The 2013 Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival promises to be another exceptional event and another exceptional opportunity for FNGLA to showcase our industry and Florida gardening to the expected attendance of over 2 million consumers. 2013 marks FNGLA’s 15th year of participation. For 2013, FNGLA has expanded the volunteer opportunities for members and FNGLA Certified Professionals.


As an official festival partner, FNGLA is the host organization to the returning theme of children’s gardening focused on family gardening fun. The garden area’s theme, Backyard Play, has been carried over from last year’s garden. With its “backyard look and feel,” the area incorporates a variety of fun gardening elements easily recreated by virtually any home gardener. Many areas are returning from the 2012 garden such as a green roof dog house, a topiary pet yard, a soup garden, pizza garden, pie garden, a planted bamboo tunnel, and, a variety of garden crafts such as stepping stones, bird baths and the like. A new “exercise” area will be featured across from the children’s play structure. FNGLA is seeking members and FNGLA certified professionals to serve in pairs as garden hosts for the opening day and then each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the festival: March 6 - May 19, 2013. Volunteers can pick from two different 3-hour shifts: noon - 3:00 p.m. or from 3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.


In conjunction with the festival, but running an alternate time span, FNGLA’s Floricuture Field Days’ trial garden aims to expose gardening consumers to the latest breeder successes for Florida landscapes. FNGLA is seeking members and FNGLA certified professionals to serve as trial garden hosts for each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: April 18 - May 19, 2013. There is one shift for the trials: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The trials are located on the promenade at the International Gateway, just outside of the resort entrance to Epcot.

While we are able to allow garden-qualified friends and spouses to serve as FNGLA volunteers for both areas, they must be able to fulfill the host duties incusive of garden-specific questions. We cannot allow children to participate. All FNGLA volunteers gain entrance to the park for the day of their commitment and are free to enjoy Epcot and the festival before and after their volunteer time. FNGLA Certified Professionals will also receive 2 CEUs for their volunteer service. Don’t delay in coordinating your preferred time slots as volunteers will be accepted for Opening Day and each extended weekend on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact FNGLA at to sign-up as a garden volunteer!


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA’s Annual Convention: Delivering Tropical Splendor FNGLA’s Annual Meeting and Convention offers an opportunity to indulge the mind, body and spirit in the tropical paradise of South Florida. Taking place June 14-15 at the Bonaventure Resort and Spa in Weston, FL (near Fort Lauderdale), the idyllic surroundings will serve as a beautiful reminder of the splendor plants, trees and tropical landscapes bring to the senses. Add smart and friendly colleagues to the tropical backdrop, mix in key industry information and you’ve got the perfect event to enhance your business and your spirits! The FNGLA Convention is all about relationship-building. This year’s meeting starts with a relaxing evening at Flamingo Gardens with plenty of time to spend with fellow FNGLA members. You’ll have a chance to admire more than 3,000 tropical and sub-tropical species of plants and trees and see the largest collection of native wildlife in the state. A special barbecue dinner will be prepared and served by FNGLA Past President Lori Frazee, with the soothing sounds of steel drums provided by Sun-Fire Nurseries. Convention activities on Saturday begin with the FNGLA Annual Meeting. This informative meeting gives members a look at FNGLA activities for the past year, as well as industry insights for the future. FNGLA’s Industry Awards will be presented and new Association officers elected. The day concludes with the President’s Gala on Saturday evening, complete with recognition of FNGLA’s past leaders and the passing of the Big Shoes. The convention schedule has non-scheduled hours on both Friday and Saturday to take advantage of fun networking time with FNGLA friends and family. Whether it’s an afternoon by the pool, teaming up for golf or exploring the Everglades together, there are many choices for spending time with your colleagues and friends. Stallings Crop Insurance Corp is this year’s Signature Sponsor of the FNGLA Convention. Other sponsors to date include: LPL Financial; ProAg; Sun-Fire Nurseries; Simpson Nurseries; and, Atlas Peat and Soil. The Bonaventure Hotel is offering a very special rate of only $119 to FNGLA Convention guests, as well as a 10% discount on spa services. Guests receive complimentary self-parking and 24-hour access to a very extensive fitness center. Hotel reservation deadline for these special prices is May 13. Use this link to make your reservations on line events/annual-convention/location.aspx or call 877-415-1031. Online registration for FNGLA’s Convention will open in mid-March. A package price of $135 for FNGLA members registering prior to June 7, 2013 will be offered. The package includes the Friday night event at Flamingo Gardens (including transportation); the FNGLA Annual Meeting and continental breakfast; the President’s Gala and Reception, as well as access to the FNGLA Broward Chapter Hospitality Suite. For more information, visit or email Linda Adams at ladams@ fngla or call 800-375-3642.


FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA Industry Award Nominations: Deadline is Friday, March 8! FNGLA is a successful association because of our many dedicated and involved members. Each year FNGLA recognizes members who go above and beyond in their volunteer service to the Association and the industry. Help be FNGLA’s eyes and ears by nominating folks who you know deserve to be recognized for the extra efforts they contribute. Nominations are now open so its time to start thinking about worthy candidates! FNGLA Industry Awards include the designations below. Also noted is the 2012 recipient(s) of each award. FNGLA HALL OF FAME A lifetime achievement award given to an individual who has given unselfishly of their time and effort having contributed to the industry through pioneering, teaching, production, legislation, marketing, services or research. 2012 Inductees: Dr. Terril Nell and Katy Moss Warner WENDELL E. BUTLER This award is recognized as FNGLA's most prestigious. It recognizes an individual who serves FNGLA and the industry by providing leadership, service, and contributions, showing a sincere interest in the advancement of the association and the industry. 2012 Recipient: Gary Hennen, Oglesby Plants International FNGLA/FARM CREDIT YOUNG NURSERY PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR This award is presented to an FNGLA member who is under 39 years young and has made an outstanding contribution to the industry. This award is sponsored annually by Farm Credit Associations of Florida. 2012 Recipient: T. Jay Higgins, Sun-Fire Nurseries OUTSTANDING CHAPTER PRESIDENT This award recognizes FNGLA leaders who provide extraordinary leadership to their Chapter. 2012 Recipient: Shawn Thomas, FNGLA Northeast Chapter OUTSTANDING CHAPTER SECRETARY/TREASURER This is presented to an individual who is often the key to a successful Chapter. 2012 Recipient: John Schwinn, FNGLA Royal Palm Chapter OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER This is presented to an individual who has contributed faithfully to the advancement of the industry through association activities or related service. 2012 Recipient: Ed Bravo, Big Trees Plantation OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR This is presented to an individual who is actively involved with the teaching of horticulture. 2012 Recipient: John R. King, Jr., Peterson Nursery and Garden Center FNGLA FRIEND OF THE INDUSTRY This award is presented to an individual from outside the Association who has contributed to the advancement or improvement of the nursery and landscape industry. 2012 Recipient: Dr. Hannah Carter, University of Florida/IFAS


FNGLA HAPPENINGS New Show Venue; New Opportunities: How Will You Stand Out? The Landscape Show is moving to the new North/South Building across the street from its typical location. The Orange County Convention Center’s West Building is undergoing a multimillion dollar renovation to put a new face on the venue we have loved for so many years. Booth relocations are underway and many exhibitors are taking this opportuity to refresh their approach to reaching the show’s buyers. Attendees at this year’s landscape show will see the show with a new set of “buyer goggles.” What better time to capitalize on the show’s audience and shine the show’s spotlight on you and your business’ brand! FNGLA is poised and ready to help you shine brighter than your industry competitors: Show Sponsorship Opportunites are still being crafted for the 2013 show. Here are a few of the mainstay items: http://

FNGLA also offers a variety of other publications and communication vehicles you can utilize to reach your target audience: http:// You can also choose to sponsor one or more of FNGLA’s great events throughout the year: advertise/sponsor. FNGLA’s Business Development Manager, Clay Archey, is ready and available to assist you with a customized plan to reach the audience you seek. Contact FNGLA’s Clay Archey at

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FNGLA HAPPENINGS Tallahassee Talks... Are you Listening? by Jim Spratt, Magnolia Strategies, LLC The Florida Legislature convenes on March 5th for its constitutionally mandated annual 60-day session. The Legislature is actually only required to pass a balanced state budget during the session. Yet, it seems there are never a shortage of new ideas, proposed changes, repeals and other updates to state laws. The 2013 session promises to be very active and one of the most ambitious sessions ever for FNGLA. Below are just a handful of the significant legislative issues during this new session in which FNGLA is working hard on behalf of our nursery and landscape members businesses: IMMIGRATION During recent years, FNGLA and other leading business groups have spent significant efforts in the trenches educating legislators on the complexities and failures of our immigration system. FNGLA has also been forced to actively fight several well-intended, yet misguided, efforts at the state level to adopt enforcement-only immigration proposals. If we had not succeeded in blocking them, the entire burden would have been imposed on employers without providing any solutions addressing the realities of immigration. Fortunately, the stars have somewhat aligned. Elected officials in Washington, D.C. appear to have finally decided to engage in a meaningful debate on comprehensive immigration reform to address: border security; an employer verification component; usable guest worker programs to meet 21st century demands; and, lastly, ways to deal with the individuals already in our country. DUPLICATION OF REGULATIONS Many FNGLA members are familiar with the Florida Right to Farm Act, as well as the Agriculture Lands and Practices Act. Both laws provide much needed and appropriate clarification of the importance of agricultural production to the State of Florida. The cornerstone of these laws is the recognition that duplicative regulation is unnecessary. It restricts the growth and sustainability of agricultural operations and, quite frankly, is just plain…duplicative.


Yet, under current law, agricultural producers are only protected from duplicative county regulations. As cities continue to expand and annex more agricultural lands, and as local governments seek additional revenues, FNGLA and the other leading agricultural groups recognize the need to expand the duplicative regulation protections to cover city ordinances and rules.

Florida House Speaker designate Steve Crisafulli (third from left) with members of FNGLA’s Board of Directors: Mike Marshall, Sandy Stein and Wes Parrish. GREENBELT AGRICULTURAL LANDS CLASSIFICATION The Greenbelt law is sacrosanct to every agricultural producer in Florida. Without question, if the Greenbelt assessment ceased to exist, many nurseries would simply be unable to pay their property taxes based on the highest and best use of the property. Due to the critical importance of Florida’s Greenbelt law, FNGLA and other groups typically avoid opening the law during the legislative session largely because there are other groups who would love nothing more than to weaken or eliminate the law altogether. You’re probably familiar with the old refrain that “politics make strange bedfellows.” Notwithstanding the hesitation to open up the Greenbelt law, the property appraisers have approached the agricultural community with their desire to update several sections of our state’s property assessment laws, including Greenbelt. After reviewing their proposal and consulting with several legislative leaders, it is widely believed this is also an opportunity for Florida agriculture to clean up several Greenbelt provisions which are outdated and problematic for growers. These provisions include elimination of the “three times the purchase price” provision and elimination of the provision which allows county commissions to change agricultural property classifications. WATER FNGLA always monitors the literally dozens of water-related bills which surface each and every legislative session. Many of these bills are of little consequence to FNGLA members, yet the temptation for a few “free-range chickens” to push a bad idea always exists. During the 2013 session, FNGLA believes


Florida State Representative Jake Raburn talks with FNGLA board members T. Jay Higgins, Jason Platzer, Bob Cook and Ed Bravo.

FNGLA President Wes Parrish addresses the Florida House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Read FNGLA President’s comments:

there will be legislation to allow for extended duration water use permits (30 years). We also believe there will be an effort to reach some consistency to the Consumptive Use Permitting process among all of the five water management districts. Lastly, FNGLA expects some funding opportunities for water projects will be discussed, as well as an effort to tighten up the process for the adoption of Minimum Flows and Levels for Florida Water bodies.

to ensure the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ budgets receive the dollars necessary to support our industry. Although it is very early in the budgetary process, preliminary projections and proposed budgets are very encouraging. This is a welcome change from previous years when the state projected significant revenue shortfalls and considered harsh cuts to programs. The 2013 budget outlook is better in part to a slowly recovering economy and also to the recent Florida Supreme Court ruling on the state pension reform.

AGRICULTURAL WATER SUPPLY PLANNING Time and again, Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Adam Putnam has championed the importance of water to the future sustainability and growth of not only agriculture, but also our state. Putnam has been working with legislative leaders to develop a critical water supply proposal for agricultural operations. Under current law, the water management districts are required to conduct 20- year water supply plans which capture current use and projected demand for all water use groups. These plans are updated every five years. One area where water managers struggle with future water use projections is within the agricultural sector. As a result, the proposed agricultural water supply legislation will clearly place the development of numbers for agricultural water demands squarely on Florida’s Department of Agriculture. While this isn’t an unusual or new idea, passage of this legislation will significantly improve the data and planning projections for agricultural water use. It should also serve as a significant catalyst to avoid continuing discrepancies between perceived and actual water needs. BUDGET As always, FNGLA watches the budget process very closely

FNGLA is focused like a laser on two budget proposals which will directly impact FNGLA’s citrus nursery members’ bottomline. These proposals expand the state’s citrus budwood facility in Chiefland and the citrus germplasm facility. Both of these proposals are part of a larger research and management push to get ahead of the citrus greening disease. FNGLA reports early discussions with the House and Senate appropriation committees in Tallahassee have been very positive. While we are a long way from the finish line, FNGLA has a very optimistic outlook on these budget items. Jim Spratt is President of Magnolia Strategies, LLC, a Tallahassee-based lobbying firm with a focus on small business and agriculture issues. Jim is a former FNGLA staff member and has been serving Florida’s nursery and landscape industry since 2004. Reach Jim at: jim@


INDUSTRY NEWS SNA’s Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship Fund Accepting Applications Created in 1989 by the Southern Nursery Association (SNA), the Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship awards scholarships to students in the southern 16 states. Several scholarships are awarded each year through a competitive process, administered by a selection committee, based on academics, character, determination, probability of a career in horticulture, and financial need. The application for submission is now available. The deadline for application is May 31. Direct worthy candidates to apply for details on submitting an application for consideration.

FNGLA Scholarships Funding the future of Florida’s nursery and landscape indsutry is a priority to many FNGLA chapters and the National Foliage Foundation, administered by FNGLA. Many choose to award scholarships to local students and even to statewide candidates. For details, visit: scholarship-info or contact each chapter’s leaders for details. Deadlines and criteria may differ.


AFE to Fund Industry Research The American Floral Endowment is dedicated to advancing the industry through funding floriculture research, educational grants and scholarships. More than $14 million has been funded toward research projects benefiting the entire industry, and more than $400,000 in scholarships designed to attract and retain the future leaders of the industry. AFE is calling for “Pre-Proposals” for 2014-2015 funding. The deadline to submit proposals is June 1, 2013. For the current 2013-2014 cycle, AFE will fund $224,000 in research. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure funding for your project: Visit or for more details.

Horticultural Research Institute Funds $49,000 to Florida Researchers Among the 12 research grants funded recently by HRI, three are to Florida researchers from the University of Florida. HRI is the research affiliate of the American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA). Congratulations to the following funded Floridabased projects & researchers: •

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Kimberly Moore, University of Florida FLREC ($14,000): Salt Balance Equations to Grow Container Ornamentals with Reclaimed Waste Water Edward F. Gilman, University of Florida ($20,000): Root Attributes in the Nursery Root Ball: What Holds Trees Erect Jason Smith, University of Florida ($35,000): Biology and Management of Live Oak Rapid Decline in Florida Nurseries

Founded in 1962, HRI has directed more than $6.5 million of industry funds to research projects covering the full range of production, environmental and business issues important to the green industry. Visit the HRI website at for additional details.

INDUSTRY NEWS 5-Year Report from UF’s Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology Detailiing social, environmental, and economic issues affecting urban Florida landscapes, UF’s Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology has released a 5-year report delving into the mindset of Florida’s consumers. The mission of The Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology is to protect and conserve Florida’s natural resources through research-based sustainable urban landscapes. Its vision is to be the leading source of science-based information on horticulture and the urban environment in Florida. Access the complete report:

What Does the Public Think About Florida’s Water? The groundwater upon which Florida so heavily depends is being depleted due to high population growth, urban development and the agricultural needs of the state. As one of Florida’s most contentious issues, water conflict is difficult to avoid. The University of Florida Center for Public Issues Education recently conducted a survey to gain insight into the public opinion of Florida voters on several water-related topics, as part of a research initiative more than two years in the making. The results have been made public:


MEMBER NEWS Dr. Wayne Mackay named UF/IFAS Department of Environmental Horticulture chairman IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center Director Wayne Mackay will take on a new role as chairman of the University of Florida’s environmental horticulture department, Jack Payne, UF senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources recently announced. This is the position previously held by Dr. Terril Nell. The move becomes effective May 1. “Dr. Mackay has done a wonderful job in Apopka and I’m confident he will bring that same brand of enthusiasm to Gainesville in his new role as our environmental horticulture department chair,” Payne said. Mackay came to UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences in 2007 from the Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center at Dallas.

Dr. Wayne Mackay

He said he’s excited about the new challenge and doesn’t believe the issues the department faces will be altogether different from those he took on at the Mid-Florida REC. “Many of the issues related to teaching, research and extension will be the same, but they’ll be more of a statewide nature than regional,” he said. Mackay, whose research background is as a plant breeder of ornamental and floriculture crops, said economic pressures have forced many mid-sized growers and producers to consolidate or find a smaller-market niche.

Memorial Tribute Established for Floral Industry Great A memorial tribute honoring the late William C. “Bill” Belden, president of the Oscar G. Carlstedt Company headquartered in Jacksonville has been established within the American Floral Endowment (AFE). Belden died January 1 at the age of 82. Belden, originally from Xenia, Ohio, spent the majority of his life in the floral industry. He started at the Oscar G. Carlstedt Company as a truck driver but left to serve in the U.S. Air Force. He returned to the company after his military service and was assigned to locations in West Palm Beach and Miami, and later appointed manager of the Ft. Lauderdale store. In 1965, he was named president. Bill was dedicated to his family, company, friends, suppliers and the entire floral industry. He served with local, state and national organizations, including: the Florida State Florists Association and various committees at the Society of American Florists (SAF). He was president of the Wholesale Florist and Florist Suppliers of America (WF&FSA) and was an AFE Trustee. To make a contribution to the Bill Belden Memorial Tribute, visit and specify the donation is for the Bill Belden Memorial Tribute in the “gift options” section.


William C. Belden

MEMBER NEWS My Word… On Mortgage and Loan Challenges By Pat Hastings, Liners Plus dba Hastings Nursery, Inc. I believe everyone should know there may be options and alternatives that banks and lending institutions can offer before anyone loses their land. There are also provisions enacted into the law that any financially troubled grower may restructure with his/her bank before foreclosure happens. If foreclosure does occur, a grower may have a first right of refusal to purchase the land back or even rent it back from the bank at the “going rate.” Many of us have been going through tough economic times, some of us more than others. While some are willing to talk about their financial challenges, others are embarrassed and prefer no one knows. The banks will keep your secret -- until they take your land at which point it is placed on the market often at a price tag you could have afforded to pay! Unfortunately, such will not often work because the bank refuses to loan you the money to keep the property you can now afford. The bank may say you are not credit worthy. Let me ask you: Why is this so if you were credit worthy when many banks made “bad” loans to good, hard-working people in 2002-2006? This is true of the housing market, as well as the “farmer’s” land. Banks work under Federal law and there are federal laws that do not allow this to “just happen.” There are laws to protect the farmer, specifically to protect the farmer from “being set up to fail.” I was at TPIE in January and heard several sad stories of nurseries facing foreclosure and growers who already had their land taken back by the bank. You do not have to sit back and watch a lifetime of hard work be taken away. You do not have to walk away from generations of family farming. I am writing as a farmer of over 30 years. We all need to open our eyes and fight for ourselves using laws put in place to protect us. Call your bank and request information on your bank’s statutes, laws, and regulations. Get a copy of your loan and if you cannot find it, then request a copy from your bank which they are required to do. Read the statutes and compare your loan in detail. See if the federal law was followed when you received your loan and if the law was broken during the time of your loan. If you find the law was broken, write a letter to the bank’s administrative offices and demand a review away from your local branch. Do not allow your bank to conquer without first exercising your lawful rights.

Clone of Tree Known as The Senator Debuts at Big Tree Park A clone of the 3,500-year-old “Senator” cypress tree made its debut at Big Tree Park in Longwood. FNGLA Member nursery, Central Florida Lands & Timber, provided the clone as a replacement for the tree known as The Senator. The Senator was burned down on January 16, 2012. It was the The Senator in 2006. biggest and oldest pond cypress tree in the world, located in Big Tree Park located in Central Florida. At the time of its demise, it was 125 feet tall and its trunk had a diameter of 17.5 feet. The tree was the main attraction at the park, which underwent major changes in preparation for the clone’s arrival. Big Tree Park reopened March 2 with 8-foot fencing that will protect the park, as well as the remaining stump of The Senator and the new clone. Seminole County plans to spend $82,000 for a new playground, landscaping and a new boardwalk, which will serve as a memorial to The Senator. Signs along the boardwalk educate park guests on how the tree grew over the years. FNGLA Member Marvin Buchanan of Central Florida Lands & Timber started an orchard years ago with several clones of The Senator. Buchanan’s clone stands at 50 feet and costs nearly $13,000. A second clone will also be placed at a nearby park in Longwood, Reiter Park, next to the heroes memorial.


CERTIFICATIONS Introducing A New Look for FNGLA Certification FNGLA’s Certifications are getting a new look with an updated logo and enhancements to its webpages. Promotional brochures are being printed and will be made available to FNGLA Certified Professionals wishing to promote themselves to their customers using the updated look. Logos have been created for each of FNGLA’s five certification programs, as well the general FNGLA certification logo and will soon be available for your use. As more companies, organizations and agencies recognize the value of FNGLA’s certifications, more individuals have upgraded their knowledge and skills and earned a professional designation. More than 1,700 industry professionals hold at least one certification in Horticulture, Installation, Maintenance, Contracting and Design. Contact Merry Mott at FNGLA,, for more details.

Upcoming FNGLA Landscape Certification Exams FNGLA offers three exam dates in Spring 2013 for its landscape technician certification programs. Applications are available online at Plan to take part in one of the following exams:

FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) April 5th – UF Ft. Lauderdale Research & Education Center, Davie FNGLA’s Broward Chapter creates a brand new test site and hosts training and testing for the FCLMT – Maintenance Exam in conjunction with the University of Florida. Training will be Friday, March 15th at the test site. Contact Robert Shoelson at 954-680-1819 to register. The deadline to apply for the Davie FCLMT exam is Monday, March 18th. April 13th – SeaWorld Horticulture, Orlando SeaWorld has established a successful Central Florida test site and will once again host the FCLMT exam at its horticulture offices in 2013. With outstanding support from SeaWorld staff, this site is centrally located and a perfect venue. The deadline to apply for the SeaWorld FCLMT exam is Monday, March 25th.

FNGLA Certified Landscape Technician (FCLT-Installation) April 27th – SeaWorld Horticulture, Orlando SeaWorld added the FCLT-Installation exam to its certification offerings in 2012 and brings it back to Orlando in 2013. The deadline to apply for the SeaWorld FCLT-Installation exam is Monday, April 8th. For more information on these exams, and to receive study materials, contact Merry Mott at FNGLA at 800-375-3642. Complete information about the exams – and a short 10-minute video describing FNGLA’s certification programs – can be found on the certification section of FNGLA’s website at



Welcome New Members The following are new FNGLA members: from January 22, 2013 - February 21, 2013 ACTION Holt Nurseries, LLC Thomas Holt PO Box 994 Apopka, FL 32704-0994 407-580-5048 Ground Preserve LLC John Bencon 7436 Narcossee Rd Ste 312 Orlando, FL 32822 407-529-3600 Raphael Hudtwalcker 13837 Econwoods Ln Orlando, FL 32836-6420 321-66-5193 COASTAL SPRINGS 3 Season’s Lawn & Landscape Inc. Joe Lombari 7813 Francine Dr New Port Richey, FL 34653-1100 727-847-1553x201 MANASOTA Green Venture Galen Brown 732 Hillcrest Dr Bradenton, FL 34209-1844 941-920-9027 OUTSIDE FLORIDA Rainforest Flora, Inc. Jerry Robinson 19121 Hawthorne Blvd Torrance, CA 90503 310-370-8044

E.G. Wholesale, Inc. Ben Lin 4303 Pleasantdale Rd Ste H Atlanta, GA 30340 770-662-8118 Rec’d by: Raquel Langford, Liner Source, Inc. PALM BEACH City of Boca Raton Christopher Bednar Jim Stankowicz Wayne Johnson 201 W Palmetto Park Rd Boca Raton, FL 33432-3730 561-416-3353 ROYAL PALM Personal Touch Landscaping Robin Strange 11750 Shawnee Rd Ft. Myers, FL 33913-9612 239-560-0574 TAMPA BAY Hillsborough Public School System Jessica Hobson 12702 N Oregon Ave Tampa, FL 33612-3348 813-997-9004 TREASURE COAST David Peabody 4370 9th Manor SW Vero Beach, FL 32968 772-562-0260

For the current flipbook version of the Greenline: Greenline, master archive: aspx (this is member password protected.) Ben’s Bullets, master archive: (this is member password protected.) For details on advertising in FNGLA’s communications and publications, contact FNGLA’s Clay Archey,


Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See and submit events at under calendar FNGLA


International Research Conference on Huanglongbing, UF-IFAS Citrus Research Center, Lake Alfred

Phone: 407.295.7994 Toll-free: 800.375.3642 Fax: 407.295.1619 E-mail: Web:


Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival Opening Day, Lake Buena Vista



8: Spring 2013 Outdoor Tree School, Maitland Community Park, Maitland 8:

Florida Friendly Landscaping Workshop, Brooksville


Landscape Inspectors Association of Florida (LIAF) Certification Review & Exam, Broward County Extension - South, Davie

Ben Bolusky



President Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

President-Elect Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Past President Halsey Beshears Simpson Nurseries P.O. Box 160 Monticello, FL 32345 (850) 997-2516

Secretary/Treasurer Sandy Stein The Jungle Nursery 29100 SW 162 Ave Homestead, FL 33030 (305) 246-5324

Connect with us: About FNGLA

April 4-5: The Native Plant Show, hosted by FANN, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee 3:

Open House: U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory, Ft. Pierce


2013 Water Conservation EXPO & Vendor Fair, South Florida Water Management District Headquarters, West Palm Beach

This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.


1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at http://greenline.fngla.

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