Greenline Lite, September/October

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September - October 2011

Volume 32, Issue 4

Lite A b i - m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n f o r FN G L A m e m b e r s . F u l l m o n t h l y i s s u e l o c a t e d a t h t t p : / / g r e e n l i n e . f n g l a . o r g

The Landscape Show is Full Sail Ahead! A

re you ready to move Full Sail Ahead in your business? The Landscape Show is an important toolbox of resources and information helping you to navigate greater business success! Be sure and attend the industry’s biggest event, September 29 – October 1 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida. This year’s opening event features Adam Putnam, Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Hear how this bright and dynamic state leader is working to move Florida agriculture, and consequently Florida’s economy, forward. Following the Commissioner’s remarks, FNGLA will present the results of the recently conducted economic impact study. This research was conducted by the University of Florida and shows the size, scope and value of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry. These opening events are free to anyone with a trade show badge. Plan now to attend these show happenings! The Landscape Show offers a great opportunity to meet face-to-face with thousands of vendors, colleagues, experts and friends. It’s the most effective and efficient means to access the business information you need to run your business successfully. See new and changing product lines, take advantage of show specials, grab new ideas, learn from industry experts, and interact with industry peers!

While at The Landscape Show, Soak in the Education! There are many great reasons to attend The Landscape Show! While there, expand your knowledge and take part in in-depth and top-notch FNGLA Short Courses! Learn from leading experts on everything from current economic conditions to the latest trends in landscapes. A combination of general sessions and targeted breakouts in the areas of landscape design, landscape maintenance, merchandising/marketing and plants/products are offered. Sessions start at just $45 each. Luncheons are value-packed starting at $55 and you can signup for the complete Short Course starting at $280. Prices increase after the September 12 early registration deadline: so don’t delay in registering! For more details on The Landscape Show and FNGLA’s education sessions, visit The Landscape Show website at!

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This publication highlights the latest FNGLA news. The full Greenline publication can be found at There, you’ll find additional articles, industry news and more.

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Halsey Beshears FNGLA 2011-2012 President

Fatigue. Mr. Webster defines fatigue as mental or physical exhaustion. Who in our industry is not mentally and physically tired right now? It is difficult today not to succumb to the general weariness we all feel during these tumultuous economic times. The U.S. credit rating was downgraded from an AAA rating to AA+ rating. Simply stated, after a chain of events, the opinion of Standard and Poor’s 500 on the general credit worthiness of the United States government is no longer worthy of carrying its highest rating. How does this relate to us as an industry? It certainly does not instill confidence in our government. It brings up questions such as: Are we headed for a double-dip recession? When will the economy turn around now? With the federal interest rates promised to stay near zero for another two years, will banks continue to constrict the availability of money to small businesses (when they can continue to make 2-4% on Treasury bills with little to no risk)? It brings me back to fatigue. It’s difficult not to be tired and want to throw in the towel some days. It may be difficult to justify spending money on Association dues when it’s hard enough simply to find new landscape jobs, new customers, more sales, or even make the week’s payroll. “Why should I join FNGLA and what am I getting for my dues?” It’s a question some of us hear often and for the last three years it’s one being asked more and more. As our membership numbers show, it makes one wonder what’s the correct answer? I’m surprised at how often past, current, and contemplative members ask this question. This week alone I was approached three times: two phone calls and a letter faxed to my office. Last week, it was posed to me by two members in person. All of these members have different stories and virtually all of them are fatigued. They are questioning their own futures and looking to this Association for answers. As a new year for FNGLA begins, we need to have solid answers for the new leaders that are coming on board as Chapter officers and volunteers. Now, you may be wondering how I’ve answered them. I wish I could tell you that I had a silver bullet answer for all of them. I wish I knew the correct response with absolute conviction. Then I could deliver a succinct, convincing answer every time so everyone would pass it on, instilling further confidence in all current, past and potential members. If I could do so, then who could resist joining such a tremendous and powerful Association? Unfortunately, and truthfully, it’s not possible for me to do this. Every answer I’ve given has been different. Each of our members is different and unique in our own ways. FNGLA means and brings something different to each of us. Like our family, our friends, our church, our country, or our jobs, each of these things carries stronger implications to each of us. Each of us weighs and ranks these convictions, values, and entities differently. greenline_lite.indd 2

You may think it’s too much to throw association in there with the likes of family, church, friends and country. Perhaps it is. However, this Association itself is providing a daily service that is difficult to quantify financially. It protects our nursery and landscape industry from too much government in some instances -- and not enough government in others. FNGLA offers a common sense approach to our state legislators who look to our industry itself for answers on thorny issues, such as our immigrant workforce and local fertilizer ordinances. On a federal level, FNGLA fights for a common sense approach to an affordable crop insurance program that does not cost a second mortgage, baffle an MIT math team to calculate, or allow us an option other than a complete and utter catastrophic event that wipes an entire business operation off the map. FNGLA is much like the insurance we all pay every day for the many different facets of our lives and businesses: It’s sometimes tough to pay annually, but you’re sure glad you have it when you need it. We have many other tangible benefits as well. Go to our website and click on membership, then “Why Should I Join” button for a list of tangible benefits. However, ask yourself at the end, what does it mean to me to be a part of FNGLA? Then ask yourself the question, what can I do to help make a difference in this Association and our industry? I don’t write any of these answers above to “sell” more memberships. This is not a silver tongued approach or a politically correct message I’m trying to deliver to the membership today. I speak from the heart in regards to the horticultural industry and FNGLA. I’m unable to reply to the question straightforward, “why should I join” for those who seek a response or for those of you looking for answers to pass on. True, it’s difficult to justify asking people for their hard-earned money for any association today. Yet, I do believe in the cause. I believe in each and every member who steps forward and joins annually and wants to make a difference. I truly believe in FNGLA’s motto: “In unity, there is strength.” Yes, I’m fatigued, yet I believe our economy will stabilize and strengthen again. When asked the question, I always ask back, “What do you want from FNGLA?” Then the conversation flows from there. If someone takes the time to ask that question, then it shows they care. They deserve an honest, open answer. If people are searching for answers, then they’re committed on a level. They’re taking the time to determine if this is the best fit for them. I believe in each and every member who has been a part of this Association for many years and I thank them. I am thankful there are so many FNGLA members out there today who still care and want to make a difference. We’re all fatigued, yet we all shall press on and continue to make a difference in our industry. Very Respectfully, Halsey W. Beshears FNGLA President

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MORE PRILLS IN THE POT, MORE PROFIT IN YOUR POCKET. Fusion Technology™ effectively binds prills to container growing media. Osmocote® Pro with Fusion Technology™ 5-6 month


+ When nursery stock gets blown or knocked over you lose fertilizer, you lose money, through additional material and reapplication costs, or lower plant quality. + Consult with an Everris™ Territory Manager to calculate what you’re missing without the no-spill prill in your pots. View the video at © 2011 An ICL Fertilizers Company, Worldwide Rights Reserved.

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8/22/2011 2:44:48 PM

FNGLA HAPPENINGS FNGLA is Saddened to Report Two Industry Deaths EFNGLA recently reported the death of Charles Culbreath, 91, who served as FNGLA’s President in 1963-1964. A native of Tampa who lived most of his life in Palma Cela, Culbreath was a land-

FNGLA Adds New Member Benefits Adding value to your membership is an FNGLA priority. FNGLA recently announced three brand new exclusive Member Benefits to add to the line-up of great cost-saving discounts your FNGLA membership provides.

Landscape & Nursery Equipment Roberts Supply will provide up to 20% FNGLA memberonly discounts off the suggested retail prices of virtually Roberts Supply’s entire line of top-quality landscape and nursery equipment. This includes mowers, trimmers, backpack blowers and sprayers, edgers, engines, generators, log splitters, dump trailers, pressure washers, spreaders and more! Roberts Supply has 650 distributors throughout Florida. Access Roberts Supply’s exclusive FNGLA-member catalogue online at:

scape architect and owner of Culbreath Landscape Nursery. He attended the University of Florida and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II where he served in the European Theater of Operations, seeing action in the Battle of the Bulge. Charlie is survived by his wife, Barbara Culbreath and an extended family. Former SNA Executive Tommy Henegar,

To speak with a Roberts Supply sales representative, call 800-373-5542, or send an email to Roberts Supply is a FNGLA member and will provide a residual fee back to FNGLA based on the equipment purchases made by FNGLA members - even if you’re already a Roberts Supply customer.

Group Life Insurance FNGLA negotiated a discounted rate for all members, spouses, employees and family members. Guaranteed issue amounts up to $50,000 with no medical exams required! Contact Matt Antos toll-free at 888-652-6468 or by email at to learn more about this exciting new program!

81, passed away on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at Williamson Medical Center, Franklin, TN. Born in McMinnville, TN, he attended the University of Tennessee and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University. A past member and president of the Nursery Association Executives of North America (NLAE), he was also a past Hall-of-Fame member of the Tennessee Nursery & Landscape Association and served as the Executive Vice President of the Southern Nursery Association for sixteen years from 1972 until 1988. Tommy is survived by his wife, Mary.

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Office Products Exclusive FNGLA member savings of 30-40% off North American Office Solutions published retail prices for any Konica, Minolta, Canon or HP copiers, printers and fax machines, as well as any related software products. NAOS also provides FNGLA members up to a 10% discount on any current prices for laser toner cartridges for any printers. NAOS has recently branched out to cover the entire State of Florida and Texas with local representatives. FNGLA members can contact NAOS’ Tony Guadalupe at 407-264-0283 or 407-733-3873 or by email, NAOS is a FNGLA member and will return a referral fee to FNGLA for each FNGLA member who purchases or leases from NAOS any Konica, Minolta, Canon or HP copier, printer or fax machine. FNGLA membership is a good business decision and we are pleased to bring bottom-line value to your annual investment! Access FNGLA’s complete line-up of member services at

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INDUSTRY NEWS GWA Reveals Consumer Summer Gardening Trends Study Results The Garden Writers Association recently released results from their 2011 Early Summer Gardening Trends Survey which was conducted in June as the second of four scheduled national consumer gardening trends surveys this year. The survey captures consumer gardening trends across the US. Notable findings show a drop in plans to garden in general. These results are softened by last year’s results showing record-breaking growth. Additional findings include: Reasons for Gardening: Three in ten consumers cite beautifying their surroundings as their primary reason for gardening. Environmental Concerns: Nearly three in four (73%) of gardeners are concerned about the environmental impact of products they buy. Recycling: Consumers were asked about their likelihood to recycle while maintaining or modifying their lawn or garden: • • • •

56% said they always recycle plastic pots and trays. 41% said they always recycle mulch or grass clippings. 33% said they always recycle mulch or garden waste. 36% said they always recycle yard waste in a local recycling program.

The 2011 Early Summer Gardening Trends Research Report is produced from data collected the first week of June by Technometrica Market Intelligence. The survey statistically represents the attitudes of over 100 million households with an accuracy of 95% (+/- 3.5% percentage points). For additional survey result data, visit the Garden Writers Association website, Join us! Search Horizon Distributors

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8/22/2011 2:45:01 PM

NEWS & CERTIFICATION New Mini-Grants to Help Florida Teachers use School Gardens for Education Florida Agriculture in the Classroom is offering a new grants program to help educate Florida’s students about the importance of agriculture. The program will provide 222 $500 mini-grants that must go toward creating or improving a school garden that grows Florida fruits and vegetables.


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A compre hensive gu ide for Florid a teache rs to help plan, fun d, create and learn with a sch ool garden

Certified, general education Florida teachers and agri-science teachers engaged in classroom instruction at the pre-kindergarten through 12th grade level are eligible. The grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Proposals can be submitted through the Florida Agriculture in the Classroom website beginning Sept. 1 until the grant funds are depleted. More information will be available online Sept. 1. Teachers who receive the grant will receive a copy of Florida Agriculture in the Classroom’s new resource, Gardening for Grades. The full-color, 142-page book was written for educators and shows teachers the entire process of starting and maintaining a classroom or schoolyard garden. The book helps teachers decide what types of plants, fruits and vegetables to plant depending on their location, and it includes guidance on using the garden to teach core subject areas. There are a dozen lessons and activities in the book that show teachers how to use the garden to teach language arts, math, science and social studies concepts. Gardening for Grades will be offered free to Florida teachers, thanks to a partnership with the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Healthy Schools and Food & Nutrition Management Section. Teachers can order the book from the Florida Agriculture in the Classroom website. Florida Agriculture in the Classroom’s primary source of funding is from sales of the specialty license plate known as the “Ag Tag.” Ag Tag money is being used for this project as well. Workshops will be held throughout the state in the fall of 2011 to train teachers on how to use the book. For more information on this press release, contact Florida Agriculture in the Classroom Executive Director Lisa Gaskalla at 352-846-1391 or visist

Applications Being Accepted for Orlando FNGLA Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician Exam FNGLA’s landscape certifications return to Orlando in 2011. Join FNGLA and Sea World Parks & Entertainment for FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Maintenance Technician (FCLMT) exam on Saturday, October 22nd. The FCLMT exam links closely to BMPs – Florida Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries. Exam applications must demonstrate proficiency in: Plant ID, Integrated Pest Management, Fertilization, Vehicle Operation, Irrigation Maintenance & Repair, Pruning, Quality Control, and Turf Management. Applications for the exam will be accepted through September 30th. Complete information about the exam – and a short 10-minute video that describes FNGLA’s certification programs – can be found on the certification section of FNGLA’s website,

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Welcome New FNGLA Members The following are new FNGLA members from June 21, 2011 - August 21, 2011 ACTION Workalition of America Jack Smith 4520 Parkway Commerce Blvd Orlando, FL 32808-1014 407-297-4011 Melco Ken Wilson, Associate Member 2223 Overlook Drive Mt. Dora, FL 32757 352-406-6116 Trekker Tractor, LLC Mike Pettus 9481 Boggy Creek Rd Orlando, FL 32824-8735 407-406-0716 Lake County Board of County Commissioners Steve Gladwell, Supportive 8105 Champions Circle Apt 207 Champions Gate, FL 33896-9614 407-997-3859 BROWARD Broward County Schools Cynthia Griffin, Supportive 5394 SW 61st Ave Davie, FL 33314-5307 954-593-1877

F C C Coleman Roy Hawkins VT Department/Low 846 NE 54th Terrace PO Box 1021 Coleman, FL 33521-1021 352-689-4255 Red Pebble Trees Gigi Cannon 16252 Jones Rd Brooksville, FL 34601 352-274-3938 MIAMI-DADE Robert J Renick Educational Center Jaime R. Calaf, Supportive 2201 NW 207th St Opa Locka, FL 33056-1684 305-387-0289 Everris N.A., Inc. Nelson Gonzalez, Associate Member 2109 NE 39 Ter Homestead, FL 33033-5113 305-890-6155 G & G Landscaping, Inc. Brian Khanamirian 1431 NE 103 St Miami Shores, FL 33138-2625 305-758-7768

Town of Miami Lakes Jim Halios, Supportive 9552 NW 8th Cir Plantation, FL 33324-4936 727-424-6046

Harrell’s Inc. Walter Hoffman, Associate Member 11324 SW 246 Ter Princeton, FL 33032-4645 305-458-4257

Tom Connolly, Student

Larry’s Cap Rock and Stone Jane Spurling, Affiliate Member 895 Ellen Dr Key Largo, FL 33037-2769 305-245-3105

CENTRAL EAST COAST K & B Landscape Supplies, Inc. Melissa Forrest PO Box 1510 Deland, FL 32721-1510 904-591-8722 COASTAL SPRINGS Railroad Nursery, Inc. Jenn Helms-Shelley, Affiliate Member 17855 SW 248th St Homestead, FL 33031-1801 305-245-4595 Citrus County Extension - Central Regina Hamilton, Supportive 3650 W Sovereign Path, Ste 1 Lecanto, FL 34461-8070 352-527-5706

LAKE REGION Roosevelt Academy Ray Cruze, Supportive 3547 Silver Oak Ct Lake Wales, FL 33898-8415 863-258-1201 Harrell’s LLC Matt Shook, Associate Member PO Box 807 Lakeland, FL 33813-0807 863-687-2774

PALM BEACH Nouveau Robert Linscott 4382 Gleneagles Dr Boynton Beach, FL 33436-4803 561-969-7873

TREASURE COAST Sylvestris Tree Farms LLC Jerry Gibalski 6355 69th St Vero Beach, FL 32967-5112 772-778-3006

Green Touch Industries, Inc. David Sargent 100 Federal Hwy 1 Lake Park, FL 33403-3550 561-659-5525

Neil Lagin, Supportive 838 Wentworth St Sebastian, FL 32958-4870 772-559-3249

Michael M. Myers, Supportive 990 Old Dixie Hwy Ste 8 Lake Park, FL 33403-2325 242-366-0030 PINELLAS Maher Truck Center Donny Coleman, Affiliate Firm 2530 30th Ave N St. Petersburg, FL 33713-2926 727-894-8889 ROYAL PALM Agrium Advanced Technologies Cathy Strickland, Affiliate Member 9353 Laredo Ave Ste 100 Ft. Myers, FL 33905-4619 239-292-1438 Photoscape LLC Vernon Ray 1800 Marina Circle Fort Myers, FL 33903 239-825-0015 Larry A. Weber, Student TAMPA BAY Fruit of the Bloom Miguel Rodriguez 12702 N Oregon Ave Tampa, FL 33612-3348 813-244-6358 pH Farms Ken Miller PO Box 17429 Tampa, FL 33682-7429 813-966-5641 Randy Frazier Palms Randy Frazier 12918 Shadow Run Blvd Riverview, FL 33569-6527 813-263-6385

Island Landscaping, Inc. Larry Hollenbeck 80 Royal Palm Pt. #201 Vero Beach, FL 32960-4286 772-567-0244 Vosters Insurance, Inc. James Vosters 1310 NW Lakeside Tr Stuart, FL 34994-9545 772-692-2626 OUTSIDE FLORIDA Mankar Ultra-Low Volume Sprayers Nick Stam, Full 656441 15th Line Woodstock, ONT N4S 7W2 647-309-7826 Dayton Bag & Burlap Co. Mitch Perkins 233 Commerce Blvd Statesville, NC 28625 704-873-7271 Levertech/LeanLever Jerry Behar 15 Forrester Ct Amherst, NY 14228 716-228-1258 Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Ray Watson 805 Oakbury Ct Greensboro, NC 27455 336-643-3727 HIT Products Corporation George Cook 556 S Mirage Ave PO Box 929 Lindsay, CA 93247 559-562-5975

CLASSIFIED AD CENTRAL FLORIDA PRODUCTION SPACE FOR LEASE Get ready for spring. Short term (6 months - 1 year+) production space for lease on current ornamental nursery. Includes: 4 Quonsets at 2688 square feet each, set up for woody propagation. 17 acres of open field at .4 - .75 acre increments. 8 acres of shade at +/- .5 acre increments. Small acreage ok. Call 352-483-6959, daytime.

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1533 Park Center Drive Orlando, FL 32835-5705

Lite Read the latest FNGLA news inside & visit Greenline online at

Calendar of Events

Contact Us

See all event information at FNGLA Phone: Toll-free: Fax: E-mail: Web:

September Green Industries Best Management Practices (BMPs) Training, St. Augustine

14: 22: 29-1:

(407) 295-7994 (800) 375-3642 (407) 295-1619

CEO/Executive Vice President Greenline Editor

The Landscape Show, Orlando

Ben Bolusky

The Landscape Challenge, Citrus Springs

Jennifer Nelis


2011-2012 State Officers

Secretary/Treasurer Mike Marshall Marshall Tree Farm 17350 SE 65th St Morriston, FL 32668-4508 (352) 528-3880

Past President Carolan Mahr Ted Mahr Supply, Inc. 407A SW 2nd St Cape Coral, FL 33991 (239) 574-2214

President-Elect Wes Parrish Parrish Nursery 5900 SW 185th Way Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33332 (954) 680-3544

President Halsey Beshears Simpson Nurseries P.O. Box 160 Monticello, FL 32345 (850) 997-2516

Connect with us:

Greenbuild, Toronto, Canada


America In Bloom Conference & Awards Program, Washington, D.C.


FNGLA Manasota Chapter Annual Golf Tournament, Sarasota


PLANET Green Industry Confernce, Louisville, KY


November OFA Grow & Sell For Profit Conference, Raleigh/Durham


Green Industries Best Management Practices (BMPs) Training, St. Augustine


About FNGLA This publication is produced by the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) as a service to its members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, Board of Directors, Greenline or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers or their identification as members does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the success and professionalism of our members.

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