summer 2013
Home on the Range Artesia National Night Out Busy Bee Travel Agency Fitness Buff Amy Coor Smokin’ on the Pecos Champions Chamber News & More!
Summertime in the City of
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SUMMER 2 0 1 3
04 06 10 12 13 14 16 20 23 24 26 28 30 32 36
From the Editor Focus oN an artesian
local golf pro at home on the range Focus oN THE city
artesia national night out FOCUS ON mainstreet
the artesia bronze age
busy bee travel agency FOCUS ON fitness
fitness buff amy coor FOCUS ON life in artesia
local landmark is gone but family memories still strong FOCUS ON sports
Play Ball
FOCUS ON the environment
don’t be a drip - water conservation
Mariposa medical spa FOCUS ON the road
There’s no place like home FOCUS ON life in artesia
life’s big upz and downz FOCUS ON food & fun
A bo u t th e co v e r
Juan Jimenez, Golf Pro at Artesia Country Club, has a burning passion for his golf career and a loving family supporting him all the way! Photo courtesy of Jennifer Coats of Jennifer Coats Photography •
888-746-2066 203 North 2nd Street • Artesia, New Mexico www. h o t el a rt esi a . co m
Staci Guy, Editorial Director - Lilly Anaya, Advertising Photography by Staci Guy - along with submitted photos Special Contributors: Sylvia Hewett Schneider, Tina Torrez, Woods Houghton, Rebecca Prendergast, Kyle Marksteiner & The Artesia Chamber of Commerce F oc u s on A r t e s i a i s p u b l i s h e d q u a r t e r l y b y A d V e nt u r e Ma r k e t i n g
Ad Venture Marketing, Ltd. Co. • 866.207.0821 • All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Every effort was made to ensure accuracy of the information provided. The publisher assumes no responsibility or liability for errors, changes or omissions.
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s from the editor
Summertime Fun in the City of Champions I didn’t think it was possible, but I might be even more excited about
this issue of Focus on Artesia than I was about our first one!
Staci Guy
Editorial Director
Focus on Artesia
I kind of think of our freshman edition as a first date. I was nervous. Would they like it? Would they want to read through to the end or drop it off early because “something came up”? Would they find the topics we chose to be interesting or just “eh”? Would our advertisers want to advertise again in the next issue or would they prefer to “just be friends”? Yes, the first of anything is always the most nervewrecking. So here we are, on date number two and I’m a lot less nervous. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I’m excited! Why is that, you ask? Well, because our first edition of Focus on Artesia was met with resounding praise and enthusiasm! Shortly after its release, we hosted a launch party at the Ocotillo Performing Arts Center and by all accounts, our readers love us. Whew! Talk about a sigh of relief. I took that enthusiasm and ran, having been given the adrenaline I needed to pack this issue to the brim, full of summer-related topics like golf, baseball and barbeques. We also made sure to include a bit of town history and a story relating to a hot-button topic around the desert southwest: water conservation. In fact, if you glance over at our table of contents,
A few shots from the Focus on Artesia Launch Party.
Photos courtesy of Jennifer Coats Photography.
focus on artesia | summer 2013
you’ll see we added a whopping 12 pages to this issue because there were so many topics we wanted to cover! Extra pages means two things: more work for me, but more importantly, more content for you! For this edition I solicited the help of some great writers because, let’s face it, no one wants to read an entire magazine written by one person! Sylvia Hewett Schneider wrote an entertaining piece on “stay-cations,” which can be a great way to get away with your family, learn about our great state and not spend a fortune doing it. And let’s face it, summer just isn’t summer around here without baseball, softball and the Gus Macker. But our writers didn’t just do a typical run-ofthe-mill story about either topic. Kyle Marksteiner took a fresh approach to the Macker and talked to a local group of men who play basketball in honor of a fallen teammate, Jose Martinez. It’s a touching tribute to the man known for his larger-than-life smile and kind nature. On the baseball and softball front, Sylvia takes us into the life of a baseball coach and behind the scenes of the girls’ softball league. It’s sure to be a homerun with our readers! (How’s that for a lame pun?) Oh, and I can’t tell you how much fun we had shooting the cover shot
for this edition! Local photographer Jennifer Coats loaded up all of her gear and we headed out to the Artesia Country Club for a fun-filled shoot in the middle of the golf course. Local golf pro Juan Jimenez (you can find his story inside!) was such a good sport and even let us light his driver (golf club) on fire! Was he brave or what? I feel the need to clarify right now that no golf clubs were injured in the filming of this cover! But rest assured, those flames you see on the cover are 100% real because as Jennifer states, “I just hate to Photoshop flames when you can get the real deal instead.” Yep, she’s that good! Well, I guess that’s about it for now. I hope you will take the time to read through our summer edition and find out about all the exciting things going on in our little town. You’ll be amazed! One last thing, if you’re on Facebook, make sure and look us up. We like to plug events and specials for our advertisers; we’ll let you know about things going on in town; and we post pictures and even take polls. See ya’ next time!
About the editor
Staci Guy is the Editorial Director of Focus on Artesia. She can be reached at
Ocotillo Performing Arts Center - 575.746.4212 - 310 W Main St. Artesia NM 88210
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Juan Jimenez
F oc u s on an artesian
focus on artesia | summer 2013
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Coats Photography.
Local Golf Pro at Home on the Range You might say Juan Jimenez grew up on the golf course. From the age of eight, his father would take
him out to the course where he would hone his skills, all while the two of them forged a strong father-son bond. “My dad actually cut me my first set of clubs,” Jimenez recalled. “Back then they didn’t have youth clubs, so he took a men’s set and cut them down to my size.” Today, the duo has come full circle. In January, Jimenez took over the reins of the Artesia Country Club as golf pro, a job he never envisioned having as a child or even a young adult. “I wanted to become a doctor,” he admitted. “I’ve always loved biology, and I just thought I’d go to medical school and become a doctor. I never dreamed I’d be doing this instead!” A 1996 graduate of Artesia High School, where he played varsity football and golf, Jimenez went on to attend Western New Mexico University in Silver City on a golf scholarship. After two years, he transferred to Texas Tech University to continue his education. “When I moved back here, I went to work at the Wellhead (Restaurant and Brew Pub) for a little while and then Joe (Smith) offered me the assistant pro job here at the Country Club,” he said. “I had initially just planned on working through the summer, but then I got into the golf program and pretty much decided to make a career of it.” Not to be taken lightly, the “golf program” Jimenez completed isn’t just your run-of-the-mill program offered at a local community college. In fact, it is the premier program in the
nation for golfing professionals – the Professional Golfers’ Association of America (PGA). “It took me about four years to complete the program,” he said. “And I still have to do continuing education classes and we get points toward our certification.” Because the program was based out of Florida at the time he participated, Jimenez said he had to fly to the Sunshine State each time he was required to “test out.” All together he made three trips. Currently, Jimenez holds an A-1 certification with the PGA, which means he is classified as a head professional for a PGA recognized golf course. “It was a lot of work but I’m glad I did it,” he said. “It has allowed me to do this for a living – really, it doesn’t even feel like work most days!” It might not feel like work, but Jimenez logs an impressive number of hours most days at the Club to ensure everything runs like it’s supposed to. Typically, he can be found on or around the green from about 7 a.m.
to sunset, however long that might be. An average day consists of planning and organizing golf tournaments and scrambles, manning the Pro Shop and all its inventory and general oversight of the golf course and several employees, including his father. “My dad retired from the State (of New Mexico) last year and now he works out here with me doing pretty much whatever I need help with,” Jimenez said. “It’s been nice to have him around, helping out.” It turns out, the Jimenez family has made running the golf course and pro shop a family affair. His wife, Peggy Jo, quit her job and went to work at the pro shop part-time as well, and she oftentimes brings with her the couple’s daughter, Karsyn, who is almost a year old. “My wife comes out and helps with the books and she does a lot of the ordering,” he added, which, according to long-time pro shop employee Jeanie Estrada is why the shop has so many nice women’s items in stock now. “She really has a good eye for things and has gotten in some nice women’s apparel,” Estrada said. “Between the two of them, they have really updated the pro shop and people seem to be very pleased with what we offer now.” Avid golfer and long-time Country Club member Michael Wadkins agrees
“I’m fortunate to get to do this for a living. I can’t Juan Jimenez imagine doing anything else now.” Golf Pro - Artesia Country Club
summer 2013 | a community magazine
and said he thinks Jimenez has been a good fit all around for the local golf course. “So far Juan has been a great choice as head golf pro at the Artesia Country Club,” said Wadkins.”He has implemented some new technology that is making things easier on his staff, as well as the members, and his personality is a perfect match for the position of head golf pro. I think, overall, people seem to be very pleased with his work.” And why wouldn’t they be! Course tournaments and scrambles are now running more smoothly than ever, thanks to the new computer system Jimenez implemented earlier this year. Now, rather than waiting on someone to manually update a score board by hand, players can see results immediately on a computer screen outside the pro shop once Jimenez plugs the information into the computer. He has also added computers to the
pro shop, which has made inventory and bookkeeping much easier. “Before, everything was done by hand and things just took longer,” Jimenez noted. “Now, we are able to do things more quickly and more efficiently with the use of computers and special programs.” Back to the sport at hand! There are two things that Jimenez said draws him to the game of golf, and the same can likely be said for most golf aficionados. One is that it can be played whether you’re 8 or 80! “It’s not really as physically demanding as most sports, so people of all ages can play,” he said. “And really, it’s 90 percent mental and only about 10 percent physical ability, which can actually be very difficult sometimes. Momentum can change in a heartbeat!” The second thing he said he likes about the game of golf is that it’s a “gentleman’s game.”
“I couldn’t do this without the support of my wife and family,” Juan Jimenez said of his career as a golf pro at Artesia Country Club. Pictured with Jimenez are his wife, Peggy Jo, and their children, Gage, Karsyn and Bo.
focus on artesia | summer 2013
“There are no officials and you have to call your own shots,” he said. “If you screw up, you have to be honest enough to penalize yourself.” He continued, “There are a lot of things about golf that I like and that I think people in general like about the game as well. I’m fortunate to get to do this for a living. I can’t imagine doing anything else now.” In addition to golf, Jimenez also has a passion for hunting, with a preference for bows. “I do a lot of hunting, mostly deer and elk, but I like to go bow hunting; it’s just more fun to me (than hunting with a gun),” he said. Like his job at the Country Club, Jimenez said hunting, too, is a family affair. “My son, Gage, went with me this year and he is actually the one that spotted my 10-point,” the proud dad said. “Hunting is something else that we do as a family; my wife goes with me most of the time.” Having been married for more than eight years, Jimenez credits his wife with helping him shape his career as a golf pro. “I couldn’t do this without her support and my family,” he admitted.
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F oc u s on the city
C i t y of A r t e s i a po l i c e D e pa r t m e nt
Come Party with 1,500 Friends AND Fight Crime! by Tina Torrez, Artesia Community Development Director
Join us Tuesday, August 6, 2013, for Artesia’s Annual National Night Out at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Complex - 5:30pm-10pm.
This year will mark the 30th Anniversary of National Night Out. Originally conceived in Philadelphia by Matt Peskin, the concept was very simple. “Everyone in a neighborhood would sit on their front porch for an hour with the lights on to send a clear signal that there [are] more of us than there are of them,” Peskin recalled. It has since evolved to accomplish these goals: • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness. • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs. • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Citizens are encouraged to form a Neighborhood Watch group, and a block party can be one way to facilitate that. When you know who lives in your neighborhood, you are more likely to identify strangers or suspicious people. National Night Out provides an organized opportunity to publicly say to criminals that citizens living in your neighborhood are not going to put up with criminal activity. If someone does something
focus on artesia | summer 2013
wrong, there will be a reaction from the neighborhood residents, as well as the police department. This is very effective in preventing crimes. In addition, having a relationship of trust and respect between citizens and police means communication can be two-way: citizens need to hear concerns that police have and police need to hear what citizens have to say. Recognition that each has something to contribute to making neighborhoods safe is critical to forming the partnerships necessary to be effective in reducing crime. The block party can be held at the same time as National Night Out, or any time that works best for your neighborhood. If held on a day other than NNO, community police officers should be invited to attend. The Artesia Police Officer will discuss such topics as: • How and why crime happens. • How to improve home security and personal safety. • How to recognize and report suspicious activity. • How active Neighborhood Watch groups with visible Neighborhood Watch signs can deter crime. • How and when to contact the police. • What you can do to make your home more safe and secure.
Some fun ideas for block parties include cookouts, parades, contests, board games, 3-legged race, roller blading, street hockey, jump rope, water balloons, magic show, Frisbee, piñata, chalk art, hula hoop contest, street dance, karaoke, self-defense demonstration, volleyball, horseshoes, scavenger hunt, storytelling, rummage sales, movies. Try a mixer designed to get to know people, such as “Find a person who…” Making connections within your neighborhood goes beyond fighting crime. When you know people, you can exchange skills or resources, perhaps organize a book club or babysitting co-op, share walking-to-school duties, plan a campaign for traffic slowdown or to get better lighting, learn the neighborhood’s history from older residents, or plan a fall clean-up or bulb planting to beautify a common area. Contact the Artesia Police Department at 575-746-5000 for more information about Neighborhood Watch or National Night Out.
A GOOD NIGHT TO GET TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS The Artesia Police Department invites everyone to participate in the National Night Out Event in Artesia.
5:30pm - 10pm
The FREE Event will be held at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Complex 902 N 13th Street • Artesia, NM
Jam to S.H.I.L.O
Mascot Challenge
US Naval Sea Cadets will Present the Colors
There’ll be FREE Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Water!*
GET YOUR BEST TEAM TOGETHER TO COMPETE IN HORSESHOE, WASHERS, AND VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENTS. Teams competing in tournaments need to sign up at the Artesia Center 746-9009. * Free Food While Supplies Last.
F oc u s on mainstreet
the artesia
BronzeAge A
Rebecca Prendergast Executive Director
artesia mainstreet
s you walk or drive down Main Street in Artesia, you may notice that for a smaller city, we have an abundance of bronze statues. This amount of monumental artwork is usually found in cities much larger than Artesia and spread over many square miles. Artesia has one of the best collections of bronze monuments in the United States - all within seven blocks.
Our wonderful collection began in 2003 with the commission of Sallie Chisum entitled First Lady of Artesia by Robert Summers. Through the years, and the dedication of our organization’s
focus on artesia | summer 2013
volunteers, we have added seven more statues at five more sites downtown.
Each statue conveys an important message, highlights a period of history, or displays an industry that is important to Artesia. The Oil and Gas industry, Cattle and Ranching industry, and a tribute to our Veterans are each represented through public art. The statues are a symbol of the hard work of those that have built this area in the past and those who strive to make it better for the future. These statues are lasting, durable pieces of artwork that will be here for decades to come. The bronzes are admired on a daily basis by people
who drive down Main Street, and many people stop at each statue -reading about that particular piece of art and the history behind it.
If you drive or walk down Main Street frequently, you may not even notice the statues anymore because they have become such a normal sight in the beautiful downtown. Please take a moment to simply absorb the wonderful pieces of art and think about the history they represent!
For more information about our History in Bronze, visit
Pitch energy 1 • NHRA funny car driver, Johnny Gray, seated,
signs autographs for fans in April at the Derrick Floor during a stopover in Artesia. Gray and his crew visited the area to display his new Pitch Energy vehicle, which is adorned with the image of his late father, John R. Gray, former president and co-founder of Marbob Energy Corp. 2 • Gray poses for a photo with his Pitch Energy crew. 3 4
Gus Macker 3 • Luke Nelson, Josue Cosio, Canon Carter and
Clay Needham pose for a photo prior to the start of a Saturday night game in June at the Artesia Gus Macker. Artesia made history this year by hosting the first-ever nighttime tournament in the nation.
Ukraine Mission Trip Fundraiser 4 • Jaylon Earl, son of Jarrod and Erin Earl and
Jackson Guy, son of Reggie and Staci Guy, hold up signs at their “bracelet booth” this summer. The boys and their siblings sold bracelets that said, “Love God, Love Others” over the summer, the proceeds of which benefited their church’s mission trip to an orphanage in the Ukraine. Also helping out with the fundraiser was Kirsten Gabaldon (not pictured).
5 • Mollie Guy, daughter of Staci and Reggie Guy, helps her brother and cousins raise funds for their church’s mission trip to the Ukraine. Overall the benevolent children raised more than $1,000.
Taylor Kucel Cancer Fund 6 • Marleigh Branch, left, and her sister, Kassidy,
5 6
practice their best sales pitch on a customer at a bake sale benefit at Tate Branch Dodge last month. The girls hosted the bake sale to raise funds for Taylor Kucel, a young girl battling cancer. In a few short hours the girls raised more than $500. Marleigh and Kassidy’s parents are Tate and Kandi Branch.
Mateo Morillion Cancer Fund 7 • Members of the “Girls Can Change the World
Club” are pictured with Rob Morrisey, owner and operator of Jahva House. The Jahva House hosted an art exhibit featuring original art pieces that were sold as a fundraiser for Mateo Morillion, a local boy battling a rare form of bone cancer, during the month of July. Pictured with Morrisey are Carmen Harvey, Tayler Henry, Gracie Rand, Elena Harvey, Rebecca Bryant, Agelina Bracher, Emma Paxton, Michala James and Kendra James.
Mega Sports Camp 8 & 9 • Three area churches – West Main Baptist,
Harvest Fellowship and First United Methodist – hosted a four-day Mega Sports Camp at Artesia Intermediate School last month. Hundreds of students were given the opportunity to participate in one of four sports – soccer, football, basketball or cheerleading – all of which were coached by local coaches and volunteers. In addition to learning about their chosen sport, the students also learned about the importance of good character and participated in Bible studies.
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on business
busy bee travel agency Keeping Busy Is In Her Blood As a young girl growing up at the General American Camp in Loco Hills, being able to travel and experience beautiful and exotic places was a childhood dream of Irene Hokett. Being a member of the travel industry for 30 years, she says, has helped many of those dreams become a reality.
all franchise catalogue stores. “I was now left with Busy Bee Travel as my primary source of income,” she noted. “At the time, there were three travel agencies in Artesia, so a lot of hard work was required to keep the agency profitable. But with the support of the local community, we were able to survive!”
“My first opportunity to experience my dream of travel was when I was store manager of the Artesia Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company from 1971 to 1983,” she recalls. “I had the chance to win trips to Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Mexico. I also got to go on a Caribbean cruise and a Hawaiian cruise for exceeding my annual sales quotas.”
For the first 13 of her past 30 years in business, Busy Bee Travel was located in a small office at 116 S. Roselawn Ave. “My daughter, Danielle Denson, joined me during this time,” she said. And in 1999 the duo purchased the current location at 410 W. Main Street, once home to Dana Hill State Farm. “It was much larger and gave us better exposure on Main Street,” she said.
Hokett’s dreams didn’t end with traveling the world though. In 1983 she purchased the Artesia Montgomery Ward’s catalogue franchise in order to fulfill another of her lifelong dreams: owning her own business. “But I was hooked on travel, so I decided I could operate a travel agency inside my Montgomery Ward’s store,” she said. Problem solved! Hokett said she worked for a travel agent in Carlsbad for three years until she could get her own Surety Bond and become certified as a fully accredited travel agent. “We named our agency Busy Bee Travel Agency and came up with a motto: You won’t get stung by letting us BUZZ you to where you need to BEE.” Things were going smoothly until 1986 when Montgomery Ward closed
focus on artesia | summer 2013
“I am so blessed to be able to work with my mom,” Hokett’s daughter, Danielle shared. “It’s not always easy, but we get along well and we work well together!” As its name would suggest, Busy Bee Travel services include cruises with all cruise lines, hotel bookings, car rentals, airline tickets, Mexican and Caribbean all-inclusive packages and just about anything else related to travel. In addition, they make passport photos, plan organized, hosted motor coach tours to Branson, Missouri, and the Grand Ole Opry and recently booked their first tour of New Orleans with 45 passengers. What some people might not know,
P R O F ILE Busy Bee Travel Agency owners
Irene Hokett & Danielle Denson
410 W. Main St. Artesia, New Mexico
hours of operation
Mon-Fri • 9am - 6pm
contact info
575.746.3538 1.800.219.3538
however, is that other than travel options, Busy Bee also offers tanning, spray tanning, and jewelry and crystal collectibles. In fact, Hokett proudly displays several pieces of crystal that she designed with Crystal World, a world-renowned company specializing in full-cut faceted crystal. “I have been able to design some crystals for some very special people,” she boasts, “one of which was The Derrick Floor, a piece the Chamber of Commerce had me create for George W. Bush to present to him when he came to Artesia to speak to the high school seniors at the Chase Scholarship awards. This was very exciting for me!” In addition, Hokett said the Chamber also asked them to design a crystal collectible for the city’s centennial, which they titled ‘100 Years and Still Flowing.’”
Busy Bee Products & services • Cruises with all cruise lines • Hotel bookings • Car rentals • Airline tickets • Mexican and Caribbean all-inclusive packages • Passport photos
Some of the other more memorable crystal collectibles the ladies at Busy Bee helped design included a pick-up and horse trailer for Webb Ranches and a school bus that was engraved to replicate the Bulldog activity bus, which was presented to Coach Cooper Henderson. “Busy Bee has been in business in Artesia for 30 years and we love what we do,” Hokett said. “We would love to help you plan your family vacation
• Organized, hosted motor coach tours to Branson, MO, the Grand Ole Opry and New Orleans • Tanning beds • Spray tanning • Jewelry, including Bulldog and patriotic pieces
• Custom crystal collectibles, including business logos and commemorative keepsakes including: - Derrick Floor for George W. Bush - Bulldog activity bus - Pick-up & trailer for Webb Ranches - City of Artesia Centennial piece titled “100 Years and Still Flowing” - Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award
or business travel, and we invite you to come to Busy Bee for your travel needs. You won’t get stung by letting us BUZZ you where you need to BEE!” Busy Bee Travel Agency owners - Irene Hokett and Danielle Denson.
Main Photo:
Busy Bee also offers various services and products, including crystal collectibles. Pictured here are an Artesia Bulldogs Bus, Artesia’s Centennial Collectible Crystal and The Derrick Floor, a piece created and given to George W. Bush when he came to Artesia to speak to Artesia High School seniors.
Crystal Photos:
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on fitness
Fitness Buff f o r
F a m il y
a n d
F r i e n ds
Fitness buff Amy Coor embodies the very definition of the word determination. In fact, this 30-something-year-old woman is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to getting in shape and living a healthy lifestyle. But contrary to what many people think, Amy says she wasn’t “born with great genes” or “blessed with a naturally thin physique.” She’ll even go so far as to tell you the lean, mean, sweating machine that you see today is a far cry from the overweight woman she was in her mid-20s. When she was 25 years old, weighing in at 200 pounds, Coor said she woke up one day and decided she was fed up with being overweight. She had watched too many of her family members battle the bulge and all the health-related issues that tend to go along with it, so she decided if ever there was a time to make a change, it was now. “What I remember most
about that time was how much I hated the fat that would hang over my pants,” she recalls. “I was so sick of it and I said, ‘That’s it, I’m done,’ and I went to work trying to lose the weight and get healthy.” Just like gaining the weight didn’t happen “overnight,” neither did losing it. It was a process, she says, and it all began in her pantry. “I threw out everything bad, everything. And I quit eating out,” she said. In addition to making healthier food and nutrition choices, Coor began walking, first three miles, then six to seven. “All I could do in the beginning was walk,” she admits, “but I kept with
it and just added a little more and a little more.” Not long after she made her lifestyle change, Coor became pregnant with her son, Wyatt. She wasn’t about to use her pregnancy as an excuse to gain weight and return to an unhealthy lifestyle though. “I continued walking, and I would haul hay and do other physical-type work right up until about two weeks before I gave birth,” she said. “During my entire pregnancy I only gained 12 pounds. And four days after I gave birth, I was back to walking.” Some might call that determination at its finest! But her determination didn’t stop with just her own well-being. “I come from a family with health and weight issues, and I knew right away I didn’t want to raise my kid that way,” David, Wyatt and Amy Coor pose for a photo after completing the Dirty Dash, a mud run obstacle course, in Albuquerque late last year. The Coors make fitness a family affair, often participating in 5K races across the country.
focus on artesia | summer 2013
she admits. “So I have made sure that my family – my husband and my son – live healthy lifestyles as well. It really is a family thing for us, being active and healthy.” Proof of her claim that healthy living is a family affair can be found in two things. Since meeting Amy, her husband, David, has lost an astounding 75 pounds and has managed to keep it off for years. And secondly, her son, Wyatt, enjoys running with his mom and has even competed in a couple of 5K races of his own! And to top it off, both of the men in her life love their veggies and think Amy’s garbanzo bean cookies are hard to beat! But Amy knows getting in shape and eating healthy can be a struggle for many people, which is why in 2011 she started teaching fitness classes at a local fitness facility. From there, it grew to include additional classes and eventually became Amy Coor Fitness, a fitness and accountability group designed to help others conquer the battle of the bulge once and for all. “I started teaching for selfish reasons,” she admits. “It’s more fun to work out with others. And you also have others to hold you accountable and vice versa.” Coor said she wanted to start helping others lose weight and make healthier lifestyle changes because she knows how difficult it can be, and she wants people to know they don’t have to do it alone. She’s also living proof, she
Amy’s Secrets to a Healthy Lifestyle
said, that anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can make the changes necessary to live a healthier life. “You just have to start. Start by walking and build from there. Or if that’s all you can do, just do that, but you have to start moving and change your lifestyle.”
A true fitness aficionado who wants to see others succeed as well, Coor offers the following advice for anyone wanting to get in shape:
Tamra Gray can testify to Coor’s abilities and willingness to help others, and she’s also proof that regardless of age or a busy schedule, getting healthy is, in fact, possible. “In 2012 I had lost my mother and was having a very hard time dealing with grief and loss,” Tamra shared. “I had run 500 miles that year and gained seven pounds. I had gone to the doctor and told him I could not possibly lose weight. He told me I could but needed to cut back on my calorie intake. I thought I had. I was hopeless.” Gray felt hopeless until a chance meeting at a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) event led her to Coor. “I would see her posts on Facebook about her workout class at West Main Baptist Church and her nutritional postings; she had noticed my post about Galloway (a type of running style). I began looking for her at events so I could talk to her,” Gray admits. After their initial meeting, Coor invited Gray to her home, where she opened up her pantry and showed Gray the way she bagged, or selfpackaged, her food. She continued, “Amy talked to me a lot about scheduling meals and snacks. At the
• Diet is temporary, but lifestyle change is permanent. Don’t ever think of anything as a diet, or you’ll fail every time. • If you can just do a mile, just do a mile. Eventually, you’ll be able to do more. • Running is a great way to get in shape. You don’t need any fancy equipment, but you definitely need a good pair of running shoes. The right shoes will keep you from getting hurt • Never reward yourself with food! If you hit a weight loss or fitness goal, reward yourself with a new outfit or a new fitness gadget. • Change it up! If you get to where you’re not losing weight or seeing the results you want, it’s probably because your body is getting used to what you’re doing. Change it up. Do intervals, run if you’re a walker, walk if you’re a runner, swim, or play another sport. • Keep in mind, losing weight is 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent fitness! You have to fuel your body with good stuff before and after you work out. • Healthy doesn’t have to taste bad! It also doesn’t have to be expensive, and it doesn’t have to take long to cook. • Accountability is key! It’s helpful to have someone else to help hold you accountable. Coor started an online accountability group in which members track their calories and their weekly exercise times. “It creates a group in which everyone holds everyone else accountable, which can be very beneficial since we’re all in this together.” • Make it a family affair! It’s easier to do something if your family is on board. “We eat healthy meals, and we all like to be physically active,” she says of her family. “It’s important for me to set a good example for my son.” • It’s never too late to start! Regardless of age or physical ability, there’s always a starting point, which can be the most difficult hurdle to overcome. “Just start!” Coor urges. “You’ll be so glad you did!”
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summer 2013 | a community magazine
David and Amy Coor’s son, Wyatt, participated in Wyatt’s first solo 5K race earlier this year. Amy and David Coor have made it their mission to get in shape and help others achieve their fitness goals as well.
I now have a group of friends that have a great theme in common: a healthy lifestyle.”
time I should also add we had two new babies and I felt trapped. Her workout classes at West Main offered free child care and a way to become un-trapped. That day she addressed my nutritional and physical needs. She told me she could help me lose weight. For some reason I believed her.” It turns out, listening to her instincts and accepting Coor’s help proved beneficial for Gray. “I joined her online accountability group, and she began to support my emotional journey to a healthier lifestyle.
Gray said she appreciates the fact that Coor keeps her focus balanced on nutrition, physical exercise and emotional support for a complete lifestyle change. “I don’t know why Amy does this,” she admits. “She does not get paid and recognition is little. She took me and a large group of women and tucked us under her wings. I think Amy does it because she has a big heart. I think she does this because she really loves people; I think Amy does this because she has been where we are and wants to help. I think Amy Coor does this because I really need her. Thank you, Amy, for all you do!”
Cisco Equipment 1706 South 1st Street • Artesia
focus on artesia | summer 2013
i t ’s
Amy’s Energy Bars Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1 cup bran flakes cereal ¼ cup wheat bran ¼ cup wheat germ 1½ tsp. grated orange peel 1 cup mixed dried fruit, chopped (cranberries, raisins, and apples) 1 egg, beaten ¼ cup vegetable oil ½ cup applesauce ¼ cup honey ¼ cup Splenda 8 Tbsp. of PB2 (Powdered Peanut Butter) mixed with 4 Tbsp. water ⅓ cup dry milk powder 1 cup whole wheat flour ½ cup all-purpose flour ¼ tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. cinnamon
Cooking Instructions: 1 • Preheat oven to 350º F. Grease a 13x9x2-inch pan. 2 • In medium bowl, combine cereal, bran, wheat germ, orange peel, dried fruit, egg, oil, applesauce, honey, Splenda, PB2 and dry milk powder; blend well. Let set 5 minutes. 3 • In large bowl, stir together whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour and soda. Stir in the first mixture and mix until all ingredients are combined. 4 • Spread batter evenly in pan. Bake 15 to 17 minutes or until golden. Cool and cut into bars.
Makes approx. 23 Bars • Calories: 113 per bar Nutrition: One serving (bar) provides approximately: 129 calories; 3 g protein; 21 g carbohydrates; 3 g fat
c o o ki n g t i me!
Amy’ s Burgers Sweet Potato, Black Bean & Rice Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
3 medium sweet potatoes (2 ½ cups cooked) 3 cups of black beans (if canned, rinsed and drained) 2 orange bell peppers chopped ( I roasted them for 20 min before chopping) ½ medium red onion, finely diced (about 1 cup) 3 cloves garlic, minced (or 2 tsp. garlic powder) 2 cups (cooked) brown rice medley or quinoa 1 Tbsp. olive oil ¼ tsp. sea salt fresh ground black pepper, to taste 1 tsp. dried oregano 1 tsp. chili powder (I used Ancho) ½ cup fresh parsley, chopped ½ cup fresh basil chopped
Cooking Instructions: 1 • Preheat oven to 375º F and line 1-2
baking sheets with parchment paper, non-stick foil or cooking spray. 2 • Cook the potatoes in the microwave on high for about 7 minutes or until tender. 3 • Let the potatoes cool. Peel and scrape out. 4 • Put all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mash with a potato masher. 5 • Form the mixture into 20 patties with your hands (it will be sticky). Each burger should be about ½″ thick. 6 • Place each patty on prepared baking sheets and place in the oven for 30 minutes, carefully flipping the burgers over once halfway through baking. 7 • I sprinkled a pinch of mozzarella cheese on top (last 3 minutes of cooking) and avocado on the side. Makes 20 patties • Calories: 101 per patty
When you grow... We grow! Your True CommuNiTY BANk
Artesia National Bank 908 W. Main
575.746.4794 summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on life in artesia
Bullock’s Feed Store
might have been an Artesia landmark for nearly a century, but to Kent Bullock it was so much more. As a kid it was a prime location for hide-andseek, and a nook at the top of the store provided the perfect lookout location where he could enjoy expansive views of the town. As time passed, it became his place of employment and a family heirloom. To residents and visitors alike, the large, iconic building at the corner of First and Main was synonymous with life in Artesia. In fact, people were so used to seeing it there that once the walls came down earlier this
focus on artesia | summer 2013
year, news of its demolition spread like wildfire through the Twitter and Facebook feeds. “People kept sending me pictures and messages and it was really hard,” said Alise Mullen, Kent’s middle daughter. “It was hard enough to know it was happening, but I think that made it even worse.” “I couldn’t even drive by there for a long time,” Kent recalled, his eyes a bit misty. “It’s hard; very hard.” Bullock’s Feed Store closed its doors two years ago, and Kent worked tirelessly since then trying to find a buyer for the historic old building.
“I really hoped someone would buy it and remodel it for a restaurant or something,” he said. “I went to everyone I knew of that I thought would have the means to buy it, but I could never find a buyer that could pay what I was asking.” Heeding the advice of his accountant, Kent begrudgingly sold the building and its location to an IHOP franchise, which is currently in the process of building a new restaurant. “I was losing money every day I had it, and Photo: Pictured are members of the Kent Bullock family earlier this year, posing outside Bullock’s Feed Store just prior to its demolition. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Coats Photography.
I could only continue that for so long before something had to give,” he said. Kent’s decision was a tough one because as one would imagine, watching the demise of a familyowned business with a rich history brought a fair amount of guilt as well as sadness. But as times change, so too do people’s needs and demands. The economy, industry and just the world in general is much different today than it was a century ago when Bullock’s first opened.
and Coal in a building on the northwest corner of First and Main Streets, the current location of Stripes Convenience Store. “Back then – before the oil and gas exploration began here – people heated their homes with coal,” Kent, grandson to E.B. Bullock, noted. “My grandfather
and his brother started out selling feed and coal, which back then was a good business to be in.” “Back then,” he noted, “it was not unusual for houses inside the city limits to have cows and chickens in their backyards, so the Bullock brothers saw a lucrative business opportunity in the feed and coal industry.” Soon after they opened the store, though, Tom Bullock decided to walk away from the family business and left it all to E.B. The same year, 1912, E.B.’s son, Charles, better known as Charlie, was born, followed in 1914 by the birth of another son, Bill. His two sons followed in their father’s footsteps and later went into the family business, which eventually came to be called
In the early 1900s, E.B. Bullock and his brother, Tom Bullock, both of whom were born and raised in Waco, Texas, moved to Hereford, Texas, to begin farming. By all accounts, farming was difficult in those parts, so the brothers moved their hay baling equipment to Artesia, hoping for better conditions in Southeastern New Mexico. Once they arrived, their mindset shifted as they saw a need for a local feed store.
Photo: Pictured is an old cotton feed sack. For
many years, the company would package their feed in cotton sacks and according to Kent Bullock, women would often use the empty sacks to make such things as aprons, dresses and shirts. Eventually the cost of production became too high, and the store was forced to use less expensive means of packaging.
So in 1912, the two brothers established Bullock Brothers Feed
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summer 2013 | a community magazine
the John Deere store. “A lot of people don’t know about the feed yard we had,” Kent said. “But that was the main reason my family started the feed store -- to manufacture feed for our own cattle and hogs.”
E.B. Bullock and Sons. In 1917, E.B. moved the store across the street, to the southeast corner of the same intersection, so the store would have a rail siding (the railroad tracks ran parallel to the building). “Another thing a lot of people don’t know is that the building that was recently torn down was not the original building they built on that site,” Kent noted. The original building was destroyed by a fire in the 1930s and the Bullocks rebuilt at the same location. A sign of the times, Kent leaned over with his iPad and began swiping his finger across the screen until he came across an old black and white photo of a bathroom stall. “My Uncle Bill built this bathroom in the new building, and you can see right here where he wrote his name on the wall,” Kent said with a chuckle. The photo depicts his uncle’s name, Bill Bullock, and the date July 14, 1936, inscribed on the wall, one of the precious photos Kent clings to as he comes to terms with the building’s demolition. In addition to the feed store, the Bullock family maintained a feed yard for many years on Richey Avenue, just to the west of the current location of
focus on artesia | summer 2013
Although E.B. and Tom Bullock both had other children, none of them seemed to take an interest in the business like Charles did. “My Uncle Bill had four children, but none of them really took much interest in the store,” Kent said. “They did some work there and so did my uncle, but they never wanted to make a career out of it like my dad did.” As time progressed and generations were added to the Bullock family, Kent would be the last of them to take the reins as an owner. “I always loved being down there,” he said as a smile swept across his face. “Even as a kid, as soon as I got out of school, I’d hop on my bike and ride down to the store. I always loved it there.” After high school Kent went on to attend New Mexico State University, where he obtained a degree in general agriculture. He then took accounting courses at Lubbock Christian University, hoping to be able to use his newfound knowledge at his family’s store. “I’d come home during breaks and work at the store; it’s just what I liked to do,” he recalls. Over the next 30 years, Kent made his livelihood at the feed store. Days were long and stress was abundant, but he never regretted his decision, he said. Perhaps it’s the fact that he practically grew up there or the fact that his customers became like family, or
main Photo: Pictured is the original Bullock’s Feed and Coal building, circa 1917, located on the northwest corner of First and Main Streets, the current location of Stripes Convenience Store. Shortly after this picture was taken, E.B. Bullock moved the business to the opposite corner of the same intersection. inset Photo: Sitting outside Bullock’s Feed Store
before the building was torn down are Kent Bullock and his mother, Jeanne Bullock.
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Coats Photography.
probably even both, that made closing the doors especially difficult. “It’s still hard to come to terms with,” he admits. “I think the hardest thing, other than the guilt I feel, is not getting to see my customers. I liked visiting with them; you develop true friendships and I miss that.” For the past year-and-a-half, even before selling the building, Kent has been employed by Wilbanks Trucking, a job he says he is grateful to have even though working for “someone else” has been an adjustment. “It’s nice to be able to come home and not have to worry about bills or anything else,” he said. “I can leave work at work.” He added, “It’s also been fun to be able to learn new things. I like the challenge of learning about the oil field and different back roads and so forth, things I didn’t know anything about before.” While the memory of the old feed store still lingers fresh in his mind, he has come to be at peace with his decision to sell it. “It’s still hard but I can at least drive by now, so that’s a step,” he admits. As far as pancakes go, let’s just say he’s not opposed to enjoying a nice Sunday brunch at the same location where he once made an honest living and abundant memories.
F oc u s on sports
by Sylvia Hewett Schneider Back in the day, girls who wanted to play baseball had to fight for the privilege to try out for boys’ teams. Nowadays, you won’t find as many girls on the boys’ teams because they have a league of their own! With five age divisions each, 6U (age six years and under), 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U, thousands of Artesia kids have learned teamwork, sportsmanship, commitment and accountability through Artesia Youth Baseball and the Artesia Girls Softball Association. Both of these groups also teach the fundamental rules and skills of the game. It’s interesting how they progress. For example, the youngest players get five pitches from the coach; then the ball is placed on a tee. As their skills improve and they move up, they will face playerpitchers. All players also play defensive positions in the infield and outfield. These kids learn that participation is the way to find their niche and hone their talent. Children who are 4 years of age by January 1 of the playing year are eligible to participate. In 2013, 344 girls and 500+ boys signed up to play in their respective age divisions. Parents volunteer their time to coach, sign up players, schedule practices and games – pretty much everything that the team
needs, with the exception of the ball parks and the umpires, is handled by volunteers. The City of Artesia provides playing fields at Jaycee Park. There are eight fields for baseball and eight softball fields. Maintenance and upkeep of the fields rests on the municipal shoulders, but players and parents do their part to police the fields they use so that they are in good condition for the next team coming in to practice or play. And there is always another team coming in to practice or play! Between March and May, Little League teams play about 20 games in regular season play. This means 3-4 days of practice and two games a week for 10-12 weeks. From May into the summer, coaches may opt to play in various tournaments, culminating in the selection of All-Star teams and the All-Star tournament, then Little League World Series. Thus far, Artesia has not yet won the Little League World Series. Many Artesia youngsters have gone on to play high school and college ball. The
Artesia programs have seen many talented players over the years, some of whom are now adults watching their own kids play or volunteering to serve the league in a variety of positions, including coaching. Erin Elrod Earl currently serves as the Artesia Girls Softball Association treasurer. Growing up, she played softball and has coached. She said, “It was always a passion of mine – I just love it.” These are the sentiments we hear over and over from athletes and former athletes in these programs. It’s not just a childhood pastime – it permeates our lives. The experiences that begin in team sports are about so much more than simply playing ball. Life lessons are learned, good character is crafted and friendships are forged. Play ball!
Photos - from top down:
Assistant Coach Jody Strickland lends some helpful advice to his daughter, Rylee, who is ready to head to home plate. Photo by Jessica Strickland. Rylee Strickland of the Firecrackers girls’ softball team goes in for a grounder on the pitcher’s mound. The Firecrackers were coached by Rory Watts and Jody Strickland. Photo by Jessica Strickland. Members of the Sea Dogs U6 baseball team, sponsored by Santo Petroleum. The Sea Dogs were coached by Jeff Beauregard. Photo by Mykol Horner.
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on the environment
Don’t Be a Drip! In a land where oil is more plentiful than water,
it makes sense to think about how much water we have...or more accurately, how much water we don’t have...and learn ways to use it wisely. Water is part of our everyday lives; from cooking and cleaning, for laundry and personal hygiene, to recreation and irrigation, we are all consumers of H2O. We talk about water rights all the time – now we need to get serious about water responsibility. During a drought, such as the one we’re in, many New Mexico communities have asked residents to restrict water usage. In some cities, there are ordinances, which are enforced, to limit use of municipal water. Alternate day watering of lawns and trees, bucket only car washing at home and water by request only in restaurants are some of the ways we may be asked to save water. Other communities practice water conservation year-round, with incentives in place for use of low-flow shower heads or smaller capacity toilet tanks. You don’t have to replace your toilet to reduce the amount of water per flush; plastic tubs or bottles filled with sand or small rocks and placed in your toilet tank fill up space that would usually be filled with water. Two to three gallons is all that is needed for effective flushing, and many older toilet tanks are five-gallon capacity. We’re all aware of the importance of repairing leaks to avoid costly utility bills, as well as to avoid water damage and subsequent collateral damage, such as an infestation of critters in search of that leaking water. Recommendations to limit water use and practicing good water stewardship by irrigating gardens and crops in the early morning or evening hours rather than the heat of
focus on artesia | summer 2013
the day is just using common sense. We’ve long been aware that it’s a good idea to turn off the water while we brush our teeth or shave, to take shorter showers and not run washing machines or dishwashers until they are full. Water conservation in the home is the first step and one of the easiest measures to put in place. Saving water should be a family matter; children learn by example, so it’s important that we show them how to save water. What more can we do? Some methods of conserving water may not even involve water! This is where we can get creative and apply a little science. For example, leaving grass clippings on the lawn instead of bagging them and letting them rot in the landfill is one way to return the moisture (and nutrients) from the cut blades back into the earth. Or use the clippings in your compost, which will result in a nutrient-rich (and economical) soil amendment for your garden. This is one way to make the best use of the water that you do put on your plants, as it helps them retain it and provides better aeration. Using mulch as ground cover on newly planted trees allows moisture to be more evenly absorbed and helps retain water, which keeps the ground a little cooler at the base of your plants and
which may help them recover from the shock of being transplanted. Mulch is also effective in weed control; weeds in your planter beds or on your lawn rob the desired vegetation of its water so prevention is the key to conservation. All of these tips and many more are available from the Eddy County Extension Office, which also offers information and/or classes on gardening, landscaping, xeriscaping, weed control, pest control, etc. Check out Eddy County Master Gardeners on Facebook at EddyGardeners for more information on water conservation, providing clean water for livestock, and growing drought-resistant gardens. Knowledge is our best weapon in safeguarding the water we have today and the water we need tomorrow. We recognize that water conservation is a serious matter; we need to continue to employ our current conservation techniques and implement new ideas before it becomes urgent. Without awareness and consideration, the future of water in Eddy County is not pretty. Farmers and ranchers living in northeast Eddy County have reported that their agriculture and domestic water wells have already dried up. If we don’t learn all we can and practice what we learn, we will continue to see Brantley Lake and Lake McMillan dwindle away. We will watch as the Pecos River slows to a trickle. We will bear witness to a shrinking aquifer. We all know the value of water. We don’t want to learn the cost of not having it.
Every Drop Counts in Water Conservation by Woods Houghton
Eddy County Agriculture Extension Agent
With dry conditions continuing, responsible use of water on landscapes is a must. New Mexico Cooperative Extension suggests following basic conservation principles that will maximize New Mexico’s limited water supply and encourage healthy, hardy and drought-resistant landscapes.
General watering advice
• Lawns and planting beds should be watered according to their needs based on soil moisture levels. To check soil moisture, insert a 6-inch Phillips head screwdriver into the soil. If it can be easily inserted, the soil doesn’t need water. When water is necessary, if possible water in the early morning hours – 3 to 9 a.m. – not during the heat of the day or when the wind is blowing. Set sprinklers to hit only landscapes, not sidewalks, driveways, windows, etc. • Another method is to look for footprints. Water landscapes when footprints or mower tracks become easily visible on grass or when large areas of the lawn take on a bluish-gray color. • Has it rained? Skip watering on days following ½ inch or more of rain. I know, I can’t remember the last time that happened either! On cool, cloudy days, plants use less water and there is less evaporation, which increases the time between watering. • Check sprinkler systems. Check to see how long each zone is scheduled to run and adjust the timer accordingly. A shade zone will require less water than a hot, sunny area; and the cooler seasons, spring and fall, require less water than hot summer months. Check sprinkler heads frequently to make sure they are functioning properly. • Watering with a hose? Use household timers as a reminder to move or stop soaker hoses and sprinklers. Check the amount of water that sprinklers put out by placing a shallow container like a tuna fish can in the yard to measure water. This will help determine how long a landscape should be watered to apply an amount of water recommended by local utility services or cooperative extension service. Most warm season grasses in Eddy County need one inch of water applied twice a week when the temperature is above 90 degrees F. and once a week when the temperature is cooler. • Newly planted landscapes take more water. Establishing new plants will initially require more water, but watering cycles should be adjusted to maintenance levels after landscapes are established. Mulching conserves moisture and can make a difference in water conservation on new and established landscapes. In general, trees are established two to three years after they are planted. Most flowers are established within two to three weeks, but herbaceous perennials may take up to eight weeks. New sod
is established in three weeks, and newly seeded grass is established after five weeks.
Tips for watering grass
• Aerate - Aeration is an important part of healthy lawn maintenance because it allows better water, air and fertilizer penetration by relieving soil compaction. This prevents water run-off and improves the health of plants. For best results, aerate in the spring and fall under moderate soil conditions when a 6-inch screwdriver can be easily inserted into the soil. • Mow efficiently - Set mowers at the highest level possible and make sure that mower blades are sharp so that grass is cut properly. Leave lawn clippings on the turf or use a mulching mower to recycle moisture and nutrients back into the yard. • Brown spots? Be willing to accept a less than perfect lawn because of dry conditions. Water brown spots by hand. To minimize brown spots, check sprinkler coverage and frequently look for broken lines or heads, clogged nozzles and nozzles with poor spray patterns, and head and nozzle adjustment. • Fertilize - Consider a moderate application of iron fertilizers and reduce the rate of nitrogen fertilizer used in a landscape. Lush, fast-growing grass uses more water. Fertilize lawns in the summer with a slow-release fertilizer and in the fall at the rate suggested on the product label.
Tips for watering flowers
• Flower gardens may need less water than grass areas. Adjust watering schedules for flowerbeds to reduce water applications when appropriate. • Know plant tolerance. Select and plant flowers by their specific water and sunlight needs. Many flowers with low water needs are available. A CD-ROM called desert blooms is available through your local County Extension Office. • Improve the soil. Prepare flowerbeds with soil amendments such as peat moss, compost or other organic material for maximum water efficiency and growth. • Newly planted flowers. Check and water flowers daily for a short time during the first two weeks after they are planted to help them become established, then gradually reduce the amount of water that is applied. In general, flowers are considered established about three weeks after they are planted. To determine if the flowers need water, insert a 6-inch
screwdriver into the soil. If it can be easily inserted, you don’t need to water. • Mulch – Mulch flowerbeds to reduce evaporation and retain moisture in the soil and to control weeds.
Tips for watering trees
• Trees use water best when the water soaks deep into the soil near the tree’s feeder roots. • Established trees need less water than newly planted trees. Roots extend out from established trees three to five times the height of the tree. • Soaking the soil next to the trunk of an established tree is not adequate; normal, general landscape irrigation provides water to established trees. In general, trees are considered established about two years after they are planted, depending on the size that is planted. Larger trees take longer to establish than smaller trees. • Mulch newly planted trees. Apply a 3- to 4-inch layer of mulch at least two feet wide around the trunk of a newly planted tree to help the soil around the tree maintain moisture. Leave a 2-inch wide ring around the trunk free of mulch. Check moisture levels in the root ball of the tree with a screwdriver and water new trees to maintain adequate moisture.
Tips for watering fruits & veggies
• Mulch grapes, raspberries, strawberries and vegetables. Mulch around these plants and consider using a drip irrigation sprinkler system, which is more efficient than overhead watering systems. • Water apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries and other fruit trees according to tree guidelines. The Eddy County Extension office intends to start a Master Gardener Class this fall in midSeptember if there is enough interest. Anyone interested in attending the course should call the Extension Office at 575-887-6595 and leave your name and number.
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on beauty
Mariposa Medical Spa Transform and Emerge! Imagine for a moment, if you will, that you are a work-from-home mom in charge of putting together a quarterly magazine, in addition to a couple of other writing projects you had taken on, all combined with the regular day-to-day requirements of being a mom and wife. Imagine how your skin might look if, say, you didn’t take the time or spend the money necessary to have a “healthy glow” and a radiant complexion. Does the picture look grim? It should. Okay, by now you’ve no doubt caught on to the fact that I’m asking you to imagine being me! A busy woman in my mid-30s who doesn’t do nearly enough to take care of my body’s largest organ – my skin! I have known Helen Mariscal with Yucca Health Care for some time now and happen to think pretty highly of her, so when she requested I write a story about Mariposa Medical Spa I jumped at the opportunity. I had no idea the adventure that awaited me! After visiting briefly with Helen, Elidia Bolanos, a registered nurse, met me in the lobby and ushered me back to the Marioposa Spa part of the building. As soon as I walked in, I knew it wasn’t
just an ordinary “doctor’s office.” The lighting was different and there was a little water feature in the corner that trickled with the sound of refreshing water. The room seemed peaceful and quaint. “Not bad,” I thought to myself. “I thought I’d do a consultation with you so you know what it is we do here,” Bolanos said, as I took my seat.
Laser treatments
She began by handing me a series of brochures, one by one, explaining each procedure offered at the spa. One procedure in particular caught my attention – laser hair removal! The thought of not having to shave my legs every day sparked an interest in me that I can only explain as borderline fanatical. The more pictures I saw, the stronger my desire became. “You can see here, this man’s back was covered in hair and look at it now,” she said, as she showed me a picture that was a stark difference from the sasquatchlike “before” image. Even better, she pointed down to her lower-leg, which was exposed by her Capri pants. “I’ve had one procedure done on my legs and I love it,” she explained. “I still have to have another procedure, but so far the only hair that I have had grow back are these little patches” (two tiny spots; one was just a single hair). Another brochure, Cutera Vein Therapy, depicted laser removal of tiny spider veins to deep blue reticular veins and everything in between. The process is quick, safe and effective, Bolanos assured me. According to the makers,
focus on artesia | summer 2013
P R O F ILE Mariposa Medical Spa director
Elidia Bolanos, R.N
606 N. 13th St. (Inside Yucca Health Care)
hours of operation
By Appointment Only: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tues-Fri
contact info
575.736.1426 Incentive program: Come in for a consultation. If you refer three people that purchase a skin care kit or laser services, you will receive a $200 laser treatment of your choice. the procedure “delivers pulses of light energy which cause the blood within the vein to coagulate, eventually destroying the vessel, which is later reabsorbed by your body. Blood flow
will then be redirected to veins deeper below your skin’s surface, where it should be.” Bye bye, spider veins! And what about those brown spots, redness and sun damage on your face, you might ask. There’s a laser treatment for that too! Limelight Facial is a new, non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation. Within one to three weeks after treatment, the darkened spots will flake off and fade; redness will reduce and your complexion will improve! Not bad for an hour’s worth of laser treatment. And what facial spa would be complete without laser treatment for fine lines and wrinkles! Laser Genesis utilizes non-invasive laser technology to safely treat wrinkles, large pores, uneven skin texture and to diffuse redness and scars. According to the makers, you can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment without unwanted side effects, such as bruising or excessive skin irritation. Bye-bye, neck wrinkles and crow’s feet!
Non-laser treatments
Mariposa also offers a variety of non-laser products proven to combat wrinkles and improve appearance, including Botox, Juvéderm XC and Latisse. Most patients get injections of Juvéderm and Botox around the eye area, the forehead and around the mouth where wrinkles tend to surface. It’s an effective way to get rid of those deep frown lines and parentheses around the nose as well. Latisse, on the other hand, is designed for the eyelashes. This product, as seen on TV (remember those commercials with actress Brooke Shields?), is proven to increase lash length, thickness and darkness. A product that makes my lashes look fuller and darker
without mascara? Sign me up! All three of the aforementioned products require a prescription, which can be obtained at Mariposa.
Skin Care
And finally, Mariposa Medical Spa also offers products for those that might want clearer, healthier skin without laser treatments or injections, to which Bolanos suggests Obagi Medical Products. Thumbing through a book of before and after pictures, it’s easy to get caught up in the products’ claims, but Bolanos said she can personally vouch for their effectiveness. “I used to own my own business and people came in all the time trying to sell me products,” she admits. “I saw plenty of products that never did what the company claimed they would do. Obagi is different. I use their products and I can say for certain they work.” The kits include entire systems designed to target specific needs, including age or sun spots, wrinkles, redness, large pores and acne. So what made my interview at Mariposa Medical Spa such an exception to the norm? Bolanos, a savvy business woman in her own right, knew that writing about a product or procedure would come across much more accurately and believable if the person conducting the interview knew first-hand what it was like. In other words, I was treated to a Blue Peel and mini-facial! As I alluded to earlier, I don’t take care of my skin nearly as well as I should, so the thought of getting a peel and facial thrilled me beyond belief, at first.
Then, as I lay on the table and she began applying the product, I began to second-guess my fervor. “I have a fan that I can turn on if it gets too warm,” Bolanos said as she applied the peel. “No, I’m okay,” I assured her, moments before I realized I could sure use something to cool me off! I toughed it out though and within about 15 minutes, I was on my way to brighter, softer, more radiant skin! After the peel she treated me to a mini-facial, during which she used the Obagi skin care products. When it was all said and done, I rinsed my face and was amazed at how different it felt. I was also a bit amazed at just how red my skin turned, though brief as it was. I’m happy to report that within a couple of hours my skin was back to its original color but remained smooth and soft for some time afterward. I looked refreshed and rejuvenated, just what I was hoping for! I believe it’s safe to say I’ll be going back for more, whether it’s laser hair removal or Obagi skin care products or whatever it is my pocketbook will allow. All in a day’s work!
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on the road
There’s No Place Like Home...
for Vacationing! Did You Know?
Guadalupe Mountains National Park is home to three species of horned lizards - the mountain shorthorned lizard, the roundtail horned lizard and the Texas horned lizard.
Photos: Texas Horned Lizard & Guadalupe Mountains National Park.
“An interesting tidbit, but what does that have to do with my vacation?” you ask. “A very good question!” I exclaim. It could have everything to do with your vacation if, for one of a myriad of reasons, you elected to participate in the recent vacation trend of “stay-cationing” or vacationing close to home. The Guadalupe Mountains National Park is less than 100 miles from Artesia, which is just about perfect for an early morning scenic drive and an awesome day communing with nature. Then visit the Fiesta Drive-in Theatre in Carlsbad and drive back home in the cool of the evening. Actually, living in Artesia is a major advantage for the stay-cationer
focus on artesia | summer 2013
by Sylvia Hewett Schneider
because there are so many things to do within about a three-hour drive in any direction. I suppose you might first need to determine what it is you want to do with your time off from work. Shopping, fine dining, concerts, casinos, skiing (water in the summer, snow in the winter), fishing, racing, rodeo, museums, art, SCUBA diving or fun classes are all available to the stay-cationer in Artesia! Even if there isn’t a shortage of time, money, gas or other conflicts, we can all staycation and have the best vacation ever. Instead of going to visit out-of-state friends or relatives, invite them to visit Artesia and show them the sights! Now about those issues... some of us may have plenty of time off and the money to jet just about anywhere in the world for recreation, so why would we stay-cation? For some of the same reasons that those of us with only a few days available or those with limited funds might choose to staycation -- we recognize the importance of keeping as much money local as possible, we resent higher and
seemingly arbitrarily rising gas prices, and we realize that there are wonders in our own backyard we haven’t yet seen or shared with our families. John Howard Payne said it best, in his poem, Home, Sweet Home, “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.” But if your idea of a vacation is to not sleep in your own bed and you want that luxurious take-me-away feeling, I have to say that The Heritage Inn is the ideal “home away from home.” Still don’t believe? Let’s break it down! Artesia has a really cool museum, there’s always something sporty going on, it’s not difficult to find out where Old School is playing, or just check out what’s happening at the Ocotillo Performing Arts Center. For really good, authentic Mexican food, I would recommend La Herradura on Pine Street. Their smothered burrito is an experience! Of course, there are several other home-owned restaurants in Artesia that are far superior to any
chain or franchise restaurant, including Henry’s BBQ and La Fonda. The Wellhead is a micro-brewery with a full kitchen, or you can go to Cottonwood Winery for a more “grown-up” evening. Roswell and Carlsbad are the obvious “quick trip” locations, and both have community college classes, such as photography, cake decorating, music or other topics of interest, some of which are single session, others which meet once a week for four weeks -- a nice way to broaden your horizons and invest in your talents, hobbies or skills you’d like to acquire. Now if you actually want to “get away” for the day and do something a little different, right off the bat, Ruidoso offers most of the things any vacation could possibly ask for (and is a bona fide destination in its own right) just two hours away. Fun shopping, casinos and the Spencer Theater for
the Performing Arts are all available in the heart of the Lincoln National Forest. For the outdoorsy types, the Lincoln National Forest is just one of many opportunities for stay-cationing with nature. Did you know there are several state and national parks convenient to Artesians? Really, it’s true! From the Grulla National Wildlife Refuge near Portales to the Three Rivers Petroglyph Recreational Site west of Ruidoso to Carlsbad Caverns, there are numerous opportunities to explore the great outdoors. Balmorhea State Park in Texas is only three hours away with the most amazing springfed swimming pool, noted to be the world’s largest, which covers 1.75 acres and stays at 72–76 degrees year round. “SCUBA divers love the clarity even at a 25-foot depth” (http://www.tpwd. Pick a direction, drive three hours
or less and you’ll find something for everyone. Or just pick a random, nearby destination, like the ones below, and enjoy the best stay-cation ever! International UFO Museum and Research Center 114 N. Main St., Roswell Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park 1504 Miehls Dr., Carlsbad Sitting Bull Falls Lincoln National Forest White Sands National Monument 19955 U.S. 70, Alamogordo White’s City Resort & Water Park 17 Carlsbad Caverns Hwy., Carlsbad Zia Park Casino 3901 W. Millen Dr., Hobbs Imagination, enthusiasm, an open mind and a good attitude are really the ingredients to any successful vacation or, even better, a successful “stay-cation.”
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summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on life in artesia
Life’s Big Upz and Downz
by Kyle Marksteiner
Artesia’s Gus Macker basketball tournament made history this
year by being the first and only night-time Macker in the nation, but for a group of Artesia players, the true focus was getting to play in memory of a former teammate. Jose Martinez was an active member of Big Upz, an informal sports and recreation group formed by a group of Artesia men now in their 30s. Big Upz play pickup basketball games weekly, field several teams in the annual Artesia Macker and even travel to Gus Macker tournaments around the region. Martinez died of a stroke in 2011, but his team members keep him in their thoughts at all times. “I met him out here on the basketball court,” said Daniel Zamarron, 34. “We
focus on artesia | summer 2013
hung out and joked a lot. He was just always smiling.” Zamarron, like other members of Big Upz, has a “79” on his team jersey and on his tennis shoes, a way of honoring Martinez by printing the year of his birth. Martinez played college football at Eastern New Mexico University
but turned to basketball as a hobby after school. He worked as a DJ in the Artesia area. At some point, he, Zamarron, and a number of other players began calling their pickup group the Big Upz.
main Photo: Jeremy Luevano, 10, poses in the Artesia
Junior High gym during a pickup game of basketball. Luevano said he appreciates that many players compete in memory of his uncle, Jose Martinez.
inset Photo top: Adam Leachman (left) and the late Jose
inset Photo Bottom: A group of Big Upz team members
take a break during a game for a picture with some of their family.
“We’ve been playing together for a long time,” Zamarron said. What’s a Big Upz? “It’s based on a song lyric, ‘Big Upz to all my haters,’” explained Adam Leachman, a longtime friend of Martinez and the biggest guy on the court during most pickup sessions in Artesia. “It was just our way of telling everybody that you can hate us, but we are who we are.” “We pretty much get along with everybody, though,” added Zamarron. Leachman and Martinez had been friends since high school. “He was one of the best people I ever knew,” Leachman noted. “He was kind, caring and compassionate, and he taught me a lot about the person I’d like to be.” Jeremy Luevano, 10, also competed on a junior Big Upz team at the tournament with some of his friends. It was his third year to compete in a
Gus Macker, and he hoped this year that some extra practice sessions with the adults would make the difference. He thought it was pretty neat that the Big Upz played in memory of his uncle, Jose. “He was like a father to me,” Luevano said. Competition at the tournaments was difficult after Martinez’s passing. All the competitors kept asking what happened to him. “We’d tell them, and you could see the tears in their eyes,” Zamarron said, noting that returning players to the pickup games also frequently ask about their team member.
members of the group are now over 30 and therefore eligible to compete in 30+ brackets. The 3-on-3 basketball tournaments include four members, and there are enough Big Upz players around that they usually field more than one team. A younger squad of friends also joins the 30-something crowd in the pickup games. “I can still run with these younger guys,” Zamarron exclaimed. This year, Artesia’s tournament was held June 7-8 at Jaycee Park. Zamarron said the Big Upz enjoy attending tournaments on their home court, and they usually hang out to watch every game.
A memorial to Martinez was also set up at the Artesia Event Center. ENMU-Roswell even holds a basketball tournament in his memory.
The players with Big Upz also attend an annual picnic and celebration that they’ve now scheduled on Martinez’s birthday in his memory. It’s just another way of remembering a close basketball buddy.
Big Upz has been winning a lot of its tournaments lately, and that’s partially due to the fact that the core
Zamarron noted, “I can still hear him yelling on the court all the time.” Martinez left an impression on all of us.
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F oc u s on food & fun
Photo left: Daniel, 6, and Carper, 6, earn their keep during
Smokin’ on the Pecos selling baseball caps and koozies for Black Betty, a barbeque vendor from Roswell.
Photo right: Kelli and Seth Bush and their son, Silas, enjoy
some tasty barbeque during Smokin’ on the Pecos.
It was a wet, soggy Saturday morning in February 2011.
David and Vicki Grousnick had filled their coffee cups and flipped on the TV to the Food Network Channel. David, a local pastor, saw that BBQ Pitmasters was coming on and encouraged his wife to tune in with him. “He said, ‘I’ve always wanted to watch this,’ so we sat down and six hours later…!” she joked. It turns out, that six-hour marathon of the popular Food Network show BBQ Pitmasters set into motion the plan that would eventually become Smokin’ on the Pecos – a weekend full of barbeque, music, crafts and all around family fun. “I think we can do that!” he said after watching the show. “We can at least become certified judges.” Vicki’s response: “Well, Monday morning, call around and see what it would take for us to do it.” David took the ball and ran. As a member of the Trailblazers, a subcommittee of the Artesia Chamber of Commerce, he knew the group had been looking for an event that would bring in tourists and help boost the local economy. A barbeque competition, he figured, would be a perfect event to fill the need. “I called the Trailblazers with my idea, and they went whole hog,” he quipped.
focus on artesia | summer 2013
It turns out, the Grousnicks were on to something. In the world of barbeque competition, there was a “huge geographical void,” as David put it, in the area of the U.S. that is west of Dallas and east of Phoenix. Other than Rio Rancho, there are no other competitions in the state of New Mexico, or the region, for that matter. Artesia had the perfect “southwest” location and the perfect community for the droves of visitors that embarked on the small New Mexico town. By the Numbers This marked the second year for Smokin’ on the Pecos and by all accounts this year’s event was a huge success. The numbers speak for themselves: event attendance this year increased from 7,500 visitors to more than 10,000; the number of competitive barbeque teams increased from 32 to more than 70; the craft show doubled in size to include an additional building; and the cowboy mounted shooters competition increased from 40 shooters to 62. In addition, six people from the show Pitmasters competed in the event. Overall, a total of nine states were
represented at Smokin’ on the Pecos – not bad for a little town tucked in the southeast corner of the Land of Enchantment! “It was a successful event last year,” David explained. “An event has to have 15 pro teams to qualify [as a Kansas City Barbeque Society event] and last year we had 32.” Vicki interjected, “But we worked really hard for those 32 teams! We went to other events, handed out savethe-date-cards, set up stuff at church, we did national advertising; it was a lot of work to get those 32 teams.” This year was a different story though. “This year we didn’t spend a penny in national advertising,” David said. “It was all word of mouth.” Adding to his comments, Vicki said, “The way Artesians treated the competitors last year, the hospitality they showed, was overwhelming to them. They couldn’t get over how nice everyone was to them, and they remembered that.” The Grousnicks said the weekend after last year’s event, they traveled to Rio Rancho for the Pork & Brew barbeque festival, where they saw many of the same teams who had competed in Artesia the previous weekend. “It was
interesting to see the way they took ownership in our event,” Vicki joked. “They would talk about Smokin’ on the Pecos like it was their event, which was kind of neat, although we thought, ‘Our event?’ How is that your event?!” Overall, the Grousnicks said vendors were very pleased with the accommodations at the Eddy County Fairgrounds, the hospitality of the
locals and the organization of the event. “Those are the things that will keep them coming back,” Vicki said. Cowboy Mounted Shooters During the planning stages of Smokin’ on the Pecos, the Grousnicks had come to conclude a couple of things based on other events they had attended, one of which was the fact that Smokin’ had to be a family
friendly event. “We knew we wanted things for people with kids, things for people without kids, things for everyone,” Vicki said. “That’s when we decided mounted shooting would be the perfect event that would be fun for the entire family and would really set us apart from other events. It kind of brings in the southwest vibe!” So what exactly is cowboy mounted
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shooting? It is a competitive equestrian sport, regulated by several national organizations, that requires the riding of a horse to negotiate a shooting pattern where targets are engaged with blank ammunition that is certified to break a target balloon within 20 feet. (No bullets are used.) It’s a fast-paced, heart-pounding event that brings in the sounds and sights of the west – competition style! “We had 40 shooters participate last year and this year we had 62 shooters from all over the U.S.,” David noted. “We put in $5,000 added prize money this year – TNC Tanks, Yates Petroleum and Smokin’ on the Pecos did – which made our event one of the top seven events in the nation for mounted shooting.” A Non-profit Helping Other Non-profits “We like to think of ourselves as a nonprofit helping other non-profits,” Vicki said of Smokin’, an event that seems to have taken on a life of its own. “We want to be able to help as many other non-profits as we can, and this year we were really able to help a lot of organizations raise much-needed funds.” Some of the benefactors of this year’s event included: • The high school rodeo boosters, who received all proceeds from soda and bottled water sales. • West Main Baptist Church – they set up inflatable jump houses and charged a small admission fee to jump; the proceeds were used for a mission trip to the Ukraine. • Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts who were paid a stipend for trash removal. Photo left: MarySue Kuykendall enjoys some family fun with her
six granddaughters during Smokin’ on the Pecos, three of whom were visiting from out of state.
Photo right: Local band Shilo braves the heat and performs for the excited crowd.
focus on artesia | summer 2013
• The Wet-n-Wild Fun Ride sponsored by Ride for Bikes. The three-mile fun ride included 180 participants who rode bikes or ran/walked from Jaycee Park to the Eddy County Fairgrounds and were sprayed with water along the way. Participants paid a $25 fee and all proceeds benefited Ride for Bikes, an organization that provides bicycles to children. • The CARC Farm of Carlsbad, the Republican party of Eddy County and Christian motorcycle club, all of whom set up booths at no charge and were able to interact with the public and disperse information. BBQ in June? Really? A secondary goal, the Grousnicks said, was to bring some awareness and attention to Artesia, southeastern New Mexico and to Eddy County. “A lot of people came last year and now they say, ‘Okay, we’re going to come and plan on staying here,’ which is great for tourism,” she said. “They realize there’s a lot to do here, so some will hang around Artesia, some will visit the Carlsbad Caverns or Cloudcroft, and it helps our area and our state quite a bit.” Because tourism played a big part in the planning process, the Grousnicks said the timing of Smokin’ was well thought-out, which explains why it takes place in the unforgiving June heat! As it turns out, the Rio Rancho Pork & Brew barbeque festival is held each year during the Fourth of July weekend. Knowing this, the Grousnicks intentionally planned their event to precede Rio Rancho’s event in order to hopefully retain as many out-of-state visitors as possible in New Mexico. To further their cause, they created the Governor’s Cup, which allows the top competitors from Smokin’ to compete at Pork & Brew for a chance to win an additional $3,000 and the coveted award – the Governor’s Cup. This year 20
competitors from Smokin’ went on to compete for the Governor’s Cup at Pork & Brew, which means a lot more tourists stayed in New Mexico for another week. The Future of Smokin’ on the Pecos “We are about at our max for vendors,” David said of the event’s future. “Our accommodations can’t handle many more competitors; 70 is a good number. Something we have come to realize is barbeque is definitely the heart of the event, but music is the soul of it.” So what does that mean? David said he anticipates more and possibly bigger musical acts in the future with a potential “kick-off ” concert on the Thursday before the start of the event. “People really seem to like having live music, and we want to continue with that,” he said. From a judge’s perspective, David said the event was also considered a success. “The judges come from all over. They don’t get paid or reimbursed or anything,” Vicki noted. “They do it as a hobby, and all they get is a signature in their book.” Having certified judges at an event like Smokin’ on the Pecos means more professional competitors will be likely to sign on for another year. “Competitors look for several things: good accommodations, prize money and percentage of certified judges,” David said. Thanks to the success of this year’s event, the Grousnicks said they will be able to advertise next year’s event as “96 percent certified judged.” So, the future looks bright for the family-friendly, fun in the sun, annual weekend of BBQ at the Eddy County Fairgrounds. Start making plans now for next year’s event, slated for June 27-28!
r e m m Su Trivia The summer’s Dog Days are named for what? For Sirius, the Dog Star, which rises and sets with the sun and which ancients believed added heat to the summer. When and where was the first ice cream parlor opened? New York City, 1776 When was the first bathing suit worn? Greece in 350 BC Which nationality invented and wore the first pair of sunglasses? The Chinese
Which state grows the most lemons? California Summer solstice occurs on what two sequential days in the Northern Hemisphere? June 20-21 According to U.S. agricultural statistics, these two vegetables have more sales in the month of August than during all the other months of the year combined. Corn and squash According to U.S. agricultural statistics what three fresh fruits outsell all others during the course of summer? Peaches, watermelon and tomatoes
On August 9, 1944, the U.S. was first introduced to this publicservice mascot. Who was he? Smokey Bear, the fire prevention bear What over-the-counter vitamin can be used as an effective sunscreen by either ingesting it or allowing it to diffuse in water and then applying to the skin? Vitamin C Which “summertime smell” do social researchers say is most often found to stimulate pleasant memories in human beings? Cut grass
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summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s on the chamber
Chamber Chat Summer is a busy time in Artesia! And, the Chamber has been busy during this eventful season. We celebrated our final Fourth of July extravaganza with the local Sons of Thunder Pyro Team. For 20 years, Artesians have been spoiled by the local professional pyro team that donated so much time and energy to making sure Artesia would celebrate the Fourth in colorful style with a fabulous fireworks show. This Fourth of July was the team’s last. Team leader Mike Deans has decided to retire from Deans Inc. as well as fireworks. The others – Ken Murphy, Michael Blackwell, Jon Ross, and Ted Dion – have all decided it is time for them to put down the torch as well. Each remains in Artesia, but choosing to devote more quality time to family
and other commitments, including work and volunteerism in the community. A very special thanks to each one of the crew who have made our Fourth of July so special over the years.
over the state and West Texas. They all brought friends, family and fans to fill Jaycee Park with thousands of guests for the first weekend in June. Plan to join us next year, the first weekend in June, at the annual nighttime Gus Macker streetball tournament!
Will the show go on? We sure hope so! Artesia Chamber will work with a volunteer committee, including Mr. Deans, to find another crew to do fireworks on Independence Day. But, it won’t be cheap. As always, the Chamber will work to raise money for the show, but we anticipate having to raise more than ever. The Sons of Thunder has always so generously donated all their time, labor and many other costs. We imagine a future in which we will begin paying a retail value. While Artesia has been so spoiled by the team, we know we as a community will be able to step up and find a new plan for the next era!
Smokin’ on the Pecos was another huge hit, with 74 competition BBQ teams, more than double the number competing last year. TV personalities from Pitmasters were on hand competing against locals and other teams from 9 different states! Country western star Mark Chesnutt topped it off with an excellent concert Saturday night. Watch for Smokin’ next year, you won’t want to miss it!
In other event news, Gus Macker and Smokin’ on the Pecos in Artesia attracted more teams than ever this year! Gus Macker in Artesia was the first and only nighttime Macker tournament in the entire nation. With nearly 200 teams playing, we had 668 individual players coming from all
C&T Donuts
Encore Cupcakes
Artesia Chamber of Commerce and Trailblazers celebrated the opening of Addiction June 14. Local businesswoman Shawn Halsell opened the new clothing boutique to feature men’s and women’s lines, including Miss Me and Affliction. A members’ only gym is located next to the clothing store, allowing keycard access for members. The store and gym are located at 1401 W. Main St. Call (575) 736-7467.
Artesia Chamber of Commerce and Trailblazers welcomed C & T Donuts to the business community and Chamber membership April 22. C&T is Artesia’s only specialty doughnut shop, providing a great place to enjoy a doughnut, coffee and other breakfast items from the menu. Open Monday-Saturday 5 AM to 12 PM and Sunday 6 AM to 12 PM. Call (575) 499-5512.
Artesia Chamber of Commerce and Trailblazers celebrated the opening of Encore Cupcakes June 5. This specialty cupcake shop adds a Hollywood twist, giving each cupcake a movie theme. From the Darth Vader chocolate-on-chocolate to the Three Amigos tres leches, you won’t be disappointed. Open Tuesday-Friday 9 AM to 6 PM and Saturday 11 AM to 3 PM. The little shop is located at 310 W. Main St. next to the Ocotillo PAC. Call (575) 736-1540.
focus on artesia | summer 2013
F oc u s on the chamber Welcome New chamber Members! Artesia Chamber of Commerce is proud to welcome the following businesses as new members. The Chamber staff would like to say “thank you” for joining The Chamber. Please remember, these businesses can accept Chamber Bucks and proudly support our community in many ways throughout the year!
ABC & 123 Preschool 1006 W. Bullock Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 703-6304 (575) 746-4770
1401 W. Main St. Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 736-7467
Allwater Systems 5012 N. Lovington Hwy. Hobbs, NM 88210 (575) 492-0006
1502 W Main St Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 736-1331
C & T Donuts
1301 W Centre Ave Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 499-5512
Elite Well Services 2702 N. Freeman Artesia, N.M. (575) 736-4411
11262 Lovington Hwy Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 746-4492 (575) 703-7888
Encore Cupcakes
Artesia Fleet Wash & Auto Detail
Family Financial
203 E Main St. Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 914-3444
314 W Main St. Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 736-1367 500 N. Main St. Suite 444 Roswell, NM 88201 (575) 622-1008
Foxworth Galbraith Lumber Company
Justin Munoz Re/Max
Gentiva Hospice
Murdock Machine Shop, Inc
100 W Hwy 70 Ruidoso, NM 88345 (575) 378-1129 (575) 378-1154
400 N. Pennsylvania Ave #500 Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 627-1145 Toll Free: (800) 820-4215
Harcrow Surveying 2314 W. Main Artesia, NM (575) 746-2158 (575) 513-2570
Just for Concrete, LLC 400 W. Richey Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 746-1099
Green Mountain Real EstateAssociate Member 500 Burn Avenue Cloudcroft, NM 88317 (575) 921-7002
715 East Main Street Artesia, N.M. (575) 746-4442
O’Reilly Auto Parts 1501 West Main Street Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 746-8626
Sanctuary On The River
207 Eagle Drive Ruidoso, NM 88355 (575) 630-1111
SD Services Incorporated
324 W. Main, Suite 109 Artesia, NM 88210 (575) 736-2111
Stone Trucking Just for Concrete
O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
Artesia Chamber of Commerce and Trailblazers helped local longtime business owner Karen Usherwood celebrate the opening of her new business, Just For Concrete, on June 20. Located at 400 W. Richey, Just for Concrete specializes in industrial, construction, and concrete supplies. Call (575) 746-1099.
Artesia Chamber of Commerce and Trailblazers welcome O’Reilly’s Auto Parts to the business community and chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on April 19. O’Reilly’s sells all your auto parts needs from replacement to performance. The store is located at 1501 W. Main St. Open Monday-Saturday 7:30 AM to 9 PM and Sunday 9 AM to 8 PM. Visit or call (575) 746-8626.
6905 Stonegate Dr. Odessa, TX 79765 (432) 894-0969 (432) 257-9062
summer 2013 | a community magazine
F oc u s business directory
Serving South Eastern New Mexico Since 1947
Call Lilly Anaya 575.302.0815
or email:
575.746.3822 1405 W MAIN STREET
F oc u s calendar of events August 2013
As you look forward to your new or continued career protecting us, FEDS looks forward to protecting you!
July 16-Aug 30 • The Artesia Quilters Guild will present their 13th annual show, featuring all-new works. The Guild is known for their innovative designs, so don’t miss this opportunity to check out their latest creations. 01-03 • Mack Energy Select Drive Golf Tournament - ACC 03 • Rising Star Summer Theatre: “The Little Mermaid” - OPAC 11-12 • Western Bank Pro-Member Golf Tournament – ACC 17-18 • Challenge Cup Golf Tournament – ACC 23-24 • SNM-SCI Sporting Clays Fundraiser – ECSRA 23-24 • Artesia Relay for Life at Martin Luther King Park 24 • Navajo Open Golf Tournament – ACC 29-Sept 1 • NM Sporting Clays State Championship - ECSRA
Annual Premium
September 2013
Professional Liability Insurance
$1,000,000.00 for $290 $2,000,000.00 for $390 Most federal law enforcement officers are eligible for up to 50% agency reimbursement for this insurance.
FEDS is endorsed by the leading federal LEO associations. You must have coverage in place prior to the allegation, claim or suit or coverage will not apply so call or visit FEDS today at 866.955.FEDS or or call 866.955.FEDS
02 • Labor Day Golf Tournament – ACC 06-07 • Navajo Oil & Gas Golf Tournament – ACC 13 • Bulldog Football Homecoming & Parade – CoC 13-14 • First National Bank AG Golf Invitational – ACC 21 • Toss no Mas’ – ACB 27-28 • Clays Crusher Sporting Clays Fun Shoot – CoC Have a blast with the 5th Annual Fun Shoot 28 • PVT Employee Golf Tournament – ACC TBA • Our annual Living Treasures ceremony will take place, honoring one man and one woman from our community that have made a difference in our town. A short program will be followed by a reception, and refreshments will be served. Check back for more information.
October 2013 (Cont.)
23 • Sierra Machinery Golf Tournament – ACC 26 • 6th Annual Dia de los Muertos Celebration – AHM 26 • PAVLO Concert – OPAC 26 • United Way Benefit Golf Tournament – ACC
For more information Call The Artesia Chamber of Commerce at 575-746-2744 or visit • Artesia Chamber of Commerce (CoC) • Artesia Clean & Beautiful (ACB) • Artesia Country Club (ACC) • Artesia Historical Museum & Art Center (AHM) • Artesia Main Street (AMS) • Ocotillo Performing Arts Center (OPAC)
October 2013
05 • Altrusa Golf Scramble – ACC 15 • Henry & Mudge Performance – OPAC 19 • 37th Annual Art in the Park – OPAC 19 • NM 4-H Foundation Clover Buster – ECSRA
focus on artesia | summer 2013
September 27-28
Artesia General Hospital
centers of care Artesia General Hospital Memorial Family Practice General Surgery/Gastrointestinal Disorders Podiatry Cardiology Urology Orthopedics Ear, Nose & Throat Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation Services
575.748.3333 575.746.3119 575.748.8526 575.736.8282 575.736.8270 575.748.8311 575.748.8301 575.748.8354 575.736.8175 575.736.8174