1 march 2014 issue

Page 1


Issue: 3

1- March- 2014

Page: 40

Rs 20/-

FOG FOCUS ON GLOBE A Complete News Magazine


RNI Regd No JKENG/2013/50569

“Double Standard polices” “Supreme Court changed all the rules After hanging my innocent husband” “Tabasum Guroo” “Cover Story”

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“We Were Forced to Suck Each Other’s Genitals” READ MOHAMMAD RAFIQ SHAH’S MEMORY (Page-22)


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“Dazzling volcano eruption in Russia seen from space” (Page-35)

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r ) re aft ldie ara b Rape’ age-6 o s P w y ( s p m u as “Ar -DC K ra ‘M o Ex oshp P anKun Syed Mohammad Yasin, Ex-DC Kupwara Speaks at a seminar in Srinagar

“In di Fo r C NA a to P ycl SA roc on e P Aircr ure red aft (Pa ictio ge- n” 24)

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