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Silence kills—FoA's new anti-fur
The television screens of New York City residents went dark this summer when Friends of Animals aired its provocative ad spotlighting the unspeakable cruelty of the fur industry.
The ad, created by Atlanta-based Chemistry, seeks to promote awareness of the viciousness involved in the use of fur for fashion from the animals’ points of view. Using just their voices, the ad depicts their terror as their lives come to an end.
“Sometimes what you don’t see is more powerful than what you do,” T
10 | Friends of Animals said Chris Breen, chief creative officer at Chemistry. “People have seen the grotesque images of the fur trade and have, to some degree, become numb. Our goal was to use the consumers other senses to shed light on this cruel practice.”
The ad is part of FoA’s campaign in support of Intro 1476, the council bill introduced in the spring by City Council Speaker Corey Johnson that prohibits the sales of any fur apparel. It is intended to encourage council members and their constituents to support the passage of the historic bill.
“Friends of Animals is acutely aware that our television ad to promote the ban of fur sales in New York City is disturbing and graphic— two words that we normally avoid in our advocacy to promote respect for animals,’’ said Friends of Animals President Priscilla Feral. “Yet, many people, whether they’ve ever worn fur or not, know nothing about the lives of animals who become fur garments by either being trapped in the wild or electrocuted on a fur farm. We chose a direct and visceral campaign that is intended to appeal to basic humanity: Most of us do not wish to inflict more violence and suffering into the world. “Our ad serves as a powerful and poignant reminder—it’s the very heart of our message: If Friends of Animals doesn’t speak up for animals by allowing their suffering to be heard, the fur industry will,’’ she said.
The ad comes at a time when the signs that fur is over are everywhere. A new poll released in May shows that two-thirds of NYC voters support a ban on fur sales. The city’s fur district is also disappearing. Where once there were 450 fur factories, now there are just a handful and there is no longer a fur fashion week.
RALLYING FOR SUPPORT Prior to the release of the ad, Friends of Animals participated in an antifur rally on May 15 alongside other animal advocacy organizations that joined together to form the Fur Free NYC coalition. We also testified at a public hearing in support of Intro 1476.
During the hearing Feral underscored the sadistic nature of body-crushing traps.
“Not only do they close on animals’ limbs, the real damage to the animal, the real suffering occurs, during their struggle to escape,” she said. “When they are thrashing around in the steel jaws, they rip tendons, they fracture bones, they sometimes chew off their own feet to escape. The conibear trap smashes down on water animals like beavers. Before they drown in that trap, their pelvises are crushed.
“The fur industry is in free fall. This is the time you think about moral arguments rather than weighing everything according to economics…To the fur industry, these are throwaway animals whose lives should mean more. It’s important for our humanity to support 1476.”
Fashion icon Tim Gunn, a professor at Parsons School of Design and star of "Project Runway," showed up for the rally and testified in support of Intro 1476.
“I want to thank everyone who turned out to support a fur-free New York. For me, this just reaffirms how incredible the population of the city is and our moral and ethical fiber. This is about believing in the right thing,” Gunn said. At the rally, which attracted more than 300 people, NYC Council Member Fernando Cabrera did not hold back when expressing his disgust with an industry that raises animals on fur farms and traps wild animals for the sole purpose of skinning them so people can look a certain way.
“We don’t need this,” he said. “Synthetic fur is a realistic substitute made possible by new technology to provide the same look and feel of fur without the cruelty, suffering and death. New York is the city with a heart, a compassionate city…let’s end cruelty to animals and support Intro 1476.”
You can view FoA’s ad by visiting our YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/ FriendsofAnimals.
If you live in NYC, you can help us achieve a #FurFreeNYC by calling your council member today and asking them to support Intro 1476.
Find your council members by visiting: council.nyc.gov/districts
Fall 2019 | 11 PHOTOGRAPH BY CHARLES You can also join our efforts to make fur a thing of the past by making a donation today. Your donation helps create effective anti-fur ads and publicity to agitate and educate so that there will be an end to fur sales. Donate today by visiting our website friendsofanimals.org