Folio.YVR ☆ Issue 13 ☆ 2020 ☆ Luxury Lifestyle Magazine ☆ Vancouver, BC

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r v y . o i fol I SSUE #13 Wi nter 2020/ 21

001 ann gol dberg / / w h i te f l ow er / / oi l on canv as / / 24x 36

005 nov a stev ens 013 ann gol dberg 021 pasotti ombrel l i 029 j ack i e k ai el l i s 037 sunzen art gal l ery 045 ni ck cav e v f azi ol i 052 v i l l a eyri e resort 054 current tax i 061 al pi na restaurant 067 v i motorsport ci rcui t 075 coach w erk s restorati on 087 j pg x mmf a x msub 091 contri butor credi ts

003 ann gol dberg / / pi nk f l ami ngos / / oi l on canv as / / 40x 60



007 spri ng 2021 col l ecti on / / cath eri ne regeh r


hen it comes to racial disparity, stereotyping and inequality in the beauty pageant industry or helping previously incarcerated youths get back on their feet, Nova Stevens is fighting for what she believes in and doing it on her terms. It has been an intense year for Nova. Amidst the George Floyd protests, she became a prominent activist for Black Lives Matter in Vancouver. Along with activist Shamika Mitchell, Nova organized the Freedom March in June 2020, which saw over 15,000 people protesting racism and police brutality while celebrating J uneteenth. Following the march's success, the duo organized other marches and events in support of Black Lives Matter within the city's downtown. Both were instrumental in lobbying for Mayor Kennedy Stewart to declare August 1 as Emancipation Day in Vancouver.


Heavy isHer Crown In October, Nova was crowned Miss Universe Canada 2020. Hard work and determination placed the glittering crown upon the head of the second Black woman to win the title in 30 years?the first being Montreal's J uliette Powell in 1989. Thirty-one years have passed since that crowning, and Nova is not about to be remembered as the second?it must be much bigger than that. Taking to social media after the win, Nova remarked on what her victory represented in such a multicultural country. "I am Canadian and a Black woman," she said. "As I stand before you, I want you to see me as a Black woman. Yes, I want you to see colour. Seeing colour does not make you racist; instead, it allows you to see the struggles experienced by people of colour." She touched on the victims of police brutality and hate crimes and left an enduring message of hope for the future. "I ask that you diversify your surroundings because when you do that, it creates a better understanding! Know that hate is taught; therefore, we can unlearn it."

Over the next year, her duties as Miss Universe Canada will expand her platform, but she has no plans to withdraw from the organizations passionate about supporting. Nova is an advocate for Toronto's Keep6ix, which offers resources to incarcerated youth and assistance transitioning back into society, One Girl Can education charity, and Feed it Forward, which works with producers to redirect food waste to people who need it.

Nova was born in Kenya to parents who were fleeing the conflict of the Second Sudanese Civil War. At age six, she and a cousin were sent to Canada for safety and lived with family between Alberta and Ontario. This is how it was until the age of 15 when she moved out and initiated a career with her first modelling and acting gigs in Vancouver and New York.


In 2014, Nova entered her first Miss Universe Canada pageant sporting a weave with straight hair. Returning in 2018, she decided to focus on her authentic self, wearing her hair naturally.

While the crown eluded her, change wa pageant world when the 2019 Miss Uni South Af rica's Zozibini Tunzi. Now sh African girl with African features and th answer tough questions in front of an a win. It was game-changing. Nova knew better time for her to try again, and wit of Miss Universe Canada in 2020, she i on her pursuits and will be shining brigh Miss Universe 2021!

as apparent in the niverse winner was he knew that an he wherewithal to audience could w there was no th her crowning is not letting up ghtly on stage at

A Strengthof Character "I find strength from the many times I've fallen because each time I've gotten up and learned." 2020 has proved to be the brutal reckoning that the world needed to spotlight systemic racism, not only in fashion and modelling but in all industries. Even though Nova's career has created so many experiences of note, there was an incredibly memorable one. She recalls, "I was in Milan one season and attended a Vogue Italia party where I got to see supermodels like Naomi Campbell. I've looked up to Naomi since I was a very young girl." But with the positive comes the negative, as she also recalls snide and often-times brutal comments from casting directors and having to do her makeup because on-shoot artists are not trained to work with darker skin tones. Even with an increased focus on diversity by major fashion houses, there continue to be numerous barriers that persons of colour face daily. To a world fighting with itself, Nova reminds all that she is not going anywhere. She is unfazed by the ongoing battles and shouts in a powerfully authentic voice, "I want to be remembered for challenging the status quo of what is considered beautiful. Remember me as someone who has fearlessly used her voice to fight for racial equality. Remember me as a warrior who has peacefully fought for the rights of people of colour. Lastly, as an inspiration to people of colour who have been told, the colour of their skin is a hindrance. I say to you; it is a badge of honour, so you wear it with pride."



pendul um gal l ery / / h sbc bui l di ng / / v ancouv er, bc



he world of artist Ann Goldberg is up-close and personal. Through the most refined strokes, she turns the every day items into a hyper-realistic masterpiece. Pieces so convincing that you may find your mouth watering at her latest collection ? Cake: A Modern Marie Antoinette. An exhibition which stretches the audience?s imagination and blurs the line between reality and the world that exists on her canvases. At the centre of this exhibition is a marvellous interpretation of Marie Antoinette, which took six months to complete. A commissioned piece, the portrait is presented in the Dutch Baroque style and is lush with blooms, from wildflowers to ornamental cabbage, butterflies that flutter about the skirting, and a modern-day Marie at the centre complete with long flowing highlighted locks, lipstick, and manicured nails. In the accompanying exhibition essay, J ulia Trojanowski MFA described this central image of Marie as a ?Vanitas featuring wilting flowers, insects, symbolic objects alluding to the material wealth and the passage of time" which invites the viewer to meditate on ?their mortality and of the worthiness of world goods and pleasure.?

previous page: cake at the serpentine london / 2020 / oil on canvas / 24x36 left: ms antoinette / 2019 / oil on canvas / 48x72 above: bouquet of ranunculus / 2020 / oil on canvas / 48x48

ThePendulumGallery While the Cake exhibition debuted during the pandemic at the Pendulum Gallery, Goldberg was not about to let this delicious exhibit be ignored. ?I wasn?t sure the exhibition would happen as I watched the COVID-19 numbers rise, but the gallery curator Chris Keatley assured me we would find a way to make it happen.? The exhibition space worked exceptionally well during the pandemic, with the gallery?s large open space viewable to the public 24-hours a day. Paintings were equipped with sensors to deter theft, and visitors were able to mask-up, enter, and enjoy the space comfortably. The additional advantage of being across from the historic and prestigious Vancouver Art Gallery meant attendance was much higher as art aficionados could easily visit both locations.

TheOrigin of An Artist Goldberg?s artistic style is influenced by her education background. Before committing to art full-time, she achieved a degree in mathematics and f ine arts and then studied and practiced as an architect in Vancouver for ten years. From these precision-focused disciplines comes an artistic exactness that captures qualities that might otherwise be brushed aside with a single stroke. She draws inspiration from German photo-realist artist Gerhardt Richter and Canadian Indigenous painter Norval Morrisseau. Critics often consider her to be today?s answer to Mary Pratt, the Canadian photorealistic still-life painter who blazed a trail for female artists, especially in the arena of making objects around the house look extraordinary. Goldberg is a career artist having worked for years with the Winsor Gallery and is now represented by Calgary?s Gibson Art Gallery.


Her focus lies entirely on finding the most striking version of everyday objects around her, especially observing and translating the importance of light on the focused item?this is the core idea of Goldberg?s style.

above: pink cupcake in sidney / 2019 / oil 24x36

She practices hyperrealism by taking hundreds high-resolution digital photographs, then edits selects the best for aspects like vivid colours o particularly striking beam of light. The final oil becomes so bolder than real life, or ?a handma reproduction of something that has been repro mechanically,? she explains.

on canvas /

s of s and or a painting ade oduced

A Promiseof aFuture Like many creatives, Goldberg finds the pandemic inspiring. While many find isolation a negative experience, one to be shunned and lamented about, Goldberg has experienced feelings of pride at how Canadians responded to the pandemic. Painting is notoriously a solitary undertaking, so for her, solitude is embraced as part of the process but is she is empathetic to those to whom being alone is alienating.


It would be easy to say that Goldberg?s w is simply the celebration of beautiful obje while highlighting the distortions that mak their appearance shift as the world aroun them changes?but that would be lazy.

With her next exhibition projected to be in couple of years, one must acknowledge th detailed thought process, the extensive research, and the final presentation as be complex.

Every stroke of Goldberg?s brush represe many hours, perhaps even days, of menta and physical investment and those who commission works from her, feel it within

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far left: pearls i / 2020 / oil on canvas / 12x12 left: ann goldberg with pearls ii / 2020 / oil on canvas / 12x12 above: white peonies / 2020 / oil on canvas / 48x48




roudly bearing the 'Made in Italy' label, Pasotti makes the world's finest umbrellas, each reflective of the skill and endurance of the company artisans.

v i a roma, castel l ucch i o, i tal y

From his office in Castellucchio, Italy, Nicola Begotti reflects on the history of the family business and how an umbrella, a mere personal accessory, plays such a vital role in the wardrobe of many.


Pasotti Ombrelli was founded in 1956 by Nicola?s grandmother Ernesta Pasotti. A woman of spirit, she left her position at an umbrella factory in Milan with a vision to create exquisitely crafted umbrellas for those who wished to stand apart from the crowd. In 2020, her grandchildren Nicola and Andre Begotti are guiding and growing the brand through international distribution through hand-selected boutiques and offering a bespoke service to the wealthy who collaborate on creating incredible pieces.

Design BeyondComparison One such order is still fresh in Nicola?s mind as he shares a story of 80 umbrellas created, through a collaboration with a major jewellery company, as guest gifts at a Royal Family wedding in ?an Arab country.? With an $8M budget, each umbrella was layered with the most sumptuous silky lace and imbued with gold and diamonds. The first style was a lattice with emeralds and the other a raindrop f iligree with sapphires. Pasotti umbrellas are historically unique with a design that comes in two parts. The first is the meticulously sculpted handles at the end of shafts, made from materials like bamboo and chestnut. The handles are incredibly varied and include a highly desirable array of animals, mythical creatures, and decorative objects that will make it impossible to own only one! The umbrella canopy is another area where owners can display their personality to stand apart or conversely blend in with the crowd of black, navy, and gray. For those looking for something more distinctive, the Women's Lux collection includes canopies of gorgeous printed petals and f loral patterns, golden chains, animal prints, and geometric shapes all matched with intricate jewelled handles.


Stories abound of clients and celebrities who have gained a newfound appreciation for the elevated accessories. Nicola shared that many clients stitch their phone numbers into the umbrella canopy so those who find them will rightfully return them.

Pasotti has such a close relationship with those who purchase their products they operate without a formal return policy. ?We do not feel comfortable writing such things. We treat every customer as unique and special. It doesn?t matter if the umbrella is new, one year old, or 10-years old, we always find a solution for them.?

One such customer is luxury entrepreneur Kevin Sung who had an unfortunate incident at a local fine dining establishment where somebody heavily damaged his beloved Pasotti Knuckleduster.

?In that moment, upon discovering it, I completely understood why the women in my life are so possessive and protective of their designer handbags. All I could think was if this is not repairable, then it would be rest-in-peace my friend.? Of course, Kevin's umbrella is being readied for shipping to Italy, where it will be assessed because that is what Pasotti promises.


Collectors of Pasotti pieces included Meryl Streep (owner of three umbrellas), J ennif er Lopez (On the Floor music video), Madonna (Swarovski Crystals Walking Stick), and J ohnny Depp and Sean Paul opting for variations of the Luxury Swarovski Skull canes.

Pasotti on theWest Coast Pasotti is stocked in top boutiques in over 75 countries worldwide, and in Vancouver find them at Secret Location Concept Store. Founder and Creative Director Carey Hulshof shares, ?We chose Pasotti for Secret Location because of the undeniable quality. It is apparent when you see and pick each umbrella up. Not to mention the heritage of the company, and that it is completely made in Italy.? She continued, ?We also have a very positive working relationship with Pasotti, and they allow our clients to customize their products ? providing our clientele with a truly one-of-a-kind piece they can often use in our beautiful rainy city.?

Even with a much shorter events calendar in 2021, Nicola says that Pasotti will definitely showcase at Pitti Uomo in Florence and the Maison & Objet in Paris, both rescheduled for 2021. ?Skipping a season is bad not only for business but for how we are used to doing business. I am the commercial director for the company, so I travel a lot worldwide, and I miss our customers, my trips, and Tokyo!? True luxury lovers who find themselves in Vancouver in the rainy season should definitely consider visiting Secret Location and add a Pasotti to their wardrobe. More than a mere accessory, it is a timely statement of style.



031 v ancouv er, bc & pari s, f rance


here is a dream that lives through story-telling, of a vivacious and driven young woman who leaves it all behind to begin a new life, a true life, in Paris, France.

Once there, the young woman thrives and becomes cosmopolitan. She never forgets the fast-paced western city life, and occasionally returns to share her adventures and life?s truths with the next generation of adventurous women. J ackie Kai Ellis is such a woman. Vancouver-born and holding a residence here and in Paris, she is a woman with soul and without clichĂŠ, who has turned her actions and musings into a source of inspiration for an international audience.

A Focuson Authenticity Jackie is an outlier in a digital world where you can find design and beauty in your hand at a moment?s notice - but is questionable as to whether this a genuinely authentic vision or one that is fleeting in nature. The work that she does is equal parts enduring and natural, focusing on craft and the understanding that anything worth enjoying is one that takes time. Jackie is a woman who has accomplished much in a relatively short period of time. Early on she ventured over to France, to attend the Ecole Gastronomique Bellouet Conseil pastry school, and returned many times with her business - The Paris Tours - which delighted ticket-holders with a tasting tour of the best pâtisseries in the city.

A Memoir of Note Her ability to capture moments and emotions has resulted in a bestselling memoir The Measure of My Powers: A Memoir of Food, Misery, and Paris. This book takes a vulnerable and personal look into the darkest years of her life and an eventual impetus for her decision to begin exploring food, France, and a life that gave her joy. Her story invites readers to join her as she embarked on a path to overcoming fears and doubts.


APTLaFayetteisRevealed Her Parisian home is located just off the Canal St. Martin, in the artsy 10th arrondissement, which she bought in 2017 after selling her award-winning and much lauded Beaucoup Bakery & Caf e to siblings Betty and J acky Hung. At first sight, the cluttered apartment was in a state of disrepair because its former owner had done little in the way of renovations since the 1940's! Jackie envisioned a chic and cozy space and proceeded to knock down walls to showcase the unit?s large square-footage, which is uncommon among Paris?s notoriously pint-sized flats. Other treasures demanded to be reborn?a marble fireplace, herringbone wooden flooring, and room mouldings. Like an elegantly carved wooden bed frame, many of her prized pieces were picked-up from sellers on ?French Craigslist?Le Bon Coin. The result is a home that was meant to be shared. Just as her open kitchen allowed her to keep guests entertained while preparing a meal from the bounty of the Parisian markets, her influence led to the apartment being profiled in Architectural Digest, House & Home, Real Living, and Curbed. It even demanded a name and was christened APT La Fayette.

JKExFlaxSleep APT La Fayette has become a physical space for inspiration and a space to build her creative consultancy while working with brands. Recently, she entered into a collaboration with Canadian bedding company Flax Sleep that resulted in the Cuisine Collection by APT of kitchen-ready linens.


The homewares collection includes items straight from Jackie?s kitchen (market bags, a chef ?s apron, dish towels, and cocktail napkins) with inspiration drawing from the experiences of long evenings around her Parisian dinner table. Longing for a glimpse into this world? When Jackie is in Vancouver, APT La Fayette is available through Airbnb. How wonderful would it be if at this very moment there is a young woman on her laptop, dreaming of a new life, who stumbles upon the listing, and clicks? The results could be magical!



420 h ow e street, v ancouv er, bc



hen you walk into the Sunzen Art Gallery on Howe Street, be prepared to enter a capsule of diverse artistic collections of old and new. Situated steps from downtown designer boutiques and exclusive members-only clubs, the gallery offers a cultural space displaying high-end art, furniture, and traditional Pu?erh tea ceremonies.

This season, the gallery explores a new frontier with its exhibition REINCARNATION: The Second Lif e of Antique J apanese Kettles. Featuring a collection of over 60 antique Japanese kettles, a curation of bonsai, and intricately repaired kintsugi art pieces, the Sunzen has created an exhibit focused on craftsmanship and purposeful design.

Vesselsfor Creating Warmth The kettles originated from the Edo period under the Shogunate rule, which occurred from 1603 to 1867. The vessels were created by a class of craftsmen that commonly moonlighted as poets and painters, explaining the intricate designs of landscapes, flowers, and human figures, that adorn them. Strikingly gorgeous, the kettles carry weight in what they have represented over their lifetime, both as art and as a representation of life during a bygone era. Co-curator Lin Li explains, ?They are not only a tool but a spirit, that interact and communicate with people who use them.? The sound emitted by the kettle?s lid during boiling is ?matsukaze?, or the sound of the ?wind through the pine trees.?A timeless example of art imitating the most peaceful moments of life. Part of this exhibit?s purpose is to explore the concept of loss. Antique kettles are common in Japanese households and are safely tucked into glass cabinets while their mass-produced cousins are in use daily.


Even though people are respectful of the value in their antiques, the relationship between them and the object is inherently risky. This tenuous relationship brings the Second Lif e of the pieces into focus - the idea is not to view them as a relic from a time gone by but a reminder to shorten the distance between craftsmanship and everyday life.

Connection ThroughRestoration Aside from the kettles, the exhibit also showcases Kintsugi, which is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery pieces with golden lacquer. On display are pieces by Naoko Fukumaru. Born in J apan to a third-generation antique auction house family, she grew up surrounded by fine arts and antiques and began to experiment with broken objects early, a passion she built into a career. Fukumaru graduated from England?s West Dean College in 2000 with a post-graduate diploma in Ceramics, Glass and Related Materials Conservation and Restoration, which led her to more than two decades of working as a professional ceramic and glass conservator at multiple esteemed institutions. Incredibly, Fukumaru has been involved in significant restoration, conservation and fabrication projects, including The Last Supper by Leonard da Vinci, The Tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt, Caravaggio and Veronese paintings, The Thinker by Rodin, murals by Diego Rivera, and projects for Yoko Ono and Anish Kapoor.

Reflection on aCuration Before departing the calm of the Sunzen Gallery, take a moment to think about the curious objects within the space that were specifically chosen to transport you to a long-ago place in time.


Congratulations to co-curators Lin Li and Viahsta Yuan, who created a safe bubble of history amidst the glass office towers of our city?s core with this exhibition. It is a true refuge and an experience that calls for peaceful reflection.



al ex andra pal ace, l ondon, uk



his story began with a simple question from Andrew and posted on The Red Hand Files and how it played out has become legendary in two diverse worlds of fans.


First, we must step into the shadows to the brooding, complex, and emotional world of Australian singer/ songwriter Nick Cave.

The piano I played at Alexandra Palace was a Fazioli. There were limited pianos I could access during lockdown. There was, however, a Fazioli. I had never played one before but Dom Monks, the guy who recorded the Alexandra Palace performance, highly recommended this piano. The moment I sat down at the Fazioli, its warm, soft, nuanced sound spoke to me like no piano had spoken to me before. I was swept away by its extraordinary tonal range. It whispered to me. It roared at me. It was the most beautiful instrument I had ever played.

Second, the universe of elite pianists and the exquisite instruments they regard as extensions of their souls.

Question fromAndrew The piano you played for Idiot Prayer was magnificent. Was it a personal instrument, or is this just the kind of thing people put in front of one when they go places? ANDREW, BELLINGHAM, USA

Dear Andrew,

On a Zoom call to my manager I mentioned how much I loved the Fazioli. I reminded him that I still have the same nasty little Chinese upright I have had for over thirty years. I explained that I was sixty-three years old and suggested that perhaps it was time I got a nice piano. I said to my manager ? I just love that Fazioli. Now, one of the things you may or may not know about being a famous musician is that companies give you shit for free. The more famous you are, the more shit you get ? you just have to wear one of their t-shirts or a branded cap or something. Being the principled individual that I am, of course, I have never sponsored a musical instrument (in that respect, I am virtually alone in my field) but I just loved that Fazioli.

A couple of days later I?m on another Zoom call with my manager, and he is looking a bit cagey and I say ? How did it go with Fazioli? Did you get me a free Fazioli? And my manager says ? Well, it seems like they have a rather inflexible policy around giving away ÂŁ200,000 pianos to people they?ve never heard of. And I say ? Dude, are you my fucking manager or what? I just love that Fazioli! So the next day my manager rings back Fazioli and the same woman answers the phone and my manager says ? Look it?s Nick Cave?s manager again, can I speak to Mr Fazioli. And the woman says ? No.

So I said to my manager ? Time to sell my soul. Time to make a call and get me a Fazioli.

And my manager says ? Listen, my fucking job?s on the line here.

My manager said ? Consider it done!

And she hangs up.

So, the next day my manager rings up Fazioli, who have their headquarters in Sacile, in the Province of Pordenone, near Venice and an Italian woman answers the phone.


My manager says ? I represent the great artist Nick Cave and I am wondering if I could get a free Fazioli (or something like that). The Italian woman says ? L?acttore? My manager says ? What? She says ? The actor? My manager says ? No, Cave. Cave. And she says ? Nick what? My manager says ? Nick Cave. She says ? Nick Cave? Who issa Nick Cave? My manager says ? Well, he is arguably the greatest songwriter of his time. He is one of the cornerstones of modern music. He is a national treasure. He is adored by millions. Italians love him. She says ? Who are you? What you want? My manager says ? Um, a free piano. And she hangs up.

So, Andrew, I agree ? the Fazioli is a glorious piano. Magnificent, as you say. As Herbie Hancock said about his Fazioli ? that ?one note announces the celebration of the freedom and creativity of the human spirit?. This is true. The Fazioli is warm and delicate and remarkably subtle, but has a deep, strong heart. It is full of angel tears and il sangue dei santi and encompasses the universe. It is a dream piano.And yet I wait for the day a giant removal van will pull up outside my house, my manager hanging out the passenger window, wearing a t-shirt with a piano on it, and a big smile on his face, screaming ?Fazioli!? Until then my little Chinese upright grins at me from the corner of my room. I walk over and sit down and I begin to play. Love, Nick

We were curious about what happened with Nick Cave. Do Fazioli Pianoforti pianos have the ability to convert pianists on the spot? Vancouver's Manuel Bernaschek (Showcase Pianos), is the world?s top Fazioli dealer, and he says that this is absolutely true and shared this story. ?The world?s top interpreter of Bach music - Angela Hewitt - was rehearsing at a store in London at the same time as a 6- foot Fazioli was being delivered to the store. Curious, she sat down at the piano and fell in love with it ? and while the movers were still there, she asked them to pick up the piano and deliver it directly to her home. Angela now has three Fazioli, one each in her homes in London, Italy, and Canada.? This story resonates with so many because it reads like an Urban Legend, but we know it is real as Nick Cave wrote and shared it with his fans. Manuel found the situation incredibly humorous and says, ?I think most people think asking Fazioli Pianoforti for a free piano is like asking Yamaha for a free piano - so when his fans heard that Fazioli was not going to give him a free piano, they thought it was just a matter of convincing them. What fans do not realize is that Yamaha has $2B in sales every year and manufactures approximately 100 pianos a day. In contrast, Fazioli has $20M in sales and only produces 100 pianos a year. Giving away a free piano to someone is just not a possibility for them ? it is not a matter of convincing them that the subject is worthy." Hats off to the fans of Nick Cave for their belief and diligence in trying to secure a Fazioli for free for him. Although not successful, there is a Fazioli in the Cave home, as evidenced by a single Instastory posted on his partner Susie?s Instagram four months ago and shared on reddit subthread.

049 043




current tax i , v i ctori a and area



rom the deck of a BC Ferry, the blowing wind is glorious as it shares the scents and sounds of the ocean that surrounds us. As we approach the shore, a voice on the loudspeaker announces arrival at Swartz Bay. We hurriedly get the electronics tucked away, put a fresh mask on, and begin our descent to disembark. Waiting for us is a freshly washed and detailed Current Taxi, a Tesla Model X, and a smiling driver. With their Uber-like app, we tapped in our trip details when boarding in Tsawwassen, and 90-minutes later, we are putting our suitcases in the trunk. If you are seeking a comfortable, environmentally friendly way to get around on Vancouver Island? Current Taxi is the premium car service provider in Victoria and the surrounding area, serving Sidney, Saanich, Langford, Esquimalt, and Sooke, with all-electric Tesla vehicles.

Along theMalahat

THE DRI V E - current tax i

Current Taxi's founder Dale Conway has a vision for the company, which began in Kelowna with two cars and a handful of employees. Current Taxi now has 17 vehicles on the road, 100 employees, and the drive to grow the fleet to 90 by 2024.


Conway and his team are 100% committed to providing outstanding service, offering the convenience of an Uber- like app, and bringing a higher standard of taxi service to Victoria at the same rates as their competitors, while also being a more environmentally friendly option. From the historic Fairmont Empress's gilded doors to the Malahat, our driver answered questions, pointed out landmarks, and spoke about the city's history and current events. One of the most picturesque and requested drives by visitors to Vancouver Island is along the Malahat, which is stunning in late summer as autumn begins to turn the leaves and fog rolls in to blanket the Saanich Inlet. Named after the Malahat First Nation, this rugged region of heavy forest and cliffs is one of the most beautiful roadways in the world, with viewpoints providing scenic vistas of Saanich Inlet, the Saanich Peninsula, Salt Spring Island, and the BC Gulf Islands in the distance.


estled into the mountainside is Villa Eyrie, a Tuscan-inspired 40-room resort that is known internationally as one of the top BC getaway locations for those seeking a peaceful and relaxing experience. As our Current Taxi pulled off Malahat Drive, we passed a beautifully lush pond with lily pads, a classic fountain, and delighted the view of Finlayson Arm in the early afternoon sun. The dark water was smooth and unbroken by boat traffic. Birds were calling to each other, and, in the rocks, amongst the wildflowers, a small garter snake peeped out at us. We had arrived, and it was so much to take in. At an altitude of 1,156-feet, Villa Eyrie boasts Lake Como-inspired rooms and amenities, purposely spaced to ensure privacy from villa to villa.


THE ROOM - v i l l a ci el o penth ouse / / v i l l a eyri e


Our reservation was for Villa Cielo, which features prominently in the Simply Spectacular annual fundraiser for the David Foster Foundation. In 2019, the 4-day luxury opportunity raised $1.4M for families of children going through a life-saving organ transplant process. The event was held at the end of July with host Ben Mulroney, special guests Katharine McPhee, American Idol winner Ruben Studdard, Juno award winner Trevor Guthrie, and others. Our penthouse suite was perfectly positioned to watch the sunrise and set, from the incredibly comfortable bed with pillow-top mattresses. Even though it was not cold enough to require the fireplace, nothing stopped us from turning it on and throwing open the patio doors to let in the cool night air!

At a spacious 718-square-fe penthouse had a 270-degree Finlayson Arm, Mount Bake Mountains.

The spa-inspired six-piece ba vanity and double-headed rai oversized soaker tub with pic for coastal views while enjoy vegan and cruelty-free items Skin Care. This certified vega brand, along with the option o linens, provided an extra leve

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t the heart of the Villa Eyrie Resort, Alpina Restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 7-days a week, satisfying guests with an incredible menu of locally sourced and foraged ingredients. The resort has cultivated a strong relationship with the farms and vineyards within the Cowichan Valley and throughout the island to offer an outstanding array of fresh ingredients, including wine, beer, cider, and spirits. A trio of culinary leaders helms the kitchen: Michelin-trained Executive Chef Mario Gross, Pastry Chef Matthias Conradi, and Executive Sous Chef Andreas Wechselberger. All three share a Germanic heritage, and given the spectacular mountaintop location, it was only natural for the menu to reflect this. The resulting ?Alpine Cuisine?reaps accolades and online reviews are flush with diners voicing their experiences? excellence.


Complementing the menu is a curation of over 2,000- labels in their wine cellar with an extensive selection of BC best wines, including Unsworth and Averill Creek from the burgeoning Cowichan Valley, the Okanagan Valley (Summerhill, Cedar Creek, Mission Hill), and Similkameen Valley (Hester Creek, Burrowing Owl, Le Vieux Pin).

The wines chosen for inclusion were selected not only for taste but also for exclusivity. Strict criteria ensured that each was to be among the best depiction of its respective winery and that no bottle was easily found in traditional retail outlets. Included is a limited assortment of wines from the sub-alpine regions of Austria, France, Italy, and Germany.

063 THE BRUNCH - al pi na restaurant

...11am Brunch began with bubbly mimosae and a deconstructed PB&J with fresh berries, dehydrated peanut dust, and peanut butter. Next was a wooden slab with more than a generous course of avocado toast and salad. This was not a typical Vancouver cafĂŠ toast! Constructed with house-made sourdough rye, a refreshing pineapple cherry tomato chutney, pea sprouts and topped with crisped quinoa. Accompanying the toast was a layered savoury vegetable dish with a base of pureed beets, topped with sauteed zucchini, roasted potatoes, crispy Vancouver Island mushrooms, mixed greens, and a silky dressing. Our appetites sated; we rode with Current Taxi to the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit outside Duncan. After an informative tour of the facility, a ride-along in a duo of canary yellow sportscars was a fantastic introduction to the sport of racing.

...6pm Dressed and ready for dinner, we ventured down the mountain to Alpina Restaurant. A chilled bottle of Quinta da Devesa awaited. Poured, it was elegant in the glass. A golden straw colour with a soft tropical nose (Mandarin orange, floral apricot, gently toasted oak), a dry acidity followed by silky mouthfeel. It was an incredible pairing with our first course, a miso broth with poached Vancouver Island mushrooms and tempura tofu. The main course was f luf fy beet gnocchi with poached pear, grapes, walnuts, cashew blue cheese on a bed of arugula. We requested an add-on of hummus and the housemade sourdough rye and devoured every crumb. Dessert was a delectable chocolate quinoa cake smothered in local berries, chocolate sauce, and a dollop of raspberry sorbet. Heavenly!


Located only 25 minutes north of downtown Victoria, this magnificent mountainside retreat is unlike any other in the world. Villa Eyrie features world-class dining at Alpina Restaurant and relaxation at the Tuscan Spa. Perfect for romantic getaways into the tranquil wilderness of Vancouver Island. Visit their website for availability, COVID- 19 updates, special events, and seasonal menu updates.



THE RA CE - v ancouv er i sl and motorsport ci rcui t



ave you noticed that humans are obsessed with going fast? Whenever a speed record is broken, someone steps up and announces that they will go even faster. It is a compulsion that leads to excitement, danger, and risk. Science tells us that biologically speaking, driving fast is accompanied by an adrenaline surge, which results in a jump in blood pressure and heart rate. It is that rush that explains it all and makes it all the more exciting! It is no secret that west coast Canada enjoys a high population of luxury, super- and hyper-cars. On Vancouver Island, there is a perfect place for owners to drive them without distraction.

Among thePinesisaHidden Gem Nestled in the Cowichan Valley?s beautiful rolling hills, The GAIN Group has created the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit. Just outside of Duncan, this motorsport playground is a meeting place for a community of driving enthusiasts and related businesses. This course will challenge even the most skilled driver with its 19-turns. This 2.3-kilometre road circuit has breathtaking elevation changes of up to 11.5%. With up to five different track configurations and Canada?s only year-round motorsport circuit, this first-class operation has everything needed to host incredible adrenaline-driven events.

Designedby aLegendary Track Architect The circuit was realized by Formula 1 German engineer Hermann Tilke, who is best known for being one of the top Formula 1 and Moto GP circuit designers in the world. Tilke has worked in the motorsport business for over 30-years and is best knowns for his radical overhauls of the European circuits, such as the Hockenheimring, Circuit de Catalunya, NĂź rburgring, and Fuji Speedway in Japan. In the last decade, he designed the new Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas, the Sochi Autodrom which hosted its first race in 2014 with the debut of Russia in F1, Kuwait Motor Town which opened officially in 2019 and the Hanoi Street Circuit, which was set for April of 2020 but cancelled due to COVID-19. Tilke?s passion is to create the best tracks globally, and nowhere is this more evident than the detailed design work created for Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit.


Excitement for All Levelsof Drivers Whether you are a novice looking for an adventure at a motorsport circuit or an experienced driver hoping to hone performance driving skills, the VI Motorsport Circuit offers multiple Driving Experiences, plus Wet Weather Training, and a series of Driving Tours. Specialized packages include the Tour D?Italia, A Taste of Germany, and Classic Car Tour. The latter comes with an overnight package at Villa Eyrie Resort. Before your day begins, all drivers are advised to comply with the 4- Part Preparation Guide, ensuring the driver and vehicle perform at their best. Recommended are a vehicle inspection in the week previous, good sleep the night before, and no alcohol on the day-of. There is a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol and non-compliance with posted on-site sanitization protocols.


Suggested attire is comfortable, weather-appropriate, with flexible sole shoes with good traction, sunglasses, and a helmet (available for rent).

Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit has earned its reputation for being best in the business and providing an adventure that everyone can get excited about. Whether you are driving or watching from the Paddock Lounge, your experience will be one-of-a-kind in Canada. The GAIN Group's attention to detail in developing a world-class track has not gone unnoticed, with visitors flying in from around the world to this beautiful and exciting west coast facility. * It is requested that you consult their website for availability until resumption of regular hours is possible.



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I THE RESTORA TI ON - coach w erk s

n the heart of Victoria?s Hillside warehouse district, on a quiet street, is a large white building, without signage. This lean exterior belies the vibrant energy of the interior of Coachwerks Restoration.


Known worldwide for taking on ambitious projects that other garages might not touch due to lack of resources and skills, Coachwerks succeeds without advertising, relying on word-of-mouth to bring in new challenges. In fact, this west coast automobile restoration company has garages double-stacked with client vehicles, each ready for their turn on the work floor.

Acclaimedfor MercedesMastery Situated in a pristine 30,000- square- foot complex, Coachwerks offers a full line of services from factory authorized and trained maintenance work to documented nut and bolt, rotisserie, and Concours level restorations. Manager Dale Hargraves oversees a team of talented and fully factory-trained craftsmen. Every morning employees clock-in, to work on what may ultimately take years to complete, the prized possession of someone who understands the art of automobiles. Hargreaves promises that his team will deliver a car that looks not only sensational but performs as good or better than the day it left the factory.

An AmbitiousAmalgamation Rudi Koniczek of Rudi & Co ? the 300SL guru and industry legend ? along with Michael Grams of renowned Coachwerks Automotive Restoration are well-known for being the leaders of two teams of automotive restoration artisans. They collaborated for over 20-years as independent companies and are responsible for the nut and bolt restorations of over 100 Mercedes- Benz 300SLs and numerous other significant European and North American masterpieces. In 2017, they were united under The GAIN Group banner. At the beginning of our tour, Hargreaves explains what a shock the post-amalgamation transition was. ?It was quite a change for us who came from this little restoration shop, which was literally out in the woods, to this complex. We walked in and thought how on earth are we going to fill this and here we are three years later, going we need more room.? The depth of knowledge these two teams represent in the restoration world equates to decades of uncountable hours in restoration experience of pre- and post- war European sports cars. Coachwerks specializes in Mercedes-Benz 300SL and Porsche but features an extensive portfolio that includes marquee brands such as Packard, Talbot Lagot, Lagonda, J aguar, Ferrari, Bugatti, Avions Voisin, Austin- Healey, Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo, to name but a few.

If TheseWallsCouldTalk


Many legendary vehicles have come through the garage, such as Pierre Trudeau?s 1960 Mercedes 300 SL for restoration and the 1965 Rolls Royce Phantom V touring limousine formerly owned by J ohn Lennon. The vehicle was once used to transit Lennon and the rest of the Beatles to Buckingham Palace to receive their Member of the British Empire medals from Queen Elizabeth II and has been part of the Royal BC Museum collection for over 20-years.

For those who love a ?rare car found in barn? story, Coachwerks has one of their own. Rudi tracked a 1955 Mercedes 300SL gullwing to a garage in Santa Monica. It had one owner, who was in his late 80?s and had received the car as a gift for graduation but, after the transmission failed in 1971, never repaired or put it on the road again. Only 29 of these magnificent vehicles were built. Restored they fetch a stunning $7M to $10M. A rare find with an incredible story!

TheGAINGroupFostering Community Coachwerks is owned by The GAIN Group, which has evolved over the past decade from two automobile dealerships to fifteen businesses today. Dealerships which now include respected brands like Alfa Romeo, Mercedes- AMG, Audi, BMW, Maserati, Porsche, and Volvo. In 2018, The GAIN Group acquired two local restoration companies ? Rudi & Company and Coachwerks Automotive Restorations ? and rebranded them as Coachwerks Restoration. Together, they have set a new benchmark within the classic automotive world of restorations comparable to the best in the world. Also, under The GAIN Group umbrella is the Villa Eyrie Resort, the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit, and the Cowichan River Lodge. Company partner Peter Trzewik and Marketing Director Cindy Mui have their hands full with operations 7-days a week, but that does not deter them from committing to the people of the Island. Over the years, they have created long-lasting relationships within the community and continue to support an ever-widening group of charities. Proudly supporting 28 different local arts, culture, and health-related organizations, The GAIN Group also gives time to the efforts of organizations such as the David Foster Foundation and Tour de Rock. In summer 2019, the group produced the inaugural Vancouver Island Concours d?Elegance held on a splendidly sunny day at the prestigious Shawnigan Lake School. An array of 250 rare, antique, and in mint condition automobiles were competing for various titles.


By end-of-day, the event donated over $185K to the David Foster Foundation and the Cowichan Valley Hospital Foundation!

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Adding toYour Collection?

believe the hottest car for sale in the current achwerks inventory is a 2006 Ferrari F430 with 710-kilometres. The asking price is $225K, and this hicle is touted as one of the last true ?drivers? raris, and certainly one of the most desirable on the rket today. The F 430 6-speed manual is sure to e a Formula 1 inspired experience with every ing. A 483 horsepower engine perfectly paired with ee pedals and a gated shifter ensures a feast for the nses that can turn even the most routine drive into emotion-filled dash to the finish line.

he Ferrari is too ?new?for you, consider the Porsche 6 1500 Pre- A in silver metallic on green leather erior offered at a reasonable $435K. The 356-model the stage for all Porsche to come. It was light, mble, low and sleek.

Not aggressive enough? How about this spectacular 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS? Refinished in 2015 Camaro Synergy Green metallic paint with black Rally stripes with a beautiful set of 14? Rally wheels, this beast is a perfect blend of old and new and only $55K. Coachwerks is an elite group of some of the world?s finest technicians and restoration specialists who believe there is nothing greater than taking a classic automobile in any state of decline or disrepair and restoring it ? every part, every curve and every stitch ? to its original, magical splendour.


087 museum of contemporary art i n bel grade, serbi a

JPG x MMFA x MSUB: LOVE I S LOVE: WEDDI NG BLI SS FOR ALL A LA JEAN PAUL GAULTI ER J ean Paul Gaultier's haute couture wedding dresses continue to spread love around the world, this time in Europe. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) is proud to announce the premiere of Love Is Love: Wedding Bliss For All à la Jean Paul Gaultier at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade (MSUB), Serbia, where it will be on display until March 2021. Designed, produced and circulated by the MMFA in collaboration with Maison J ean Paul Gaultier, the exhibition already attracted more than 250,000 visitors during its run at the Centro Cultural Kirchner in Buenos Aires in 2018 and at the MMFA in 2017.


"Now, more than ever, I feel this exhibition is important for the strong social message of freedom, tolerance and resilience it delivers. This premiere also marks the end of his haute couture career and celebrates how during fifty years, he showed his creative and provocative work with humour, that revealed a humanist vision of society as he embraced all cultures and subcultures without any taboos or judgment to portray us as we are only one, beyond fashion," said exhibition curator Thierry- Maxime Loriot.

Love Is Love: Wedding Bliss For All à la Jean Paul Gaultier showcases the French couturier's matrimonial designs for couples of all genders and all orientations. The bold silhouettes and refined craftsmanship of the remarkable pieces on display reflect the genius of an extraordinary creator and the virtuosity of his couture workshops. The Belgrade edition of the exhibition features 38 couture and prêt-à-porter bridal dresses and outfits created by Gaultier between 1991 and 2020, including eight pieces from his final haute couture collection for spring-summer 2020, entitled Fifty years? Get out of here! This collection marked the designer's official retirement after 50 years in the fashion industry. After his farewell couture show in Paris, Gaultier left Maison Jean Paul Gaultier to pursue other artistic projects.

edi tor-i n-ch i ef / publ i sh er's message



It was a few months ago that I first noticed it happening. Increasingly, friends and associates were putting up # tbt posts on days that were not Thursday. At first, I laughed and sent a LOL but then realized that I was doing it too. Our day-to-day markers of time had slipped away. Gone were Monday staff meetings, Friday night cocktails, and Sunday brunch.

I remember the thrill of choosing this W evening dress and the Sophia Webster stilettos from The Room at The Bay. beautiful home in Point Grey and sitti as Gwen of Belle and Rebel Beauty second layer of lashes to complete the

By the time September rolled up and cruised by, days weren't differentiating themselves, and soon every day was Thursday. Thursday had always been that fun day on social when we shared a memory of what we were doing a month ago, a year ago, even ten years ago.

Kuna Lu shot three quick set-ups aga Fazioli, and we were done. The excite lingers, and I cannot wait to create mo this one, very soon.

With the pandemic, we were forced to stop exploring and experiencing the world around us. Day after day, life was the same, the news was the same, and we decided that it was important to relive those moments through a simple # tbt, to remind ourselves we are still alive, still relevant. With this last issue of Folio.YVR for 2020, I decided to do a 2017 # tbt for my portrait.

Despite all the uncertainty of this new will continue to share the west coast l embrace social innovation, and shine t personalities who are keeping our wor well-dressed, entertained, and intriguin

Let's be cheerful as New Year's Eve a although we won't be looking spectacu Concierge extravaganza, we can enjo bubbles and spirits in the safety of ou getting rained on!

Wayne Clark r angel-winged . Driving to a ing on a high-stool patiently added a he retro eye.

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