Folio.YVR ☆ Issue 3 ☆ Luxury Lifestyle Magazine ☆ Vancouver, BC ☆ June 2019

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folio.yvr * embr acing west coast luxur y lifest yle *

j une 2019 issue #3


PERSONALITIES: Lancho Cephivenus 6 / Stefania Vo LUXURY RETAIL: Sixofour Watches 26 ARTS / CULTURE: Creat ions in Silver | Stefano Ricci DESIGN: Livingspace Launch 42 HOME DECOR: 2019 Collect ions 50: Fendi Casa / B EVENTS: SHARP Magazine 62 / Vacheron Constant BEAUTY/ WELLNESS: Skin Technique - Emsculpt Arr


All right s reserv ed. No part of t he m at erial prot ect ed by t his copyright not ice m ay be reproduced or ut ilized in any form or by any m eans, w it hout w rit t en perm ission from EcoLux Luv Com m unicat ions. FOLIO.YV R does not accept any responsibilit ies for incorrect inform at ion as all inform at ion is deem ed t o be accurat e as of dat e of publishing. FOLIO.YV R does not accept unsolicit ed m at erials. Mailing address is c/ o Helen Siw ak, Suit e A, 489 West 6t h Av enue, Vancouv er, BC, V5Y 1L3


olpi - AltaItalia Moda 18

i 34

Bent ley Home / Bugatt i Home t in VVIP Dinner / The Book for Men Launch rives 80

FOLIO.YV R is published m ont hly by EcoLux Luv Com m unicat ions and is a sponsored supplem ent t o luxury lifest yle blog EcoLux Luv .com , and as part of serv ices 2 prov ided t o client s. All phot ography is ow ned by EcoLuxLuv Com m unicat ions unless indicat ed. Queries regarding collaborat ion, sponsorship, m arket ing, 2 consult ing, inclusion in FOLIO.YVR, and all inquiries should be direct ed t o t he publisher v ia hyperlink or t ext t o 778.847.30 11| Im age Credit s | Pages 80 -85 Im ages court esy Skin Technique & Dr Pav lou

Per Masterpiece Antiques Gallery 2202 Granville Street Vancouver, BC April 28, 2019




4 4


L ancho C 6

Th e M illen n ial Wh o is Ch allen gin g t h e Aest h et ics In d


Cephivenus u st r y

& Win n in g

6 6



s recent as ten years ago, cosmetic treatments were once only associated with the rich and famous since they were priced out-of-range for the average person. On top of which, these treatments were in aesthetic clinics which were very likely to be located in posh neighbourhoods or shopping districts. With 200+ businesses offering varying levels of medical aesthetic services in British Columbia, it is fair to say that the above no longer holds true. Enter innovators, such as Chobee Marketing MD Founder and CEO Lancho Cephivenus, who has identified this beauty niche and is capitalizing on it. Cephivenus is a millennial with a cause?to turn the traditional non-inclusive aesthetics industry upside down with a modern approach that brings everyone to the table, not just a select few, and connect them in a way that is accessible, portable, and connected.



Cephivenus was 27 years old when he launched Chobee Aesthetic Marketing. He had a goal of providing the burgeoning medical aesthetic industry in Vancouver unique customized marketing solutions for doctors and clinics that were struggling using generic pre-packaged products and out-of-date social media campaigns. The response was overwhelming, and what was once a ?young man with a plan?has grown into a company employing/ contracting with 20+ persons. Key to this growth was assembling the Chobee team, not as a traditional professional unit, but as a cohesive group of creatives, is what Cephivenus credits as the core of the company?s success. ?Our team is creatively strong, experienced, and growing. The Chobee approach is a refreshing alternative to the tired traditional marketing of medical aesthetics in this competitive time. The businesses that we chose to work with benefit immensely, both in customer/ staff satisfaction and financially. It is very gratifying." 8 8


It is this style of leadership, and progressive thinking which has strengthened the position of over 25 companies across Canada. By identifying gaps in existing business models that were improved upon, clients were able to generate additional revenue of over $10M in the past year alone. In the queue for joining the Chobee roster are ten clinics within BC and from across Canada, and as a conceptualist, Cephivenus is designing four client clinics which will be constructed in Richmond, Burnaby, Surrey, and White Rock.


Cephivenus, the Chobee team, and the clients, work together on dynamic marketing campaigns which champion an omnichannel approach that may?depending on the client market?incorporate video and photography production, social media campaigns, website development/ revisualizing, WeChat/ KOL strategies, print and digital media, street-level marketing, and so much more?all available in a selection of languages. Making himself and the team available at major industry conferences to speak and educate is another key element that Cephivenus utilizes to reach the aesthetics market. In just the past year, he presented at the Western Canada 10 Aesthetic Summit 2019, Fotona StarWalker Product Launch, and the Prollenium Annual Event. Cephivenus credits his two passions for the success of Chobee. ?My participation in the fine arts since childhood and the study of business in Canada has given me a unique advantage over others in this market. Using beauty, whether it is in video, photography, words, or the type of models we work with, comes very naturally for me.

At the end of the day, medical aesthetics is all about beauty, and this is my life.? Before Chobee After graduating high school, Cephivenus took on a creative role at a well-known Chinese fashion website followed by a stint as a magazine producer, during which time he developed an artistic portfolio of his style of collage that married digital imagery and deconstructed pressed flowers. In 2011, Cephivenus was invited by the Taipei International Flora Exposition to exhibit a series of his mixed media works based on modern Chinese bird-and-flower paintings. The exhibition was very well received, and this success helped Lancho become well known in the international art circle. Cephivenus?next step in his career, was to participate in a 2012 Arts competition organized by the world-renowned artist Murakami Takashi. Placing 7th out of 500 participants saw

By 2013, he had presented at a total of seven exhibitions (two solo and four group shows in Taipei, one traveling group show in Canada), plus multiple speaking engagements with accompanying press. This experience at such a young age helped him develop a keen perception of aesthetics and the ability to adapt to high-pressure working environments, and facilitated the desire to relocate to Vancouver.

him debut at a joint exhibition in Takashi?s Hidari Zingaro Gallery. 10 10




On the Horizon Exciting changes are on the medical aesthetics horizon due to Cephivenus and his vision for success. By creating and maintaining strong communication with the physicians and the clinic owners, he is able to provide solutions for problems that only recently have begun to present in the industry. Priority has been given to first addressing the desire of beauty centres, and health spa?s to tap into the revenue stream that injectables, such as Botox and fillers, can generate. The creation of Chobee?s ?Injector Express?allows businesses to offer full injectable services without having to employ full-time physicians and procure/ stock inventory, as this can be financially daunting to new or smaller sized companies. ?Injector Express?currently contracts two persons, a certified physician and a registered nurse, who are licensed to perform treatments and are available on an as-needed basis.

12 12

If a company experiences a strong response from their client-base through the use of ?Injector Express?and wishes to make the service permanent, Chobee will work with them to recruit a physician to join their team, train the staff on services and inventory management, and create stellar marketing campaigns.



?Chobee has a strong belief in beauty. The idea of aesthetics, in general, is very appealing and appeals to my artistic centre. Our mission at Chobee is to elevate the standard of beauty, both in the physical presence of the clinics we design and work with all the way through to the visual marketing tools we create.?


Follow Chobee stay up-to-dat that is happenin medical aesth

Recently, Cephivenus changed the name of his c

is a regulated legal term, and its designation issu digital marketing company which has a medical d of the highest regard.

Article images provided b

Marketing MD to te on everything ng in the world of hetic marketing.

company to Chobee Marketing MD. The ?MD?

ued selectively to Chobee as they are the only doctor on staff and provides services to clinics

by Chobee Marketing MD.

At 29 years old, Lancho Cephivenus has firmly positioned himself and Chobee Marketing MD in an industry that will continue growing?exponentially and globally. With vision and a strong team, it is without a doubt that Cephivenus will find himself with a lot more business travel on the 14 horizon. 14

15 15

Wardrobe for Lancho Cephivenus provided by


Pages 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 Zadig & Voltaire Cashmere Sweater Grab Grab Camo Jacket Kembergb Military Shirt Pages 12/ 13 Tom Ford Heavy Knit Sweater Gucci Leather Collar Shirt Rock & Republic Gold Jeans Pages 14/ 15 Vito Jacket Harrison Wilson Tshirt Jack & Jones Jeans



16 16


Stefania Volpi Th e Cr eat ive Gen iu s Beh in d Alt aM oda It alia Altamoda Italia Group s.r.l. Via Valdera C. 183-4/A, 56038 Ponsacco (PI), Italy April 8, 2019



18 18


ltaModa Italia is defined by the glamorous, luxurious, and wonderfully eclectic pieces created in Southern Italy by expert artisan craftspersons at the behest of founders Stefani and Riccardo Volpi.

Since 1998, the couple?s irreverent vision has melded fashion and design to create unmistakable items which showcase uniqueness, distinction, and have a visual impact, regardless of which room the pieces reside within. The often whimsical furniture pieces are crafted with luxurious fabrics by the Ralph Lauren and Christian Lacroix Collections, velvet, silk, and incorporate various precious metals, including silver and gold, rhinestones, and crystals. From the living room to the children?s room, AltaModa Italia offers a parade of brilliant top-class creations. Inspired, sometimes by the simplest concepts, the Volpi?s have the ability to transfer an idea into tangible home dĂŠcor with a tailored style and approach, often typical of fashion design. The duo marries fashion and design aesthetics to create a new interpretation of subjects that we may see and pass by without a second glance. Each reveling in the tiniest detail until it becomes a critical element in the realization of a unique piece. The installation at Salon del Mobile.Milano 2019 was hosted by Stefania Volpi and her team. The vibrant space was bedecked by latest collection ?Beach?which was inspired by Italy?s extensive shorelines, quirky and colourful aquatic animals, and the lush plant life that thrives underwater, and washes up upon rocky shores. Each element is interpreted with a childlike ardor that results in a representation that is a brilliantly fantastical version of reality. Volpi delights in the speaking to the brand?s newest offerings created for ?children, the teenager, or for a little boy. All elements are here, even the fragrance we produced for the home is similar to the beach in Tuscany with the scents of flower, fruit, and blackberries. Through it, you can sense all the dimensions of the sea, with the wind, the sand, and the beach.?



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When not traveling for business, Stefania is at home in the Tuscan country- side, living and overseeing production at the AltaModa Italia workshop. It is a different style of workplace. It is one that revolves around the concept of family, living a full life, and the pursuit of happiness. Employees are free to bring their babies and children to work as needed; together, they eat and create side-by-side. Pieces that require hand-painted details are finished by a single artisan who works from her home. ?This woman prefers to work in the country-side with all her animals around, a very typical Tuscany artist,? says Volpi as she smiles, taking pride in the traditions of her country. It is this sense of family that inspires Stefania to arise and get creative in the kitchen, baking up cookies and other confections to bring to the workplace for all to enjoy with their morning coffee. She believes strongly in the creation and maintenance of a warm and encompassing workplace and explains that ?the feeling must be good for everybody who works with our family.? Around the world, AltaModa Italia is renowned for its collections that inspire a way to live in a luxury-oriented environment that is expressive, sophisticated, amazing, and unique. The charm of the AltaModa Italia children?s collections has made them irresistible to those who enjoy an unbridled exploration of pattern and texture. This true ?Made in Italy?home decor brand is available in North America through stockists like Casa Italia Concept in Vancouver, New York, and Miami. Internationally, the brand has representation in dozens of countries, including the UK, Finland, Belarus, Russia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, India, and Greece. To view the extensive catalogue of AltaModa Italia visit Casa Italia Concept in Coal Harbour. 1487 West Pender Street. Open 7 days a week and 22 offering private appointments.




Lux Masterpiece Antiques Gallery 2202 Granville Street Vancouver, BC April 28, 2019



uxury Retail 24 24


Sixofour L if

Hom egr ow n 604 Hau t e Hor loger ie



fe Watches


26 26



Who are Sixofour Lif e? Growing up in Vancouver, Caleb Lee and Steve J in met as teenagers, have maintained a Six hen looking for strong friendship, and a love of comparisons to finely crafted luxury timepieces. Their timepieces, only luxury vehicles company, Sixofour Lif e, is a come close, so much so that collector J ay Leno was inspired partnership that is backed by Caleb?s 16 years of experience to write a book on it. Leno likens and knowledge in the art of it to ?a patient art form? and Swiss luxury watches and though people who know Steve?s work as a technology nothing about fine mechanical producer with Apple, one of the watches can still appreciate their world?s most recognized brands. quality because ?mechanical Together they produced their devices are just inherently sold-out first collection fascinating,? and we agree. SWC1988, so named to honour The west coast is known their graduation from internationally for being a haven Sir Winston Churchill High of hypercars, the ostentatious School in 1988. showpieces that scream, albeit in a velvety voice, ?look at me, look at me,?as they circle the downtown core. Less apparent is Vancouver?s love affair with haute horlogerie. RedBarYVR is part of the world?s largest watch enthusiast and collector community with 40+ chapters across four continents and meets regularly to share their passion for the manifestations of intricacy and design which adorn their wrists. The founders of Sixofour Lif e join this group often and are very unique, in that they are the only west coast members to have created an exemplary line of luxury timepieces for retail.


Bringing the world a high quality, luxury lifestyle brand of watches is no small feat for Lee and Jin, as the home base for this industry is thousands of miles away in Switzerland. The country is the birthplace of the legendary houses of horlogerie ? Breitling, IWC, Hublot, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, the list is endless - whose timepieces


life on the Canadian west coast. The founders wanted to create a unique style and aesthetic that reflects the city?s growing place on the world?s stage as a luxury destination and firmly grounded on the things that make living in BC so amazing: the sea, the sky, the majestic mountains. become part of the historical record by fetching astronomical amounts at auction. Sixofour Life timepieces are a reflection and homage to the continually changing

The Series One watches have automatic movement (Miyota 8200 Series), sapphire crystal glass, open back glass, AISI certified 316L stainless steel, 28resistant to 50m. and water 28

When asked what sets Sixofour Life watches apart from the competition, Caleb shares three points. ?We believe that in our design, we have made something that feels both modern and vintage simultaneously. Our watches reflect an affordable luxury that allows them to be accessible to a wider audience.


Lastly, our experience in the Swiss luxury watch industry. That ability to navigate an industry that very few people have been a part of gives us an advantage when sourcing materials, parts, and manufacturers.? The brand has garnered a fistful of brand ambassadors who are known for strength, power, and determination. NBA Sacramento Kings' Frank Mason III, NFL corner back J ustin Bethel of the Baltimore Ravens, UFC Featherweight Champion Max Holloway, 12th ranked UFC fighter Felice Herrig, rising hip hop artist DKay, and Vancouver-based Juno award-winning musician Moka Only. Moka Only only recently reconnected with his passion for luxury timepieces and has been busy building his collection.

The relationship between the musician and the makers began in early 2018 after Moka Only came across the Sixofour Life Instagram account. An exchange followed, and a dinner meeting solidified the new friendship and the presentation of an ambassadorship watch.

Going Swiss The pair have design Sixofour Life. The Se made, as opposed to Series One, and com ? Skyline Edition 40m 36mm.

?Steve and Caleb make a great team, and with the combination of a great product and the visuals, I feel they have really captured the essence of Vancouver. The colourways on the dials of the watches and the cushion case design caught my fancy right off the bat, not to mention the ?area themes? that go along with the models and colours. My personal fave has been the ?Robson Violet.?I get a lot of wear out of it and a lot of attention.?


The company will colours in both siz new maroon dial o dial, rose gold dial the popular teal di 36mm, the case ha rounder and with a


ned the next offering of eries Two will be Swiss o the Japanese made mes in two different sizes mm and City Edition

and now will include a Mother of Pearl dial in a rose gold or silver case, a rose gold dial in a rose gold case and special pink Mother of Pearl dial.

stores, such as Nordstrom, where fine men?s clothing and accessories are sold. Our affordable luxury timepieces are complementary to a lifestyle that values quality over Series One fans will love the new Series One.X. The Japanese automatic quantity,? says Caleb. 40mm will now have a larger crown and lume. Colours offered will be grey KICKSTARTER! silver, salmon, grey black, and the ever popular teal. Caleb and Steve have launched

the KICKSTARTER! Campaign for the new Series Two Collections. The Skyline and Finding Sixofour Lif e City Editions are beautiful There are two full-time stockists in reinterpretations of their west Vancouver carrying the watch line coast-inspired timepieces. Yaletown?s Emil Clothing and Amazing discounts available Haberdasher & Co. through Pledge Packages until ?We are looking to be able to bring the 30 August 9th. Series Two collection to department The Series Two and One.X will be offered through a soon-to-launch Kickstarter campaign.

be introducing four new zes. The 40mm will have a on a rose gold case, silver on rose gold case, and ial will be continued. In the as been redesigned to be a thinness of only 6.5mm,



Arts/ Culture 32


32 32

Masterpiece Antiques Gallery 2202 Granville Street Vancouver, BC April 28, 2019



Beh in d t h e Scen es at St ef an o R Stefano Ricci Headquarters Via Faentina 171 Florence, Italy April 11, 2019 34


ons in Silver

Ricci Silver Wor k sh op

34 34



o matte the stately Stefa boutiques around the w visit on your travels, it upon entering, your bre taken away by the sign arrangements. Situated foremost, each opulent nature?s blooms origina magnificent hand-poun 36 vessel.

The Stefano Ricci Hom is made of Sterling Silv entirely produced by tw master silversmiths wit company headquarters nestled in the hills of F


er how many of ano Ricci world you may is a given that eath will be nature floral d first and display of ates from a nded silver

me Silver Line ver 925 and wo Florentine thin the s in Fiesole, Florence.

Their artistry is truly derived from experience, rather than from being school taught, and their manual skills go hand-in-hand with the study of secrets that only Master craftsmen can pass down from generation to generation.

The pair works in tandem, creating pieces from hand using only a pencil, marker, tar, chisels, and various hammering tools. The output is relative to each project undertaken?a chalice can take one week, a tray around 15 days, and an incredible centerpiece a month or more.

The original designs are always created by-hand, first sketched in pencil by Stefano Ricci himself, and then passed to the silversmiths.

The sketches are first applied to the silver, which is then tapped out from the inside of the vessel. Once complete, the vessel is filled with tar, The exquisite bowls, serving platters, and the exterior is sculpted. Each plates, and vases, all contain piece is polished to perfection and set depictions of nature?s strongest aside for inspection. This routine is animals, including the company?s completed day-after-day by the two eagle icon, lions, giant octopus, who have made it their passion to elephants, and more. continue the trade of their fathers. 36 36



n your next visit to the Stefano Ricci boutique in Vancouver?s Luxury Zone, take note of the arrangement on the entry table. Below 38 the grandiose arrangement of blooms, the pedestal bowl is resplendent with an intricately chiseled biblical story of the procession of the animals to th ark. An incredible one-of-a-kind piece of art is well worth more than a passing glance. Stefano Ricci Boutique 1139 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC 604.559.7800




he l

38 38



Masterpiece Antiques Gallery 2202 Granville Street Vancouver, BC April 28, 2019


Design 40 40


L iving

30 Year s &

The Armoury Suite 120, 170 Vancouver, B May 24, 2019



gspace Celebrates

& A Dyn am ic Expan sion

District 06 - 1st Avenue BC 9

42 42



n a beautiful May evening, Livingspace celebrated their 30th anniversary with a grand reveal event that showcased a $2-million expansion and renovation.



The luxury home dĂŠcor retailer grew to an incredibly impressive 30,000-square-foot from a somewhat paltry 19,000-square-feet. The launch event was a wonderfully warm celebration which included suppliers, brand partners from Europe, the cities top interior designers, and VIPs.

Owner Ross Bonetti welcomed Maria Porro of Porro S.p.A, Alessandro and Susanna Minotti of Minotti S.p.A, Carola Bestetti, CEO/ Designer of Living Divani, Carolina Lanzani, owner of MDF Italia, and we want to give a special shout-out to the always impeccably dressed Aleem Kassam of Kalu Interiors. ?After 30 years in business, we felt a complete redesign was the perfect way to celebrate and to assure our customers we plan to get better with age,? said Bonetti. ?We're thrilled to showcase Paola Lenti and Molteni&C/ Dada - some of the best Italian designers in the world - in a unique space that authentically captures the spirit of these iconic brands.? Housed in a 1930's-era printing factory in the Armoury District of Vancouver, the Livingspace expansion involved adding the fifth floor to its showroom. Guests delighted in partaking in a ?Vespa tour?around the Grand Milano Cathedral, coming upon the unexpected rooftop garden courtyard, and discovering the power of the lime green Lamborghini Huracan LP580 Coupe alongside the orange Aperol Aperitivo soda fountain.

44 44

Paola Lenti, renowned for its sophisticated use of colour and innovative materials, features both indoor and outdoor furniture set against the original, industrial factory space. In contrast, Canada's first Molteni&C/ Dada monobrand showroom offers a more refined and intimate experience as you move through the space with individual room-like


settings revealing the latest in kitchens, closets, and furniture. Throughout the renovation process, Livingspace worked diligently to ensure its coveted heritage location was preserved, and the result is a gorgeous contemporary layout that is purposefully juxtaposed with the building's nearly century-old history.



? t's been an incredible 30 years. We are so fortunate to work with sought-after designers and suppliers who have an incredible talent for balancing art and design. It is extremely heartwarming to witness the support shown by these key players in the interior design world for Vancouver's burgeoning home design and dĂŠcor industry.?

Since opening its doors in 1988, Livingspace has evolved from a furniture-only retailer to a one-stop destination for building a picture-perfect modern lifestyle. The Vancouver-based retailer is already looking towards the future with the anticipated arrival of a Minotti monobrand showroom later this year. To experience Livingspace's impressive redesign, visit the showroom between Monday and Saturday, at 1706 West 1st Avenue in Vancouver, BC. 46 46




HomeDecor Masterpiece Antiques Gallery 2202 Granville Street Vancouver, BC April 28, 2019

48 48


Fe 50


endi Casa

2019 Collect ion as Pr esen t ed at Salon del M obile.M ilan o Salon del Mobile.Milano 2019 FieraMilano Rho SS del Sempione 28 20017 Rho (Milano) April 9, 2019

50 50






ince 1989, Fendi Casa has created furniture and objects for the home that bring the unique Fendi edge into the worlds personal and commercial spaces, all with timeless design elegance and aesthetic dimension.


At Salon del Mobile.Milano 2019, Luxury Living Group presented the third collaboration between the Italian fashion house and Christina Celestino, famed architect and interior designer. This latest partnership entitled ?Back Home? offers a high-end take on the sentimental perception of the comforts of home and the furniture pieces that bring back fondness of family.

52 52


The lush dĂŠcor included adjustable lamps, vibrant hand-woven carpets, cufflink-inspired mirrors, and limited edition (and incredibly pricy) side-tables inspired by a 1983 Karl Lagerf eld FF logo doodle [1]. Upholstered sofas, in materials including marbles and onyxes, metallic surfaces, and unexpected colour combinations, were the stars of the collection, around which all other pieces resided. The colour palette is characterized by Cape Town in South Af rica, evoking nature in powder blues, greens, neutral gradations of grey, and splashes of saturated colour applied to textile accessories and complementary furnishing items.


Individual pieces were robust with details like Selleria piping, zippers on the sofa and chair upholstery, the FE bag buttons, and the iconic logo F is FENDI logo, struct fabrics and three-dimensional patterns, and graphic det and lines.

Stand-out pieces included the new Anna Armchair [2] inspired by Fendi?s global office building - the Palazzo della CiviltĂ Italiana, which is one of Rome?s most icon structures, and the Thea Chair [3] which can also be 54 found in the 2019 outdoor collection [4]?a whole line o comfortable stylish furniture which is 100% animal-free and vegan! In Vancouver, the Fendi Casa Collections and catalogues, are available at Major Interiors located at 300 West Pender Street. Visit Monday through Saturday or email

ENDI ured tails



of e

[2] 54 54




ar from fads and fashions, above and beyond all definition, the luxurious character of the Bentley Home collection offers a lifestyle free from compromise, and a very definite masculine POV. Bentley Motors?celebrated the company?s centennial at Salon del Mobile.Milano 2019 with a limited-edition home line. Paying homage to the traditions of the British automotive house, it?s long history dates back to


January 1919, with W.O. Bentley an The brothers were 56 marking the start sporting success, and unwittingly dev super-luxury that survives to this da

The centrepiece of the Crewe Limite the Cheshire town that is home to t remarkable and deliciously dark desk using leading-edge technology, finish indulgent layer of liquid gold and go priced over USD $100,000!

ley Home Salon del Mobile.Milano 2019 FieraMilano Rho SS del Sempione 28 20017 Rho (Milano) April 9, 2019

nd his brother Horace. of a century of speed, veloping a level of ay.

ed Edition (named after he Bentley factory) is a k set. Constructed hed with an incredibly old dust, and is 56 56


ugatti Home, perhaps the most eagerly awaited luxury collection of 2019, showcased an extremely hi-tech, contemporary line to the public, which interprets the values of the hyper sports cars brand founded in 1909 in Molsheim, Alsace by Ettore Bugatti. Everything in the collection, which bears the signatures of two of the most prestigious international designers, Carlo Colombo and Toan Nguyen, alludes to performance, technology and elegance, essential features of the prestigious Bugatti hyper sports cars.

Bugatti H

Salon del Mobile.Milano 20 Fiera Milano Rho SS del Sempione 28 20017 Rho (Milano) April 9, 2019





Exclusive upholsteries, the rare Sodalite gemstone, a reminder of Bugatti Blue, Striato Olimpico marble, and incredibly soft high-performance technical fabrics enable luxury and technology to be combined. The curves that made the French automotive company immortal provide the inspiration for the sinuous profiles from the walls and windows to the wood paneling and carpets, putting the details of the collection in the spotlight. In Vancouver, the Bentley and Bugatti Home Collections and catalogues, are available at Major Interiors located at 300 West Pender Street. Visit Monday through Saturday or 58 email 58



Masterpiece Antiques Gallery 2202 Granville Street Vancouver, BC April 28, 2019



Events 60 60


Vacheron Co 62

Th e Sw iss Tim epiece M aison

1055 Alberni Vancouver, B May 14, 2019


onstantin Lau n ch es in Van cou ver 's Lu xu r y Zon e

i Street BC 9

62 62


t the pinnacle of high horology and understated elegance, the Maison Vacheron Constantin creates timepieces with unique technical and aesthetic signatures and an extremely high level of finishing touches. The luxury Swiss timepiece Maison, with over two hundred and sixty years of heritage, launched its first Western Canada boutique on prestigious Alberni Street in Vancouver?s Luxury Zone. Alberni Street is recognized as one of Canada?s most desirable luxury retail addresses, offering a convenient shopping experience and proximity to hundreds of best-in-class retailers, in keeping with Vacheron Constantin?s high level of sophistication and commitment to outstanding customer service.


The interior of the boutique is imbued with elegance and noble materials ? wood, bronze and leather ? which create a hushed, discreetly luxurious atmosphere. This is the Maison?s seventh opening in North America, Toronto, Beverley Hills, Costa Mesa, Las Vegas, New York, and Miami. Built upon a legacy of innovation and the pursuit of excellence, each timepiece is crafted in Geneva, Switzerland with care and passion by the finest watchmakers and craftspersons. Known for achieving monumental technical feats as well as timepieces with beautiful finishing, the new downtown boutique carries the entire range of watches, as well as boutique-exclusive models, and offers the rare Les Cabinotiers service, which makes bespoke pieces tailored to the client?s desires, and one-of-a-kind masterpieces. ?We are delighted to have the opportunity to serve Canadians in British Columbia with a new boutique strategically located in the Alberni luxury district. The Western location will serve to complement our existing East coast Toronto, Ontario boutique and enhance our Canadian client?s understanding of Vacheron Constantin, and the Maison?s commitment to belle haute horlogerie,? said Leslie Kobrin, Vacheron Constantin President of the Americas.

64 64

In May, Sharp Magazine gathered an exclusive group of west coast watch collectors and VVIPs to preview the latest Vacheron Constantin?s timepieces, including the new Fiftysix and Patrimony blue dial watches.


The on-location event was followed by an intimate dinner at the award-winning and internationally renowned Hawksworth Restaurant, under the deft guidance of chef Stephanie Noel. 66

Each dish was inspired by a different Vacheron Constantin watch, such as the Fiftysix, for which Chef Noel created the second course consisting of a sweet pea agnolotti with morels and white asparagus.

66 66




68 68



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SHARP in the City Th e Book For M en Lau n ch Even t


The Rocky Mountaineer Station 1755 Cottrell Street at Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC May 15, 2019

72 72



resh on the heels of a successful Toronto launch of the Spring/ Summer issue of Canada's top men's magazine, the team repping Sharp: The Book For Men, jetted into Vancouver to throw their second release party at the Rocky Mountaineer Station.


With guests numbering 400+, the e had been transformed into a haven Harley Davidson displaying the 20 BMW showcasing the M2 and M5 74 models, and the 850i Cabriolet fo

Hand-crafted cocktails included gen from Glenmorangie, Hennessy, an and the scent of Paco Rabanne?s cologne the enlivened the air.

Well-dressed guests enjoyed playin Pac- Man and billiards, mingling, an taken off the top at the Crowsnes

expansive location n with sponsors 019 lineup and Competition or admiration.

enerous spirits nd Estrella Damm One Million

ng classic nd having a little st Barber station.

74 74



All images courtesy of SHARP Maga 76

The Harley Davidson station was bril guests with motorcycle licenses took rides, and all others couldn?t resist th to climb up on the stationery bikes a their vroom-vroom on!

Subscribe to Sharp Magazine and y find yourself on the receiving end of invitation for their next launch event


y text

azine; shot by Butter Studios Agency

lliant, and k test he urge and get

you may f an t!

76 76

Be 78

Thomas Haas Patisserie-Chocolate Cafe 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC May 21, 2019

eauty / Wellness 78 78

Skin Te

Body-Con t ou r in g Em scu lpt Ar r iv 80 Dr. Pavlou & Skin Technique Team 1046 Hamilton Street Vancouver, BC




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n just a few years, Dr. Christopher Pavlou has become one of Vancouver?s leading aesthetics doctors, due in no small part by continually updating his practice to include the latest advances in medical aesthetics and medical grade skincare products. He also travels the world as an invited guest speaker, trains in new treatments and technologies, and endeavours to bring the most up-to-date treatments to his patients in Vancouver.

"I t was my v of feeling be beautiful." ?

When planning to launch Skin Technique, Dr. Pavlou wanted to create a space where both patients and staff would enjoy coming to. An environment that was both inspiring and aesthetically beautiful.

He worked closely with a local desig company to ensure all the elements vision were incorporated in the final and in December 82 2017, the chic and sophisticated Skin Technique opene greeted its first patients.

On the outside, the Yaletown neigh surrounding Skin Technique is thrivi award-winning culinary experiences, fashion boutiques, and a cool coffee Dr. Pavlou and his team offer a luxu experience in a beautifully designed just steps from the city?s trendiest s


vision to create a space where the importance eautiful exceeded the desire to look ? Dr. Christopher Pavlou

gn s of his l design d ed and

hbourhood ing with , trendy e culture. ury clinic d space, spots.

On the inside, the clinic?s interiors are a crisp white with gold accents, and an array of vibrant green succulents and skin product packaging provide pops of colour. High ceilings, exposed white-washed brick, and recessed lighting lend to a light airiness that continues from the guest lounge through to the treatment rooms. Dr. Pavlou has utilized the emerging trends in digital marketing and social media to reach by being chosen by Vancouverites as

Best Local Inf luencer in the annual ?Best of ?awards in The Georgia Straight. Recently, Skin Technique acquired a cutting-edge body contouring and sculpting machine, the Emsculpt. This ground-breaking treatment delivers the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups in 20 minutes. This transformational, non-surgical body contouring treatment is just one of many that were demonstrated at a recent event hosted at the clinic.

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?I?m pleased to now offer the Emsculp showcased at the IMCAS World Cong remarkable results of the treatment. I services to my patients in Vancouver

lpt at our Vancouver clinic, Skin Technique. This pioneering technology was gress in Paris, France, and has gained media attention globally due to the It?s my mission to bring the most innovative, top-rated techniques and r,?said Dr. Christopher Pavlou. 84




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