Focus of SWFL Fun & Fresh

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FUN & FRESH! Id e a s fo r yo u r a c t i ve and stylist Lifestyle

CHROMALIGHT display with long-lasting luminescence - White lacquered, snailed pink gold small seconds counter




CONTENT C o llie r - S arasot a - Charlot t e - Lee

24 Nutrition for Women 31 Skin Cancer 35 Replenish 47 Indicator of One's Age 50 Beauty Basics 64 Are Baby Boomers Doomed 66 Escape Your Unemployment Trap 67 Crowdfunding Tips 69 Business Sizzle 70 Like a CEO 71 Success Begins at Home 72 Your Money 76 Futuristic System 78 Frauscher's 747 80 Chasing a Bullet 104 Give Your Kitchen a Facelift 108 DIY Ideas 112 Healthier Home 114 Go Back in Time 115 DIY Natural Solutions





56 92 10 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

CONTENT C o l l i e r - Saraso ta - C h a r lo t t e - L e e


142 144 146 148 158 161 162 164 166 172 174 177 179 180 188 190 192 195 196 198

New Leader in Naples The Power of Changing Your Mind Cope with Depression Radiant Heat Safeguards Needed Breast Cancer Cancer Care Understanding Body Pains The Art of TUAN Create a Safer Bathroom Squeaky Clean Tips Tip for a Great School Day Seniors "R" Us Classic Couture Give Meals a Nutrient Boost Taste of Pork Al fresco Entertaining Gluten-Free Recipes Back to School Bites Proteins Power Punch

News & Info

115 147 156 159 173

Save at Seaside Resorts Saluscare First Champion Award Mental Health Symposium in Fort Myers Saluscare 5K Run/Walk Restructured Gardens

12 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


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FO CM a g a z i n e

of S W F L

128 Publisher: Focus Magazine of SWFL

Cover Photography: Oleg Gekman Model: Kristina Romashina Contributors: Ginny Grimsley. Michelle Tomao, Vincent Gotti, Gina Battle, Susan Bennett, Laurie Gardner, Jim France, Felicity Geiranger, Mike Coppola, Frazer Harrison, Samantha Ramos, Sargent, Daniel Newcomb, Andrea Sculati, Mai Yomioto, Andrea Sculati, Gloria Belloni, Valua Vitaly, Martin Crook, Jeff Kravitz, Michelle Thomason, Chi Lee, Ann Gordon, Lina LaSalle, Scott Black, Tony William, Terri Profetto Focus Magazine of SWFL is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus Magazine of SWFL policy. Š 2010 Focus Magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.

Photography by Erik Madigan Heck

Photography by Erik Madigan Heck

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Nutrition for Women


With so many different choices in the vitamin aisle, many women find it difficult to choose the right ones to fit their personal needs. As a woman, keeping your body healthy is an important task. Whether you are in your child-bearing years, taking folic acid for a healthy baby, or in your post-menopausal years, taking extra calcium for healthy bones, there are various vitamins for women to consider at every stage of life. A daily regimen It’s no secret that the use of vitamins has become a common act for most people. In fact, a recent Gallup poll found that 54 percent of women take a vitamin on a daily basis. If your intention is to prevent disease, such as cancer or osteoporosis, or you just want to fill in nutrition gaps not covered in your daily diet, the reasons for taking vitamins and their many different forms are endless. Giving back While having the means to obtain such essential nutrients is simple for most Americans, there are many people who aren’t as fortunate. In an effort to improve the everyday health of people everywhere, Walgreens is joining up with Vitamin Angels, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping at-risk populations gain access to lifesaving micronutrients. Customers can make a difference and help children and mothers at risk by purchasing select health and wellness supplements at Walgreens. With each purchase, the company will offer 1 percent of its vitamins sales to help provide 100 million at-risk children and mothers in the US and abroad with essential vitamins and minerals. “Walgreens’ mission is to help people get, stay and live well, and we are proud to support Vitamin Angels’ cause,” said Robert 24 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Tompkins, group vice president and general merchandise manager. “Through this program, our customers can make a difference in so many lives by simply continuing to fulfill their health and wellness needs at Walgreens.” For more information, visit and www. Trends in women’s nutrition From TV talk shows to the local nightly news programs, the public is never at a loss for nutritional information targeted toward women. Use this list of some of the popular vitamins and supplements that have recently made headlines to help you decide whether they fit into your health and wellness regimen. Multivitamins While most of the nutrients contained within multivitamins can be found in food, taking one daily can fill in any missing gaps. A daily multivitamin can satisfy all of your daily nutrition needs. When shopping for the right product, note that not all multivitamins are created equal. Some varieties offer a different amount of nutrients targeted to a specific age group or function, such as Centrum Silver Women 50+ Multivitamin tablets, which provide additional support for breast and bone health. Omega-3 supplements Perhaps one of the most talked about nutrition products on the market, omega-3 fish oil supplements have been praised by various health professionals for their heart health benefits. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One product, Nature’s Bounty Odorless Fish Oil 1000 mg Dietary Supplement Softgels, provides a special coating to minimize the unfavorable aftertaste often associated with such pills. continued on page 27...

Vitamin D While many people obtain vitamin D through exposure to natural sunlight, it can also be found in small increments in fatty fishes and in fortified dairy and cereal products. Supplements of both vitamin D3 (at 700–800 IU/day) have been shown to reduce the risk of bone loss and fractures in elderly people aged 62–85 years. For those looking for a convenient way to get the vitamin D needed for optimal health, try the Finest Nutrition Vitamin 5000 IU Dietary Supplement. Calcium To keep bones healthy and strong throughout life, your body requires calcium. This bone-strengthening nutrient reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. To increase your calcium intake, try the Nature Made Calcium 600 mg with Vitamin D Dietary Supplement Liquid Softgels, which provide additional vitamin D to promote calcium absorption. Folic acid A nutrient commonly taken by women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant, folic acid is known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida in babies. For those looking to improve their health and wellbeing, a general understanding of the many uses for vitamins and supplements may just be their own personal key to longevity. Preventive Solutions for Women Invest in your future by taking advantage of health testing services at your local Walgreens pharmacy or Healthcare Clinic at select Walgreens. Some services offered include the following tests: • Cholesterol • Blood glucose • Blood pressure • Body composition Talk to your physician about your test results.

Whimsical and Grandiloquent Art Characterized by a unique style and precise designs where the combination of a matte-shine effect on gold, and meticulous craftsmanship make for exceptional jewelry pieces where gold and precious stones come to life. This collection is inspired by the embroidery, fabrics, and colors of Spain’s Golden Age. This touch of color and these brocades can be seen in pieces crafted in yellow or white gold with amethyst presented as grandiloquent and whimsical art. Jewelry with generous volumes and rich decoration where the characteristic and signature Carrera y Carrera matte-gloss effect can be appreciated. Refined and ornate pieces reflect the image-preoccupied culture that existed during this period. For Carrera y Carrera, its link to Spain is essential as a source of inspiration for the development of its collections. The entire creative and development process of each jewelry piece takes place wholly in the Madrid workshop. Each step in the creation of a piece is influenced by the Spanish character that has become one of the fundamental pillars in the evolution of the company’s excellent trajectory throughout its history. Carrera y Carrera endures thanks to a standard of incalculable value – the savoir faire of the nearly 60 jewelers who work in its Madrid workshop, where tradition and the expertise of master goldsmiths are joined together. It is here that each jewelry piece is crafted entirely by hand, giving each one a flawless grandeur.

Skin Cancer A Major Public Health Problem

By Michelle Thomason

“Skin Cancer.” Nearly everyone’s heard the term, but many simply brush it off as something that doesn’t apply to them, isn’t that serious, or just won’t become a real concern in their lifetime. Tuesday morning however, the Surgeon General issued a Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer, and quite a few heads turned! The Call to Action touches on nearly every aspect of skin cancer and sun safety that our sun protection apparel company, UV Skinz, has been preaching for years, but we are simply thrilled this serious issue is finally starting to get the attention it NEEDS. Skin cancer warnings go in one ear and out the other for many, but with the Surgeon General’s new Call to Action making headlines, we’re hoping awareness has finally begun to sink in and more action will be made to prevent skin cancer. Here are a few key points we wanted to pull from the report and really emphasize: • Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, and most cases are preventable. Did you know that as many as 90% of melanomas (the deadliest form of skin cancer) are estimated to be caused by UV exposure? That is a scary-high number… but if we look at this figure from a positive standpoint, it suggests that 90% of melanomas can be prevented by reducing intentional UV exposure (and increasing sun protection!). • Medical treatment for skin cancer creates substantial health care costs for individuals, families, and the nation. The estimated costs for skin cancer treatments are currently 8.1 BILLION. That’s money that could be used towards more enjoyable and productive things, like education, travel, home improvements, recreational activities, (you get the idea…).


• No evidence exists to suggest that indoor tanning is safer than tanning outdoors None. It just doesn’t exist. Let that sink in. Many tanning salon owners will use the defense that tanning indoors is a regulated amount of exposure, whereas tanning outdoors is not, so it’s safer. You also may have heard the argument that tanning indoors provides you with a “base tan” that will protect against sunburn. Neither defense holds any ground for 2 BIG reasons. The first reason: NO TAN is ever safe, period. A tan is your body’s response to skin damage, so if you’re tanning indoors or outdoors, neither option is a “safe” option. The second reason: indoor tanning provides intense, shorter spurts of UV exposure, that can be more powerful than sunshine. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action mentions studies have shown (depending on the device used) the amount of UV rays being omitted from a tanning device can be anywhere from 4-13x more than what someone would be exposed to on a midday summer afternoon in the District of Columbia. • With adequate support and a unified approach, comprehensive, communitywide efforts to prevent skin cancer CAN work. Our company stands by this 100%. UV Skinz has been supporting skin cancer awareness events and public efforts to promote sun safety for years. With more support, knowledge, and backing, we can all work together to prevent skin cancer (seriously!).

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 31

So, what can you do to prevent skin cancer developing in yourself and others? For starters, if you’re a parent, the sun protection habits of your children and future generations will be largely dependent on YOU. Your attitudes and behaviors regarding sun safety will be passed on to them and likely practiced by them, so what example to you want to set? ...We hope a good one! Not sure how? Well, we will tell you!

Avoid Indoor Tanning and Outdoor Sunbathing: Both excessive/unprotected sun exposure AND indoor tanning are associated with an increased risk of developing skin cancer. Just don’t do it.

Wear Protective Clothing: Sun Protective Clothing is a great and convenient way to protect yourself and your family from damaging and deadly UV radiation. Our sun protection apparel company, UV Skinz, was founded in 2006 after CEO Rhonda Sparks lost her husband to melanoma. This loss was devastating to Rhonda, and left her with 3 young boys and nowhere to turn. While this event was lifealtering for Rhonda and her family, she chose to turn her loss into something positive, and inspired her to create a sun protective apparel line that would allow families the convenience to enjoy their lives together out in the sun while ensuring they were UV protected. Seek the Shade: During peak midday hours (10am-4pm) the sun’s radiation is the most powerful, and potentially deadly, so be sure to seek the shade during these times in particular. Because shade doesn’t block all UV radiation however (including scattered or reflected UV rays), this method should be combined with other methods, including wearing sun protective clothing, uv protective sunglasses, and a wide brimmed hat. Use Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be used in addition to wearing protective clothing and seeking shade. We recommend using a broad spectrum sunscreen (to protect against both UVA and UVB rays )with an SPF of 30 or higher, and applying a good amount at least 30 minutes prior to exposure to ensure proper absorption time. Keep in mind this should be reapplied every two hours and after swimming or excessive sweating. 1. Women capris pink 2. Boys panel grey 3. Girls applique set

32 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


3 Source:

KATE ZIEGLER, U.S. Olympic Swimmer

I’ VE LOGGED ENOUGH MILE S TO SWIM FROM THE U. S . TO AUSTR ALIA . I can hold my breath for 108 seconds. And to recharge and boost my performance, I choose vegetarian proteins and whole grains, like super-healthy rice and beans. Catch me if you can!

T E A M I N G U P 4 H E A LT H . O R G

Replenish Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Your Body


The environment’s natural elements can take a toll on the body. However, taking time to refill what has been depleted from your body, such as moisturizing skin and hair, can make you feel healthier and more beautiful. A similar approach can also help make your teeth stronger and make your smile healthier. Though busy days may make extensive health and beauty routines feel unrealistic, there are simple ways to make them more manageable. • Think of the time you dedicate to taking care of yourself as an opportunity to unwind and relax, rather than a chore or another item to check off that never-ending to-do list. • Look for activities that deliver in multiple ways, such as yoga, which helps tone your body while giving your mind a chance to slow down and rejuvenate. • Instead of trying to cram a full body wellness session into a single day, schedule activities that don’t need to be performed daily over the course of a week. Not only does that spread your “you-time” farther, it makes fitting it all in more doable. While a hectic lifestyle can affect the specifics of your health and beauty routine, the tips below are a great way for nearly everyone to get started: Exfoliate. Scrubbing away spent skin cells and the dust and grime of daily life from your face and body allows fresh, healthy cells to grow in their place. After exfoliating, make sure to follow up with a quality moisturizer to smooth and replenish the moisture in your skin.

Rejuvenate. Using a hair mask gives your hair a smooth and glossy appearance, making it feel strong. Similarly, regularly applying facial masks also gives the skin a healthy glow and smoother complexion. Protect. In between visits to the dental hygienist, you can continue to polish and strengthen your enamel at home. One option is Colgate Enamel Health Toothpaste, which helps replenish the natural calcium in your teeth and gently polishes for stronger, healthy enamel. “By polishing our teeth, hygienists go beyond ‘cleaning’ to remove stains and help smooth out enamel, which prevents bacteria from sticking,” said Kristy Menage Bernie, dental hygienist and Colgate Enamel Health Spokesperson. “By adding a toothpaste like Colgate Enamel Health to your morning routine, you can proactively care for your enamel and help maintain the work your hygienist does between visits to help get a beautiful healthy smile.” Make time for meditation. Take time out of your busy day to sit quietly and mediate. Centering the mind can help relieve stress, improving your overall mental well-being. Ultimately, setting aside a little time each day to focus on yourself can result in a happier, healthier and more beautiful you. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 35

Photography by Martin Crook

Fashion & Style

Tiffany T Diamond band ring, bracelet and ring in 18 karat white gold

Tiffany Design Director Francesca Amfitheatrof

Born in New York, Tiffany T is an icon for a new era. Amfitheatrof dedicates it to the world’s great cities and the global travelers who gravitate to art and culture—and the edge, where creativity sparks change. In her new role as Tiffany’s design director, Francesca Amfitheatrof took the measure of the city—its power, energy and daring—and captured it in the graphic Tiffany T.

Tiffany T (from left): Square ring in 18 karat yellow gold, Chain bracelet in 18 karat yellow gold, Cut-out cuff in 18 karat yellow gold with white ceramic, Chain bracelet in 18 karat yellow gold.

“ I wanted to create a symbol for modern life and its relentless energy that flows through New York and drives art and culture around the world,” she says. “ This is just the beginning of what I hope to accomplish.” A trained jeweler and silversmith, Amfitheatrof found her edge in sketches inspired by the newness all explorers seek and the sheer lightness of Tiffany design. Her work was also infused with the spirit of American design that thrives on a bold approach to established traditions. These influences translated into strokes of genius, a flurry of forward motion as rhythmic and effortless on paper as it is in precious metal. Tiffany artisans are the master builders of Amfitheatrof’s brilliant play of angles and curves. Their skill with 18 karat gold—rose, yellow and white—and sterling silver gives Tiffany T the strength of architecture with which it travels from chic to sublime. Wide cuffs and minimal bracelets perfectly contour the wrist. Multiple chains of varied lengths and elegant pendants drape the neckline. Rings stack seamlessly and earrings move with grace. Altogether, Tiffany T is a rich mix of options, layered in striking looks of pure ease and sensuality.

Tiffany T bracelets (from top): Tiffany T Wire Bracelet with Diamonds in 18 karat yellow gold, Tiffany T Wire Medium Bracelet in 18 karat rose gold, Tiffany T Wire Bracelet with Diamonds in 18 karat white gold, Tiffany T Wire Bracelet with Diamonds in 18 karat rose gold, Tiffany T Narrow Wire Bracelet in 18 karat yellow gold

Stonesetters bring the light of the finest diamonds and glowing gems to Amfitheatrof’s beautiful beginning as Tiffany’s design director. They are like the capstones of a bejeweled city rising in the night sky, alive with possibility.

Tiffany T Square rings (from top): 18 karat rose gold, sterling silver, 18 karat yellow gold 38 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Photography by Jeff Kravitz

Cameron Diaz

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 39

Fashion & Style

Carrera y Carrera Sculptural jewels of great movement in which all the firm’s savoir-faire is reflected. Impressive work represented in rings, earrings, and pendants crafted in yellow gold, yellow gold with diamonds, and white gold with diamonds.


The royal heron is the true star of this collection. A symbol of grace, this bird was a common decorative element in Manila shawls, adapting to the iconography liked by the women of the period. Embroidered with care with a historic beauty where craftsmanship and luxury were latent.


The heron symbolizes a change of life and is a talisman to attract happiness and prosperity. According to the ancient art of Feng Shui, the image of a heron is used to ward off negative energy. In Chinese culture, it is considered one of the most important birds, one that preserves its secrets, traditions, and customs. The jewels present a pair of love-struck herons linked together in an embrace, wrapped around a prasiolite as if it were a pond and wanting to remain like that for the rest of their days. 6

Pieces full of great symbolism that emulate the contours of the shawl. Featuring openwork, lightweight, asymmetric, and crafted in great detail, the herons seem to dance in the pond. Jewels that allow one to fly to a world full of secrets and hidden passions. 7


1. Garzas Maxi Ring in White Gold and Diamonds 2. Garzas Maxi Earrings in Yellow Gold, Prasiolite and Diamonds 3. Garzas Medium Pendant in Yellow Gold and Diamonds 4. Garzas Mini Ring in Yellow Gold and Diamonds 5. Garzas Maxi Ring in Yellow Gold, Prasiolite and Diamonds 6. Garzas Maxi Ring in White Gold and Diamonds 7. Garzas Maxi Earrings in White Gold and Diamonds Page Photo. Olivia Palermo - Reina Yellow Gold & Diamonds pieces


42 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


FOCUS of SWFL 2014 43

By Photography Camilo GERMAIN-VIHEL

Fashion & Style A Collection inspired by passion & a sense of tradition. Metropolis Sol is a versatile line of jewelry containing subtle hints of diamonds throughout the jewelry giving this collection an understated, polished touch. Metropolis Sol and Metropolis Lune will combine the classic Greek key ‘IT’ element and geometric silhouettes for a balance of both lighter as well as more substantial jewelry. Metropolis Lune is all about making a statement. Each piece is adorned with pavé diamonds with a satin gold finish. “Drawing inspiration from New York City, Ivanka has beautifully captured the essence of stylish day and luxurious evening jewelry,” said Geoffrey Hess, President of Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry. “We’re proud of the global success of our Metropolis collections.”

44 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


The core Metropolis collection has been very popular and we are excited to announce the expansion of the collection with pieces that will accommodate both ends of the spectrum: minimalistic and elaborate, while maintaining the original foundation of the Metropolis designs,


Ivanka Trump

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 45

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Indicator of One’s Age A woman’s face and hands can be tell-tale signs of years creeping by, but there is another area of the body that is often overlooked and can be one of the best indicators of a woman’s true age — her décolletage. The chest is one of the most-exposed and least-cared-for areas of the body. Sun damage conspires with the passage of time to thin the skin and create wrinkles, sunspots and crepe paper-like texture. Even side-sleeping, which chronically compresses the skin, contributes to vertical wrinkling patterns on the chest. Finding the right solution While there are a number of products that target this area — from topical skin care creams and serums to structural devices worn on the chest for side sleepers — the options are still relatively limited. The currently available options require ongoing use, offer a preventive focus, and are limited in their ability to repair damage. Those looking to find a cure in a bottle can pick from a number of creams at their local department stores, pharmacies and salons. Yet, these over-the-counter treatments are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), potentially offering false hope to consumers. Lasers can be effective, but must be used at low levels over several treatments, and the patient must avoid any sun exposure throughout the multi-month treatment regimen.


Fresh approach to an age-old problem: micro-focused ultrasound With a recent FDA clearance, for the first time, there is now an option specifically indicated to non-invasively treat the chest to improve lines and wrinkles of the décolletage. The Ultherapy® Décolletage Treatment utilizes imaging and micro-focused ultrasound therapy capabilities, only takes about 30 minutes to administer and boasts no downtime after the procedure. Unlike lasers, radio frequency, surgery and other technologies, non-surgical Ultherapy bypasses superficial skin to deliver the right amount of ultrasound energy at the right depths and the right temperature. This energy triggers a natural response under the skin, jumpstarting the regenerative process that strengthens weak collagen and produces fresh, new collagen. The treatment also uses traditional ultrasound imaging, which allows practitioners to see the layers of tissue they are treating, ensuring the treatment energy is delivered to where it will be most beneficial. For those ready to don V-neck blouses again without the risk of revealing their real age, Ultherapy may be a simple solution to supplement a cabinet full of miracle creams. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 47

Beauty & Care Gold and Beauty aren’t always words that you hear paired together, however, the two work wonders together! Throughout history, gold has been recognized for its luxurious and beautifying properties. Historians have long maintained that Cleopatra slept in a gold mask every night to enhance her bewitching beauty. In ancient Chinese medicine gold was a key to youth, as the queen of the Ch'ing dynasty used a gold massage roller on her face daily. In ancient Rome, gold salves were used for of a variety of skin problems. For centuries, pure gold has been used by the privileged and the wealthy as the secret to more youthful, beautiful skin. OROGOLD Cosmetics – a luxury, anti-aging cosmetics line that restores the youthful appearance of skin - has included 24K gold in their luxurious formula. By adding 24K gold, OROGOLD Cosmetics has made it possible to take advantage of these ancient secrets to their fullest without having to be an actual queen to accommodate it. The gold in the OROGOLD formula is Colloidal gold, also known as "nano-gold". It is a suspension of sub-micrometer-sized particles of gold in a fluid, both invisible and visible to the naked eye. The ancients, who devoted massive amounts of time and energy to alchemy and labeled the colloidal gold as the “Elixir of Life”, knew the miraculous qualities of gold since the beginning of time. The extremely small particles of gold carry it across the skin barrier and are easily absorbed into your body through the pores of your skin. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are diminished with each gold application. It also reduces the appearance of sun damage and age spots as well as prevents and maintains moisturized, radiant, healthy looking skin.




24K Multi-Vitamin Day Moisturizer – OROGOLD’S 24K Multi-Vitamin Day Moisturizer is enriched with antioxidants and pure 24 karat gold to provide skin with healthy looking glow while reducing the signs of aging.

24K 2-Step Cleansing Kit – Set includes 24K Gold Milk Cleanser and 24K Gold Purifying Facial Toner o 24K Gold Milk Cleanser: Specifically designed for delicate and sensitive skin. It is formulated to remove impurities without irritation, while respecting the integrity of the hydrolipidic film. It is enriched with Vitamin C&E for antioxidants, jojoba and musk oils to ensure thorough and effective, yet gentle cleaning. It is the best way to cleanse your skin from makeup since it will gently dissolve the oils and dirt while the moisturizing ingredients leave the skin soft and smooth. o 24K Gold Purifying Facial Toner: Use after cleanser. While the Milk Cleanser is designed to gently dissolve impurities and remove makeup, the toner is designed to wipe away any remaining traces and hydrate skin. Enriched with Witch Hazel and Chamomile, both known for their soothing, calming and hydrating properties, this OROGOLD Purifying Facial Toner is formulated to balance the Ph levels of the skin and minimize pores.

24K Deep Peeling - 24K Deep Peeling is designed to provide a powerful facial cleanse by removing a thin layer of dry cells to reveal ultra-smooth and youthful skin. It is specifically formulated to gently polish, renew, and revitalize the skin without stripping away vital oils or causing irritation. You only use this product once a week — but it will surely make a big difference!

24K Multi-Vitamin Night Nourishment – Revitalize and hydrate your skin all through the night to attain a healthy looking glow while reducing the signs of aging. Prevent and protect the damage caused by dryness with our ultimate moisturizer. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 49

Photos courtesy of Getty Images



s many busy women know, a daily beauty regimen requires effort and time, but it also has a significant payoff. Keep­ing your outward appearance healthy and youthful inspires confidence — a glow everyone around you can see. With convenience and ease in mind, here are a few tips that will keep you looking beautiful this season, without all the fuss or having to break the bank:

Glowing, Vibrant Skin Poor diet, sun exposure and smoking are just a few of the factors that can lead to the fine lines and wrinkles many women work hard to prevent. While everyone would love a quick fix to erase years of skin abuse, there are some tricks to slow down the process. Covering your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and keeping its damaging ultraviolet rays at bay helps ward off premature aging and helps to preserve the skin. Whether it’s cloudy or sunny, your best defense is to apply sun screen that contains an SPF of 30 or higher. You can further decrease your exposure by use of wide brim hats, baseball caps and other skin-covering clothing. Invest in a quality night cream that works deeply to restore the skin’s appearance as you sleep. Some products offer multiple benefits that firm, improve elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

The Perfect Pout Like any other part of your skin, lips can become dry and flaky, parti­cularly when exposed to harsh weather conditions or extreme settings. Give them proper nourishment and care to keep them smooth, supple and free of cracks and irritation. To exfoliate rough patches and remove dead skin, use natural ingredients right from your kitchen. Simply place a small dab of honey and sugar on your lips and gently rub them together. This proce­dure is best before bed time and followed with a thick coating of lip balm. This will penetrate and renew as you sleep and you’ll wake up to plump, smooth and beautiful lips. To maintain lip moisture, invest in a quality lip balm, especially those that pull double-duty and also offer sun protection. 50 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Healthy, Strong Nails Used throughout the day for arduous tasks, nails experi­ence a great deal of wear and tear and are often easy to neglect. Give nails the attention they deserve with a fun spring hue, like mint green or vibrant yellow. When it’s time to refresh your nails or experi­ment with new colors, be sure to always have the proper tools on hand, such as Studio 35 Nail Polish Remover Liquid. Boost your beauty regimen by adding a few of these simple tips into your day, every day. Remember, when you feel good about yourself the whole world can see it. For thousands of great products to help enhance your beauty regimen, visit your local Walgreens or visit

Hot New Trends in Beauty

Beauty trendsetters are forecasting an increase in bold, expressive looks — especially around the eyes. Give your beauty a boost with these fashion-forward beauty ideas:


Go Ahead and Glow


The Perfect Cat Eye

With 60s mod inspiration, boldlylined lids are gracing the covers of fashion maga­zines worldwide. Choose a dark gray or black for the best statement, such as the L’Oreal Paris Infallible Never Fail Liquid Eyeliner in Black.

This season, the best skin coverage products provide a natural, fresh glow. To give your skin a gentle, sun-kissed vibe, try Rimmel Natural Bronzer, which uses natural minerals for a tanned look any time of the year. Make sure your beauty bag is stocked with the essentials needed for proper application, like the Walgreens Studio 35 Mineral Makeup Brush Set, to help you apply like a pro.


Lashes Make a Big Statement

Complete your extreme eye look with the new lash plumping innovations in mascara. Try L’Oreal Paris Voluminous Miss Manga Waterproof Mascara in Black for gorgeous results.


An Orange Pout

Give your lips a citrusy glow with the many shades of orange that are sweeping the runways. To add the juicy allure of orange to your lips, try Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain in Rendezvous or Matte Lip Balm in Audacious. n

Get the Blues

Dramatic eyes are all the rage with vivid tones of brilliant blue, such as CoverGirl Flamed Out Shadow Pot in Sapphire Flare.

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 51



If there is any time of the year to shed your beauty inhibitions once and for all – it’s the holiday season! And whether you’ve been dying to rock luscious red lips, dramatic golden shimmer, seductive cat eyes or fabulous faux lashes, jane iredale, makes it easy for you to don these bold trends at all your season’s festivities. Best of all, these must-haves are compact enough to fit into your clutch for touch-ups.

jane iredale Jelly Jar Gel Eyeliner in Black, naturally creates the rich,

captivating look of kohl, but without any chemicals or irritants. Packaged in a compact pod, each Jelly Jar Gel Eyeliner provides long-wearing, water-resistant color that easily glides on with the jane iredale Angle Eyeliner Brush designed to ensure precise application on the lash line.

jane iredale PureMoist™ Lipstick in Margi, for petal-soft lips that feel,

look and taste amazing. Ripe, juicy colors saturate the lips while the proven soothing properties of Moringa oil moisturize. Orange peel wax, avocado and sunflower seed oils give a luxurious, conditioned and quenched feeling to the lips. Vitamins A and C and coffee seed extract infuse the delicate lip area with antioxidant protection. The organic pomegranate and blackberry fruit extracts are unique, luscious flavors that stimulate the senses.

jane iredale PureGloss Lip Gloss in Crabapple, a luxurious formula

that is lusciously creamy on the lips and provides an ultra-glossy finish without feeling tacky, and without the use of petroleum-based products. The soothing and hydrating formula has a base of organic oils including Moringa Butter, Lotus Flower Wax and Orange Peel Wax. Blackberry and Pomegranate Extracts provide a pleasant flavor and protect lips with antioxidants Vitamins C and E. One of actress Megan Fox’s favorite products from the brand!

jane iredale Jane’s Signature Gilded Collection, a limited edition trio of 24-Karat Gold Dust shades (Gold, Silver and Bronze) packaged in a festive keepsake tin this September jane iredale proudly celebrates its 20th Anniversary this year, marking an incredible achievement for the brand and the mineral makeup category, and is commemorating the milestone with the launch of this signature product (NEW for Fall!) Apply to cheeks, eyes and lips for a delicately gilded look. But don’t stop there! Mix it with a moisturizer for the décolleté or with your favorite hair gel for added sparkle. With three luxurious shades to choose from, you can mix and match to suit any mood.

52 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


Photography by Valua Vitaly

Beauty & Care

Care & Beauty

Most synthetic skincare is unstable & irritating, while most natural skincare is weak & ineffective. suki® delivers the strong & safe solution using TLC technology™, which allows high potency actives to penetrate the derma without irritation. Long-term results include increased radiance, firmness, hydration, elasticity, clarity, reduced wrinkles & reduced blemishes. Key points of difference include: • strong: TLC technology™ ensures active ingredients (resveratrol, colloidal oat, vitamin c, retinol vitamin a, etc.) are pure, potent, highly-concentrated & stabilized. • stable: suki®’s own high-potency rose concentrate™ (HPRC) replaces traditional water, feeding skin more vitamins & antioxidants while serving as the primary delivery vehicle for suki® botanic complexes™. • synergy: suki® botanic complexes™ - from the from blemish busting complex™ to the enzymatic purifying complex™ - match & enhance the functional properties of skin to address specific problems & enable overall balance. • clean: 100% pure & toxin free, synthetic free, paraben free, dye/color free, gluten free, GMO free, nano-particle free & cruelty free. • balance: suki® formulas deliver long lasting treatment for the underlying causes of skin problems (immune dysfunction, oil imbalances, inflammation, allergies), not just for short term symptom relief. • safe for use while pregnant and effective for all ages and skin conditions, even skin in crisis (eczema, Psoriasis, etc.)

suki® 2-step ultra soft lip kit: The perfect guest room gift or stocking stuffer! Travel and cold weather dries the skin and lips. This new duo features 1) a perfectly travel sized exfoliate foaming cleanser, made with round-edged sugar crystals that gently slough away delicate, dead skin of the lips without tearing and 2) a unique 4-Swipe formula lip care treatment that replenishes, helps moisturize & provides soothing relief & lasting support to leave lips feeling super soft & smooth. The treatment actually creates an ultra-thin, ultra-firm 4-layer protective barrier from the elements. The Exfoliate Foaming Cleanser is also great for swiping away dry flaking skin on the face. suki® resurfacing enzyme peel: Exfoliation is key for so many skin issues, but 100% pure peels that really work are impossible to find, until now. This resurfacing masque is effective from the inside out (it treats the source, not just the symptoms) and the outside in (it treats the surface signs like redness, acne, dryness, etc.). The enzymatic purifying complex™ balances skin and detoxifies pores, while & TLC glycolic acid™ delivers long term clarity & smooth tone.

suki's personal faves™ kit: What better great way to start a suki regimen than with Suki Kramer’s own favorites? These four full-size products, when used together, enhance your skin's ability to renew & come into balance. Start with the exfoliate foaming cleanser for gentle brightening and smoothing of the face and lips, then follow with 4-swipe lip care for buildable protection from the elements. Apply ultra protect body balm all over for non-greasy hydration and skin rescue, and finish with the ultra protect eye balm for rejuvenated eyes. suki® even-tone brightening serum™: For skin tone variations, spots, scars, vein show thru & redness, this serum helps to even spots, redness, discolorations, hyper-pigmentation, circles, scars & uneven skin tone, creating overall appearance of radiance & even tone. Completely water free, this serum uses suki®’s own high-potency rose concentrate™ which more effectively delivers the brightening complex™ of arbutin, lemon peel, songyi & licorice root deep within the skin without the toxic long or short term side effects of synthetics FOCUS of SWFL 2014 55

SJP Collection Exclusively at Nordstrom, the SJP Collection by Sarah Jessica Parker is a new collection of shoes crafted by artisans in Italy and imported handbags, reflecting Sarah Jessica’s personal looks and feminine style. The line will also feature the “Manhattan” trench coat to complement the collection as a whole. “I’ve taken inspiration from things in my life such as the grosgrain ribbons I tied in my hair as a girl, to the flower accents from the Sex and the City wardrobe, to references to classic styles from the late 70's and early 80's. I’m a firm believer in quality and timelessness and have created this collection with the hopes that women will love wearing it for years to come,” said Sarah Jessica Parker, President SJP USA LLC. As a reflection of Sarah Jessica’s childhood, grosgrain ribbon detail is intricately featured on each shoe, emphasizing the feminine design of the collection. With a story behind the name of each shoe, the collection is infused with fashion influences of Sarah Jessica’s life – from “Carrie”, understandably so, after her acclaimed character on Sex and the City to “Maud”, named after legendary designer Maud Frizon. Colors, as Sarah Jessica has often said are “the new neutral” and can be seen in the collection ranging from her spring favorites such as coral, mint, teal and pink, to classic colors including purple, red and navy. With a wide variety of heel heights, the collection of twentyfive shoes reinvigorates the classic single sole with a range of silhouettes that fit the styles and personalities of women of all ages. The shoe prices range from $195 to just under $500. The entire shoe collection is made in Italy from high quality leathers and materials. The SJP handbags are functional pieces but with a fun and fashionable twist. They can be carried by the everyday woman on the go and transition easily to night out. 56 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Parker continued her tradition of naming shoes in the SJP Collection after women and men who inspire her. Highlights from her fall collection include: The Blythe Pump, – “Named for the great Blythe Danner, this beautiful shoe exudes a sort of sophistication. A metropolitan personality. I’m thrilled with the inky blue and the shoe’s proud silhouette.” The Pat Boot, – “This is my sexy boot. Try getting it off me! I’ll find a reason to wear it as often as possible. Named for Pat Field, who has been an enormous influence on me and millions of others. Without her contributions, Carrie Bradshaw would have been incomplete.” The Serge bootie, – “Named for Serge Normant, [the hair stylist] with whom I’ve worked for 14 years. This style joins the first collection of SJP Collection booties. I love the suede/color combination and how it sits on the leg. And I think it’s very modern.” The Rachel pump, – “Named for my sister. I think this is an exquisite shoe. A great version of a slingback that is wickedly sexy but still ladylike.” “We’re honored that Sarah Jessica chose to work with Nordstrom to launch the SJP Collection. It has been a true collaboration and a pleasure working together. Sarah Jessica’s aesthetic and style is so inspiring to so many women, and this collection reflects her unique point of view. We can’t wait for customers to see the line. There’s something for every shoe lover and we think they’re going to respond really well,” said Scott Meden, Nordstrom EVP and GMM of Shoes.

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 57

Fashion & Style

This season will be all about cool neutrals and trendy basics taking style to the next level for any office. Combining updated silhouettes and proportions, timeless neutrals and versatile pieces with a twist, Ann Taylor’s Fall A-List celebrates the dualities of the modern woman. Perfectly combining classics that every woman needs from skirts and pants to dresses and topper coats, the Ann Taylor collection plays on runway trends by adding sheer fabrics, piped lines and stripes in slate grays, creams, navy and black tones. "I like to mix different prints or textures within a color family so you can create this high-low look within your outfit. I think this love affair that we're having with blush instantly modernizes and feminizes old classics like black and navy," Creative Director Lisa Axelson says of the new Fall Collection.

58 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Beauty & Style Diviine ModesTee’s swim collection, Divinita Sole – which hones into the retro-inspired trend on swim pieces with a modern twist. For those looking to embrace the upcoming warm weather in style, Divinita Sole has the perfect statement bathing suit for every fashionista.

Laura Mercier Crème Brulee Sugar Scrub - This luxurious body scrub gently sloughs away dead skin cells, leaving smooth, radiant, polished skin. Features a warm and decadent combination of gourmand ingredients including delicious notes of warm caramel, spun sugar, and French vanilla bean for a sensual and enchanting experience.

Eminence Sugar Plum Whip Moisturizer - Visions of sugar plums will dance in your head with this delicious moisturizer that hydrates and protects to restore a youthful complexion. Key ingredient, plum juice, enriches your skin with nourishing phytonutrients as vitamin A-rich carrot oil works to repair damage, promoting a healthy, radiant look and feel.

SWIMS, the utmost in versatile footwear and a great option for beach and boating enthusiasts. Made with adaptable and breathable nylon and since they are entirely water-resistant, you can even throw them in your washing machine! The loafers also feature an anti-slip, natural rubber and non-marking sole and EVA insole with ventilation system. WWW.SWIMS.COM

G.M. Collin’s Intensive Exfoliating Gel is an innovative dual action gel that exfoliates and tones the skin in just one step. This unique product stimulates cell renewal and assists in controlling acne breakouts, and is gentle enough for sensitive skin. The gel rids of the skin of all dirt and debris, leaving pores clear, and skin bright and hydrated.

G.M. Collin’s Phytowhite Dark Spot Serum is targeted to uniformize skin tone irregularities and correct pigment distribution in the epidermis to keep the skin looking young and spotless. The local treatment helps correct and prevent pigmentation irregularities to even out the complexion. Natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents protect the skin against UV damage and lightens skin pigmentation and boosts skin luminosity. 60 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Are Baby Boomers Doomed

By Ginny Grimsley

Boomers may want to recall one of the poets they grew up reading, Dylan Thomas, and his most famous poem, named for its first line, “Do not go gentle into that good night,” a desperate appeal to resist the trappings of old age. “As they retire, baby boomers need to stay true to their reputation for grand statements, and to mobilize their skill set in the business world,” says media expert Steve Kayser, author of “The Greatest Words You’ve Never Heard,”. “In fact, many older Americans may have little choice but to adapt their mindset and survive longer in their careers if they want to maintain something resembling their current lifestyle during retirement.” Kayser lists a few trends that may incentivize aging workers to clock in for a few more years: • The number of Americans 55 and older will almost double between now and 2030 – from 60 million today to 107.6 million, according to the United States Census Bureau. That will likely strain public safety nets such as Social Security and Medicare. • American life expectancy is at an all-time high, and death rates are at an all-time low, which means some people will outlive their retirement savings. • The global economic crisis has wiped out or severely affected millions of middle- and senior-aged people’s life savings. But with an increasingly competitive pool of professionals whose skill sets need to be regularly updated, how can boomers stay in the game? Kayser quotes Alvin Toffler: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” He discusses his method for how older workers can maintain their value – by staying “R-E-L-E-V-A-N-T.”

• What it means to learn, unlearn and relearn. The ever-shifting sands of technology pose a special challenge to older workers. Younger professionals not only grew up working and entertaining themselves with screens, they also learned to adapt to technological leaps. A program you learn today may not be relevant in a few years, so keep an open and flexible mind. • Being R-E-L-E-V-A-N-T… Take this mnemonic device to heart: Risk, Experiment, Listen and Learn, Engage, Value, Attitude of gratitude, No to negativity, and Time. “This is an ongoing, evolving note to keep in your mind no matter your professional situation,” Kayser says. “I’ve been around a lot of charismatic and effervescent folks in their 70s and 80s who are still successful and growing, both on a personal and business level. The acronym encompasses the ideas that seem to promote a proactive life.” • Answer the question, “What resonates with you?” This is a deceptively deep question when you apply it to your life’s trajectory. If life hasn’t turned out to be what you expected it would 30 years ago, then it’s time to recalibrate how you see yourself, especially if that’s as a perpetual pre-retiree. If you’re not sure of how you see yourself in today’s setting, start with what the spiritual writer Joseph Campbell called the “moving power of your life,” which can be sensed by the things that resonate within you. The things that resonate within you, such as an unusual book, may just be the compass you need to find your way.

About Steve Kayser Steve Kayser is an award-winning writer, editor, publisher, former radio host and founder of Kayser Media. He has had the great fortune to interview and collaborate with some of the best minds in the business world, and his eclectic approach to public relations and marketing has been widely documented. He recently published “The Greatest Words You’ve Never Heart,”.

64 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Photo by Doreen Salcher

Escape Your Unemployment Trap By Ginny Grimsley

There’s good news for jobs in the United States. • In June, the private sector added 288,000 jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. • The unemployment rate has shrunk to 6.1 percent, the lowest since September 2008, when the Great Recession was just starting. The rate has dropped nearly 2 percent since the beginning of 2013. • The U.S. Payroll to Population employment rate (P2P), as tracked by Gallup, now stands at one of its highest points since tracking began in January 2010. • More companies, states and cities are either raising their minimum wage or considering it. Does this mean that we can put our minds to rest regarding jobs and prosperity? Not exactly, says Richard B. Alman, principal and chief career/employment strategist of Recruiter Media, owner of RecruiterNetworks, the world's largest owner/operator of career websites. “It’s great that reports show improvement, but the good news comes with an asterisk; we need to keep in mind the term that has become so common since 2009 – the ‘new normal,’ which, in part, refers to a lower expectation for prosperity,” says Alman, who has managed human resources for Fortune 100 and smaller multi-national companies.

• Volunteer in positions that will build your resume´. “When you volunteer, you can update your skills and resume´, which shows potential employers that you’re not lazy,” Alman says. “Ask for jobs that use the career skills you have. For instance, if you have a background or degree in marketing, look for opportunities to volunteer in marketing for a non-profit.” For those with stretches of long-term unemployment on their resume´, volunteering is the best way to show future employers that you value staying active and building new skills. And, if you’re a low-wage worker at a fast-food restaurant, for example, you can have a whole new headspace in which to consider your future.

“Raising the minimum wage, for example, is a step in the right direction for many, but it’s certainly not happening everywhere and it doesn’t guarantee a living wage. California raised its minimum to $9 per hour, but that’s a state with a very high cost of living.”

• Work on developing leads. “You can be just like everyone else who’s desperate for a decent job or you can be proactive and build professional relationships, which do more than resume´s to earn interviews and employment,” he says. The non-profit sector attracts people who are passionate about a cause, a wide range of associated professionals and, frequently, people who are in high income brackets.

What is the quality of these new jobs, and how many hours do they offer? What about the Catch 22 ensnaring the long-term unemployed, who can’t get work because they don’t have jobs? And where’s the hope for the recent college graduates who are deeply in debt and can’t find the jobs they’ve prepared for?

• Where can folks go to volunteer? A half-hour of research online can yield viable options for legit non-profit organizations. Other great sources are hospitals, which tend to work closely with non-profit organizations. Hospitals also involve a wide variety of professionals.

Alman has a blueprint that can help would-be employees in these tough positions.

“Once again, if you work well and develop great working relationships with others, you open yourself up to a whole network of possibilities,” he says. “Who you know can make the difference.”

• One word: volunteer. “This is, by far, the best advice I can offer if you feel like you’ve tried everything and it hasn’t worked,” he says. Volunteering can pay very high dividends for anyone who is unemployed, under-employed or simply looking for a new career trajectory. It helps current and future employees of any age. “You may not see the payoff right away, but volunteering has many long-term benefits,” he says. 66 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Crowdfunding Tips & Tricks WePay’s payments API is built specifically for platform businesses like marketplaces, crowdfunding sites and small business software. These platforms are empowering millions of users worldwide to unlock all kinds of creative commerce. Through its proprietary VedaTM risk engine, WePay gives platforms a flexible payments API that provides a great user experience while still being able to take on all their fraud risk and compliance burdens. 1. Get to the Point: Create a clear, direct and impactful explanation of the need. Make sure to spell out what you are fundraising for, why the cause is important to you and what difference each donation will make but keep it as short and sweet as possible. 2. A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words: The more visuals you can bring to the table, the better. If photos and videos are available don’t hesitate to showcase them to best highlight your cause or mission.

9. Do Your Research: There are a lot of options out there to choose from to host your fundraiser but which one is the right one for you? Commission rates can differ along with varying rules on what you get or don’t get based on meeting your goals. Some crowdfunding site specialize in certain kinds of fundraisers over others so dig around a bit to make sure you’re selecting the best platform for you. 10. Take if offline: Social networking is key to creating momentum, but don’t forget you can raise awareness about your campaign through face to face encounters at work, social and community gatherings. Also, don’t forget about the media -- your local newspaper, TV and radio outlets may be interested in sharing your cause with the general public too.

3. Make the first move: Get the ball rolling by making the first donation to your fundraiser, your friends, family and associates will follow your lead. Be mindful of how much you give as well. If you want people to donate $100, don’t donate less as you are setting the bar for others to follow. 4. Update, Update & Update: It’s a given that you need to connect to as many social media channels as possible to spread the word about your fundraiser but it’s also important to keep donors up to date on the status of your fundraising efforts. Changes in the status of a fundraiser such as raising your fundraising goal is information essential to share through Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. 5. Don’t Forget To Say Thanks!: Crowdfunding sites will automatically send a confirmation message to your donors which will also thank them for their generosity but a personalized thank you note will truly show your appreciation. A list of donor emails can be made available to you for those who have opted to identify themselves. 6. Double Check Your Math: When asking for money most of us want to stick to just asking for what is needed and nothing more but don’t forget to take into consideration additional expenses that can come up. For instance, crowdfunding for a new business can mean dealing with new kinds of taxes, marketing expenses, etc. that you may not initially think about. Think it through first before establishing the goal. 7. The early bird gets the worm: Prep work matters. Before you launch your crowdfunding campaign, reach out to potential donors to let them know what you’re up to and how you’d like them to be involved. Campaigns that have the supporter base established in the beginning have a much greater chance of succeeding than those who set up the fundraiser and then begin reaching out to the community for donations. 8. Sweeten the Pot: Like anything in life, incentives get people’s attention. Be resourceful and find ways to inspire people to donate, even more than once! Find a desirable prize to offer up as a giveaway. A giveaway such as donors who contribute more than $100 can be entered to win an Apple iPad can help you get closer to the fundraising goal. Certain platforms offers these kinds of incentives for people to donate to fundraisers happening on their platform.



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FOCUS of SWFL 2014 67

Make Your Small

Business “Sizzle” Marketing Plan


For small businesses and restaurants, savvy marketing can make a major difference in overall performance, especially when it comes to promoting products and services to loyal and prospective customers. Chris Shepherd, executive chef and owner of Houston restaurant Underbelly and 2014 James Beard Foundation Award Winner for Best Chef Southwest, is always hungry for new marketing recipes. Since opening the well-regarded Houston restaurant Underbelly two years ago, he has learned what it takes to successfully run a small business, especially the importance of finding the right partners. That’s why he has decided to use the U.S. Postal Service’s Every Door Direct Mail® service to target 2,000 local customers with news about changes to Underbelly’s wine list. “I am always looking for new marketing strategies or to take a creative approach to an existing, proven marketing strategy to add excitement to the business and draw in customers,” Shepherd said. “Using direct mail is a great way to share news about Underbelly in our own unique voice to our neighbors.” Fellow small business and restaurant owners can take a note from Shepherd and his advice on current marketing trends as well as these marketing and management tips. Don’t be distracted by the ‘shiny new object.’ Business owners need to remember “tried and true” management and marketing tactics. The customer is always right. And now they are more powerful than ever with real time reviews. According to a recent study “Fake It Till You Make It: Reputation, Competition, and Yelp Review Fraud,” having an extra star on a review site can cause the revenue of a business to rise by five to 10 percent, so there is a direct connection between ratings and a business’ bottom line. Employ big data & social marketing. Social media was key for promoting the opening of Underbelly. Online platforms such as Facebook, OpenTable, Instagram and Fishbowl help owners gain rapid exposure, while big data drives loyalty, customer satisfaction and profitability.

But don’t solely rely on e-mail/social media to reach customers. The average household receives only two pieces of direct mail a day compared with 157 emails. A service such as Every Door Direct Mail is an easy-to-use and cost-effective solution that helps get messages into the hands of customers. For example, Shepherd is using this service to help creatively promote changes to his wine menu to some of his most valued customers. Understand that social responsibility is not going away any time soon. The demand continues for healthier menu options — not just from a calorie perspective, but sustainable, local and ethical foods have never been more important. Sourcing food from local farms garners customer loyalty and puts money into the local economy. A similar local-first and community-conscious approach serves those outside the restaurant industry, as well. Remember that successes start local. Trends, just like customers and menu items, differ throughout specific regions and even down to the neighborhood. Pay attention to the patterns unfolding around your operation. Services such as Every Door Direct Mail help you target mailing routes by address, city, state, ZIP code or up to a five-mile radius around your business. Don’t forget to be authentic. Chef Shepherd is known for his often-changing, unique menu that represents what he stands for as a chef. He encourages building a business around what is authentic for you. You can turn up the heat on your small business marketing plan by adding the U.S. Postal Service’s offerings to the menu. For more information about essential shipping and marketing solutions from the U.S. Postal Service including Every Door Direct Mail, visit

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 69

Run Your Home More like a CEO

By Ginny Grimsley

All successful CEOs have one thing in common: They’re able to maintain a big-picture perspective. It’s also something successful moms have in common, says Zenovia Andrews, a business strategist, speaker, author and mom who coaches entrepreneurs and CEOs on time and budget management. “In business, CEOs implement a process that achieves efficient time and resource management in the most cost-effective way; sounds a lot like a mom, doesn’t it?” says Andrews, founder and CEO of The MaxOut Group, a company devoted to empowering and teaching entrepreneurs development strategies to increase profits. “If every mom were a CEO, America would rule the world!” Andrews, author of the new book “All Systems Go – A Solid Blueprint to Build Business and Maximize Cash Flow,” suggests the following tips for moms to better manage money and time. • CEOs utilize apps, and so should CEO Moms. When a CEO’s personal assistant isn’t around or, if it’s a small business and she doesn’t have one, then apps do nicely. There are several apps for moms, including Bank of Mom – an easy way to keep track of your kids' allowances. Set up an account for each child and track any money they earn for chores or allowance. The app also allows you to track their computer and TV time as well as other activities. • Measurement is the key to knowledge, control and improvement. CEOs have goals for their businesses and Moms have goals for their family members. In either case, the best way to achieve a big-picture goal is to identify action steps and objectives and a system for measuring progress. Want to improve your kids’ test scores, help your husband lose weight or – gasp – free some time for yourself? There are four phases to help track progress: planning, or establishing goals; collection, or 70 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

conducting research on your current process; analysis – comparing information from existing processes with the new one; and adapting, or implementing the new process. • Understand your home’s “workforce.” A good CEO helps her employees grow and develop, not only for the company’s benefit, but for the employee’s as well. Most people are happiest when they feel they’re learning and growing, working toward a goal, which may be promotion within the company or something beyond it. When they feel the CEO is helping with that, they’re happier, more productive, more loyal employees. Likewise, CEO Moms need to help their children gain the skills and knowledge they need not only to succeed in general but to achieve their individual dreams. • A well-running household is a community effort; consider “automated” systems. In business, automated systems tend to be as clinical as they sound, typically involving technology. Yet, there’s also a human resource element. Automated systems are a must for CEO Moms, and they tend to take the form of scheduling at home. Whose night is it for the dishes, or trash? One child may be helpful in the kitchen, whereas another may be better at cleaning the pool.

About Zenovia Andrews Zenovia Andrews,, is a business development strategist with extensive experience in corporate training, performance management, leadership development and sales consulting with international clients, including Pfizer, Inc. and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. A sought-after speaker and radio/TV personality, she is the author of “All Systems Go” and “MAXOut: I Want It All.”

Success Begins at


By Michelle Tomao

Business Guru Offers Entrepreneurs Guide to Success While Staying Fit and Healthy Success Begins at Home author Lynn D. Ahbonbon leading grassroots movement to promote abundant, healthy living Some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs devote themselves so fully to business success that they develop unhealthy eating habits. Tech titan Steve Jobs obsessively ate single foods for weeks at a time, believing he would become healthier as a result. While most entrepreneurs are not eating only apples and carrots, as Jobs did, author Lynn Ahbonbon suggests that they too may unwittingly be eating diets that are undermining their health. "The life of a business owner is fast-paced and stressful," said Ahbonbon, a University of Southern California MBA and business coach. As a result, Ahbonbon claims entrepreneurs end up eating the foods that are fastest and most convenient.

When three of her relatives in their 30s came down with cancer in quick succession, Ahbonbon decided to devote herself to studying the keys to abundant, healthy living. The result is her newest book, Success Begins at Home, a guide that combines her twin passions: healthy living and helping entrepreneurs create abundance. The book includes concise advice, checklists, and do's and don'ts drawn from the author's many years teaching entrepreneurship to business owners. First-time entrepreneurs, as well as old hands will benefit from this book, a well-researched guide which leaves very little room for failure. "I wrote the book because I want to help business owners to achieve their financial goals and to be healthy enough to enjoy the success they've earned," said Ahbonbon. The book includes guidance about good and bad fats, reading food labels, which foods to buy organic, and which types of fish to avoid because of mercury content. As well as 22 delicious and healthy international recipes with nutritional and cultural notes. For those who prefer the book without the entrepreneurship section, Ahbonbon offers two alternatives: Food Made at Home and Worldly Home Cooking.

"We eat highly processed foods loaded with trans fats, salt and sugar, microwaved in plastic dishes that leach toxins when heated, and then we wonder why we feel tired and our immune systems are so weak," said Ahbonbon. Ahbonbon's wake-up call came when she was a strategic planning administrator at an automaker. "I was stressed, fatigued, and eating microwavable dinners four nights a week," said Ahbonbon. "Even though I was physically fit and worked out regularly, I kept getting bloated, having allergies and feeling exhausted."

Success Begins at Home by Lynn . Ahbonbon ISBN 9780989356305 Available:, Barnes&Noble Booksellers, Walmart and Sears - Coming Soon to: iTunes and kobo FOCUS of SWFL 2014 71

Your Relationship with Money Everyone has a relationship with money, but for women, it’s much more fraught with emotion, says Meriflor Toneatto. When we avoid and ignore those emotions, we allow them to quietly guide our decision-making – which inevitably holds us back. “Understanding our emotions, fears and doubts about money and how they affect our behavior can help us heal them so we can experience financial and personal freedom,” says Toneatto, an entrepreneur, certified business and life coach, and author of “Money, Manifestation & Miracles: 8 Principles for Transforming Women’s Relationship with Money,”. “For women, money is an emotional currency. It’s tied to our sense of self-worth and self-confidence, and our feelings of safety and security. These feelings often translate into self-limiting decisions.” The effect can be profound. Consider female entrepreneurs: “The number of women-owned U.S. businesses is growing 1.5 times faster than the national average, but a 2013 report found that they’re still contributing less than 4 percent of overall business revenues, about the same as in 2007,” Toneatto says. “Our businesses are smaller because we’re less likely than men to borrow in order to expand. We’re afraid to take financial risks,” she says citing a U.S. Department of Commerce report. And in the corporate world: Women comprise half the workforce, yet hold the majority of lower-wage jobs in the United States, according to the 2014 State of the Union address. What are the emotions shaping so many of our decisions? Toneatto cites five: • Fear: The most common emotion among women is fear. With money, we fear not having enough of it; that someone will take it; that we’ll lose it all and never get it back. Nearly half of all U.S. women fear becoming a “bag lady” – including those in households earning more than $200,000 a year – according to the 2013 Women, Money and Power Study.

These fears often have roots in situations we were exposed to growing up, and feelings of vulnerability and self-worth. They send a strong signal that we need to root out their source and heal it. • Guilt: People who say things like, “I feel guilty when I spend instead of save” or “I never buy anything unless it’s on sale” have guilt feelings associated with money. These, too, are often rooted in the fears and messages we saw and heard in childhood about not having enough money. Many of us are natural nurturers who’ve gotten the message that “good” women are selfless, and so we may freely, even recklessly, spend on others while withholding from ourselves. • Shame: This painful emotion cuts to the core because it springs from how we feel about who we are – whether we’re “good enough,” worthy and deserving. We avoid talking about shame, and so it exerts control over us. With money, shame is commonly connected to amassing a lot of debt and hiding it because we fear being judged, humiliated, and disliked. • Anger: This emotion repels money, opportunities and people because it can leave us closed off emotionally and physically from others. It’s based in a belief in the unfairness of life and/or the unfairness of money. A person who becomes angry about money may be angry at herself for missing an opportunity or for mishandling money in the past. Anger can lead to trust issues and to over-protecting every cent – even hoarding money. • Blame: Anger and blame often go hand in hand. It stems from feeling disappointed or wronged because you believe your life would have been easier and/or better if someone – maybe parents or a spouse -- had been able to provide you with more money. Blame can sabotage relationships with both people and money for years. “At some point in our lives, we all have felt one or more of these emotions,” Toneatto says. “The good thing is, once you begin to recognize them, they’re like a flashing yellow ‘caution!’ light.”

And we fear an abundance of money. We may fail to negotiate a higher salary because we fear we can’t live up to it. Successful women may be reluctant to reach higher because we fear failure -- and losing it all. 72 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

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Futuristic System

by Mai Yomioto

Mercedes-Benz has extensively revised the four-door CLS Coupe. This design icon now features a honed front section and a further upgraded interior that boasts lots of new, perfectly handcrafted details, combining contemporary luxury with passionate sportiness. In addition, it also brings ground-breaking technical innovations to the road. The futuristic MULTIBEAM LED headlamps open up new dimensions in lighting systems. Highperformance, precision LED modules automatically provide the best possible illumination, whatever the road and traffic conditions. The cutting-edge technology on-board includes a 9-speed automatic transmission, a new powerful and fuel efficient engine, and an intelligently networked driver assistance and safety systems. Mercedes-Benz founded the four-door coupe segment ten years ago with the CLS, thus underlining its leading role in automotive design. The CLS combined for the first time the elegance of a coupe with the comfort and functionality of a sedan. It was also the first vehicle to offer dynamic LED High Performance headlamps as an option, turning it into the lighting icon. The CLS Coupe has long since established itself as a style icon with particular charisma, and will also continue to be unique in its segment. Prof Dr Thomas Weber, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development: "With the CLS Coupe and the CLS Shooting Brake we have built design icons which also set the pulse racing faster in their latest incarnation courtesy of their enthralling lines. With new high-tech ingredients such as the innovative MULTIBEAM LED headlamps which start a new chapter in lighting design, the nine-speed automatic transmission or the progressive multimedia system, both models also define new cutting-edge technology." Ample space, unadorned, sporty elegance, perfect craftsmanship and high quality materials exert the stylistic influence on the interior of the CLS family. The new generation reinforces this impression by emphasizing sportiness, exclusivity and functionality even more. The new color display in the head unit with its 8 inch (20.3 cm) screen adds to the state-of-the-art feel and will help define the dashboard's contemporary looks. Other new features include a redesigned three-spoke sports steering wheel and a host of exquisite details which underscore the interior's high quality both in visual and tactile terms. The central control panel in the center console has four instead of the previous two buttons, thus requiring fewer operating steps in many cases. Five attractive interior colors and six trim finishes will be available and offer a host of potential individualization options. 76 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Both models now come as standard with all-LED headlamps in a new design. Alternatively both vehicle models are available as an option with the new MULTIBEAM LED headlamps as designed and developed by Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz is opening a new chapter in lighting systems with this innovation. Since the MULTIBEAM LED technology combines the very best of today's lighting technologies and can optimally adjust the light distribution instantly and automatically to virtually any traffic situation, it always ensures thus far unrivalled broad and bright illumination of the road surface and edge of the roadway for high performance and precision without dazzling other car drivers. In addition to the camera on the windshield, this new lighting system uses four control units per vehicle, which calculate the ideal light pattern 100 times per second and control all 24 highperformance LEDs in each precision LED module quickly and individually. Each LED is dimmable in 255 stages. Another new offering with the CLS facelift is the user-friendly Garmin® MAP PILOT navigation system, which comes standard on the CLS400. Its strengths include 3D views with exact representation of streets and buildings and photorealistic junction and lane assistants. The navigation software and the map data are stored on an SD card, which is simply inserted in the dedicated slot of the Audio 20 CD with preparation for the Garmin® MAP PILOT. Standard on the CLS550 is the COMAND Online with fast 3D hard-disc navigation, topographical map display, photo-realistic 3D buildings and 3D map rotations as well as display of NASA satellite images provides a decidedly sensuous experience. System features include an animated compass and display of Google Maps on the head unit. The navigation system can also provide real-time information about the situation on the roads when it receives its traffic data in COMAND Online via the internet by means of the Live Traffic Information service. The scintillating design of the CLS-Class with its exciting proportions has been subtly adapted to high-tech aspirations. It steadfastly remains a compelling proposition with its long hood, narrow window line with frameless side windows and dynamically downwards sloping roof. Overall the design of the latest generation of the CLS Coupe comes across even more dynamic. This is thanks to a new, expressive chrome diamond radiator grille, a striking front bumper with large air intakes and slightly darkened tail lights. Available this fall…

Photo courtesy of Frauscher Bootswerft


By Gloria Belloni

Frauscher is once more redefining the luxury day cruiser segment with the introduction of the 747 Mirage. The name “Mirage” refers to an optical phenomenon, as well as high-performance aircraft, giving the boat an aura of mystery. The 747 Mirage continues the approach Frauscher initiated with the previously launched 858 Fantom, both designed by studio KISKA, alongside hydrodynamic expert Harry Miesbauer. The features of the 747 Mirage are more radical however. Not only are they suggestive of supercar design, they also emphasize Frauscher’s racing heritage. Gerald Kiska, CEO KISKA: “The 747 Mirage further differentiates the Frauscher brand with a strong design language that is distinct both in its sophistication and its clear link to automotive design. Classic Frauscher design features like the “Z” shaped split line are carried over, while the low nose, exaggerated feature lines and impressive side air intakes result in a design that is sophisticated, strong and supercar-inspired. In terms of performance and styling, there is nothing like the 747 Mirage in its class.” Harry Miesbauer, CEO the studio /h/arry miesbauer yacht design: “The hull lines of the Frauscher 747 Mirage feature a vertical bow with deep V front sections for a smooth ride in waves. The aft sections feature a slightly deeper V for a more sporty response in the curves. A lot of attention was paid to elongate the waterlines as much as possible to reduce resistance and increase straight line speed.

Two additional spray rails were added right after the step to push the bow a little down in the high speed range, just to give it a safer feeling on the helm when pushing hard.“ While the exterior shows an uncompromising focus on dynamics, the cockpit is a revelation of diversity. Several very practical innovations profoundly increase the usability to a previously unknown level for small, high performance day cruisers. 78 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Starting from the generous bathing platform at the stern, guests can reach the main cockpit area through the gangway without walking over the cushions. The main cockpit area features an L-shaped bench with two foldable backrests. The co-driver’s backrest can be folded to create a sheltered chaise longue and by flipping down the main backrest the sunbed can be enlarged as well. The big cushion in the cabin can also be fastened on the front outside deck of the 747 Mirage to create an additional sunbathing area. Numerous shelf spaces combined with optional equipment, including a bluetooth equipped audio system, fridge and bimini top, create a boat that is much more versatile than the breathtaking, minimal design initially suggests. Additionally, customers can select from a wide range of exterior and interior colors and the characteristic low nose design gives the driver a great front view regardless of speed. Available with three different Mercruiser petrol engines and a Volvo Penta D4 Diesel option, ranging from 220 HP up to 430 HP, the 747 Mirage‘s performance matches its looks, putting the possible top speed at 56 knots. With a generous 250 liter fuel tank, customers also have enough range for longer trips as well. As with all Frauscher boats, the 747 Mirage is produced at the Frauscher shipyard in Ohlsdorf, Austria, which was newly opened in 2012. The boating world will experience the 747 Mirage at the official world premiere in Cannes, at the 2014 boat show. First customer deliveries are scheduled for early 2015.

Chasing a


By Andrea Sculati

High performance and all-Italian design result in an innovative vessel reminiscent of the ultimate grand tourers of the automobile world. The core concept underlying the new Revolver 44GT is the idea of transferring the qualities of a grand touring car to the sea. The result is an elite, high performance vessel with exciting sporty lines, comfort and safety, and an optimal range for long crossings. The Revolver 44GT showcases a unique and revolutionary mix of “power & cruise�, under the banner of sophisticated design. It is the perfect balance of luxury, avant-garde technology, and innovation. The result is simply breathtaking! The new Revolver 44GT is first and foremost a powerful, high performance boat. However, it is not a "normal" powerboat; it is an impressive display of raw power and speed, great range, functionality, and comfort. All of this has been made possible by the technical choices made by the Revolver technical team, starting with the two Cummins diesel 550 HP engines paired with Arneson Surface Drives. The GT has distinctive features throughout including the deployable rear air vents reminiscent of high-end cars from the 1960s and the bow with original LED lights built into the protective and powerful fender rail that defines the profile.

The exteriors are by Alberto Mancini (AM Yacht Design), a young but already acclaimed Italian designer. The interiors are by Michael Peters (MPYD - Michael Peters Yacht Design) and represent an evolution over the 42R, introducing new stylistic elements to ensure the Revolver 44GT is even more innovative and cutting edge. Mancini wanted to emphasize that unmistakable dynamic quality, referencing car design in the exterior lines as well as interior detailing. The interior layout focuses on the large central structure that houses the control panel and helm station. This has been significantly modified from the sporty 42R for a new sense of symmetry and sophisticated convenience, in true automotive style. The separate captain and co-captain seats are custom designed with a carbon look and are both comfortable and functional. The ergonomic central console between them houses the control panel, including large, latest-generation Garmin touch screens for navigation. The helm station has an integrated dual monitoring system, for greater security, that also interfaces with the navigation screens. And of course, there is an iPad dock station that controls the multi-zone HIFI system for the different areas of the vessel. Behind the helm station there are four passenger chairs that pick up on the aesthetics of the captain and co-captain chairs. Another key feature of the 44GT is air conditioning (thanks to the 5.0 KW generator), no minor detail for a boat whose distinctive elements include a spectacular glass roof (electronically operable) as well as a rear glass door that opens up (hiding away in the engine room). The whole operation happens wirelessly and only takes a few seconds. Opening and closing the glass roof by remote control is practical, fast, and dramatic. Below deck, in the bow, there is a large perimeter sofa that can be converted into a double bed by folding down the table, as well as a kitchen and minibar. A surprising feature is the spacious bathroom with "rain shower" with unusually high ceilings for this class of boat. The sporty look is perfectly mirrored by the high performance of this grand tourer of the sea. The new Revolver 44GT is equipped with two diesel Cummins 550 HP engines each paired with Arneson Surface Drives. These ensure great agility and flexibility as well as performance and high cruising speed. Revolver 44GT can easily exceed a maximum speed of 50 knots in total comfort and safety.

80 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

noteworthy. The hull, roof, and all the structural elements (floor, struts, and bulkheads) are vacuum molded. The resin is vinyl ester; the lamination is a sandwich of CorecellÂŽ with E-glass biaxial glass-fiber fabric, and stiffeners are placed along the major structural members with unidirectional and multi-axial carbon fabric. The hard top is structural carbon, with exposed bulkheads just like those found in elite cars.

Because of its performance and design excellence, the flagship Revolver 44GT caters to demanding boatowners who appreciate aesthetic and technological beauty. Another surprise is how easy it is to drive. You don't have to be an offshore world champion to enjoy and take full advantage of this boat's high quality technology and performance. While the 42R sets new standards for punch, safety, and seaworthiness, the new Revolver 44GT manages the difficult task of completely outdoing them. Technology and aesthetics also go neck and neck in the flooring. Here, the use of EsthecŽ enables innovative and dynamic edge designs. The material was chosen because it is environmentally friendly and almost maintenance free. The smoke color substantially reduces solar heat gain. This boat’s sophisticated construction, intended to impart the utmost in structural rigidity while minimizing weight, is definitely

Effortless Performance The S65 AMG Coupe is the new twelve-cylinder top-of-therange model in the S-Class Coupe series. Unique drive comfort, benchmark performance and exquisite appointments are all hallmarks of this stunning new two-door. The irresistible contours of the V12 Coupe are accentuated by a host of expressive design elements in high-sheen chrome. The AMG 6.0- liter V12 biturbo engine, with an output of 621 hp and 738 lb-ft of torque, is unique in its segment, as is the AMG sports suspension, based on MAGIC BODY CONTROL with curve tilting function and ROAD SURFACE SCAN. Coupe, Sedan and Roadster: following the S65 AMG and the SL 65 AMG, the new S65 AMG Coupe is the third AMG high-performance car with a V12 engine to come to the United States market. Globally, no other car manufacturer in the world offers such a wide portfolio of twelve-cylinder vehicles as Mercedes-AMG. In 2003, the performance brand of Mercedes-Benz presented a coupe with a powerful V12 biturbo engine in the form of the CL65 AMG (C215 model series). Its successor, the CL65 AMG (C216 model series) was available between 2007 and 2014 and was the direct predecessor to the new S65 AMG Coupe. Tobias Moers, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH: "There are AMG fans for whom our V12 biturbo engine is the measure of all things. For this clientele we have developed a unique car in the form of the new S65 AMG Coupe. From driving dynamics to comfort and equipment – our new twelve-cylinder coupe surpasses even the highest of expectations." Twelve-cylinder engines are still considered the pinnacle of engine design. Among connoisseurs the AMG 6.0-litre V12 biturbo engine in particular is seen as an outstanding example of its type. Open the hood of the S65 AMG Coupe, and it is immediately obvious why. The exclusive carbon fiber/aluminum engine 84 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

by Mai Yomioto

cover is synonymous with the exceptional strengths of the V12 engine that is built in Affalterbach according to the "one man, one engine" principle. Apart from serving as an AMG hallmark confirming superlative precision and production quality, the AMG engine plate bearing the master engine builder's signature is also a clear testament to the peerless DNA of Mercedes-Benz's high-performance brand. Supreme sportiness combined with the sensual clarity typical of Mercedes-Benz – the irresistible contours of the S65 AMG Coupe are a captivating sight. V12- specific features include the countless design elements in high-sheen chrome at the front, sides and rear which are particularly effective in conjunction with dark paintwork. The large central Mercedes star on the front apron, the "twin blade" radiator grille, all of the air intake grilles, the trim strip on the "A-wing", the side flics (air deflector elements) and the front splitter are chromed-trimmed. The three-dimensional front splitter increases downforce at the front axle, while the gap above the front splitter ensures an effective flow of air to the separate engine oil cooler behind it.

At the side, the eye is drawn to the "V12 BITURBO" lettering on the wings and the high-sheen chrome inserts in the side skirts which harmonize perfectly with the high-sheen polished forged wheels. The rear view is also unmistakable. The AMG sports exhaust system's two chromed twin tailpipes in V12 design are integrated into the rear apron. Above the distinctive diffuser insert, painted in high-gloss black, the trim element forms an effective contrast. It echoes the design of the "A-wings" on the front apron and is finished in high-sheen chrome. On bends the vehicle leans into the turn automatically and continuously in fractions of a second – depending on the curve radius and vehicle speed. The innovative suspension system detects curves using both a stereo camera behind the windscreen, registering the curvature of the road up to approximately 50 feet ahead, and an additional lateral acceleration sensor. The curve tilting function is making its United States debut in the S65 AMG Coupe.

The AMG V12 delivers a peak output of 621 hp and a maximum torque of 738 lb-ft – The S65 AMG feels effortless to drive and remains very silent at speed, but when needed provides a sensational and refreshing rush. If you must know, the S65 AMG Coupe accelerates from 0-60 mph in 4.0 seconds and has a top speed of 186 mph (electronically limited). In other respects, the AMG 6.0-litre V12 biturbo engine assures a sensational drive. Stylish drive & comfort, tremendous pulling power and effortless power delivery in all speed ranges are coupled with refined engine running characteristics and the distinctive typical sound of the AMG V12. Need I say more… Marked for launch at Mercedes-Benz sales outlets and authorized dealerships, planned for the end of 2014.

Exclusively developed AMG sports seats ensure optimal long-distance comfort. Electric adjustment, memory function, seat heating and climate control are standard features. More contoured seat cushions and backrests improve lateral support when cornering at speed. High-quality AMG badges are prominently displayed on all four backrests, and the AMG crest is embossed on the front centre console. Other features of the exclusive package include the Nappa leather roof liner, a leather-lined dashboard, door center panels in a diamond-pattern design, leather-clad roof grab handles, chromed door pins and AMG stainless steel door sill panels illuminated in white. Customers ordering designo AMG Exclusive Nappa leather upholstery are able to choose between black, porcelain/espresso brown, saddle brown/black and crystal grey/ black. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 85

Experience the Sea

by Andrea Sculati

One of the first reasons why an owner chooses an Azimut yacht is nearly always beauty. Then, the intrinsic values of the product come into play: its comfort, safety features, level of technology and elegant living solutions. Finally, owners want something more between the time of making their choice and the purchase. They want the boatyard that builds the yacht of their dreams to be able to boast a significant history, to have consolidated a network of services, to reflect a successful image and, above all, to be a sound company. In all these aspects, Azimut Yachts has been delivering these results over the years and is a true industry leader. A luxury yacht has value if that value is long-lasting. If its beauty can challenge the seasons. If its style is a source of inspiration for those who are passionate about the sea, and not just a fashion follower. This is where the 95RPH comes into play, a new design and features by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture. The boat’s name - RPH - actually stands for Raised Pilot House, giving some indication of the importance of the decision to separate the wheelhouse from the main deck. This is accomplished by creating a half deck which gives the boat owner and guests more space and maximizes privacy from the crew. The designer has also managed to integrate the raised wheelhouse with the vessel’s hallmark exterior lines, retaining that special Azimut Grande family look. Thanks to the raised wheelhouse, the Azimut Grande 95RPH has five cabins, four guest cabins on the lower deck and the boat owner’s cabin on the main deck towards the bow. The exceptional view and large bathroom make the boat owner cabin a veritable suite with an unparalleled sea view. There is also a liberating sense of space in the 95RPH saloon; here, Righini has created a real sense of continuity between inside and outside, thanks in part to the double, floor-to-ceiling picture windows. 86 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Another Azimut Grande trump card is without doubt the exceedingly spacious flybridge - awarded Best in Class; it includes a cushy exterior dinette that seats 10, a mini bar, Jacuzzi, and comfortable sunbathing area. The layout sleeps 10 with the boat owner’s suite and four VIP cabins, each with a private bath; there is also a day head. The four-member crew has three cabins and two baths to the bow, with separate access to the kitchen located on the main deck. The luxurious and elegant interiors are by Studio Salvagni Architetti for Azimut Yachts, a proven collaboration that has led to such successful models as Azimut 80, Azimut 84, and Azimut 88. To the stern, there is a garage with pivoting platform for a + 4-metre tender jet; the engine room has two MTU 16V2000 M84 motors which, when combined with the planning hull with skeg, provides for significantly improved directional stability, enabling maximum speeds of 26.5 knots and cruising speeds of 20 knots. The 3,100 gallon fuel tank and 528 gallon water tank ensure comfort for long crossings.

Despite being a vessel with an overall length of nearly 93ft, the Grande 95RPH falls within the cut-off and therefore can be registered as a pleasure craft. In many countries around the world this is a distinction which offers the boat owner serious advantages both in terms of crew management and administration, with significant savings in time and money. This is because pleasure crafts do not require a professional captain or engineer and have reduced crew requirements. In addition, the registration procedures are definitely simplified, with the corollary benefits for charter use: regulations are in conformance with MGN280 guidelines.

Design, technology, materials, components and human expertise are all Azimut hallmarks that meet a higher standard: quality. This philosophy is possible because Azimut has put its income back into the company, over more than forty years, investing in personnel training, technological research, product development and the upgrading of plants and structures. Only in this way has it been possible tobe the number one boatyard of choice worldwide for the construction of megayachts for 12 years running.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS • Cruising speed : 20 knots • Length Hull : 93 ft 11 in. • Beam : 23 ft 2 in. • Draft : 6 ft 9 in. • Displacement: 110T (at full load) • Fuel capacity : 3.170 US gals. • Water capacity : 528 US gals. • Cabins : 5 • Engine : 2 x 2,200 mHP (1630 kW) MTU 16V2000 M84 • Crew cabins : 3 • Bathrooms : 8

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 87

Build It! They will come

By Gina Battle Photography by Sargent & Daniel Newcomb

Rarely, if at all, do lay people walk past or simply observe a building and wonder who designed it. Of course, these occurrences happen with well known, historic structures such as the Guggenheim Museum; Frank Lloyd Wright homes and other buildings; literary icons, or other such book worthy works of art & design. Perhaps, this will be the case of Fernando Zabala, owner/principal, International Associate, AIA, and Carl Erickson, owner/principal of Zabala Erickson, LLC, a DBE certified architectural firm. Zabala Erickson, LLC, is an architectural design firm, with muftifaceted components that combine impressive aesthetics, integrity, masterful craftsmanship, professionalism, and passion. They also infuse architectural, textiles, and interior, designs with their environmentally friendly doctrine. Not to mention, personal touches of inspiration in their design concepts that are sure to rival and surpass any design firm of this millennium. Too say the least; it's a pretty bold statement when speaking of business partners who exemplify simplicity in their mission statement, adding to the cool, calm, collective energy of each individual persona. The owners/principals of Zabala Erickson, LLC, Fernando Zabala and Carl Erickson, have worked together since 2004, when their paths first crossed. They would eventually feel compelled to merge their efforts in 2012. Each man has created and maintained his own identity in the world of prestigious and luxury design for residential, commercial and organizational entities. Furthermore, over the better side of 30 years of experience each, they've managed to create a very lucrative partnership. More importantly, the high achievements of this firm's design team's incredible portfolio has combined each one's vision to create the desired result of a winning practice. Fernando Zabala, International Associate, AIA, is licensed in Argentina, where he obtained a Master's Degree in Architecture from the University of Mar del Plata. Carl Erickson, earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and is licensed in the U.S. Their company headquarters is located in Naples, Florida. Masterfully, they “work together as a team on various projects – supporting and complimenting each other’s vision of design,” said Zabala. 88 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

The depiction in the message of their professional mission statement, although confident, is straight to the point in its simplicity. Through “color saturation and imagery” one is able to identify their objective right away. Part of their mission statement says: “Passion for the creative is the foundation of our mission. Aesthetic beauty and integrity, function and utility, efficiency and cost appropriateness, these are the benchmarks by which we judge our success.” -Zabala Erickson, LLC It's a natural human instinct to have a desire to know what defines success, particularly from successful people. In the daily life of Zabala and Erickson, as individuals, integrity is a key element of the equation. It absolutely manifests throughout the work. “I think success is defined by a happy client, and especially a longterm happy client,” says Erickson speaking on behalf of both men. “They [client] aren't just happy because they are coming into something new, fresh and exciting to them, but years later they are still as happy as they've ever been since they took on whatever project they started. That's really our definition of success.” It goes without saying to these architects; in order to make it work successfully, the projects must be technically sound, as well as aesthetically beautiful. They go hand in hand. “You can't have one without the other; it won't have lasting value!”, said Erickson. That's their focus and the extension by which they define their success. Building An Empire: Working any partnership is a huge risk. When asked about having any concerns prior to the partnership, after having so many collaborative successes as individuals, the answer was as understated and humble as the duo. This isn't always an easy task. “Zabala Erickson, LLC developed very naturally, to the point where there was the opportunity to create this business partnership because we do share so many concepts. We have the same values, and we see the vision, so it's just a very simple thing.” Zabala said. The way in which the partnership works is because they both have a common vision of what they want to achieve. That is what they perceive to be the key. They don't just love architecture, nor is it just

a 'marriage of convenience' so to speak. They both have very strong opinions as to the trajectory of the design firm. As you can imagine, they're on a mission to continue to strive toward excellence. “I think it's all sort of little things too,” said Erickson. “Just in general, like we both love to travel, and we both love art. We both love design. We both have a lot of fun tracking where themes are going. For example, in industrial design, furniture and appliances, and things like that, we work nationwide and that just feels right for both of us.”

tification. “It all falls into place – in the right place, and it's good practice. And it's just good architecture.” Erickson said. Zabala followed with, “We have a vision, not just something to do. The good side is the goal.” At the Conservancy of Southwest Florida, in Naples, one of the buildings is a hospital for wildlife, another is a museum, yet another building is an auditorium, and there's a glass building for corporate staff, scientific support; activities, and last but not least, volunteers.

Clearly, the upscale design duo both have a much bigger view of where they are and where they want to be, other than just being “myopic,” according to Erickson, without fully expanding on the grander opportunities for full exposure. Additionally, having some exposure in various areas would be a plus. “Working out West in Montana – it's just fun.” Naturally, it lends itself to a lot of variety, as well as keeping what they do exciting and fresh. With sound reasoning like that it's no wonder they say they don't only do this in order to pay the bills. Rather, they do what they love and what they're passionate about. It's more than a dream situation for the architects. Partnering up has taken them to unimaginable places, whether within the country or on international project sites. They go where ever the client takes them. What matters to Zabala Erickson, LLC is finding the right solution for their client's problems. That's the driving force behind the themes in their designs; leaving little to no margin for error or dissatisfied clients. Neither partner suspected it would amass such accomplishments, nor that the opportunities would be so vast. Fernando's aspiration was to create great architecture. It didn't matter to him what. In the past, he created a newspaper kiosk, and together Carl and Fernando designed, or redesigned various projects. For example, a condo/hotel on the shore line of Costa Rica; beach front homes in the U.S.; a ski chalet, among many, many other projects. They managed to modernize the interior of a historic building, Persian Bistro, a restaurant on 5th Avenue in Naples, FL, without disrupting the integrity of neither the original concept nor the materials that has been there for decades. It's the only historic building left on that street. Built in 1950, it was first utilized as a hardware store, then a lawyer's office. The new owner approached the designers and asked for insight on what the possibilities could be with the design of the building. Zabala felt it to be a “no brainer.” This was a great opportunity to reuse design materials from the historic building. For exceptional designer's, this was an exciting project to encounter. What seemed like a dilemma for a new owner of an antiquated building was a treasure trove for the design partners. They strongly urged the client to keep the historic dimensions of the building and they took on the project. Fernando pointed out how they conduct their practice. The environment as well as preservation of the identity of the building is of significant importance, in addition to having a clear vision of the buildings culture. One of the largest projects currently in progress is the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. This is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with 7 buildings that are LEED Gold certified. A standard of excellence the firm acquired to facilitate the environmental project. LEED stands for (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Code Design). It is a certified program for buildings that are sensitive to the environment. The Conservancy of Southwest Florida is committed to advocating specifically for the environment & educational efforts. This program also awards those that are certified – including companies such as Zabala Erickson, LLC. To that end, the duo are proud of their 'conservative and prudent' means to utilize the funding allotted for the non-profit, and their ability to achieve the goals and challenges presented to them. The Conservancy of Southwest Florida project began in 2009 and is nearing completion with one final building to be completed. These buildings provided opportunities for things they never thought they would be working on, such as a multipurpose auditorium – having reused 50% of the buildings architectural integrity before starting the job. They were able to recover the wood and get an LEED cer-

“...eventful, creative, technically sound thinking.” The architects are broadly diverse in that they are interested and capable of working in urban areas as well. Work has been done in an urban building that provides shade and shelter; sunscreens have been installed on windows, durable enough to minimize SW Florida's heat conditions. This also provides natural lighting as well. These are some of the services Zabala Erickson, LLC have implemented prior to their LEED Gold Certification. They are also a DBE firm. DBE means ZE, LLC is certified to participate in a program that helps support minorities by putting more people to work on federally funded projects. This allows for more access to and visibility in places like SW Florida International Airport, and beyond. They are devoted to working hard, keeping their families in mind. “It's a business. We need to make money, and it's how we support our families. It's not like we don't care about the monetary bottom line.” Seemingly, the objective doesn't lie exclusively in the profit margin. The designers are extremely happy doing what they do as evidenced in the projection of their level-headed demeanor. Who could doubt this goes a long way while dealing with uncertain clients and their needs with design dilemmas to overcome? It's obvious; neither would be as content in their chosen field as architectural designers. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 89

As specific as the components of the Conservancy of Southwest Florida is, and those of other projects, these architects have stated that they don't have a specific style of brand. It's not how they work. They wouldn't necessarily have said, that had the opportunity presented itself in a different manner, they would have been interested in creating an animal hospital, per se. Yet, they felt honored and they derived pleasure in doing the project. And they know they've done it well, referring back to a singular word in the firm's mission statement 'integrity'. The bottom line is that's their whole approach. They will never try to fulfill a clients wants for the sake of it and just move on to the next project. The preferred way is to look at the project; see what it is; see what materials and resources are readily available; and review how the clients monetary resources can best be utilized to maximize the experience for the best outcome. They never want to design something that cannot be done due to lack of budget – they know that's a waste of everyone's time and effort. Erickson admits, “We may not have imagined it having grown into what it is today, but we will take on the challenge any client brings to us. When a client comes to us as opposed to someone else, it is because they want what we can provide, and what that is is eventful, creative, technically sound thinking. In the long run, we can fulfill that persons needs. We derive it from their project wants.”

As they reflect on many of their projects out West, they say it often has a great deal to do with variables dealing with climate, and mountainsides with great topographical differences. Obviously, sunshine handles very differently in higher altitudes of mountainous areas than it does in Naples, FL. The days are shorter out West, and the nights are colder. It's important to get the right amount of natural lighting inside the house for efficiency without losing the benefit of beautiful interior décor or the magnificent views – part of anyone's design blueprint. Yes, appeasing, beautiful, luxurious design, stimulating to the eye, and comforting to the senses; combined with integrity, well crafted, passion filled care of the client and product, and good business practice is what makes Zabala Ericson, LLC an exceptional firm. They deliver the whole package successfully every time. There's no doubt, they can stand tall with a proven accomplished track record of repeat residential, commercial and institutional architectural design customers – nationwide and abroad. Needless to say, the much revered design team knows how to navigate extreme measures, maneuvering and implementing various techniques for the environment. They have a high quality of natural zeal for great design aesthetics, comfort, and longevity. Their ultimate goal is to satisfy their client base. One might imagine, being considered outstanding professional architectural designer's of the 21st Century, is an achievement that certainly wouldn't be turned down. With the amount of passion and desirable elements in their work, there is the potential for Zabala Erickson, LLC to be a design team whose name and reputation will be one made for art & design books or tablets, beyond the 21st Century.

Zabala Erickson, LLC

“ We have a vision, not

just something to do. The good side is the goal.

90 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

1020 8th Avenue South Suite 5 Naples, FL 34104



Sophisticated and refined luxury furniture with it's own exclusive design, from Jetclass. Jetclass is a result from the deep experience and extensive knowledge of the Moreira Family, rooted in the tradition of several generations and strengthened in a continued professional development in the Portuguese furniture industry. Continuously seeking the perfect balance between the classical and the modern aesthetics, resulting in leading-edge, high technology and anticipation of trends. Its objective attributes include maximum quality, excellence in detail, customization and technology. The Jetclass collection are objects of desire to the affluent consumer, meaning status, distinction and differentiation. It's aspirational and social, inspirational and exclusivity. 92 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Jetclass | Luxus Contador Barco Rebelo Semi FOCUS of SWFL 2014 93

94 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Luxus | Distinctive Elegance Refined, distinctive and elegant... Luxus makes all eyes stare at it. It is unpretentious with its sophisticated design with details in golden or silver carving. The curved lines from its legs are absolutely unique and are the most striking feature of Luxus Edition.

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 95

96 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Jetclass | Venezia Neo Classico FOCUS of SWFL 2014 97

Capri | Purity Paradise Inspired by the paradisiacal purity of the Italian Capri Island, Capri reflects its luxury way of living. Carefully designed, with details in gold-plated or silver-plated woodcarving, Capri is luxurious in its delicacy and reveals itself in its rounded, smooth lines.

98 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 99

Jetclass | Venezia Quarto

100 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

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102 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Venezia | Barroc Beauty Venezia is feminine and exuberant, with a strong and impressive nature. Its rounded lines define it as delicate and majestic at the same time, reflecting its European baroque culture. Venezia's refinement is completed with Swarovski diamonds that the hands of craftsmen integrate as a luxury detail. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 103


Ever hear the saying “Kitchens sell a home?” Well it’s true; the kitchen is the most important room in the home. Whether you’re considering putting your house on the market or investing in your home for personal long-term enjoyment, an upgraded and attractive kitchen can make your home irresistible. While a well-designed kitchen incorporates elements of luxury and style, it’s also important to focus on kitchen updates that will make everyday life easier — so you can spend less time doing chores and more time making memories with the family. A simple way to give your kitchen an instant facelift is to replace old, outdated or mismatched appliances with newer models. They are not only aesthetically appealing but they can simplify the cooking and cleanup process. Here are some key points to consider when purchasing: Maintenance free stainless steel appliances When potential home buyers walk into a kitchen, the first thing they will look for are updated and matching appliances. An appealing kitchen is one with a complete set of matching appliances for a modern and inviting appearance. Many buyers love the look of stainless steel appliances but are 104 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

reluctant to purchase because of fingerprints and watermarks. According to an EMA-NA Refrigeration Attitude & Usage Consumer Study 2011 conducted by Equation Research, 50 percent of consumers report a key pain point is their stainless steel refrigerators show fingerprints. To alleviate that concern, look for new technologies that resist streaks and smudges. Frigidaire Gallery® makes a line of Smudge-Proof™ Stainless Steel appliances that resist fingerprints and clean easily, keeping your appliances looking great while cutting down on cleanup time. Maximizing time and space in the kitchen When trying to maximize space in your kitchen, built-in and counter depth appliances are the way to go. In fact, counter depth appliances, like refrigerators give you back over four inches of kitchen space. Built-in wall ovens and cooktops increase countertop space as well as cooking capacity, not to mention a sleek looking kitchen and entertaining space. Consider the different types of cooktops available too — gas, electric or induction. Induction cooktops are in high demand because they offer more precise and efficient cooking methods. A perfect example is the Frigidaire Gallery® Induction Cooktop that can boil water in less than two minutes yet stay amazingly cool to the touch.

continued on page 107...

100 WAYS TO ORGANIZE FOR MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY 100 WAYS TO ORGANIZE FOR MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY Introducing the new Frigidaire Gallery速 French Door Refrigerator



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Introducing the new Frigidaire Gallery速 French Door Refrigerator Flip-Up Shelves easily make room for taller items



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Serving Southwest Florida 5/6/13 2:32 PM

Additional Upgrades to Consider Here are a few other simple, yet worthwhile, upgrades to improve the kitchen. Pendant lighting Add visual interest with a beautiful set of pendant lights. Ideally place them above a kitchen island so they don’t interfere with foot traffic. Hardware This is also an easy fix with a big payoff. Replace cabinet knobs and pulls with a fresh, modern set for a fast visual update and to help tie in the new appliances.

tional, approximately 60 percent of consumers indicate they don’t have enough storage capacity in their refrigThe oven you select can also have a erator’s freezer, causing them to make multiple trips big impact on cutting down cookto the grocery store each week. Owning a secondary ing and prep time in the kitchen. Kitchen faucet freezer allows you to make 1 1/2 less trips to the store According to the EMA-NA study, 67 As one of the most-used items in the each month and saves an average of 60 hours per year percent of consumers think their house, this fixture has its fair share ovens take too long to preheat and at the grocery store, according to Frigidaire research. of wear and tear. Replacing the 40 percent are dissatisfied because faucet is an easy and quick project Overall, those who own a secondary freezer say it allows them to stock up on family favorite foods, and the extra their food does not cook evenly. A that will make an impact. storage space lets them take advantage of sales and new trend to help alleviate these buying in bulk. concerns is a double wall oven, Pull out trays which provides the timesaving To eliminate the need to dig for pots benefit by cooking multiple dishes at and pans, install rolling trays in your As busy families are looking to streamline and save on meal time, a secondary freezer will not only pay for once. The Frigidaire Gallery® Double cabinets. itself in a year according to the Frigidaire study, but will Wall Oven saves prep time and cook also make your home stand out when it’s on the market. time with its quick preheat feature and true convection feature. Once the food is out of the oven, The Frigidaire 2-in-1 Classic Slate Freezer or Refrigerator can the quick self-clean cycle cleans the oven in just two hours helpquickly and easily switch between refrigerator and freezer mode, giving you the flexibility to prepare meals in advance and freeze ing Frigidaire take you through mealtime in no time, from start to clean. them or keep extra beverages cold with the flip of a switch. Flexible storage options that can save you money When it comes to purchasing refrigerators and freezers, it’s important to find something that allows for adjustable storage to meet personal, lifestyle needs. According to the 2013 Frigidaire Freezer Savings Study conducted by Phoenix Marketing Interna-

Making a few easy kitchen upgrades can add instant value and save you time, making your home more enjoyable for you and your family. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 107

Simple steps to update and organize

Photos courtesy of Getty Images


From simple storage solutions that freshen up messy rooms to projects that enliven a space, do-it-yourself options are a popular choice among many homeowners. Try out some of these ideas to make every room in your home feel new again, without having to empty your pocketbook or call a handyman. Organize Your Work, Living Spaces In order for personal style to shine, it’s important that your home is organized and clutter free, especially in the rooms where you work, play and relax. Whether it’s the pile of paper in the office or a heap of stuffed animals in the living room — these are the rooms where so much family life takes place, so keeping it clean is essential. Luckily, there are various solutions you can add without the need of a professional, from small space savers to large statement pieces that improve the function and design of a room.

keep your clothing and accessories tidy, look for those that offer flexibility, such as ClosetMaid’s ShelfTrack®. These wire shelving units are available in kits and open stock, which can be cut to size, with shelves available in a variety of depths and finishes, including options like White and Nickel. For more ideas for keeping your living spaces orderly, visit www.

Living Room When it comes to your living room, do you long for a space to stash toys, books and all the other random trinkets that pile up? Enjoy the benefits of versatile storage with ClosetMaid’s new Premium Cubes, available exclusively at The Home Depot. With a full back panel, these six- or nine-cube organizers are offered in two distinct looks. Choose the style that complements your decor, from traditional Mahogany to the contemporary styling of Weathered Teak. Work Space Improve your efficiency with the proper tools for the job. The Home Depot Premium Cubes are also a great addition for those who want to add sleek, upscale elements to a work space or office. These stylish storage options offer a professional look and feel and can keep any work environment properly organized. Bedroom Closets While many homes are complete with bedroom closets to keep the clutter from view, it’s what’s inside those helpful storage areas that count. When looking for organizational solutions to 108 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

De-clutter the Kitchen From spices to coffee filters to cooking oils, those kitchen cabinets have a way of filling up fast, and keeping these culinary

tools in order can be a daunting task. Use these five tips to get your pantry and kitchen cabinets in order: 1. Empty Each Shelf Go through each shelf to properly wipe out dust and crumbs, and to sort through outdated food. Before you put the items back on the shelves, clean the base thoroughly and line each one with a non-adhesive shelf liner, such as Duck® brand Smooth Top Easy Liner, which will create a protective, cushioned barrier on your surfaces. 2. Survey Food Items Go through food items and donate or dispose of those you won’t use. Seal boxes for donation with an easy-to-use packaging tape, such as Duck brand EZ Start packaging tape. Its Frustration Free special release technology makes it easy to start with every use and ensures you never lose the tape end. 3. Group Similar Items Move common items together to help you keep track of your inventory. For further organization, sort based on expiration so you can use up food while it’s still fresh. 4. Create User-Friendly Spaces Make your pantry more ergonomic and easier to access by placing commonly used items on eye-level shelves. 5. Utilize Organization Tools Maximize the space in pantry and cabinets with turntables for spices and other storage solutions. Add a pop of personality to these areas with a lining product such as Duck brand Smooth Top Easy Liner, which is available in an assortment of trendy colors and patterns to complement any design.

Finishing Touches Here are a few other ways to enhance the rooms in your home with stylish and useful updates: Dim the Lights: Install light dimmers throughout your home for an extra touch of ambiance and improved energy efficiency. The dimming function is especially perfect for living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. Add a Pop of Color: Perk up a neutral room by giving an old chair, mirror or side table a new paint job. Simply spray your decorative item with quality paint, such as Krylon Dual Superbond Paint + Primer, which sticks to virtually any material, bringing life to your favorite household items. For information, visit Hang It Up: Add a row of hooks to your walls for extra function. Perfect for use in the bathroom or kitchen for hanging towels or pot holders. A hook installed in an entryway or mudroom is a great spot for keys, jackets and backpacks.

The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center

For other ideas for keeping your kitchen tidy, visit

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FOCUS of SWFL 2014 109

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Follow the Four C’s from Trusted HGTV Contractor Mike Holmes FAMILY FEATURES


very household has its honey-do list, but inevitably you’re not always going to have time to cross off every project on the list. Rather than setting lofty goals that make it easy to procrastinate, the key to a productive and effective list is to be realistic. Start with the projects that will have an immediate effect on creating and maintaining a safer and healthier home. “Keep your ‘honey-do’ list manageable. Move long-term projects to the end and bump up the jobs that will help make your home healthier,” said Mike Holmes, renowned and trusted contractor on HGTV and healthy home expert. “When you know you’re making a positive impact on your family’s health and safety, doing those jobs is easy.”

The Four C’s

Holmes also recommends following the four “C’s” for a healthier honey-do list:

Mike Holmes



n Exhaust

n Moisture


Bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans play an important role in reducing moisture in the home. Conduct a simple test by turning on the exhaust fan and placing a tissue up to the vent to check the strength of your vent fans. The fan should be strong enough to hold the tissue in place. Fans not working properly are ineffective at controlling smoke and humidity, and allow fumes, moisture and pollutants to circulate and settle throughout the home.

n Flue


Inspect flue pipes — also known as stove pipes, smoke pipes and chimney connectors — on a quarterly basis for cracks or holes. Cracks in the pipes allow fumes and gases like carbon monoxide to enter the home rather than be funneled outdoors. If the pipes are cracked or corroded, call a professional to inspect them and possibly replace the pipes, as it may be a sign of a larger problem.


Install weatherstripping around doors to seal gaps and repair or replace damaged window frames to protect the home from rodents, insects and other unwanted guests. Rodents and cockroaches, for example, may trigger allergy symptoms and even asthma attacks in those that are sensitive to them, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The bonus is that by getting rid of gaps you will also improve the energy efficiency of your home.

n Roof


Use a Filtrete Ultra Allergen Reduction Filter to help clean the air in the home by removing airborne particles, such as mold spores, dust mite debris, bacteria and viruses from the air passing through the filter. Remember to change it at least every three months or more frequently if you have pets, burn candles often or are doing home improvement projects. The American Lung Association says that, poor indoor air quality in the home can cause headaches, dry eyes, nasal congestion, nausea and fatigue.

n Batteries

Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors every month, and change the batteries at least twice a year. Don’t wait until the detectors are chirping, as that sound usually means the batteries are about to die and your family will no longer be protected. Remember, you can sometimes see smoke in the home but you can’t see or smell carbon monoxide.

112 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

n Unwanted



Inspect your home using a moisture meter to locate hidden areas containing moisture that you can’t see with the naked eye. Mold thrives in areas of the home where moisture is present and can cause hay fever-type symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes and skin rashes, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


Regularly check gutters for leaves, pests and other excess debris and clean them out using a rake and hose at least twice a year. (Be careful not to push water underneath your shingles.) Neglected gutters may not drain properly and pose a risk of detaching and leaking water into the home. In addition to struc­ tural damage, the leaks provide breeding grounds for mold to grow in areas like ceilings and basements.

n Garage

and Basement Clutter

Remove trash and clutter from around the home and be sure not to let it build up for more than a few days. Unattended trash can be a breeding ground for pests and parasites that carry bacteria and viruses into the home.

Four Professional Tests Every Home Should Pass • Radon tests identify traces of radon in the home that may have entered from cracks in the floors and walls, water supply or pipes. • Carbon monoxide tests check for signs that the gas may have been emitted by fireplaces, wood, coal, gas stoves or heaters and not properly removed from the home. • Water tests assess the water quality in your home and determine if there are high levels of contaminants in your drinking water. • Visual septic dye tests inspect your septic tanks for signs of slow-drainage or back up.

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Mid-century modern inspiration draws from the 1940s through the 1960s, a twenty-year span when design was sleek, elegant and functional. Although the style originated more than 70 years ago, this trend has resurfaced with a fresh revival. Retro colors and simplistic styles are just the beginning when it comes to transforming a home into a sophisticated, mid-century modern residence. Here are some easy, yet impactful upgrades you can do at home:

Photos courtesy of Adele Young, VDL Interiors

Go Back In Time


Vibrant Texture Mid-century modern design showcases quality pieces of furniture or accessories rather than décor on the walls. White or neutral color palettes are typical on the walls, but your space comes to life with accessories, bright colors, various patterns and textures.

Unexpected Inspiration Sleek lines and geometric shapes are hallmarks of the mid-century movement. These form the foundation for the newest Brizo bath collection which leverages a number of influences including a 1950s airliner and automobile tail fins, making it a perfect staple for starting an interior design bathroom transformation. “It’s obvious the inspiration for the Sotria collection stems from the sleek, streamlined aesthetic of an airplane, but it’s about something bigger than that, too,” says Celine Garland, industrial designer for Brizo products. “The collection was inspired by the optimism of mid-century America. We took the spirit of the 1950s and reimagined it in a way that’s both a nod to the past and a celebration of the present.” This signature piece takes modernization to the next level with the option of a closed or channel spout, creating a multi-sensory experience which offers an elegant, beautiful water flow. Simplistic Furniture Furniture from this era is characterized by clean, straight lines which play up the natural beauty of the design. Pieces that are stripped down to a simple form often speak louder than those with excess detailing. Simplistic kitchen chairs or cabinets with wood detailing in the living room are perfect ways to play up this modern design theme in your home. Looking for one piece of iconic furniture to make a statement? Find an impressive Eames lounge chair featuring a wood and leather combination to act as the focal point for a sitting room or bedroom. 114 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Opt for lamps with curved bases paired with narrow lampshades, accent pillows that tout bright orange and geometric shapes, or retro art to add mid-century modern personality throughout the home. Whether the dining room features a gold bar cart stacked with your favorite beverages or the kitchen shines with a unique, vintage light fixture – blending designs from the past into a modern home will result in a personalized, sophisticated style that is sure to satisfy your design cravings and impress guests for years to come.


Myrtle Beach Seaside Resorts (MBSR) – operator of the area’s premier oceanfront condo-hotel and vacation rental properties – announces the “Prepay and Save” booking incentive featuring up to 25% off rack rates on advance purchases.

over the country enjoying our beautiful beaches,” says Jim Eggen, General Manager of MBSR. “This promotion offers unprecedented savings for guests who are ready to book their fall or winter vacation with us.”

With warm air and water temperatures through October and a temperate winter climate, Myrtle Beach is a favorite vacation destination yearround. Guests who prepay their beach getaway 14 days or further in advance are eligible for the special discounts.

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DIY natural solutions This season, avoid those expensive, chemical-filled storebought cleaners all together. Hometalk – the largest home and garden network on the web - has an arsenal of quick, easy, and safe solutions to see you through the summer season scratch-free – all using products you already have at home! • Salt water for wicker furniture: The abrasive nature of salt water quickly and effectively removes dirt, even from hard to reach nooks and crannies. The sodium in salt water kills existing mold, and will prevent it from growing back too – all without damaging your wicker furniture! • Vinegar and newspaper for streak-free, sunny windows: Let summer’s glorious sunlight into your home with this amazing secret cleaning recipe. Combine 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar, and 4 drops of dish soap into a spray bottle and wipe dry with newspaper! • Baking soda for pets (and shoes!): Stave off the stink of wet dog by massaging a little bit of baking soda into your pup’s fur between shampoos. Sprinkle some into sweaty shoes while you’re at it to keep your whole family smelling fresh! • DIY allergy-friendly laundry detergent: Between all the mud, grass, and who-knows-what-else, summer tends to require quite a few more weekly loads of laundry than the rest of the year – which can really take a toll on your fabric, your skin, and your wallet. Instead, try this DIY powdered laundry detergent recipe made of Borax, super washing soda and Ivory bar soap – you’ll get roughly 40 loads of laundry done for under $3! FOCUS of SWFL 2014 115

PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. Large cocktail rings in amethyst or grey moonstone are perfect for stacking with this season’s more delicate pieces. New LovePod rings in white, yellow and rose 18K gold with brilliant-cut diamonds or colorful gemstones work beautifully with other pieces of PANDORA jewelry and interlock when stacked together. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a star-shaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week




By Samantha Ramos Photography by Mike Coppola Frazer Harrison

South Beach comes alive, as the swimwear industry’s most highly anticipated event returns; to bring the glamour of the runway to the shores, positioning Miami as a fashion hotspot. From what's new to what's chic, the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim heated up the sands and the pavement of The Raleigh Hotel with designer runway shows, presentations and parties. The fashion industry's finest designers showcasing the glamour and beauty of their latest swimwear during this once a year event. Designers, stylists and models alike have focused on radiating attitude, color and flair from head to toe. From the perfect hairstyle, accessories and footwear to complete a look that no one knows better than the top models and stylists of Fashion Week. Nearly 200 designer runway shows and 100,000 guests later, MBFW Swim celebrated its 10th year as the most impactful Swim industry event and Miami Beach as the capital of swimwear. Today, IMG Fashion announces the impressive preliminary lineup of designers showing their 2015 Swimwear collections.

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Nanette Lepore Red Carter

Suboo ny Beach Bun

Since then, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim has attracted visitors from around the world, and has generated millions of dollars for the local economy; while offering the world’s top Swim brands an unsurpassed platform to debut their collections to an audience of media, buyers and global consumers. “Ten years ago, we set out to create an event that would help boost tourism in July and would complement the designers’ business objectives at the trade shows. Together with our partners, we came up with Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim which gives designers the ability to tell their brand story on the runway, while helping boost their sales on the tradeshow floor and solidifies Miami as a stylish summer destination ,” says Jarrad Clark, VP and Global Creative Director, IMG Fashion Events and Properties. “Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim is now the largest swimwear event in the world with designers from across the globe choosing the Miami runways as the place to debut their Swim collections, and we look forward to this year’s event being a celebration of everyone’s success.” 120 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Carmen Marc Valvo FOCUS of SWFL 2014 121

The kick-off party commemorated the last 10 years with a special presentation around The Raleigh pool to honor designers who have helped make Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim a success. Mercedes-Benz celebrated numerous brands who have shown at the past events throughout the last decade, by specially wrapping ten 2015 C-Class cars in prints by designers. The designer-print wrapped cars welcomed guests to the event each night, with a rotating selection parked on 18th street and Collins Avenue, where event invitees entered the shows, and fashion fans snapped pictures next to their favorite designer prints.

Dolores Cortes

This season’s diverse lineup of designers is a testament to MercedesBenz Fashion Week Swim 2015 and the Raleigh Hotel’s ability to transform and create a world stage for the fashion industry to showcase and entertain everyone from the well established brands to the future stars.

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Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Designer Red Carter

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2015 at The Raleigh

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine & Designer Mara Hoffman

Anna Vila (L)

Rebecca Brock & Nicole Rainis

Designers Jeremy Somers & Katinka Somers

David Pulley & Stephen Macricosta

Marysol Patton

Sara Rogers

Efrain Reyes & Justin Martin FOCUS of SWFL 2014 123

Gottex Gottex

Gottex 124 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

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Clover Canyon

We Are Handsome

Mary Miller


Beach Bunny


Mara Hoffman

Dolores Cortes


Frankie's Bikinis

126 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

CM Cia.Maritima


Poko Pano

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Issa de'mar







Luli Fama




Liliana Montoya

What Wear to

By Samantha Ramos

Make an indelible impression with your apparel

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Looking hot in any occasion isn't very difficult; improving your clothes' demeanor as an act of conscious fashion shift towards clothing is actually rather progressive. Get acquainted with the latest trends in shoes, handbags or clothing and the hottest celebrity fashion. Always ask for advice and fashion tips to make new trends work for you and learn what to wear to look great for any occasion. Fashion is always changing and in order to survive clothing brands have to keep up with the latest fashion trends and designs. People love to buy clothes which are of the latest fashion, and where else can one purchase the trendiest of outfits, but at a clothing store. High-end clothing brands are much in demand and the reason they have been so successful, is because of a combination of great designs, flawless craftsmanship, high quality and meticulous attention to detail. Most famous clothing brands usually have a team of talented in-house fashion designers who study the latest trends and styles, and design outfits accordingly. Some high-end clothing brands even have big fashion designers who design exclusively for the brand. Everyone wants to dress up in the latest fashion and style of clothing. In fact no one would like to be caught wearing something that is dated and totally out of style. To dress in the cutting edge of fashion, you have to know what are the modern clothing styles and how you can incorporate these styles in your wardrobe. Fashion is very fickle and ever-changing and what might be considered as modern clothing style today, might not be in the next day. So to have a clear idea about these trends, you need to read fashion magazines and watch what the runway models are wearing.

Creating your own personal style is the art of combining an outfit, or an image if you will, based on the various aspects of your personality and lifestyle, which consists of: Your taste, interests, desires, inspirations, aspirations and history. You bring a couple (or all) of them together to let it shine. In the way you dress, but of course, only the aspects you want to express and show to the world! It takes a lot of trial and error to find your personal clothing style, so don’t worry about making mistakes along the way. In fact, developing your personal fashion style is a journey not a destination. Experimenting and just having fun, will help you get to know yourself better. More importantly it’s about wearing you- your style… your statement!

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Style & Co. 2-pc. knit set 69.50 Available at Macy's and

132 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Style & Co. Sweater 49.50 Jeans 49.00

Material Girl Top 35.50 Leggings 22.50 Available at Macy's and

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By Jim France

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Photography by Jim France

Summer may have come and gone, but the fashion industry in Colombia kicked into high gear to bring the world something new and fresh. Who said venturing out of your local area wouldn’t be exciting. In one of my travels this year to Colombia, a place filled with passion. I’ve taken in one of its most talked about business & fashion events running over five years long, “The Ibagué Maquila and Fashion Show”, is one of the main events of the fashion business in Colombia each year. Started back in 2009 to help entrepreneurs in the industry to not only get started, but build and advance modernization within Colombia. Understanding the explosive global economic market over the years; the Ibagué Maquila and Fashion show was created to showcase Colombia’s passion within the textile and apparel industry, on a local and global level.

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Bringing the authenticity of cultural elements to the modern fashionista, Ibagué Maquila shown cutting edge collections presented by beautiful models and stylists. From what's new and chic, it’s all about special pieces inspired by the Colombian creativity that goes from runway-to-reality. Designers thrilled the spectators with soft details, vivid colors and natural tones made from exquisite modern elements. Exciting guest with hundreds of beautiful, must-have pieces from each of the designers collections. Fit for the savvy woman or man who loves to make an indelible impression with sustainable yet relaxed pieces.

Photography by Jim France

“Ibagué Maquila and Fashion” through its business model generates significant economic movements in the textile apparel manufacturing industry. The fashion component of the event is to showcase sustainable fashion trends for the world and the scene of prestigious local, national and international designers. With entrepreneurs, students and the general public having free access to panels and conferences from important leaders in the industry to promote innovation, transformation and strengthening of the Colombian fashion field. With numerous emerging designers presenting alongside their established colleagues, “Ibagué Maquila and Fashion” featured designer handbags by Mario Hernandes with a new collection. Other designers include Carlos Valenzuela, Chencho Piñeres, Adriana Santacrus, Carlo Carrizosa, Watermelon, Sheffy, La Fayette, Monarch, Sketch, Chencho Piñeres, Flamingo, CP Company, Bronzini and Tomaticos (Children’s Wear), Urueña, Arkitect, Fit Win and Pink Mint and others. Along with well over 130 vendors from micro to medium enterprises involved with making Ibagué Maquila and Fashion Show such a success.

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Julie Thomas | Director of Project Outreach

New Leader in Naples

by Felicity Geiranger

Naples Noteworthy picked Julie Thomas, Director of Project Outreach, as the second feature for our July launch issue, and Thomas is also our pick for the Best New Leader in Naples, Florida. We picked Thomas because of her work in Project Outreach, an organization that is quickly becoming the central hub for matching physical donations with needs in the Naples community. This is an organization you need to know about, if you don't already. What it's doing in Collier County is nothing short of astonishing. It's heartwarming and encouraging to see the good people can do when they come together. Project Outreach is a live, ongoing demonstration of people ready and willing to lend a helping hand, fueled by the powerful networks of today's social media. But it's more than that. The organization simply has a special anointing on it to bring help--and hope--to people in our community in a way that defies explanation. Something divinely peculiar is going on. Here's how it works. A need is voiced at the network, which is the Project Outreach Group on Facebook. For instance, someone may need a refrigerator, or a new bed. Maybe a family needs help because a parent is terminally ill and they need people to step in and help provide meals and other assistance for the family. In one case, a family lost everything in a fire. In another case, a man's wife died at childbirth, leaving him to care for the newborn baby. Usually within hours the need is met. Naples Noteworthy asked how that was possible. 142 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

"It's God," Thomas explained. "Nothing else could account for how quickly these needs are being met or how fast this network has grown. From the very beginning, God's hand has been on this." Angie Meister, the daughter of Julie Thomas, is the founder of Project Outreach. She knew she wanted to do something to help those in need in the Naples community. The family rallied around Angie and embraced the idea, taking it from a grassroots organization to where it is today. Project Outreach initially focused on doing events in the community to teach others the selfless sense of serving. For instance, every year, they invite volunteers to the Immokalee Friendship House for Thanksgiving to help clean the house and make and serve dinner. Volunteers who join the network learn what it feels like to serve selflessly helping others. The Facebook Group has been a key element for communication and rallying support. It's how Project Outreach has been able to find out about people in need and organize a response to help them. As one need after another began to be met, people started stepping up with donations--beds, furniture, refrigerators--and that's when a warehouse in which to store items became necessary. Once again, people stepped in to help. The Hardy family, which owns TollGate Commerce Center, heard about what Project Outreach was doing and generously donated the air-conditioned warehouse space.

Photo courtesy of Felicity Geiranger

The warehouse began to fill up with items even as more needs began to be voiced on the Facebook Group. At the same time, the network was, and is, growing--now 1278 members and counting. Even as we write this article, we keep having to change the number! Being able to meet physical needs is important in any ministry. The passage that comes to mind here is James 2:15-17: "Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." Naples Noteworthy believes God has anointed Project Outreach to meet physical needs so that it can accomplish even greater things in the spiritual realms. Project Outreach begins and ends its days at the warehouse in prayer, and there are people solely devoted to praying for the Facebook group, asking that whatever needs arise may be met.

less when we first meet them. After we've ministered to them with tangible, physical aid and loved them a little, you can see the change. You can actually see the hope in their eyes. They come alive again." How can you get involved? Project Outreach really needs a few "muscle men" with trucks who can help pick up and sometimes deliver items that people want to donate but have no means of transporting. Donations from people in the community are another reason Project Outreach is succeeding. It's people like you, stepping up to donate items like clothing, books, toys, furniture, beds, refrigerators, appliances, dishes, etc. These are then stored in the warehouse. You can help by donating items in good condition to Project Outreach. They are in need of twin beds, dressers, toys, baby items, children's clothes, tables and chairs, all in good condition. You can help by donating these items to the Project Center Warehouse, which is located near the Cracker Barrel at: Toll Gate Commercial Center 3845 Beck Blvd #806 Naples, FL 34114 Phone: 239-770-6787

Thomas, who has been counseling people for the past twenty years, continues to do so at the warehouse, finding that her counseling ministry integrates seamlessly with Project Outreach. She also offers prayer to those willing to accept it. Thomas knows that she's running a ministry of hope. "You can see the transformation in the people we serve," she explains. "In the worst cases, such as women who have suffered domestic violence and are looking to start a new life, they often seem hope-


By Laurie Gardner

We’ve all heard the expressions about the importance of attitude: “Check yourself before you wreck yourself” . . . “Mind over matter” . . . “A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks” . . . But is attitude adjustment really possible? If so, does it last? Recent brain research shows that we can literally rewire our brains by choosing to view things in a more positive way. When we react to external situations by focusing on what’s wrong, we trigger a negative emotional response, like anger, frustration, self-pity, or blame. If we instead choose a sunnier interpretation, we not only feel better in the moment, but we also create new neural pathways that help us to react more positively in the future. Last week, I had a chance to practice this skill when I dropped a full pitcher of water by my fridge. In the past, my first reaction would have been, “Oh man, I don’t feel like dealing with this right now!” Instead, I just mopped it up and laughed, “Well, that’s one way to clean the floor.” Meanwhile, for those of us who are used to making things happen, trying to stay positive can be very difficult when we’re not in control. I find this to be especially true when I experience an unpleasant or unexpected life change or when I’m waiting to hear back about something important. A couple of suggestions from my “How to Be Happy Even When Life is Crappy: 32 Tips & Quips to Get You There”: • Think like a Spaniard. In Spanish, the word esperar means both to wait and to hope. Instead of clinging to specific outcomes and timing, have faith in “this or something better.” • Correction, not rejection. When things don’t work out, its just not where you belong. When I was a teenager, I used to watch my older sister get ready to go out. One evening, she had a fight with her boyfriend and slammed down the phone. Without another word, she put on a stylish outfit, smiled at herself in the mirror, then strutted out of the room. She turned around and winked, “It’s all in the ‘tude.” Attitude. If I’d only known then how important it is. Recently, I presented a seminar in Longboat Key. While we were talking about the power of positive thinking, a woman in the audience raised her hand and asked, “But how is it possible when really bad things happen in our lives? It just doesn’t seem realistic in more challenging circumstances.” 144 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

I told her about my favorite aunt. After working for twenty-five years in a stressful, high-powered law firm, Brenda had just retired and was looking forward to some well-deserved vacation and leisure. Two weeks later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I visited her in New York when she was in the throes of radiation and chemo, going through continuous rounds of brutal, draining treatments that would knock anyone down in the dumps. Instead, the whole time we were together, she laughed and joked, happier than I’d ever seen her. When I asked her how she could possibly be so cheerful given all that she was going through, she said, “Laurie, I could go any day now. And I sure as heck am not going out in a bad mood.” Ten years later, while her doctors use the word “remission,” Brenda triumphantly tells people that she “survived.” In my opinion, she more than survived. She’s a shining example of how changing your attitude changes your life. One last story from my new book, The Road to Shine. Navigating through fifty countries and forty states, extreme wilderness adventures, and life’s normal ups and downs, I learned again and again the power of adjusting my attitude. My biggest a-ha occurred in Italy: “Che brutto giorno!” (“What an ugly day!”) exclaimed the hotel maid, dragging on her cigarette as she looked out at the pouring rain. Rosario and I disagreed. Laughing as we splashed through the puddles, we jumped from doorstep to doorstep, stopping to embrace and kiss under each dry alcove. We arrived at his car, cranked up the stereo, and danced and sang while the storm crashed all around us. An ugly day? Not at all. That was one of the best days I’d had in a while.

Ever since we met, I was struck by how happy Rosario is. Rowing a boat across the beautiful turquoise bay, he told me how much he enjoyed his job, appreciated his family, and loved living by the sea. He could view his life differently: “I’m almost thirty and still single, and my job takes me away from family and friends.” Instead, he sighed contentedly, “Il mio cuore è veramente pieno di gioia.” (“My heart is truly full of joy.”) At first, I thought he might just be simple-minded: How could someone be so upbeat all the time? But as I got to know him, I realized that his happiness is genuine. He lives fully in each moment, appreciates the simple things in life (as well as the complex), and often bursts into spontaneous play. In one week, I learned more about true joy from this young Sicilian than I had in my entire life so far. The guy has simply decided his time on this planet is going to be fun. He’s not naïve to the struggles around him, nor free from struggle himself. He just chooses to approach life with a positive attitude. Somehow, we’ve convinced ourselves that joy is something we have to spend a lifetime working toward. But even by diligently chipping away at our negative habits and thoughts, we might never get a piece of that all-elusive happiness. What if it’s a lot simpler than that? What if it’s a lot more fun? What if, like Rosario, we decide that happiness is possible right now? Horrible rainstorm or private dance party? It’s our decision.

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Cope with Depression

By Ginny Grimsley

Sometimes, not knowing the truth about something of immediate importance can create some of the most intense stress, says former chronic pain sufferer Janet Komanchuk. “The families of victims who’ve been missing for years or decades – identifying the body of their loved one, for example, can bring closure. For me, being diagnosed with fibromyalgia was also a relief – it meant that I had a name for my chronic pain,” says Komanchuk, whose pain was so intense over a period of several years that she had to retire as a schoolteacher. “My diagnosis meant I wasn’t crazy, that the pain wasn’t ‘all in my head,’ as some had suggested. It meant that my flu-like symptoms, accompanied by intense waves of pain, finally had form and dimension. I understood I was just one of many suffering with chronic pain that at last had a name.” Fibromyalgia syndrome is a complex, chronic condition of widespread muscular pain and fatigue. It often includes sleep disturbances, impaired memory and concentration, depression and other debilitating symptoms. The syndrome is one of the most common chronic pain disorders, affecting nearly one in every 60 Americans. “When medical leave, morphine patches, codeine and myriad pharmaceuticals brought no relief, I tried a different approach in combination with medical treatment,” says Komanchuk, who has since enjoyed more than

13 years of pain-free and prescription-free living after finding an alternative healing therapy that works for her. She now works as an educational writer and public relations assistant with Joy of Healing, the alternative healing modality that she says brought about her remission. “Through the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about dealing with the psychological trauma of illness.” Komanchuk shares tips to keep in mind for those suffering from an indeterminate condition. • Trust in yourself. “At times, the pain was so intense that I was certain my flesh was tearing away from my bones,” says Komanchuk, who was just like the more than 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain, which costs nearly $600 billion annually in medical treatments and lost productivity, according to the Institute of Medicine. Despite her unmistakable pain, the critical doubt from others as to what she was experiencing was disheartening, at times causing her to doubt herself.


“Trust in yourself, for you know what you’re feeling,” she says. “Don’t fall victim to the judgment and criticism of others who doubt your illness and the limitations it places on you or your activities.” • Don’t quit! Despite the immense scope of chronic pain, very little is spent on research to find better ways to manage pain. Komanchuk was faced with the prospect of spending the rest of her life in a nursing home. “Yes, the pain was excruciating, debilitating and fatiguing, yet I still felt as though my life had the potential for vitality,” she says. “The idea of going to a nursing home – reasonable for some – felt like a kind of death to me.” Convinced that there was hope for her in overcoming fibromyalgia, she persisted in her search for wellness answers. • Seriously consider alternatives. She was able to achieve what she thought was impossible – not just temporary relief, but permanent, lasting mind-body-spirit wellness. She had been to orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, rheumatologists, psychologists, underwent MRIs and took all manner of medications for her unbearable pain. In a narrow sense, it would seem as though she exhausted her options – until she looked beyond traditional Western medicine. Alternative treatment guided her to recognize the layers of stress throughout her life that she believes were a primary driver of her chronic pain. KELLIE PICKLER

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“Every day, I am filled with gratitude for the fact that I am free of the torment from fibromyalgia that had plagued me throughout my life,” she says. “I just wish I could give others a piece of the relief that I’ve found. All I can say is keep your eyes open, keep the hope alive and don’t give up!” Janet Komanchuk,, is a retired schoolteacher who has experienced the miraculous remission of chronic, debilitating fibromyalgia, which was the result of many overlapping stressors and unresolved issues throughout her life. While weathering extreme fatigue and pain, she’d tried everything from traditional Western medicine to alcohol consumption and various holistic treatments. It wasn’t until she experienced the healing work of medium and healer Andrew Overlee, and his wife, Tamara, a dedicated spiritual counselor and author, that she was able to regain her life. She is now pain-free without any use of prescription medication. She is an educational writer and public relations assistant with Joy of Healing, Inc., in Valrico, Fla.


SalusCare, Inc., presented its first ever “Champion Award” today to Florida Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto in honor of her dedication and consistent support of increased funding for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders. Benacquisto received the award from the SalusCare Board of Directors and SalusCare’s 450 employees on behalf of the 17,000 patients SalusCare treats annually.

“Being a Champion means you are a defender, an advocate and a supporter. Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto stands out among her peers as a champion for mental health and substance use issues,” said Marshall Bower, SalusCare Board chairman. Bower said Benacquisto is responsible for Community Action Team (CAT) services being available in Lee County through her steadfast advocacy that led to $675,000 being appropriated by the Florida Legislature for the Lee County model program.

Florida Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto (middle) receives the SalusCare “Champion Award” from SalusCare CEO Kevin Lewis (left) and Board Chairman Marshall Bower (right)

The CAT program at SalusCare offers a community-based treatment solution for parents and caretakers of more than 100 mentally ill children as an alternative to residential treatment and/or psychiatric hospitalization. Lee County was the only county in Florida to receive the funding on a recurring basis due to Benacquisto’s efforts, Bower said. “Not since former Lee County Commissioner Bob Janes has another elected official in our area been so supportive of mental health and substance use issues,” Bower said. By Susan Bennett

Lee County Tax Collector and SalusCare Board Vice-Chair Larry Hart and Florida Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto.

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Models: Sterling Zayas, Jessica Trollinger, Brittany Grimmett and Kasia Brzeszcz Courstesy Of MyElite Model Management Hair: Samantha Dellinger MUA: Kimm DiCato Fashion Stylist: Sarena Cowles Exotic Jeweleries Provided by: David Danon BTS Photographer: Gerard Juntilla Post Digital Work: Victoria Sharp Photographer’s First Assistant and Lighting Specialist: Christina Thomas Executive Producer: Aaron Madariaga Shot on Location at: David Danon’s Sky Villa in Southern California

Swimwear/Cover-up: INDIE SOUL Necklace: David Danon

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Swimwear: INDIE SOUL Necklace: David Danon Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI

150 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Swimwear/Cover-up: INDIE SOUL Earrings/Bracelet: Sarena Cowles

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI

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Swimwear: INDIE SOUL Necklace: David Danon 152 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI

Swimwear: MIJANOU Necklace: David Danon

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI FOCUS of SWFL 2014 153


Get�the�Facts�about�the�Pet�Shop�-�Pup 154 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


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MENTAL HEALTH SYMPOSIUM IN FORT MYERS Mental health advocate Congressman Tim Murphy (R-PA) will be in Fort Myers Tuesday, Oct. 14, to discuss the landmark mental health reform legislation he introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year. Murphy, who is now in his sixth term in Congress, will headline the Fourth Annual Mental Health Symposium presented by HOPE Clubhouse of Southwest Florida. The symposium is entitled “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis,” which is the same name as Murphy’s legislation (H.R. 3717). Congressman Murphy, who also is a child psychologist, conducted a yearlong investigation into the mental health system in the U.S. and last December introduced the bill that would eliminate barriers to treatment and improve care for individuals with the most severe mental illnesses. The bill currently has 96 co-sponsors.

The symposium will be at the Broadway Palm, 1380 Colonial Blvd., from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with registration at 10:30 a.m. The Broadway Palm, Florida Weekly and The News-Press Media Group are the major sponsors with support from FineMark National Bank, Kathryne and John King, Liberty Tax Service, Park Royal Hospital, Storm Companies and Scott White Advisors. Additional sponsorship is provided by Assuage Spa, HOPE Clubhouse Founders, Dottie and George Pacharis, and Rehak & Branning, Attorneys-at-Law.. “We are very honored that Congressman Murphy and our three distinguished panelists have agreed to join us for our Fourth Annual Symposium on Mental Health,” said Symposium Chair Jeanne Sweeney of the Above Board Chamber of Florida. “They have a wealth of knowledge about the mental health field that we can all learn and benefit from.” Congressman Murphy is in his sixth term in Congress representing southwestern Pennsylvania and relies on his three decades as a psychologist to advocate for meaningful reforms in the U.S. healthcare system. Dr. Murphy specializes in child and family treatment and served at a number of hospitals in the Pittsburgh area. He holds two adjunct faculty positions with the University of Pittsburgh, serving as an associate professor in the Department of Public Health and in the Department of Pediatrics. He also is the author of two books: The Angry Child (2001) and Overcoming Passive-Aggression. (2005) Tickets for “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis” cost $40 including lunch and $50 with 2.0 CEUs for mental health professionals. Tickets are available at HOPE Clubhouse at 239-267-1777 or may be purchased online at Tables for eight may be purchased for $750 with corporate recognition. HOPE Clubhouse of Southwest Florida is a model of rehabilitation for people living with severe mental illness such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and clinical depression. Hope Clubhouse has 125 active members and has served more than 270 members since its opening in March, 2010.. HOPE Clubhouse, the only one of its kind in Southwest Florida, fills a significant gap in the mental health system by offering opportunities for meaningful work, education, friendships and access to housing in a supportive, caring and dignified community setting. HOPE Clubhouse is accredited by the International Center for Clubhouse Development. HOPE Clubhouse is based on the principle that meaningful work is critical in bringing positive change to the lives of those living with mental illness. Clubhouse staff help “members,” as they are called, to develop work skills to enable them to return to productive employment in the community.

By Susan Bennett Congressman Tim Murphy, R-Pa.

A highlight of the symposium will be a panel discussion by three professionals who will address the impact mental illness has on families: ● Dayna Harpster, a Southwest Florida writer for area newspapers and magazines, who will talk about mental illness in her family; ● Marlene Hauck, development coordinator, Southeastern U.S., Sunshine from Darkness/IMHRO in Sarasota. This international organization has raised more than $175 million for mental health research. Hauck also has an adult daughter living with bipolar disorder; and ● Collier County Court Judge Janeice Martin, who presides over Collier County Mental Health Court and Collier County Adult Drug Court each week..

156 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Safeguards Needed for Medications

Photos courtesy of Getty Images


Thanks to a provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, efforts are underway to streamline licensing for medications known as “biosimilars,” which are similar – but not identical – to cutting-edge biologic medicines. However, the development has some concerned about patient safety, especially among older Americans who tend to suffer from more chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a biosimilar is highly similar to a U.S.-licensed biological product (a wide range of items including vaccines, blood and blood components, allergenics, somatic cells, gene therapy, tissues and proteins) that may have minor differences in clinically inactive components, but (supposedly) no clinically meaningful differences in terms of the safety, purity and potency. This is difficult to ensure because both biologics and biosimilars are derived from complex living organisms. Even different production facilities, shipping, or storage could create meaningful differences. Again, biosimilars are highly similar but not identical to their biologic originator and should not be confused with generics. Generic medicines are traditional pharmaceutical medicines and have the same exact active ingredient as their originator; therefore patients can be switched easily from one to the other with the same outcome. However, it is possible that a biologic and a nearly identical biosimilar could have different reactions for the same patient. A few weeks ago the FDA accepted the first application for a biosimilar, yet they have not released the safety standards, under which a biosimilar will be approved, an important step toward licensing these medicines for sale in the U.S. market. With this important step on the horizon, some groups are focused on the importance of patient safeguards for biosimilar medications. RetireSafe, a leading grassroots organization advocating on behalf of America’s seniors, recently commissioned a survey on the issue. 158 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

“When it comes to new biosimilar drugs, people are rightly concerned and want to keep their drugs safe and effective,” said Thair Phillips, RetireSafe president. “A series of common-sense safeguards around new medicines in the form of a ‘Safe Medicines Bill of Rights’ will help protect vulnerable patients, in particular older Americans whose health needs make them especially reliant on prescription medications.” The RetireSafe survey found several significant gaps in knowledge and understanding among consumers, particularly regarding the relationship between biosimilars and generics, and how substitutions may be handled. The survey also found overwhelming support for a strong set of patient safeguards: • 92 percent supported a requirement that drug companies test the safety of biosimilars for all conditions the drug will be used to treat. • 86 percent wanted a requirement that human clinical trials be conducted to ensure a given biosimilar is safe. • 90 percent supported a requirement that the name of the biosimilar be different than the original biologic medicine to allow for adequate tracking of any adverse reactions. • 91 percent want physicians be notified when a biosimilar is substituted for the original biologic drug they prescribed for their patient. • 94 percent believe that patients should be notified when a biosimilar is substituted for the original drug prescribed by their doctor. For more information about biosimilars and the role they may play in your future health care, visit


SalusCare, Inc., the region’s leading provider for treatment of mental health and substance use disorders, has scheduled the Fourth Annual Path to Wellness 5K Run/Walk for November 8 at Florida SouthWestern State College (formerly known as Edison State College). The change in venue will allow more runners/walkers to participate, according to race organizers. More than 200 people participated in last year’s race at Lakes Park. Sponsors are also being recruited for the race with sponsorships available from $500 to $5,000 for the presenting sponsor. Major sponsors of the Path to Wellness so far are the Fort Myers Police Department, LeeSar, Lee Memorial Health System, Genoa Healthcare, Goldberg, Racila, D’Alessandro and Noone, LLC, Susan Bennett Marketing & Media, Dr. Madelyn Isaacs, Sue Ackert, Ed Kleinow, Marshall Bower, Esq. and Geoff Roepstorff with support from Sanibel Moorings and Palm Printing/Printers Ink.

Jennifer Fagan (right) of Estero accepts the award from SalusCare CEO Kevin B. Lewis as the top female finisher in the Third Annual Path to Wellness 5K Run/Walk in 2013

Race registration is open now on-line at by searching for “Path to Wellness” at the Fort Myers location. The cost is $20 for walkers and $25 for runners. Race results and timing will be provided by 3D Racing, Inc., of Cape Coral. T-shirts are guaranteed to the first 200 registrants. Awards will be given to the top three finishers in each age division for both males and females. For sponsorship information and general information about Path to Wellness, please contact Todd Cordisco, SalusCare Vice President of Development and Public Relations, at 239-791-1575. About SalusCare, Inc. SalusCare, Inc., is the largest, most comprehensive mental health and substance abuse treatment program in Southwest Florida, serving 17,000 people per year of all ages from seven locations in Lee County and two in Hendry County. The non-profit organization offers crisis stabilization, outpatient and residential treatment as well as prevention programming and an Employee Assistance Program for about 50 area companies. The majority of programs are accredited by CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. SalusCare services are not free. Fees are charged on a sliding scale, based on family income. In many cases, private insurance is accepted. SalusCare is a United Way agency. John Halas of Fort Myers crosses the finish line as the winner of the Third Annual Path to Wellness 5K Run/Walk in 2013

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 159

Breast Cancer

What You Need to Know FAMILY FEATURES

Thirty years ago, a diagnosis of breast cancer was thought of as a virtual death sentence for many women, but since that time significant progress has been made in the fight against breast cancer. Reduced mortality, less invasive treatments, an increased number of survivors and other advancements have their roots in breast cancer research – more than $790 million of it funded by Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest breast cancer organization.

Myth: Only women with a family history of breast cancer get the disease. Fact: Most women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease. However, a woman whose mother, sister or daughter had breast cancer has an increased risk. Myth: If I don’t have a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, I won’t get breast cancer. Fact: You can still get breast cancer, even without a gene mutation. About 90 to 95 percent of women who get breast cancer do not have this mutation.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Myth: Women with more than one known risk factor get breast cancer. Fact: Most women with breast cancer have no known risk factors except being a woman and getting older. All women are at risk. Myth: You can prevent breast cancer. Fact: Because the causes of breast cancer are not yet fully known, there is no way to prevent it. Actions to Reduce Your Risk

However, the reality is that breast cancer is still a serious disease. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held each October, brings awareness to the disease and empowers women to take charge of their own breast health. This year, about 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among women in the U.S. and nearly 40,000 women will die from it. Globally, 1.6 million people will be diagnosed, and 400,000 will die. Despite the increased awareness of breast cancer, major myths still abound. Women must remain vigilant against this disease by learning the facts and understanding how they may be able to reduce their risk. The Myths and Facts on Breast Cancer Myth: I’m only 35. Breast cancer happens only in older women. Fact: While the risk increases with age, all women are at risk for getting breast cancer.

Breast cancer can’t be prevented; however, research has shown that there are actions women can take to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. • Maintain a Healthy Weight – Postmenopausal women who are overweight have a 30 to 60 percent higher breast cancer risk than those who are lean. • Add Exercise into Your Routine – Women who get regular physical activity may have a lower risk of breast cancer by about 10 to 20 percent, particularly in postmenopausal women. • Limit Alcohol Intake – Research has found that women who had two to three alcoholic drinks per day had a 20 percent higher risk of breast cancer. • Breastfeed, if you can – Research has shown that mothers who breastfed for a lifetime total of one year (combined duration of breastfeeding for all children) were slightly less likely to get breast cancer than those who never breastfed.

1-877-GO-KOMEN FOCUS of SWFL 2014 161

“A Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) is a Dr. with a medical degree who has taken all the courses of a medical student plus, “on top of all those courses is Osteopathic Principles and Practice.” There, in lies the distinction. It’s manipulation. According to the doctor, many D.O.s view it as a tool to aid in the “manipulation” of the whole body, spine, lymphoid, and soft tissue. This is a learned specialty. Not every D.O. uses it.” Manipulation is a complimentary or cooperative method to the traditional treatment in oncology that gives a more holistic approach to treating the patient. With that said, one might ask how is the manipulation of utilizing the whole body, spine, lymphoid, and soft tissue helpful in aiding a cancer patient.

Traditional & Complimentary Cancer Care

By Gina Battle

Advice from a D.O. Specialist Nobody ever wants to hear the words, “You have cancer. I’m sorry.” Cancer affects people daily and does not discriminate. The natural inclination in conjunction with the fear, shock and the unknown after receiving a cancer diagnosis is to sort out all viable options, including seeking the best medical advice and treatment from a compassionate, caring doctor who is equally determined to fight for quality longevity. Eric T. Lubiner, D.O., Board Certified Physician in Medical Oncology, Hematology & Internal Medicine is one of five partners at Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute with two locations in Port Charlotte and North Port, Florida. Before making his way to South West Florida in 2000, the good doctor was busy building an impressive academic resume. He earned a Doctoral degree and worked as a nuclear medical technologist before going to medical school. He took up dentistry and completed his Residency in Hematology Medical Oncology. 162 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Manipulation is beneficial to patients because every disease – cancer in particular is based on the anatomy, where the cancerous tumor is located in the body and other areas it may possibly affect. There are clinical trials that show if something in your stomach is bothersome the issue could very well have manifested or be in the area of the back. The symptoms can be multifaceted and can include many variables and it is the position of the D.O. to learn very quickly, probably more so than an M.D. the location it began and “what it stems from”. Dr. Lubiner has observed “D.O.s make very good oncologists because oncologists are really the primary care physician’s link to the patient.” Once someone has a diagnosis of cancer the oncologist or D.O. takes over and the patient along with the specialist will build a quick rapport through consultation, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments; often times resulting in less frequent visits to the primary physician, if at all. However, this is not recommended. The word cancer has the power to evoke incredible pain and emotion. There’s no cure for cancer. It is often detrimental for patients, their families and caregivers. Researchers are making daily strides toward a cure. There are many things we as laypeople are still unaware of. • It’s a natural occurrence for the cells in our body to become tissue, then to become organs during the process of in utero development. That’s considered following the rules. Sometimes cells break the rules. Researchers are targeting cells and mutations in order to get further knowledge about them. The targeted mutations and the effects they cause will allow researchers to understand how the cells break the rules. Once this is found out they will be prevented from having the ability to travel to the lung, liver, pancreas or other organs growing and spreading uncontrollably.

“Age. The longer you’re on the planet, the longer you will have the chance that one of these things will go wrong.” If Dr. Lubiner were to write a prescription for the prevention of cancer, he would strongly insist on the following: 1. Have and maintain a positive attitude! He’s seen Stage-4-toremission patients in part due to a resilient attitude. 2. Seek the help of a specialist. Don’t attempt your own treatment methods. 3. Be cautious when it comes to diagnosing yourself on the Internet. He suggests websites such as The American Cancer Society (He’s a board member of ACS & Relay for Life). Another website to visit is The National Cancer Institute. These types of resources are valuable and reliable.

• Every cell in our body has a lifespan. They turn three times a day in a 24-hour period. • The brain and nervous system never turn over. When people say they have a brain tumor, it’s a tumor of the neurons (a tumor of the supporting cells.) • Cancer is not just one disease it is made up of over 100 diseases. Think about the various types of blood, bone, internal organs, brain and skin cancers you may have heard about. • Cells divide hundreds of billions of times in one’s lifetime. Once a cell divides there’s a chance for the mutation of a cell. This may all sound daunting, but there’s no need to panic. Most of the mutated cells end up dying immediately as they are not comparable with being persistent. So, what is the number one risk factor of cancer… smoking, genetics, radiation, or asbestos? The doctor answered readily

4. A D.O. is a little bit more holistic in their approach and do bring in other aspects of care including nutrition, exercise and positive thinking (attitude.) 5. It is imperative to be honest and open with the D.O. about your outside complimentary/cooperative treatment plan. “I feel very strongly about all of those things and I spend time talking to my patients. They are all very important!” Not surprising Dr. Lubiner is highly sought after throughout SW Florida because he is a D.O. “Taking care of cancer patients is a very humbling experience and I give a lot of credit to the patients and families who have to deal day-to-day; to my partners; to our staff of 42 from the front-desk greeter to the eight full-time RN’s.

Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (941)766-7222



hether it’s sharp or dull, off and on or constant, pain can be a real pain at times. With the ability to interrupt time with family, lessen productivity at work and create many sleepless nights, under­ standing the source of your pain is essential for relief.

Important Questions to Consider

When consulting your medical professional about pain, he or she will likely ask you a set of questions similar to those listed below. It is essential to prepare before you visit the doctor so you can help pin­ point the pain for the best diagnosis and treatment: n Where

is the location of the pain?

n When

did it start?

n What

kind of pain is it? (Some descriptions include burning, dull, sharp, etc.)

n Do

certain activities alleviate or worsen the feeling?

n What

treatments have you used? Have you experienced any side effects?

The ache and its sources

As a source of discomfort, it may be hard to view pain in a positive light. But this natural, protective tool is used by the body as an alert of present or potential harm to tissues. While pain usually ceases once the stimulus has been removed and the damage to tissue has healed, there are many different factors involved for the amount of time the process takes. One thing is certain — whether it takes an hour or several months, relief is the main focus for those who suffer from any type of pain. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, approximately 100 million Americans deal with chronic pain, which is classified as discomfort lasting six months or longer. While this type of pain can range from minor to debilitating, it can disrupt the social and physical aspects of life in a major way. Those that suffer from this condition often experience headaches, back­aches and neck pain, though it can aggravate other areas within the body. Due to its lengthy nature, chronic pain can often lead to emotional issues, such as depression and stress, which can exacerbate the healing process. The best way to identify chronic pain is to be aware of its symptoms. This pain is persistent and can often be described as aching, burning or shooting. The area where the pain is located is often defined by patients as sore, tight or stiff. Because this type of pain can affect so many areas of life, many in the health community recommend a comprehensive mind and body approach for its management. This can include medication, injections, acupuncture and other holistic treatments. Here are some of the common types of chronic pain and a few ways to end the discomfort, so you can get back to enjoying life.

Back and neck pain

What causes nearly 40 percent of missed work days in the U.S. and is the fifth most common cause for doctor visits? Running from the top of the neck to the bottom of the spine, back pain is a common complaint among 164 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

many people. While back pain is typically divided into the most com­mon areas of neck, middle back, lower back and tailbone, its symptoms can also be felt in other parts of the body, including arms, hands, legs and feet. Some of the common remedies for back and neck pain include every­thing from massage therapy, acupressure, acupuncture, back conditioning exercises and medication. Due to the controversy surrounding the last remedy, many patients prefer a more natural way to ease back pain with hot and cold therapy, such as Thermal-Aid Large Sectional Pack, which helps eliminate swelling and eases pain on any area of the back.

Headache pain

Though there are many factors that can trigger its unpleasant feeling; headaches can range from a minor sinus headache to a severe migraine. Though it may feel that your brain is the source for the pain, the dis­com­fort is actually caused by a disturbance to the structures surround­ing it, and not within the tissue itself. Some headache symptoms can be as minor as sensitivity to light or noise to the extreme conditions of fever and vomiting. While most physicians typically recommend the use of over-the-counter medica­tions, there are also new natural treatments available. One natural product, the Thermal-Aid Headache Relief System provides fast, safe pain relief and is clinically proven to relieve headache pain in over 90 percent of sufferers. If you suffer from persistent body and head pains, it’s important to understand the source of the pain.

Helping Children through Pain Whether they’re visiting a physician to receive a routine shot or undergoing treatment, it can be difficult for parents to watch their children experi­ence pain. Here are some tips from the American Medical Association for helping your little ones cope: n Stay

close during the pain. Regardless of their age, your presence is comforting to your child.

n Make

contact with your child. If you can, hold or touch your child throughout the process.

n Take

notes from nature: Some animals, such as kangaroo mothers, carry their young close to them. If you have an infant in pain, hold your baby close to your chest wearing only a diaper. This tactic is used worldwide and research shows that it can reduce pain during a procedure.

n Offer

distractions. Focus the attention on things your child enjoys to help them relax. Some helpful diver­sions include singing a song together, reading a book out loud or telling their favorite story. Or, give them a play­ful stuffed toy that also helps ease pain, such as the Thermal-Aid Zoo animals, which offers a 100 percent natural, therapeutic heating and cooling treatment.

n Be

truthful. Tell your child up front the procedure will cause discomfort but you will be there for support. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 165




FASHION DESIGNER: Tuan Tran Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI Models: Karina LaMar – Courtesy of Rojas Agency and Dylan Palmer HMUA: Ozzie Mendoza assisted by Alisher Akhunzhanov Fashion Stylist: CAITY SHREVE Lighting/Photographer’s First Asst: Christian Thomas Post Digital Work: Victoria Sharp Art Director: VINSON GOTINGCO Shot on Location at: HOTEL WHITCOMB , San Francisco

"Green Sahara" - full length linen, tie front. 166 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Art and Fashion Designer: Tuan Tran I create beautiful fashion as art, by using innovative materials and techniques to compose a garment, as if I’m creating a work of art. Unexpected materials such as hand crafted hemp material from the Hmong mountain tribes as well as creating a new material by hand weaving existing cloth in composing a new texture, color and pattern. Additionally, I incorporate techniques such as hand painted designs in dresses and suits which transform them into a one of a kind wearable painting. My goal is that the wearer feels as if they are slipping into a sculpture or painting when putting on one of my pieces. Comfort, style and innovation through materials and techniques, is my approach to bringing joy and pride in owning and wearing one of my garments. "Life is colorful. I am colorful. Art and Fashion reflect life. My Fashion design and art reflect me."TT

"Golden Butterfly" Full length chiffon gown, hand painted butterflies

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI FOCUS of SWFL 2014 167

168 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI "Green Goddess" Full length chiffon hand painted with Summer Phoenix flower design.

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 169

Dress "Liquid Silver" Top with a silver colored metallic mesh material, with floor length skirt

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI

170 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

"Blue Pixel" Full length gown, hand woven black and blue lace.

Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 171

"Black Elegance" - Strapless, satin with red embroidery. Men's Suit (Left): "Le Papillion" Hand painted gold colored butterflies on jacket and pants

Create a Safer Bathroom


According to the National Safety Council, approximately 70 percent of all accidents occurring in the home happen in the bathroom — accounting for nearly 200,000 accidents each year. While it’s difficult to eliminate risks entirely, you can make your bathroom safer for the whole family by following a few simple steps: • Choose a textured floor. The splish and splash of taking a bath often leads to slippery surfaces. When choosing flooring for a bathroom, avoid slick surfaces like porcelain and granite, and look for textured choices with better traction. If ceramic is a must, look for certified slip-resistant options. When in doubt, opt for smaller bathroom tiles. The more grout lines, the more resistance your flooring will offer. • Make it level. You don't need a large, walk-in shower to get one with a low threshold. As trips can be as dangerous as slips, look for a safe shower pan that is level with the floor, making it easy to step inside. • Get a grip. Installing grab bars in the shower and next to the tub is a good idea for everyone, but it's especially important for those looking to stay in their home as they age. Some products, such as the new Decor Assist accessories and Decorative ADAcompliant Grab Bars from Delta, exceed ADA load requirements and come in a variety of designs and finishes to coordinate with any aesthetic. • Keep kids in mind. Locks for every style of cabinet or drawer are readily available at local hardware stores. If you have small children (or if they visit), remember to lock away medications, 172 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

small electrical appliances and cleaning supplies. Above all, never leave children unattended in the bath or shower. • Don't get burned. Water heater thermostats can be preset up to 140 degrees, a temperature that can easily burn sensitive skin. Reduce the risk of burns by setting your water heater to 120 degrees. For added peace of mind, install a shower system that provides a digital temperature read out. Some shower heads and hand showers, such as the new options from Delta Faucet with Temp2O Technology, indicate the temperature of the water via an LED color indicator, as well as a digital numerical readout, and can be installed within minutes. No matter what age or stage of life, mishaps can happen to anyone and making a few simple adjustments could make all of the difference for your family’s safety in the bathroom.


With updated grounds and facilities the 3 1/2-acre botanical jungle complemented by new and refurbished exhibits of tropical birds and reptiles is re-open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 27180 Old 41 Road in Bonita Springs. Highlights include a flamingo pond, alligator pool with 40 gators, duck ponds, turtle and tortoise exhibits, butterfly house, orchids throughout the park, an extensive new bromeliad garden, five large staghorn ferns, and old growth kapok, shaving brush and African mahogany trees, among dozens of other specimens. For more information, call 992-2591 or visit

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Wet-Rock Innovations

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Squeaky Clean Tips For many families, clothing represents the largest share of backto-school expenses each year. The amount of money that goes into a new school wardrobe paired with the reality that kids tend to be careless about their stained clothing can be daunting, but with proper care, you can take steps to better protect your investment. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately $8.5 billion was spent in family clothing stores in August 2012, the latest data available. This compares to approximately $2 billion spent in bookstores during the same timeframe, highlighting the significant investment families make in new clothing to send kids back-toschool in style. You can keep your family’s clothes in tip-top shape year-round by following the advice of the maker of OxiClean™: Start fresh. New clothes, especially those that are deeply hued, are notorious for bleeding dye during their initial washings. Protect new garments, and old ones too, by grouping like-colored new items and washing them according to tag instructions. Even clothing that is not at risk of bleeding should be washed before wearing to remove any potential irritants and germs accumulated through handling on store racks. Take pre-wash precautions. Give clothing a quick scan before tossing it in the washer to identify and pretreat any stains before they’ve been washed, dried and set into the fabric. Also check pockets for any overlooked items. Shredding tissue or a leaking pen can lead to more time spent washing and cleaning clothes. 174 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


Help keep clothes looking like new longer. Kids’ clothes attract stains like honey attracts bees. With a quality detergent, you can keep your whites bright and colors vibrant while fighting even tough, dried-on stains. For getting rid of stains such as grass, soil, chocolate and tomato sauce, try OxiClean™ Laundry Detergent in liquid, single-dose paks or powder. It combines powerful, colorsafe OxiClean stain fighters, whiteners and a long-lasting fresh scent to deep-clean and freshen your whole wash. Sort and learn. Get the kids involved after school or on the weekends and invite them to help out with simple, age-appropriate laundry tasks. Have them help sort clothes by colors or match pairs of socks when they come out of the dryer. Share the load. Most families have a fairly consistent way of grouping loads of laundry – whites, darks, linens and so on. Make a list of your most common loads and instructions for handling each, and post it in your laundry room so others can help when the need arises. Be sure to include details such as the proper detergents and pre-treaters to use and settings for temperature and cycle for both the washer and dryer. As safety is first, always triple-check that all detergents are out of reach of children.

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 175


The transition of seasons is one of the best times to treat body and mind to a relaxing, restorative experience, which is why millions of people look forward to Spa Week every fall and spring (for the past decade!). According to the International Spa Association (ISPA), the number one reason worldwide why men and women visit a spa is to manage stress, and consumers are looking for treatments that help them achieve their desired results. Thanks to innovative technology, the spa industry is witnessing a revolution in regards to the broad range of services that are now offered, leaving no limit as to what the modern day spa-goers can expect.

While this all sounds delightful, the one (and only) drawback of spa services remains: high cost. Look no further for affordable relief and relaxation: National Spa Week is on the horizon. The Fall 2014 Installment will take place from October 20th-26th when hundreds of spas across the country will offer an impressive variety of massages, facials and other beauty, body and wellness focused services, normally costing $100-$500, for just $50 each! Spa Week launches September 15th with the complete roster of spa participants and their $50 offerings in order for consumers to begin booking appointments. See below for your area's local spa participants:

Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa - Coconut Point Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa – Naples White Orchid Spa – Fort Myers







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Tips for a Great School Day

There are various habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. But one healthy habit in particular, the routine of having a nutritious breakfast every morning, is one that can positively impact your family. A nutritious breakfast is important to fuel your body and brain after an overnight fast, and provide the nutrition you need to start the day. For parents who want their children to be their best, good nutrition at breakfast can make all the difference. In fact a good breakfast is just as important as having sharp pencils and the right gym shoes. Tips to start the day right To help your kids get the right start to the school day, follow these nutrition and wellness tips: • Be a Healthy Role Model Kids emulate everything their parents do, including eating habits when mealtime rolls around. Show your kids that making smart, healthy choices is something that is important and vital to you. When they see you choosing vegetables and fruits over junk food, they will want to follow in your footsteps. When they adopt these types of eating habits, they’ll have the proper fuel to help get them through their school days. • Stock Up on Simple Options Do you ever have those hectic mornings when you’re trying to get everyone out the door? Easy-to-make breakfast options are great to have on hand, such as Carnation Breakfast Essentials® nutritional drinks and bars. These convenient products offer an easy and nutritious way for your kids to start their day right, with a rich source of protein and 21 vitamins and minerals, including calcium to help build strong bones.

• Mix Up Lunches A lunch consisting of a sandwich, cheese stick and apple can be boring after just a few days. Turn last night’s leftovers into a delicious lunchtime meal. For example, grilled chicken can be turned into a wrap, or taco meat can be a perfect topping for salad or rice. This type of repurposing can save busy parents time and money throughout the school year. • Get a Good Night’s Sleep A great day in the classroom starts with a restful night of quality, restorative sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, kids between ages 3-5 should get between 11-13 hours, while kids between ages 5-12 should get 10-11 hours of sleep. Create a good environment for sleep, which consists of a quiet, dark and cool room that is free of distractions, such as televisions, computers and smartphones. • Make Breakfast Fun Keep the options for this important morning meal exciting for your kids by mixing in their favorite flavors. Smoothies are a kid favorite that can be quickly created with low fat milk, frozen fruit and a packet of Carnation Breakfast Essentials® powder drink mix. So help your children be their very best by incorporating these tips into your family routine. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 177

JoAnn Tilghman

Seniors "R" Us By Michelle Tomao

The past few years, our parents, grandparents and other loved ones have faced increasing struggles in performing formerly routine tasks. As their struggles and frustration grew, we came to realize that many of the products they had used for most of their lives were no longer appropriate to their current needs. If You Build It, They Will Come to service the burgeoning number of elderly consumers, stores, and departments for seniors will soon emerge as part of America's new retail landscape, says Jo Ann Tilghman, founder of Granny Jo Products located in LAKELAND, Fla. If you walk into any department store and ask the nearest salesperson to point the way to the 'Infant Section' or the 'Misses Section,' chances are you will get a pleasant smile and some simple directions. But walk into that same store and ask the same salesperson how to get to the 'Seniors Department,' and watch the confusion flood over their face. Why? Because despite the fact that, at more than 110-million-strong, baby boomers and seniors represent the single largest consumer group in America, most retailers have not yet figured out the wisdom of providing these aging shoppers with their own designated departments; Or even their own designated end-cap displays. "It won't be much longer before the retail industry wakes up to the buying power of seniors," said Jo Ann Tilghman, founder of Granny Jo Products, a wholesaler and online retailer of highquality products designed to help seniors stay active, independent, comfortable and fashionable. "As boomers continue to march into the 65-and-older senior category at a rate of 8,000 per day*, we're going to see a sudden scramble as retailers race to provide products and product modifications that match the needs and wants of their aging customers." As an example of how the needs of senior shoppers are currently being ignored by retailers and their suppliers, Tilghman points out that the vast majority of adult clothing lines completely disregard the mature body shape of the senior woman. "In order for clothing to fit comfortably around the waist, skirts and slacks must often be purchased in a larger size than is really required," said Tilghman. "Then the garment fits around the waist but hangs unattractively elsewhere." Senior men, she says, face a similar struggle if they develop a paunch belly: the garment fits over the middle but it is too big elsewhere. The Lakeland, Florida-based company has enjoyed steady 20 percent

year-over-year growth since its launch in 2008, chiefly because she and her customer service team listen closely to the problems seniors are experiencing when shopping for retail products and make it their business to provide affordable solutions, Tilghman said."Our mission is to provide products that address and resolve specific issues seniors are having daily, and by doing so improve their quality of life and their enjoyment of life," said Tilghman. It was her desire to provide a simple solution for her own aging mother that resulted in the development of the company's Dignity Mug: a double-handled mug for those who no longer have the strength or dexterity to hold a mug with one hand. The item is now one of the company's perennial best sellers. "Seniors should be aware that as a group they wield considerable economic clout. Their comments and requests to store management, if repeated often enough, will result in improvements in store inventory and in the way that inventory is displayed," said Tilghman. "Before long, the smart, customerfriendly grocery stores and department stores will have an aisle featuring senior products and portion sizes. They will no longer require their aging customers to hunt up one aisle and down the next looking for the items targeted for their use." Asked if she sees senior superstores appearing on the retail horizon, Tilghman nods in affirmation. "A dedicated 'Seniors' retail outlet intelligently stocked with items that seniors really found useful would be the first place most of us would go to buy gifts for aging friends and relatives," said Tilghman. "If the aisles and racks were properly spaced to allow access by shoppers using walkers and motorized carts, a 'Seniors R Us' could be the hotspot for the town's senior community. Include a few investment seminars, weekly indoor gardening workshops, and an occasional antique/classic car show, and your problem would be not how to attract senior shoppers to the store, but how to provide them all with parking." We believe that small changes will make a huge difference in their lives. At Granny Jo Products we have developed our own line of products to help the people we love stay active, independent, comfortable and fashionable. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 179

Couture lassic

Nathanaelle Couture is a 4 year old, Couture Fashion Brand created by 27 year old, Italian Fashion Designer Nathanaelle Hottois & her fiancĂŠ, David Haines. Nathanaelle Couture presents their collections at LA Fashion Week Sunset Gower Studios twice a year. The Luxury Brand was recently nominated for the LA Contemporary Women's Fashion Award, along the side with Michael Kors, DKNY, Marc Jacobs, BEBE and Juicy Couture. Nathanaelle Couture was honored & humbled to win the award! The Designers Team, Nathanaelle & David seek to bring back Classic & Elegant Beauty with their Breathtaking Lace Gowns, Beautiful Vintage Inspired Suits and Astonishing Wedding Gowns.

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Photographer: Chi Lee Photography Design: Nathanaelle Couture & David Haines Stylist: WardrobeDivas Jewelry: Joseff of Hollywood MakeUp: Sonia Velasco Hair: Nicole Bellows & Greg Carter Assistant: Photo by Ana J. & Daniel Lopez Model: Eva Georgieva

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Photographer: Chi Lee Photography Design: Nathanaelle Couture & David Haines Stylist: WardrobeDivas Jewelry: Joseff of Hollywood MakeUp: Sonia Velasco Hair: Nicole Bellows & Greg Carter Assistant: Photo by Ana J. & Daniel Lopez Model: Akane Millan

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Photographer: Chi Lee Photography Design: Nathanaelle Couture & David Haines Stylist: WardrobeDivas Jewelry: Joseff of Hollywood MakeUp: Sonia Velasco Hair: Nicole Bellows & Greg Carter Assistant: Photo by Ana J. & Daniel Lopez Model: DeJon Blake

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Photographer: Chi Lee Photography Design: Nathanaelle Couture & David Haines Stylist: WardrobeDivas Jewelry: Joseff of Hollywood MakeUp: Sonia Velasco Hair: Nicole Bellows & Greg Carter Assistant: Photo by Ana J. & Daniel Lopez Model: DeJon Blake Model: Eva Georgieva Model: Akane Millan

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CHOCOLATE JOURNEYS Princess Cruises announced a delectable new partnership with internationally acclaimed master chocolatier and pastry designer Norman Love. “Chocolate Journeys,” the line’s new onboard chocolate experience will entice guests with an impressive array of onboard chocolate offerings among which are custom-crafted desserts, chocolate and wine pairings, and exquisite chocolate bites created by one of the top names in artisan chocolate. Since debuting Norman Love Confections in 2001 after a notable career as a pastry chef for many luxury resorts, Love has since received wide-spread recognition for his hand-crafted, chocolate-making artistry including being named as one of the “top 10 chocolatiers in North America” and creating “the best ultra-premium chocolates in the nation.” His sea-going chocolate creations will debut this fall aboard the new Regal Princess for her inaugural Caribbean season, and will continue to roll out to the rest of the Princess fleet throughout the next year. -more“Around the world there’s incredible passion for chocolate, as evidenced by ever-growing consumption and the plethora of specialty varieties,” said Jan Swartz, president of Princess Cruises. “So we’re excited to partner with one of the best chocolatiers in the world to bring some additional moments of decadence and delight to our guests with truly amazing chocolate experiences that we know they’ll love!” (941) 639-6364

One of a kind handmade fashion Photography by Tone Imaging Model Wendy Wil liams

Captain’s Welcome Reception Treats – Guests will be able to toast the start of their cruise with a glass of bubbly along with “Chocolate Love Pop” truffles created by Love, at the signature welcome reception hosted by the Captain. (Complimentary)

Photo courtesy of James Pauls • eyecrave LLC

Chocolate Libations – Throughout the ships’ lounges and bars, guests can splurge on a number of decadent chocolate drinks including a Chocolate Salted Caramel Hard Shake, Chocolate Bacon Bourbon Bliss or a Chocolate Chile Margarita. (Extra charge) Chocolate Dessert Demonstrations – Princess pastry chefs will treat guests to entertaining and informative demonstrations so they can learn some simple tips for creating tasty chocolate treats back home for their family and friends back home. (Complimentary)

Swartz added that she believes the partnership with Norman Love was meant to be, because of the line's close association with the iconic TV show "The Love Boat" and Princess' reputation for romance. "Based on his name alone this is a perfect match," she said. In a recent national survey conducted by the cruise line about people’s passion for chocolate, Princess found that 58 percent of women would choose chocolate over sex; 69 percent surveyed have frequent chocolate cravings; 53 percent surveyed would turn to chocolate over a friend when feeling sad; two thirds surveyed (67 percent) eat chocolate more often when they’re happy than when they’re stressed; 81 percent agree that chocolate improves their mood; and 84 percent would like to receive chocolate as a gift.

Chocolate Petits Fours at Formal Night – Chocolate bites designed by Love will accompany the dessert menu presented to guests following the formal night dinner, for guests to enjoy as they peruse the evening’s sweet endings. Norman Love Renowned Boxed Chocolates Available for Purchase – Passengers wishing to bring some of Norman Love’s exquisite chocolate confections home to family or friends (or to enjoy themselves during the cruise) will be able to purchase these extraordinary creations in the onboard shops.

“One thing is for certain, chocolate makes people happy,” said Love. “So what I create and what Princess Cruises offers its guests are quite similar – what could make people smile more than savoring decadent chocolate creations while enjoying their cruise vacation? I think we have a winning combination.” Love has personally trained Princess Cruises’ pastry team to deliver this unprecedented chocolate experience across the company’s fleet of ships. “Chocolate Journeys” will offer Princess’ guests the following sweet experiences: Decadent Desserts – Norman Love has produced 15 chocolate dessert designs for Princess Cruises that will be offered on a rotational basis in the ships’ main dining rooms, specialty restaurants (Sabatini’s and Crown Grill) and Chef’s Table experience. Examples of the desserts include a Chocolate Tart with Vanilla Mousse and Flourless Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Pistachio Dome with Almond and Pistachio Nougatine, and a truly unique Chocolate Tiramisu with Mascarpone Cream and Espresso Gelato that shouldn’t be missed. (Complimentary in main dining rooms. Specialty restaurants carry a cover charge.)

Chocolate & Wine Pairings – In Vines, Princess’ signature wine bar, wine and chocolate enthusiasts alike can sample Norman Love’s exquisite Black™ Single Origin Dark chocolates paired with specific wine varietals designed to enhance the tasting experience, all selected by Love. (Extra charge)

Chocolate Spa Treatments – Because chocolate is not only for eating, the ship’s Lotus Spa will offer guests the opportunity to relax with the aroma of pure bliss by offering a Chocolate Indulgence Body Treatment combining a chocolate renewal scrub, whipped chocolate body mask and chocolate massage oil. (Extra charge) About Norman Love: Norman Love is the award-winning master chocolatier who has been lauded 13 times by a leading consumer ratings magazine including recognition six times for producing the best ultra-premium chocolate, and most recently as a Best Buy for Special Chocolate for Valentine’s Day 2014. In June, 2014, Love was selected as the only American pastry chef to speak at the inaugural World Pastry Stars event in Milan, Italy. Love regularly appears on numerous television shows including the Food Network as a guest judge and also appeared on Julie Child’s classic show, “Baking with Julia” on PBS. His company, Norman Love Confections, creates and distributes handcrafted artisanal chocolates from the Fort Myers, Florida corporate headquarters that encompasses both production and retail operations. His chocolate salons are stylish retail shops with an intimate ambience in which customers may purchase chocolates or linger over house-made pastries, gourmet coffees, lattes and smoothies. For more information, visit FOCUS of SWFL 2014 187

Photo courtesy of Getty Images



eeding your family with nutrient dense foods can be as simple as mak­ing a few better-for-you choices. By definition, superfoods are calorie sparse and packed with beneficial nutrients that add health and flavor to meals. Because the human body cannot create these nourishing elements alone, the addition of these foods is essential for regular function and to defend against certain diseases and conditions. The next time you visit the grocery store, stock up on some of these delicious foods.

Packed with Potassium

Not only are potatoes delicious and versatile, but they also pack a nutritional punch. One medium potato has 110 calories and is free of fat, sodium, choles­terol and gluten. Potatoes provide more potassium than a banana and almost half of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. They’re also a good source of vitamins and minerals like B6, iron and fiber, which can aid in weight loss and lower cholesterol. For more information, visit

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Super Nutrients

Many of the foods labeled as superfoods contain one or more of the following nutrients, which can be beneficial when added to your family’s diet: n Antioxidants:

These compounds have been linked with helping memory function, reducing the signs of aging and battling diseases, such as cancer.

n Calcium:

A Powerhouse of Nutrients and Fiber

California Figs are supercharged with flavor and nutrition. A natural powerhouse of essential nutrients and fiber, Blue Ribbon Orchard Choice and Sun-Maid Figs are a healthy, versatile recipe ingredient and tasty, convenient snack. Fat-, cholesterol-, sodium- and gluten-free, these non-genetically modified Mission and Golden figs are sweet, chewy and available all year round. A handful of five little figs provides five grams of fiber and 20 percent of the daily value for fiber. Enjoy the taste of good health with California Figs. For more information, visit

Creamy and Calcium Rich

With a rich, creamy taste and a wide variety of uses, Blue Diamond’s Almond Breeze Almondmilk is a super food staple in kitchens everywhere. Almond Breeze can be enjoyed alone, over cereal, in smoothies and in cooked dishes — making it as versatile as it is delicious. Almondmilk is low in calories and high in calcium — plus, it is gluten and cholesterol-free. The unsweetened version of Almond Breeze Original provides a touch of the almond’s natural sweetness, but eliminates added sugar. For more information, visit

This important mineral is necessary for muscle function and to keep bones and teeth healthy and strong.

n Fiber:

An essential part of a healthy diet, fiber aids the body with food digestion. It has also been linked to maintaining a healthy weight, as well as a lowered risk of diabetes and heart disease.

n Protein:

The human body requires pro­ tein to build and maintain skin, muscles and bones.

n Potassium:

A diet lacking this important mineral may increase the risk of high blood pressure, cancer, stroke and infertility.

n Omega-3s:

These essential fatty acids are necessary for many body functions and can also reduce the risk of arthritis, decrease the symptoms of ADHD and lower levels of depression.

n Vitamin

C: As an antioxidant, vitamin C can reduce the risk of heart disease, arthritis and cancer. It is also a popular remedy for the common cold.

High-Quality Plant-Based Protein

Having a simple, but nutritious on-the-go snack can sure come in handy. All-natural and certified gluten-free, SOYJOY snack bars are baked with pieces of real fruit and non-genetically modified ground whole soybeans. The protein in soybeans provides all nine essential amino acids, making them a source of high-quality, complete protein. Available in seven flavors, at only 130–140 calories, SOYJOY is easy, tasty and wholesome — perfect for any snack occasion. For more information, visit

Omega-3s, Please

The edible skin and soft bones give Alaska canned pink salmon four times the omega-3s EPA and DHA, twelve times the vitamin D as many popular canned meats and fish, 25 percent of adult RDA for calcium and nearly the daily refer­ence amount for selenium. Stir them in and enjoy. Buy any brand — look for Alaska on the lid or label. For more information, visit FOCUS of SWFL 2014 189

Pork Global Flavor of


Thai Ribeye Pork Chops Servings: 4 Explore new flavors and cuisines and take a tasty trip around the world with pork – all from the comfort of your own home. Pork’s versatility and savory taste make it the perfect pairing with global ingredients and dishes, giving you a passport to delicious mealtimes you will want to share with family and friends. Need some inspiration? Create a Pork Bucket List and fill it with ideas for global-tasting meals with pork. Try: • Making your own marinade using a new ingredient from a far-off place, like chiles. • Visiting a new ethnic restaurant that serves dishes like dim sum or Korean barbecue and then find recipes at to replicate your favorites at home. • Discovering pork dishes from all seven continents, starting with Asia and these Thai Ribeye Pork Chops. For Thai Ribeye Pork Chops, mix up a slightly tangy Asian-inspired marinade before grilling. And remember, for juicy, tender results that you, your family and friends will love, grill your pork chops to an internal temperature between 145°F (medium rare) and 160°F (medium), followed by a three-minute rest. Serve these chops on top of a bed of noodles for a Thai pork noodle bowl, or alongside an herb salad of fresh basil, mint, scallions and cilantro for a meal packed with a world of flavor. Keep your grilling and cooking fresh and exciting with more global recipes. 190 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

1/4 1/4 3 3 1 1 4

cup soy sauce cup cilantro, chopped OR 1 tablespoon dried cilantro cloves garlic, crushed (about 3 tablespoons) tablespoons brown sugar tablespoon vegetable oil lime, juiced boneless ribeye pork chops, about 3/4- to 1-inch thick

Whisk together soy sauce, cilantro, garlic, brown sugar, vegetable oil and lime juice in bowl. In large baking dish, arrange ribeye pork chops in even layer. Pour marinade over pork chops, reserving about 1/4 cup of marinade in refrigerator for later use. Marinate pork chops for 20-30 minutes. Heat indoor grill pan or outdoor grill to medium-high heat. Remove pork chops from marinade, discarding excess marinade. Place pork chops on hot grill for 4 minutes on each side, flipping once until internal temperature of pork measures between 145°F (medium rare) and 160°F (medium) on meat thermometer. Transfer grilled pork chops to cutting board and let rest for 3 minutes before slicing against grain. Pour reserved marinade over sliced pork before serving.



ou can heighten the fun of every outdoor gathering with the right nibbles, noshes and refreshments. A fruitful al fresco experience involves lively conversation with good friends, easy finger foods and tasty, versatile drinks that fit the laid-back atmosphere. For the hosts who long for a successful backyard bash, consider serving palate-pleasing Moscato. This deliciously sweet wine varietal has become very popular as its approachable flavor profile is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Mix it up with fun flavors In addition to the classic peach taste of the Gallo Family Vineyards Original White Moscato, try the aromatic orange blossom notes of their Pink Moscato or the yummy red berry finish of their Red Moscato. Or, dust off your finest barware and make a splash by serving simple wine cocktails. Whether it’s a refreshing spin on a classic, like the Moscato-lini below, or your own recipe, Moscato’s fruit-forward flavors make it a great and unexpected base for cocktails. Add a bit of flare To keep outdoor gatherings exciting, Gallo Family Vineyards offers these refreshing tips: n Label your food offerings for guests in a fun way by cutting a slit in wine corks and insert­ ing a small card. n Help guests cool down by serving sweet wine cocktails on ice. n Give your guests a fun way to keep track of their drinks by painting the bottom of wine glasses with chalkboard paint. Guests can use chalk to write their names and draw pictures.

Blackberry Moscato Bellini

Servings: 1 1/4 cup blackberries 1 tablespoon water 5 ounces chilled Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato 1 whole blackberry for garnish Combine blackberries and water in blender and puree until smooth. Strain through fine-mesh strainer, discarding seeds and solids. Fill bottom of chilled Champagne coupe with blackberry puree. Top with Moscato and garnish with fresh blackberry.

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Moscato Moscow Mule

Servings: 1 4 ounces ginger beer 3 ounces Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato 1 ounce lime juice 1 lime wheel 1 mint sprig for garnish Pour ginger beer, Moscato and lime juice into ice-filled copper mug. Garnish with lime wheel and mint sprig.

Moscato Mango Mojito

Servings: 1 1 lime, cut into eighths 5 leaves basil, plus more for garnish 1/2 teaspoon demerara sugar 1 1/4 ounces Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato 1 ounce white rum 1 1/4 ounces mango puree or mango nectar Muddle lime, basil leaves, and sugar in bottom of cocktail shaker. Fill with ice; add Moscato, white rum and mango nectar. Shake and strain into ice-filled rocks glass. Garnish with basil sprig.

Moscato Meatball Skewers

Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Servings: 32 meatballs 2 pounds bulk spicy Italian sausage 1/2 cup Gallo Family Vineyards Red Moscato 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/2 cup diced cucumber 1 lemon 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped Parmesan cheese, optional Preheat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, stir together sausage and Moscato until combined. Using medium cookie scoop, form meatballs and place on baking sheet, evenly spaced. Bake for 25–30 minutes or until no longer pink. Meanwhile, in small bowl stir together all other ingredients to create yogurt sauce. Thread meatballs onto skewers and serve alongside yogurt sauce. Garnish with additional cilantro and grated Parmesan cheese, if desired.

Strawberry Pink Moscato Ice Pops

Food Pairing Notes

Moscato is more than just a dessert wine. It tastes great with a variety of food and particularly helps balance out spicy dishes that heat up the night. No matter what cuisine you’re cooking up, a chilled glass of Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato and the pairing guide below are the perfect combination to elevate your outdoor engagements. n White Moscato: The honey notes are a perfect match for grilled seafood, such as shrimp or trout. n Pink Moscato: Great paired with spicy Asian or Mexican dishes, and complements everyday desserts. n Red Moscato: This refreshing red is served cold. Try it with light cheeses and juicy burgers.

Prep time: 15 minutes (plus at least 10 hours to freeze) Cook time: 1 minute Servings: 16 Fruity layer: 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1 pound ripe strawberries, hulled 1 pinch of fine sea salt 8 fluid ounces Gallo Family Pink Moscato Creamy layer: 1 can (14 ounce) sweetened condensed milk 1 1/2 cups half and half 1 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon orange blossom water 1 pinch of fine sea salt To make fruity layer, combine sugar and water in small saucepan. Heat over low, stirring until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Add cooled syrup, strawberries and salt to jar of blender and puree until almost smooth, leaving bit of texture. Stir in pink moscato. To make creamy layer, place everything into a 4-cup capacity measuring cup with a spout and whisk together until well combined. To freeze, fill ice pop molds about onefifth of way with either mixture (layers can be any size or amount you choose). Put in freezer until first layer is set enough to hold another layer, 60–90 minutes. Store mixtures in fridge between layers. Remove and fill another one-fifth with opposite mixture. Return to freezer until layer is set. Repeat until molds are filled to top, adding ice pop sticks in once third layer is added (adjust to type of ice pop mold). After final layer is added, freeze at least another 6–8 hours before serving. To serve, run bottom of molds under hot water for few seconds, or until able to pull ice pop free from mold. (If using paper cup, just peel cup away.) Note: If you don’t want layers, whisk mixtures together. You can also make each layer into its own ice pop, if you choose.

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Gluten-Free Recipes Gluten-Free Apple Crumb Pie Ingredients • Gluten-Free Pie Crust • 1 tbsp Nutiva Organic Milled Chia Seed • 1/4 cup Water • 1 1/2 cups Rolled Oats • 1/2 cup Teff Flour • 1/2 tsp Sea Salt • 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (melted) • 1/2 cup Nutiva Organic Coconut Sugar • 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract • Pie Filling • 1 tbsp Nutiva Organic Milled Chia Seed • 1/4 cup Water • 5 cups Apple (peeled & sliced) • 1 tbsp Nutiva Organic Coconut Sugar • 1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon • 1 pinch Sea Salt

More Recipes at: Ingredients • Loaf • 1 cup Nutiva Organic Coconut Flour • 3/4 cup Almond Flour • 1/2 cup Nutiva Organic Coconut Sugar • 2 tsp Baking Powder • 1 pinch Sea Salt • 4 tbsp Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Melted, then measured) • 1 1/2 tbsp Vanilla Extract • 6 Eggs (room temperature; beaten until slightly frothy) • 2/3 cup Water (room temperature) • 2/3 cup Sweetened Cranberries • 3 tbsp Nutiva Organic Chia Seeds • Additional Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (for greasing the baking pan) • Spread • 3/4 cup Unsweetened Shredded Coconut • 1 large Lemon (zest half, then juice the whole lemon) • 4 tbsp Nutiva Organic Coconut Sugar • 3/4 cup Coconut Milk (heated to lukewarm)

Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 375ºF. 2. Soak the milled chia seeds in water for both the crust and filling, keeping each portion separated. 3. Lightly oil a 9-inch deep dish pie pan on the bottom and up the sides with 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil. 4. To make the crust, place the rolled oats in a food processor and grind to a flour. Transfer to a large mixing bowl along with the teff flour, the rest of the melted coconut oil, coconut sugar, vanilla, sea salt and chia (water) gel, and mix well. Reserve ½ cup of the mixture to use for the crumb topping. 5. Transfer the rest of the dough to the prepared pie pan and use your fingers to press it out in an even layer over the bottom and up the sides of the pie pan. Poke a few holes in the dough with a fork. 6. Bake for about 10 minutes, until it loses it shine. 7. While you bake the pie crust, cook the apples, coconut sugar, cinnamon and salt in a medium-size sauce pan over medium heat. Simmer stirring occasionally for about 5 minutes, until apples soften. Add and stir in the chia and water mixture. Taste and add more cinnamon or coconut sugar, if desired. 8. Remove the crust from the oven. Pour the filling into the crust and crumble the reserved dough over the top. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the crumbs turn a slightly darker brown. 9. Let the pie cool for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Cranberry Coconut Breakfast Loaf Instructions 1. Loaf 2. Preheat the oven to 350°F. 3. Mix the dry ingredients (coconut flour, almond flour, coconut sugar, baking powder and salt) in a mixing bowl. Transfer the mixture to a food processor. 4. Mix the wet ingredients (melted coconut oil, vanilla extract, beaten eggs and water) with a whisk in a mixing bowl and then pour on top of the dry mixture in the food processor. Process the ingredients until they are fully mixed and there are no dry lumps of flour remaining. Transfer the batter from the food processor into a large mixing bowl and gently fold in the cranberries and chia seeds into the batter with a spatula. 5. Transfer the batter to a baking pan (9 inches x 6 inches) lined with lightly greased parchment paper. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. 6. Allow the loaf to cool on a cooling rack for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with the lemon-coconut spread. 7. Lemon Coconut Spread 8. While the loaf is cooling, prepare the spread. Mix all the ingredients in a small food processor until the spread is evenly mixed. 9. Note: The spread will thicken in the fridge. Warm it slightly prior to serving. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 195


hen it comes to packing lunches and after school snacks for your little ones, it’s easy to get into a rut. But by making a few delicious and convenient choices in the grocery store, you can break away from the same old sand­wich routine and serve up nibbles and noshes your kids will love. Whether your star pupils prefer a savory dip, a light and salty snack or a chewy fruit bar, here are a few great choices you can pack.

Pop Up Some Fun

For back-to-school snacking, you can’t beat popcorn. Pop up a bowl and let the fun flavor creations begin — sweet, savory or with just a dash of salt. Popcorn is a grab-n-go treat that takes minutes to make. Plus, it’s whole grain and contains fiber to fuel the body and keep you feeling fuller longer than other snacks. This beloved treat is also economical, costing mere pennies per serving. For more information, visit


Dip It Up

For a quick burst of flavor at home or on the go, try Sabra Classic Singles with veggies, pita bread, pita chips or crackers. These 2-ounce servings of creamy Classic Hummus are perfect for the lunch­box or on-the-go snacking and portable enough to bring along on any adventure. For more information, visit


that puddings and yogurts stay cold by freezing them the night before use. You can also freeze water bottles or juice boxes to act as ice packs in lunch containers.

n Keep

PB&J sandwich bread fresh by spread­ ing peanut butter on both slices of bread, and avoid saturation by placing jelly in the center.

Fuel Their Day

Help them have a great day at school by serving those little learners the proper fuel. With a commitment to creating all natural snacks you can feel good about giving your kids, Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars are choles­ terol free, dairy free and kosher. From the sweetness of Blueberry to the tartness of Lemon, these bars are available in a variety of jam-packed, fruity flavors. For more information, visit 196 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

n Add

a paper towel to containers with freshly washed fruits and vegetables. This will absorb any extra moisture, retaining peak texture and flavor.

Serve a Satisfying Snack Do you need an easy way to pack more protein, calcium and other nutrients into your family’s diet? You can’t go wrong with a kid-friendly kitchen staple like low-fat yogurt. With a wide array of textures, consistencies and flavors, there are sure to be several varieties that even the pickiest eater will enjoy. Take these beloved flavors to new heights with toppings such as dried fruit, organic granola, dark chocolate and coconut shavings.

Protein's Power Punch


Protein can be found in a wide range of foods, including meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, soy, nuts and seeds. Foods like these with high protein content help slow digestion, control appetite, and keep you feeling full longer. Choosing lean proteins and making sure you are getting a variety of protein-filled foods are two ways to get the most from your nutrition plan. There are also a variety of nutritious snacks that can help you capture extra protein as part of a balanced diet. For example, a LUNA Protein bar is a gluten-free bar made from a blend of soy and whey protein. With less than 200 calories, it provides satiation to keep you feeling full, along with 12 grams of soy and whey protein and 3 grams of fiber. Finally, it is important to remember that how much protein you need depends on your activity level. For example, a 140-pound woman who has a primarily sedentary lifestyle needs 56 grams per day, while a 140-pound woman who participates in regular, high-impact exercise may need as much as 119 grams of protein per day. Remember that a pre or post-workout snack with vitamins and nutrients is especially important to help you power through your sweat session. Tara DelloIacono-Thies, Registered Dietitian for LUNA, suggests these protein-rich snack ideas: • Celery sticks, carrots, or apple slices with nut butter • Hard-boiled egg with salt and pepper on whole wheat bread • 1 protein-rich bar, such as LUNA Protein Bar • Plain Greek yogurt topped with seasonal fruit • Low sodium turkey meat rolled up with lettuce, low fat cheese, mustard and veggies of your choice

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Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Whether you’re training for your first half marathon or a busy mom on-thego, there’s no question that protein is essential to keeping your body in top physical form. Lugging around heavy grocery bags? Chasing after kids? Protein increases strength by rebuilding damaged muscle tissue, and helps promote stamina since it takes longer to digest. No question about it – protein has certainly earned its reputation as the workhorse for your body!

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