he television screens of New York City residents went dark this summer when Friends of Animals aired its provocative ad spotlighting the unspeakable cruelty of the fur industry. The ad, created by Atlanta-based Chemistry, seeks to promote awareness of the viciousness involved in the use of fur for fashion from the animals’ points of view. Using just their voices, the ad depicts their terror as their lives come to an end. “Sometimes what you don’t see is more powerful than what you do,”
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said Chris Breen, chief creative officer at Chemistry. “People have seen the grotesque images of the fur trade and have, to some degree, become numb. Our goal was to use the consumers other senses to shed light on this cruel practice.” The ad is part of FoA’s campaign in support of Intro 1476, the council bill introduced in the spring by City Council Speaker Corey Johnson that prohibits the sales of any fur apparel. It is intended to encourage council members and their constituents to support the passage of the historic bill.