THE FOLGER Louis R. Cohen, Chair Susan Sachs Goldman, Vice-Chair Roger Millay, Vice-Chair Andrew Altman D. Jarrett Arp Simon Russell Beale The Lord Browne of Madingley Rebecca Bushnell Vinton Cerf Florence H. Cohen Lady Darroch Philip Deutch Deneen Howell Derek Kaufman May Liang Gail Kern Paster Stuart Rose Loren Rothschild Paul Smith Ex Officio Michael Witmore
SENIOR DIRECTORS Michael Witmore, Director Abbey Silberman Fagin, Chief Advancement Officer Melody Fetske, Director of Finance and Administration Janet Alexander Griffin, Director of Public Programs Eric M. Johnson, Director of Digital Access Kathleen Lynch, Executive Director, Folger Institute Peggy O’Brien, Director of Education Greg Prickman, Eric Weinmann Librarian
Lloyd Wolf
Folger Shakespeare Library is the world’s largest Shakespeare collection, the ultimate resource for exploring Shakespeare and his world. The Folger welcomes millions of visitors online and in person. At the Folger you can experience the power of performance, the wonder of exhibitions, and the excitement of pathbreaking research. We offer the opportunity to see and work with early modern sources, driving discovery and transforming education for students of all ages. A gift to the American people from industrialist Henry Clay Folger and his wife Emily Jordan Folger, the library opened in 1932.
Folger Theatre is the vibrant centerpiece of the Folger’s public programs. With a focus on Shakespeare, Folger Theatre produces plays reflecting the breadth of the library’s peerless collection. Shakespeare belongs to you. His world is vast. Come explore. Join us online, on the road, or in Washington, DC. Learn more at
FOLGER THEATRE 2018/19 SEASON Janet Alexander Griffin Artistic Producer Beth Emelson Associate Artistic Producer
Adapted by
David Polk General Manager Charles Flye Production Manager
Robert Richmond† With music performed by Folger Consort
William Davenant
Directed by
Music Director
Scenic Design
Costume Design
Robert Eisenstein
Tony Cisek*
Mariah Anzaldo Hale*
Lighting Design
Sound Design
Fight Choreographer
Andrew F. Griffin*
Matt Otto*
Cliff Williams III†
Resident Dramaturg
Folger Casting
Production Stage Manager
Michele Osherow
Teresa Wood
Becky Reed**
Assistant Stage Manager
Jessica Short**
Season Sponsors Maygene and Steve Daniels Helen and David Kenney and Family Roger and Robin Millay Neal T. Turtell Scott and Liz Vance
†Member of Stage Directors and Choreographers Society *Member of United Scenic Artists **Member of Actors’ Equity Association
Production Sponsor Nancy Klein Maguire, Folger scholar Contributing Sponsors Judy Areen and Richard Cooper Associate Sponsors Robert J. and Tina M. Tallaksen
This production is part of Performing Restoration Shakespeare, a program of the Arts and Humanities Research Council led by Queen's University Belfast.
Special Production Sponsors Jeffrey P. Cunard John and Connie McGuire Open-captioned Performance Sponsors Vinton and Sigrid Cerf
With additional support from
This project originated from a Folger Institute workshop, with Folger Consort and Folger Theatre.
When the English Civil War began in 1642, Parliament closed the playhouses. Other than a few public performances during the Interregnum, the theaters did not officially reopen until 1660, when the monarchy was restored. Upon his return to London, King Charles II granted patents to two theater companies: the King’s Company (led by Thomas Killigrew) and the Duke’s Company (led by Sir William Davenant). Because theatrical activity had been prohibited for nearly twenty years, artistic tastes had changed. Women finally were allowed to perform on the public stage; the new indoor theaters were equipped with proscenium arches, moveable perspective scenery, and machines for producing elaborate stage effects; and music and dance featured more prominently. As few new plays were immediately available, the theaters turned to old classics—including Shakespeare— revising these texts to reflect the current fashion. Under Davenant’s imaginative leadership the Duke’s Company gained a reputation for both scenic splendor and textual innovation: the witches in their Macbeth sang and danced; Miranda in The Tempest had a sister. Davenant’s Macbeth
Davenant’s adaptation of Macbeth (first performed ca. 1664) proved to be a lasting hit. The diarist Samuel Pepys loved it, describing it in 1667 as “a most excellent play in all respects, but especially in 6
William Faithorne. Sir William Davenant. Engraving, 1672. Folger Shakespeare Library.
divertisement, though it be a deep tragedy; which is a strange perfection in a tragedy, it being most proper here, and suitable.” Pepys was not alone in admiring the play. John Downes, the long-serving prompter for the Duke’s Company, later remarked that Macbeth, “alter’d by Sir William Davenant; being drest in all its Finery, as new Cloaths, new Scenes, Machines […] with all the Singing and Dancing in it […] it being all Excellently perform’d, being in the nature of an Opera, it Recompenc’d double the Expence.” Davenant’s revised text was performed well into the 18th century and his musical witches proved even more enduring, with Richard Leveridge’s 1702 setting continuing
ESPEARE: DAVENANT’S MACBETH to be sung well into the 19th century. This Folger Theatre production features John Eccles’s wonderful score (composed ca. 1695) with additional selections by Matthew Locke, Henry Purcell and others.
A Unique Collaboration
This production of Davenant’s Macbeth is the culmination of a unique collaboration between scholars and performing artists. It began with a 2014 Folger Institute workshop led by theater historian Richard Schoch and musicologist Amanda Eubanks Winkler. A team of visiting scholars, Folger Theatre actors, and members of the Folger Consort gathered to study and to stage excerpts from Davenant’s Macbeth and Charles Gildon’s revision of Measure for Measure. Our experiment demonstrated not only the appeal of Restoration Shakespeare in performance but also the value of a strong collaboration between scholars and artists to understand and to perform this distinctive theatrical genre. Building on the success of the Folger Institute workshop, Schoch and Eubanks Winkler received substantial funding in 2017 from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (United Kingdom) for the greatly expanded project “Performing Restoration Shakespeare” ( In partnership with the Folger Shakespeare Library, Shakespeare’s Globe, and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, our research project brings together scholars and
practitioners in theater and music to investigate how and why Restoration adaptations of Shakespeare succeeded in performance in their own time (1660-1710) and how and why they can succeed in performance today. This production of Davenant’s Macbeth marks a high point in our project and in our valued partnership with the Folger. We hope that you will enjoy its “strange perfection.” Richard Schoch is Professor of Drama at Queen’s University Belfast. In addition to being the Principal Investigator for ‘Performing Restoration Shakespeare,’ he is the author of Writing the History of the British Stage, 1660-1900 (Cambridge University Press). Together with Amanda Eubanks Winkler, he is currently writing a book on Restoration Shakespeare in performance. Amanda Eubanks Winkler is Associate Professor of Music History and Cultures at Syracuse University and is the CoInvestigator for ‘Performing Restoration Shakespeare.’ She is the author of O Let Us Howle Some Heavy Note: Music for Witches, the Melancholic, and the Mad on the Seventeenth-Century English Stage (Indiana University Press) and the editor of several volumes of Restoration theater music, including Music for Macbeth (A-R Editions). Claude Fretz is a Research Fellow in the School of Arts, English and Languages at Queen’s University Belfast. Apart from working on Restoration Shakespeare, he studies representations of dreams and sleep in the early modern period. His book Dreams, Sleep, and Shakespeare’s Genres is forthcoming from Palgrave Macmillan.
FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR The Folger Consort has of course mounted several Restoration music theater projects in the past, including The Fairy Queen, The Tempest, and most recently the Charles Gildon revision of Measure for Measure which contains all of Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas. These pieces, which featured semi-staged readings by Richard Clifford, Sir Derek Jacobi, and other fine actors along with our period music, were wonderfully satisfying projects. Here, though, with Davenant’s Macbeth, we have the unparalleled opportunity to stage fully one of the most popular works of Restoration music theater with the participation of scholars, musicians and actors. Although there were many Restoration performances of Davenant’s version of Macbeth as early as 1664 and continuing into the next century, we have no complete music for the play from any of these productions. The early Restoration performances may have had some music composed by Matthew Locke. They most likely also used earlier settings from before Cromwell, since some of the song texts for Davenant’s musical scenes were already present in the 1623 First Folio and were taken from another play, Thomas Middleton’s The Witch (1615-16). We do have music for later productions by John Eccles (ca. 1668-1735) and Richard Leveridge (ca. 1670-1758), and for this production we have elected to use most of Eccles’s surviving settings. His music is more interesting than Leveridge’s and is closer in time to our setting of the play in 1666 Bedlam. At this performance you will hear Eccles’s music for the four witches’ 8
songs: Speak, Sister, Speak; Let’s Have a Dance, Hecate; Oh, Come Away; and Black Spirits and White. Apart from a couple of short instrumental symphonies, that is all that we have of Eccles’s settings, and in whichever London theater this version was first performed there would have been an overture and most likely a set of pieces following before the curtain, then a curtain tune. There would also have been instrumental music separating all the acts. Restoration theater audiences were fond of lots of musical interpolations in their plays, ‘in the manner of an opera.’ Some examples more well known today than Davenant’s Macbeth are versions of The Tempest with music by Matthew Locke and, of course, the wonderful music by Henry Purcell (1659-95) for The Fairy Queen, King Arthur, Abdelazar, and Diocletian, which we refer to today as semi-operas. In a way, the paucity of early Restoration sources for the music for Davenant’s Macbeth gives us leave to draw on some of this other roughly contemporary theater music. This borrowing and reuse are entirely in the spirit of Restoration theater. We’ll begin, for instance with some theatrical music by Matthew Locke that only survives in a manuscript source. Before the play begins, you will hear the Curtain Tune from Locke’s music for The Tempest. There is plenty of music here by Purcell, the greatest English composer of his time. Listeners might recognize the Rondeau from Abdelazar, the Act IV Symphony from The Fairy
Queen, the Overture to Dido and Aeneas, his famous mad song for Bess of Bedlam, From silent shades, and the Funeral March for Queen Mary. The rest of our music this evening is drawn from the wonderful 17th century repertoire of English and Scottish country dances, and from various Scottish sources of fiddle and bagpipe music. You will mostly hear this music when the action of the play takes place out on the moors. Consort listeners and lovers of Scottish music might recognize tunes like The Scottish Huntsup, Highland Laddie, and the Reel of Tulloch. From Playford’s dance collections we have appropriated Moll
Peatly and a lovely and haunting tune we have come to regard as Lady Macduff’s theme, Long Cold Nights. It was not our intention to shape the relationship between music and speech in our production exactly as it would have been done in the Drury Lane or Lincoln’s Inn Fields theaters in the 17th century, with lavishly staged musical entertainments interspersed with the actual spoken play. Rather, we are inspired by the Restoration enthusiasm for ‘semi-opera’ to integrate 17thcentury words and music in an organic way that we hope will please our modern audience. –Robert Eisenstein
SYNOPSIS Davenant’s Macbeth, a Restorationera rewrite of Shakespeare’s tragedy, mixes witchcraft, prophecy, and murder. Despite adjustments to the original’s text—including additional scenes for the Macbeths and the Macduffs, expanded roles for the witches, and a robust musical score— the overall plot remains true to Shakespeare’s play. “The Three Sisters” appear to Macbeth and his comrade Banquo after a battle and prophesy that Macbeth will be king and that the descendants of Banquo will also reign. When Macbeth arrives at his castle, he and Lady Macbeth plot to assassinate King Duncan, soon to be their guest, so that Macbeth can become king. After Macbeth murders Duncan, the king’s two sons flee, and Macbeth is
crowned. Macduff and Lady Macduff meet the Three Sisters, who warn of a danger to Lady Macduff. Fearing that Banquo’s descendants will take over the kingdom, Macbeth has Banquo killed. At a royal banquet that evening, Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost appear, and he determines to consult the Three Sisters again. They comfort him with ambiguous promises. The nobleman Macduff rides to England to join Duncan’s older son, Malcolm. Macbeth, threatened, has Macduff’s wife and children murdered. Malcolm and Macduff lead an army against Macbeth, and he confronts them, trusting in the Three Sisters’ promises. However, the promises prove to be tricks; Macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm becomes Scotland’s king. 9
FROM THE DIRECTOR I am sure many of us have seen a production of Macbeth before, but I am positive none of us have ever seen Sir William Davenant’s adaptation of Macbeth. This production is a unique and historic opportunity for all the elements of the Folger Shakespeare Library, the Folger Institute, the Folger Theatre, and the Folger Consort to conjoin on a scale never before done. The unification of scholarship and live performance on this project has not been attempted to this degree. This production has been over two years in the planning and I am honored to be at the helm. The creative team and the scholars have been working very hard to understand the principles of its orientation in an effort to make it accessible and relevant for our audience today. The concept for this production is a play within a play—a one-time performance staged as a fundraising event for Bedlam, the mental asylum in London, two weeks after the Great Fire in 1666. The inmates of the asylum have been rehearsing in roles that are meaningful to their personalities, conditions, and relationships. The history of Bedlam as a hospital is rich. The name has entered our language as a description of inhumanity and chaos. This allows the acting approach of the play within the play to be demonstrative and closer to a Restoration style.
Then things go horribly wrong. The murder of Duncan (played by the Warden) prompts a significant shift in this production. The theatrical prop knives are switched and Macbeth murders the Warden before a live audience and his fellow inmates. Thus, the evening takes on a very different tone and we are transported into a dark, ruthless world of violence and mayhem. Bedlam ensues! From this point on, the acting is rooted in realism and more kin to 21st-century performances of this play. Our Bedlam of 1666 is set in the original building, built on a troubled sewer, where visitors are restricted and conditions are appalling. It has the elements of a makeshift, openhanded theater set up in the public space, and the settings and props are from things that can be found inside the hospital. Encouraged by the Warden, the play begins with an orchestra that has been hired for the evening’s special performance, and starts in a way that we imagine they might have acted in the 17th century. The Folger is the only place in the country where academic scholarship, performance expertise, and creative design can come together and produce a unique and original artistic result. It has been my pleasure to collaborate with all the constituents on this remarkable endeavor. –Robert Richmond 11
(in alphabetical order)
Louis Butelli* John Floyd Chris Genebach* Jeff Keogh* Andhy Mendez* Rachael Montgomery Emily Noël Kate Eastwood Norris* Ian Merrill Peakes* Karen Peakes* Owen Peakes Rafael Sebastian* Ethan Watermeier* Jaysen Wright*
Duncan Donalbain Macduff Seyton Banquo Witch Witch Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macduff Fleance Malcolm Witch Lennox
MUSICIANS Risa Browder Violin Nina Falk Viola Dan Meyers Multi-Instrumentalist John Moran Cello Leslie Nero Violin Webb Wiggins Harpsichord Understudies Kimberly Braun (Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff)
Acacia Danielson (The Witches) John Floyd (Malcolm, Fleance)
Chris Genebach* (Macbeth) Darrell Johnston (Banquo, Duncan, Seyton) KP Powell (Macduff, Lennox, Donalbain)
*Members of Actors’ Equity Association (AEA), the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Equity’s mission is to advance, promote, and foster the art of live theater as an essential component of our society. Today, Equity represents more than 49,000 actors, singers, dancers, and stage managers working in hundreds of theaters across the United States. Equity members are dedicated to working in the theater as a profession, upholding the highest artistic standards. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. For more information, visit
New Hearing Loop Technology (Telecoil) Our theater is equipped with an Induction Hearing Loop for state-of-the-art assisted listening. If your hearing aid has a T-coil, please toggle to that setting to receive our audio signal directly without using the headset and only wearing the lariat.
This production is performed with one 15-minute intermission. Please refrain from using cell phones, cameras, or other recording devices during Macbeth. 13
PRODUCTION CREDITS Assistant Directors Production Assistant Fight Captain Dramaturgical Intern Props Master Set Construction Assistant Costume Designers Wig Design Wardrobe Head Costume Construction Wig Maintenance Master Electrician Assistant Master Electrician Sound Engineer Graphic Design & Advertising Agency Marketing Design Consultant PR and Promotion Photography Promotional and Production Video Open Captioning
Katelyn Manfre Lindsay Rae Taylor Christina Miller Andhy Mendez Sarah Lind Tony Koehler Bella Faccia Inc. Sydney Moore Adalia Tonneyck Paul Huntley Cidney Forkpah Ansaldo Costumes, Tessa Lew, Martina Livingston, Kelly Renko-Clarkson Daphne Epps Alex Keen Kristen Roth Brandon Roe Grafik Emily Tartanella Brittany Diliberto Blue Land Media, Mark Fastoso, APTV C2
Performing Restoration Shakespeare: Amanda Eubanks Winkler and Richard Schoch, Principal Investigators; Claude Fretz, Project Researcher; Lisa Freeman, Sarah Ledwidge, Deborah Payne, Sara Reimers, Andrew Walkling, Stephen Watkins, Participating Scholars. Acknowledgements: Madelyn Dundon, Daryl Eisenberg and Ally Beans, Cynthia Mullins, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Naomi Osborne, Abbie Weinberg. Thank you to Willard Martin Harpsichords for providing the harpsichord. This model is based on a 1623 engraving by Marin Mersenne; its stand is based on a drawing by Michelangelo. Folger Docents, Volunteer Ushers, and the Junior League of Washington DC are vitally important to our success. Heartfelt thanks to these generous donors of time and talent. 14
Folger Theatre is a member of Blue Star Theaters, CultureCapital, Cultural Tourism DC, theaterWashington, Shakespeare Theatre Association, and Theatre Communications Group, Inc.
CAST Louis Butelli Duncan Folger Theatre: Timon of Athens, Gravedigger’s Tale, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar (2014, 2000), Twelfth Night (Helen Hayes nomination), Henry V, Henry VIII (Helen Hayes Award), Othello; Shakespeare Theatre Company: The Taming of the Shrew. Regional: Hartford Stage, ART, South Coast Rep, La Jolla Playhouse, Yale Repertory, Long Wharf Theatre, Alabama Shakespeare Festival. OffBroadway: Sleep No More, Much Ado About Nothing, The Comedy of Errors, Agamemnon, Othello, Twelfth Night; The New Victory Theater: A Midsummer Night’s Dream; 47th St. Theater and Ars Nova: CYCLOPS: A Rock Opera (also director, co-writer, NYMF Award, Pulitzer Jury nomination, 3 LA Weekly Award nominations). Television: The Knick, Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, The Unusuals, All My Children, Benders. @louisbutelli.
John Floyd Donalbain Folger Theatre: Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens. Regional: Williamstown Theatre Festival: Unknown Soldier; Trustus Theatre: Marcus: or The Secret of Sweet, Peter and the Starcatcher, Marie Antoinette; Theatre South Carolina: The Three Musketeers, Hamlet, The Trojan Women, The Women of Lockerbie, Ajax in Iraq, Yellowman, King Lear, The Importance of Being Earnest. @iJohnFloyd
Chris Genebach Macduff Folger Theatre: Antony and Cleopatra, Twelfth Night, Henry V, Othello, Cyrano, Orestes: A Tragic Romp; Olney Theatre Center: The Crucible, My Fair Lady, Carousel, Awake & Sing!; Mosaic Theatre Company: A Human Being Died That Night, Ulysses on Bottles; Shakespeare Theatre Company: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Henry
IV: Parts 1 and 2, Measure for Measure, The Two Gentleman of Verona, Julius Caesar (FFA), Cymbeline, King Lear, Titus Andronicus; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company: Mr. Burns, a post-electric play; Studio Theatre: The Big Meal, Superior Donuts, Shining City. Regional: Everyman Theatre: Death of a Salesman, A Streetcar Named Desire, An Inspector Calls; Goodman Theatre: King Lear; Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Short Shakespeare! Macbeth, Rose Rage: Henry VI, Parts 1, 2 and 3, King John, Short Shakespeare! A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Short Shakespeare! Romeo and Juliet. Off-Broadway: The Duke: Rose Rage: Henry VI, Parts 1, 2 and 3; MTC: The Other Side. Broadway: Manhattan Theatre Club: Shining City.
Jeff Keogh Seyton Folger Theatre: As You Like It, Mary Stuart, District Merchants (u/s), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (u/s), Pericles (u/s), Romeo and Juliet (u/s); Studio Theatre: Translations; Chesapeake Shakespeare Company: Antony and Cleopatra, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, As You Like It, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Round Table Theatre Company: Macbeth, Hamlet; Miami Theatre Center: company member 2007 to 2010.
Andhy Mendez Banquo Folger Theatre: Timon of Athens. Regional: Cleveland Playhouse: Shakespeare in Love; ASOLO Repertory Theatre: Hamlet: Prince of Cuba. Off-Broadway: 777 Theatre: Strawberry and Chocolate; TNC: Sotto Voce, Daughter of the Waves. Film: Half the Perfect World, For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story, Cuban Blood. Television: Chicago PD, Bull, Orange is the New Black, Forever, Blue Bloods, Blacklist, Gossip Girl, NYC 22, Golden Boy. (continued on page 18)
CAST Rachael Montgomery Witch Folger Theatre: The Way of the World (u/s); Rorschach Theatre: Sunset on Holy Water; Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Academy for Classical Acting: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Coriolanus; Regional: Circle Squared Collective: Julius Caesar; Baylor Theater: The 39 Steps, Hecuba, The Odyssey, Circle Mirror Transformation. Televison: How We Got Here.
Emily Noël Witch Folger Consort: The Second Shepherds’ Play, An English Garden, Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming, Play of Love, Measure + Dido, Shakespeare and Purcell, The Merchant of Venice, A Renaissance Christmas, Christmas in New Spain, Map of the World. New Dramatists: Tale of Two Cities; Washington National Cathedral: The Witch of Endor, St. Matthew Passion; Ente Concerti Città di Iglesias: Dido and Aeneas, Rigoletto; Amsterdam Grachtenfestival: Riders to the Sea; American Opera Theater: La Calisto, La Didone, David et Jonathas, Jephthe; Santa Fe Opera: King Roger; Washington Bach Consort: Mass in B Minor, Magnificat; Television: Virtually Famous, Animals Make You Laugh Out Loud. Three-time Wammie (Washington Area Music Awards) nominee for Best Classical Vocal Soloist.
Kate Eastwood Norris Lady Macbeth Folger Theatre: Mary Stuart, The Taming of the Shrew (Helen Hayes nomination), Hamlet: Now I Am Alone, The School for Scandal, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Helen Hayes Award), Much Ado About Nothing, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, She Stoops To Conquer, The Tempest, Hamlet (1999); Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company: Stupid F***ing Bird (Helen Hayes nomination), Full Circle, Fever/Dream, She
Stoops To Comedy (Helen Hayes Award), Big Love, Bug; Arena Stage: The Book Club Play; Studio Theatre: The Father, Animal. Source Theatre: Intimate Exchanges (Helen Hayes nomination), Private Eyes; Round House Theatre: A Body of Water; Regional: Actors Theatre of Louisville Humana Festival: Gnit, Eat Your Heart Out; Berkeley Repertory Theatre: Concerning Strange Devices From The Distant West; Shakespeare Santa Cruz: Much Ado About Nothing, The Playboy of the Western World, As You Like It, King Lear; Portland Center Stage: Bo-Nita, The North Plan, How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found; Florida Stage: Ghostwriter; Delaware Theatre Company: Lucy; Two River Theater Company: The Pavilion; The Wilma Theater: My Wonderful Day, Rock ‘n Roll (2009 Barrymore Award); Arden Theatre Company: Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Franklin’s Apprentice; Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre: The False Servant, Uncle Vanya, Henry IV Parts 1 and 2; American Shakespeare Center: The Taming of the Shrew, King Lear, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard III, Much Ado About Nothing, Love’s Labor’s Lost, Henry IV Part 2, Tartuffe, Measure for Measure, The Knight of The Burning Pestle.
Ian Merrill Peakes Macbeth Folger Theatre: Timon of Athens, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Helen Hayes Award); Othello, Henry VIII (Helen Hayes nomination), Macbeth (Helen Hayes nomination), The Game of Love and Chance (Helen Hayes nomination), Measure for Measure, The Clandestine Marriage, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Melissa Arctic, Twelfth Night; Chicago Shakespeare Theatre: Macbeth; Shakespeare Theatre Company: King Charles III, The Taming of the Shrew. Regional: Arden Theatre: Equivocation, Something Intangible (Barrymore Award), All My Sons (Barrymore Award), Three Days of Rain; The Wilma Theater: Body of an American, The Invention of Love; Philadelphia Theatre Company: Sideman (Barrymore Award); Theatre Exile: Invisible Hand (Barrymore Award nomination), Red
Light Winter (Barrymore Award nomination); Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival; Walnut Street Theatre: Peter and the Starcatcher; People’s Light & Theatre Company; Denver Center for the Performing Arts: The Catch, Glengarry Glen Ross, When Tang Met Laika; Actors Theatre of Louisville: The Crucible, Twelfth Night; Shakespeare Santa Cruz: Much Ado About Nothing; Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre: The False Servant. Television: Still Standing, Hack, Homicide. Film: Buried Girl, Lebanon, PA, Gentleman’s Game.
Karen Peakes Lady Macduff Folger Theatre: Othello, Henry VIII, Measure for Measure, Macbeth, The Two Gentleman of Verona. Regional: Arden Theatre: Twelfth Night, A Little Night Music; Walnut Street Theatre: Of Mice and Men, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, Fallen Angels, Doubt; Delaware Theatre Company: Hetty Feather, Heisenberg, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Explorers Club, War of the Roses; InterAct: Gidion’s Knot; The Wilma Theatre: The Real Thing (Barrymore nomination); Act II Playhouse: Bad Dates, Hotel Suite, Taking Sides; Peoples Light: Born Yesterday (Barrymore nomination), Man from Nebraska, Secret Garden, Sense and Sensibility; Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival: The Taming of the Shrew, Blithe Spirit; The Peterborough Players: Born Yesterday, Doll’s House, Measure for Measure (New Hampshire Theatre Award for Best Actress); VoiceOver: The Fixies (animated series); Brilliance Audio: numerous titles found on
Owen Peakes Fleance Regional: Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival: Blithe Spirit; Merchantville School Players: Suessical the Musical, 101 Dalmatians.
Rafael Sebastian Malcolm Folger Theatre: As You Like It (u/s); Shakespeare Theatre Company: Romeo and Juliet; Mosaic Theatre Company: Paper Dolls (American Premiere); National Gallery of Art: Color’s Garden; Chesapeake Shakespeare Company: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Fantasticks, Romeo and Juliet; The Kennedy Center: Cartography, A Departure; Adventure Theatre MTC: The Jungle Book; Imagination Stage: Wiley and the Hairy Man (Helen Hayes Award–Outstanding TYA Production); The Hub Theatre: Carried Away on the Crest of a Wave. Regional: Constellation Theatre Company, Forum Theatre, Marin Shakespeare Company, Sacramento Theatre Company, Sierra Repertory Theatre, San Francisco Movement Art Festival. International/ Teaching: Artists Striving to End Poverty and Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School. @rafaelsebastian_.
Ethan Watermeier Witch Regional: Shakespeare Theatre Company, Olney Theatre Center, Signature Theatre, Strathmore Music Center, Rainbow Theatre Project, Theatre Under the Stars, Theatre at the Center, Little Theatre on the Square, Bailiwick Repertory, Vital Theatre Company. Broadway/National Tour: Les Misérables. Opera: Houston Grand Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Aspen Music Festival. Awards: Lotte Lenya International Competition, Anna Case-Mackay Grant. Education: Northwestern University (BM); The Manhattan School of Music (MM); University of Maryland (Doctoral Studies); Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Academy for Classical Acting (Fall 2015). Teaching: American University (current), University of Virginia, University of Maryland, Catholic University. Professional memberships: National Association of Teachers of Singing, VASTA, MTEA, Somatic Voicework™ Teachers Association, artist roster of Sing For Hope.
CAST Jaysen Wright Lennox Ford’s Theatre: The Wiz, A Christmas Carol; Studio Theatre: WIG OUT!, Choir Boy, The Rocky Horror Show; Arena Stage: Smart People; Imagination Stage: Davy Copperfield (upcoming), Anatole, Mouse Magnifique (upcoming),The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Looking for Roberto Clemente; Theater J: Actually (upcoming), Sons of the Prophet; Marin Theatre Company: Choir Boy; 1stStage: Now Comes the Night, Take Me Out; Adventure Theatre: Pinkalicous: The Musical, 12 Days of Christmas; The Welders: The Carolina Layaway Grail; Shakespeare Theatre Company: Measure for Measure, Wallenstein, Coriolanus; Indiana Festival Theatre: You Can’t Take It With You, The Taming of the Shrew; Brown County Playhouse: The Nerd.
Risa Browder Violin Studied at Oberlin Conservatory, the Royal College of Music in London, and the Schola Cantorum in Basel, Switzerland. She has performed with the Academy of Ancient Music, the English Concert, London Classical Players, Les Musiciens du Louvre, Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra, the Washington Bach Consort, the National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra and the Bach Sinfonia, and with the chamber ensembles London Baroque, the Purcell Quartet, and REBEL. She co-directs Modern Musick, in residency at Georgetown University; is the orchestra director at H-B Woodlawn Secondary Program; is the co-director of the Baltimore Baroque Band. She plays a violin made by Jacob Stainer in 1641.
Nina Falk Viola Studied at the Juilliard Preparatory Division, Oberlin Conservatory, and on a Fulbright fellowship in
London and Rome. A former member of the Baltimore Symphony, she plays with the Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Opera Lafayette, and the Cantate Chamber Singers. She is a founding member of the Arcovoce Chamber Ensemble, and founder and director of A Musical Heart which brings live music to the bedside of hospice patients.
Dan Meyers Multi-Instrumentalist Performances include the Kennedy Center, Shakespeare’s Globe on Broadway: Twelfth Night, Richard III; Newport Folk Festival, Utah Shakespeare Festival, Boston Early Music Festival, York (UK) Early Music Festival, the Cambridge Revels, and on NPR. Ensembles include Seven Times Salt, Meravelha, The Newberry Consort, and Early Music New York. Director of Early Wind Studies for the Five Colleges (MA) with lectures/performances at Harvard, NYU, Tufts University, and Brandeis University. Also performs traditional Irish and Scottish music with Ulster Landing, and southern Italian/Mediterranean folk music with Newpoli.
John Moran Cello Studied performance at the Oberlin Conservatory and the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, and musiciology at King’s College London. Plays with REBEL and Washington Bach Consort, and co-directs Modern Musick, in residence at Georgetown University. He teaches viola da gamba and Baroque cello at the Peabody Conservatory, where, with Risa Browder, he co-directs the Baltimore Baroque Band, for which Early Music America recognized them as joint recipients of the 2018 Thomas Binkley Prize Award “for outstanding achievement in performance and scholarship by the director of a university early music ensemble.”
CREATIVE TEAM Leslie Nero Violin A native of Washington, DC, Leslie Nero was professionally active for 15 years in Ontario and Quebec, Canada, playing in several orchestras. Upon returning to the Washington metropolitan area, she began playing as a freelance violinist and violist with both modern and baroque ensembles. She often performs with Arcovoce, Opera Lafayette, Modern Musick, the Folger Consort, and the Washington Bach Consort. She also enjoys teaching violin to many eager fourth and fifth grade students in the Alexandria City Public Schools. Her violin is by Jason Viseltear and the bow is a 17th century model by Steve Marvin
Webb Wiggins Harpsichord Performs with the Dryden Ensemble, Chatham Baroque, Hesperus, Bach Parley, Smithsonian Chamber Players, and the Florida Orchestra. Recently retired from the Oberlin College and the Peabody Conservatories of Music, he also taught for many years at the Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute and the Amherst Early Music Festival. He has taught and performed across the globe: China, Taiwan, New Zealand, Ecuador, Europe, as well as on three trans-Atlantic voyages. Recordings can be heard on Smithsonian, Dorian, EMI, Bard, and PGM labels.
Robert Richmond Director Folger Theatre: Nell Gwynn (upcoming), Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, Julius Caesar (2014, 2001), Richard III, Twelfth Night, Henry V, Othello, Henry VIII. Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library audio recordings: Julius Caesar, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Full Circle Productions: The Pavilion, Arden of Faversham; Theatre South Carolina: The Crucible. Other work at regional theaters include: The Lost Colony, La Jolla Playhouse, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Two River Theater Company. OffBroadway: Much Ado About Nothing, The Comedy Of Errors, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Cyrano de Bergerac, The Iliad: Book One, King Lear, Twelfth Night, Agamemnon. He is Artistic Director of Theatre South Carolina, Chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of South Carolina. Film: Dreadful Sorry, winner of the South Carolina Film Commission’s 2010 Production Grant.
Robert Eisenstein Music Director Folger Consort: Co-Artistic Director with over 200 productions and performances over the past 40 years. Significant performances include The Second Shepherds’ Play (2016, 2007), Measure + Dido at the Kennedy Center and Napa Valley Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice at Shakespeare’s Gloobe and Strathmore, The Fairy Queen, and Hildegard von Bingen’s Ordo Virtutum at the Washington National Cathedral. Director of the Five College Early Music Program; Music Director for the Five College Opera Project production of Francesca Caccini’s La Liberazione di Ruggiero. He is a faculty member of Mount Holyoke College, where he teaches music history and performs the viola da gamba, violin, and medieval fiddle. He is an active participant in the Five College Medieval Studies. Recipient of Early Music America’s Thomas Binkley Award for outstanding achievement in performance and scholarship by the director of a college early music ensemble. (continued on next page)
CREATIVE TEAM Tony Cisek Scenic Design Folger Theatre: Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, District Merchants, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Twelfth Night, Henry V, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello (2011), The Comedy of Errors, Henry VIII, Much Ado About Nothing (2009, 1998), 1 Henry IV, The School For Scandal, The Tempest (2007, 2000), Romeo and Juliet (2005, 1997), Melissa Arctic, Elizabeth the Queen, Twelfth Night (costumes), As You Like It (2001), Shakespeare’s R & J, Hamlet; Folger Consort: The Second Shepherds’ Play (2016, 2007), Comus. Work at other DC theaters includes: Arena Stage, Ford’s Theatre, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Round House Theatre, Signature Theatre, Theater J, Theater Alliance, The Kennedy Center. Regional theaters include: Guthrie Theater, Goodman Theatre, Alliance Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Portland Center Stage, Cleveland Play House, Intiman Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Syracuse Stage, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Two River Theater Company, Delaware Theatre Company. OffBroadway: Roundabout Theatre Company: Beyond Glory; New York Theatre Workshop: columbinus.
Mariah Anzaldo Hale Costume Design Folger Theatre: Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, Sense and Sensibility, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Twelfth Night (Helen Hayes nomination), Henry V, Henry VIII (Associate Costume Designer, Helen Hayes nomination), Othello (Associate Costume Designer). Regional: Papermill Playhouse: A Comedy of Tenors, A Bronx Tale (Associate); Cleveland Playhouse: A Comedy of Tenors (Associate); Goodspeed Opera/ Norma Terris: Both Barrels; McCarter Theatre: Murder on the Orient Express (Associate); Algonquin Arts Center: The 39 Steps (Perry nomination); American Stage Company: The Butter and Egg Man; Dallas Theater Center: Arsenic and Old Lace (Associate); Roundabout Theatre for WIL Studios: Picnic, Company. Off-Broadway: A
Good Swift Kick. National Tours for WIL Studios: Crazy for You, Guys and Dolls, Music of the Night. Broadway for WIL Studios: A Bronx Tale, Chicago, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Laughter on the 23rd Floor.
Andrew F. Griffin Lighting Design Folger Theatre: Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, Twelfth Night, Henry V (Helen Hayes Award), Othello (Helen Hayes nomination); Work at other DC theaters includes: Olney Theater Center for the Arts, Signature Theatre, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Synetic Theater, Theatre J, Studio Theatre, Imagination Stage, Everyman Theatre. Recent Regional Credits Include: Yale Repertory Theatre: The Moors (Connecticut Critics Circle Nomination); Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre: Raging Skillet; Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre: Crowns, The Last Five Years, Once on this Island (Big Easy Award), Jelly’s Last Jam; Delaware Theatre Company: Ella: First Lady of Song, Hetty Feather; Associate Design: A Thousand Splendid Suns at: American Conservatory Theatre, Theatre Calgary, The Grand Theatre, The Old Globe; New York: Off Broadway: Goldstein; Cherry Lane: Lucie Pohl, Hi Hitler; TiltYard: Midsummer; NYMF: The Body Politic; Cantata Profana: Diary of One Who Vanished; Access Theatre: The War Boys. MFA Yale School of Drama.
Matt Otto Sound Design Folger Theatre: Timon of Athens; Solas Nua: Johnny Meister and the Stitch (Helen Hayes Award nomination). Regional: Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival: Our Town, Love Labor's Lost; Alabama Shakespeare Festival: Fly; Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma: James and the Giant Peach; Brown/Trinity Rep: Stone Cold Dead Serious, Vibrator Play; Yale Rep: Stones in His Pockets. New York: Cherry Lane: Patron of the Arts, Nollywood Dreams, Esai’s Table, King Lear; Barrow Group: Abigail’s Party, Muswell Hill, Thing with Feathers, Enemy of the People; LDK Productions: Arden Everywhere/As You Like
It; New York Musical Festival: Cadaver of Synod; Colt Couer: Empathitrax.
Cliff Williams III Fight Director Arena Stage: Disgraced, The Shoplifters, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Gem of the Ocean; Center Stage: As You Like It; Studio Theatre: Chimerica; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company: Familiar, Dead Man’s Cell Phone; The Welders: Girl in the Red Corner (Helen Hayes Award). Regional: Actors Theatre of Louisville: Dracula, The Scene, Six Years; Long Wharf Theatre: Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville.
Michele Osherow Resident Dramaturg Folger Theatre: The Winter’s Tale (2018, 2009), The Way of the World, Antony and Cleopatra, Timon of Athens, As You Like It, Sense and Sensibility, District Merchants, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2016, 2006), Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Mary Stuart, Julius Caesar, Fiasco Theater Company: The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet (dramaturg and actor), Twelfth Night, Henry V, The Conference of the Birds, The Taming of the Shrew, The Gaming Table, Othello (2011, 2002), Cyrano, The Comedy of Errors, Henry VIII, Hamlet, Orestes: A Tragic Romp, Much Ado About Nothing, Arcadia, 1 Henry IV, Macbeth, The Tempest, Measure for Measure (dramaturg and actor). Associate Professor of English at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Becky Reed Production Stage Manager Kennedy Center Theater for Young Audiences: The Cerulean Time Capsule; Olney Theatre Center: Marjorie Prime, I And You, Ain’t Misbehavin’; Rorschach Theatre: A Maze, She Kills Monsters; Spooky Action Theatre & machina eX: Happy Hour; Studio Theatre: The Effect, No Sisters; Theater J: Becoming Dr. Ruth, Everything Is Illuminated, Copenhagen; Assistant Stage Manager at Rep Stage, Signature Theatre, Theater J, Opera Lafayette, and others. National Tour: Kennedy Center Theater for Young
Audiences: Elephant & Piggie’s We Are In A Play!. Regional: Playhouse on the Square: Grey Gardens, The 39 Steps, Dividing the Estate, From Up Here, Black Pearl Sings, Superior Donuts; Weathervane Playhouse: Alice in Wonderland.
Jessica Short Assistant Stage Manager Folger Theatre: The Winter’s Tale, The Way of the World, Antony and Cleopatra; Round House Theatre Company: Caroline, or Change, Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley, Angels in America: Millennium Approaches and Perestroika, The Who & The What, Stage Kiss; Kennedy Center TYA: The Cerulean Time Capsule; Forum Theatre: The Pillowman, Passion Play, The T Party, How We Got On; 1st Stage: The Good Counselor; Arena Stage: Healing Wars; Anacostia Playhouse: DC Dead: Mutation; Signature Theatre: Jelly’s Last Jam; Flying V: You, or Whatever I Can Get.
Beth Emelson Associate Artistic Producer Folger Theatre: since 2004. Off-Broadway: Producing Director, Atlantic Theater Company (OBIE and Drama Desk Award winner); Producing Director, Classic Stage Company (Lortel and OBIE Award winner). Broadway and Off-Broadway: Associate Executive Producer, Lincoln Center Theater (Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics’ Circle, Lortel, and OBIE Award winner); General Management Associate: Brooklyn Academy of Music and The Public Theater; Producing Director, Member, Board Member, Naked Angels. She produces for both the Nantucket and Tribeca Film Festivals as well as teaching producing for New York University
Janet Alexander Griffin Artistic Producer As Director of Public Programs, Griffin has established Folger Theatre as a home for creative, contemporary approaches to classic theater. She has produced more than 25 seasons of theater, including the majority of Shakespeare plays, as well as the work of many other playwrights; more than 800 (continued on next page)
CREATIVE TEAM concerts of early music; and a like number of other cultural events. Her leadership of Folger Theatre has seen the theater recognized with 147 nominations and 30 awards for excellence from Washington’s Helen Hayes Awards. These include six awards for Outstanding Resident Production, most recently received for Sense and Sensibility in 2017. Bard Records, created by Griffin, has released 23 titles of music by Folger Consort and others, and Folger Theatre has seven fully dramatized Shakespeare audio books available through Simon and Schuster. Projects commissioned or developed include Lynn Redgrave’s Shakespeare for My Father and Rachel and Juliet; The Fairy Queen and other presentations of Baroque music and Shakespeare with Derek Jacobi, Richard Clifford, and other celebrated artists; Roger Rees’ What You Will; The Second Shepherds’ Play adapted by Mary Hall Surface; Aaron Posner’s District Merchants; Caroline Shaw’s The Tempest; The Gravedigger’s Tale with Louis Butelli; and the upcoming immersive theater presentation by Third Rail Productions. She was the first to bring to Washington a Shakespeare’s Globe production and to take Folger programming to London’s Wanamaker Playhouse at the Globe, as well as other venues in Washington, New York, and California. Other Folger programs stewarded by Griffin are the O.B. Hardison Poetry series, celebrating its 50th season; a 30-year collaboration with the PEN/Faulkner Foundation; screenings from the Royal Shakespeare Company; and lectures and readings by theater professionals, early modern scholars, and contemporary literary figures.
Folger Consort Engaging Washington-area audiences since 1977, Folger Consort is the early music ensemble-in-residence at the Folger Shakespeare Library. Founding Artistic Directors Robert Eisenstein and Christopher Kendall create programs that offer opportunities to discover and enjoy music from the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. Whether presenting concerts in the ensemble’s intimate home, the Folger’s Elizabethan-styled theater, or in the splendid reaches of Washington National Cathedral,
the Folger Consort continues its tradition of bringing renowned guest artists to Washington, DC to join in its “early music chamber society.” Beyond its concert series, Folger Consort strives to deepen audiences’ understanding and appreciation of early music through seminars, discussions, recordings, radio programs, and unique collaborations with other programs of the Folger Shakespeare Library. Folger Consort has received five awards for Best Classical Chamber Ensemble by the Washington Area Music Awards. For more information, visit
Folger Institute Folger Institute is a center for research in early modern humanities at the Folger Shakespeare Library. Under the direction of Kathleen Lynch, Executive Director, and Owen Williams, Assistant Director for Scholarly Programs, the Institute is an integral aspect to the Performing Restoration Shakespeare initiative. Through its cross-disciplinary conversations, the Institute gathers scholarly communities to stimulate fresh research in the Library collections and establish new teaching agendas for early modern fields.
Folger Theatre Folger Shakespeare Library, opened in 1932, featured the first replica in North America of an Elizabethan theater, a 250-seat space designed to suggest the innyard playing spaces. Founders Henry and Emily Folger envisioned it as a place for the performance of the plays in Shakespeare’s style, and the first nationally televised broadcast of a Shakespeare play in the US was Julius Caesar from the Folger stage in 1949. Folger Theatre produces seasons of Shakespeare, other plays from the period of the Folger’s rare collection, and new work, including commissions, inspired by the period. Including award-winning stagings of more than 70 percent of Shakespeare’s canon, as well as classical and Restoration work, Folger Theatre premiered the original Shakespeare for My Father, Lynn Redgrave’s reminiscence of her theatrical family, as well as Roger
Rees’ What You Will; Folger Theatre coproduced Teller and Aaron Posner’s magical Macbeth, released on video; was the first Washington venue to present a production from Shakespeare’s Globe; and has collaborated with the Classical Theatre of Harlem, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival,
The Guthrie, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, and other theaters across the country. Folger Theatre is the recipient of 30 Helen Hayes Awards including for Outstanding Resident Production for Sense and Sensibility, The Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet, and Measure for Measure.
STAFF DIVISION OF PUBLIC PROGRAMS Beth Emelson, Associate Artistic Producer/ Associate Director of Public Programs David Polk, General Manager Charles Flye, Production Manager Rebekah Sheffer, Assistant Technical Director Kate Abbott, Audience Services Manager Emma Poltrack, Public Programs Administrative Assistant Elizabeth Andrew, Public Programs Intern Teresa Wood, Casting Assistant Renee Beaver, Courtney Feiman, Kate Gifford, Kaiya Lyons, Allison Marino, John Royals, Esther Young, House Managers David Mozur, Folger Consort Manager Teri Cross Davis, Poetry Coordinator Grace Ann Roberts, Humanities Programs Coordinator Peter Eramo, Jr., Events Publicity and Marketing Manager Grafik, Graphics Designer and Advertising Agency Barbara Shaw, Playbill Typesetter Emily Tartanella, Marketing Design Consultant Jane Pisano, Publications Consultant Marianne Wald, Box Office Manager Francesca Chilcote, Sierra Fritz, Annie Immediata, Maddie Lederer, Rachel Messbauer, Grace Murtha, Ian Patrick, Box Office Assistants EXTERNAL RELATIONS Garland Scott, Head of External Relations Esther French, Digital Managing Editor Ben Lauer, Communications and Social Media Assistant
DIVISION OF EDUCATION Corinne Viglietta, Assistant Director of Education Kate Haase, Visitor Education Programs Manager Katharine Dvorak, Education Project Manager Greg Armstrong, Administrative Assistance for Education Programs Carrol Kindel, Docent Chair Michael LoMonico, Senior Consultant on National Education Louisa Newlin, Senior Consultant OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT Mary Zehe, Assistant Director of Development for Operations Cari Romeu Mozur, Senior Development Officer for Individual Giving Ari Silber, Senior Development Officer for Corporate and Foundation Relations Sumana Chatterjee, Senior Development Officer Leslie Gehring, Development Services Coordinator Elizabeth Stevens, Development Associate for Annual Giving DIRECTOR’S OFFICE Brian Rothbart, Executive Assistant to the Director INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Matt Bogen, Head of Information Technology Deontre Hayes, IT Systems & Support Specialist Luis Sato, Systems Engineer Stephanie Svoboda, Tessitura Administrator
Folger Sponsors provide crucial support each season helping to ensure that deeply moving, text-centered productions continue to be experienced on the Folger stage. To learn more about sponsorship, contact Cari Mozur at 202.548.8777. 26
SUPPORTERS Additional support for Folger Theatre comes from: Joan* and Peter Andrews Mildred Grinnell Clarke Public Programs Endowment Wyatt R. and Susan N. Haskell Public Programs Endowment Fund John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Public Programs Endowment Fund Dimick Foundation The Helen Clay Frick Foundation MARPAT Foundation National Endowment for the Arts Shakespeare in American Communities Shubert Foundation Share Fund Theatre Programs Endowment With special thanks to the family and friends of Lily St. John McKee (19872015), recognizing the creation of the Lily St. John McKee Memorial Fund.
Additional support for Folger Consort comes from: Early Music Endowment Fund Eunice & Mones E. Hawley Early Music Endowment Fund The Estate of Pamela L. Kopp
Corporate, Foundation, and Government Support: Folger Shakespeare Library gratefully acknowledges the kind support of the following institutional donors. The list below includes gifts of $1,000 or more received between August 1, 2017 and July 31, 2018.
William S. Abell Foundation, Inc. American Friends of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Inc. Paul M. Angell Family Foundation B. H. Breslauer Foundation The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Capitol Hill Community Foundation Anthony & Anna L. Carozza Foundation Clark-Winchcole Foundation Marshall B. Coyne Foundation The Cynipid Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities, an agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts Dimick Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
The Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Lorraine S. Dreyfuss Theatre Education Fund The Lee & Juliet Folger Fund The Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust The Helen Clay Frick Foundation The Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation Graham Holdings Heinz Family Foundation Holland & Knight LLP Mark & Carol Hyman Fund JFW, Inc. KieranTimberlake Kislak Family Foundation Lannan Foundation Lawrence Family Foundation MARPAT Foundation The Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation Mars Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation The Mosaic Foundation (of R. & P. Heydon) National Capital Arts & Cultural Affairs Program & the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities Nepeni Foundation The Newberry Library OLIN Overseas Hardwoods Company The Carl & Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Pine Tree Foundation of New York The Nora Roberts Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Nadia Sophie Seiler Memorial Fund Shakespeare in American Communities Shakspere Society of Philadelphia Share Fund The Shubert Foundation Tillotson Design Associates Weissberg Foundation Wells Fargo
Philip J. Deutch & Marne L. Levine David & Margaret Gardner Dr. Stephen H. Grant & Ms. Abigail B. Wiebenson Mr. Arthur F. Kinney J. May Liang & James Lintott Eugene A. Ludwig & Dr. Carol Ludwig Ken Ludwig & Adrienne George Jacqueline Badger Mars John & Connie McGuire Peter & Mary Jay Michel Darcy & Andy Nussbaum Stuart & Mimi Rose Mr. & Mrs. B. Francis Saul, II Lois G. Schwoerer Scott & Liz Vance
Heather & Dick Cass Vinton & Sigrid Cerf Louis & Bonnie Cohen Peter & Rose Edwards Susan Sachs Goldman Deneen Howell & Donald Vieira William & Louisa Newlin Timothy & Linda O’Neill Gail Kern Paster Nyla & Gerry Witmore
$15,000 -$24,999
Ms. Doris E. Austin Helen & David Kenney Nancy Klein Maguire, Folger scholar Loren & Frances Rothschild Neal T. Turtell
Folger Shakespeare Library gratefully acknowledges the kind support of the following individuals. The list below includes gifts and pledges of $250 or more received between August 1, 2017 and July 31, 2018.
Anonymous (2) Peter Andrews The Honorable Matthew Barzun & Mrs. Brooke Barzun Twiss & Patrick Butler Catherine Held Mr. & Mrs. Ty Hosler Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Nancy & Steve Howard Maxine Isaacs Frank F. Islam & Debbie Driesman Mr. Derek Kaufman & Dr. Leora Horwitz Mr. Lewis Lehrman J.C. & Mary McElveen Mr. & Mrs. H. Axel Schupf Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Small Estate of Roger J. Trienens Ms. Margaret Whitehead Drs. Michael L. Witmore & Kellie Robertson
Individual Donors
Jarrett & Nora Arp Florence & Neal S. Cohen Jeffrey P. Cunard Nicky Cymrot Maygene & Steve Daniels
Anonymous (2) Judith Areen & Richard Cooper Keith & Celia Arnaud Emily & Michael Eig Miguel & Patricia Estrada
SUPPORTERS Denise Gwyn Ferguson The Honorable C. Boyden Gray Elizabeth H. Hageman Wyatt R. & Susan N. Haskell John & Meg Hauge Mr. Ken Hitz & Ms. Liselott Liungman Andrea “Andi” Kasarsky Mr. Michael K. Kellogg Arthur & Yvonne Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kuhta The Honorable John D. Macomber Mr. & Mrs. Leander McCormick-Goodhart Martin & Elaine Miller Andrew Oliver, Jr. & Melanie B. Du Bois Gail Orgelfinger & Charles Hanna Mr. Ben Reiter & Mrs. Alice Goldman Reiter Joanne Ruxin Louis B. Thalheimer & Juliet A. Eurich Tara Ghoshal Wallace Professor R L Widmann Ellen & Bernard Young
Anonymous (4) Gary & Mary Ellen Abrecht D. James Baker & Emily Lind Baker Ms. Lisa U. Baskin Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bradley Evelyn and Bill Braithwaite Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Brown Howard M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. I. Townsend Burden, III Rebecca Bushnell & John Toner Mr. William J Camarinos Ms. Dorothea W. Dickerman & Mr. Richard Kevin Becker Barbra Eaton & Ed Salners Abbey S. & Kenneth M. Fagin Robert & Carole Fontenrose Ms. Deidre Holmes DuBois & Mr. Christopher E. DuBois William L. Hopkins Justine & David Kenney Mrs. Peter Lockwood David & Lenka Lundsten Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Lyon Julianna Mahley Mark McConnell & Leslie Delagran Pam McFarland & Brian Hagenbuch Roger & Robin Millay Ann K. Morales Carl & Undine Nash Dr. Rebeccah Kinnamon Neff Melanie & Larry Nussdorf Carolyn & Mark Olshaker Patricia A. Parker Estate of Lady Roslyn Sheena Parkinson Craig Pascal & Victor Shargai Drs. Eldor & Judith Pederson
Mrs. Jacqueline L. Quillen Dr. Markley Roberts Ingrid Rose Susan & Frank Salinger Howard Shapiro & Shirley Brandman David Smith & Ilene Weinreich Paul Smith & Michael Dennis Allan & Kim Stypeck Robert J. and Tina M. Tallaksen Mr. Leslie C. Taylor Diane Tipton Bradt & David Bradt Gail Weinmann & Nathan Billig Ms. Nicole Winard Ms. Louisa Woodville & Mr. Nigel R. Ogilvie Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Zarr
Anonymous (4) John & Nancy Abeles Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Adelman Dr. Robert S. Adelstein & Mrs. Miriam A. Adelstein Esthy & Jim Adler Bill & Sunny Alsup Bess & Greg Ballentine Mr. Richard David Batchelder, Jr. Ms. Margaret A. Bauer & Mr. Lane Heard Michael S. Berman & Deborah Cowan Dr. James E. Bernhardt & Ms. Beth C. Bernhardt Dr. Peter W. M. Blayney & Dr. Leslie Thomson Ms. Gigi Bradford & Mr. Jim Stanford Dr. A. R. Braunmuller Colonel & Mrs. Lance J. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Callahan Ian Cameron & Susan Rice Mr. Richard H. Cleva Leslie & Ray Clevenger Mr. Mark D. Colley & Ms. Deborah A. Harsch Mr. Edwin P. Conquest, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cooke Ms. Sara Cormeny & Mr. Peter Miller Mr. Douglas R. Cox Ms. D. Elizabeth Crompton Ms. Harriet H. Davis Dr. & Mrs. William Davis Ms. Rachel Doggett Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Donaldson Mr. John F. Downey Rose & John Eberhardt Marjorie & Anthony Elson Louise H. Engle Charles Fendig & Maria Fisher Nancy M. Folger The Folger Five Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Galvin Gail McMurray Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Gill Brent Glass & Cathryn Keller Ms. Barbara Goldberg Ms. Patricia Gray Karen Greene Ann Greer Dr. Nancy E. Gwinn & Dr. John Y. Cole Ridgway & Jill Hall Florence and Peter D. Hart Mr. Joseph M. Hassett & Ms. Carol Melton Mrs. Anthony E. Hecht Terrance & Noel Hefty Ms. Anita G. Herrick Michael J. Hirrel Mr. David H. Hofstad Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Hurst Mr. Michael B. Jennison Hannah L. & David H. Jones Lawrence & Meg Kasdan Sherman & Maureen Katz Theresa & Robert Keatinge Stephen Kieran & Barbara DeGrange Kieran Professor John N. & Pauline King Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kolson Mr. & Mrs. Russell LaMotte Mr. Lawrence H. Landweber & Mrs. Jean R. Landweber Mr. & Mrs. J. Ronald Langkamp Ms. Elizabeth Lanier Daniel Levinson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Liden Mr. & Mrs. Robert Case Liotta David Lloyd, Realtor Sandra Lotterman Mr. James Lynch Mr. Thomas G. MacCracken Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Marks Mr. & Mrs. John McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. George K. Miller The Honorable Mary V. Mochary Jane & Paul Molloy Mary & Cyril Muromcew Sheila A. Murphy Terence R. Murphy O.B.E. & Patricia Sherman Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Myers Dr. Alan Nelson Mrs. Jean F. Nordhaus Dr. Lena Cowen Orlin Charles & Susan Parsons Anne Parten & Philip Nelson Ms. Cynthia L. Rapp Mrs. Donald Rappaport Ms. Rebecca Ravenal Ms. Shana Regon & Mr. Timothy O’Toole Heddy & Trip Reid Lola C. Reinsch Mr. James R. Repucci Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Reynolds Mr. David Roberts & Dr. David Spencer Laura Selene Rockefeller
SUPPORTERS Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rose Mary Jane Ruhl John & Lynn Sachs Mr. Josh Samet & Ms. Juli Baer Dr. Marianne Schuelein & Mr. Ralph M. Krause Dr. Donna S. Simmons & Mr. James Simmons James Baker Sitrick Gabriela & Douglas Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Stanley John & Alison Steadman Joanne M. Sten Robin & Mark Swope Amy & Mark Tercek Mary Augusta & George D. Thomas Ayanna Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Thornton Mr. Anand Trivedi Mr. Nigel Twose & Ms. Priscilla Annamanthodo Tessa van der Willigen & Jonathan Walters Drs. Alden & Virginia Vaughan Mrs. Eric Weinmann Mr. David Weisman & Ms. Jacqueline Michel Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Weiss Ms. Kimberly R. West Dorothy B. Wexler Ms. Carolyn L. Wheeler Mr. Donald E. White & Ms. Betty W. Good-White Kathie & Mike Williams Peter & Ingrid Willson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Wilshere Anne & Fred Woodworth Laura Yerkovich & John Winkler Georgianna Ziegler
Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ahmanson Dr. Peter J. Albert & Ms. Charlotte Mahoney Dr. Boris Allan & Ms. Kathleen L. Pomroy Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barefoot Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Barry Ms. Kyle Z. Bell & Mr. Alan G.R. Bell Mr. Brent James Bennett Mr. Kirke Bent Professors David M. Bergeron & Geraldo de Sousa Ms. Kathleen Bergin Dr. & Mrs. David W. Blois Dr. Jean C. Bolan Dr. James J. Bono & Dr. Barbara J. Bono Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bott Dr. Mary H. Branton Mrs. Adrianne Brooks Dr. James C. Bulman Kathleen Burger & Glen Gerada Mrs. Frances Burka Susan & Dixon Butler
John Byrd & Lina Watson Mr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Cabe Dympna C. Callaghan Ph.D Dr. & Mrs. William C. Carroll Professor Carmen A. Casís Dr. Sheila T. Cavanagh Ms. Melissa W. Clark Ms. Molly C. Clay Dr. Anne Coldiron Mr. & Mrs. William D. Coleman Dr. Theresa M. Coletti Mr. & Mrs. John J. Collins Ronald M. Costell, MD & Marsha E. Swiss Mr. John W. Crofts Ms. Melissa Darby Ms. Sarah A. Davidson Ms. Jeanne De Sa Mr. Daniel De Simone & Ms. Angela Scott Ms. Christy Desmet Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. DeVincentis Prof. Frances Dolan Dr. Ross W. Duffin & Dr. Beverly J. Simmons Steve Dunn & Tom Burkhardt Ms. Roberta L. Ellington Dr. William E. Engel Mrs. John Eustice Ms. Margaret Ezellmainzer Mr. Gerald M. Feierstein Melody & Al Fetske Mr. Leo S. Fisher & Ms. Sue J. Duncan Ms. Tracy Fisher Ms. Alice Fitch Ms. Laurie Fletcher & Dr. Allan Fraser Ms. Patricia G. Foley & Mr. John P. Villarosa Folger Central Library Division Heather & Clinton Forsythe Ms. Ann Geracimos Jere Gibber & J.G. Harrington Donald Gilman Ms. Michelle Gluck & Dr. Walter Smith Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Goelzer Mr. Lawrence J. Goffney, Jr. & Dr. Betty J. Forman Ms. Ann V. Gordon & Mr. Martin Singer Professor Suzanne Gossett Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Haller Drs. Donna B. & Gary D. Hamilton Jill Hartman John & Cheri Hayes Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hazen Mr. Thomas Heil Patricia Henkel Ms. Cynthia Herrup June & George Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hill Prof. Peter Holland Professor Jean E. Howard
Mr. Christopher Kendall & Ms. Susan Schilperoort Wendy & Robert Kenney Ms. Erna Kerst Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Knachel Dr. Roslyn L. Knutson Dr. Marcel C. LaFollette & Mr. Jeffrey K. Stine Dr. Douglas M. Lanier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Lauzon Dr. Robert Lawshe Mr. Michael Lebovitz Ms. Sandy Lerner Lilly S. Lievsay Prof. Julia R. Lupton Dr. Kathleen Lynch & Mr. John C. Blaney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynch Dr. Lynne Magnusson Dr. Laurie Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mancini Mr. Winton E. Matthews, Jr. Mr. James W. McBride Ms. Catherine McClave Dr. Brian R. McNeill Beverly J. Melani & Bruce E. Walker Professor Michael J. Mendle Dr. Rogers B. Miles Theodore & Mary Eugenia Myer Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm B. Niedner Mr. Joe M. Norton Michael & Karen O’Connell Betty Ann Ottinger Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parr Mr. & Mrs. Peter Parshall Dr. Hans S. Pawlisch Linda Levy Peck Ms. Sheila J. Peters Ms. Julie Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Warren S. Poland V. E. Powell Mr. Terry Quist Mr. Eric Rasmussen Dr. Timothy Raylor & Ms. Vanessa A. Laird Mr. Peter S. Reichertz Mr. Jonathan Rich Gerd & Duncan Ritchie Peter Rose & Alicia Kershaw Dr. & Mrs. Jason P. Rosenblatt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Saunders Prof. Barbara A. Shailor PhD & Prof. Harry W. Blair II PhD Dr. James Shapiro Mr. James Siemon Kay & George Simmons Professor Meredith Skura Dr. Richard B. Smith Marilyn & Hugh South Professor Richard E. Spear & Professor Athena Tacha Ms. Lillian D. Stephens Tom & Pat Stevens
SUPPORTERS Dr. Garrett Sullivan Dr. Patricia E. Tatspaugh Mr. John M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John C. Towers Ms. Kathryn M. Truex James & Carol Tsang Mr. & Mrs. James T. Turner Dr. Arina van Breda Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Van Voorhees Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. von Seelen Professor Susan R. Wabuda Mr. Christopher White Webster Ms. Judith Weintraub Professor Paul Werstine Professor Michael Winkelman Ms. Abby L. Yochelson & Mr. Wallace Mlyniec
Anonymous (6) Catherine N. Abrahams Ms. Monica Lynn Agree Mr. & Mrs. David G. Ahern Mr. Thomas Ahern Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Alexander Ms. Jerrilyn V. Andrews & Mr. Donald E. Hesse Ms. Suzanne Bakshian & Mr. Vincent A. Chiappinelli Ms. Meredith Barbour Ms. Danielle M. Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. David M. Beckmann Ellen S. Berelson & Larry Franks Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Blackwood Ms. Mary C. Blake Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Blum Mr. James L. Blum Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bochner Ms. Heather Boedeker Dr. Dorothy P. Boerner Mr. Henry H. Booth Professor Jackson Campbell Boswell & Mrs. Ann C. Boswell Ms. Gwen W. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brody Mr. Stanley C. Burgess, Jr. Ms. Victoria Butler & Mr. Tim Carney Professor Charles Butterworth Mr. Timothy J. Carlton Mr. Joseph Casey & Ms. Constance Pierce Casey Ms. C. Dawn Causey Colonel & Mrs. Larry M. Cereghino Mr. Wallace W. Chandler Mr. John Chester Ms. JoAnn Clark Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cofield Linda & John Cogdill Mr. David M. Colbert Ms. Mary Cole Mr. Robert S. Cole, Jr. Ms. Marianne Constable Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Correll Robert W. Cover II & Bonnie Lepoff
Drs. John W. Cox & Lo-An T. Nguyen-Cox James & Ann Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Daniels Ms. Surekha Davies Vice Adm. Dirk J. Debbink Mr. Robin L. Dennis Drs. Alan & Cynthia Dessen Mr. Joe Dickey & Ms. Martha Blaxall M P Donovan Colleen Dougherty Dr. Terry Dwyer & Dr. Marcy F. Petrini Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Eager Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Eater Professor Lars Engle Mr. Douglas H. Erwin & Dr. Wendy Wiswall Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Farber Dr. Robert J. Fehrenbach Arthur & Shirley Fergenson Ms. Joyce Flaherty Mr. Jonathan Fleming Mr. Gregory Flowers Mr. James Forman Mr. John Franzén Mr. Douglas Freeman Ms. Nancy Frey Ms. Rhonda Friedler Mr. Roland M. Frye, Jr. & Ms. Susan M. Pettey Mr. & Mrs. William K. Frymoyer Ms. Kit Gage & Mr. Steven Metalitz Patricia Gallagher & Stephen Greenberg Mrs. Joanne Garris Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gerson Mrs. Nanette Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gibson Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Prof. James A. Glazier Mr. Gregg H.S. Golden & Dr. Laura George Mr. Kim Z. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goldstein Mr. Federico Grau Mr. John E. Graves, RIA & Ms. Hanh Phan Sayre N. Greenfield, PhD & Linda V. Troost, PhD Mr. Bruce N. Gregory & Ms. Paula Causey Neal & Janice Gregory Janet & Christopher Griffin Ms. Maria E. Grosjean Dr. Martha Gross & Mr. Robert Tracy Mr. & Mrs. C. David Gustafson Col. Wesley P. Hallman & Dr. Silvana Rubino-Hallman Robin Langfan & Jay M. Hammer David Hannay Ms. Joan E. Hartman Ms. Barbara W. Hazelett Robert E. Hebda
Prof. Heather A. Hirschfeld & Prof. Anthony Welch Dr. Henry Ridgely Horsey Dr. Thomas Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Huey-Burns Ms. Elizabeth M. Janthey Mr. & Mrs. E. Stewart Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. James Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Kalb Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Kampschroeder Ms. Belinda Kane Ms. Sara W. Kane Mr. Gordon Kaplan Mr. Randall KC Kau & Ms. Elizabeth M. Olmsted Dr. Sean Keilen Sarah & David Kelly Mrs. Margot Kelly Ms. Kay Kendall & Mr. Jack Davies Ms. Caroline Kenney Andrea & Joseph Kerr Mr. Robert L. Kimmins Mr. and Mrs. James King Mr. Robert S. Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kitchen Ms. Lynne Myers Klimmer Dr. Michael Knable Ms. Kathleen Knepper Mr. James Knighton Mr. Michael Kolakowski Mr. & Mrs. George Koukourakis Edward & Kathleen Kovach Kim & Elizabeth Kowalewski Mr. Richard Krasnow Mr. Barry Kropf Ms. Sarah Kyrouac Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lacki Col. Denny Lane & Ms. Naoko Aoki Drs. Douglas & Janet Laube Professor Maurice Dupont Lee Mr. Zachary Lesser Mr. Ross Lindholm Dr. Calvin C. Linnemann & Rev. Patricia G. Linnemann Joseph & Sonya Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Jan Lodal Ms. Linda Lohse Ms. Mary Frances Lowe Wes MacAdam Mr. Carl Mahoney Dr. Deborah L. Malkovich & Dr. William Freimuth Ms. Allison Mankin & Dr. Jim Carton Mr. Tom Manteuffel & Ms. Rachel Manteuffel Dr. Lewis Markoff & Dr. Caroline Samuels Dr. Steven W. May Ms. Susan McCloskey Dr. Richard McCoy Mr. Patrick McGraw Marilyn & Charles McMillion Ms. Nancy Elizabeth Meiners Ms. Kristie Miller & Mr. Thomas Hawkins
SUPPORTERS Mr. & Mrs. W. Todd Miller Mrs. Ina J. Millsaps Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey C. Morell Professor Chandra Mukerji Mr. & Mrs. Tam Murray Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Nancy Nelkin Mr. Kevin Nettesheim Mr. Mike Newton & Dr. Linda Werling Ms. Mary L. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Olexson Ms. Sharon N. Ollison Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin Mr. & Mrs. David M. Osnos Ms. Patricia J. Overmeyer Ms. Barbara A. Patocka Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Pearson Mr. Thomas Perry Dr. & Mrs. Joram Piatigorsky Mr. Joseph Pierro Mr. & Mrs. James S. Polk Dr. Lois Potter Drs. Maria T. & Thomas A. Prendergast Mr. Woodruff M. Price Mr. Henry Raine Robert Ramsey & Elizabeth Brown Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Rasmussen John & Barbara Ratigan Earl & Carol Ravenal Ms. Carol Reitz Mr. Philip J. Reynolds Dr. Alice Riginos Ms. Lauren G. Roberts & Mr. Juan E. Sanchez Winnie & Alexander Robinson Mr. Peter Rogen Ms. Emily Rose & Mr. James H. Marrow Ms. Janet A. Sanderson Mr. Stephen R. Saph Jr. Dr. Joan Saxton Professor Moses S. Schanfield Drs. Alan N. & Geraldine P. Schechter Mr. Eugene Schied Ms. Jamie Schlessman Lt. General & Mrs. Robert E. Schmidle, Jr., Retired Mr. Kurt R. Schwarz & Ms. Patsy G. Kennan Ms. Rita L. Schwarz Mr. D. Stanton Sechler Professor & Mrs. Mortimer Sellers Dr. Sherry Wood Shuman & Mr. Philip B. Shuman Mr. Elliott Simon Dr. Bruce R. Smith Ms. Laura Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sollinger Mr. Gerald Southern Ms. Carol Sox Mr. Steve Spaulding & Dr. Alicen B Spaulding Robert Staples & Barbara Fahs Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Stauderman Ms. Cathleen Ann Steg & Mr. Schuyler E. Schell Mr. Daniel Steiner Ms. Victoria Steuerwalt Mr. Robert Stoddart Dr. James Waller Stone Ms. Kristina Straub & Dr. Carol Goldburg Mr. & Mrs. Donald Street Mr. & Mrs. Paul Taskier Mr. Jonathan Taylor & Ms. Dianne Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. John V. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Grant P. Thompson Mrs. Ellen Tunstall Ms. Helen G. Urquhart Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Vajs Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Varian Ms. Joyce C. Vialet Mr. Ronald E. Wagner & Dr. Ruth Scogna Wagner Bryan & Diana Watabe Ms. Yvette Webster Dr. Gail C. Weigl Dr. & Mrs. John R. Wennersten Ms. Jacqueline West Gary & Josephine Williams George W. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Wilson Ms. Betsy L. Wolf Ms. Edith C. Wolff Mrs. Eleanora M. Worth Maureen & Brent Yacobucci Dr. Robert G. Young Mary S. & Andrew J. Zehe Dr. Ried R. Zulager The First Folio Society The list below includes all friends who have included the Folger Shakespeare Library in their estate plans through a will commitment, a life income gift, or a beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy or retirement plan.
Anonymous (2) Professor Judith H. Anderson Ms. Doris E. Austin Dr. Carol Barton Professor Jackson Campbell Boswell William J Camarinos Professor Carmen A. CasĂs Florence and Neal S. Cohen Ms. Mary Cole The Honorable Esther Coopersmith Drs. John W. Cox & Lo-An T. Nguyen-Cox Dr. James R. & Mrs. Rachel B. Dankert Mr. Douglas Evans Susan Fawcett & Richard Donovan Christine M. Feinthel Wendy Frieman & David Johnson Dr. Mary D. Garrard & Dr. Norma Broude
Dr. Elise Goodman (bequest will be in memory of Elise Goodman & Rolf Soellner) Mrs. Karen Gundersheimer Dr. Werner L. Gundersheimer Dr. Elizabeth H. Hageman Dr. Jay L. Halio Catherine Held Eric H. Hertting Mr. Michael J. Hirrel Dr. Dee Ann Holisky Ms. Deidre Holmes DuBois & Mr. Christopher E. DuBois William L. Hopkins Ms. Elizabeth J. Hunt Lizabeth Staursky Hurst Maxine Isaacs Bruce Janacek Mrs. Robert J.T. Joy Andi H. Kasarsky Paul & Margaret Kaufman Dr. Elizabeth T. Kennan Karl K. & Carrol Benner Kindel Professor John N. King Pauline G. King Merwin Kliman Professor Barbara Kreps Dr. Carole Levin Lilly S. Lievsay Ken Ludwig Nancy Klein Maguire, Folger scholar Mark McConnell & Leslie Delagran Pam McFarland & Brian Hagenbuch Roger & Robin Millay Ms. Sheila A. Murphy Jennifer Newton Dr. Jessie Ann Owens Gail Kern Paster Linda Levy Peck Dr. Sylvia Holton Peterson Professor Kristen Poole Professor Anne Lake Prescott Dr. Mark Rankin Dr. Markley Roberts Dr. Richard Schoch Mrs. S. Schoenbaum Lisa Schroeter Dr. Lois Green Schwoerer Mr. Theodore Sedgwick Albert H. Small Professor Richard E. Spear & Professor Athena Tacha Robin Swope Ednajane Truax Neal T. Turtell Scott & Liz Vance Drs. Alden & Virginia Vaughan Barbara Wainscott Dr. Barbara A. Wanchisen Dr. Richard M. Waugaman, M.D. & Elisabeth P. Waugaman, Ph.D. Professor R L Widmann George W. Williams The Honorable Karen Hastie Williams Dr. Georgianna Ziegler *Deceased