Focus of SWFL - Getting Creative

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JUL/AUG 2013





CHROMALIGHT display with long-lasting luminescence - White lacquered, snailed pink gold small seconds counter






ontent Col l i e r Sa raso ta Cha rl o tte Le e



24 You Need a 5-Year Plan 26 Nutrition 30 Get Healthy and in Shape 32 Connecting 44 Will You Lose Your Homeowners Insurance… 50 Designing 53 Hitting the Road 54 Speaking… 60 Restful Retreat 63 Summer Beauty 65 Scott Fischer 66 Satisfying 68 Diamond 71 Dr. Sweet 72 Queen… 76 Savvy Money Tips 78 Seeing Nude 80 Best House on the Block 82 Bring Your Personal Design 88 Take Time to Tackle… 90 Take Charge… 96 Medicare Beneficiaries Can Save Money 98 Must-have Gadgets 103 Footwear 104 Fitness Tips


10 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


100 48




ontent Col l i e r S a ra s ota Cha rl otte Lee


Tips Your Unique Style Crossing Over Exposed Indrea Gordon Sculptured Ensemble Steven Popovich A Day at … Sprouts Go Fish! Keep Pets Healthy & Cool Know Thyself



FO CM a g a z i n e


of S W F L

120 123 130 137 152 154 156 171 173 175 178 181

146 Publisher: Focus Magazine of SWFL Cover Photography: David Walden Model: Anastasia Wardrobe & Stylist: Chalia Breonn Hair: Candice Hudson Makeup: Heiddis Ros Reynisdottir Swimsuit & Necklace: D&G



News & Info

Artist Gallery

79 Easy Care for natural Stone 95 A Haven for Serenity and Wellness 107 Best-Selling Active wear 123 PureMoist Lipstick 163 Tee Time for Tots 123 Child Care of Southwest Florida eBook 177 Cardiologist Recognized Nationally

12 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


Joshua K. Darnall M.A, Robert P. Metzger, Ph.D., Christine Lindsey, Nora Miller, Kayla DaCosta, Daniel De Brun, Susan Bennett, Steven Popovich, , Susana Sueldo, Josh Fortress, Manuela Biocca, Jean-François Romero, Toni Brattin, Michele Casper, Chip Krespach, Samantha Scott, Victor Simpkins, Nancy Nassiff, Garth Francis, Anthony William, Curt Blakeney, Cynthia Lawes, Ian Downs, Dan Myricks, Terry Profetto, Krystina Woldanowski Focus Magazine of SWFL is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus Magazine of SWFL policy. © 2010 Focus Magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.

Photography by Kristian Schuller

Photography by Kristian Schuller


Maserati of Central Florida - 525 South Lake Destiny Drive - Orlando - Florida 32810 - 407.667.4300

You Need a 5-Year Plan

Today’s 50-something CEOs tend to have vague dreams of more fishing, traveling or sailing when they retire, but they don’t know when that might be so they haven’t begun planning for it. That’s a mistake, say a trio of specialists: wealth management advisor Haitham “Hutch” Ashoo, CPA Jim Kohles, and estate planning attorney John Hartog. “Whether you’re selling your company, passing it along to a successor or simply retiring, that’s a potentially irreversible life event – you’ve got just one chance to get it right,” says Ashoo, CEO of Pillar Wealth Management. A 2012 survey of CEOs by executive search firm Witt/Kieffer found 71 percent of those aged 55 to 59 have no retirement plan, although 73 percent look forward to more recreational and leisure activities when they let go of the reins. “A lot of baby boomers have the idea that they’re just going to work till they stop working,” says Kohles, chairman of RINA accountancy corporation. “If they hope to do certain things in retirement and maintain a certain lifestyle, they’re likely to end up disappointed.” Planning for the transition from CEO to retiree should incorporate everything – including what happens to your assets after you’re gone, adds John Hartog of Hartog & Baer Trust and Estate Law. “Many of my clients worry about what effects a large inheritance will have on their children – they want to continue parenting from the grave. You can, but should think hard about doing that,” he says. The three say smart planning requires coordinating among all of your advisors; that’s the best way to avoid an irrevocable mistake. With that in mind, Ashoo, Kohles and Hartog offer these suggestions and considerations from their respective areas of expertise: 1. Ashoo: Identify your specific lifestyle goals for retirement, so you can plan for funding them. To determine how much money you’ll need, you have to have a clear picture of what you want, Ashoo says. Do you see yourself on your own yacht? Providing seed capital for your children to buy a business? Pursuing charitable endeavors? Each goal will have a dollar amount attached, and you (or your advisor) can then determine whether it’s feasible and, if so, put together a financial plan. “But you can’t just create a plan and forget it. You need to monitor its progress regularly and make adjustments to make sure you’re staying on course, just like you would if you were sailing or flying,” Ashoo says. “We run our clients’ plans quarterly.“

It’s also imperative that you don’t take any undue risks – that is, risks beyond what’s necessary to meet your goals, he says. “You may hear about a great investment opportunity and want in on it, but if you lose that money, you may not have a chance to make it up.” 2. Kohles: Don’t sell yourself short when selling your business. “If you’re banking on money from the sale of your business, know that it’s unlikely you’ll have investors just waiting with the cash for the chance to buy it when you’re ready to sell,” Kohles says. Buyers are more likely to offer to pay over time from the company’s future earnings -- which leaves the retired CEO with no control over the business and utterly reliant on the new owners to maintain its profitability. A good alternative is to establish an S corporation combined with an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), Kohles says. “You’re selling the company to the employees while retaining control until you phase yourself completely out,” he says. “The ESOP doesn’t pay income taxes – the employees do when they retire. And you don’t pay taxes on the money or the stock that you contribute.” 3. Hartog: What do you want your kids’ inheritance to say? If you have children, this decision can change their lives for the better – or the worse. “How your assets are disposed of should reflect your values,” Hartog says. “A lot of people prefer to think in terms of taxes at the expense of values. I advise against that.” For children, incentive trusts can encourage, or discourage, certain behaviors. “If you’re concerned your adult child won’t be productive if he has a lot of money, set up a trust that will make distributions equal to what the child earns himself,” Hartog says. “Or, if you want to be supportive of a child who’s doing something socially responsible, like teaching in an impoverished area, you can set it up to pay twice his salary.” There are many creative ways to establish trusts, Hartog says. Plan about five years out and change the trust as life events dictate. 24 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

While it’s important to maintain a regular health and wellness regimen, busy schedules and last minute commitments can sometimes send us off track. Many Americans may try to maintain a balanced diet but continue to fall short on valuable key nutrients necessary for a healthy body.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

In fact, according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, the overall quality of the American diet gets a failing grade. According to the Healthy Eating Index, adults (19+ years) score just 50 out of 100 on the quality of their diets.

Nutrition Family Features

for Busy Lifestyles

While hectic lifestyles may play a role in this failing grade, registered dietitian and best-selling author, Dave Grotto has a few simple and effective tips to maintain proper nutrition even when time is tight. Eat nutrient-filled meals. Set aside five minutes to pack a healthy lunch before you head to work each day. Prepare meals such as a salad with grilled chicken or a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread – healthy options that provide a combination of protein and fiber to give you sustained energy throughout the day. “It’s vital that we find ways to get the nutrients our bodies need and eating wellbalanced meals can do just that,” says Grotto. Take your vitamins. In addition to proper food choices, quality dietary supplements can be helpful to fill nutrient gaps. As someone who believes that the vitamin experience can be enjoyable, Grotto has partnered with Nature Made® in support of their VitaMelts™ line. “Nature Made VitaMelts come in great flavors like juicy orange and melt smoothly in your mouth without water which provides an enjoyable vitamin experience,” says Grotto. “Plus they come in a handy, portable flip-top pack which can fit perfectly in your gym bag, or work bag, an added convenience factor on days you may not be eating as properly as you should.” Stay active and enjoy the sunshine. Even if it is minimal, find time to move each day while you’re at work; take the stairs instead of the elevator or go for a ten minute walk around the block. An added benefit of being outdoors, even for a short amount of time, is the exposure to sunlight, which helps skin produce vitamin D3. Unfortunately, many food sources do not provide nearly enough vitamin D to meet dietary recommendations. Grotto recommends a vitamin supplement such as Nature Made VitaMelts Vitamin D3 in a creamy vanilla flavor. Don’t forget to take time for yourself. Rest and relaxation can help to rejuvenate your mind, and is an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Not only does Grotto recommend getting six to eight hours of sleep a night, he also suggests keeping to the same bedtime each night. Maintaining such a simple routine can really do the body good.

26 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Inimitable Pieces That Evoke Extraordinary Moments It is passion for gold and enthusiasm for the best craftsmanship – that which transforms a jewel into a work of art. Its collections are full of iconic jewels that serve as a benchmark for authentic mastery in sculpting gold and achieving a matte-shine combination effect. This savoir-faire along with the generous volumes and detailed carving of the gold bring each piece to life. For Carrera y Carrera, its link to Spain is essential as a source of inspiration for the development of its collections. The entire creative and development process of each jewelry piece takes place wholly in the Madrid workshop. Each step in the creation of a piece is influenced by the Spanish character that has become one of the fundamental pillars in the evolution of the company’s excellent trajectory throughout its history. Carrera y Carrera endures thanks to a standard of incalculable value – the savoir faire of the nearly 60 jewelers who work in its Madrid workshop, where tradition and the expertise of master goldsmiths are joined together. It is here that each jewelry piece is crafted entirely by hand, giving each one a flawless grandeur.

Get Healthy and In Shape Family Features

Swimsuit season is here so it’s time to tone up, slim down and get ready for summer. Building lean muscle, burning fat and eating right is easier when you know what steps to take. Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine can provide long-term results, according to two experts from Curves, Nadia Rodman, director of nutrition, and Katie Mitchell, director of exercise. Here are six tips to get you started on the path to better health:

Tip #6 Have a Coach: It helps to have a coach or workout buddy for accountability and motivation. It’s always more fun to work out with a partner and the added support will help keep you on track. Look for a gym or club that offers a coach that is hands-on and will meet with you on a regular basis.

Tip #1 Make Over Your Breakfast: A higher protein breakfast turns up your satiety signal and helps you fight cravings throughout the day. Consider a parfait made with fresh fruit and low-fat Greek yogurt that can add as much as 30 grams of protein to your day. Try this easy recipe: Combine 1 cup plain, low-fat Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup almonds, 1 cup strawberries and 1/2 cup blueberries or another favorite fruit.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Tip #2 Add Some Flavor to Your Water: Try flavoring your water naturally with fresh fruit and herbs, such as berries, orange slices, mint and lemon or lime slices. Simply fill a large pitcher with water or carbonated water, fruit, and/or herbs of your choice. Store in the refrigerator for about 3 hours. Pour water over ice and enjoy. Tip #3 Keep Healthy Snacks Handy: Be prepared when a snack craving hits. Snacks packed with protein help keep your energy level even so you don’t hit a sugar low in the afternoon. Good options to keep handy or in a desk drawer include a handful of almonds, a piece of beef jerky or dried pumpkin seeds. Tip #4 Add Strength Training: Be sure to incorporate resistance training into your exercise program. Resistance training helps build lean muscle, which builds your strength, creating a firm and toned appearance – plus it boosts your metabolism. Weight bearing exercise also helps build up bone density. Tip #5 Add Cardiovascular Exercise: While resistance training helps us build lean muscle, cardio activity will strengthen your heart and burn body fat. Look for a workout that includes both strength training and cardio exercise, such as Curves. Also look for activities the whole family can enjoy, such as charitable walks or runs in your community.

30 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Connecting with Your Kids Warm weather is characteristically associated with relaxing days by the pool and beach vacations to soak up the sun with family and friends. Waning work days, slews of sporting activities, camp carpools and a plethora of planned play dates demand daily, detailed to-do lists to successfully coordinate the madness. With this hectic lifestyle now defined as “the new normal,” it is essential to pause and enjoy the simple, joyful everyday moments with our children. Though week-long family vacations may not be part of the plan, Liz Pryor, life advice expert, offers simple tips for connecting with your kids. • Turn Off All Electronic Devices - For just fifteen minutes a day when you’re shuffling your children to and from events, make a conscious effort to turn electronic devices off. Being fully engaged with your kids for a few moments each day will connect you in a way that only seemed possible during a fun day at the beach. • Hit the Pause Button and Get the Conversation Started - After a long day of work and warm weather activities, catch up with the kids over a refreshing cup of iced Green Mountain Naturals Lemonade. This Brew Over Ice K-cup pack is quickly made at home with your Keurig brewer and will be loved by all members of the family. The process is quick and easy and kids will love being part of it. 32 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Family Features

• Plan a “Staycation” – Even though a week-long getaway may not be possible, have each child plan a one-day family “staycation” to enjoy a local park, museum or adventure in the backyard. By allowing the kids to plan the day, they’ll be extra excited and involved in family time. • Pack a Picnic – Have the kids help pack a picnic of turkey sandwiches, baby carrots and an insulated bottle of ice cold Green Mountain Naturals Lemonade. For a sweet treat, dip a graham cracker in melted chocolate chips, lay on waxed paper and quickly sprinkle with chopped nuts, candy-coated chocolate or more chocolate chips. Allow to harden on the waxed paper before adding into the picnic basket and heading out for your next family adventure. • Assign Superhero Homework- Include the kids in family chores while incorporating a fun spin. Over the course of the summer, give each child a daily “mission” with an exciting title, such as Inspector of Doggy Dish or Kitchen Table King. Rotate missions regularly to mix it up. Pryor stresses each family should mold these tips and make them their own to work in a unique way that is special just to them. Every family has its own way of communicating. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long you take time to find those moments to connect.

Fashion & Style

JEAN SCHLUMBERGER ENGAGEMENT RINGS Diamond engagement rings in platinum and 18 karat gold by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co.

TIFFANY DIAMOND AND MORGANITE BANGLE Tiffany bangle with an oval morganite set in diamonds and platinum, from the 2013 Blue Book Collection.

Tiffany & Co.


essence of chic sophistication, the premier jeweler of elegant simplicity.

TIFFANY TURQUOISE AND DIAMOND PENDANTS Tiffany turquoise and diamond pendants in platinum, from the 2013 Blue Book Collection (from top): turquoise bordered with diamonds, turquoise with an overlay of diamonds.

TIFFANY ERIN AND JUSTINE Tiffany Erin shoulder bag in espresso textured leather and Tiffany Justine shoulder bag with wheat leaf stitch in espresso smooth leather JEAN SCHLUMBERGER ENAMEL BRACELETS These signature enamel bracelets are part of the Tiffany & Co. exclusive collection of jewelry by famed designer Jean Schlumberger. Bold-color options include yellow paillonné enamel with sculptural 18-karat gold accents, and black enamel with diamonds. Together the bracelets create one of fashion’s most original statements of chic. JEAN SCHLUMBERGER BRACELETS Thistle bracelet of red enamel in 18 karat gold with diamonds set in platinum by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co.

TIFFANY CHELSEA HOBOS Tiffany Chelsea bucket hobos in suede with leather (from left): bright moss/bright moss, cognac/espresso, orchid/orchid.

TIFFANY MASON TOTE Tiffany Mason soft tote in frost suede with onyx leather TIFFANY MERCER, EMERSON AND ASTRID Tiffany Mercer zip tote in bright moss grain leather, Emerson flag shoulder bag in cognac, Astrid zip top handle clutch in bright moss vachetta leather. From left. 36 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Fashion & Style

Elizabeth and James Zebra-Print Sunglasses, $129.90 After sale, $195



A unique seasonal opportunity to shop brand merchandise at amazing prices Missoni T-Shirt Dress, $549.90 After sale, $895

Joelle Hawkins Victory Shopper, $165.90 After sale, $248

Starting from July 19th to August 4th. Stock up on must-haves and shop brands like rag & bone, Rebecca Minkoff, Vince, Frye, Diane von Furstenberg, Trina Turk, BCBG, Kooba, Rebecca Taylor, Stuart Weitzman, and more. Prices only last for two weeks, and all Anniversary Sale merchandise will return to full price on August 5th.

Pedro Garcia ‘Pam’ Peep-Toe Bootie, $299.90 After sale, $495

Vince Camuto Max Satchel, $198.90 After sale, $298 38 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Rag & Bone Biker Jacket, $269 After sale, $450

Fashion & Style


summer memories showing the essential pieces for the season’s swim and beachwear

"I love renewing my summer wardrobe at H&M. I'm always more interested in pieces that tell a story, which I can put together to create my own personal look. I'm usually a tomboy, but in summer I'm reborn a woman, and always go for dresses and flowery prints. My favorite accessory of the season is the straw hat, very French, very 50s, and perfect for right now" 40 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Travel & Gear

Travelers have probably never seen an iPhone case like this. TaskOne's iPhone case (for iPhone 4, 4S and 5) comes complete with 22 tools, including a 2.5" removable knife with serrations (the knife is removable in a few seconds with no tools, so it can be left at home or stashed in your checked luggage), 1.8" saw blade, small and large flathead screwdrivers, medium Phillips screwdriver, pliers with integrated 3-6mm wrench, wire cutters, 6 metric Allen wrenches, spoke wrenches, wire stripper, 120mm ruler, bottle opener and kickstand. The raised bezel on the front of the case keeps the screen safe from damage. $90;

Travelers need it all; convenience and comfort, with the practicality of today's tight carry-on and luggage restrictions. Here are some fun, practical and downright cool items that will make any road warrior's next trip a success.

TORQ is the first hardside collection being introduced by renowned luggage maker Briggs & Riley - and it's worth the wait. The TORQ collection blends advanced engineering and sleek design with the ingenious features you've come to expect from Briggs & Riley. It's the only hardside collection to be protected by an unconditional lifetime warranty, and with special features not found in other hardside collections on the market, including an outside protective pocket (carry on size), a unique "secret middle layer" that is forgiving, and high-performance, automotive-grade polycarbonate composite exterior. $479-$569;

For travelers, a bulging George Costanza wallet is definitely a no-no. But the newly released HuMn2 wallets and the carbon fiber HuMn Mini solve that problem in an instant. The HuMn 2 wallet is a sleek, minimalist wallet that can be configured in one, two or three powder coated aluminum plates with a shock strap. The aluminum plates protect you from electronic theft by shielding your credit cards from EMI and RFID skimming. The wallet comes in a variety of colors allowing complete customization. And despite being small and streamlined, the wallet can accommodate almost all world notes. The new carbon fiber mini offers all the features of the HuMn2, but in an even smaller package. $76-$114.

The Pocket Monkey is the most innovative utility tool to hit the market since the Swiss army knife. Weighing only one ounce, and TSA-compliant, it fits easily into a credit card slot in a wallet, purse or pocket. This durable and versatile 12-in-1 tool is constructed of hardened stainless steel and serves a variety of everyday and specialty functions -- perfect for impromptu projects anywhere they may arise. It is the functional gadget that even MacGyver would love. $12.

Crafted by hand - each item is a reflection of Mujjo's passion for beautiful and minimal design. Mujjo started out making hand stitched winter gloves that work on touch screens. These gloves turned out to be a great success. In the spring of 2012 Mujjo began making sleeves for Apple devices, featuring a unique combination of wool felt and high quality leather. Continuing to evolve, and keeps the same passion for creating beautiful designs. Mujjo’s passion for making good products even goes beyond the desire of keeping clients and reputation.

For international travelers, the new JT Smart Android phone from Telestial allows you to avoid the ridiculously high data and roaming charges in other countries, so you can keep in touch with family and friends. The JT Smart comes with dual SIM card functionality, so travelers can use a home SIM card and an international SIM card to ensure that they get the lowest available roaming and data rates and never miss a call when traveling abroad. The phone includes an activity monitor, so the user knows exactly how much data is being used on the move. The JT Smart Android phone is sold "unlocked,"meaning it's not tied to a specific service provider, so you can use it at home or abroad. The JT Smart is bundled with the award-winning Passport International SIM card (including $10 credit) for just $149.99 at

The Ninja Standing Desk is the first portable sit and stand desk. Weighing in at just less than five pounds, it can be stored away in a bag the size of a laptop. This makes it perfect for traveling. All you need is a door, wall or cubicle to hang it on. If you get tired of standing, then simply add the third shelf and sit down as you work. Each shelf holds up to 30 pounds. It's sturdy enough for everyday use. $159-$219; 42 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

AT LAST... A DOCK THAT MATCHES THE DEVICE Dock your iPod, iPhone or iPad in BeoSound 8. Or connect an MP3 player, PC or Mac and rediscover your music collection all over again only this time it will sound like you are sitting in the front row! Start the experience at or call 888 625 3414 for your closest showroom. MSRP $999.00 iPod, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Wall mount also available for BeoSound 8.

Will You Lose Your Homeowner’s Insurance Because of Your Dog?

By Ginny Grimsley

Photography by Patricia Marroquin

Last year, dog bites accounted for more than one-third of all homeowner’s insurance liability claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute and State Farm. “Those claims can be financially hard on the homeowners and tragic for the dogs, which is especially troublesome when you know that bites aren’t a ‘bad dog’ problem – they’re a human ignorance problem,” says Melissa Berryman, a dog bite specialist who designed and teaches a safety and liability class for dog owners. She’s the author of “People Training for Good Dogs: What Breeders Don’t Tell You and Trainers Don’t Teach”. “In all of my years as an animal control officer, I’ve never come across an incident with a dog that was not preventable,” she says. In 2011, there were 360,000 nonfatal dog bite injuries treated in emergency rooms in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease control, with claims totaling into the hundreds of millions of dollars. “Regardless of provocation, dog owners are largely held liable and see their insurance canceled or their premiums increased. To be reinstated premiums can go up and insurance companies often require them to get rid of the dog. And, often, that means the dog is euthanized.” Pet owners can prevent this common and unnecessary tragedy by understanding a dog’s perspective and acting accordingly. She offers five tips to reduce dog bite incidents: • Remember, dogs aren’t trying to protect a home when they react negatively to strangers or visitors: Dogs place no value on your home, car, or the valuables they might contain. When they’re in a home or car, they are trapped in an enclosed area and will respond to perceived threats with an automatic fight-or-flight response. It is the owner’s responsibility to train dogs to calmly signal someone’s approach and then to assert authority over the situation. 44 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

• Consider your dog’s “rank”: Dogs have superior/subordinate relationships similar to the military. Rank of family and guests dictates a dog’s behavior towards them. A high-ranking dog, a “general,” won’t tolerate insubordinate behavior from a perceived low ranking “private’’ child or guest. Bites often occur when human “privates” try to take food or toys away, hug or pull a “general” type dog by the collar off of furniture. • Yelling can exacerbate a dog’s agitation: Your dog doesn’t know you’ve ordered pizza, so when the delivery person arrives, your dog is agitated by the threat at the door and starts barking. When you yell at your dog to stop barking, he interprets this as agitation on your part; he understands tone, not language. That only increases a dog’s anxiety and vulnerability. When the door opens, the dog bites because it thinks you and he are both feeling threatened and you’re both going to attack the threat. It’s best to happily reassure your dog when someone arrives and leave the greeting of guests to you, and not the dog. • How you treat strangers influences how your dog treats them: Dogs respond to their owners’ behavior, which gives them signals about whether or not a situation is safe. When the dog’s owner meets a stranger and interacts formally with that stranger, as many of us do, dogs can view this as the behavior of foes, or as apprehension, such as that of prey. Owners holding leashes tightly unwittingly place their dog in the dangerous fight stance of the fight or flight response. It’s best to relax and act like a friend when meeting strangers, which will elicit a friendly response from a dog. “Dogs react based on their pack positions, the handling ability of their owners and the situation and context,” she says. “People have the power to recognize this and redirect the interaction to that of friends.” By understanding and respecting how dogs’ instincts and natural behaviors differ from ours, dog owners can prevent bites and insurance headaches, Berryman says.


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of Michael St. Amand

By Robert P. Metzger, Ph.D. Photography by Garth Francis



The imaginative flow of images in the radiant paintings of Michael St. Amand play on the difference between illusion and reality. Each work draws in the viewer with a proliferation of images which become a catalyst for intensely personal dreams and fantasies of the artist. His perplexingly zestful juxtapositions of man and the objects around him, with their shifting scale and dislocations, are replete with unexpected sensations and feelings. The incredible, bewildering forms are not always a snap to identify and challenge our preconceptions and assumptions about the rationalization of reality. The forceful cinematic images in his fragmented compositions reveal themselves gradually, as associations begin to emerge from the kaleidoscopic visual experience. The unpredictable changeability of his vision encompasses the broad spectrum of contemporary culture. His sense of justice and empathy are especially apparent in his enlightened treatment of political and socio-sexual topics. The artist's mastery of incorporating photographs, found objects, and collage into his paintings is matched by his remarkable multilayered bursts of Day-Glow paints and vibrant fluorescent pigments. St. Amand's provocative riddles possess a powerful sense of peripheral vision as he brilliantly meshes disparate forms, from flatly rendered passages to three-dimensional objects and personages depicted in a traditional illusionistic way. The viewer is invited to decipher the content of his primal fantasies which are crammed with allegories of love, anxiety, betrayal, loneliness, and redemption. From the dark recesses of his verdant imagination he paints, free of preconceptions, the ordinary language as well as the soaring poetry of basic signs. These conventional everyday images reveal profound truths of universal time through his method of rotating the point of view in the tradition of Cezanne and the Cubists. Eschewing one-point perspective, he applies layers of primary colors, as well as grays, blacks, and whites. His gestural brushwork, internal structural divisions, and collaged textiles and photographs capture the unique rhythm of modern life and offer a parallel language to our reality. By juxtaposing personal symbols with universal symbols, he achieves a unity in diversity which expresses the paradox and contradiction in a reality which is relative to our degree of understanding. These heavily textured complex compositions are characterized by a plurality of visceral images which integrate to form a whole, distinct universe. 48 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

St. Amand's bounty of images, styles, and themes manage to straddle the line between the literal and the abstract. His canvases simultaneously contain sections that are on the one hand noisy and dense and others that are mute and mysterious. Rapid passages of painterly brushwork are set alongside of languid sections of controlled exactitude. He possesses an uncanny ability to create visual oppositions which range from visual buoyancy to dead weight, alternately rendered in three-dimensional deep perspective or flat shallow space. His obsessive iconographical elements run the gamut from the timeless and spaceless to the decisive and spontaneous. One key recurring image is the black silhouette of a gesturing man in a coat and trousers. The dark figure contrasts to the wide chromatic scale of his various surroundings, reminiscent of Rene Magritte's familiar man in a bowler hat. The stenciled numbers bring to mind Jasper Johns, while the framing divisions recall the fragmented spaces of James Rosenquist. Although money, especially the once almighty U.S. dollar bill, figures in many of St. Amand's paintings, his work is refreshingly free of the blatant celebration of consumerism in the art of Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, and Jasper Johns. Other oft repeated images include: missiles, space ships, and rockets as well as outdated simpler mechanical devices; tufts of orchids; endangered species such as the elephant, rhinoceros, leopard, lion, and various insects; indigenous peoples, ballet dancers, photographs of classic painting and sculpture; postage stamps; and various textiles. In all his work, St. Amand puts his unique spin on his modernist and postmodernist sources. His paintings awaken our senses to profound truths concerning our world and our place in it. 1. A Day In The Jungle Mixed Media On Canvas 96” x 72” | 243.8 cm x 182.9 cm, 2013 2. Bubble Gum and Lollipops Mixed Media On Canvas 96” x 72” | 243.8 cm x 182.9 cm, 2013

When images, identifiable forms, even icons in the paintings and constructs are addressed, the viewer will naturally associate what they determine the object to be with their own definition of that object. This results in their own - very personal - reactionary emotion. Whether it is hatred or shock, or passion or compassion, every person will create his or her own truth- now attached to the work. This is what much of my work speaks to: the human condition. How we as humans can interpret an image drastically different from one another depending on a host of influences- being their personal faith or lack-there-of, their personal history, their current situation in life, any number of things can and will influence how they experience the work. What I do, ultimately, is take my own experiences and let them fill up “the tank,” so to speak, and then I expel them by rebuilding what I find to be the truth of the matter, onto the canvas, or into a construct, drawing, or digital piece. I do this to invoke thought, and to inspire analysis. What inevitably transpires can be anything from reactionary rage to euphoric bliss- it’s up to the viewer. For me, on the deepest level, the importance of the work reaches beyond the perceived meaning and lies in the process. The process is at the core, the heart, and is the basic language of the work. From the raw construction of the canvas, to painting the initial base layer- one of what could be 20-30 layers by the time the painting is finished, to living with the work and adjusting and readjusting it just doesn’t hurt anymore: the process is what regularly inspires me. When I can sit in comfort with the piece, I know it’s completed. When it’s completed, I start again. The process never ends. Concerning the world, and the human race, all of us - my work can be used as a tool, as art should be used, to examine the truth of one’s self and the truth of their surroundings. Whether it is a perceived truth or actual truth, which there may or may not be a great difference between the two, the act of self-analysis through the engagement of viewing art is always enlightening. My work is created to do just that. Michael St. Amand

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 49

orient my clients’ view towards the Gulf,” says Carpenter, who understates the sheer “WOW” factor of his design. The kitchen is a sleek, sophisticated space defined by an expansive triangular granite countertop anchored by one softly glowing column clad in translucent alabaster lit from within.

Photography by Nancy Nassiff

On Longboat Key, Carpenter designed a 3200 sq ft condo at the exclusive Water Club for long standing clients from New York City. “The twist here is that we used existing furniture I purchased for their East Hampton NY beach home when I designed it originally,” says Carpenter, “ and we adapted those same pieces for a classic Florida look.” He pauses, smiles, “good quality, well designed = timeless.”

Designing from the ground up

By Victor Simpkins

When we first profiled Sarasota-based interior designer Richard C. Carpenter, A.S.I.D. in July, 2011, he had only recently relocated to SWFL from New York City. Now, nearly three years later, Carpenter has established himself as a busy, award-winning interior designer and a highly visible contributor to the Sarasota Arts and Design community. Last Spring, Carpenter opened "RCC Design + Studio” on one of the hottest downtown streets in Sarasota, at 1280 N. Palm Ave, directly across from Louie's Modern and The Francis. The highly visible Studio houses Carpenter’s design office within a gallery of interconnected spaces, each decorated with one-of-a-kind pieces, original artwork and custom furnishings. His Palm Ave window attracts a steady stream of curious diners, festival patrons and every day passers by. “It says ‘by appointment only,’ Carpenter reassures us “simply because I’m not always there.” “When I am, I welcome visitors all the time.” In March 2012, SRQ Magazine named Carpenter “Platinum Award” winner, “Best Kitchen Design 2012”’ for his work on the Boca Grande beachfront condominium of a new client. “The kitchen's concept was based on the use of geometric shapes, helping to 50 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

During the housing downturn, a Venice Island developer hired Carpenter to design the model apt. for his new complex. All 16 units sold before the developer's projected closing date. Any concerns Carpenter may have had 2-1/2 years ago when he first arrived in Sarasota are nowhere present now. Indeed, adding condos and keys to his design portfolio has only served to expand his reach.


arpenter maintains his once-a-month in New York City schedule in large part because he has regular, on-going work there too Last winter he installed existing clients in an ultra chic, custom two bedroom, Madison Ave pied-a-terre. They’d sold their first apartment in the same building one year earlier, first week on the market, also designed by Carpenter. Nearby, on Central Park, Carpenter designed a modern two bedroom apartment on the 26th floor overlooking the reservoir. “I wrapped it in super-luxury fabrics and fitted it out with glass and steel accent pieces. It’s a very comfortable modern apartment with a very distinct edge,” Carpenter laughs, “just like my client. And I mean that in a good way!” Mild-mannered and easy-going, Carpenter is never-the-less serious about his dedication to Sarasota’s rich cultural diversity and community life which, he says, continues to nurture him both personally and professionally. Last year, he sponsored a play at the Players Theater during its 2012 season. A regular contributor to the Asolo Theater, Sarasota Ballet and the Sarasota Orchestra, Carpenter is also a member of the The Sarasota International Dance Festival, joining its 2012 cultural exchange trip to Cuba where he studied the heritage of dance in Cuba and seeing a performance with Jose Carreno. This spring, Carpenter, a member of the Steering committee for Equity Florida, hosted its March, 2013 sponsor’s party in support equal of rights. Over 80 people attended the event at Carpenter’s “RCC Design + Studio. For The New Village Inter-Spiritual Community Center in downtown Sarasota, Carpenter designed the chapel and meeting hall pro bono. Contact info: phone: 917.318.4169

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Hitting the Road Family Features

Millions of Americans are expected to take a summer vacation this year. If you’re one of those hitting the road to reach your final destination, here are a few reminders to help ensure you’re road-trip-ready. 1. Check under the hood Even if you properly care for your vehicle year round by keeping up with regularly scheduled maintenance, it is wise to check your vehicle’s oil, coolant and wiper fluid levels before heading out on the road. Hot summer temperatures can cause your engine to overheat, so keep an eye on all of the warning lights on your dashboard – from the engine light to the gas gauge. 2. Inspect your vehicle To help avoid any unfortunate surprises, do a thorough check of your vehicle, paying special attention to the only part that actually touches the road - your tires. Be sure to properly check all four tires with a tire pressure gauge. The optimum tire pressure required for your car can be found on a sticker in the door jamb, on the inside of the glove compartment door or in the owner's manual. “The proper inflation is essential for the performance and longevity of a tire,” said Ron Margadonna of Michelin. “In fact, keeping your tire pressure at the recommended level can boost fuel efficiency by one mile per gallon.”

3. Check the weather Unexpected storms are common during the summer months and the first few minutes of a rain shower can be a dangerous time for drivers. Oil and grease trapped on roadways rises to the surface and can create slippery driving conditions that can impact the traction and grip of your car. In fact, stopping on a wet road can take up to four times the normal distance as a dry road. It’s best to slow down and increase the space between you and the vehicle in front of you. 4. Prep friends, family and your home Remember to tell neighbors, friends and family that you’ll be out of town. Ask your neighbors to keep an eye on the house and have someone pick up your mail and newspaper. It’s also a good idea to set up timers on lamps and lights in various rooms throughout your home so it looks occupied. 5. Review the route No matter how well you plan your journey, you can never predict what obstacles you might encounter along the way. Road construction, traffic detours or bad weather can be troublesome if you don’t have a backup plan. It’s best to review your route and understand the alternate roads that can help you arrive at your destination safely, stress free and ready to enjoy your vacation. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 53

Speaking with

Carmen Corcoz

By Terry Profetto

Romanian born singer, songwriter inspires many with her lyrics. A soulful mixture of rhythm & pop, Carmen creates music with her heart of gold. Understanding why music is such a wonderful influence not only to her, but to all of us. continued on page 56...

Photography by Andrew Hiorth | MPSG Inc. Wardrobe Styling by Michelle De Sousa Hair by Monica Christine Makeup by Claire Tremblay Dress by Juliana Carlucci Earings by Jennifer Day Brass Bow Bracelet by MoonRox Ribbon Bow Bracelet by Green Bijou Silver and Brass Herkimer Ring by Yuliya Chorna Location Paletta Mansion 54 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 55

How did you get started?

Music has always been a part of me. I started fully pursuing music two years ago, but I feel like my whole life music had such a big role in everything I did/felt. As a child, I wrote poems and got some published at the age of 13. I fell in love with the idea of expressing in poetic ways, soon after I was writing songs and developing artistically. I remember having a plastic karaoke machine I would sing on in my room and record myself on daily, it brought me so much joy. I always knew that it was one of my dreams that I had to make come true. And so I did. After College, I decided to work on making an EP. I wanted to do something different, something that would impact people with my music and lyrics. I affiliated myself with SickKids Foundation and donated proceeds from song downloads to the Sick Children at the Toronto Hospital. I called the EP “Inspired”. It was the beginning of something special in my music career because I sang/wrote for a good cause.

What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

When I was 18, I flew back to my homeland, the President of Romania came at a show I was on and wanted to take a picture with me but I had no idea who he was! I asked his head security after the picture was taken why everyone was making such a big deal about it?! He patted me on the back and said “That was a good joke!” The next day, our picture was all over newspapers, on the front page. Good thing I smiled for the camera!

The photography looks beautiful how was the shoot?

The photoshoot went amazing! I got to work with my Dream Team from MPSG ( Andrew Hiorth, Michelle De Sousa, Claire Tremblay, & Monica Christine. Really enjoy the creativity of each and everyone involved, they always impress me!

Any look/designer really strikes your eye?

I love dressing up for special events. I enjoy wearing Juliana Carlucci with some RedLovo shoes. Goes so well together! I am a big fan of Bibhu Mohapatra his stuff is beautiful!

When you’re not performing what outfits makes you comfortable?

When I am not dressing all glamorous, I love wearing FERKNOT, I love good quality dress shirts with jeans or shorts. I love shopping at Brooks Brothers also, they have amazing stuff!

Your fans have a lot of love for you, is there a little secret you would like to share with them?

I am blessed to have a lot of devoted fans that have been there from day one. I cannot express how excited I am to showcase my new music to them. This month they should watch out for my New Music Video!

How does your schedule look for 2013 into 2014?

2013 is all about working on new music. I will be doing a few appearances but 2014 will be the year to watch out for a tour and more live performances!

What does the future hold for Carmen Corcoz?

Photography by Andrea Hunter | MPSG Inc. Wardrobe Styling by Michelle De Sousa Dress by Anouk Moran Hair by Sanja Manojlovic Makeup by Natasa Panova Accessories by Made You Look Location Arts and Letters Club Toronto

I always live in today and cherish every moment. If I were to look at my future for a few seconds, I could say it looks bright, successful and filled with happiness. A day isn’t complete without a real smile inside and out! Keeping a positive attitude is always important in determining what’s to come next.

What brings Carmen joy/inspiration?

I really enjoy talking to people and hearing their stories of life, it’s so interesting to me. I get inspired sometimes by different things that represent a meaning to what I feel. Puppies also bring me joy, and chocolate! 56 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 57


By Veron Ennis

Photo Credit Joye Farrens

Veron Ennis's non-objective paintings and her abstracted cityscapes are saturated with bold modern colors and composed of countless interlacing layers. Her signature cube sculptures are free-standing constructions made of six paintings hinged together to close into a cube. They have the unique ability to unlock and hang in an open state on the wall. Both forms will be exhibited during Transference. Ennis's work is known for the positive effects it has on the viewer. Collectors, such as Jesse Uzzell from Riga, Latvia, have put it as simply as, "Her paintings give me an unbounded sense of joy." Gerry McGee, referencing the cube, “Quilt,” that he and Ken Worthington acquired, remarks, “This sculpture stands confidently among an eclectic collection of objects and with this sculpture I am captivated, and happily so. Its unlimited possibilities relating to light and position of observation are ever in transition and never static. This is painting and sculpture, and both elements are held in equal importance. In lesser hands this execution could feel disjointed or distracting. For me, therein lies the genius of the artist.”

"Quilt", 15″x15″x15″ (Closed), 44″x33″ (Open) Water-based Mixed Mediums on Paper on Board, Hardware, 2013 ©Veron Ennis 2013

Photo Courtesy of the Artist

Founder of the art movement, OPT (Open Positive Transference), Ennis promotes and exhibits art that has the intention to transfer a positive and uplifting feeling, one of hope and balance. Also a founding member of MAMA (Movement of Aleatoric Modern Artists), part of Ennis’ technique depends on the chance application of her medium. “Falling in and out of control of the work energizes the composition and pushes compositional boundaries,” says Ennis. In addition to Ennis’ paintings, a Creative Portrait of Veron Ennis by cutting edge photographer Mila Bridger will be featured, along with the elements specially painted by Ennis for the photo shoot. The adventurous collaboration captures the spirit of both the artist and photographer. Exquisite hors d'oeuvres by Chef Brian Roland of Crave Culinaire in Naples will be served early in the evening. Artist will be in attendance throughout the opening. Corresponding with the exhibition, Ennis will be hosting "Transference in Art," a lecture forum during the month of August in the Grand Atrium. She will give private walking tours of the exhibition, discuss the OPT Art Movement, and guide an open discussion on interpreting art and the effects art has on the viewer. Lecture Forums will occur on Tuesday, August 6th at 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday, August 7th at 11:00 a.m., as well as on Tuesday, August 13th at 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday, August 14th at 11:00 a.m. Tickets for the lecture forums are $10 per person and are available through the box office at SBDAC. 58 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

"Concordian Return", 36"x36", Water-based Mixed Medium on Maple Board, 2013 ©Veron Ennis 2013

“Transference” opens on the evening of August 2nd, at 6:00 p.m., with a stylish reception during Fort Myers Art Walk at the Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center. The solo exhibition for artist Veron Ennis should not be missed as her vibrant, captivating paintings and sculpture will transform the Center’s Grand Atrium into a haven of aesthetics. The Davis Art Center is located at 2301 First Street, in the downtown Fort Myers River District.

Restful Retreat Every woman knows it can be hard to work in a little personal time.

Family Features

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You can turn any space into your own little nook by incorporating a few personal touches:

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*This annuity is issued by Bankers Life Insurance Company (Bankers” ), 11101 Roosevelt Blvd. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33716 (dba. Western Bankers Life Insurance Company in Texas). This annuity has certain limitations and potential penalties, which are fully set forth in the agreement governing the annuity. Interest rates areTHE current at the time of 5 publication and are subject to change. Decreasing withdrawal or surrender BANKERS YEAR (SPDA-5) TAX DEFERRED ANNUITY penaltiesÊmayÊapplyÊoverÊÞveÊyears.ÊBankersÊdoesÊnotÊgiveÊtaxÊorÊlegalÊadviceÊandÊhasÊnotÊauthorizedÊanyÊ ofÊ itsÊ agentsÊ toÊ giveÊ taxÊ orÊ legalÊ advice.Ê ForÊ taxÊ and/orÊ legalÊ advice,Ê pleaseÊ consultÊ aÊ qualiÞedÊ advisor.Ê Bankers is not connected with and does not represent in any way the Social Security Administration or any department, agency or authority of the United States government or any state, local or municipal government. Not FDIC insured.


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• Girlfriend-Worthy Nook – Everyone knows sharing is always more fun, so include comfortable seating for visiting girlfriends. Move nice furniture from other corners of your home or purchase second hand furniture and jazz it up with a sassy sofa cover and chic decorative pillows.



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60 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

• Beauty Parlor – It can be hard to find time to treat yourself to a little beauty, so have a small stockpile of beauty tools for manicures, pedicures and makeovers. Invite girlfriends over for a night of nails, noshing and quality girl time. You’re sure to pick up some of their beauty tips as well.


“I know that women have the desire to make their own special place at home. I have a passion for creating simple and comfortable spaces,” said Melissa Michaels, blogger of “The Inspired Room,” who is partnering with the Skinny Cow® brand to help women create their own lady lair or WoCavé.

• Entertainment Reserve – Every girl loves a little rest and relaxation with her favorite movies, television shows and music. Whether you love sentimental “chick flicks” or action-packed movies, keep your place stocked with your favorite movies and shows to catch-up on at the end of a long day. Also, make sure you have access to your favorite songs to enjoy while lounging.

• Fabulous Reads – An assortment of magazines and books are also a must for this space. Surround yourself with your favorite reading materials and bask in the peace and quiet. Be sure to keep these favorites organized with a stylish magazine holder tote or bookcase. These items can be found at thrift or craft stores and decorated to fit your flair for the room.

Independent research firm, Crescendo Business Services, in partnership with Sarasota magazine, surveyed over 20,500 Tamiami Trail,Services Suite B,Professionals Sarasota Fl 34231 High-Net Worth households and more8181 than S. 1900 Financial to determine which Wealth Managers scored highest in satisfaction. This list represents less than 4 percent of the Wealth Managers in the Sarasota area. For more information on the FIVE STAR award and selection process, go to: *This annuity is issued by Bankers Life Insurance Company (Bankers” ), 11101 Roosevelt Blvd. N., St. Securities offered through Investors Capital Corporation. Advisory Services offered through Investors Capital Advisory. Petersburg, FL 33716 (dba. Western Bankers Life Insurance Company in Texas). This annuity has certain 230 Broadway, Lynnfield, MA which 01940,are(800) 949-1422, Member FINRA/SIPC. limitations and potential penalties, fully set forth in the agreement governing the annuity. Interest rates are current at the time of publication and are subject to change. Decreasing withdrawal or surrender penaltiesÊmayÊapplyÊoverÊÞveÊyears.ÊBankersÊdoesÊnotÊgiveÊtaxÊorÊlegalÊadviceÊandÊhasÊnotÊauthorizedÊanyÊ ofÊ itsÊ agentsÊ toÊ giveÊ taxÊ orÊ legalÊ advice.Ê ForÊ taxÊ and/orÊ legalÊ advice,Ê pleaseÊ consultÊ aÊ qualiÞedÊ advisor.Ê Bankers is not connected with and does not represent in any way the Social Security Administration or any department, agency or authority of the United States government or any state, local or municipal government. Not FDIC insured. LV1681

A recent survey conducted with women found that two-thirds of respondents wished they had a special place to treat themselves and indulge in a little luxury. While many men have their own private “man cave” section of the house, many women long for their own place for a little “me-time.”

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

• Snack Stash – No personal space would be complete without a stash of indulgent, tasty treats, such as ice cream, candy and salty snacks. In fact, more than 57 percent of the women surveyed said they would include a candy bowl in their special room and nearly half would decorate their space with a freezer to keep their indulgent ice cream on hand, such as delicious Skinny Cow ice cream.




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Fitness and Fashion

Ideas for Women

Weighted clothes overloads the body with added resistance during activities such as plyometrics. The brain and muscle fibers get programmed to believe that there is more resistance on the body then there actually is. After this weight is removed, the body still thinks the weight is present which can lead to increased strength, power output, endurance and caloric expenditure. W8FIT’s high-performance fitness apparel has custom-designed pockets that hold W8FIT weights. Developed by seasoned fitness instructor and personal trainer, Maya Kaminsky, each item uniquely moves with a woman’s body, looks slimming, and adds resistance training. W8FIT’s weighted technology significantly increases your fat burning potential as it harnesses the power of your daily activities to help you lose weight while improving your overall fitness.

By Curt Blakeney

W8FIT Activewear is made of high quality Tactel, a durable and breathable fabric, and is designed for optimal performance and comfort. The current collection, ranging from $19 to $86, offers separates in a variety of styles and colors. Features include a racer back tank, a thin tank, a run crop pant, the X-training pant, and the top-selling wrist cuffs. Items are available in a wide variety of colors including turquoise, pink, purple, white and black. The tanks are long and rounded while the pants have a seam down the back of the legs that add a slimming effect and style to a woman’s workout routine. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 61

Summer Beauty

Family Features

Whether your summer plans include an exotic trip or simply enjoying sunny days with friends, it’s the perfect time to add a little fun into your beauty routine. Celebrity makeup artist Ashunta Sheriff shares her expert tips to freshen up your look. Don the Dewy Look Sheriff recommends cream products to achieve that dewy, healthy glow. A gorgeous peach cream blush will mimic the skin’s natural summer color – natural enough for a daytime look with the potential to make a statement for the evening.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center

Get a Natural Glow Self-tanners and body glows are the perfect way to look sun-kissed without the harmful rays. To get the best results, skin must be hair-free and smooth. Sheriff’s pick is Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Total Care Body Trio, the only 3-step depilatory system that offer professional results but at a fraction of the cost of salons. Plus it works while you shower to save time. To stay smooth even longer, try Nair wax strips for results that last up to 8 weeks. Bring on the Color This summer, Sheriff suggests a bright eye liner to bring out the color of your eyes. To get the desired effect, apply two coats along your lower lash line with a shade that complements your eyes. For example, if your eyes are brown, purple eyeliner will make your eyes pop. Less is More Add products to your makeup kit that do double-duty in soaring summer temperatures: an SPF foundation primer will protect against sun damage and create a sleek canvas while a tinted moisturizer will create a sheer finish. For a flawless application, Sheriff suggests using a foundation brush. The Perfect Pout Red lips are on trend this summer, but finding the perfect red lipstick can be a challenge for many women. Sheriff recommends a sheer red or deep wine gloss for an easy, wearable way to get the look without going too bold. With just a few expert tips in your beauty routine, you can enjoy a renewed summertime look to last all season long.

Our Guest Book says it all... Thank you! Helpful - got lots to read! Very helpful and friendly smiles! So pretty! See you next year! Very visitor friendly and lovely scenery! Help is fantastic! Danke! Just moved into an older home so thanks for the info on services to my home! OMG! Merci Beaucoup! Wonderfully warm and helpful individuals! Great service! I love Naples! Grazie! Our second visit here! Thanks for your valued advice! Excellent help from a local! Volunteer was a wonderful help! Awesome staff! We love it here! You’re great people! Very good advice and ideas! We want to live here! We’ll be back! Beautiful Center! Excited to be here! One of the nicest and prettiest Visitor Centers we’ve seen on our trip! I love Paradise! Fabulous place...wonderful people! Gracias! Wonderful information! Thanks for helping me find things to do for my grandchildren’s visit! Gorgeous! live, work and play in Greater Naples

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FOCUS of SWFL 2013 63


Watch making is just like the cinema, it hides a precise mechanism which must then generate emotion. The world of ROGER DUBUIS, the arrival of its collections, like spaces of freedom, perfectly matches my principles. You need to take chances in life. And always push yourself.


Gerard Butler

Scott Fischer Businessman with Motor Oil in His Blood

By Samantha Scott


leader isn’t formed overnight, but forged through experiences and the gathering of knowledge. So is the story of one J. Scott Fischer – the man behind Scott Fischer Enterprises.

Scott is a hands-on, self-made man. His passion for motorsports began long ago when he entered the industry at just 15 years old. His first experience was in motorsports as an Enduro Racer. Enduro Racing is a form of motorcycle sport run predominantly offroad including many different obstacles and challenges. Eventually, his passion grew and he purchased his first motorcycle store in 1988. From there Scott Fischer Enterprises formed - one strategic step at a time. Now a successful family of Harley-Davidson dealerships serving three states, Scott is active in the management of all of them, ensuring they offer each customer a true “Scott Fischer Experience”. He has many of the same employees working with him today and credits his success to surrounding himself with great people and having a true passion for the riding lifestyle.

If you work hard and ride hard, as is Scott’s motto, you have to play hard too. Scott’s passion is not limited to motorcycles and his business, but also the community and other hobbies. He, his wife Mary and their daughter Katie are heavily involved in nonprofit endeavors throughout Southwest Florida where they live. As the Founding member of the Lee County Blessings in a Backpack Board of Directors, Scott has had the ability to help feed hundreds of children in the area. Philanthropy is significant to him and he has committed to making his dealerships operate the same way. Along with Blessings in a Backpack, he has coordinated with the MDA, March of Dimes, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Any Solder, and PACE, as well as countless groups supporting veterans, children and the disabled. While Enduro Racing is in his past, in his free time, Scott still sneaks in golfing, boating, fishing and the occasional good cigar.

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 65


nown for its seasonally inspired menu and fresh approach to dining concept has capitalized on meeting the demands of today's culinary-savvy diners. Torch changes the menu six times a year with weekly fresh features to truly capture the flavors of Southwest Florida. Each valued patron can be guaranteed the highest quality prepared without compromising great taste or a rich and complete dining experience. The menu is orchestrated by not just one but three Chefs, this is a unique approach compared to line cooks in other restaurants. Being consistently praised for its diverse selection soups chef Michael Polk is well known for his delightful daily soups.


the palette

By Anthony William

Recognized as a forward-thinking restaurant that is "right for the times", Torch Bistro has always offered guests something new to discover. Torch Bistro a sophisticated, comfortable environment with stellar service for the discerning guest provides its patrons with a fresh dining experience, enabling them to celebrate living well. Both Shane and Heidi Federici run the daily operations at Torch Bistro’s. Well renowned chef Shane Federici started at the age of 15. His Great grandfather Michael Carlson was a French pastry chef. His other great grandfather Domenick Federici was a chef at Gallaphers Steak House. Shane says they passed down their talents & dedication to him. Working from the ground up within the culinary industry Shane continued working and gaining experience through the years and is a proud graduate from the Culinary Institute of America. His deep commitment as a businessman and chef has worked well for him as he helped others establish successful restaurants of their own. During the development and planning, Heidi and Shane wanted to create a unique lifestyle restaurant that provided a stellar environment. Taking four years to build, they traveled to several areas in the US contacting several architects for design and dining atmosphere, in order to bring more than just a place to eat but a place to dine. They knew they had something distinctive by developing a menu inspired by flavorful delights that are inspired by the seasons. The fresh appeal of Torch is its ability to offer an uptown fine dining at downtown prices, Torch is a highlyacclaimed steak and licensed Rumtini Bar & Restaurant, recognized as having a progressive concept with proven consumer appeal. 66 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Providing distinctive meals, they pride themselves on offering a memorable dining experience. Torch Bistro has naked sushi, "Nyotaimori" in Japanese and means "female body presentation. It is by reservation only, and is available for parties of 8 to 14 patrons. The clients can select either a male or female model. Having two private dining rooms combines the essence of a luxurious experience. Once a month they also have theme parties, details are listed on their website. In addition, every year, Torch Bistro has a New Years Eve party, with over several hundred people attending to see fireworks and a live ball drop as they ring in the New Year. In addition to its main dining area, Torch in Punta Gorda, has an outdoor porch, two private dining rooms for a more exclusive, intimate culinary experience. Torch provides the perfect ambiance for business lunches, romantic dinners, socializing with friends and any private group celebration. Shane also makes sure dining is also available for your pets with a comfortable environment located on the front porch with high grade stainless steel utensils and a chef prepared companion menu. As the word spreads about Torch Bistro’s tasty, diverse one-of-a-kind menu; black Angus steaks, elk, bison, fresh seasonal and the all memorable “comfort foods,” has made them consistently praised by restaurant critics across the country including AOL, WINK, FOX and more. Shane and Heidi’s success is to their distinctive, great tasting food and the people who prepare and serve their unique creations with top-quality service every day.

Torch Bistro

2113 South Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941.575.3505

By Samantha Scott

Diamond The

The lessons and values honesty and hard work that Stuart’s parents taught he and his siblings weren’t lost. As he continued the family tradition, he built the business, Dunkin’s Diamonds on them. Dunkin’s Diamonds has now been serving Southwest Florida for nearly 20 years and still relies on the basic principles started three generations ago; fine quality jewelry, excellent workmanship, best value and personalized service.

Since diamonds have fascinated people for centuries, Stuart and his staff strive to keep that charm in every piece of jewelry in the stores. Each piece is unique and in fact, Stuart ensures this by purchasing the diamonds while still in “the rough” or uncut. With three generations of established relationships and the ability to purchase all around the world, it’s guaranteed that each piece sold at Dunkin’s Diamonds has a special flare. Coupled with his personal, powerful jewelry connections across the globe, he ensures the company stays on top of new fashion trends in diamond jewelry, cutting edge designers and traditional styles. Dunkin’s Diamonds also has a design department and factory to exclusively provide customers with just about anything their heart desires.


In the jewelry business for over 50 years, Stuart Dunkin is the heart and face of Dunkin’s Diamonds. Often referred to as “The Diamond Man,” what started as a hobby for Stuart developed into a passion… and the continuation of a three-generation business. However, something few people know, Stuart was at one time considered one of the world’s best amateur Backgammon players, a game he learned in his twenties while living in Miami!


he family trade started in Europe with his great-grandfather. Years later, the next generation including Stuart’s father, left Europe for the United States where he started his own jewelry business. Stuart’s involvement in the business started early – at the age of six – doing small chores in the back of the store. Later on, after considering a career as a doctor or lawyer, Stuart decided to open his own jewelry store. His reason? Doctors and lawyers do good things, but “in jewelry, you deal with romance, birthdays and anniversaries…fun times. Where else can you do that?” 68 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Simply put, being the best is something Stuart continuously strives for, not only in gaming, but in business as well. His drive and determination to be the best and offer the best possible jewelry and products for his customers is what makes Dunkin’s Diamonds great. It started many generations ago and will continue on.

Dr. Sweet

Physician and Artist By Samantha Scott

As a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Craig R. Sweet is the Founder and Medical Director of Specialists in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery in Fort Myers. We are in the midst of our 20th year and have helped thousands of people and couples build families. In fact, we have well over 2,000 celebrated births.

The piece I entered was a digital image entitled “The Biologic Clock” I was utterly amazed to win first place for my image! Over the years my graphic design efforts transferred to the web. I’ve created a few websites and created or at least modified nearly all the images on the sites. The most recent challenge was for Embryo Donation International (, a subdivision of Specialists in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery. Our gifted team developed the logo and web design. For my part, I enjoyed creating or modifying stock images throughout the site, as well as writing the copy for the site. Being a Reproductive Endocrinologist and an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, I suppose it was a labor of love.


hile my work fulfills me in many ways, I still feel the need to be otherwise creative. Since I have to work so much, I ended up blending work with pleasure, enjoying both at some level. I used to draw and even painted briefly, however, I have always enjoyed photography. Graphic design was a natural transition, combining both elements. It started about 20 years ago when I designed our first logo. I continued to develop my skills in my spare time and a few years ago entered a contest, just for fun. The contest was put on by SCOPE, the literary journal of Southern Illinois School of Medicine (my alma mater), a showcase for the artistic talents of the medical school community. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 71

Queen of Afro-Punk

By Cynthia Lawes Photography by Ian Downs

"My dad was the lead singer in a gospel band," says Dirrty Records Founder/Filmmaker Lunden De'Leon. "The first time I saw him on stage I knew I wanted to be a part of the music industry."

I did not know what the future held but I was determined to turn my stumbling blocks into stepping stones." Lunden soon found a roommate that changed her life forever. " I tagged along to a modeling audition with my roommate. I wasn't interested in modeling or acting but when you're hungry and penniless you'll try anything to put food on the table. I got the audition. That same day I was signed to a one year modeling contract." Fans recall first being introduced to Lunden as Joanne Mbutu on the hit television series Vital Signs. Years later, she catapulted that breakout role into a successful career with quite an impressive track-record by creating a number of unforgettable performances and starring in over fifty movies and television shows like the 20th Century Fox Movie The Ladies Room, Surviving Paradise, Fury, Faux-Pas, Cryptz, the HBO award-winning film Kickin Chicken and the NBC hit comedy "Just Shoot Me." Lunden was soon voted by The Ave Magazine as "One of the Most Significant Women in Entertainment" alongside Halle Berry, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey and many more. In fall 2003, Lunden opened the doors to her Los Angeles based record label Dirrty Records making headlines around the world for releasing a punk remake of Jimi Hendrix's classic Purple Haze. Lunden was soon inducted into the Caribbean Hall of Fame alongside such legends as Bob Marley and Sidney Poitier. Known for her compassion, confidence and inspirational achievements, Former Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn issued a special proclamation declaring February 7th as "Lunden De'Leon Day" in the City of Los Angeles. Lunden recently ran for Councilwoman in her home state of South Carolina. Her film production company, Palmetto Film Studios, makes and distributes 5-7 films a year."I moved my record company to South Carolina and started a film production company to give back to my community," says Lunden. " I'm blessed and believe in blessing others."

Born in Barbados, while in high school, Lunden found a fry flipping job at Burger King and when the time was right, she hitched a ride to Hollywood with only $200 in her pocket. "I was homeless for a short period of time in Los Angeles," says Lunden." 72 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Savvy Money Tips

Family Features

for Your Teen

Most parents have learned things about money they wish they had known at a younger age. But when it comes to broaching the topic with their own teenagers, about a third would rather talk to them about smoking, drugs and bullying 1 than money. Parents can take the angst out of teaching money management by working it into everyday routines. “Your kids are most likely interested in money and having more of it, but they may not know where to start,” says Susan Ehrlich, president of financial services for H&R Block. “Teaching money skills before they graduate will help them make smart choices and learn from their financial missteps now, so they’re better prepared when they’re on their own.” H&R Block provides free financial education for teens through H&R Block Dollars & Sense, which offers these tips: Encourage learning by earning. You may or may not want your teen to hold down a job while in high school, but you can instill the concept of earning by encouraging occasional paying projects, such as babysitting or mowing lawns.

Save now, spend later. Open a savings account for your teen to plan for future purchases. If you’re able, offer to match a portion of their savings to encourage the behavior. This can help convey the difference between needs and wants. Verbalize your own wants for something the entire family can save for and enjoy together, then share your progress toward the goal. Set some limits. If your teen has a credit card, set a realistic credit limit so the balance can be paid in full each month. Your teen will also see the impact of interest rates and annual fees. Be a good financial role model. Pay your own bills on time and ask your teen to be part of the process. Talk to your teen about the importance of a good credit score and how to maintain it – for example, paying your bills on time accounts for 35 percent of your score. Help them understand lower credit scores mean higher interest that could cost thousands of unnecessary dollars.

Practice makes perfect. Ask your teen to manage a portion of the family budget, such as writing the weekly menu and grocery list to fit your budget or keeping track of eating-out expenses every month. 1

76 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Council for Economic Education



The Alliance for the Arts announces its Fall fundraising event, “Take Home a Nude” – an art auction and party on Saturday, September 21. Hundreds of paintings, sculptures, drawings and photographs of nude forms - and following the theme ‘nude’ – created by emerging and leading area artists will be highlighted. The evening will urge guests to explore and appreciate the values and skills intrinsic to the creation of art focused on the human form – from traditional and contemporary to whimsical and realistic.

“Take Home a Nude” is proudly sponsored by Dr. Stephen Prendiville Facial Plastic Surgery, Assuage Spa and Dick Prescott, with media support from Florida Weekly. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available. Local artist Gordon Warren provided the logo artwork. For more information, call 239.939.2787, or visit us at

This provocative and highly interactive event begins at 6:30PM and will feature a spirited auction with a chance to win more than 50 pieces of original art & a silent auction of uniquely themed packages. Sip cocktails & enjoy live music and tapas from the best of our local chefs, including from Prawnbroker & Crave Culinaire. Tickets are $100 and are available online or at the Alliance.

Gordon Warren

78 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Easy Care for Natural Stone

Stone countertops and floors, such as granite, marble and other natural stone, have long been loved for the sophisticated and luxurious appearance they add to kitchens and bathrooms. A natural product made by the Earth, natural stone counters and floors come in an endless range of colors accented with unique veins, swirls and crystals.

The advantages of stone go beyond just its beautiful appearance and the investment in improving a home’s value. Natural stone is resistant to scratching, more sanitary than other surfaces, durable, and easy to maintain. But easy does not mean maintenance-free. There are steps homeowners need to take in order to protect their investment. “Preserving the beauty of natural stone requires proper care and attention,” said Lenny Sciarrino, a third-generation stone-care expert and co-founder of Granite Gold brand stone-care products. “In fact, many ordinary cleaners are harsh and abrasive, which will have damaging effects on natural stone surfaces.” Cleaning, sealing and polishing are the three essential steps required to keep natural stone looking as beautiful as the day it was installed.

Family Features

Clean often. Even if your surface appears clean, it should be cleaned daily and after every meal preparation. Avoid common cleaners and abrasives, which can break down the protective seal. The result could be costly repairs or even replacement. It’s also important to use a cleaner, such as Granite Gold Daily Cleaner, that is pH balanced, non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for use on all food-preparation surfaces. Check the integrity of the seal. There is a common misperception that natural stone surfaces can be damaged by too much sealing. However, frequent sealing maintains maximum surface protection, which provides superior, long-lasting resistance to staining, etching and soil build-up. Check the integrity of the seal of your granite with an at-home water test. Pour enough water on your stone to create a circle 3 inches in diameter then repeat in several different locations. Let the water sit for 30 minutes before wiping it away and checking for any dark marks or rings. These indicate the water is penetrating the stone and it’s time to reseal. Polish regularly. Polishing your stone after cleaning brings out its natural beauty and reinforces the protective seal, which provides ongoing protection against water spots and fingerprints. Polishing is particularly important on stone shower walls and tub surrounds to help prevent soap scum build-up. Polishing stone floors is not recommended as it will make the walking surface slick and dangerous. If you have questions about granite cleaning or the care and maintenance of any other natural stone counters, floors and other surfaces, ask the experts at Granite Gold:

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Family Features


Attracting Attention Outside

t takes seconds to form a first impres­sion. Ask yourself this — what kind of first impression is your home mak­ing? Is your yard helping or hurting you in getting top dollar this home buying season?

The majority of homeowners (71 per­cent) agreed that curb appeal is important in choosing their home, according to the new TruGreen Home Features Report conducted by the National Association of REALTORS®. Most of the homeowners surveyed reported purchasing a home with a healthy, green lawn (71 percent) and well-maintained landscaping (72 percent). Healthy lawns can drive up home values. In TruGreen’s new Lawn Life­styles National Survey of America conducted from January 3 to January 9, 2013, using the field services of ORC International (Opinion Research Corporation), 79 percent of home­ owners reported, “having a healthy, green lawn contributes to the overall value of a home.” In fact, 53 percent of those surveyed said, “the quality of the home­owner’s lawn can tell you a lot about the quality of the home overall.” “If your home is on the market, you should know that curb appeal, or that initial feeling homeowners get when looking at the outside of a home, is important when choos­ing the right home to buy,” said Jason Cameron, a licensed contractor and televi­ sion host. Cameron and TruGreen have teamed up to provide helpful tips for achieving a beauti­ful, lush lawn and enhanced curb appeal.

80 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Take as much time as necessary (and as little money as possible) to maximize your home’s exterior appeal:

* Dress up the front door with a new welcome mat or potted plants. * Clean up the front and back yards by removing any toys, decorations, debris or broken tree limbs. * Sharpen the mower blade for a cleaner cut and better looking lawn to help get top dollar when selling your home. * Closely inspect the hardware around your house. Things like doorbells, house numbers, guttering and mail­boxes should be in good repair and have a fresh coat of paint. * Add or update landscape lighting and consider easy-to-install solar options. In addition to providing safety and security, lighting can add attractive accents to walking paths and plantings. * Punch up your landscape with color. Remove any dead or withered plants and fill in bare spots with large, blooming annuals. * Make sure the driveway and side­walks are free of cracks or crumbling concrete. * Nothing makes an older house look new again like a fresh coat of paint. Repair any rotting wood, caulk windows, spruce up wood trim and then update the color of your home.

Weed Control

Fertilizer Facts

“Grass competes with weeds for space and nutrients,” Hamza said. “Strengthening the health of turf will help your lawn win the war against weeds, such as dandelions.”

Beautiful, lush and natural-looking lawns are an important part of our image of what a home should be. Cameron encourages homeowners to invest in a lawn they love and make sure their home’s first impression is positive.

Water, fertilizer and weed control are the three keys to an ideal lawn. According to Ben Hamza, Ph.D., TruGreen expert and director of techni­ cal operations, if you mow correctly, feed your lawn and water the right way, then weed management will be much easier.

Grasses should be fertilized when they’re actively growing. So, it’s important to consult a lawn expert to determine what type of grass you have and when growth occurs. Together, home­owners and lawn experts can create a plan to keep grass grow­ing at its best all season long.

Watering Basics

Knowing how to effectively water your lawn is critical to the overall health of your turf. Water your lawn only when it needs it, usually about one inch a week. The first three to four inches of soil below the grass should be dry before you water. Use a trowel or a screwdriver to open the soil and feel it with your finger. Another way to test when your lawn needs water is to step on the grass. If you can easily flatten the grass with your foot, you should water it. If the grass regains its form quickly after you step on it, wait before watering. Watering in the cool of early morning is best as watering later in the day may leave sitting water and cause problems with root rot or fungal diseases. Never water on a windy day. Also, be aware of local water restrictions, usually posted online.

More tips, survey methodology, and to watch Jason Cameron in seasonal webisodes on curb appeal, visit

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 81

Bring Your Personal Design

Family Features

Style to Life

You’ve made the decision to remodel your home. The budget range and project scope have been set, but now you aren’t sure how to begin this new adventure. Following a few simple guidelines and tips can simplify the process of turning your vision into a ravishing remodel. Set the Style Scene

Many homeowners know exactly where their preferences fall on the style spectrum, while others have no idea. As a first step, identify your personal style before moving forward with any steps of the remodel. There are even websites that offer a style quiz to help you determine where your style falls. Even if you think you know what you want for a space, develop a mood board to help you visualize your design style. A mood board will ensure that others, such as professionals or family members, understand your vision. Gather items on your board such as colors, patterns and images that make you feel good. You (and a designer) can make sense and draw meaning from it later. There are some great resources online for developing these boards. Pinterest, a tool that enables users to “pin” their favorite items, is extremely useful for finding ideas and forming a vision. Start by following leading home products companies, such as KraftMaid Cabinetry, on Pinterest to help collect inspirational images. 82 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Turn Dreams into Design

Once you are in tune with your style, engage a designer. The remodeling process is overwhelming and designers are a great resource. “One of the biggest advantages to working with a designer on a home project is that they really understand functionality, while accomplishing your desired style,” says Sarah Reep, director of designer relations and education at KraftMaid Cabinetry. “By telling a designer the details of your lifestyle and gripes about your current layout, they can turn out a well-designed space that will fit all of your needs.” Working with professionals doesn’t have to break the bank and can actually save you time, money and provide peace of mind in the long run. Avoid costly mistakes and ensure that the professionals you hire are fully certified and qualified for the task. Great kitchens and baths start with great design. At the end of the day, you’ll be thankful for the time spent during the dreaming and designing phases of your remodel. These steps will help bring your dream to life, just the way you imagined it.

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Relocate, Renovate or Redecorate

By Chip Krespach

Southwest Florida continues to grow and as “they don’t make land anymore” the respective values of various areas and communities grow along with it. And… just like other parts of the country, waterfront properties or those close to the water seem to be the most desirous. With this basic tenet as the backdrop, the growth of Collier and Lee counties began along or near the water and moved east and north in general terms with various architecture and design trends evolving over the years. Hence, one now finds older, more mature homes and condos along the water with more contemporary communities and architecture to the east. Of course, new hurricane and building codes have helped drive the evolution but design trends clearly follow consumer demands. Homes with separate living rooms and formal dining space seem to be less popular while open concept great room floor plans featuring design elements that maximize the warm SWFL sun, endless skies and outdoor spaces, especially in the winter months are on the rise. The latest design changes seem to have the old world Tuscan influence giving way to more casual Mediterranean style spaces. The home choices are endless and ever changing. Now, for those homeowners in the more mature areas in SWFL the question becomes, “do we move to another home to take advantage of the newer designs or do we change our space?” In the same way, if you are currently searching for a property to buy, the question is the same. “Do we select a more recently built home or choose one in a mature area that can be renovated to make our own?” It seems a growing number of people are opting to update and enhance their homes to provide the more modern surroundings they seek. Let’s call it… a home facelift that creates function. I would encourage you to talk with a luxury home Realtor about which way to go. They can provide valuable insight about newer homes 84 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

currently on the market versus the various areas where one could purchase an older home with the intention of doing anything from a minor renovation to a complete teardown and rebuild. It can be easier than you might think. In exploring the types of things that can be done, I talked to local interior designer and principal of LDL Interiors, Lynn Lombardi. Originally from New York, Lynn has held several positions in highend design and building firms that provided her invaluable insights into the profession and the Southwest Florida market. But true to her calling to freely create, she inaugurated LDL Interiors in 1995. Lynn’s design philosophy begins with the premise that effective design starts with a conversation and she has worked with clients to create excellent casual luxury environments tailored exactly to their wants and desires. One example is this estate home in The Colony Golf & Country Club in Bonita Springs, MLS #201312857. Skillful selection of interior colors combined with select furniture and décor transformed this home into a relaxing luxury environment suited specifically to the owners taste.

Photography by Michael McVay & Randall Perry

Next let’s take a look at truly unique design challenge. What could possibly be done with a Gulfshore highrise ostensibly limited to the defined space of a condominium?

To maximize 140 degree views of the Gulf of Mexico, this highrise unit was stripped to its bones and reconfigured with exacting architectural details. Inspired by the expansive view and colors of the Gulf, this unit was completely re-envisioned from the ground up. Walls that blocked a direct view of the Gulf were removed, and reclamation of outdoor space to living space created the expansive view from the main living areas. The addition of heightened ceilings, ceiling coffers and improved lighting provided both form and function to the space. Color choices from muted teals and bright blue to warm, vivid palette of sunset colors, the interior elements masterfully accent the changing tones of the gulf. The stone and tile choices in the kitchen and baths along with the artwork and fabrics pay perfect homage to the natural beauty of coastal living in Florida. continued on page 86... FOCUS of SWFL 2013 85

Finally, in our third design challenge we find a compound of 3 Lighthouse Cottages nestled near the heart of Naples that were completely updated with modern conveniences and technology without compromising their integrity and charm. Soft opulence would describe the understated, high-end elements used throughout the main living areas. This remodel afforded easy living using ingenious techniques to build in the modern technology and upgrades among the existing structures. These cottage renovations succeeded in modernizing classic charm for contemporary living.

While over-improving can always be a concern from a financial perspective, your home is typically a reflection of you and your lifestyle. Especially when it is a place that you and your family spend time and entertain friends, shouldn’t it really be where you want and what you want? If not‌Relocation, Renovation or Redecorating could be viable choices for you. Special thanks to Michael McVay Photography and Randall Perry Photography for the excellent photo library.

86 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Follow the “SAFETY” Checklist from Trusted HGTV Contractor Mike Holmes Family Features

eeping a healthy home for your family means more than daily chores and the occasional deep cleaning. It’s important to add routine inspec­tions of often overlooked areas and regular main­tenance to your list of tasks. “Every home can have unhealthy, harmful, or even hazardous areas,” said Mike Holmes, renowned contractor on HGTV and healthy home expert. “It’s important to check them out, especially during regular maintenance. Address­ing these ‘hidden hazards’ helps create a healthy home and keeps your family safe.” Holmes recommends following his “SAFETY” checklist to ensure your home is safer and healthier for your family.

S Seek out lead in the home.

If your home was built before 1978, it could contain lead. Your family could be exposed to it through the air, drinking water, contaminated soil, deteriorating paint and dust in and around the house. If you disturb any material that con­tains lead, tiny lead particles could become airborne at home. Talk to a profes­sional to test the entire house, and take the neces­sary steps to ensure your family’s safety.

A Address indoor air quality and change your air filter.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air pollution levels can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels — some­times even 100 times higher. Your lungs shouldn’t be cleaning the air inside your home. Use an electrostatically charged Filtrete Brand air filter to help capture odors and airborne particles, such as mold spores, dust mite debris, bacteria and viruses. Plus, changing your filter at the start of every season helps protect and maintain your system.

F Fix leaks to prevent mold and mildew.

Mold spores need moisture to grow and thrive in warm, humid conditions. When mold is disturbed, its spores can get into the air you breathe. Inspect your home for excess water and moisture build-up from leaky roofs, faucets, basement drains, dishwashers and wash­ ing machines, and fix them immediately. Also, reduce your indoor humidity to 30 to 60 percent, and use vents and exhaust fans whenever possible.

E Exercise caution around appliances.

Before using appliances such as space heaters and toaster ovens, make sure they are working properly. Never drape an electrical cord over a sink, as electricity should never come into contact with water or any other liquids. Also avoid overloading wiring or plugging too many appliances into a single wall socket because it can cause electrical sparks, leading to an electrical fire. Be sure to unplug appliances when they’re not being used, and cover sockets with outlet protectors.

T Test for dangerous gases.

One out of every 15 homes in the U.S. has dangerous levels of radon, according to the EPA. You can purchase a short-term home radon test for less than $20. Test the lowest lived-in level of your home, and if you have elevated levels of radon, call a qualified contractor immediately. Make sure they have plenty of experience dealing with radon. Also, test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors every month by pushing the test button on the unit. Remember to change the batteries every season, and replace the entire unit every 7 to 10 years.

Y Yield healthier results with regular upkeep.

Keep up with regular home maintenance to help keep your home healthy and your family safe. Fix small problems now to avoid big repairs later. Remember, big repairs come with big price tags and can lead to unhealthy and unsafe living conditions.

For more tips on creating a healthier home, visit 88 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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never felt

so good

Stove Remove and wash stove grates, burners and coils with warm water and soap. Over time, grease can build up around the stove, increasing the chances of a fire.

Fire extinguishers

Cracks Inspect the floor, walls and foundation of the home for cracks. Jot them down on your home to-do list, and fix them before they lead to deterioration and wood rot.



Check the expiration dates on your fire extin­ guishers. You should keep one on each floor of your home.



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FOCUS of SWFL 2013 89

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Family Features


hether you want to advance your career or make the change to a new career, it’s up to you to make it happen.

“Sometimes hundreds of professionals are sending resumes for one open position, so you cannot leave things up to chance,” said University of Phoenix School of Business Dean Dr. Bill Berry. “You need to put a solid plan in place that will help you set the right career goals and obtain the skills you need to give you a competitive advantage.”

90 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Determine Your Career Goals Think about what you really want to do with your career — and be specific. Ask yourself some questions: •

What are the things that interest you most?

What motivates you?

In what kind of work environment do you thrive?

What kinds of jobs fit these criteria?

If you’re not sure, it can be helpful to take a per­sonal assessment. “Doing so can help you uncover your passions and preferences,” said Dean Berry. “It can help you identify strengths and can help you make an informed decision about your career.”

Identify Skills Gaps There are more than three million job openings in this country, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, yet many companies are finding it dif­ficult to fill those positions. A common reason given for this is that employers can’t find qualified people with the appropriate skills. A survey by University of Phoenix found that many people are recognizing the need to add skills in order to improve their careers: •

89 percent of working Americans believe there is still room for them to grow in their careers, and can point to at least one skill they will need to learn.

58 percent who are not currently enrolled in school full-time believe that going back to school would be crucial if they were consider­ing a new career path.

36 percent say they need additional education in order to get to the next level of their careers.

continued on page 93...

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“Taking an objective look at the skills you currently have and comparing them to the skills required for the type of job you desire, gives you a clear picture of what it will take to make the job changes you want,” Dean Berry said. •

Start by writing down the skills, knowledge and qualifications you currently have.

Next, research the types of jobs you want, and write down the qualifications needed.

Compare the two lists, and take notes on the skills you’re currently missing.

“Once you do that, you can make decisions on how you’re going to bridge that skills gap,” said Dean Berry. “At the University, we are seeing working adults pursuing education in order to address their own skills gaps — and it’s helping position them for career growth.”

University of Phoenix’s survey found that hav­ing a degree has given those surveyed tangible benefits: •

63 percent of those with bachelor’s degrees or higher believe that their education led to more responsibility.

60 percent of those with bachelor’s degrees or higher believe that their education positively affected their ability to get promoted.

Those with bachelor’s degrees also say they perceive that their education led to other bene­fits including receiving raises (58 percent), keeping a job (58 percent) and being given more management opportunities (57 percent).

“For those returning to the classroom after many years, they’ll find that learning tools and platforms have changed significantly,” said Dean Berry. “With online learning and other innovations, the classroom is evolving to mirror the workplace and the skills that employers want.” Online coursework is one way that many adults are achieving their goals while holding down a job and/or raising a family. Fifty-nine percent of those surveyed say they are currently taking such a course, or plan to in the near future. When inves­tigating education opportunities, look into your online options to help you maximize your time and pursue the degree plan that best fits your needs. “The bottom line is that you have to take charge of your career,” said Dean Berry. “With a good plan and clear goals in place, you can make yourself more marketable and put yourself on the path to a more fulfilling and rewarding career.”

Top 10 Skills You Need According to research by Apollo Group, parent company of University of Phoenix, successful workers in the 21st century need certain skills. Here’s what employers are looking for — and how you can get them through education:

Leadership — Being a great employee is different than being a great leader. Look for coursework that emphasizes leadership skills and enables you to lead teams. Critical thinking — Take coursework that offers an opportunity to engage in self-directed, project-based and applied learning.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Communication — Learn in an environment that requires participation in many modes of communication. Collaboration — Choose courses that are collaborative and also measure success by team results. Productivity and accountability — Develop an organization and com­ muni­cation system that accounts for short-term and long-term projects. Adaptability — Take advantage of flexible course schedules and learning platforms in order to work, raise a family, volun­teer and learn. Innovation — Seek out learning environments that build technology and media fluency.

Bridge the Gaps If you have a skills gap in one area, such as know­ledge of current computer software, you can take a single course or seminar to catch up. But for many, getting or finishing a college degree is the key to making a positive career change.

Accessing, analyzing and synthesizing information — Seek out a market-driven curriculum focused on real workplace issues to help you think about how to interconnect. Entrepreneurialism — Improve your problem-solving abilities with class projects and case studies that tackle issues and require analysis and strate­gic planning. Global citizenship — Learn in a diverse classroom to build crosscultural understanding. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 93

A Haven For Serenity and Wellness By Kayla DaCosta

Tucked deep into the natural Florida environment, the Happehatchee Center is located on Corkscrew Boulevard in Estero, half a mile from US 41. An average passerby would have a great deal of trouble locating this center as it has remained sheltered among mass amounts of Florida vegetation about a quarter of a mile off of the road. Upon arriving, guests are overwhelmed with a deep sensation of spirituality, calmness, and inner peace. The Happehatchee center owned and operated by Ellen Peterson has been serving as a beacon for spiritual endeavors since 2005.

Pe t e r s o n ,


with a board of likeminded leaders, have developed the center primarily for educational, environmental, scientific, and spiritual purposes. Visitors pay a small price for the inner peace they receive upon entering the Happehatchee Center and partaking in activities that include but are not limited to yoga, meditation, and crystal ball reading. In addition to the large amount of activities offered at the center, Peterson and members are heavily involved in community outreach programs.

These programs include healing programs for women’s health, after school programs, academic environmental programs, and Gather the Woman events. The center has maintained a quaint reputation for being “under the radar,� and receives most of its visitors via word of mouth. The Happehatchee Center is constantly looking for volunteers to man the grounds or take up a class session. If interested in volunteering or for further information on classes feel free to contact Ellen Peterson and Happehatchee Center at 239-206-4393.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Medicare Beneficiaries Can Save Money Family Features

The complexities of health care reform, an aging population and a higher incidence of chronic disease have created a growing need to help seniors enrolled in Medicare understand their benefits while managing health care expenditures. One area is Part D, Medicare’s prescription drug benefit program, where according to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, more than 31.5 million people were enrolled in 2012. A recent Walgreens survey examining seniors’ understanding of Part D plans and health behaviors shows that more than one-third of those surveyed (37 percent) acknowledged daily concerns about their prescription drug costs. One in 5 surveyed said they’ve had to make sacrifices, such as delaying filling a prescription or skipping doses, to help manage medication costs. “It’s important for everyone to be able to afford the prescriptions they need, and with recent changes to Medicare and other programs under health care reform, it’s critical for beneficiaries to fully understand their options and ways to make their health care dollars go further,” said Dan Luce, director of pharmacy affairs for Walgreens. “If cost is preventing some patients from taking medicine as prescribed, as the survey shows, it’s always a concern because skipping doses or not refilling prescriptions can be a significant and costly barrier in treating illness. This underscores the need to educate Part D beneficiaries about how they can save on prescription and other health care costs.” There are some simple steps that Medicare Part D beneficiaries can take today to potentially save on prescription drug costs: 96 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

• Review your Medicare Part D plan. It is important to review your plan to make sure you’re taking full advantage of all the benefits offered. Ask your local pharmacy staff to review the plan with you and suggest any potential areas to save. • Talk to a pharmacist about cost concerns and ways you might be able to save. Switching to generic medications is just one simple way to save money. Also ask your physician if there is a 90-day medication supply option for any of your prescriptions instead of purchasing a refill each month. • Compare co-pay and other costs against your current plan and pharmacy and use a preferred network pharmacy if one is offered by your Part D plan. One pharmacy that participates in the preferred networks of four national Part D sponsors, Walgreens, offers savings of up to 75 percent (when comparing Tier 1 co-pays) on prescription co-pays over select pharmacies for a number of plans in which it is a preferred pharmacy. You can schedule Medicare Part D plan review appointments with a pharmacist and get further information at

Must-have Gadgets

designed to eliminate pet peeves


Family Features

ompanies are rolling out hot new technology to keep you connected, organized and entertained. Yet, many create pet peeves. Whether you are hanging out at home or travelling on vacation, here’s a round-up of tech gadget must-haves that get rid of top gadget pet peeves.

Packages that won’t open with a good yank SWISS ARMY KNIFE Imagine being moments from a huge pre­sentation and needing to clip a loose thread from a suit jacket, scan notes with an emergency flashlight and move your notes onto a backup computer. Now, imagine doing it all with the Victorinox Swiss Army with flash USB. It features all of the tools that you see in the little red classic, includ­ing knife blade, scissors and flashlight, plus an integrated 32G flash USB. See every­ thing this little $220 device can do at 98 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Needing a pen and paper SKY WIFI SMARTPEN This $200 high-tech pen records every­ thing you write and hear then automati­cally transfers it wirelessly to your tablet, laptop or smartphone. The 4GB smartpen can hold more than 400 hours of audio and thousands of pages of notes. It can also give you the answer to any addition, subtraction, multi­ plication or division problem you write down. Livescribe smartpens do require the use of special paper printed with a unique pattern of tiny microdots. This tiny pattern acts like a map for the smartpen, allowing it to capture the exact location of every­thing you write or draw. Learn more at

Trying to see pics, docs or videos on someone else’s phone POCKET PROJECTOR Compact, portable and rechargeable, the HDMI Pocket Projector takes you from business presentations to game time with friends to family movie night. Priced at $300, it connects to most smartphones, tablets, computers, video players, game consoles and digital cameras. It delivers an incredi­bly sharp, clear image up to 60 inches diagonal on any flat surface. So, those movies you have stored on your smartphone can be viewed by the whole family at once. Find out more at www.

Designer Smart Phone The Smile is the world's first smart phone you can wear like a bracelet! Not only that, but it can also read your mood. It will know if you're stressed out or relaxing. It can monitor your diet and your health. It will inform you when you should get up and move or take a rest. It can suggest where you should spend a night out on the town. It can control how awake you are as well as your sleep stages and your dream time. And if you're in trouble, the Smile will call for help.

hand above the sensor of a wireless payment system at the checkout and you're done! (You choose a bank card or e-account number before) Now The Smile, which is always with you, is your handiest tool for paying for your purchases. As a nice add-on feature, the Smile's memory can store all of your personal key information including permanent keys for your house, garage, office and car and temporary ones for your hotel or season tickets. The Smile's memory will also hold a large amount of discount card information. We also hope that soon the Smile will be able to receive, copy, and store e-ticket information as well.

You can use your Smile as an independent cell phone as well as answer calls from your smart phone via the Smile. It's quite easy to answer a call this way, just reply "Yes" or use any other affirmative word. You do not have to memorize command words, since the Smile understands your natural language. Or you can just press a button, as usual.

The Smile's screen size will be the same as 3 icon rows on the iPhone screen.

Sending a text, email messages or video, listen to or read the messages on Facebook, blogs or Twitter Tweets. All these things are quite simple to do.

The Smile is the AI that will become your indispensable assistant friend.

Paying for the purchases has never been so convenient! B With the wireless NFC payment system which is built-in into the Smile just wave your

Calls going straight to voicemail zBOOST SOHO Nothing is more annoying than drop­ping or missing a call because of a weak signal. zBoost SOHO cell phone signal booster kit increases signal up to 3000 square feet, making it perfect for your home or office. Priced at $399, yet available and heavily discounted at most e-tailers, the device supports multiple users simultaneously with increased voice and data trans­mis­sion. Check it out at

Lost luggage TRAKDOT Anyone who has ever lost luggage or simply won­ dered what happens to their bag after leaving it at the check-in counter will want this gadget available at The device, priced at $50, con­ stantly monitors the cellular network to determine its city location. It sleeps while in flight but wakes up and emails your cell phone when it lands. Tuck it into your checked luggage and know immediately if your luggage landed in the same city. It also sends a friendly greeting when you are within 30 feet of your luggage — very handy for finding your black wheeled bag among all the others. There is a small one-time activation fee and an annual service fee.

Deadzones while driving zFORCE Hate dropped calls or those dreaded dead zones? The zForce YX240 signal booster by zBoost captures outside signals and ampli­fies it on the inside of your car. The result is increased reliability and an improved signal for voice and data and no more dropped calls. The zForce works with your cell phone or smartphone, such as iPhone, Android or BlackBerry. Priced at $99 to $129, the device comes with a cradle for hands-free operation and promises to extend battery life. Check out FOCUS of SWFL 2013 99


100 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Add some sizzle and spark to your wardrobe with SUE WONG’s latest collection of dresses for summer! From colorful yet elegant day wear to glamorous evening pieces suitable for dinner and drinks with friends or a dazzling red carpet event, this collection has everything you need for a new season. Immerse yourself in colors such as oranges, reds and pinks that pop alongside lilacs, purples, teals and greens. Details abound from hand embroidery, layering, beading, fringe and illusion surfaces. For over two decades Sue Wong has been astonishing fashion aficionados with collection after collection of ravishing dresses that prove both timeless and timely. Distinguished by the impeccable quality of traditional couture dress making, her designs are suffused with Old Hollywood glamour, steeped in romance and mystery while being utterly modern and accessible to women everywhere. Sue continues to forge new ground in defining fashion that transcends generations and boundaries even as she creates masterpieces of passion and desire expressed through inimitable style. There are a wide variety of choices featuring the label’s meticulous craftsmanship, the finest fabrics and accessible pricing. More and more women are finding ways of discovering their inner star in these beautiful dresses. But it is Sue’s design sensibility that has made the label a particular favorite of modern women, celebrities and fashionistas alike who gravitate toward its unbridled romanticism and sophistication. Available at specialty boutiques, major department stores including Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, Lord & Taylor, Macy’s and internationally in over 27 countries.

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Style Trend

Established by Joseph Li in 1995, the LAMO Footwear collection has since become a fashion staple for a continuously growing number of shoppers. "Our mission is to provide consistent value, quality, and comfort through our entire life and to create ideal investment pieces. While other brands have resorted to lower quality of synthetics and linings, we wanted to maintain the quality of our line by using natural sheepskin fiber, which is the hallmark of our brand."

Inspired by California-casual style, LAMO Footwear designs seasonal collections to stay true to the original sheepskin surfer boot while adding distinct details that make each product unique. Manufactured from the finest quality Australian Merino sheepskin, LAMO Footwear not only provides superior quality and cushion, but is also created with temperature balancing properties and durable flexibility.

LAMO FOOTWEAR is the perfect shoe for weathering the changing seasons. LAMO's 2013 collection offers fun, versatile selections like moccasin slip-ons and colorful flats, while keeping true to the classic warmer, boot and bootie options. LAMO Footwear is a great option for warm or cool weather, adding fashionable comfort to any outfit.

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Whether you want to get your body ready for swimsuit season or stay fit during the summer months, it’s important to find a fitness routine that you can maintain. These tips will help you get motivated and keep moving for a healthier body. Shake things up – Having a variety of fitness activities works different parts of your body, keeps you engaged in the process, and ensures you have some way to exercise no matter what the weather is like. Lifting weights, swimming, cycling, walking, dancing – there are plenty of ways to have fun as you work out. Many people choose to include an exercise video game as part of their fitness routine. A study by the University of Calgary Exergaming Research Centre, the American Council on Exercise, and the University of Massachusetts Department of Exercise and Health Sciences found that when used at an intermediate or high intensity level, “exergaming” can improve your fitness. And another study, commissioned by the American Council on Exercise, found that the Zumba® Fitness program– experienced via a game or class – can burn a significant amount of calories due to its level of cardiovascular intensity. “The dance-based routines within Zumba Fitness Core are specifi 104 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Family Features

cally designed to sculpt stronger abs and provide an exhilarating total body workout,” said Liz Buckley, General Manager of the Zumba Fitness video game franchise at Majesco Entertainment. “In fact, Zumba Fitness Core is the only video game on the market to target your core. With 33 different dance styles, and 40 contagious music tracks, you get an incredible amount of variety as you benefit from ‘exercise in disguise.’”

player feature, two-player on Kinect and four-player on Wii, you can party with friends and work out in a fun, cooperative way.”

Buddy up with someone else – It’s harder to avoid exercising when you’ve made a commitment to someone else that you’ll be there. Partnering with a friend can make activities more fun, and you and your partner can help each other be accountable for working out.

• Set achievable goals. It won’t help you to set goals you can’t meet – you’ll either injure yourself or be constantly discouraged. It’s OK to start small and work your way up. • Make sure the rewards are appropriate. Enjoying a calorie-laden meal or sugary treat after hitting a goal isn’t the way to go. Look for non-food related rewards that will help motivate you to keep going. • With Zumba Fitness Core, for example, when you reach certain goals, you are rewarded with lifestyle tips, achievements and unlockable bonus videos that give you a behind-thescenes peek at the celebrity Zumba instructors featured in game.

• Set a regular time and place to meet. Set ground rules for when it’s acceptable to miss a session and how you’re to communicate. • Make sure your partner is equally committed. • Have common fitness goals. • Be sure you have similar fitness levels and abilities. You can also buddy up online. For example, Zumba Fitness Core on Kinect for Xbox 360 enables you and friends to share fitness goals and work together to complete them. Buckley said that “Utilizing the game’s multi-

Reward yourself – Changing behavior is hard, but little rewards along the way can help you stay motivated. You might enjoy a new pair of walking shoes when you reach 5,000 steps a day or a new DVD after sticking to your plan for 30 days.

It’s easier – and more fun – than you might think to get in shape for the summer and find a fitness program you love.

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ANITA INTERNATIONAL is one of the world’s leading intimate apparel companies. Established in 1886, the family owned, fourth generation Anita International was founded with the simple mission to provide women with comfortable, fashionable products that fit perfectly. With 127 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and producing their own intimate apparel collections, Anita international is a world-class brand of lingerie that is suitable for women of all ages, at any stage of life. Focusing products on fit and comfort, Anita products are fashionable and made to flatter and compliment a woman’s body. With five different collections including swimwear, activewear, shapewear, maternity and a specially designed mastectomy collection, Anita International sets itself apart from the competition by instituting intimate apparel for every body.

Best-selling line ANITA ACTIVE provides both support and style for women with an active lifestyle. Anita Active is an exceptional activewear line constructed with a wide variety of cup and band sizes, as well as optimum moisture management. The Anita Active Collection retails from $59 - $75. One of the most authoritative intimate apparel specialists in the world, with a diverse line of products that cater to women of all body types and ages, ANITA offers unique products that gives women confidence.

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 107

Swimsuit What Women Want in a

eight out of ten (78 percent) want a swimsuit to flatten the tummy area, while almost half would like a swimsuit that enhances the bust area (49 percent), slims hips (48 percent) or helps to conceal thighs (48 percent). The survey also found that two-thirds (66 percent) of respondents do plan to purchase a new swimsuit this year. When asked what prompts new swimsuit purchases, many cited multiple reasons including old swimsuits were worn out (88 percent), body changes (79 percent), upcoming vacations (70 percent) and simply wanting a new swimsuit style (35 percent).

By Michele Casper

Swimsuit season is here! A recent survey of women by Lands’ End found that almost nine out of ten (89 percent) agree that wearing a swimsuit is the most exposed they ever are in public. It’s not surprising then that women surveyed believe that proper fit (98 percent) is essential in any swimsuit they are considering. “A great fitting swimsuit is key to looking great and feeling comfortable during swim season,” said Erin McCormick, swimwear merchandise manager, Lands’ End. “At Lands’ End, we are committed to offering women fabulous fits and beautiful styles to help them look and feel confident whether at the beach or in the backyard.”

Swimsuit Survey Findings: • One-Piece Preferred – One-pieces continue to rule among almost seven out of ten women (67 percent) when it comes to swimsuit silhouettes. • Bold Bikinis – While one-piece swimsuits may rank tops, almost half of those surveyed plan to brave a bikini this season (46 percent). • Choices, Choices – Almost a quarter of women (23 percent) will give themselves swimsuit choices this season by purchasing more than one suit. • Swimsuit Quality Counts – Women demand a quality swimsuit with 89 percent stating the level of quality in a swimsuit impacts purchasing decision. • Cool Coverage – Swimsuit shoppers are looking for swim coverage. In fact, 85 percent look for a swimsuit with good coverage. • Oh So Slimming – More than half of respondents (53 percent) would like to find a swimsuit with slimming technology. • Mix it Up – When asked about swimsuit style more than half (56 percent) prefer to buy each piece separately in order to choose proper fit each piece. • Speech vs. Swimsuit – Survey respondents stated that when in public they would be more self conscious in a swimsuit (66 percent) than giving a speech in public (35 percent). • Keep it Quality – There are many factors that go in to purchasing a swimsuit but for 89 percent of respondents, quality in a swimsuit choice is key.

While women confess to feeling “exposed” when wearing a swimsuit in a crowd, the survey also found that only 20 percent are concerned about the opinion of the general public. While other’s opinions may not matter, women are still looking for fit solutions in swimsuits. In fact, almost FOCUS of SWFL 2013 109

Women's Sea Gardens Balconette Bikini Top, $54 Women' Sea Gardens Shirred Bikini Bottom, $44

110 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Women's SwimMate Bandeau Color Block Bikini Top, $49 Women's SwimMate Floral Flounce Skirt, $34 Women's SwimMate Color Block Cami, $34 Women's Solid Sun Hat, $29

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 111

TOMMY BAHAMA Tommy Bahamacolor-block rash guard, pink martini/white/mare, $78. Wide banded hipster with side ruching, pink martini/white/ mare, $53. Full coverage underwire bra with molded cups, pink martini/white/mare, $78. Color-edged hipster, pink martini/white/ mare, $45. All nylon/lycraŽ spandex. In Women’s Active & Swim at Nordstrom and

112 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

MICHAEL MICHAEL KORS Michael Michael Kors shirred bandeau maillot, removable belt and shoulder strap, soft cups, polyester/spandex, white/black, $140. In Women’s Active & Swim at Nordstrom and

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 113


Available at select Macy's and at

114 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

MATERIAL GIRL Jacket 54.00 Dress 44.00

Available at select Macy's and at

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 115

PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. The collection features a brand new necklace concept: a unique design that can combine as many as eight necklaces into a layered look that is luxurious and interchangeable. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a starshaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

er n g e i Des rofil P

Ekaterina Kukhareva Ekaterina Kukhareva launched her eponymous knitwear line after graduating from Central Saint Martin’s in London. Producing unique knitted fabrics, this label is known for its luxury hand-made trimmings. A compilation of hand worked macramÊ, crochet, fringing and knotting which add elaborate glamour to the entire collection and make the timeless pieces stand out. Ekaterina Kukhareva collections are Chic with contemporary approach to textiles and have the following of singers such as Paloma Faith, Brandy, Eliza Doolittle and Nicki Minaj to name a few. With gorgeous weaving techniques, unusual shapes, and futuristic patterns, Ekaterina Kukhareva employs natural fabrics like wool and cotton and viscose. Putting emphasis on her Ukrainian and Russian roots, she has created alluring yet glamorous pieces, perfect for women with demanding sense of style. The collections are stocked in various countries such as Dubai, Russia, USA and Saudi Arabia. Designer works mostly on creating exquisite textiles, experimenting with colours and silhouettes, making the whole collection suitable for sophisticated ladies with bohemian style.

118 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography By Rob Sheppard

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for a Terrific Tan

By Toni Brattin

What better way to get our pale complexions glowing again than by following a few tanning tips from self-tanning expert Toni Brattin? “There’s something about having a bit of tan on your skin that everyone loves,” said Brattin. “Not only does a little color make us look healthy and fit, it also tends to make us look younger and, more importantly, feel younger.” Brattin’s seven tips for getting a great-looking indoor tan: Tip No.1: Exfoliate and Moisturize “During the colder months of the year, people often don’t keep their skin properly moisturized or cared for, and they develop what I call ‘winter skin’; very dry skin covered by an accumulation of dead surface cells,” said Brattin. “Attempting to tan without first removing this layer of dead surface skin is probably the most common tanning error.” When you skip the exfoliating step, you wind up tanning dead surface skin which soon sloughs off, leaving splotches of lighter-colored new skin where the old dead skin cells were. “When you self-tan with lotions or sprays, the drier areas of your body, like elbows, knees and ankles are going to absorb more of the product, and, therefore, they often turn darker than other areas of the body,” said Brattin. “By thoroughly exfoliating first and then moisturizing these problem areas before you begin tanning, you’ll ensure a more even distribution of the tanning product and get a more even tan.” Tip No.2: Jumpstart Your Indoor Tan Due to concerns about premature wrinkling and skin cancer, gone are the days of lying on the hot beach for hours and hours soaking up the rays. But a little bit of natural sun is okay for most people and provides the body with vitamin D. It also stimulates the melanin in skin which can give self-tanning a bit of a boost for faster and darker results. “Enjoy the outdoors, but protect against dangerous sun exposure,” said Brattin. “With a little exposure you can achieve a great tan safely, without damaging your skin." Tip No.3: Shows Where it Goes – The Key to Even Tanning “One of the biggest problems people experience when they use selftanning products is streaking and unevenness,” said Brattin. “That’s because many of the tanning creams and lotions have no color or a very light color, so you have to sit and wait, sometimes for hours, to see if the product was evenly applied or whether you missed an area entirely.” To solve the problem, Brattin created Tan Secret® Instant Tanning Foam (, a rich, chocolaty mousse that shows exactly where the color is going as it is being spread over the body. According to Brattin, adding dark pigment to the formulation has two benefits: “First, it gives the user the ability to see that the product is being evenly dispersed on the skin, so they are confident they won’t end up with a streaky mess or looking like a zebra. Second, the pigment gives the user a little bit of instant tan coloring on their skin.” Tip No.4: Spot-Test First Many tanning products can create adverse skin reactions under certain conditions, especially for those with sensitive skin. “I recommend that an individual spot-test a small area on their body before widely applying any cosmetic product, including a self-tanner they’ve never used before,” said Brattin. 120 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Tip No.5: Do Not Get Trapped by Your Self Tanner “The active ingredients that cause tanning to occur, dihydroxyacetone and erythrulose, are chemicals with very unpleasant odors,” said Brattin. “Many times a person applies a tanning product only to later discover that the chemical odor left on their skin remains so strong that they can’t comfortably go out in public, even after showering.” Though the smell eventually subsides, if self-tanners engage in sports or other physical activities, they can still be embarrassed by it later, because, perspiration causes the chemical odor to re-emerge from pours. “Better-quality tanning products use advanced chemistry to eliminate those noxious odors,” said Brattin. “So be sure the self-tanning product you choose to rub onto your skin has no noxious odor.” Some self-tanning systems require a several-hour waiting period before you can dress. “If you’re thinking you can quickly slap on a tan before your date arrives, be sure the product you’re using is truly a quick-tanning one, like my new Tan Secret® Instant Tanning Foam, which takes only seconds to apply and rinse off in the shower, letting you step out looking tan and feeling fresh, with no odor, no waiting and no worry about streaking, missed spots or discoloring your clothing.” Tip No. 6: Spray-On Tans — Better Hold Your Breath Sometimes people grab a spray-on tan at the store, because, it looks fast and easy. “Some of the tanning sprays are very apt to produce overspray which is then inhaled, and some people don’t react well to that,” said Brattin. The overspray can also settle on carpet, tiles and furniture. “Some who use spray-tanning products have discovered the best place to apply them is outside or in the garage,” said Brattin. “If you’re going to have a spray tan applied at a salon, the amount of overspray that you may inhale could be considerable, so try not to breathe during the process, or wear a mask when possible.” Tip No.7: Simple Tanning Tools Help You Get Professional Results It seems logical that anyone rubbing tanning lotions or gels onto their bodies would want to use gloves to protect their fingers and palms from becoming over-pigmented. “Many people are so eager to rub the tanning product onto their bodies that they don’t stop and consider what will happen to their bare hands after being in contact with the lotion for extended periods,” said Brattin. “Well we’ve already been there and done that, so that’s why we provide gloves and an applicator wand with every bottle of Tan Secret® Instant Tanning Foam."

PureMoist™ Lipstick Vivid pigments blend with nourishing natural oils and superfruit extracts in the NEW PureMoist™ Lipstick from jane iredale – THE SKIN CARE MAKEUP® for petal-soft lips that feel, look and taste amazing. Ripe, juicy colors saturate the lips while the proven soothing properties of moringa oil moisturize. Orange peel wax, avocado and sunflower seed oils give a luxurious, conditioned and quenched feeling to the lips. Vitamins A and C and coffee seed extract infuse the delicate lip area with antioxidant protection. The organic pomegranate and blackberry fruit extracts are unique, luscious flavors that stimulate the senses. The 24 versatile shades dress the lips with high-impact color and sumptuous depth. The continuously creamy, rich and smooth formula glides on easily for long-lasting hold. The sleek tube is designed for easy and precise application. PureMoist Lipstick will be available September 2013 for $25 at and at select skin care specialists and beauty apothecaries worldwide.


Your “I love it when summer changes to fall and my garden and the world surrounding it becomes quite sultry and seductive – darker, richer tones emerge with the new season and all of its excitement. It is with this in mind that I proudly launch our NEW PureMoist Lipstick. A fresh take on a classic that invites you to live in full bloom!”


I4Trends is a couture line with a mix of glam, high fashion and sophistication. It has the perfect allure and can be worn by anyone from Beyonce’ to Gwyneth Paltrow. Sanjeeda Baig resides in Pembroke Pines and in 2007 was awarded the “Designer of the Year Award” from the Fashion Designers Expo. Designer Sanjeeda Baig line is a unique blend of western cultural diversity, bringing distinctive style that is affordable for every fashionista. Her collections represent a collaboration of two cultures and the latest trends with an unforgettable touch of classic style. Her exclusive pieces can easily demand attention on any runway in New York, Paris or Milan. Sanjeeda’s style enhances the curves of a woman and allows her aura to shine through.

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Victorian Woman By Manuela Biocca

Steampunk is a literary genre, a field of science fiction called "Uchronia" (a fiction that permits us to imagine what would be the world if a past event had a different outcome; a time gap, an alternative version of history). Steampunk is strongly linked to the Victorian Era and the fantastic world of Steampunk is linked to the 19ème century industrial revolution. That's why the setting is made of steam machines, Victorian clothes, ancient cars mixed up with anachronic element such as computers, new technologies and machines, genetic engineering, apocalyptic setting. It expanded for many years to fashion, design, art and cinema. 124 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

steampunk Collection

You can see that kind of elements in my designs: Victorian inspiration, luxury fabrics, with laces and gemstones mixed with watch mechanism, leather, gears, chains, and clock patterns.

Jean-François Romero Anaïs Bravo Make-up: Haddy Sanghore

Photographer: Model:

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Jean-François Romero Anaïs Bravo Make-up: Haddy Sanghore

Photographer: Model:

126 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Fleurs de Cerisier Collection It has been inspired by Asia, Japan and its white and red flag. The red symbolizes on the flag the rising sun, integrity, and is the perfect color for love (reminded by red silk and garnet beads). The silk flowers complete the Asian inspiration and make think of the cherry tree flowers opening and diffusing their scent. White symbolizes purity of feelings (for the special wedding day), sincerity, fidelity and prosperity.

Jean-François Romero Anaïs Bravo Make-up: Haddy Sanghore

Photographer: Model:

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Perce-neige Collection I have imagined forests covered with snow and snowdrops trying to go out of the snow layer. I have also imagined Ice Queens with that kind of flower in their hair. There are little onyx hearts (hearts symbolizing love) on these pieces and some are united to form a four leaf clover, symbol of luck.

Jean-François Romero Anaïs Bravo Make-up: Haddy Sanghore

Photographer: Model:

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Jean-François Romero Anaïs Bravo Make-up: Haddy Sanghore

Photographer: Model:

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Photographer Joseph Fortress and model Paulina Bateva creates structural beauty among the contours of a steel bridge with feminine, but edgy pieces from Ivana Tomic, Lucia Prieto, Leyre Valiente, Melania Moya, Amaya Lorea, Cristina Peral, Lotocoho, Plata pura, Asaad Awad, Buffalo London and OjĂş illa.

MODEL Paulina Bateva STYLIST Leticia Pascual MUA & HAIR Carmen Belen Munoz IDEA & PHOTOGRAPHY Josh Fortress

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Jumpsuit: Amaya Lorea Ankle boot: Buffalo London Head-dress: Lotocoho Rings: Plata pura

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Jacket and skirt: Ivana Tomic

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BRAND REFERENCES Ivana Tomic: Lucia Prieto: Leyre Valiente: Melania Moya: Amaya Lorea: Cristina Peral: Lotocoho: Plata pura: Asaad Awad: Buffalo London: OjĂş illa.

134 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Body and feather boa: Melania Moya Skirt: Lucia Prieto Ring: Lotocoho Strap: Plata pura

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(941) 639-6364

One of a kind handmade fashion Photography by Richard Evans


Shop Hunting Divas focuses their vision of fashion on the quietly emerging talent. The designers featured have either just started their career or experimenting with innovative materials, techniques or have been undiscovered, so far producing very small amounts of unique pieces. There is also an emphasis on LatinAmerican designers and the nontraditional. Susana Sueldo Founder FOCUS of SWFL 2013 137

Vivian Hidalgo

By Susana Sueldo

Vivian Hidalgo created Vivian Contemporary Andean Designs with the vision of bringing the purest and most elaborate Andean designs to Europe and introduces the true identity of traditional Andean textiles together with the elaborate process behind these colorful and intricate pieces to the 21st Century.

Vivian went through a lengthy and demanding process of experimentation and research to produce these new Andean patterns managing to stay loyal to their cultural and historical background. The "Andean Cosmovision Collection" celebrates the change from Mama to Pacha Era in the Andean Calendar and it is based in the Cruz Chakana as the central point in the most relevant cycles and still in use nowadays. 138 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

These pieces are limited editions and those lucky enough to wear them can rest assured they are wearing a unique work of art. Vivian studied Interior Design in the Universidad Mayor de San Simon de Cochabamba in Bolivia, moving later on to Barcelona where she studied Multidisciplinary Design at the Universidad Polytecnica of Catalunya and finally moving to London where the finished her Masters in Graphic Design.

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Jezabel Gerik

By Susana Sueldo

Jezabel Gerik has been transforming knitwear as we know it from Cordoba, Argentina. She has pushed the limits of what the material can provide and create what she calls Haute Knitwear. The experimentation process allows her to produce individual pieces with bulges and three dimensional qualities till today considered impossible to achieve. This exploratory technique has resulted in a varied collection abundant in non formal textures and designs that travel to the unknown knitwear world.

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By Susana Sueldo

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Aleah is better known for her newspaper dresses and avant garde creations. Her dresses are primarily made out of glass, leaves, bubble wrap and even jelly sweets. She gets inspired by recyclable materials as they create such a different edge to the shots. She creates a story to go with them to make the final result both striking and unique. Aleah is a great believer in that any item can be turned into a beautiful thing provided you find what makes it stand out from the rest and bring it out through design and talent.

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Avar Saracho By Susana Sueldo

la caminante pune単a 144 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

The Avar Saracho family has been designing and handcrafting ponchos and shawls for over 15 years. The production of these high fashion pieces is relatively new compared to the customary waving of blankets, spreads and rugs that are the typical weaved products. Fifteen members of this talented family are involved in this ancient craft and the creation of these unique items out of their home in Belen, Province of Catamarca, Argentina. The weaving looms are located in their patio where they handcraft their art using the same ancient techniques inherited from generations. The Poncho, in its diverse forms and shapes, is a traditional clothing piece that was worn by the gauchos and provided them warmth and comfort. According to Mr. Avar Saracho, there was no interest in the local market for these items until a few years ago when designers like the Avar Saracho family brought a renewed and contemporary product that maintained the original style and quality. Some of the Avar Saracho ponchos are true and historically accurate reproductions of historic pieces documented in local museums and registries. The Avar Saracho family products are sold all over Argentina, to leading leather manufacturers known as “talabarterias� which specialize in varied products related to the Argentine folklore and that are very much sought after by tourists and collectors. Avar Saracho supplies unique pieces to museums in the USA, and clients in Paris, Brazil and Korea to name some destinations. The Poncho, in its diverse forms and shapes, is a traditional clothing piece that was worn by the gauchos and provided them warmth and comfort. According to Mr. Avar Saracho, there was no interest in the local market for these items until a few years ago when designers like the Avar Saracho family brought a renewed and contemporary product that maintained the original style and quality. Some of the Avar Saracho ponchos are true and historically accurate reproductions of historic pieces documented in local museums and registries. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 145

Model: Esther G. (Modelraum Hair & Make up: Sandra Globke ( Dress: Ayse Byzanz Duesseldorf 146 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Krystina Woldanowski Works of

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Photography: Krystina Woldanowski Model: Samira K. (AmazeModels Hair & Make up: Anna Tsoulcha ( Lingerie: Marc O´ Polo Bracelet & Earrings: Accessorize 148 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography: Krystina Woldanowski Model: Henriette B. (No Toys Modelagency Hair & Make up: Kim Angermann ( Stylist: Fashionstylist MB ( Top: Primark Pants: Primark Shoes: Kiomi Necklace: H&M

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Photography: Krystina Woldanowski Model: Henriette B. (No Toys Modelagency Hair & Make up: Kim Angermann ( Stylist: Fashionstylist MB ( Fur: Zara Pants: Primark Shoes: Primark Necklace: MBCollection Long necklace: Mango

150 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography: Krystina Woldanowski Model: Esther G. (Modelraum Hair & Make up: Sandra Globke ( Dress: Mango

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er n g e i Des rofil P

Indrea Gordon A self starter, self motivated, hard working, persistent woman describes Indrea who always strives for the best. She is the proud owner of Platinum House of Style which was developed in 1995 in Seaside, Ca. Platinum House in now located in Lake Charles, La and is the umbrella company for Quad Clothing Co. and Heavenly Weddings. Indrea's designs are known for its unique style mixed with unusual fabrics worn by some of the most elite fashion goers. Indrea is motivated by the look in a woman’s eye when she knows what she’s wearing is flawless. Indrea says, "if you look good, you feel good”. In her spare time she enjoys personal time with God, being a mother of 4, being silly with her husband who is quite comical, and helping others achieve their goals. Indrea, born in Lake Charles, La. in 1975 is one of the leading designers of her time. After relocating to Southwest La from a childhood lifestyle in northern California, Indrea began to reinvent her style. It was in Louisiana she really discovered that everything has it’s time and place and that sometimes less is more. Now with more of an emphasis on texture and fabric content, Indrea’s line is sure to appeal to any fashion forward person. “Sexy is my niche” but I design based on how I feel, I don’t want to keep myself in a box and only design certain looks, I want to give the consumer many choices”. One may see anything from a tailored suit to a beautiful wedding gown by Quad. Her favorite is evening wear but has been known to blaze the urban markets with trendy designs as well. As alumni of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in San Francisco, Indrea often reflects back on what she learned as a student. “The basics never change; you just give or take a little”. Many of Indrea’s designs have been among the celebrity elite such as Vivica Fox ,Cheryl Underwood and Ginuwine. The House of Platinum continues to grow and develop its content. With a growing staff and production team Quad Clothing Co. clearly offers a large variety to choose from. Radiant color blends, intricate cuts, combinations of interior fabrics mixed with soft silks and so on, Quad collections by Indrea Gordon are a must have.

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Ensemble by Dan Myricks

After years of experience working as a corporate executive in education, marketing, and publishing, Danessa Myricks was itching for a way to express her creative side. Forced to start a new career due to corporate downsizing she decided to take her hobby of experimenting with makeup and turn it into a career. Her reputation as an artist with a very clean, unique style has afforded her the opportunity to work with a broad clientele of beauty, hair, and music companies for print, web, television and show production both nationally and internationally. Danessa has worked with Jive Records, Arista, J Records, Sony/BMG & Motown to help shape the image of their artists. She has also worked on video and/or print projects for Britney Spears, Madonna, Ciara, Mario, Chris Brown, Bow Wow, Shontelle, Jazzmayne Sullivan, Angela &Vanessa Simmons, Jordan Sparks, Enrique Iglesias, 3LW, Brian Mcknight, Brooke Valentine, Floetry, Chris Rock, TI, Sean Paul, Mary Mary, Blu Cantrell, Tina Marie, BOB, Lupe Fiasco, Juan Luis Guerra, Ana Ortiz of Ugly Betty, Allison Williams, 702, Goapele, Tha’ Rayne, Isyss, and more. Her work has appeared in such publications as Vibe, Essence, Teen People, Today’s Black Woman and a host of national and International Hair and Beauty Publications. In addition to her work as a make up artist, she acts as a consultant and a core member of the product development team for a host of global cosmetic brands. 154 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photographer Eric Von Lockhart

Danessa is an Internationally renowned educator and a key presenter for a host of the top national and international trade shows including The Make Up Show, The Premiere Show, Chicago Mid West Show and the Bronner Brothers Show. She has also created a unique series of educational workshops. These 8-Hour Hands-On sessions are world renown and have a unique reputation for propelling new and seasoned artists to extraordinary levels in record time. Danessa has published 2 books She has over a dozen step-by-step training DVDs and books distributing thousands of copies worldwide to help others learn how to successfully start a career in makeup artistry. As the owner of I Make You Beautiful, Danessa heads a production team of artists, educators, and other beauty professionals who are specifically trained to work effectively in both education and trade show environments. Team IMYB has successfully executed an host of strategic marketing events, visual branding through video and photo shoots and a host of other direct marketing concepts to both consumers and professionals for over 6 years. Danessa has a passion for making people beautiful, and an extraordinary love and talent for teaching others to do the same.

Steven Popovich

Photographer: Steven Popovich Stylist: Janai Anselmi - Makeup: Isabella Schimid @ Names Agency - Hair: Dale Delaport @ Names Agency Model: Amy Pejkovic @ Work -

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Photographer: Steven Popovich Hair and makeup: Priscilla Rasjid - Model: Merille Raagas @ Priscillas Model Management

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Photographer: Steven Popovich Stylist: Natalie Sarpi Hair & Makeup: Raquel Bester - Model: Julia @ Priscillas -

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Photographer: Steven Popovich Stylist: Janai Anselmi - Hair & Makeup: Margo Regan Using Ellis Faas and Kevin Murphy Model: Nikita Redmond @ London Management Group

160 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photographer: Steven Popovich Winner of FACE OF LAKME´ Hair: Belcastro - Model: Eli @ EMG Models

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events & affairs


Raises $11,500 For Child Care Of Southwest Florida by Susan Bennett

Golfers putted, participated in raffles, and sipped beverages, all while helping Child Care of Southwest Florida raise $11,500 at its Fourth Annual“Tee Time For Tots” Child Care Golf Tournament June 1 at the Pelican Preserve Golf Club. The BB&T – Oswald Trippe and Company team of John Pollock of Fort Myers, David Owen of Cape Coral, David Negip of Fort Myers and Ed Castner of Cape Coral took home first place honors. Dave Negip also was closest to the pin, winning the prize of a BMW for the weekend. Doug Thrasher of Iberia Bank also was closest to the pin, winning the opportunity for a foursome to play at Cedar Hammock in Naples.

“Everybody had a good time knowing that their entry fees will be used to provide child care scholarships for children from low-income families,” said Child Care of Southwest Florida Executive Director Beth Lobdell. “Many people don’t realize that the cost of child care is the third largest expense in the family budget after housing and food. Many of our families simply cannot afford this necessary child care expense without some help. That’s where this golf tournament assists families in need.” An awards luncheon and raffle followed the morning of golf.

A putting contest was won by D. J. Wood, who won the opportunity to have a foursome in the 2014 Cajun Classic. Major sponsors of the tournament were Copy Lady, Digital Benefits, Lobdell Family, Merrill Lynch and Tri Circle Pavers.

First Place Team from BB&T Oswald Trippe and Company David Negip of Fort Myers, David Owen of Cape Coral, John Pollock of Fort Myers and Ed Castner of Cape Coral.

Playing the tournament was Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott; memCynthia Duff-Detrick of Copy Lady enjoys the day with Child Care bers of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Rusty Hillman and Tom of Southwest Florida Executive Director Beth Lobdell. Schmidt; and Glades County Sheriff Stuart Whiddon.

Mark Yust of Goodwill Industries with Child Care of Southwest Golfers Charlie Price of Fort Myers, Robin DeMattia of Naples, Florida Operations Director Nancy Coker. John Reingardt of Iberia Bank and Doug Thrasher of Iberia Bank. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 163

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Amber The color of her


By Daniel De Brun

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Amberose also credits Craig Seidell, her high school art teacher, who helped her develop into a blossoming young artist. She is opposite the reserved artist that locks themselves in a room for hours to create the next masterpiece. Owning a very bright, optimistic personality she creates art that is extremely colorful and full of energy. Her pieces have won local awards, and have been recognized nationally. Her depiction of a cocky rooster, “Tyson”, won the Congressional Art Award, and it is hanging in the tunnel between the White House and Congress. Another nationally recognized painting produced by Amberose is a brilliant blue horse, “Blue Rider”, which won second place in the 2009 National League of American Pen Women. Amberose shows her personality in her work. For example in “Tropical Companions” she painted a bird that had feathers that looked like pineapple leaves by accident, so “I just started morphing them into pineapples.” Her paintings are big and beautiful. “I find that I like working in a large scale to blow up and show the beauty of my subjects instead of just doing this small little art piece. I look at the small stuff and it kind of makes me yawn.”


Being so talented and artistically creative, one would assume that Ringling School of Art or Full Sail would be first on her list of colleges to attend; however, Amberose decided to go to Florida Gulf Coast University to develop her networking and social skills outside of art, instead of an exclusive art school. “I’m not sold on what I want to do with my life. I’m very open for change.

mberose is a young artist who knows how to make bold splashes of colors featuring the beautiful shapes and intelligence of various animals in her art work. “Birds, horses and fish are my thing” she says. “They have such a flow to them. It’s hard to explain, it’s all in my head. “Horses were my love when I was little, that’s all I drew. Everybody teased me for being ‘the horse drawer,’ but that was my passion.” Amberose also paints pictures of people like the “La Virgen de Guadalupe- Mother of all Mexico,” in which she always wanted to redo since she was a child. “This had always been my goal and now I have the talent, I did it.” It went to the Epiphany Cathedral 50th anniversary gala. I donated a giclee reproduction to the Epiphany Cathedral 50th anniversary gala fundraiser. The painting was auctioned to raise money for the school. The piece now hangs in the corridor of the school I attended for 8 years. It’s my interpretation of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it means a lot to me. I used amber roses to represent the flowers that appeared in Mexico on the hill of Tepeyac during the winter of 1531.

Animal Morf

Amberose Courville grew up in, Sarasota, FL, attended Epiphany Cathedral and graduated in the top seven in her Venice High School class of 2009. Her father is a local architect and artist. “My dad has his Bayou Buddy cartoon characters, and was always into art. Since I was little I always said “I’m gonna be an artist like daddy.” Her dad attests, “she’s been drawing since she could hold a crayon. To keep her quiet in church, I would give her the little tithe envelopes to draw on.”

Biue Gaters

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Artist Gallery

Flats - by David Belling

Play That Junkie Music - by Dorita Lanzo

168 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

In Singing Not to Sing The Ovenbird - by Megan Kissinger

Elephant - by Deborah Martin

Submit request for submission to

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Child Care of Southwest Florida eBook

by Beth Lobdell

Child Care of Southwest Florida (CCSWFL) announces the debut of its latest eBook, 10 Ways to Make a Major Difference in Your Child’s Life. CCSWFL is a non-profit organization with a mission of strengthening and enhancing the lives of children and their families. The organization’s latest eBook supports this effort by providing valuable parenting tips and tools for those striving to raise children who are productive members of society, sound in mind, body, and spirit. “Raising a child is not always easy,” said Beth Lobdell, executive director of Child Care of Southwest Florida. “Sometimes it can be a daily struggle for parents and guardians who are trying to balance the challenges of life, while maintaining effective parenting techniques. We have a wealth of experience with small children at Child Care of Southwest Florida, so we thought it would be helpful to share some of the wisdom that we’ve learned over the years through this eBook.”

“10 Ways to Make a Major Difference in Your Child’s Life” is the most recent publication in CCSWFL’s library of free educational eBooks, available at Other eBooks include 13 Tips for Enjoying Fun in the Florida Sun, 12 Nutrition Hints and Tips for Your Children, 12 Fun Things to do With Your Children in Southwest Florida. All eBooks are currently available for free download on Child Care of Southwest Florida’s website

In 10 Ways to Make a Major Difference in Your Child’s Life, the reader learns creative ways to overcome parenting challenges. For example, the eBook points out the importance of limiting “screen time” (television, video games, tablets, etc.), instilling good work ethic, and creative methods for encouraging children to learn and discover on their own, as opposed to only “teaching.” Lobdell adds, “We believe it is our job to empower children by providing opportunities for them to develop knowledge and skills. However, we also want to empower parents as well, by providing them with useful tips and tools that we’ve picked up over years of working with children and families. This eBook will serve as a very valuable resource for any parent or caregiver of young children.” 170 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

i l a D The

A Day at...

By Kayla DaCosta

Tons of locals and tourists from all over the world flock to St. Petersburg to visit the one-of-a-kind Salvador Dali museum beautifully situated on Tampa’s breath-taking Bay. The museum, which just celebrated its twenty-fourth anniversary, just opened its new doors to a bigger and better facility that has everyone wide-eyed and in awe! In addition to two oversized galleries that host the world’s largest Dali collection, the two-story facility also features a creative gift shop, café with Spanish inspired cuisine and outdoor seating around a melting-clock inspired garden. Whether pieces from Dali’s early 1920’s collection intrigue you or his most popular surrealistic pieces, the Salvador Dali Museum can feed your appetite. Apart from a spectacular exhibit, the museum has ongoing events each month. These events include yoga classes hosted at the museum as well as lunch with the curator. Be sure to grab a pair of headphones to hear detailed information on his dream-like pieces, have a glass of Spanish red wine, and enjoy a view of the boat-filled Tampa Bay waterscape cradled around the museum!

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Heart Smart this Summer!

by Nora Miller

Longer, warmer summer days means more activities and smaller outfits. However, long days at the pool or family soccer games in the park are often coupled with empty calories such as sugary frozen treats and syrupy drinks. That’s where Linwoods comes in to fill nutritional gaps! Linwoods delicious range of flaxseed-based superfoods blends, are all-natural, nutritionally-dense, and easy additions to any summer day!

1. FIT: Linwoods potent dietary fiber, protein, and good-for-you polyunsaturated fat levels help maintain a healthy body weight and sustain normal blood sugar levels while curbing hunger pangs. Additionally, a 2010 study in The Journal of Nutrition suggests that Flaxseed may help reduce belly fat. The reason is flax’s potent nutrients: flaxseed contains the highest plant-based levels of omega-3s and phytoestrogens called lignans than any other food. This summer, maintain your healthy weight with a healthy and satisfying diet featuring Linwoods. 2. HEART: Linwoods heart healthy superfoods are low in saturated fat; contain no cholesterol and high in omega-3’s and fiber which all may help prevent high blood cholesterol. Today, heart disease is a leading health concern in America and affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Dr. Frank Sacks, Professor of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health shares, “We need omega-3 fatty acids for numerous normal body functions, such as controlling blood clotting and building cell membranes in the brain, and since our bodies cannot make omega-3 fats, we must get them through food. Omega-3 fatty acids are also associated with many health benefits, including protection against heart disease and possibly stroke.” 3. SMART: Omega-3’s to promote maximum brain activity, and antioxidants to rid the body of free radicals and keep bodily systems working efficiently. Dr. Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and physiological science who has spent years studying the effects of food, exercise and sleep on the brain shares that, "Omega-3 fatty acids support synaptic plasticity and seem to positively affect the expression of several molecules related to learning and memory that are found on synapses," Gómez-Pinilla said. "Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for normal brain function.” Be your best self this summer with help from Linwoods Superfoods! Perfect for the whole family, Linwoods Superfoods provide an excellent complement to any bikini-season workout plan, especially when paired with fresh smoothies or non-fat Greek yogurt. The mixes contain no additives or preservatives; each superfood combination is made of only the ingredients listed in the name of the product. GMO free, Gluten free, and safe for a vegan diet. Available at: Whole Foods Market; Bed, Bath and Beyond; Shaws; HyVee; Fresh Market; Bristol Farms; and other natural food retailers 172 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Sprouts A healthy addition to your diet

By Christine Lindsey ‘The Sprout Queen’

Known as the father of Western medicine, one of Hipprocrates’ famous quotes is ”Let food be thy medicine, and medicine by thy food”. If he was alive today, I doubt he would be referring to the many items offered at your local fast food establishment or grocery store. Various studies over the years have shown the increased consumption of convenience food, whether canned, boxed, bagged or frozen, has led to an increase in diabetes, heart disease, various cancers, and other chronic ailments. So what can be done to help reverse this trend? Add sprouts to your diet! How can you benefit nutritionally from adding sprouts to your diet? As you can see from the nutrient data provided on the right, a cup of alfalfa sprouts is less than 10 calories (50% from carbohydrates and 50% from protein) and is a good source of Niacin, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper and Manganese. The cost is mere pennies, when grown yourself. How else can you benefit from sprouts? • Many say they feel more alert after eating • Most don’t experience a ‘crash’ often associated with foods loaded with sugars or caffeine. • The nutrients are more readily available to your body because they are plant based. People often ask me, “What do I do with sprouts?” The first that comes to mind is adding them to salads but what if you made a salad out of sprouts such as those pictured? You would have a variety of colors, textures, and best of all FLAVORS! Add sprouts in place of or in addition to lettuce on sandwiches. Use as a garnish on cooked foods. The less heat your sprouts experience, the more nutrition they’ll retain.

Finally, few people realize how simple, inexpensive, quick, and beneficial it is to sprout themselves vs purchasing those available in the store. Many say: “I have a black thumb.” or “I don’t have the time.” I often reply: “Can you rinse a jar?” For less than an initial investment of $20 (includes a sprouting jar and a pound of quality organic sprouting seed such as alfalfa, radish, or red clover), you can grow numerous pounds of sprouts. The other investment – a few minutes of your time.

Simple steps to sprouting: • • • • • • •

10 minutes or less per day A sprout jar and fresh water A little counter space Teaspoon or more of seed Soaking the seed 8-12 hours (overnight the easiest) Rinsing the seed/sprouts 2-3 times per day Harvest in 7 days or less when an inch or so long

Since sprouting is easy, it is a great project for children. They have an opportunity to visually experience what little it takes to go from seed to something they can eat in a week. It can be done at home or in the classroom. And maybe you’ll get them to eat more greens! FOCUS of SWFL 2013 173

Fish is both a delicious and nutritious meal option, but one from which home chefs often shy away. In a new series of CanolaInfo recipes and videos, Carla Hall, finalist on "Top Chef," Seasons 5 and 8, answers common questions about fish, including how to properly select and prepare it. "Cooking fish is easy once you know a few tricks," says Hall, who was voted "Top Chef" Season 8 All-Stars Fan Favorite. "A lot of people have fish fears, which is unfortunate because it's a healthy addition to any diet and ticky-boo to prepare." Hall is committed to wellness, balance and taste, which is why she cooks with fresh and healthy ingredients. As a common ingredient in these recipes, canola oil delivers on health and function. It has the least saturated fat and most omega-3 fat of all cooking oils with a high heat tolerance (468 째F smoke point). Its neutral taste and light texture allow the natural flavors of fish and other ingredients to shine. "Getting the right ingredients is part of the recipe to success," says Hall. "For example, when selecting fish, make sure it has sheen, not slime, and is intact with the flesh springing back upon touch." If fish requires deboning, Hall advises using tweezers. If fish requires marinating or thawing, she says do so in the refrigerator. Cooked fish should be opaque, not translucent, and flaking generally indicates that the fish is overcooked. "Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty in the kitchen because remember, it's all about the love,"

174 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Go Fish!

Broiled Trout with Lemon Oil & Oven-Grilled Vegetables

The star of this recipe is delicious lemon canola oil, which should be a staple in any pantry. It may be used on fish, in salad dressings, on roasted vegetables and just about anywhere you would use canola oil. Here, it makes this simply prepared broiled trout with vegetables a healthy and tasty weekday meal.

Ingredients: Lemon Oil

1 cup canola oil 250 mL zest of two lemons, about 2 Tbsp (30 mL) 2 small zucchini, cut in half lengthwise, then cut into 1/4-inch (0.5-mm) thick diagonal pieces 1 pint grape tomatoes 1 medium red onion, cut in half and thinly sliced into half moons 4 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed 2 sprigs rosemary 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 15 mL 2 Tbsp lemon oil 30 mL 1/2 tsp salt 2 mL 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper 2 mL 4 rainbow trout fillets (6 oz/170 g each), skin removed 2 tsp lemon oil 10 mL 4 sprigs fresh rosemary, 2 inches (5 cm) long 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper 2 mL lemon wedges for garnishing

Visit for more recipes

Nutritional Analysis per Serving: Calories Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Protein

310 18 g 3.5 g 75 mg 55 mg 7g 2g 28 g

Instructions: 1.In blender, combine canola oil and lemon zest. Process until smooth, then strain through fine mesh strainer. Store in refrigerator in airtight container or covered jar for 1-2 days. 2.Preheat broiler. In large bowl, combine zucchini, grape tomatoes, red onion, garlic and rosemary. Drizzle vegetable mixture with balsamic vinegar and lemon oil. Toss, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spread vegetables in single layer on baking sheet and place 4 inches under broiler for 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender crisp and browned. Halfway through cooking time, toss vegetables. 3.While vegetables are cooking, prepare baking sheet with foil and canola oil cooking spray. Place trout on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle both sides with pepper and place rosemary sprig under each fillet. Drizzle each fillet with 1/2 tsp (2 mL) lemon oil. Place fish under broiler for 7-8 minutes or until fish is opaque and flaky. 4.Carefully lift trout from pan with spatula and serve with vegetables. Yield: 4 servings. Serving size: 1 fillet.

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Grilled Salmon Over Lentil Salad with Walnut Vinaigrette This healthy, delicious meal is easy to make and easy to enjoy. Eat it for lunch, dinner or even a picnic. Canola oil in the marinade and vinaigrette allows the zingy taste of the Dijon mustard and fresh herbs to come through. Canola oil also provides heartsmart omega-3 fat along with the salmon and walnuts.

Nutritional Analysis per Serving: Calories Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Protein

Ingredients: 4 salmon fillets (4 oz/125 g portions), skin removed


2 Tbsp Dijon mustard 30 mL 2 Tbsp canola oil 30 mL 2 sprigs fresh tarragon, pulled and roughly chopped 1 clove garlic, minced

Lentil Salad

1 cup dry brown or green lentils, rinsed 250 mL 1 bay leaf 2 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed 1 rosemary sprig 1 medium carrot, finely diced 1 celery stalk, finely diced 1/4 cup red onion, very finely diced 60 mL 1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped 60 mL 1 Tbsp chopped tarragon 15 mL

Walnut Vinaigrette

2 Tbsp red onion, minced 30 mL 2 cloves garlic 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard 30 mL 1/4 cup rice or champagne vinegar 60 mL 1/2 cup canola oil 125 mL 1/2 cup walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped 125 mL 1/4 tsp pepper 1 mL

420 17 g 1g 60 mg 230 mg 33 g 8g 34 g

Instructions: 1.In medium bowl, combine mustard, canola oil, tarragon and garlic for marinade. Place salmon in marinade and gently toss until thoroughly coated. Place fish in resealable bag in refrigerator for at least 1 hour. 2.Heat grill to 375 °F (190 °C), when it’s too hot to hold hand above coals for more than 5 seconds. 3.In 5-quart pot, bring 3 cups (750 mL) of water to a boil. Add lentils, garlic cloves and rosemary sprig. Cook lentils until just tender, about 30 minutes. Strain in colander. 4.In plastic bowl or cup with fitted lid, combine red onion, garlic, mustard, vinegar, canola oil, walnuts and pepper. Shake until thoroughly mixed and emulsified. Season with pepper. 5.In large bowl, toss lentils, carrots, celery and red onions together. Stir in enough vinaigrette, about 1/4 cup (60 mL), to coat lentil mixture and store rest in refrigerator for up to one week. Toss in fresh parsley and tarragon. 6.Spray grill rack lightly and cautiously with canola oil cooking spray, then carefully place salmon fillets on hot grill 2 inches (5 cm) apart. Cook on each side 3-4 minutes at diagonal angle to grill rack for professional-looking grill marks. Remove salmon from grill and serve over lentil salad. Garnish with lemon wedges, if desired. Yield: 4 servings. Serving size: 1 fillet.

lemon wedges for garnish

Tips: The marinade doesn’t have a lot of acid, so it’s perfect for marinating the salmon for up to 10 hours before grill-

ing (or broiling). Consider placing the salmon and marinade in a resealable bag before work and cooking it when you get home. As another time-saver, the components of the lentil salad may be made up to a day ahead and tossed in the vinaigrette at the last minute or 2 hours before serving. As a quicker alternative, use 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) canned, rinsed lentils or black or small red beans instead. 176 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

CARDIOLOGIST RECOGNIZED NATIONALLY Dr. Louis J. Scala, M.D., FACC, FASA of Cardiac Care Group, LLC was recently recognized by the prestigious organization, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., as a top doctor in his field. This is the second year in a row that he has received this special honor. Castle Connolly’s mission is to help consumers find the best healthcare possible. Each year this organization performs an annual selection process that begins with surveys of physicians and healthcare professionals. They survey more than 230,000 physicians and other healthcare professionals to identify excellent doctors in every specialty in their region and throughout the nation.

Photo courtesy of Tony Giordano

Dr. Louis J. Scala, Medical Director of the Cardiac Care Group, LLC located in Cape Coral, has been serving his community along with Anthony Giordano, Director of Operations, since 2007. Dr. Scala achieved his Internal Medicine training from Brown University in Rhode Island and today, specializes in comprehensive adult cardiology services that include noninvasive/invasive diagnostic procedures and therapeutic interventions for all his patients. Dr. Scala is accredited in Cardiology and Internal Medicine with extensive experience in Nuclear Cardiology protocols, which were originally pioneered in CedarsSinai Hospital (UCLA) in Los Angeles. His vast experience in clinical cardiology with his special academic training from Cedars-Sinai Hospital (UCLA) make him a Cardiologist of note here in Southwest Florida.

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Keep Pets Healthy & Cool

During Hot Weather

Family Features

Summer is for relaxing – for pets too. Many pet parents indulge their animal companions with vacations, special meals, hotel stays and trips to the spa. In fact, an estimated $53 billion were spent on pets last year. Yet many families with pets may not realize the longer, hotter days of summer require pampering around their health and safety. “During hot summer months, it’s important for pet parents to pay extra attention to their dogs’ coats,” said Dr. Simon Starkey, veterinary expert for PetSmart. “Pets need to be protected from sun and excessive heat.” Here are a few simple tips to ensure your pet stays healthy and cool: Stay Hydrated: In the summer, pet parents need to help keep pets hydrated and make water accessible, even outdoors. Some pets simply don’t drink enough water, so adding wet food to their regular dry food diet is a great option. Wet food contains more moisture and can help pets stay hydrated when it’s hot outside. However, wet food is not a substitute for drinking water, so refresh water bowls several times throughout the day. Supplement Diets: Summer often means taking dogs for a run on the beach and longer daylight hours for playing. To stay active, pet vitamins and supplements are great additions to support overall health with nutrients beyond those found in food. There are also supplements specifically formulated to support healthy skin and coat, such as the GNC Pets Ultra Mega Skin & Coat Essentials for dogs. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which work to build a glossier and silkier coat. 178 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Relax in Style: Whether your pet accompanies you on picnics or long road trips, your companion needs a comfortable place to relax. The Tommy Bahama Pets Floral Cuddler Bed, available exclusively at PetSmart, is a cozy bed with plenty of room for your dog to stretch out. Five percent of the purchase price for each limited-edition item will be donated to help save homeless pets through PetSmart Charities. Travel Smart: A collapsible travel bowl from Top Paw is a must-have travel accessory for summer weekends. Bring it on vacation or to the park to easily serve up food or water. The sealable bowl attaches to a dog’s leash and can be expanded into a two-cup bowl in seconds. Get Grooming: Some pets get a short haircut every summer but others should not be shaved down. Removing dead fur from the undercoat keeps dogs cooler, promotes new hair growth and helps ensures healthy skin. Ask your veterinarian or an experienced groomer for tips on which grooming supplies are best for your breed and which types of breeds do well with a short summer haircut. Then make sure to keep him washed, combed and ready to enjoy summer fun.

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180 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

A simple way to indulge yourself!

“Know Thyself” By Joshua K. Darnall M.A

Through my experience of coaching and teaching at the high school, junior college and university level, as well as while I earned my M.A in Health and Human Performance, I encountered student athletes who not only needed coaching on their position-specific technique and skills, but also in their spiritual, emotional, and professional lives. This inspired me to continually seek out insight and knowledge because I knew I had the opportunity to offer more than athletic coaching. I had the opportunity to do life coaching as well. According to The World Health Organization, health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being...” While teaching Health at Azusa Pacific University and doing holistic coaching for individuals across the country, I realized that a person’s “health” is comprised of seven dimensions of wellness. I learned that only in coaching an individual on these seven dimensions could I lead people to achieve “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” It’s no surprise that many of us find ourselves out of balance. Our society loves to compartmentalize. It is a product of our free market society. John Maxwell, the authority in writing books on leadership has stated in essence that no one pays for a six or a seven, but people will pay for a nine or a ten. So it makes sense that our society is driven to be the best that it can be in a narrow area. However, that is not how we are designed to be as human beings. It is fine for the professor to be an expert in one field, or the stock broker to know everything there is about a company’s financial statements, or the mother to spend sixteen hours a day applying the foremost parenting strategies in raising her children. There is nothing wrong with excellence. In fact, it is important that we all do the best we can do in each of our given gifts and passions in order for our society to be in harmony [a point I will get into later]. However, we must not be so obsessed with being the best in our particular arenas that we suffer in the other areas of our lives. Unfortunately, there are many examples in our society where imbalance leads to pain. For example, one of my clients, “Jim” [age 46] is a wealthy businessman who, now

that his two young boys are getting older, is starting to feel disconnected in his relationship with them. This feeling, compounded by the disconnect he is also feeling with his wife, has made “Jim” recently feeling he missed valuable time with his family. “Jim now feels like his “obsession” with success and wanting to feel important and needed by providing his family with an upper class lifestyle has now “back fired” on him. The eighty and ninety- hour weeks have robbed him of time seeing his boys grow up and developing valuable memories with his family. Then there is “Nancy”, a very successful scientist who has spent so much time in the lab trying to find advancements in her research that she feels “awkward and insecure” now that she desires to meet someone. Or how about “Ruth” who has dedicated her life to spirituality but comes in crying every week because she cannot figure out her bank account. We are not meant to be singular focus beings. We thrive and are at our happiest when we become, as Maslow put it, “self actualized” in all dimensions of our life. The dimensions of wellness are symbiotic, meaning that they depend on one another. The areas of our lives are not supposed to be disconnected from each another. Healthy living is balanced living.

The seven dimensions of wellness, when strengthened daily, bring peace, tranquility and balance to our lives. They are SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, PROFESSIONAL, FINANCIAL, and RELATIONSHIP. And all dimensions are equally important to a balanced life. Countless times, I have found myself coaching a young man who had his whole identity and focus wrapped up in being the best physical specimen he could be. Take “Anthony”, for example. He would spend countless hours in the gym, then read all that he could find on a diet that would maximize his muscles. He thought endlessly about foods that would give his body the right combination of protein, carbohydrates and water. But after five years in college, devoting himself to this passion, his college career was over. He had become the best football player he could be, but with his eligibility up and without any NFL scouts interested in him; his football days were over. For most of the athletes I coached, this kind of singleminded dedication came with a cost that was paid when their college athletics careers

continued on page 182... FOCUS of SWFL 2013 181

were over. At this point the majority of them had average GPAs and no idea what path to head down next. They had spent so much time scoring points in the PHYSICAL dimension of wellness that their scorecards were blank in their SPIRITUAL and PROFESSIONAL wellness dimensions. As happens with many student athletes, the lack of balance prompted Anthony to examine who he really was as a man and redefine his own identity.


or many, this transitional process is painful, especially if this physical identity has deep roots in high school or even primary school. But athletes like Anthony do not have to go through this painful identity crisis. Recognizing that there can be too much of a good thing is vital to achieving balance in life. If Anthony would have put time into his academic studies, applying himself in classes, then he would have had the opportunity to explore his own depths and perhaps discover other passions and interests in time to major in one of them. Psychologically, he would have been able to cope better when the team had lost, as well as when he himself had played poorly.

Financial: The foundation of your material well being. How do you budget, invest and prepare for retirement? Relationship: Your connections with people. How do you exchange love and support with your family, friends and in romances? I love God. I love people. I love learning and I love money. These passions that I have had for a long time now have motivated me to keep acquiring information that has lead to a descent amount of knowledge in particular areas. However, knowledge doesn’t mean wisdom. We live in the information age. With technologies such as the internet, we can access anything, anywhere and at any time. We, more than at any other time in human history, have information being fed to us constantly. Knowledge is the ability to discern between information and to connect the dots so to speak that make information important.

THE MAKE IT A GREAT DAY EMBODIMENT SYSTEM is a task list or to do list that covers all Seven Dimensions of Wellness plus three other sub categories that literally lay out how I am going to MAKE TODAY A GREAT DAY! First, I go into Microsoft Outlook’s Task section. However, this is not needed. It’s a little more convenient, however, for a long time I just used a paper and a pen. Once I’m in the Task section, I make a list of the Seven Dimensions of Wellness assigning each one their own category.

When we put all of our eggs into one basket, so to speak, we are not only limiting our potential in that area, but we can set ourselves up for break downs, identity crisis’ and even suicidal urges. The list of examples goes on and on, and this kind of obsession can occur in any dimension of wellness. The bottom line is that life is enriched, and a person’s passions and gifts are enhanced when there is balance in all seven dimensions of wellness.

SPIRITUAL: Meditate MENTAL: Read a chapter EMOTIONAL: Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s PHYSICAL: Run to the beach PROFFESIONAL: Read an article about my profession FINANCIAL: Pay my Cell phone bill RELATIONSHIPS: Call mom

THE SEVEN DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS Spiritual: Your relationship with yourself and, if you believe, a higher power. Mental: The activity of your mind in any area of interest. As long as you can say, “I feel smarter,” you just strengthened your mental dimension of wellness. Emotional: Your overall “feeling” about your life. Do you feel happy or sad, loved or alone, safe or out of control? Physical: The care you provide in maintaining and nurturing your body. This not only has to do with exercise, but your diet and how much sleep you get. Professional: Your contribution to the welfare of society. What is your life’s purpose and what service to our society do you express it through? 182 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

A lot of us have knowledge in this society but lack wisdom or the ability to ACT on the knowledge that we have. When our actions show the knowledge that we posses then we are being wise. We have then mastered the thought-word-action creative process to truly transform our lives. You can be the highest grandest version of yourself! All you need is to take action on what you already know. This idea of wisdom or the embodiment process, that is taking into being what we know to be true for our lives so that our actions speak louder than our words, has been with me for some time. This is the reason why I quit drinking over ten years ago. And it is the reason why I created THE MAKE IT A GREAT DAY EMBODIMENT SYSTEM. This system has changed a lot over the years as my expectations of myself and the goals that I have set have changed. It started out just being a five point system and now it is a ten point system. Let me explain...

Otherwise information is just useless facts and numbers that don’t have any significance. People are becoming more knowledgeable. But it is time to take one step, a giant step, further. Knowledge is nice to impress your dinner guests or some girl that you are trying to pick up. However, knowledge it in of itself is utterly useless and pointless unless you ACT on the knowledge. For example, it is a fact that smoking can cause lung cancer and that a diet with little or no fruits and vegetables can lead to cancer and/or diabetes. And yet, people continue to smoke and eat food that they know does not serve their body temple.

Remember, this is for you so you can put anything in the assignment that best fits your life and your life style in order for YOU to become your greatest yet to be. For instance, maybe you can’t run right now and you haven’t done a lot of exercising so strengthening your Physical Wellness would just be to stretch for ten or twenty minutes. That’s great! It doesn’t matter how tiny the task is but the bottom line is that you strengthened your Physical Wellness today. In fact, it is better for the tasks to be small, especially in your weakest areas so that you get motivation and confidence in applying a new activity into your life. Instead of reading a chapter, it could be just reading a page or two. It’s your call based on what works best for you to achieve the results you want in your life.

Imagine this: You and your spouse are at home one evening when the doorbell rings unexpectedly. You open your front door to find several law enforcement officers standing on your porch. They have come to arrest your spouse—who has been accused of a crime he or she didn’t commit—and to search your home. You may not realize it now, but your spouse’s life, as well as your own, is about to change dramatically. That’s because you’re both about to enter a frightening criminal justice system that in practice, if not in theory, considers the accused to be guilty until proven innocent. Michelle Gesse lived this nightmare after her husband, Steven, was falsely accused of threatening a neighbor’s adult son with a gun. “After the initial shock of the accusation wore off, I understood that Steven would be facing numerous obstacles as he tried to clear his name, and that his life would be very different and incredibly difficult over the following months,” recalls Gesse, “What I didn’t realize was the extent to which my own life would be impacted, too.” Over the next seven months, the criminal justice system treated Steven as though his guilt were already assumed. He was in and out of court and had to meet multiple bail conditions, including obtaining special permission to leave the state, appearing for random breathalyzer tests, and meeting regularly with a drug counselor. He and Michelle were also forced to spend their retirement savings to fund his defense. “While I wasn’t accused of a crime and was technically a ‘free’ citizen, I felt as though I, too, had been falsely accused,” Gesse shares. “As I tried to help and support Steven, I often had no idea how to handle the situations and emotions I was faced with. To make things even more difficult, I had few resources to draw on and often felt very isolated.” Finally, Steven Gesse was found not guilty of Felony Menacing and Prohibited Use of a Weapon by a jury on October 28, 2009. Yet being exonerated did not make up for the fact that he had been treated like a convicted felon, or for the financial, emotional, and social hardship he and his wife endured. The unfairness of it all set Michelle Gesse on a mission to shine a spotlight on the injustices of the American justice system—and to make people aware of what to do in case they or a loved one are ever falsely accused. Here, Gesse speaks directly to spouses and loved ones. She shares ten tips to help you make it through your own ordeal if someone you love is ever falsely accused of a crime: Treat the accusation like the diagnosis of a serious illness. The mindset with which you approach your loved one’s arrest and trial can make a huge difference in your ability to support him and to cope with what is often an extended ordeal. Railing against how unfair the situation is or indulging in prolonged anger isn’t healthy for anyone involved. Instead, recommends Gesse, think of the accusation as the diagnosis of a potentially lethal disease. “Treating the accusation like a disease diagnosis is applicable in several different ways,” she explains. “Like becoming ill, being falsely accused of a crime is not your loved one’s fault, and you need to support him. The emotional toll is the same. Life as you know it will cease to exist as legal proceedings and obligations take center stage—just as doctor’s visits and treatments would. Remember, your loved one will need unconditional support, and you will be his primary caregiver. And lastly, don’t expect the situation to be resolved quickly—we’re not talking about an ‘illness’ that can be cured with one vaccine. Be prepared for the battle to last a long time.” Maintain normalcy as much as possible. One of the hardest parts of being falsely accused of a crime—and being treated as though you were guilty by the criminal justice system—is the feeling that everything in your life is out of your control. Depending on the specifics of your loved one’s case, she may be limited in where she can go and what she can do, and she might also have to meet frequently with lawyers, counselors, and others to meet the terms of her bail. Living under these strictures can make your loved one (and you!) feel helpless and desperate, and they can greatly contribute to the overall stress you’re both feeling. “That’s why it’s so important to maintain as much normalcy in your life as possible,” Gesse asserts. “Stop dwelling on the fact that you have to cancel your anniversary trip, and definitely avoid sitting around moping and brooding. Instead, focus on sticking to your normal daily routine whenever possible: Attend your weekly aerobics class, keep up your Thursday night date nights, run errands, and do chores. Never underestimate the power of the mundane when it comes to helping you to feel in control of your life in the midst of otherwise out-of-control circumstances.” Decide on how you will handle your friends from the beginning. You might wish that you could keep your loved one’s accusation completely under wraps, but unless you’re very lucky, that won’t be possible. News of the arrest and charges may be published in a local newspaper, and as we all know, gossip and morbid curiosity are powerful things. It’s best to assume that the people in your life—including your friends—will learn about the accusation. And according to Gesse, it’s in your family’s best interests to decide beforehand how you want to handle these relationships. “The nature of your friendships may change in this situation, and most likely, you’ll be forced to question who your true friends are,” she shares. “In our situation, some people whom we had expected to support us backed away, others were shamelessly interested in the details of the case, and still others assumed that because Steven had been accused and arrested, he must be guilty. “In retrospect, I would advise sitting down with your spouse and your lawyer as soon as possible to determine how you should handle your current friendships and relationships. Do you discuss the trial? Will you agree to keep the details secret? Gossip and hearsay can become explosive (and potentially very damaging) in a situation like this one, so you need to be on the same page from the beginning. For Steven and me, our lawyer told us what to say when asked about the charges: ‘Steven is not guilty. He did not have a gun. He did not commit any crime, but we have been advised not to discuss the details of the case right now. The situation is, however, very serious.’ I believe that sticking to this script helped both of us to avoid a lot of stressful conversations. That said, we each ‘selected’ one or two trusted friends or relatives with whom we could confide and vent to as necessary.” All decisions need to be mutual. No matter what the details of your loved one’s case are, you can be sure of one thing: There are some tough decisions ahead. And while only one of you has been accused, it’s vital that you make those decisions together because they will impact your entire family. Do everything you can to come to a mutual agreement before moving forward. Now, more than ever, you and your loved one need to stand together and support one another. “The odds are already stacked against you, so you don’t need to be at odds with one another,” Gesse confirms. “Most likely, one of the biggest decisions you’ll face is whether to go to trial or accept a plea bargain. Going to trial was the right decision for me and my husband, but it may not be the right decision for you. If, for instance, your family has neither the emotional nor financial resources to go through the lengthy and expensive process, there’s no shame in taking another route as long as you both agree on it. Neither should the acceptance of a plea bargain be taken as a sign of guilt. It is what it is—a chance to draw the process to a conclusion.” Don’t allow yourself to wallow in the “what ifs.” When an incident occurs that ends up turning your entire life upside down, it’s easy to let yourself be taken captive by “what ifs.” As you watch a spouse, child, or other loved one suffer, it’s normal to think through the events that led up to the ordeal and consider what could have been done to prevent it from happening. But the truth of the matter is, agonizing over the past won’t change anything about the current situation. You are where you are, and your only productive option is to look forward. “Dwelling on the ‘what ifs’ only serves to keep you rooted in the past, and will dredge up feelings of guilt and anger that won’t do you or your spouse any good,” Gesse shares. “It’s difficult to keep your thoughts under control, though—sometimes I still catch myself wondering what would

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