Amadeus Playbill

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Andrew Altman Sir Simon Russell Beale, CBE Rebecca Bushnell Vinton Cerf Florence H. Cohen Lady Darroch Philip Deutch Debbie Driesman Deneen Howell Derek Kaufman Gail Kern Paster Sarah Bloom Raskin Stuart Rose Paul Smith Ex Officio Michael Witmore

SENIOR DIRECTORS Michael Witmore, Director Abbey Silberman Fagin, Chief Advancement Officer Melody Fetske, Senior Advisor to the Director Janet Alexander Griffin, Director of Public Programs Eric M. Johnson, Director of Digital Access Ruth Taylor Kidd, Chief Financial Officer Kathleen Lynch, Executive Director, Folger Institute Peggy O’Brien, Director of Education Greg Prickman, Eric Weinmann Librarian 2

Lloyd Wolf

J. May Liang, Chair D. Jarrett Arp, Vice­Chair Roger Millay, Vice­Chair

Folger Shakespeare Library is the world’s largest Shakespeare collection, the ultimate resource for exploring Shakespeare and his world. The Folger welcomes millions of visitors online and in person. At the Folger you can experience the power of performance, the wonder of exhibitions, and the excitement of pathbreaking research. We offer the opportunity to see and work with early modern sources, driving discovery and transforming education for students of all ages. A gift to the American people from industrialist Henry Clay Folger and Emily Jordan Folger, the library opened in 1932.

Folger Theatre is the vibrant centerpiece of the Folger’s public programs. With a focus on Shakespeare, Folger Theatre produces plays reflecting the breadth of the library’s peerless collection. Shakespeare belongs to you. His world is vast. Come explore. Join us online, on the road, or in Washington, DC. Learn more at

FOLGER THEATRE 2019/20 SEASON Janet Alexander Griffin Artistic Producer Beth Emelson Associate Artistic Producer


Peter Shaffer

David Polk General Manager Charles Flye Production Manager

Directed by

Richard Clifford

Scenic Design

Costume Design

Lighting Design

Tony Cisek*

Mariah Anzaldo Hale*

Max Doolittle*

Sound Design

Resident Dramaturg

New York Casting

Sharath Patel*

Michele Osherow

Eisenberg/Beans Casting

Folger Casting

Production Stage Manager

Assistant Stage Manager

Manna­Symone Middlebrooks

Kate Kilbane**

Juliet Jewett** *Member of United Scenic Artists **Member of Actors’ Equity Association

Folger Theatre gratefully acknowledges the kind support of the following: Premiere Season Sponsor Peter Andrews, in memory of Joan Andrews, a Folger Reader and supporter for many years Season Sponsors Maygene and Steve Daniels Helen and David Kenney and Family Robin and Roger Millay Neal T. Turtell Scott and Liz Vance

Production Sponsors Nicky Cymrot John and Connie McGuire

Open­captioned Performance Sponsors Vinton and Sigrid Cerf

Associate Sponsors Dr. Bill and Evelyn Braithwaite Howard M. Brown Timothy J. Carlton Louis and Bonnie Cohen Andrea “Andi” Kasarksy Julianna Mahley Carolyn and Mark Olshaker Beverly and Christopher With 3


glol ria!


AB Baroqque Italian Christmas

Decem mber 13-18 At St. Mark’s Church on Capitol Hill


Featuring Vivaldi’s 1715 Gloria in D D,, RV 589 for choir and orcheestra, Scarlatti’s Christmass Cantata, and

Christmass Concerto.

Palalleseesssttrin a’’ s

Per rffect A Ar rt t

With vocal ensemble Stile Anntico

February 7-8

At Washington National Cathedral


The transcendent music of Pa Palestrina and other composers of the late Italian Renaissance, including works composed by wom men. Stile Antico


FROM THE DIRECTOR Salieri says of Mozart’s Requiem, “It will help the ages to mourn …” Praise indeed. Salieri sees immortality in Mozart’s music, and I believe this is true. Mozart’s genius matches Shakespeare’s, Beethoven’s, and that of other extraordinary artists. He is an integral part of our culture. Most of us will be able to hum a Mozart tune without knowing that piece was composed by him. I am drawn to Amadeus for a number of reasons: the sublime music which underscores the play and exerts its own power over it; the beautifully balanced play itself, which I have seen many times in the past; and the privilege of knowing Peter Shaffer, who was a great and prolific modern playwright. I have also had the fortunate opportunity to perform in the last production of the play that Shaffer was able to see. Part of the play’s complexity is its rich historical setting. Amadeus embraces the 18th century’s “Age of Enlightenment.” So much was happening in the arts and science, with the growth of technology leading to the Industrial Revolution. In Europe,

the political tectonic plates were shifting madly, resulting in the French Revolution that summoned terrors through the courts of Europe well into the 19th and 20th centuries. Against this backdrop, Shaffer created a modern “Revenge Comedy” with a cast of characters who (mostly) existed in history. There is much about Mozart’s private life that we are unsure of today, and Shaffer has woven a credible tale that sets out to explore that mystery. It is a play about ambition, envy, and revenge. Salieri, a composer of some worth, is consumed by such envy of Mozart that he wreaks his revenge by destroying Mozart’s reputation and, finally, the man himself. We, the audience, are called to be Salieri’s jury. –Richard Clifford


FROM THE DRAMATURG Shortly before his death in 1791, 35­ year­old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart claimed he was being poisoned. No medical evidence supported this, but Mozart maintained that the Italian “cabal” of musicians at the Viennese court orchestrated his end. Further rumors had Mozart specifically indict court composer Antonio Salieri. Over time, some, like Beethoven’s nephew, believed the accusation; others, like Rossini, joked of it to the accused. Several decades later, Salieri, terminally ill and, by all accounts, deranged, confessed to poisoning Mozart. The confession came behind the doors of an asylum and, according to an early biographer, was retracted several times over. The dramatic potential of the story landed almost immediately. Within a few years of Salieri’s death, Pushkin wrote a play in which the scheming maestro tips a potion into a cup—the same cup an unsuspecting Mozart will raise to his killer’s health. Shaffer’s Salieri administers his poison deftly through the ear, infecting Mozart emotionally, mentally, professionally, and with the theatricality one might expect from a composer of Italian opera. Salieri’s musical corpus included 37 operas, and sacred and instrumental compositions enough for a 50­year career at court where Salieri served Emperors Joseph II, Leopold II, and Francis II. He held the titles of court composer and court musical director (Kapellmeister). During the last quarter of the 18th century, Salieri was one of the most influential musicians in Europe. He was described as a serious, pious, and often affable man. What he was not, historians agree, was a murderer. Salieri had no 6

reason to be threatened by a newcomer to Vienna. His success far surpassed Mozart’s. It was only after Mozart was consigned to his unmarked grave that appreciation of his genius flourished. Though records of Mozart and Salieri’s relationship are few, the two seem to have been congenial enough. Mozart’s son was among Salieri’s pupils, an impressive group that included Beethoven, Schubert, Meyerbeer, and Liszt. Mozart’s letters show occasional resentment toward Salieri; but then, Mozart tended to blame others for his lack of advancement (particularly when writing to his father). In the end, Salieri was the only member of court circles to attend Mozart’s funeral. After Mozart’s death, Salieri conducted his works. By the time Shaffer’s Amadeus opened in 1979, few patrons likely recognized the name Antonio Salieri. It is in the wretched anticipation of that approaching insignificance that Shaffer sets his drama. Make no mistake: this is Salieri’s play. The character never leaves the stage and thoroughly charts and navigates the action. He makes clear within minutes that we “ghosts of the future” have been summoned by him, for him. We think we are called as confessors. But more than absolution, Salieri craves an audience. In his final years, he composed nothing. His tragedy is to exist in a world in which he has outlived his talent—and where everywhere he hears the name Mozart. Frank Rich, of The New York Times, called the play a “dynamic confrontation between mediocrity and genius,” a description that fast­

tracks a kind of sympathy for Salieri. Who among us, after all, might rival Mozart? To his credit, the Salieri in Amadeus recognizes Mozart’s compositions as extraordinary and encourages our appreciation of them. In Mozart’s music, Salieri finds “Absolute Beauty;” in it he hears the voice of God. What he cannot reckon is God’s chosen instrument. Shaffer elevates the scandal, swapping a depiction of Salieri as a jealous, conniving schemer and replacing him with a man disillusioned by betrayal— not by Mozart, but by God himself: “You gave me the desire to. . .hear Your Voice! And now I do hear it and it says only one name: MOZART! … Spiteful, sniggering, conceited, infantine Mozart!”

whose wonders he steadily praised. Echoes of the Cain and Abel narrative abound. But Shaffer is more attentive to the rejected brother and his offerings than in Genesis. Salieri’s incorruptible faith in a world and God that are rational, that make some kind of sense, is piteous and enviable at once. He is confounded by God’s election of Mozart and muses with bitter irony on the “preferred Creature’s” name: Amadeus from the Latin meaning both “beloved of God” and “lover of God.” Shaffer’s play darkly intimates a peril in being either. –Michele Osherow


Shaffer was criticized for his unflattering portrait of Mozart, whose musical genius is countered by displays of vanity, immaturity, offensive talk, and more. But a Mozart who defies our expectations is likely the point. The tension between the piously restrained Salieri and the loose, unprincipled Mozart plays out an ideological clash between 18th­ century Enlightenment and the Romanticism on the horizon. Salieri, indoctrinated in the Age of Reason, celebrates a faith in rationality, in universal order. Mozart is a menace to that order. Both his art and behavior are characterized by that resistance; his extravagant revision of Salieri’s ‘’little march” offers an early example. Mozart’s inspired subjectivity and his celebration of the individual illustrate Romantic principles in play.

The play opens in Vienna, November 1823, where whispers and rumors are rampant that Antonio Salieri, once a famed composer of Italian opera and a favorite of Emperor Joseph II, has admitted to murdering Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 32 years prior. Now an elderly man in a wheelchair, Salieri speaks directly to the audience and begins to explain the story behind the rumors.

Salieri is the villain of Amadeus, but he is a compelling one. He perceives himself rejected by a divinity whose instructions he followed to excess,

Salieri swears off God and religion and decides to dedicate himself, instead, to ruining Mozart’s career as a way to wage war on God.

The story turns backward in time to 1781. The young Salieri, a devout Catholic who has vowed to dedicate his life to composing music in the name of God, is a favorite of the Royal Court. He has not met Mozart but is thrilled to learn that Mozart is in Vienna. Salieri’s first encounter with Mozart is an accidental eavesdropping on a profane, private moment between Mozart and his fiancée.



(in alphabetical order)

Justin Adams* Samuel Adams* Amanda Bailey* Louis Butelli* Junior Gomez Lilli Hokama* James Joseph O’Neil* Yvonne Paretzky* Ian Merrill Peakes* John Taylor Phillips* Ned Read Deidra LaWan Starnes* Kathryn Zoerb

Baron van Swieten Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Venticello Venticello Salieri’s Valet Constanze Weber Count Orsini­Rosenberg Teresa Salieri Antonio Salieri Emperor Joseph II Kapellmeister Bonno Madame von Strack Katherina Cavalieri

Understudies Justin Adams* (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) Julia Messer (Teresa Salieri, Katherina

Ned Read (Baron van Swieten, Count Orsini­


Jeff Allen Young (Emperor Joseph II,

Rachael Montgomery (Venticello) Yvonne Paretzky* (Madame von Strack) John Taylor Phillips* (Antonio Salieri)

Kapellmeister Bonno, Salieri’s Valet) Kathryn Zoerb (Constanze Weber)


*Members of Actors’ Equity Association (AEA), the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Equity’s mission is to advance, promote, and foster the art of live theater as an essential component of our society. Today, Equity represents more than 49,000 actors, singers, dancers, and stage managers working in hundreds of theaters across the United States. Equity members are dedicated to working in the theater as a profession, upholding the highest artistic standards. AEA is a member of the AFL­CIO and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. For more information, visit

New Hearing Loop Technology (Telecoil) Our theater is equipped with an Induction Hearing Loop for state­of­the­art assisted listening. If your hearing aid has a T­coil, please toggle to that setting to receive our audio signal directly without using the headset and only wearing the lariat.

This production is performed with one 15­minute intermission. Please refrain from using cell phones, cameras, or other recording devices during the performance of Amadeus. Amadeus is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., a Concord Theatricals Company. 9


PRODUCTION CREDITS Assistant Technical Director Assistant Director Production Assistant Dramaturgical Assistant Set Construction Props Master Assistant Costume Designer Wardrobe Head First Hand Stitchers Milliner Wig Design Wig Builders Wig Mistress Master Electrician Assistant Master Electrician Sound Engineer For Eisenberg/Beans Casting Casting Intern Graphic Design & Advertising Agency Marketing Consultants Promotional Photography Production Photography Promotional and Production Video Archival Video Open Captioning

Rebekah Sheffer Manna­Symone Middlebrooks Kelli Jones Raquel Sequeira Bella Faccia, Inc. Cameron Osterneck Jeannette Christensen Cidney Forkpah Jenn Pinkos Daisy Howard, Kristina Martin Adelle Gresock Dori Beau Seigneur Jamie Bagley, Lucy Wakeland Daisy Howard Alex Keen Kristen Roth Brandon Roe Kara Jobe OpenBox9 Emily Tartanella, Jeff Herrity Brittany Diliberto, Bee Two Sweet Photography C. Stanley Photography Mark Fastoso and Leon Swerdel­Rich WAPAVA C2

Acknowledgements: Artis Brienzo and World Travel Service, Capital Hill Hotel, Beth DeBold, Dunniela Kaufman, Moran Transportation, Naomi Osborne and Balance Gym, Nicole Pace, James Rostron and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Jjana Valentiner, Abbie Weinberg, Erin Wuebbens. Folger Docents, Volunteer Ushers, and the Junior League of Washington, DC are vitally important to our success. Heartfelt thanks to these generous donors of time and talent. Folger Theatre is a member of Blue Star Theaters, CultureCapital, Cultural Tourism DC, theaterWashington, Shakespeare Theatre Association, and Theatre Communications Group, Inc. 15

CAST Justin Adams Baron van Swieten

Folger Theatre: Hamlet. Regional: Westport Country Playhouse; Cincinnati Playhouse; Alliance Theatre; Denver Center; PlayMakers Repertory Company; Northern Stage; Florida Studio Theatre; Portland Stage; Clarence Brown Theatre; Pennsylvania, Alabama, and Texas Shakespeare Festivals; Vineyard Arts Project. New York: The Pearl Theatre, The Little Shubert, The Acting Company, Drama League's DirectorFest, HERE Studios, 13th Street Rep, Storm Theatre. Film: Ascension (writer/director), The Cask, Radio Cape Cod, Independence: Beyond What She Expects. Television: Elementary, The Affair, Unforgettable, Blue Bloods.

Samuel Adams Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Shakespeare Theatre Company Academy for Classical Acting: As You Like It, Measure for Measure, The Two Gentlemen of Verona; Corcoran Gallery: Henry 60. Regional Theater: Under Milk Wood, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Clockwork Orange, Summer I Disappeared. Off­Broadway: Theatre Row: Summer and Smoke; Symphony Space Theater: Surface to Air. Off­ Off­Broadway: Kraine Theatre: Hamlet; New Ohio Theatre: Leni and Joseph; Miller Theatre: The Bacchae; IRT Theater: The Execution of Mrs. Cotton; Ophelia Theater Group: Mary's Little Monster; Rapidfire Bootleg: Blood Under the Bridge. Television: Mildred Pierce, Time After Time. Video Games: Red Dead Redemption 2.

Amanda Bailey Venticello Regional: Shakespeare Theatre of NJ: The Taming of the Shrew; North Shore Music Theatre: All Shook Up; Broward Stage Door: Bubbling Brown Sugar. Off­Off­Broadway: Astoria Performing Arts Center: Caroline, or Change; At Hand Theatre: Trickster at the


Gate; NYMF 2017: Fora, The Musical. National Tour: The Color Purple. Film: Long Way From Home, Cinema Night, Lost Friends. Television: All My Children.

Louis Butelli Venticello Folger Theatre: Love’s Labor’s Lost, Davenant’s Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Gravedigger’s Tale, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar (2014, 2000), Twelfth Night (Helen Hayes nomination), Henry V, Henry VIII (Helen Hayes Award), Othello; Shakespeare Theatre Company: The Taming of the Shrew. Regional theaters include: Hartford Stage, American Repertory Theater, South Coast Repertory, La Jolla Playhouse, Yale Repertory Theatre, Long Wharf Theatre, Alabama Shakespeare Festival. Off­Broadway: Sleep No More, Much Ado About Nothing, The Comedy of Errors, Agamemnon, Othello, Twelfth Night; The New Victory Theater: A Midsummer Night’s Dream; 47th St. Theater and Ars Nova: CYCLOPS: A Rock Opera (also director, cowriter, NYMF Award, Pulitzer Jury nomination, 3 LA Weekly Award nominations). Television: The Blacklist, The Knick, Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, The Unusuals, All My Children, Benders. @louisbutelli.

Junior Gomez Salieri’s Valet Regional: Texas Shakespeare Festival: Love’s Labour’s Lost, Tartuffe, King John. Off­Off­Broadway: Hudson Theatre Guild: Emergency.

Lilli Hokama Constanze Weber Lincoln Center Theater: The Wolves (understudy); Baltimore Center Stage: Antigone; Dixon Place: Greenland; Kitchen Theatre Company: Matt and Ben; Chester Theatre Company: Now Circa Then, I and You; Colorado Shakespeare Festival: Troilus and Cressida, The Taming of the Shrew; Aurora Fox Arts Center: The Arabian Nights, She Kills

Monsters; Local: first reading of The Rape of the Sabine Women by Grace B. Matthias; New works: The Wave That Set the Fire, Companions LLC; Theatre Esprit Asia: Coming To America, Foundations. Television: Prodigal Son.

James Joseph O’Neil Count Orsini­Rosenberg Regional: The Old Globe, Ensemble Theatre Company of Santa Barbara, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Mark Taper Forum, South Coast Repertory, Ojai Playwrights Conference, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Baltimore Center Stage, Huntington Theatre Company, American Repertory Theatre, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Pioneer Theatre Company, American Stage Festival and Long Wharf Theatre. Off­Broadway: Classic Stage Company: A Month in the Country, Look Back in Anger; Epic Theatre Ensemble: Richard III; 47th Street Theatre: The Hired Man. Broadway: Roundabout: Present Laughter. Film: All the Little Things We Kill, Aardvark, The Bourne Legacy, Fair Game, Zodiac, Acts of Worship. Television: Elementary, Madame Secretary, Person of Interest, The Knick, Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, 24, and more.

Yvonne Paretzky Teresa Salieri Studio Theatre: Curve of Departure (u/s); Silver Spring Stage: 33 Variations, Mrs. Bob Cratchit’s Wild Christmas Binge, Matched, Kids in the Sky, Misfortune; The 4208 Group: Banana Brains; Aprilis Theatre: Hedda Gabler; Nu Sass: Blue Skies Over Pluto; Universe Players: Seashell; Weintraub Productions: Conference At Evian; The Courage Company: To the New Girl; ExPats Theatre: Surfacing; Creative Energy PA Group: Intimate Apparel; Out­Side the Box Theatre: Just Like a Woman, A Family Reunion; Bucharest Inside The Beltway: Colombo Calling; Rockville Little Theatre: The Little Foxes, The Great Gatsby; Metro Players: Doubt, To Kill a Mockingbird; Damascus Theatre Company: Our Town, War of the Worlds, When Welles Collide; Laurel

Mill Playhouse: for colored girls... Film: It’s Still Not About Me, Rat Race, A Raisin in the Sun, Aurora. WATCH Nomination, DC Metro Theater Arts Best Actress, Best Featured Actress, Maryland Community Theater Best Featured Actress.

Ian Merrill Peakes Antonio Salieri Folger Theatre: Davenant’s Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Helen Hayes Award), Othello, Henry VIII (Helen Hayes nomination), Macbeth (Helen Hayes nomination), The Game of Love and Chance (Helen Hayes nomination), Measure for Measure, The Clandestine Marriage, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Melissa Arctic, Twelfth Night; Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Macbeth; Shakespeare Theatre Company: King Charles III, The Taming of the Shrew. Regional: Arden Theatre Company: Equivocation, Something Intangible (Barrymore Award), All My Sons (Barrymore Award), Three Days of Rain; The Wilma Theater: Body of an American, The Invention of Love; Philadelphia Theatre Company: Sideman (Barrymore Award); Theatre Exile: Invisible Hand (Barrymore Award nomination), Red Light Winter (Barrymore Award nomination); Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival; Walnut Street Theatre: Matilda, Peter and the Starcatcher; People’s Light and Theatre Company; Denver Center for the Performing Arts: The Catch, Glengarry Glen Ross, When Tang Met Laika; Actors Theatre of Louisville: The Crucible, Twelfth Night; Santa Cruz Shakespeare: The Winter’s Tale, Pride and Prejudice, Much Ado About Nothing; Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre: The False Servant. Film: Buried Girl, Lebanon, PA, Gentleman’s Game. Television: Still Standing, Hack, Homicide.

John Taylor Phillips Emperor Joseph II Round House Theatre: Oslo; Theater J: Talley’s Folly. Regional: The Goodman Theatre: Oedipus Complex; Chicago Shakespeare (continued on next page)


CAST Theater: Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream; American Players Theatre: Born Yesterday, Heartbreak House, The Three Sisters, Cyrano de Bergerac; Milwaukee Repertory Theater: King Lear; Dallas Theater Center: The Odd Couple. Film: Parkland.

Ned Read Kapellmeister Bonno Folger Theatre: Nell Gwynn (u/s); Shakespeare Theatre Company: An Ideal Husband (u/s), The Importance of Being Earnest (u/s); Studio Theatre: Translations (u/s), The History Boys (u/s), The Road to Mecca (u/s); 4615 Theatre Company: King John; The Klunch: How to Win a Race War; Post Shift Theatre Company: The Client; Arcturus Theater Company: Rough for Theatre II; Little Theatre of Alexandria: The History Boys. Film: The Forgiving, God is Bored, Spiral. Television: American Titans, House of Cards.

Deidra LaWan Starnes Madame von Strack Folger Theatre: Julius Caesar, King Lear; Shakespeare Theatre Company: Much Ado About Nothing; 1st Stage: The Member of the Wedding, The Good Counselor; Mosaic Theater Company of DC: Milk Like Sugar, The Gospel of Lovingkindness; Adventure Theatre MTC: 12 Days of Christmas, Charlotte’s Web; Studio Theatre; Invisible Man, Passing Strange, In the Red and Brown Water, Radio Golf, The Old Settler, Seven Guitars; African Continuum Theatre Company: 24, 7, 365, Intimate Apparel, A Raisin in the Sun, I Have Before Me a Remarkable Document…, Two Trains Running, Spunk; Olney Theatre Center for the Arts: Stuff Happens, Doubt, A Raisin in the Sun; Regional: Repertory Theatre of St. Louis: Gem of the Ocean; New Federal Theatre: for colored girls…; Rep Stage: The Violet Hour, Anna Lucasta; Everyman Theatre: Blues for an Alabama Sky. Film: Nocturnal Agony, Ladder 49. Helen Hayes Award, DC Theatre Scene People’s Choice Award, Audelco Award.


Kathryn Zoerb Katherina Cavalieri Folger Theatre: The Second Shepherds’ Play (u/s), The Way of the World (u/s); Rep Stage: A Young Lady of Property; Imagination Stage: The Night Fairy (u/s); WSC Avant Bard: King Lear; Faction of Fools Theatre Company: Our Town, The Miser, The Cherry Orchard, The Great Commedia Hotel Murder Mystery, Foolish Fairytales; Brave Spirits Theatre: ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore, A King and No King; Baltimore Shakespeare Factory: Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, The Winter’s Tale, Love’s Labor’s Lost.

CREATIVE TEAM Peter Shaffer Playwright British playwright of considerable range who moved easily from farce to the portrayal of human anguish. Educated at St. Paul’s and Trinity College, Cambridge, Shaffer first worked for a music publisher and then as a book reviewer. His first play, Five­Finger Exercise, is a tautly constructed domestic drama that almost overnight established his reputation as a playwright. It was followed by The Private Ear, The Public Eye, and The Royal Hunt of the Sun, a portrayal of the conflict between the Spanish and the Inca— “hope and hopelessness, faithlessness and faith.” In 1965 Shaffer’s adroit farce Black Comedy was performed. Equus, dealing with a mentally disturbed stable boy’s obsession with horses, and Amadeus, about the rivalry between Mozart and his fellow composer Antonio Salieri, were successes with both critics and the public. Later plays include the biblical epic Yonadab, Lettice and Lovage, and The Gift of the Gorgon. Shaffer was knighted in 2001 and passed away in 2016.

Richard Clifford Director Folger Theatre: Mary Stuart, The School for Scandal, The Game of Love and Chance, The Clandestine Marriage, Elizabeth the Queen (Helen Hayes nomination), All’s Well That Ends Well, She Stoops to Conquer. Folger Consort: Measure+Dido, The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, The Fairy Queen, Comus. Other directing credits include: 300th Anniversary of Freemasons Grand Lodge UK at the Royal Albert Hall; Intermountain Opera: The Mikado, The Pirates of Penzance, Die Fledermaus, Breaking the Code, Playing the Wife. As an actor: Prospect Theatre Company at the Old Vic: Ivanov, Twelfth Night, Hamlet; Royal Shakespeare Company: Cyrano de Bergerac, Much Ado About Nothing; Renaissance Theatre Company: As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet. Other acting credits include: An Ideal Husband, Henry V, Hedda Gabler, The Magistrate, She Stoops to Conquer, Love for Love, The Tempest, The Apple Cart, Amadeus. Film: Henry V, Much Ado About Nothing, Love’s Labour’s Lost, As

You Like It, Carrington, Frankenstein, The Fool, Little Dorrit. Television: The Crown, The Fortunes of War, Queen of Swords, The Tudors, among others.

Tony Cisek Scenic Design Folger Theatre: Nell Gwynn, Davenant’s Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, District Merchants, Mary Stuart, Richard III, Twelfth Night, Henry V, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello (2011, 2002), Henry VIII, Much Ado About Nothing (2009, 1998), The School For Scandal, The Tempest (2007, 2000), Romeo and Juliet (2005, 1997), Elizabeth the Queen, As You Like It (2001), Shakespeare’s R & J, Hamlet (1999); Folger Consort: The Second Shepherds’ Play (2016, 2007), Comus. DC theater: Arena Stage, Ford’s Theatre, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Round House Theatre, Signature Theatre, Theater J, Theater Alliance, The Kennedy Center. Regional: Guthrie Theater, Goodman Theatre, Alliance Theatre, Denver Center Theatre Company, South Coast Repertory, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Portland Center Stage at The Armory, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Intiman Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Syracuse Stage, Berkshire Theatre Group. Off­Broadway: Roundabout Theatre Company: Beyond Glory; New York Theatre Workshop: columbinus.

Mariah Anzaldo Hale Costume Design Folger Theatre: Nell Gwynn, Davenant’s Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, Sense and Sensibility, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Twelfth Night (Helen Hayes nomination), Henry V, Henry VIII (Associate Costume Designer, Helen Hayes nomination), Othello (Associate Costume Designer). Regional: Papermill Playhouse: A Comedy of Tenors, A Bronx Tale (Associate); Cleveland Playhouse: A Comedy of Tenors (Associate); Goodspeed Opera/Norma Terris: Both Barrels; McCarter Theatre: Murder on the Orient Express (Associate); Algonquin Arts Center: The 39 Steps (Perry nomination.); American Stage Theatre Company: The Butter and Egg Man; (continued on next page)


CREATIVE TEAM Dallas Theater Center: Arsenic and Old Lace (Associate); Roundabout Theatre for WIL Studios: Picnic, Company. Off­Broadway: A Good Swift Kick. National Tours for WIL Studios: Crazy for You, Guys and Dolls, Music of the Night. Broadway for WIL Studios: A Bronx Tale, Chicago, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Laughter on the 23rd Floor.

Max Doolittle Lighting Design Folger Theatre: King John. Other lighting credits include: Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Olney Theatre Center, Mosaic Theater Company, Theater Alliance, Imagination Stage, Forum Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre Company Academy for Classic Acting, Adventure Theatre, The Kennedy Center, Pointless Theatre Co, NextStop Theatre. Regional: Ars Nova, Juilliard School, New Ohio Theatre, New World Stages, Kitchen Theatre Company, Fulton Theatre, Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, Mississippi Opera Studio. Television: Anderson Cooper 360, Piers Morgan Live, and TED Talks. Aboard cruise ships: Wine Lovers the Musical.

Sharath Patel Sound Design Portland Center Stage: In the Heights, Macbeth, Breath of Life, The Color Purple; Seattle Rep: Tiny Beautiful Things, Ibsen in Chicago (Gregory Award Nomination); A.C.T.: Pass Over, The Crucible, The Royale; Artists Rep: Skeleton Crew, Teenage Dick, Wolf Play; Alabama Shakespeare Festival: Nina Simone Four Women; Marin Theatre Company: Christmas at Pemberley Part 2; American Rep/CompanyONE: WIG OUT!; California Shakespeare Theater: As You Like It; East West Players: Free Outgoing; Portland Playhouse: The Piano Lesson, Jitney, The Brother/Sister Plays; Profile Theatre: 26 Miles, Dead Man’s Cell Phone, True West; Yale Repertory Theater: The People Next Door; Virginia Stage Company: Alive and Well, A Christmas Carol; Sydney Harmon Hall: Seven; La MaMa: Waxing West; PS122: Sita/Sati; The Westside Theatre: Dust.

Michele Osherow Resident Dramaturg Folger Theatre: 1 Henry IV (2019, 2008), Love’s Labor’s Lost, Nell Gwynn, King John, Macbeth (2018, 2008), The Winter’s Tale (2018, 2009), The Way of the World, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, As You Like It, Sense and Sensibility, District Merchants, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2016, 2006), texts&beheadings/ElizabethR, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar; Fiasco Theater Company: The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet (dramaturg and actor), Twelfth Night, Henry V, The Conference of the Birds, The Taming of the Shrew, The Gaming Table, Othello (2011, 2001), Cyrano, The Comedy of Errors, Henry VIII, Hamlet, Orestes: A Tragic Romp, Much Ado About Nothing, Arcadia, The Tempest, Measure for Measure (dramaturg and actor). Associate Professor of English at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Eisenberg/Beans Casting New York Casting Folger Theatre: 1 Henry IV, Love’s Labor’s Lost, Nell Gwynn, King John, The Winter’s Tale, The Way of the World, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, As You Like It, Sense and Sensibility, District Merchants, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night, Henry V. Broadway: Gettin’ the Band Back Together. Off­Broadway: Baghdaddy, That Bachelorette Show, The Anthem, Around the World in 80 Days, Altar Boyz, Bedlam’s Pygmalion, and more. Regional and other: Bedlam: Saint Joan/Hamlet on tour (played at Folger Theatre), School of Rock International Tour, Heartbreak Hotel (Chicago), Dallas Theater Center, Norwegian Cruise Line, Ivoryton Playhouse, Tenors of Rock, Davenport Reading Series, countless NYMF/Fringe. Film and Television: Cheerleader, Evol, Chandler, Camp, Mulligan. Partners: Daryl Eisenberg, CSA and Ally Beans, CSA. Casting for film, theater, television, commercials, and new media. @EBCastingCo


Kate Kilbane Production Stage Manager Folger Theatre: 1 Henry IV. The Kennedy Center: The Watsons Go to Birmingham­ 1963, First You Dream, Follies, The Lisbon Traviata, Ragtime; Shakespeare Theatre Company: The Tempest Free for All (2016), The Tempest (2005), Much Ado About Nothing at Carter Barron; Studio Theatre: Translations; Ford’s Theatre: 13 productions including Violet, The Laramie Project, Fly, Parade, Sabrina Fair, Jitney; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company: American Utopias, The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, Arias with a Twist; Theater J: 15 productions including Talley’s Folly, The Last Night of Ballyhoo, Sotto Voce, Broken Glass, Falling Out of Time.

Juliet Jewett Assistant Stage Manager Folger Theatre: 1 Henry IV. TheatreZone: Amadeus, The World Goes ‘Round, Elton John and Tim Rice’s Aida, On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, Urinetown, Baby, Copacabana, Blood Brothers, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, The Secret Garden, The Fantasticks, The Boy Friend, Grand Hotel, Sweet Smell of Success.

Folger Theatre Folger Shakespeare Library, opened in 1932, featured the first replica in North America of an Elizabethan theater, a 250­seat space designed to suggest the innyard playing spaces. Founders Henry Clay and Emily Jordan Folger envisioned it as a place for the performance of the plays in Shakespeare’s style, and the first nationally televised broadcast of a Shakespeare play in the US was Julius Caesar from the Folger stage in 1949. Folger Theatre produces seasons of Shakespeare, other plays from the period of the Folger’s rare collection, and new work, including commissions, inspired by the



period, with award­winning stagings of more than 70 percent of Shakespeare’s canon, as well as classical and Restoration work. Folger Theatre has collaborated with the Classical Theatre of Harlem, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the Guthrie, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, and other theaters across the country. Folger Theatre is the recipient of 30 Helen Hayes Awards including four for Outstanding Resident Production for Sense and Sensibility, The Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet, and Measure for Measure.

Janet Alexander Griffin Artistic Producer As Director of Public Programs, Griffin has established Folger Theatre as a home for creative, contemporary approaches to classic theater. She has produced more than 25 seasons of theater, including the majority of Shakespeare plays, as well as the work of many other playwrights; more than 800 concerts of early music; and a like number of other cultural events. Her leadership of Folger Theatre has seen the theater recognized with 148 nominations and 30 awards for excellence from Washington’s Helen Hayes Awards. These include four awards for Outstanding Resident Production, most recently received for Sense and Sensibility in 2017. Bard Records, created by Griffin, has released 23 titles of music by Folger Consort and others, and Folger Theatre has seven fully dramatized Shakespeare audio books available through Simon and Schuster. Projects commissioned or developed include Lynn Redgrave’s Shakespeare for My Father and Rachel and Juliet; The Fairy Queen and other presentations of Baroque music and Shakespeare with Derek Jacobi, Richard Clifford, and other celebrated artists; Roger Rees’ What You Will; The Second Shepherds’ Play adapted by Mary Hall Surface; Aaron Posner’s District Merchants; Caroline Shaw’s The Tempest; The Gravedigger’s Tale with Louis Butelli; and Confection with Third Rail Projects. She was the first to bring to Washington a Shakespeare’s Globe production and to take Folger programming to London’s Wanamaker Playhouse at the Globe, as well as other venues in Washington, (continued on next page)



CREATIVE TEAM New York, and California. Other Folger programs stewarded by Griffin are the O.B. Hardison Poetry series; screenings from the Royal Shakespeare Company; and lectures and readings by theater professionals, early modern scholars, and contemporary literary figures.

Beth Emelson Associate Artistic Producer Folger Theatre: since 2004. Off­Broadway: Producing Director, Atlantic Theater Company (OBIE and Drama Desk Award winner); Producing Director, Classic Stage Company (Lortel and OBIE Award winner). Broadway and Off­Broadway: Associate Executive Producer, Lincoln Center Theater (Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics’ Circle, Lortel, and OBIE Award winner); General Management Associate: Brooklyn Academy of Music and The Public Theater; Producing Director, Member, Board Member, Naked Angels. She produces for both the Nantucket and Tribeca Film Festivals as well as teaching producing for New York University.


STAFF DIVISION OF PUBLIC PROGRAMS Beth Emelson, Associate Artistic Producer/ Associate Director of Public Programs David Polk, General Manager Charles Flye, Production Manager Rebekah Sheffer, Assistant Technical Director Emma Poltrack, Public Programs Administrative Assistant Ben Falacci, Public Programs Intern Manna­Symone Middlebrooks, Casting Assistant Heather Newhouse, Patron Services Manager Danica Zielinski, Lead House Manager Lizzy Andrew, DJ Batchelor, Renée Beaver, Kate Gifford, Kaiya Lyons, Allison Marino, Rebecca Montague, John Royals, Esther Young, House Managers David Mozur, Folger Consort Manager Teri Cross Davis, Poetry Coordinator Katelyn Manfre, Humanities Program Coordinator Peter Eramo, Jr., Events Publicity and Marketing Manager OpenBox9, Graphic Design and Advertising Agency Barbara Shaw, Playbill Typesetter Emily Tartanella, Marketing Design Consultant Jane Pisano, Publications Consultant Marianne Wald, Box Office Manager Bailey Blumenstock, Francesca Chilcote, Noa Gelb, Ellen Goodnight, Annie Immediata, Rachel Jones, Patrick Kilbride, Hannah Manwiller, Ian Patrick, Gabby Wolfe, Box Office Assistants EXTERNAL RELATIONS Garland Scott, Head of External Relations Esther French, Digital Managing Editor Ben Lauer, Communications and Social Media Manager

DIVISION OF EDUCATION Corinne Viglietta, Assistant Director of Education Kate Long, Visitor Education Programs Manager Katherine Dvorak, Education Project Manager Greg Armstrong, Administrative Assistant for Education Programs Kate Tallis, Docent Chair Michael LoMonico, Senior Consultant on National Education Louisa Newlin, Senior Consultant OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT Gabrielle Canning, Casual Development Sumana Chatterjee, Senior Development Officer Leslie Gehring, Senior Manager, Development Services Coordinator Anne M. McKiterick, Development Associate for Major Gifts Cari Romeu Mozur, Associate Director of Development Michael Reddy, Development Associate for Institutional Giving Rachael Dealy Salisbury, Senior Development Officer for Planned and Major Gifts Ari Silber, Senior Development Officer for Corporate and Foundation Relations Elizabeth Stevens, Manager, Membership and Individual Giving DIRECTOR’S OFFICE Brian Rothbart, Executive Assistant to the Director Wynter Chapman, Administrative Assistant, Executive Offices INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Luis Sato, Systems Engineer Stephanie Svoboda, Tessitura Administrator


Building on the legacy of Henry and Emily Folger, the Folger Shakespeare Library will construct a new pavilion to share our peerless collection with 21st-century audiences. New engaging galleries and inviting public spaces will make our exhibitions more accessible and expand our reach. The Wonder of Will campaign will raise $50 million to support this effort as well as the many programs that bring Shakespeare and his world to life.

The reimagined west garden and accessible entry plaza to the Folger Shakespeare Library. Rendering by KieranTimberlake, architects.

For more information about The Wonder of Will, please visit or contact the Advancement Office at 202.675.0303 or


CAMPAIGN DONORS We proudly recognize and acknowledge the individuals and foundations who have generously made philanthropic commitments of $25,000 or more as of October 1, 2019

$5 Million +

Stuart and Mimi Rose

$2,500,000 to $4,999,999

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

$1,000,000 to $2,499,999

Anonymous (2) Vinton and Sigrid Cerf Florence and Neal Cohen The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund

Susan Sachs Goldman Maxine Isaacs J. May Liang and James Lintott Neal T. Turtell

$500,000 to $999,999

Anonymous The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Louis and Bonnie Cohen Hutchins Family Foundation

The Honorable Eugene and Dr. Carol Ludwig Sara Miller McCune Gail Kern Paster Mr. and Mrs. B. Francis Saul, II Share Fund

$250,000 to $499,999

D. Jarrett and Nora Arp Jeffrey P. Cunard and Mariko Ikehara Margaret and David Gardner Wyatt and Susan Haskell

Derek and Leora Kaufman Mrs. & Mr. Edward R. Leahy Jacqueline Badger Mars

$100,000 to $249,000

Anonymous (2) Marcus Coles Nicky Cymrot Maygene and Steve Daniels Denise Gwyn Ferguson Stephen H. Grant The Hearst Foundations

Karl K. and Carrol Benner Kindel Arthur F. Kinney Ken Ludwig and Adrienne George The Estate of Herman J. Obermayer Dr. Markley Roberts Loren and Frances Rothschild Paul Smith and Michael Dennis

$50,000 to $99,999

Philip Deutch and Marne Levine William L. Hopkins John and Connie McGuire Peter and Mary Jay Michel The Mosaic Foundation (of R. & P. Heydon) The Estate of Barbara Mowat

Darcy and Andrew Nussbaum Lois Green Schwoerer Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small Scott and Liz Vance Nyla and Gerry Witmore, Drs. Kellie Robertson and Michael Witmore

$25,000 to $49,999

Anonymous Keith and Celia Arnaud Judith Areen and Richard Cooper Rebecca Bushnell and John Toner Twiss and Patrick Butler

Heather and Dick Cass Peter and Rose Edwards William and Louisa Newlin Deneen Howell and Donald Vieira Laura Yerkovich and John Winkler



Associate Sponsors

Peter Andrews, In memory of Joan Andrews, a Folger Reader and supporter for many years

Dr. Bill & Evelyn Braithwaite Howard M. Brown Mr. William J. Camarinos Timothy J. Carlton Louis and Bonnie Cohen Barbra Eaton and Ed Salners Dr. David E. Johnson and Ms. Wendy Frieman William Hopkins Andrea “Andi� Kasarsky Rick Kasten Ken Ludwig and Adrienne George Julianna Mahley Pam McFarland and Brian Hagenbuch Peter and Mary Jay Michel Ann K. Morales William and Louisa Newlin Carolyn and Mark Olshaker Gail Kern Paster Craig Pascal and Victor Shargai Weissberg Foundation Beverly and Christopher With

Season Sponsors Maygene and Steve Daniels Helen and David Kenney and Family Robin and Roger Millay Neal T. Turtell Scott and Liz Vance

Production Sponsors Nicky Cymrot Nancy and Steve Howard John and Connie McGuire

Contributing Sponsors Keith and Celia Arnaud Judy Areen and Richard Cooper Jeffrey P. Cunard Denise Gwyn Ferguson Margaret and David Gardner

Artist Sponsors Karl K. and Carrol Benner Kindel


To learn more about sponsorship, call Cari Romeu Mozur at 202.548.8777.

SUPPORTERS Additional support for Folger Theatre comes from: Mildred Grinnell Clarke Public Programs Endowment Wyatt R. and Susan N. Haskell Public Programs Endowment Fund John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Public Programs Endowment Fund Theatre Programs Endowment With special thanks to the family and friends of Lily St. John McKee (1987­ 2015), recognizing the creation of the Lily St. John McKee Memorial Fund.

Corporate, Foundation, and Government Support: Folger Shakespeare Library gratefully acknowledges the kind support of the following institutional donors. The list below includes gifts of $1,000 or more received between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019.

Anonymous William S. Abell Foundation, Inc. American Friends of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Inc. Arts Midwest ­ Shakespeare in American Communities The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Capitol Hill Community Foundation Anthony & Anna L. Carozza Foundation Clark­Winchcole Foundation The Dallas Morse Coors Foundation Marshall B. Coyne Foundation The Cynipid Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities, an agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts Delaplaine Foundation, Inc. Dimick Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation The Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Lorraine S. Dreyfuss Theatre Education Fund The Lee & Juliet Folger Fund John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation The Helen Clay Frick Foundation The Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation Gilbane Building Company William Randolph Hearst Foundations Heinz Family Foundation Mark and Carol Hyman Fund

JFW, Inc. KieranTimberlake Lannan Foundation Lawrence Family Foundation Dan Lepore & Sons Company The Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation Mars Foundation MTFA Architecture The Mosaic Foundation (of R. & P. Heydon) National Capital Arts & Cultural Affairs Program & the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts National Endowment for the Humanities The Newberry Library OLIN Partnership Overseas Hardwoods Company Queen’s University Belfast The Nora Roberts Foundation Nadia Sophie Seiler Memorial Fund Shakespeare’s Globe, USA Share Fund The Shubert Foundation Weissberg Foundation

Neal T. Turtell Scott & Liz Vance


D. Jarrett & Nora Arp Emily & Michael Eig Margaret & David Gardner Timothy & Linda O’Neill Ruth Hansen & Lawrence Plotkin Mr. & Mrs. John Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Nancy & Steve Howard Deneen Howell & Donald Vieira Ms. Leslie Larson & Mr. Donald Katz The Honorable John D. Macomber John & Connie McGuire Estate of Gene B Mercer Gail Kern Paster Drs. Kellie Robertson & Michael Witmore Stuart & Mimi Rose Loren & Frances Rothschild Tara Ghoshal Wallace


Keith & Celia Arnaud Twiss & Patrick Butler Florence & Neal Cohen Louis & Bonnie Cohen Mr. Marcus Coles Nicky Cymrot Susan Sachs Goldman Frank F. Islam & Debbie Driesman J.C. & Mary McElveen Robin & Roger Millay

Anonymous (2) Judith Areen & Richard Cooper Ms. Gigi Bradford & Mr. Jim Stanford Heather & Dick Cass Lisa Fuentes & Thomas Cohen Ms. Judith Matthews Craig Jeffrey P. Cunard & Mariko Ikehara Miguel & Patricia Estrada Melody & Al Fetske Dr. Stephen H. Grant & Ms. Abigail B. Wiebenson Florence & Peter D. Hart Mr. Ken Hitz & Ms. Liselott Liungman Mr. David H. Hofstad Andrea “Andi” Kasarsky Lawrence & Meg Kasdan Mr. Michael K. Kellogg Mrs. Margot Kelly Mr. Michael Lebovitz & Ana Paludi The Honorable Eugene & Dr. Carol Ludwig Leander & Stephanie McCormick­ Goodhart Gail Orgelfinger & Charles Hanna Craig Pascal & Victor Shargai Mrs. Frank Perdue Mr. Ben Reiter & Mrs. Alice Goldman Reiter Louis B. Thalheimer & Juliet A. Eurich Ms. Linda Weitz Nicole & Steve Winard Margaret Whitehead Ellen and Bernard Young

$15,000 ­$24,999


Individual Donors Folger Shakespeare Library gratefully acknowledges the kind support of the following individuals. The list below includes gifts and pledges of $250 or more received between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019.


Vinton & Sigrid Cerf Denise Gwyn Ferguson William L. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hutchins Maxine Isaacs Derek & Leora Kaufman Karl K. & Carrol Benner Kindel J. May Liang & James Lintott Sara Miller McCune Paul Smith & Michael Dennis


Maygene & Steve Daniels Jacqueline Badger Mars Helen and David Kenney William & Louisa Newlin Mr. & Mrs. B. Francis Saul, II

Anonymous (3) Gary Abrecht Bill & Sunny Alsup Mr. Wallace Babington D. James Baker & Emily Lind Baker


SUPPORTERS Dr. Bill & Evelyn Braithwaite Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Brown Howard M. Brown Rebecca Bushnell & John Toner Mr. William J. Camarinos Timothy J. Carlton Bill & Lynn Choquette Mary Elizabeth Cisneros & Michael Rosenman Mr. Richard H. Cleva Porter & Lisa Dawson Philip Deutch & Marne Levine Marjorie & Anthony Elson Abbey S. & Kenneth M. Fagin The Honorable & Mrs. Richard M. Fairbanks, III Nancy Ebb & Gary Ford Susan Ginsburg & Mario Velasquez The Honorable Constance B. Harriman & The Honorable Edward Whitfield Jill Hartman John & Meg Hauge Ms. Anita G. Herrick Ms. Deidre Holmes DuBois & Mr. Christopher E. DuBois Dr. David E. Johnson & Ms. Wendy Frieman Rick Kasten Elizabeth Keenoy Justine & David Kenney Richard & Jane Levy Mrs. Peter Lockwood Sandra Lotterman Ken Ludwig & Adrienne George Nancy Klein Maguire, Folger scholar Julianna Mahley Mr. I. Guyman Martin Mark McConnell & Leslie Delagran Pam McFarland & Brian Hagenbuch Peter & Mary Jay Michel Martin & Elaine Miller Jane & Paul Molloy Terence R. Murphy O.B.E. & Patricia Sherman Murphy Dr. Rebeccah Kinnamon Neff Dr. Klaus Nehring Mr. Mike Newton & Dr. Linda Werling Melanie & Larry Nussdorf Carolyn & Mark Olshaker Drs. Eldor & Judith Pederson Susan & Frank Salinger David Smith & Ilene Weinreich Mr. Murry Stegelmann Robert J. & Tina M. Tallaksen Ms. Ruth Taylor Kidd Mary Augusta & George D. Thomas Diane Tipton Bradt & David Bradt Tessa van der Willigen & Jonathan Walters Gail Weinmann & Nathan Billig Kathie & Mike Williams Peter & Ingrid Willson


Beverly & Christopher With Nyla & William G. Witmore Ms. Louisa Woodville & Mr. Nigel R. Ogilvie Mr. David Zapolsky & Ms. Lynn Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Zarr


Anonymous (7) John & Nancy Abeles Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Adelman Dr. Robert S. Adelstein & Mrs. Miriam A. Adelstein Ms. Jerrilyn V. Andrews & Mr. Donald E. Hesse Bess & Greg Ballentine Ms. Lisa U. Baskin Richard D. Batchelder, Jr. Mr. James Baxter Mr. Brent James Bennett Mr. Kirke Bent Dr. James E. Bernhardt & Ms. Beth C. Bernhardt Mr. & Mrs. I. Townsend Burden, III Susan & Dixon Butler Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Callahan Ms. Jillian Catalanotti Laura Cofield Ms. Mary Cole Mr. Mark D. Colley & Ms. Deborah A. Harsch Mr. Eric Cooper Estate of Victor V. Dahl Ms. Harriet H. Davis Dr. & Mrs. William Davis Ms. Dorothea W. Dickerman & Mr. Richard Kevin Becker Mr. Donald Dinan Natalie Marie (nee Hughes) Diorio Mr. John F. Downey Dr. Ross W. Duffin & Dr. Beverly J. Simmons Rose & John Eberhardt Mr. Donald Farrow Charles Fendig & Maria Fisher Ms. Tracy Fisher Ms. Laurie Fletcher & Dr. Allan Fraser Robert & Carole Fontenrose Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Galvin Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Gill Brent Glass & Cathryn Keller Ms. Patricia Gray Ms. Rosemary T. Haas Martha Harris Mr. Joseph M. Hassett & Ms. Carol Melton Robin & Bill Hawks Mr. Lane Heard Mrs. Anthony E. Hecht Terrance & Noel Hefty Ms. Johanna Hickman Michael J. Hirrel

Mr. & Mrs. Ty Hosler Professor Jean E. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Hurst Sherman & Maureen Katz Ms. Caroline Kenney Professor John N. & Pauline King Dr. Marcel C. LaFollette & Mr. Jeffrey K. Stine Col. Denny Lane & Dr. Naoko Aoki Mr. & Mrs. J. Ronald Langkamp Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Liden Mr. & Mrs. Robert Case Liotta Mr. James Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Lyon Mr. Thomas G. MacCracken Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Marks Mr. & Mrs. John McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. George K. Miller Sheila A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Myers Carl & Undine Nash Katherine Neville & William Woodward Mrs. Jean F. Nordhaus Andrew Oliver, Jr. & Melanie B. Du Bois Charles & Susan Parsons Anne Parten & Philip Nelson Mr. Joseph Perta Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Phillips Mrs. Jacqueline L. Quillen Whayne & Ursula Quin Mr. & Mrs. Rapp Mrs. Donald Rappaport Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Raskin Daniel L. Rabinowitz & Ann F. Thomas Ms. Shana Regon & Mr. Timothy O’Toole Heddy & Trip Reid Lola C. Reinsch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Reynolds David Roberts & David Spencer Dr. Markley Roberts Mary Jane Ruhl John & Lynn Sachs Mr. Josh Samet & Ms. Juli Baer Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schafer Ms. Elizabeth Scheuer Lois G. Schwoerer The Honorable Theodore Sedgwick James Baker Sitrick Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Small Gabriela & Douglas Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Stanley John & Alison Steadman Joanne M. Sten Mr. Leslie C. Taylor Amy & Mark Tercek Mr. & Mrs. Tim Thornton Mr. Anand Trivedi The Honorable Seth Waxman & Ms. Debra Goldberg Toby & Stacie Webb

SUPPORTERS Estate of Mary E. Weinmann Mr. David Weisman & Ms. Jacqueline Michel Ms. Jacqueline West Ms. Kimberly R. West Ms. Leslie Wheelock Mr. Donald E. White & Ms. Betty W. Good­White Professor R L Widmann Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Wilshere Anne & Fred Woodworth Georgianna Ziegler


Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ahmanson Dr. Peter J. Albert & Ms. Charlotte Mahoney Dr. Boris Allan & Ms. Kathleen L. Pomroy Ms. Doris E. Austin Mr. & Mrs. David Bair Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barefoot Ms. Kyle Z. Bell & Mr. Alan G.R. Bell Ms. Kathleen Bergin Drs. Robin & Clare Biswas Dr. Jean C. Bolan George H. Booth, II Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bott Dr. Mary H. Branton Kathleen Burger & Glen Gerada Colonel & Mrs. Lance J. Burton John Byrd & Lina Watson Mr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Cabe Ms. Molly C. Clay Leslie & Ray Clevenger Linda & John Cogdill Patricia Coleman Mr. & Mrs. William D. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. John J. Collins Mr. John W. Conlee Ronald M. Costell, MD & Marsha E. Swiss Mr. Douglas R. Cox G William Currier Ms. Sarah A. Davidson Ms. Jeanne De Sa Mr. & Mrs. David Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. DeVincentis Steve Dunn & Tom Burkhardt Dr. Terry Dwyer & Dr. Marcy F. Petrini Ms. Roberta L. Ellington Dr. William E. Engel Louise H. Engle Ms. Marietta Ethier Mr. Gerald Feierstein & Ms. Carolyn McIntyre Mr. Leo S. Fisher & Ms. Sue J. Duncan Ms. Marcia G. Flanigan The Folger Five Mr. James Forman Jere Gibber & J.G. Harrington

Donald Gilman Mrs. Marianne Ginsburg Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Goelzer Svetlana Gromova & Henry Horsey Dr. Martha Gross & Mr. Robert Tracy Mr. & Mrs. C. David Gustafson Dr. Nancy E. Gwinn & Dr. John Y. Cole Elizabeth H. Hageman Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Haller Robin Langfan & Jay M. Hammer Dr. Peter I. Hartsock Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hazen Ms. Vicki R. Herrmann Ms. Barbara Iverson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jackson Mr. Michael B. Jennison Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Kalb Dr. & Mrs. Paul L. Kaufman Mr. Christopher Kendall & Ms. Susan Schilperoort Joseph Kerr Ms. Erna Kerst Stephen Kieran & Barbara DeGrange Kieran Mr. Barry Kropf Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Lauzon Dr. Robert Lawshe Frances & Emery Lee Dr. Carole Levin Daniel Levinson Mr. & Mrs. Jan Lodal Charles & Polly Longsworth David & Lenka Lundsten Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynch Ms. Ellen Maland & Mr. Donald B. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mancini Cathleen A. Massey Mr. Winton E. Matthews, Jr. Mr. James W. McBride Ms. Catherine McClave Mr. & Mrs. David McGrath Marilyn & Charles McMillion Dr. Brian R. McNeill Dr. Heather McPherson Dr. Dan Melamed & Ms. Sharlene Weatherwax Beverly J. Melani & Bruce E. Walker Ms. Antoinette Miller Theodore & Mary Eugenia Myer Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm B. Niedner Mr. Joe M. Norton Dr. Judith Nowak Mr. Paul O’Hearn Mr. & Mrs. David M. Osnos Ms. Patricia J. Overmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parr Mr. & Mrs. Peter Parshall Ms. Sheila J. Peters Ms. Julie Phillips Dr. Susan Piepho

Dr. & Mrs. Warren S. Poland Ms. Gerit Ann Quealy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Saunders Mr. Eugene Schied Prof. Barbara A. Shailor PhD & Prof. Harry W. Blair II PhD Dr. James Shapiro Marilyn & Hugh South Richard Spear & Athena Tacha Spear Professor Raymond J. St. Leger Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Stauderman Tom & Pat Stevens Mr. Douglas Struck Ms. Theresa A. Sullivan Robin & Mark Swope Mr. John M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John V. Thomas Ms. Kathryn M. Truex Ms. Lynn Trundle James & Carol Tsang Mr. & Mrs. James T. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Van Voorhees Ms. Christine L. Vaughn & Mr. Christopher A. Dunn Ms. Lilla Vekerdy Mr. Ronald E. Wagner & Dr. Ruth Scogna Wagner Mr. Christopher White Webster Professor Paul Werstine Dorothy B. Wexler Ms. Carolyn L. Wheeler Mr. Kenneth Willard Mr. Michael A. Winkelman Ms. Abby L. Yochelson & Mr. Wallace Mlyniec


Anonymous (7) Mr. Robert Adler Ms. Monica Lynn Agree Mr. Stephen Ahern Mr. Thomas Ahern Jr. Mrs. Susan Alford Mr. & Mrs. Stewart F. Aly Ms. Jennifer Apostol Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bachmann Ms. Suzanne Bakshian & Mr. Vincent A. Chiappinelli Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Barry Mr. & Mrs. David M. Beckmann Dr. Donald R. Bennett Ellen S. Berelson & Larry Franks Professors David M. Bergeron & Geraldo de Sousa Dr. Katherine Berry & Mr. Christian Buchmann Ms. Mary C. Blake Mr. James L. Blum Mr. Henry H. Booth Professor Jackson C. Boswell Ms. Gwen W. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. John R. Brinkema Mrs. Adrianne Brooks Chris Brown & Mary Rollefson


SUPPORTERS Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey H. Brown Dr. James C. Bulman Ms. Victoria Butler & Mr. Tim Carney Mr. Daniel Casey Mr. Joseph Casey & Ms. Constance Pierce Casey Ms. C. Dawn Causey Colonel & Mrs. Larry M. Cereghino Dr. Morris J. Chalick Mr. Wallace W. Chandler Mr. Stephen R. Chapin Jr. Mr. John Chester Ms. Melanie B. Cline Mr. David M. Colbert Dr. Theresa M. Coletti Dr. Kathleen Comerford & Dr. Mark A. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cooke Robert W. Cover II & Bonnie Lepoff Drs. John W. Cox & Lo­An T. Nguyen­Cox James & Ann Coyle Ms. Katheryn L. Cranford Ms. D. Elizabeth Crompton Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Daniels Mr. Gregory V. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Demarco M P Donovan Colleen Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Eater Mr. Ted Eisenstein Mr. Douglas H. Erwin & Dr. Wendy Wiswall Mr. & Mrs. Prentiss E. Feagles Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Feldmayer Arthur & Shirley Fergenson Ms. Shelley N. Fidler Ms. Constance Filling Ms. Joyce Marie Flaherty Mr. Gregory Flowers Nancy M. Folger Mrs. Florence Bryan Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Craig Franklin Mr. John Franzén Ms. Nancy Frey Ms. Rhonda Friedler Mr. Roland M. Frye, Jr. & Ms. Susan M. Pettey Eunice Funderburk Mr. Dennis Gallagher Ms. Letitia Gardner Mrs. Joanne Garris Mr. Christopher Gassett Mrs. Nanette Gibbs Gail McMurray Gibson Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Prof. James A. Glazier Ms. Michelle Gluck & Dr. Walter Smith Mr. Lawrence J. Goffney, Jr. & Dr. Betty J. Forman Mr. Gregg H.S. Golden & Dr. Laura George


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goldstein Ms. Ann V. Gordon & Mr. Martin Singer Professor Suzanne Gossett Mr. John E. Graves, RIA & Ms. Hanh Phan Sayre N. Greenfield, PhD & Linda V. Troost, PhD Neal & Janice Gregory Ms. Maria E. Grosjean Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Guttentag Mr. Clifford Hackett Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Haley Col. Wesley P. Hallman & Dr. Silvana Rubino­Hallman Ms. Bonnie Hammerschlag David Hannay Ms. Joan E. Hartman Ms. Lucia Hatch Ms. Barbara W. Hazelett Dr. & Mrs. James A. Heath Robert E. Hebda Mrs. Carrie Y. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hill Prof. Heather A. Hirschfeld & Prof. Anthony Welch David Holland & Mary Brady Ms. Anna Rapp Hostrop Dr. Thomas Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Huey­Burns Mr. David R. Hughes Ms. Elizabeth M. Janthey Mr. & Mrs. E. Stewart Jeffries Ms. Vickie Johnson Hannah L. & David H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. James Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Kampschroeder Ms. Belinda Kane Ms. Sara W. Kane Dr. & Mrs. Herschel Kanter Dr. Candace Katz Theresa & Robert Keatinge Wendy & Robert Kenney Ms. Judith Kimball Mr. Robert S. Kirk Drs. Michael Knable & Maree Webster Ms. Kathleen Knepper Mr. James Knighton Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Knowlton Mr. Michael Kolakowski Kathleen Cogan Kovach Ms. Sarah Kyrouac Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lacki Mr. David W. Lankford Drs. Douglas & Janet Laube Mr. Edward Lawrence & Ms. Erin White Ms. Dorothea Lay Dr. Frank Lemoine Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Levy Lilly S. Lievsay Dr. Calvin C. Linnemann & Rev. Patricia G. Linnemann

Ms. Freddi Lipstein & Mr. Scott Berg Joseph & Sonya Livingston Mr. Joseph Loewenstein & Ms. C. Lynne Tatlock Ms. Mary Frances Lowe Ms. Giovanni Lynch Kathleen Lynch & John Blaney Dr. Deborah L. Malkovich & Dr. William Freimuth Mr. Tom Manteuffel & Ms. Rachel Manteuffel Dr. Lewis Markoff & Dr. Caroline Samuels Ms. Susan McCloskey Mr. Patrick McGraw Sean & Melissa McKenna Professor Jennifer McNabb Dr. Judith Mechanick Ms. M. Elizabeth Medaglia & Mr. Joseph H. Sinnott Ms. Nancy Elizabeth Meiners Mr. Steven J. Metalitz & Ms. Kit J. Gage Mr. & Mrs. W. Todd Miller Dr. & Mrs. Andy B. Molchon Mr. Nathaniel Montague Kathleen M. Morris Mr. Barry Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Nancy Nelkin Ms. Essence Newhoff & Dr. Paul Gardullo Ms. Maria Nunez & Mr. Stephan Ahadi Douglas W. & Maria T. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Olexson Mr. Aloysius U. Ordu Dr. Jessie Ann Owens Ms. Susan Pacholski & Mr. Nigel Purvis Ms. Barbara A. Patocka Stan Peabody Ms. Jane Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Pearson Linda Levy Peck Dr. Sylvia Holton Peterson & Dr. William Peterson Shari Lawrence Pfleeger & Charles P. Pfleeger Ms. Jennifer Pierson Mr. & Mrs. James S. Polk Mr. Michael J. Quigley & Mr. Chad E. Martin Mr. Terry Quist Robert Ramsey & Elizabeth Brown Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Rasmussen John & Barbara Ratigan Mr. William Waits Raulerson Ms. Tonya Rawe Mr. Peter S. Reichertz Mr. Christopher N. Reichow Dr. Joshua S. Reid Mr. Philip J. Reynolds Alice Riginos & Visilis Riginos

SUPPORTERS Ms. Lauren G. Roberts & Mr. Juan E. Sanchez Mr. Richard T. Robinson, III Mr. & Mrs. David Robinson Winnie & Alexander Robinson Ms. Emily Rose & Mr. James H. Marrow Mr. Stephen R. Saph Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Satinsky Mr. & Mrs. James P. Schaller Ms. Julie F. Schauer Drs. Alan N. & Geraldine P. Schechter Mr. Stephen Scherr Lt. Gen Robt E Schmidle, Jr., USMC (ret) & Pamela E. Schmidle Mr. Kurt R. Schwarz & Ms. Patsy G. Kennan Rebecca Scott & Neal Racioppo Mr. D. Stanton Sechler Professor & Mrs. Mortimer Sellers Mr. Roald Severtson Dr. Sherry Wood Shuman & Mr. Philip B. Shuman Patricia L. Sims, Esq. & David M. Sims, Esq. Dr. Bruce R. Smith Ms. Charissa Smith & Mr. Steven James Brown Ms. Phyllis Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sollinger Ms. Carol Sox Mr. Steve Spaulding & Dr. Alicen B Spaulding Ms. Stacy Spencer Ms. Sheila Kautt Dr. Edward Starr Ms. Cathleen Ann Steg & Mr. Schuyler E. Schell Mr. Daniel Steiner Mr. Douglas R. Stevens Allison Stockman Dr. James Waller Stone Mr. & Mrs. Donald Street Mr. & Mrs. Paul Taskier Mr. Jonathan Taylor & Ms. Dianne Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Grant P. Thompson Ms. Yoo Mi Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tocci Mr. Jeffrey Toretsky Ms. Susan Wilcox Turner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Vajs Dr. Arina van Breda Drs. Alden & Virginia Vaughan Drs. Betsy & Alkinoos Vourlekis Bryan & Diana Watabe Mr. & Mrs. William J. Weinhold Ms. Gloria M. Weissberg Dr. & Mrs. John R. Wennersten Dr. Brandy J. White Rev. Michael Wilker & Ms. Judy Kittleson

Sandy & Jon Willen Gary & Josephine Williams Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Wilson Ms. Betsy L. Wolf Ms. Edith C. Wolff Drs. Eric & Sandra Wolman Maureen & Brent Yacobucci Andy & Mary Zehe The First Folio Society The list below includes all friends who have included the Folger Shakespeare Library in their estate plans through a will commitment, a life income gift, or a beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy or retirement plan.

Anonymous (5) Professor Judith H. Anderson Ms. Doris E. Austin Dr. Carol Barton Professor Jackson C. Boswell Dr. Norma Broude & Dr. Mary D. Garrard Mr. William J. Camarinos Professor Carmen A. Casís Florence & Neal Cohen Ms. Mary Cole The Honorable Esther Coopersmith Drs. John W. Cox & Lo­An T. Nguyen­Cox Dr. James R. & Mrs. Rachel B. Dankert Mr. Douglas Evans Susan Fawcett & Richard Donovan Ms. Christine M. Feinthel Wendy Frieman & David Johnson Susan Sachs Goldman Mrs. Karen Gundersheimer Dr. Werner L. Gundersheimer Dr. Elizabeth H. Hageman Dr. Jay L. Halio Catherine Held Eric H. Hertting Mr. Michael J. Hirrel Dr. Dee Ann Holisky Ms. Deidre Holmes DuBois & Mr. Christopher E. DuBois William L. Hopkins Ms. Elizabeth J. Hunt Lizabeth Staursky Hurst Maxine Isaacs Bruce Janacek Mrs. Robert J.T. Joy Andrea “Andi” Kasarsky Paul & Margaret Kaufman Dr. Elizabeth T. Kennan Karl K. & Carrol Benner Kindel Professor John N. King Pauline G. King Merwin Kliman Dana and Ray Koch Professor Barbara Kreps Dr. Carole Levin

Lilly S. Lievsay Ken Ludwig & Adrienne George Dr. Nancy Klein Maguire Mark McConnell & Leslie Delagran Pam McFarland & Brian Hagenbuch Robin & Roger Millay Ms. Sheila A. Murphy Jennifer Newton Dr. Jessie Ann Owens Gail Kern Paster Linda Levy Peck Dr. Sylvia Holton Peterson Professor Kristen Poole Professor Anne Lake Prescott Dr. Mark Rankin Dr. Markley Roberts Ingrid Rose Susan & Frank Salinger Dr. Richard Schoch Mrs. S. Schoenbaum Lisa Schroeter Dr. Lois Green Schwoerer The Honorable Theodore Sedgwick Albert H. Small Bequest in memory of Rolf Soellner Richard Spear & Athena Tacha Spear Robin Swope Ednajane Truax Neal T. Turtell Scott & Liz Vance Drs. Alden & Virginia Vaughan Dr. Barbara A. Wanchisen Richard M. Waugaman, MD & Elisabeth P. Waugaman, PhD Professor R L Widmann George W. Williams The Honorable Karen Hastie Williams Louisa Woodville Dr. Georgianna Ziegler Every effort has been made to ensure that this list of donors is correct. Please accept our sincere apologies if you find any information here to be incorrect. Call the Development Office at 202.675.0321.


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