Covid-19 Silver Linings: Creative Writing Competition
We felt a sense of disbelief when it became clear that Covid-19 lockdown was severly affecting all our member schools across the region and tightening restrictions led towards events being systematically cancelled, it truly felt like we were falling deeper into a well of uncertainty. So when Angie got in touch to propose an idea about how we could benefit and learn from this incredible situation we were finding ourselves in, we jumped at the opportunity. It was initially concepted as an outlet for our students to process their thoughts and feelings about the things happening around them, and
how it affects their phychological growth, as well as being a genuine way of being able to provide valuable research on how children are reacting and coping with the situation.
perspective of the virus is novel: we could imagine someone rapping your poem. 2ND PLACE: " The Heal" by Anya at Harrow International School Bangkok
We are proud to announce that this competition gathered over 560 entries from over 26 schools and the perspectives and diversity of the stories submitted have truly been fascinating. Our judges read through every single entry and also took the time to comment on each submission so the students would get some feedback. The winners of each category will be receiving book vouchers from Kinokuniya or MPH book stores. All other entries will be receiving an e-certificate of participation.
Was marvellous. Writing from the perspective of the virus is novel: we could imagine someone rapping your poem. 3RD PLACE: " The Best Pancake" by Sean at elc International School
The best pancake is certainly a silver lining! You have written about emotions in your writing, which is a difficult thing to do.
Years 5 & 6 WINNER: " Time" by Fyodor at HELP
Congratulations to all our winners, and thank you to all students who took time to share their thoughts and feelings and our member schools for supporting us in this competition.
International School
Beautifully written, reflective narrative; one of our favourite lines is "The dark clouds of winter has thrown me into the hope of a new spring"
Years 3 & 4 WINNER:
" The Failures of Coronavirus" by
"A Blessing in Disguise" by Lynette
Garam (Momo) at Bangkok Patana
at elc International School
Beautiful, reflective, and sentimental story of a girl who finds her mums
Was marvellous. Writing from the 14