Folio.YVR ☆ Issue 15 ☆ 2022 ☆ Luxury Lifestyle Magazine ☆ Vancouver, BC

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r v y . o i l o f I SSUE #15 FA LL/ WI NTER 2022

001 A NN GOLDBERG | K i m Stev en's Dah l i a

003 HELEN SI WA K | Portrai t of Gi ov anna Lazzari ni

TA BLE OF CONTENTS PERSONA LI TY 007 CULI NA RY 017 FA SHI ON 027 035 047 053 GETA WA YS 061 077 V I P EV ENTS 089 097 099

Jen n i f er St oj k ov i c M ot t 32 Gu cci Rel au n ch W est b an k Cou t u r e W u x l y x Br y an A d am s Ch r i st op h er Bat es Scen i c Ecl i p se Yach t Oak Bay Beach Hot el St ef an o Ri cci Pu b l i sh er ' s M essag e M asth ead | Credi ts

005 A NN GOLDBERG | Pi tch er Pl ant - New f oundl and Labrador

p e r s o n a lity



009 JENNI FER STOJK OV I C | V egan Women Summi t


What an exciting time we live in! In 2023, innovative cruelty-free materials are everywhere, and thousands of animal-friendly products are being designed and offered for a hungry high-end vegan market. Dominique Side is an entrepreneur who, through her business - The Luxury Vegan - is easing one high-wealth client after another through the transition. We met Side at the 2022 Vegan Women Summit in Los Angeles. Conceived and hosted by Jennifer Stojkovic (Issue # 15: The Future of Food is Female), and were enthralled by her charisma, charm, and passion for putting the vegan lifestyle on an obtainable pedestal. From the basics - Side will clean out clients?fridges and pantries, hire chefs to recreate the dishes they love best, and connect them to vegan resources in their area. She shows them that they do not have to turn their whole lives upside down and start from scratch, but with her help, they will get an inside line to the absolute best food, luxury fashion, and wellness options in the world.

A T h r iv in g

W o r ld

In c l u d e s

Wom en

?Sometimes I feel like a very small person ? but when I think about the fate of our world, I know that by using my platform to affect change in other people, I?m doing my best work. I became a vegan because I have compassion for other beings, and I have compassion for the planet, and I have compassion for myself. My mission now is to help others unlock those levels of compassion in their own lives and embrace the wonders the luxury vegan lifestyle offers them.? We spoke with Dominique about how she became aware of this elevated lifestyle that benefits her health and the planet. ?Now more than ever, veganism is on the rise, with the number of vegans in the United States skyrocketing from 0.4 percent to almost 3.5 percent in the last two years or so. But despite this growth, veganism still holds an odd place in the minds of most consumers; they tend to think both of radicalized hippies and the organic Whole Foods produce they can?t even afford. It?s a confusing duality.?


Her journey to veganism began four and a half years ago. ?I was on a specific workout regimen, and one of my trainers said, ?Try this plant-based protein powder. It?s better for your digestion.? So I did, and I loved it! So much that it got my wheels turning about makeup? and as soon as I did even cursory research, I saw that vegan cosmetics were far better for both my skin and the planet. Next came vegan cleaning supplies, and a few products for my kids ? and yet I still wasn?t thinking about food? until I watched a documentary on veganism. And then it was all over. I knew I could never return to eating animal


A Book,

A C o n fe r e n c e ,

products again.? Moving forward, Side knew her life was changing at the speed of a racing train but transitioning to veganism was not something she planned to do alone. ?I immediately began scheming on ways to convince others that veganism wasn?t just the right choice but a fantastic and life-enriching choice. So, I built a boutique vegan grocery store and clothing company. I made sure my studio, media complex, and production facility were all eco-friendly. Then I started to think about ways to help individual influencers embrace the vegan lifestyle. I knew that making the leap was the toughest part and that people could use help easing into the transition. And after doing some research, I saw that the luxury market wasn?t getting a lot of love from the vegan community? which seemed like a missed opportunity.? Recognizing that those with means could also change their worlds quickly, sometimes on a whim, Side immediately began planning to expand her business to encompass this market. ?After all, top earners and wildly successful people have the resources to surround themselves with the best of the best, but they are often too busy to do their

A F u tu r e

research. So, they may gravitate toward whatever society or the media tell them has value. If I could show them that veganism was the best possible choice for the environment, for animals, and for their health and longevity, I could bring some seriously heavy hitters into the vegan fold! I could elevate veganism overall and create a generation of influential individuals who led by example... and that?s how my compassion-based luxury lifestyle consultancy, The Luxury Vegan, was born!? Interpretation of a Luxury Lifestyle Interestingly, when she was working with elite clients, many of them thought of ?luxury?and ?vegan?as opposite ends of the spectrum. They knew that a vegan lifestyle could be costly. Still, they assumed any animal-free wearables, skincare options, and menus would have that earthy, boho, downmarket feel to them, and this aspect piqued her curiosity. So, she investigated if entrepreneurs in the fast-emerging luxury vegan market struggled to convince customers that their meticulously crafted wares were, in fact, cruelty-free. From Dining to Designers She spoke with 17 innovators in the vegan world, from chefs and food production experts to cosmetics formulators and fashion designers,

015 A NN GOLDBERG | Park l and, A l ta Peoni es i n Gl ass V ase

c u lin a r y



PA RA DOX HOTEL | 1161 W Georgi a Street, V ancouv er



ith sights set on sharing its elevated, plant-based Chinese dishes with Vancouver restaurant goers, Mott 32 has launched a new menu.

The internationally acclaimed and award-winning restaurant has been making headlines since releasing its selection of refined plant-based offerings this season. Rooted in respect for tradition and a commitment to sustainability, Mott 32 pays tribute to Chinese dishes, such as Siu Mai and Lion?s Head Meatballs, and offers them entirely animal-free.

E x p e r i e n c e P l a n t -b a s e d E l e g a n c e

?Our plant-based menu is the result of many months of recipe development, recreating the flavours and textures of traditional dishes,? shares Chef Lee Man Sing, Group Chinese Executive Chef at Mott 32 Vancouver. ?We are excited to introduce this menu to our guests worldwide, marrying true Cantonese cooking techniques with a more sustainable approach to eating.? The Chinese fine-dining establishment originated in Hong Kong and is named after 32 Mott Street in New York City, the site of the city?s first Chinese convenience store in 1851. The convenience store marked the beginning of what is now known as a vibrant Chinatown in one of the most dynamic cities in the world. Since its Vancouver opening in 2017, Mott 32 has become the go-to restaurant for Chinese cuisine in a luxurious and vibrant atmosphere. Now, those who embrace a plant-based diet can satiate their cravings for traditional Chinese umami flavours at 1161 West Georgia Street.


E x p lo r in g

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o f A s ia n

C u is in e

Mott 32?s chefs have carefully integrated plant-based alternative products made by OmniFoods, with fresh and locally sourced ingredients. Menu highlights include a Crispy Tofu with Szechuan peppercorns and Lion's Head Meatballs prepared with a combination of tofu, mushrooms, and water chestnuts. And if you are not enticed yet, Mott 32?s Signature Smoked "Cod" is an incredible dish that replicates the original on the menu with a version made from soy protein, pea protein, rice protein, and shiitake mushroom powder. These delicious plant-based dishes will join the other popular meat-free ones already served at the restaurant, including the Stir Fried Assorted Wild Mushrooms. This extraordinary menu will be available during both lunch and dinner service.


025 A NN GOLDBERG | Canadi an Perenni al s

fa s h io n



GUCCI | Fai rmont Hotel V ancouv er | Dow ntow n YV R



he legendary fashion house Gucci has had an undeniable presence in Vancouver for decades.

After relocating and expanding several times since first entering the West Coast market, the demand for their luxurious collections continues to soar, reaching new heights with generation after generation. As one of the world?s most successful luxury designer brands, Gucci was founded in 1921 and operates around 500 stores globally, in addition to boutique spaces in large department stores. The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver located at 900 West Georgia Street, is the Italian fashion house's most prominent Canadian store.

O v e r 10 0 y e a r s o f D e s i g n In n o v a t i o n

After a noticeable expansion that made way for new product categories, including Gucci men's wear and the much-loved Gucci Pet collection, it was time for a more sizable space in Vancouver. The flagship location went from its 2006 original size of 4,000-square-feet to 6,200, making it around 200-square-feet more than the brand's Toronto location. The expanded store?s design includes marble polychrome inlays, new upholstery, finishings, and custom geometric painted floors such as herringbone wood flooring. The classic and lavish moss green velvet perfectly contrasts freshly painted pink walls, plush chairs, and vintage rugs that create unique and inspiring spaces within the store. In 2021, Gucci turned 100-years-old and Creative Director Alessandro Michele is showing no signs of easing up on the reinvention of the company. Over the course of his tenor, Gucci has been remade into a quirky bastion for Gen X?ers, Millennials, Gen Y, Z, and all the sub-cultures that exist in fashion's cracks.



035 I A N GI LLESPI E | A n Essay on Couture | Westbank



few years ago, an interest in fashion grew into a collection that in a few years?time I hope will at the very least, be regarded as interesting and well put together.

It has also led to the second most frequently asked question I get; (The first being what is your favourite building) what possibly led you to start Westbank?s fashion collection?


The answer to the question, from the 100,000-foot level, on reflection and with the benefit of hindsight, is that our collection is just another expression of our pursuit of beauty. I actually do not think it needs to be too much more complicated than that. Coming down a little closer to the ground, my specific interest in collecting started with Lauren and I looking for a vintage Alexander McQueen dress that she might wear to her high school graduation. We both really loved the McQueen boutique a short walk from the Soho House in New York and I think on one of those visits, now over 5 years ago, would be when we started thinking that collecting couture could be something really interesting to do. Then after Lauren and I saw the Savage Beauty show at the Met in 2011 and later in London at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 2015, a passing idea began to take shape.

For me, the idea of collecting is not as interesting if I cannot display the art; a warehouse full of art does not bring me as much enjoyment as sharing it. It was at this point that I began to see a new path for fashion in my practice. The lobbies of our hotels are something that I put a fair amount of time into and I was never really happy with the execution or design of the lobby at Shangri- La Toronto. Then in 2015, when Lauren and I were on a flight to Toronto, we were flipping through Vogue when we came across a feature of the year?s Met Gala, China Through the Looking Glass. The Gala?s haute couture dresses were displayed against an oriental-themed wallpaper, and it inspired us to sketch out the Shangri-La Lobby, imagining such dresses in the space, enclosed in cases like the ones we saw in Savage Beauty. When I am looking at the lobby like my office or my home for that matter, I tend to look at it as a space that I want to design to bring myself enjoyment first, with the hope that if enough other people also like it, that it will be successful. When we started the process of redesigning the lobby space, the idea of acquiring and displaying a number of beautiful dresses was something we thought would also bring enjoyment to our guests.


T o r o n to U n v e ilin g When we unveiled the first dresses in our collection in the Toronto lobby in 2016, we were pleased with the reaction. From there it became obvious that we should expand that concept to the other two hotels and our office and by then the idea of building a collection started to gain traction. Like so many things in my career, it is the people who present them-selves in your life from time to time that make the difference between a passing idea or interest and actually making something of it. In the beginning of my career, I had a partnership with architect J ames Cheng. Jim was my mentor in architecture, he first introduced me to Tadao Ando, Kengo Kuma and many other pivotal influences that have come to shape my perspective and my practice. Jim took me under his wing and others like Bob Rennie and Reid Shier have done the same for me in the Arts. Now, in a similar way, William Banks- Blaney is showing me a new piece of the world, through fashion, that is helping fulfill a new overall direction.


W i l l i a m B a n k s -B l a n e y | W illia m V in ta g e With a strong background in art history and design and a deep interest in vintage fashion, William recognized early on a gap in the market for an edited, exacting source for the world?s best vintage clothing and vintage haute couture. He founded William Vintage in Marylebone London in 2009, with the aim of offering the best selection of vintage clothing in the world. Since then, William Vintage has become the destination for the finest 20th-century vintage haute couture, with a global reputation for excellence, knowledge and extraordinary discoveries. The market for fine 20th-century vintage haute couture has grown tremendously, with sales of 20th-century vintage clothing setting records around the world. The William Vintage approach is less concerned with trends and more with the value of vintage for its history, artistry and quality of craftsmanship. William selects designs based on what each piece symbolised for women, as well as for the clothing?s relationship to the cultural and sociological context of the time. Entirely modern in both outlook and approach, William Vintage eschews the notion of ?playing dress- up? and focuses on elegant, impeccable dresses by the great couturiers. William?s first book, 25 dresses; Iconic Moments in 20th Century Fashion was published in 2015.

William is just as passionate about uncovering rare collectable vintage couture as I am about putting up projects that will express a high degree of creativity and artistry. Since he opened his first store nearly eight years ago, William has developed relationships in such a way that he has become one of the world?s foremost experts in collectable vintage couture. Equally important, he shares our belief that beauty and cultural richness are vital components of life in the modern world. With so many seemingly more urgent needs, we both believe that society too quickly loses sight of the vital role that culture plays in the advancement of humanity. The metamorphosis of Westbank into a culture company and our willingness to fight for beauty creates the ideal conditions for someone like William to enter our world and enrich it while helping us explore new interests to layer onto our collaborations with architects, designers and artists. A C o lle c tio n w ith F o c u s The focus of the collection will be upon haute couture and the greatest designers of the 20th and 21st centuries. An era of dynamic change and cultural evolution, this time frame allows us to limit our collection both for relevance and contemporaneity. Designers we will collect in depth include Roberto Capucci, Coco Chanel, Givenchy, J eanne Lanvin, Bob Mackie, Alexander McQueen, Paul Poiret, Yves St Laurent, Versace, Rei Kawakubo (Comme Des Garcons) and others that William and I believe played an important role in the evolution of fashion. All of these designers share a mastery of design, integrity in their craftsmanship and a devotion to artistry that we believe is worth celebrating.

B e a u t y | In t i m a c y There are two real keys when I think of the fashion collection: beauty and intimacy. This core language is important because really there should be no difference in the way we think of our buildings than the way we think of our dresses. We already have a commonality of language throughout our practice. Whether we are describing our art collection, the sculptures, the buildings, the designers we work with or the couture collection, the message is the same: it is artistry, it is beauty, it is innovation and it is our legacy. Beyond that, it is about involving joy and beauty and creativity in our lives, which is not a modern construct. Similar I suppose to my interest in live music, one of the motivators for me was the idea of finding new areas of exploration that inspire both myself and my children. If they are inspired by what we are working on they will naturally be more interested in becoming intimately involved. Lauren, in particular, has joined this part of the journey and I feel so fortunate to have the chance to play together with my kids as they mature. Something I mention often in lectures is this idea that we are all standing on the shoulders of the previous generation. I think that is one of the things that really resonates in the collection. You can look at the fashion in the 1920?s and see that it was inspired by a designer in the 1890?s, for example. Fashion has a depth that shows how far we have come; technology has changed, electronics have changed, communication has changed, but in fashion, on some level, a notion of beauty remains innate. I have hope that what we are touching on with this collection is something deeper, that others will find of value.



When I first started to see the meaning in fashion, it was when William introduced me to its intricacies. Poiret was the McQueen of the 1910?s, Chanel was the challenger of the 1920?s, Vionnet was the revolutionist of the art deco 1930?s. These designers created these moments and you can love them or hate them but they make you feel something. They make you decide. They refine your notion of right or wrong, of beauty or ugliness and can make you realize how you want to live, or more importantly how you do not want to live. With this collection, I hope to show you our notion of beauty. Another way I am beginning to see our role is similar to that of a patron to great art and artists. There are all of these different designers, some focusing on couture, others on the antithesis of that, many of which are really struggling, who are every bit as relevant in this story. This is where the idea of patronage can actually start coming in, not because we are dictating style or design but because we could have the opportunity to say to designers: ?What would you create if you could create anything? What is your statement, who are you?? I am told it is actually a relatively low financial input to effect paradigm change in fashion. A shift from providing a scholarship, to creating an integrated, long-term sponsorship within art and design schools could allow the next generation of talent to create their vision. My hope is that quite soon we will begin to have an ability to help shape an entire generation of new designers. I think what is really exciting about that is potentially helping the next Alexander McQueen.

A n s w e r in g th e W h y ? My hope is that Westbank becomes synonymous with culture. More than anything, I hope that above all else we are thought of as a culture company. As we mature we are embracing our eclectic nature and we will aggressively pursue interesting collaborations in any and all sectors, whether it be in the arts, technology, sustainability, fashion, music or otherwise. Westbank has evolved far beyond the traditional boundaries of real estate and we will continue to push further, in order to grow further. ~ Ia n G i l l e s p i e , W e s t b a n k

Couture in order of appearance: Cover Roberto Capucci 1985 035 Yves Saint Laurent 1965 037 Alexander McQueen 2010 039 Alexander McQueen 2010 041 Gabrielle Chanel 1932 043 Yves Saint Laurent 1983 045 Yves Saint Laurent for Christian Dior 1958



049 WUX LY | 884 Queen Street West | Toronto, ON


ustainable proudly Canadian outerwear brand Wuxly is collaborating with vegan Canadian music icon Bryan Adams. Loved for its animal-free, fashion-forward outerwear, Wuxly?s latest limited edition collection garners even more adoration among music enthusiasts. This month, the sustainable brand announced the launch of its collaboration with unabashedly vegan Canadian rocker, Bryan Adams. ?I?m so proud to have collaborated on this kick ass collection with WUXLY ? a brand I have personally admired for years and whose core values, I share ? and I can?t wait to see how people make it their own and rock these pieces? says Adams.

To the team at Wuxly, Bryan was an obvious choice for their first collaboration as he has been a committed vegan for over three decades. The brand's animal-free and eco-friendly ethos align with the musician?s dedication to protecting the ever-so-vulnerable planet. ?Meeting Bryan for the first time was awesome. He was down-to-earth and cool as a fan,? shares J ames Yurichuk, former football player and CEO of Wuxly Movement. ?I could see why he is so accomplished. He would always be ready to work on the collection, whether on the road, if it was late at night, or on the weekend. I could see the pride that goes into his work when he puts his name on it?there is a lot of passion in this project.? Bryan?s close relationship with the outerwear brand started back in 2019. And now, four years later, the partnership is redefining warmth by creating the first tech- led, animal- f ree Canadian parka?tried and tested to help Canadians brave the country?s cold winter elements.


?The BAD Collection is an homage to an all-time rock legend that spans generations. My sons in elementary school listening to Bryan just as I did when I was their age and still do,? says Yurichuk. ?The Kick Ass silhouette is something we wanted to capture in this collection. Bryan rocks the house when he is on stage, and we wanted our customers to be able to express their inner rocker. So the logo accomplishes that.?

Bryan, one of the best-selling artists of all time, directed and stars in the campaign that was shot in his studio in London. He created his interpretation of the collection with his team using a black slate. ?The end result was wicked,? reveals Yurichuk. As the only vegan and sustainably made outerwear brand in Canada, Wuxly?s popularity continues to grow organically. There is yet to be another Canadian outerwear label that shares the same commitment to local production and animal-free fabrics. By producing the outerwear collections locally, Wuxly helps strengthen the Canadian company while reducing transportation-related carbon emissions. ?We are incredibly focused on product quality and brand integrity?being the best we can be is at the forefront of everything we do,? he says. ?Radically sustainable by design continues to be a north star for Wuxly, and we will never stray from that.?



CHRI STOPHER BA TES | 6 Locati ons Worl dw i de



hile it may have started with a crisp lipstick kiss on the collar, Christopher Bates?eponymic men's wear brand has been famous among celebrities, stylists, and consumers since its inception in 2008. As a purveyor of Italian-made footwear, sunglasses, and shirts, Christopher Bates understands bold fashion and artisanal-level craftsmanship. The luxury brand?s latest collection collaborates with one of the greatest films of all time: The Godfather. The 1972 crime drama changed cinema forever, akin to what Christopher Bates is doing in the fashion industry.

A N e w G e n e r a tio n o f A p p r e c ia tio n

The Godfather was based on Mario Puzo's novel of the same name and focused on the powerful Italian-American crime family of Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando). When Don's youngest son, Michael (Al Pacino), reluctantly joins the Maf ia, he becomes involved in the inevitable cycle of violence and betrayal. THE GODFATHER X CHRISTOPHER BATES capsule collection pays tribute to the legendary film while celebrating the brand?s 50th anniversary. ?The Godfather is one of the greatest films of all time and a personal favourite,? reveals creative director Bates. ?As a designer, I?ve been particularly inspired by the sartorial splendour exhibited throughout the trilogy. It is a sincere privilege to collaborate with Paramount on this once-in-a-lifetime project.? The limited edition line features bomber jackets, sweatshirts, t-shirts, hoodies, and tuxedos inspired by the film's fashion worn by Don Vito Corleone. Furthering the line's exclusivity, every product adorns its limited-edition production number on the interior logo label. Paramount Consumer Products officially licenses the capsule collection.


Christopher Bates?most recent past collaboration is with another beloved Paramount film, TOP GUN. The limited-edition collection features carefully crafted pieces that combine Christopher?s creative eye and the iconic fashion from the 80s action film. When browsing the line, you?ll notice steel blue bomber jackets with TOP GUN logos, volleyball tournament tank tops, sunglasses with stainless steel frames, and more. If one thing is sure, it is that Christopher Bates is taking film-inspired fashion to a whole new, unparalleled level.

059 A NN GOLDBERG | Tree Peony i n V i ctori a

tr a v e l & a d v e n tu r e



SCENI C ECLI PSE | International Waters



he Scenic Eclipse Discovery Yacht is an unparalleled, ultra-luxurious way to experience the ocean?s beauty. Setting sail on a f ive- star yacht incomparably blends sophisticated opulence with adventure and travel. The Scenic Eclipse, the World?s First Discovery Yacht, is setting the new standard for ultra-luxury cruising. From Scandinavian-inspired spa facilities and ten dining experiences to a pilates studio and personalized butler service, it?s easy to fall in love with everything the experience offers.

The Australian- founded company has more than three decades of experience creating memorable journeys for its guests. For Scenic Luxury Cruises & Tours, travel innovation, indulgent spaces, and unparalleled guest experiences are at the heart of everything it does.

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After years of functioning as a couch tour operator, the company has expanded into all-inclusive, five-star river and ocean cruises in Europe, Southeast Asia, the USA, Australia, and Canada.

Because of its unique design, the Scenic Eclipse can access places that standard cruises and yachts cannot?remote parts of the Antarctic, small ports in Europe and the Caribbean, and the Kimberley Coast in Australia are all within reach. An exciting trip on the Scenic Eclipse is perfect for those who love the luxury of private yachting but wish to share the experience with large groups of friends and family.

A W o r l d -C l a s s V e s s e l f o r A d v e n t u r e

The interior and exterior of the Scenic Eclipse are indeed unlike any other luxury vessel. Across all f ive decks, 114 suites are designed to be each guest?s private haven. Every spacious suite is filled with natural light, elegant furnishings, an en-suite bathroom with a shower, a king-size bed, state-of-the-art amenities, a lounge area, and a sleep zone. To make the experience even more relaxing, each suite is enhanced by the services of a prof essional butler who will serve you tea and coffee every morning. When travelling on the five-star cruise, you will also have access to in-suite beverage and dining services, a mini-bar stocked with premium beverages, specialty coffee and teas, an HDTV entertainment system with Bose speakers, and an advanced heating and air-conditioning system. In addition, this HVAC system provides every room with 100 percent fresh, filtered air. Every suite features a private verandah where guests can enjoy a cocktail before heading to one of the restaurants for dinner. The Scenic Eclipse has a submarine for incredible underwater adventures, two helicopters and a landing pad, which transport guests to and from excursions like helicopter skiing, golf, and gastronomic dining experiences. Other innovative features of the cruise include a theatre, an observation lounge with Swarovski telescopes, nine bars, and oversized stabilizers for smoother trips.


A n A b u n d a n c e o f A m e n itie s

Custom-designed with a wealth of world-class features for unforgettable exploration, Scenic Eclipse boasts amenities that everyone will enjoy. For complete relaxation and recovery, guests can visit the 5,920- square- foot Scandinavian- inspired spa with several impressive facilities. The Vitality Pool is ideal for those looking to unwind without having to move a muscle. For those eager to break a sweat, the spa?s specialized yoga and pilates studio, as well as the POWER: Gym, is a must-visit. The sole focus of the spa is to enhance and support every guest?s well-being. Friendly and knowledgeable instructors teach several classes onboard, like yoga, pilates, mindfulness meditation, sound bowl meditation, aerial yoga, dance classes, Zumba, HIIT, boot camp classes, and TRX suspension training. The exclusive Senses Spa offers women?s and men?s saunas and steam rooms, women?s and men?s vitality lounges, temperature-controlled plunge pools, signature thermal loungers, therapeutic pressure showers, spa terraces with sunbeds, ESPA treatments, hairdressers, and a selection of beauty products. When the weather is warm, guests are welcome to use the Scenic Eclipse?s collection of water sports equipment. A Discovery Team member will guide them on a kayak, stand- up paddleboard, or Zodiac expedition to a remote beach where they can have a picnic and spend the afternoon snorkelling, hiking, swimming or relaxing.


S e n s a tio n a l D in in g E x p e r ie n c e s

Along with 24- hour in- suite dining, guests can embark on a culinary journey at any of the Scenic Eclipse?s ten restaurants. Each restaurant is led by an experienced culinary team, which includes more than 38 chef s f rom over 15 countries. Guests with a passion for fine dining can participate in the Chef ?s Table @ Elements experience, an exclusive evening with an 11- course dégustation matched to fine wines. The luxury cruise?s all-inclusive dining experiences celebrate various cuisines and flavours. Every guest will find a dish that satiates their cravings from Asian fusion, Italian, French, and J apanese to elevated American, and Teppanyaki. Guests can select their preference to dine whenever and wherever the mood strikes, affording them the option of privacy and space at no additional cost. For example, groups can dine together in the restaurant of their choice or the privacy of their ultra-luxury suite.



D i s c o v e r i n g t h e W o r l d w i t h G r e e n In i t i a t i v e s

The vessel is also equipped with the latest technology, like the advanced Azipod propulsion system, which minimizes the noise and vibrations that disturb marine life. The Scenic Eclipse?s GPS also allows the ship to maintain its position without an anchor, eliminating any damage to the delicate sea floor. Additionally, the boat is equipped to plug into onshore power networks, allowing it to reduce emissions by primarily running off the electrical grid and not generators. The vessel also uses the lightest grade of marine fuel on board, significantly reducing sulphur emissions.


Observing humpback whales in Canada and marvelling at penguins in Antarctica is much more enjoyable on a cruise that cherishes the planet. The Scenic Eclipse is committed to reducing its environmental impact and building a more sustainable way of luxury water travel. Through several environmentally conscious invitations, both on board and onshore, it functions with minimal environmental impact.



OA K BA Y RESORT | 1175 Beach A v enue, V i ctori a, BC



isit the Oak Bay Beach Hotel in Victoria for the ultimate two-day romantic getaway.

The fall season is a time for local adventure, chunky knit sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and reconnecting with your loved ones. It is also the perfect time for a luxurious two-day getaway to recharge your batteries with your partner.

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Vancouver Island is the perfect destination for a relaxing and picturesque trip, with the ground covered in golden leaves and the ocean?s waves crashing against the shoreline. Just a short drive and scenic ferry ride from Metro Vancouver, Oak Bay boasts breathtaking natural surroundings, spectacular beaches, and unique character homes?the photo opportunities are endless. The resort is a favourite among staycationers and tourists seeking a little rest and recovery. Built in an English Manor House style and nestled on the shores of the Pacif ic Ocean, the luxury boutique resort is elegantly reconstructed on the same oceanfront property where the historical hotel has resided for more than 90-years. U ltim a te

B le n d

o f O p u le n c e

& C o m fo r t

The property is certainly not your average hotel?each room is a piece of paradise thoughtfully designed for optimal comfort. Guests can choose between breathtaking views of the Salish Sea or the lush, tree-lined community of Oak Bay. Each luxurious room features striking decor, air-conditioning, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a cozy fireplace to warm your feet after wandering the beach. Those who stay at the hotel can also take advantage of the pillow-top mattresses, spa-inspired bathrooms, white bathrobes, and flat-screen HD TVs that are perfect for a movie night. After a busy summer, your mind, body, and soul deserve some pampering. The award-winning Boathouse Spa can help you awaken your physical and spiritual senses through its full menu of experiences. Victoria?s only oceanfront spa presents a wide range of holistic offerings, including facials, body treatments, and massages from Registered Massage Therapists.


Spas of America have recognized the Boathouse Spa as the # 1 spa located on Vancouver Island and the # 1 spa in BC in 2021. We suspect its popularity is due to its natural backdrop and stunning oceanfront treatment rooms!

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P o o ls

The Oak Bay Beach Hotel believes that the best way to enjoy the oceanfront views is from its custom-designed mineral pools. When visiting The Boathouse Spa, guests can upgrade any treatment to include two-hour access to the mineral pools, eucalyptus-infused steam room, and the Boathouse Kitchen & Bar. Getting pampered can work up quite the appetite.


For an additional fee, those who receive a treatment at the spa are also welcome to visit the beautiful outdoor pool deck.

The three heated mineral pools are situated on the ocean's edge and can be enjoyed all year round, no matter the weather. The pools are open daily and include amenities like bottled water, towel service, and assigned lounge chairs. To ensure that each guest leaves the mineral pools feeling relaxed and refreshed, phones are allowed but must be on silent. Guests must also be 16 years or older, as The Boathouse Spa and heated mineral pools are an adult- only sanctuary. Be sure to add 'bathing suit' to your packing list, as the spa and mineral pools are a must-visit.



F A R O 's

U p s c a le


Treating yourself to craft cocktails, fine wine, and good food is essential to every romantic getaway. The Oak Bay Beach Hotel has a selection of dining options that serve mouth-watering dishes made from fresh and local ingredients. If the two of you are looking for a fine-dining affair, the Dining Room provides an intimate experience overlooking the ocean. This restaurant only has 22 seats, which means every guest will receive attentive and friendly service in a warm atmosphere. The Dining Room accepts reservations, making it the ideal place to celebrate special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays. At FARO Handcrafted Pizza and Tasting Room, those who adore Italian food can enjoy Neapolitan-style pizzas, fresh salads, small bites, local wines, and craft cocktails. This restaurant, with an outdoor patio and tasting room, is loved by locals and visitors alike. For a more casual dining experience, The Snug Pub is an iconic Victoria institution that dates back several decades to 1954. What was once the neighbourhood's first and only pub is now the go-to spot for friends to connect over delicious food and spirits. The pub offers a selection of scrumptious appetizers that will have you anticipating the main course. The kitchens at all three restaurants are adept at crafting delicious plant-based meals for all. The Oak Bay Beach Hotel is a not-so-hidden gem on Vancouver Island and should be enjoyed as soon as possible!

087 A NN GOLDBERG | Tree Peony on V ancouv er I sl and

v ip e v e n ts



STEFA NO RI CCI | 1139 West Georgi a Street, V ancouv er



o connoisseurs of men's designer clothing and sportswear, Stefano Ricci is simply one of the best.

Born with a knack for creating collections of luxury men's wear, Stefano Ricci has built a successful ultra-luxury brand that sells handmade goods produced in Italy. Over the years, the men's wear and lifestyle brand continues to be a unique family business with roles held by his wife, Claudia, and two sons, Niccolò and Filippo. Now, as the CEO of Stefano Ricci, Niccolò Ricci is looking to redefine the brand?s priorities, design collections that meet the needs of the modern man and re-engage with existing clients. Annually, luxury enthusiasts have the opportunity to have their personalized measurements taken by the designer?s master tailor. This season, Niccolò attended the Stefano Ricci downtown boutique, under the expert guidance of Manuel Bernaschek, for the event. For those passionate about made-to-measure suiting, an appointment with the master tailor is an unforgettable experience. We followed YouTube celebrity Ricky ?Prince of Travel? Zhang through the measuring process and cannot wait to see the final product in a few months when the Master Tailor returns for the fitting stage of the bespoke process.


A P a s s io n

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S lo w

F a s h io n

& U ltim a te

?One of the most exciting aspects of the luxury lifestyle is the constant proposal of novelties in a man's wardrobe and life,? shares Niccolò. ?During the pandemic, we all rediscovered the pleasures of being at home and with our loved ones. Clothing became less formal in favour of sportswear that combines elegance with comfort and style. Through this, the new generations have anticipated an increasing need devoted to practicality, thanks to luxurious technical fabrics and trousers with drawstrings.? Because the pandemic and working from home changed the def inition of business attire, the brand chose to pivot its designs. But as the world and offices open up again, Stefano Ricci must transition its styles again. ?I believe there is a return to the previous pleasure of elegant dressing. There is a return to normality within the workspace and environments that cultivate relationships, such as dinners and parties. Thanks to our team's work in recent months, it is possible to wear soft deconstructed jackets that provide less formal elegance than in the past. However, it is clear how much of a difference style continues to make at important events,? says Niccolò. Over the past few years, Niccolò was able to spend more time at home. Finding the time to connect with his family, along with operating a highly successful luxury brand, was something he found difficult previously.

L ux ury

?I had the opportunity to pay more attention to my daughter Aurora,? he shares. ?We played together, and despite her tender age, she asked me questions that prompted profound reflections. We dreamt of the future together, the return to nature, to beauty. To build a path that increasingly provides the right values regarding what surrounds us?starting from respect and education. I got the strength to plan for the future from these intimate moments.? While the last few years proved tough on the luxury retail industry in Europe, Niccolò looks to the future with cautious optimism. Between the global pandemic and war in Ukraine, many businesses noticed a geopolitical impact on earnings. ?The year 2023 promises to be a year of growth, supported by the encouraging numbers of 2022, which have recovered to pre-pandemic levels,? reveals Niccolò. ?For our company, among the most important investments we are proud of is the new opening in New York, between 57th Street and Madison Avenue. It is a new address that renews the Stefano Ricci proposal in North America, together with Miami, Beverly Hills, Las Vegas, and Vancouver.?

S te fa n o

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K e e p in g

New to the collection is the Octagon Black Steel Chronograph and many guests opted to try this piece on including international luxury influencer Chelsea J iang (right). The piece interprets the SR World from a sporting perspective. The new timepiece has been constructed in stainless steel, and it presents an assertive aesthetic by virtue of the Amorphous Diamond- like Carbon (ADLC) treatment. In addition to the black tones of the watch, the ADLC gives the habillage a hard surface, resistance to external agents, anti-corrosion and anti-wear properties, and a marked dissipation of heat. The visual impact is powerful, supported by the composite architecture of the octagonal case and the dial with a Pavé de Paris finish, which is also reflected on the black vulcanized rubber strap. At the Vancouver Master Tailor event, Manuel Bernaschek and his guests were treated to many performances by the Max Zipursky Trio and exceptionally talented pianists like Elena Bondareva. All performed on the gorgeous Fazioli Pianoforti F183 in California Walnut that resides in the boutique made available by Showcase Pianos.


EDI TOR-I N-CHI EF / Pub l i sh er's M essage



Cheers to the fall season! As nature readies for a long sleep, our beautiful west coast city is waking up and embracing the opportunity that comes of person-to-person connecting. In the past month, we visited and experienced many events and exhibitions showcasing award-winning designers, culinary adventurers, travel innovators, and international luxury fashion purveyors. In the art world, fine artist Ann Goldberg is preparing her annual exhibition at the Pendulum Gallery(HSBC Downtown), which will run from November 28, 2022, to January 12, 2023. I am excited to share six pieces from the ?Perennial Canadians?in Issue # 15 Fall/ Winter of FolioYVR Luxury Lif estyle Magazine. Following up on a trip to the Vegan Women Summit this past April, I re-connected with its?founder J ennif er Stojkovic. Our feature Personality is a Canadian-born former Silicon Valley executive. Jennifer is a determined changemaker, author (The Future of Food is Female), entrepreneur, and vegan activist, pushing the boundaries of what should be on our plates in a world quickly being devastated by climate change. From the culinary world, I share a visit to the newly relaunched Mott 32 in the Paradox Hotel. With its first plant-based menu launch, Executive Chef Lee Man Sing has designed a stunning array of delicious dishes that will stun even the most experienced palate. Explore the newly expanded Gucci boutique in the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver in Fashion. With its emphasis on ?slow fashion?and hand-crafted accessories, Gucci continues to appeal to a youth market keen on embracing retro styling without the fast fashion waste.

Westbanks?Ian Gillespie shares his experience conceiving and creating the only vintage haute couture collection in the city with his daughter that features stunning pieces by Lanvin, Chanel, Dior, YSL, McQueen, and more. Canadian rock star and vegan icon Bryan Adams is collaborating with Toronto-based outerwear company WUXLY for THE BAD COLLECTION Limited Edition, and men?s wear designer Christopher Bates continues his movie collaborations with the launch of The Godfather Collection. For those seeking a weekend getaway, Oak Bay Beach Resort is close, convenient, and consistently rated as one of the best places to lay your head down in Canada and the world. For those seeking to run away, the luxury yacht experience is available on the Scenic Eclipse, which recently docked in Vancouver to board passengers for its 100% sold-out voyage. Complete with two helicopters and a submarine, this impeccably maintained craft was worth the early morning viewing! With the clink of Champagne flutes, VIP guests welcomed CEO Niccolò Ricci to Manuel Bernaschek?s Stefano Ricci boutique on West Georgia. The annual Master Tailor event is always well attended and entertaining, with the cool jazz sounds of the Max Zipursky Trio, piano interludes by accomplished pianists, and exquisite catering. Please enjoy this folio of our city?s finest offerings, and I look forward to continuing to share what makes our city more than just a ?playground for the rich and famous.?It is a home to those who reside here, those who visit, and those who hold it dear in their hearts while they are away.

k a w i S n e l e H


Edi tor-i n-Ch i ef & Publ i sh er Hel en Si w ak , EcoLux Luv Comms LEAD WRITER: RACHEL M OORE DRAFTING ASST: GIOVANNA LAZZARINI PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: FRONT COVER: JASON WU FOR WESTBANK CORP 001-002: ANN GOLDBERG 003-004: HELEN SIWAK 005-006: ANN GOLDBERG 007-013: JENNIFER STOJKOVIC 015-016: ANN GOLDBERG 017-018: LEILA KWOK 019-024: LEILA KWOK, HELEN SIWAK 025-026: ANN GOLDBERG 027-028: HELEN SIWAK 029-030: GUCCI 031-034: HELEN SIWAK 035-045: JASON WU FOR WESTBANK CORP 047-052: COURTESY OF WUXLY 053-058: CHRISOPHER BATES 059-060: ANN GOLDBERG 061-062: HELEN SIWAK 063-076: ECLIPSE SCENIC, HELEN SIWAK 077-086: OAK BAY BEACH HOTEL 087-088: ANN GOLDBERG 089-096: ELVIS YANG FOR STEFANO RICCI 097-100: HELEN SIWAK All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission from EcoLuxLuv Communications. FOLIO.YVR does not accept unsolicited materials or accept any responsibilities for incorrect information as all information is deemed to be accurate as of date of publishing. FOLIO.YVR is published by EcoLuxLuv Communications and is a marketing tool of sponsored content designed to augment services provided by EcoLuxLuv Communications. Queries regarding collaboration, sponsorship, marketing, consulting, and/ or inclusion in FOLIO.YVR should be directed to the publisher via email: or text to 778.847.3011.

r v y . o i l o f I SSUE #15 FA LL/ WI NTER 2022

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