All right s reserv ed. No part of t he m at erial prot ect ed by t his copyright not ice m ay be reproduced or ut ilized in any form or by any m eans, w it hout w rit t en perm ission from EcoLux Luv Com m unicat ions. FOLIO.YV R does not accept any responsibilit ies for incorrect inform at ion as all inform at ion is deem ed t o be accurat e as of dat e of publishing. FOLIO.YV R does not accept unsolicit ed m at erials.
FOLIO.YV R is published m ont hly by EcoLux Luv Com m unicat ions and is a sponsored supplem ent and m arket ing t ool designed t o augm ent serv ices prov ided 2 by EcoLuxLuv Com m unicat ions. Queries regarding collaborat ion, sponsorship, m arket ing, consult ing, and/ or inclusion in FOLIO.YVR, and ot her ELL Com m s t it les should be direct ed t o t he publisher v ia hyperlink or t2ext t o 778.847.30 11. Mailing address is c/ o Helen Siw ak, Suit e A, 489 West 6t h Av enue, Vancouv er, BC, V5Y 1L3
Personalities IDS West Beh in d t h e Scen es Vancouver Convention Centre 1055 Canada Place Vancouver, BC September 26, 2019
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successful twelve-year career in finance kept Nick Koss engaged and motivated, but his decision to leave the industry to start Volu n d Jew elr y went beyond a desire to change workplace scenery. After a little prompting, Koss reveals that designing jewelry is in his blood. His great-grandfather was the master jeweler to the Rom an of f family and the Imperial Cou r t of Ru ssia, a position that demanded the creation of masterpieces, as a matter of course. Koss refers to his great-grandfather in a mythical way, and as an inspiration for the name of his business. Volund is the master blacksmith of Norse mythology, and in Koss' opinion, his great-grandfather has the same mythical status. Born in Siber ia to parents from Sw eden and Fin lan d, he grew up spending time in museums, studying ancient artifacts that inspire his work today. By coincidence, a set of masterfully engraved silver cups passed down in his family are stamped with the double-headed eagle of Russian royalty, the only evidence of his distinguished bloodline.
The story of Volund has the same mystique. Koss knows these tales by heart. Although he remarks that stories and prose have been passed down, he states that "Only a few metal figurines depicting a man with wings (a Nor se Icar u s, if you will) have been found. His own creations, whether rings or other royal treasures, seem lost to time." His own creations, whether it is stories like these and others that manifest themselves in Koss' designs, show a commitment to learning other forms of art with long and storied histories. As he transitioned into the jewelry business, Koss traveled to Eu r ope to learn 8 the same arts and trades practiced by his ancestors, often going as close to its source as necessary. He visited the Balt ic Nat ion s to learn wax carving, Ger m an y and It aly for design studies, and his ancestral homeland of Ru ssia for sculpting. He founded Volu n d in 2012.
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Headquartered in Van cou ver , Volund's line of work involves visiting clients for lengthy face-to-face discussion when working with commissioned pieces. This leads him to places like the UAE, Ch in a, and M on aco, where consultations about the inspiration and materials used undertaken. He counts on several noble families in the M iddle East and Eu r ope for patronage and is finding new inspiration worldwide as his network of clients grows.
Volund's bespoke pieces are meant to be genuinely personal, never riding on trends or emulating something that already exists. These jewels are referred to10as numinous, which Koss explains means to "inspire awe and radiate power like spiritual reliquaries or enchanted objects from legends." Single pieces can take months, while full collections could involve over a year of work. This timeline is accepted by Volund's clients, who recognize what is necessary to invest in such a unique piece.
What makes Volund genuinely unique is its aversion to traditional marketing, relying instead on word-of-mouth. In a 2018 interview with Tem pu s M agazin e, Koss refers to an early client, a Saudi nobleman, who stated, "We don't want you to be known" when accepting a Volund bespoke piece. Koss has seen this attitude with increasing regularity as his client base has grown. 10 10
His clients are tastemakers who want to preserve the mystery and influence of a piece that is unique to them. Far removed from the posturing of the mainstream luxury jewelry market, Volund's commitment to quality is mirrored by the commitment to its protection. VOLUND GOES PUBLIC In spite of this protectionism, Koss released his first public collection in 2015. The Lions Line is inspired by the symbolism of strength, dominance, and nobility, in addition to the influence of the lion in ancient alchemy. The results of this are breathtaking pieces like the Lion Cu b Rin g, a playful cat that seems to be springing off the wearer 's finger. The cub has eyes of emerald and cognac diamonds that appear as spots on its back. The Lion Ear r in gs, representing a scene of astrological inspiration, won Can adian Jew eller M agazin e's Best Pear l Design in 2016. This collection shows the ease with how art can imitate nature while reflecting Volund's themes of the ancient and the mythological. Volund has released other public collections, including the In it iat ion , Ar t Deco, and the Nor se. A list of Object 's D'Ar t is made up of the Jade M on k ey,
Golden Gr yph on , and Fligh t of Ecst asy, an 18-carat gold piece inspired by iconic Rolls Royce hood ornament, was completed after 900 hours of work and required 7-ounces of gold and 6-carats of diamonds. "The sculpture was an effort to capture the feeling of freedom and exhilaration," says Koss. "I wanted to make gold look like cloth that moved in the wind, and that took some modern physics simulation programs combined with traditional sculpture-making skills." All labour was carried out in his Vancouver studio using sustainably-procured gold and traceable diamonds. The statue now resides in London and has been recently shown at a Royal event celebrating the birth of Du k e an d Du ch ess of Su ssex's baby.
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VOLUND?S GLOBAL APPEAL Volund shows no signs of compromising the values it was founded on. As requests pour in from across the globe, design and production is still based out of Vancouver - traditional stone setting, casting, and goldsmithing. Koss explains that "Los Angeles is the site of experimental, future-facing development and experimentation. Work with novel materials and cutting edge techniques happens here...and Geneva, Switzerland for very traditional techniques like enameling and mechanical movements." Koss feels a particular affinity to the city, calling out its cultural diversity and its location in "one of the best natural environments in the world." Less than 20 pieces of jewelry are produced per year, and each new work will fulfill a dream of mysticism and wonderment in its unique way ? even if it will be seen by a select few over its lifetime.
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Sanaz Sotoude A Lif et im e of Pian o Passion
an az Sot ou deh has delighted people across the globe with her talent. She plays even the most challenging piece with light, enthusiasm, and confidence. INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Sanaz has spanned multiple countries refining her pianist skills, but the love for the instrument began at home. ?My mom played piano when I was a baby and she put us in a music academy in Teh r an. I remember the first and only instrument I chose to play was piano,? she said. Her musical education is extensive and includes a B.Mus and M.Mus in solo piano performance at M cGill Un iver sit y, post-graduate studies in solo piano performance at Th e Royal Academ y of M u sic, studied with UK pianists Ju liu s Dr ak e and Ch r ist oph er Elt on , and also attended the Fr an z-Sch u ber t In st it u t e in Austria and the AcadÊm ie Fr an cis Pou len c in France. PERFORM ING WITH PASSION Sanaz has performed in Spain , Du bai, Lon don , M on t r eal, and Van cou ver to name a few. In Vancouver, she recently delights crowds with a multimedia live performance at Facade Fest ival. Projected on the façade of the Van cou ver Ar t Galler y, colours and shapes moved to the sound of Sotoudeh?s performance. On top of performing, she provided muscle direction for the event. Sanaz also had the opportunity to perform live with BBC Radio 3 in London. To be heard live on that radio was very special for her and she considers this to be her best performance. ?Performing at BBC Radio 3 Studio in London was so special to me. I was performing at the space where all the legendary and famous musicians I have known had performed.? ?Sanaz is a very lovely pianist with a true passion for all kinds of music?she is always open to thinking outside the box and trying new ideas for collaborating art and music." ~ Manuel Bernaschek, Showcase Pianos 16 16
Luxury Livi OMEGA Boutique The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver 900 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC
ving 18 18
815 King Ge 20
eorges Way Navid Beh r oyan PREC Behroyan & Assoc. Real Estate Services Ltd. 1495 Clyde Avenue West Vancouver, BC
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his 3-storey luxury estate is situated on the Br it ish Pr oper t ies Golden M ile with full unobstructed views full views of Van cou ver sk ylin e, waterways and mountains. Constructed by Sym ph on y Hom es in 2018, and available through Beh r oyan & Associat es Real Est at e Ser vices. This stunning new property is on almost an half-acre of property, is 9,779-squ ar e-f eet and has 5 bedr oom s and 8 bat h r oom s, marble and hardwood flooring, incredible lighting fixtures, and a stairwell made for grand entrances.
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Spacious main floor has an office off the entryway, cloakroom, adjoining living room, dining room, and television lounge, all with floor to ceiling windows. Single slab marble fireplace is the key element that ties the various areas together with visual impact and beauty.
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The lower level has a large theatre, wine bar, sauna, gym and recreation room. This level also has a bachelor suite with full kitchen and 3-piece bath.
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Addit ion al det ails t h at m ak e t h is pr oper t y so at t r act ive: -
Con t r ol4 sm ar t h om e au t om at ion
6 su r veillan ce cam er as
CO2 det ect or s
Su r r ou n d sou n d st er eo syst em w it h WIFI boost er s
Zon ed air con dit ion in g
Separ at e r oom clim at e con t r ol
Ou t door f u n is all year r ou n d w it h lar ge h eat ed pool, su n lou n ge, sw ir lpool an d h ot t u b, w et bar , an d golf ar ea.
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Culinary LIVINGSPACE 1706 West 1st Avenue Vancouver, BC September 27, 2019
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Drew Mun Th e Com passion at e Cat er er 1312 Marine Drive Vancouver, BC 604.334.8132
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fter ten years of running an event catering company, Dr ew M u n r o realized there was a significant need for a healthy, prepared food solution that fell outside the scope of a traditional catering or meal delivery service. There was an opportunity to use technology and his years of experience to create a new service that could reach more people, help them eat healthier and more conveniently. These observations led to the launch of his latest passion? UpM eals.
However, his time spent without cooking for others was short-lived. A lack of lunch options near the office left his co-workers consistently grumbling about their limited choices for fresh, healthy food, leading Munro to begin his office lunch service, providing home-cooked gourmet meals for his colleagues. He would arrive to work an hour early each day to deliver the meals to his office customers.
A YOUTHFUL PASSION Born and raised in beautiful BC, teenage Munro apprenticed under Paris-trained chef Br ian Rooden r ys, from whom he quickly developed a passion for the freshest local ingredients, beautiful presentations, and above all, great-tasting food. Munro received early recognition competing in local cooking competitions and was awarded the Provincial scholarship for culinary arts upon graduation to further his studies. Over the next several years, he worked and apprenticed in several high-end professional kitchens throughout the Lower Mainland, developing his skills and a style of his own. After a number of years, the unthinkable happened: Munro accepted a job? in an office?
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A COM PANY IS BORN Word spread like wildfire, and soon Munro was spending his evenings cooking 50+ individual gourmet meals for his co-workers to enjoy the next day. With a newfound entrepreneurial spark, he realized the office grind was not for him, and a personal chef service called Dr ew Cook s! was born in 2008. His service provided home-cooked meals for busy families and professionals, as well as private dinners for special occasions. Not too long afterward, Munro started to receive requests to cater weddings and more significant events. He hired his first employee in late 2009 and moved into a tiny basement kitchen facility in Burnaby that he shared with three other caterers. By 2010, he had become so busy that he had taken over the entire kitchen space and by 2011, needed to find an even bigger space to run the company. By early 2016, the company had moved to a new office and operation facility and re-branded as Dr ew ?s Cat er in g & Even t s to better reflect the services and hard work of a collective of individuals.
Drew is a lifelong learner and has traveled to various parts of the world to study and learn, completing a Master ?s culinary program in Italy training with the finest chefs in Tu scan y, as well as a culinary program in Japan . Recently Drew and a colleague traveled to a remote area of Guatemala to volunteer their cooking skills at a camp responsible for feeding hundreds of volunteers and villagers each day. ?We realized the power of working with organizations that had goals already rooted in health and wellness for their customers or employees and decided to focus our company solely on helping them achieve those goals more quickly and efficiently through a branded wellness program tailored specifically to their organization. ?We helped companies and brands reduce costs, reach new markets, and generate new revenue streams almost right away. We knew we were on to something. Then we thought, why not help empower schools to do the same?
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"I volunteer with an organization called Gr ow in g Ch ef s, which teaches elementary school kids about growing and preparing vegetables, as well as the importance of choosing local products.During my time in the schools, I was surprised to learn that the hot lunch program was essentially unchanged from my time in elementary schools. Pizza, hot dogs, ice cream and other unhealthy, processed foods made up the majority of the options. ?We partnered with two amazing companies, Kin der m eals and Fr esh pr ep, to help us develop and roll out a program in pilot schools that started this Fall. We are currently preparing thousands of healthy, plant-based meals for students to supplement or entirely replace the currently unhealthy school lunch program.? Munro and his partners are also offering takeaway options for busy families to prepare at home together. The program is proliferating, with more schools coming on board and menu items being developed. Drew Munro has proven himself to be anything but a simple caterer. He is a plantbased champion using technology to disrupt the way people traditionally eat. To learn more about UpMeals, visit their website for info on their nutritionist-designed, chef-prepared solutions proven to boost productivity and profit.
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Interior Des
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Re 28 Va
ir st 5D Rest au r an t in Can ada
enderings of Future Location 888 Cambie Street ancouver, BC
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enowned within China and throughout the world, the publicly traded Qu an Ju De Rest au r an t has over 150 years of impressive dining history and the numerous awards to attest to their level of culinary prowess. Company shareholders Dor is an d An dy Zh an g are trusting in the reputation of QuanJuDe to in vest $12M into a build-out of the establishment at Cambie and West 12th. The add-on, and what makes the new QuanJuDe unique, is that it will be the first 5D restaurant in Canada.
Reportedly, when QuanJuDe enters a community, they look to give back to it in a meaningful fashion. In China, the company is a leader in public welfare, using their success to give back by investing in causes such as international healthcare, poverty eradication, and social security. All their US-based restaurants donate 3%-5% of their sales to charitable organizations and the company partners with landlords to have locations developed with sustainable energy and environmentally friendly designs in mind.
A 5D restaurant is similar to Vancouver ?s other multi-dimensional experience, FlyOver Can ada, in that individualized dining areas will be wholly experiential and immersive. Guests will choose their environment and with the use of technology will be completely immersed in the chosen narrative, i.e., the hustle and bustle of Shanghai or the underwater world of a coral reef. There will be a soundscape, either music or ambient, visual projections on the walls and tables, interactive ingredients, with the food and taste rounding out the five dimensions.
The visual projections in the room will be accompanied by a table-top experience, similar to those seen in Le Pet it Ch ef youtube videos. The presentation of the animations is to be in between courses to add to the dining experience itself and creates a timeline for the meal, from appetizer to dessert.
In China, QuanJuDe has hosted countless of dignitaries and government officials, as it often is the chosen location of state banquets. Historical figures such as United Nations Secretary-General An t on io Gu t er r es, President of the International Olympic Committee Ju an An t on io Sam ar an ch, and U.S. Secretary of State Hen r y Kissin ger have dined at their locations. At a recent APEC meeting, QuanJuDe was tasked with serving 73,000 people. 44
As interest in climate change is high in a city as environmentally conscious as Vancouver, we are curious to see if diners with vegan preferences and dietary restrictions, seeking the 5D experience, will be accommodated, as the company?s ?claim to fame?is the annual serving of 7,000,000 roast ducks, from prix fixe menus, throughout their 120+ international restaurants.
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Luxury Retail HERMES Launch After Party Harbour Convention Centre 760 Pacif ic Boulevard Vancouver, BC September 12, 2019
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ermès Unveiled Lu xu r y Br an d Lau n ch es w it h a Day of Reveals 717 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC September 12, 2019
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n a cosmopolitan city where nature is bountiful, international luxury brand Her m ès opened a new Vancouver location that takes cues from its surroundings. From its contemporary façade to the elemental features within, the space was designed to inspire and unleash imagination. On September the 12th, Hermès hosted the much-anticipated grand opening for their Vancouver flagship store in the Alberni Street Lu xu r y Zon e. The 460-square-metre space at the southwest corner of Burrard and West Georgia was designed by Par isian ar ch it ect u r e agen cy RDAI and represents a reimagining of the brand?s presence in Vancouver.
?Nearly 25 years ago we opened our first store in Vancouver,? says President and CEO of Hermès Canada, Jen n if er Car t er . ?Today, we?re proud to unveil an advanced retail experience that finds inspiration in the striking landscape, quality of living, and strength of spirit that defines Vancouver.? The new Hermès space is captivating from the moment the visitor passes through the white terrazzo façade into an interior featuring warm natural furnishings, meant to evoke the land and the near-by sea. The first floor exposes universes of jewelry and watches across from fashion jewelry, a lavish scent section, and men?s selections filling the expansive space.
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At the top of the first flight of stairs, the pièce de résistance is found. A Pegasus horse relief by French sculptor Ch r ist ian Ren on ciat captured in mid-flight. Renonciat is known for monumental works, where he marries the imaginary and the technical with diverse materials of carved wood, cast steel, and bronze, often with the tone of an imaginary archaeology. He has worked for Hermès before, designing the gardens for their Her m ès à Pan t in head office in 1990. Rising to the second floor of the space brings the Hermès home collection and the women?s universe, home to shoes, accessories, and private salon. Products exclusive to the Vancouver store can be found here, such as a triptych of Kelly bags and a limited edition Tw illy scarf. The Kelly bag carries the legacy of Princess of Monaco, Gr ace Kelly (for which it found its present name is derived) and is a nod to the 182-year heritage of the fashion house.
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The Twilly scarf, in its silky elegance, is a testament to quality. The meticulously crafted accessory has been worn by Qu een Elizabet h II, Au dr ey Hepbu r n and many more. Each scarf is the result of 18-hours of craftsmanship and is worn in seemingly never-ending ways to give an outfit a level of playfulness that only Hermes can bring. The Vancouver store is one of 310 in 49 countries around the world and uplifts the brand?s values of the freedom of creation, a constant search for beautiful materials, the transmission of the savoir-faire of excellence, and aesthetic of functionality to create a house of objects like no other, family-owned since 1837.
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APRÈS LAUNCH CELEBRATION For days beforehand, the Hermès event was the most sought after invitation in the city. Not since Dior launched in December 2017, has the glitterati of Vancouver assembled en masse. The evening event began with a smattering of rain, which kept guests close to the building as check-in commenced. An army of umbrella valets was on-hand, ensuring everyone made it from their vehicles to the line-up dry and safe. Guests were shuttled from the Luxury Zone to the after-party and greeted with an astounding maze of greenery. Along the path, gloved hands offered a variety of libations, and soon guests found themselves coming upon various activations including a dance floor glittering with immense mirrored balls,
a craft cocktail bar watched over by a giant neon Pegasus flying amongst fluffy clouds, a VR experience on an Hermès horse, a dance skills challenge on a electronic checkerboard, a jazz lounge with whisky fountain, a Boomerang room with a choice of wings created from shredded Hermès scarves, and a 3D mirror ballroom that made heads spin. Also, roaming Champagne purveyors topping up flutes as guests explored and shared experiences via a never-ending stream of Instastories. Note to self, when Hermès says64the event goes ?until late,?they mean it! Guests were still dancing after midnight, and we have no idea when the last limo pulled away. An incredible event that will stay in the memory of all who attended for years to come.
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C. Be
$1.4M Pian o La
3rd Floor Aberdeen Ce # 3480 - 4151 Hazelbr Richmond, BC August 6, 2019
an ds at Sh ow case Pian os
entre ridge Way
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t has been 133 years since the first time that the world saw the C.Bech st ein original of the Sph in x Gr an d Pian o, a marvel of craftsmanship and opulence showcased at a London exhibition. Only a single photograph remained of the original, so any hope of recreating this relic with styling dating back to the era of Napoleon Bon apar t e would be incredibly difficult. Now, this elegant piano is recreated, and at a retail price of $1.4 m illion , is being displayed at Sh ow case Pian os ? Aber deen Cen t r e in Richmond. The Sphinx is a mythical creature featuring the fusion of a graceful feminine body and a lion?s head. Representing mystery and wisdom, the namesake of the grand piano is adorned with wings to give mythical weightlessness. Its feet are in the style of a lion?s paw, presented in the kind of realism that comes only from meticulous craftsmanship, and a liberal amount of glorious gold.
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The detail is where the Sphinx truly shines. The cabinet contains feathered lines of pyramid mahogany, a Cir esa spruce soundboard, beech and mahogany rim, Ren n er action and hammers, and a traditional sand-cast iron plate. The cabinetry is developed through a process known as ?lost wax,?where decorative elements are carved out of wood and fit to ensure that it will be functional when casting in bronze. Wax is used to make models of the interlocking piece and is then evaporated through a process called 'metal chasing' when the bronze is cast. This freshly-cast bronze is then fire-gilded with gold, and then transformed to a dull yellow by process of 'fire-treating' before being turned vibrant again through hand-polishing. After 1,800 working hours of over 32 months, the Sphinx is finally complete.
Details such as the lion?s feet and leaves of laurel and oak are buffed and show their meticulous detail. Lauded for having formidable sound quality along with its royal presence, the Sphinx has been reborn to be played as much as it is to be admired. M an u el Ber n asch ek , owner Showcase Pianos, says, "The arrival of the Sphinx Grand Piano has brought great publicity on television and in print, and the interest has been incredible. People from all 72 over the greater Vancouver area have been making their way to Aberdeen Centre so as to catch a glimpse or take a photo of the rare instrument."
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StyleMakers LIVINGSPACE INTERIORS IDS West 2019 Vancouver Convention Centre September 27, 2019
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tlo Atelier Jason M at lo & Wen -Ch ee Liu Fr en ch Kiss By Appointment Only Suite 601 - 33 Water Street Vancouver, BC 604.682.0726
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ancouver-based designer Jason M at lo is turning heads with his newly rebranded M at lo At elier made-to-measure line, the most recent of the successful fashion designer ?s work in fashion for women and men. The Atelier, which can be found alongside the cobbled streets of Wat er St r eet in Gast ow n , recently renewed its focus on bespoke garments through the launch of their first collection Fr en ch Kiss. The collection was showcased with a Champagne and canapĂŠ premiere at the Fair m on t Hot el Van cou ver Roof t op on Friday, September 27. The Det ails DESIGN/ In c. produced event wasn?t meant to be a highbrow runway show, as Matlo has made it clear that he wanted it open to anyone with interest in fashion, and pledged proceeds of ticket sales towards the Gir ls In c. of Nor t h er n Alber t a charity.
Matlo has a history of producing clothing with female empowerment in mind, and this collection was no different. His garments have been designed to be accessible for all genders, ages, and body types, and he promotes the idea that you do not need to be attending a gala to wear a high-quality custom piece. With fifteen years of experience in the fashion industry, Matlo has seen success in design since being invited to compete in the prestigious Sm ir n of f Fash ion Aw ar ds international finals in Berlin when he was fresh out of design school. He went on to win the Lif e Net w or k reality TV show M ak in g it Big, which rewarded him with a chance to display his collection in Sak s Fif t h Aven u e. Since these breakthroughs, he has been recognized in publications like 78 Elle and Flar e, had designs on the red carpets of both the prestigious Academ y Aw ar ds and Can n es Film Fest ival, and was racked in Th e Room alongside luxury designer brands.
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Earlier in 2019, he rebranded his fashion company as Matlo Atelier and has been diligently working on the newly launched French Kiss collection. Matlo?s recent experiences traveling in Fr an ce inspired his latest collection. ?I love Paris because I am a very visual person, and everything in the city is gorgeous,? he says. ?I was immediately struck by the French aesthetic and the quality of everything from the food, architecture and bed linens to the brasseries, and everything in the French culture in between.? Returning to Vancouver, Matlo and his design team pored over French fashion from the 1940s and 1950s, with particular attention given to draping, beading, and hand-finishing. Much of the collection was developed by designer Wen -Ch ee Liu, who has worked alongside Matlo for the better part of twelve years. He relies on her ?unique design vision,? valuing her as ?an intrinsic ?bre of the Matlo Atelier tapestry and brand.? Matlo says their design process was much less linear than it would usually be. ?We had a full collection before ever sourcing the fabrics,? he remembers. They searched for additional inspiration in historical fashion, French architecture, and old movies, then selected fabrics that fit the ideas they had developed. This was a reversal of how they usually design, but he found that focusing on details, lines, and silhouettes first gave them more freedom.
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Finishing this show will not mean slowing down for the busy designer. Matlo is continuing to develop his work outside of fashion in drawing, painting, interior design, and ballet. Other bespoke programs are in the works, but he remains tight-lipped about their theme. ?Historically, our clients have discovered the brand through word of mouth in Vancouver, a little bit through Calgary, Western Canada, and sometimes as far as Toronto,? says Matlo. Above all, Matlo is always eager to find more inspiration and mentions the importance of travel in his creative process. Between his designing new collections and working with new clients searching for that breathtaking made-to-measure look, the team at Matlo Atelier will have their hands full... of the most beautiful fabrics, glittery sequins, plush velvets, and more. 82 82
Su it s Especially f or Wom en Tailor ed Suite # 416, 2050 Scotia Street Vancouver, BC 84 84
n Vancouver, SEWT is changing the way that women shop for suits while building a community of women eager to grow in their professional careers. The brand?s name stands for Su it s Especially f or Wom en Tailor ed and boasts a wide range of custom options, including f u ll su it s, sk ir t s, blazer s, pan t s, vest s, an d ou t er w ear . Since being founded in 2018, the brand has seen growth in Van cou ver and is gaining a presence in Tor on t o with regular events. The idea for SEWT first came to founder Lu an Tolosa during her MBA studies at Qu een?s Un iver sit y ?s Sm it h Sch ool of Bu sin ess. After realizing that, although she and her classmates had grown personally since their undergraduate years, their wardrobes had not. Looking for a way to create suits for women that reflected their personalities and promoted confidence, she opened a showroom in the heart of Vancouver ?s False Cr eek Flat s, a neighbourhood gaining a reputation for galleries and tech companies. When asked why she chose the city known for its relaxed athleisure wardrobe over the bustling corporate scene of Toronto, Tolosa remarks that it wasn?t a difficult decision.
?Vancouver is home,? she said. ?A lot of people say that Toronto is a bigger market for us (and really, what industry isn?t Toronto a bigger market for?), but the reason why we started SEWT was because there was a gap for suiting especially for womxn in Vancouver.? She aspires to have a physical presence in any major city where this need exists. Tolosa comes to her profession honestly. Growing up in Winnipeg with a mother who worked as a seamstress, she was exposed to the garment industry from a young age. This experience led her to learn to design clothing, which her mother helped her sew. After working in com m er cial r eal est at e, she was drawn back to the business idea conceived while studying for a Cer t if icat e in Social Im pact during her MBA degree. At the core of SEWT?s values is the belief in slow f ash ion, producing sustainable materials on a made-to-order basis, and donating or reusing any returns. ?Our ideal client is a womxn who values a personalized experience, knows she wants something unique to her and wants to customize their wardrobe to reflect,? Tolosa says. This ensures that garments will be worn well into the future and allows the wearer to show their personality through the cut, fabric selection, and customizations.
One trend is evident from SE styles on display in their look the ever-dependable relaxed on the faces of women weari smart blazers, pencil skirts an recently released Roqu e Su it which features a distinctive tw on the double-breasted jacke named for the designer who crafted it for her thesis collec at Kw an t len Polyt ech n ic?s W Sch ool of Design.
This shows that SEWT is all ab making quality clothing that i accessible an d n on ch alan t . Dressing up is not seen as something that forces the customer to be anything but themselves, and this approac brand of fashion marketing s them apart in the industry. ?O mission at SEWT is to be part the stories of the womxn who inspire us,? remarks Tolosa. ? were born out of a simple ide we wear suits too.? 86
SEWT has scheduled a pair o Coast pop-ups in Kingston a University and Toronto?s Fin District, running from Octob 16th and October 17th to 18 respectively.
EWT?s k book; d smile ing nd the t, wist et,
ction Wilson
bout is .
chable sets Our t of o ?We ea -
of East at Queen?s nancial ber 14th to 8th,
86 86
Adopt Don't Shop Tyr an de & Sylvan as f or Adopt ion VOKRA: Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Registered Non- Prof it Animal Rescue Org. 604.731.2913 Leave Message
Travel 88 88
Kwitonda L Lu xu r y an d Con ser vat ion Coexist en ce Singita Kwitonda Lodge Sabi Sand Game Reserve Rwanda, Af rica
L odge
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he Sin git a Kw it on da Lodge calls one of the most incredible landscapes on earth home, and it is quickly gaining worldwide notoriety for its ecological treasures and world-class accommodations. This corner of n or t h er n Rw an da bordering Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is exceptionally breathtaking, especially for a country that has earned the nickname Th e Lan d of a Th ou san d Hills. The aptly named Volcan oes Nat ion al Par k is located just south of the equator, and three of its volcanoes (Sabyn in yo, Gah in ga, and M u h u bu r a) are visible from the resort. Most notably, the highland tropical terrain is home to en dan ger ed m ou n t ain gor illas, and the Lodge is invested in their protection. Opened in August of 2019, the property sits on 178-acres of land adjacent to the gorilla?s territory, an area that requires a substantial presence by park officials. This treasured land is under threat by those seeking to ext r act m in er als an d t im ber and poach f or bu sh m eat illegally. Gorillas are often a target for this, which led to a significant population decline in the ecologically delicate region. A third of the world?s remaining mountain gorillas call Volcanoes National Park home.
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CONSERVATION AT ITS CORE The Singita Kwitonda Lodge was developed to work directly with local conservation efforts, not just give visitors a chance to enjoy the natural beauty. Sustainability is at the core of all, and they maintain a garden on the premises. The Ak ar abo Nu r ser y holds over 60,000 plants for biodiversity and conservation purposes and is available to be toured by visitors. The effects of agriculture on local plant species have been a problem
and the Nursery exists to rehabilitate local 94 local vegetation and work with other cooperatives that have the same goals. The Rw an da Developm en t Boar d has made strides to promote the nation?s leadership in sustainable development, with tourism being a key driver. The Lodge promotes this through the involvement of people living near its protected areas as partners in conservation.
Since its opening, it has committed to taking part in a government program that sees 10% of tourism revenues going back to the immediate community. Over US$600,000 was distributed last year to over 150 com m u n it y-based pr oject s thanks to this program. The Lodge employed over 200 locals in the construction process and hired 70 per m an en t st af f members upon opening.
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SUSTAINABLE BUILD The Lodge was designed with sustainability in mind. Local materials of volcan ic r ock , r iver st on e, h an dm ade cer am ic t iles were used as building materials, and craftspeople from the surrounding communities provided oven r ed clay br ick s. The landscape blends seamlessly with the hotel itself, as towering mountain bamboo and giant ferns were planted to provide a natural backdrop.
This vegetation is meant to grow free time to allow the greenery to engulf t buildings and give visitors a sense of 96 in the landscape. Green-roofed struct linked with pathways of volcanic ston monolithic stone walls give way to vo boulders. This setting is like nowhere Earth and provides the visitor with a s what needs protecting.
ely over he immersion tures are ne, and olcanic e else on sense of
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An integral part of the Kwitonda experience is the trekking, most notably to view gor illas and golden m on k eys, an endangered species of primate that is found only in these mountains, where they forage in bamboo vegetation at the base of volcanoes.
Singita has a strong reputation f under the On e Plan et Livin g Fr a activities when they build. With 1 f ou r Af r ican n at ion s, attention the land while empowering the l
The gorillas are experiencing a slow increase in population, but conservation workers emphasize that they remain incredibly vulnerable. Kwitonda?s land serves as a bu f f er zon e between the ever-expanding agricultural land and the gorilla?s habitat. Trekking adventures are meant to inspire awe, where visitors can view the incredible animals from a distance, but not interfere with them.
Principles like sourcing local mat conserving energy are followed a 98 Kwitonda Lodge represents an o at con ser vat ion -based bu ildin g boundaries of what is possible.
After trekking and other conservation-based activities, guests return to their well-furnished suites, and enjoy a meal, visit the spa, and congregate at the bar.
Rwanda has seen incredible grow opening represents a chance to with the world, and most import preserved.
or sustainability, and works am ew or k , guiding all 15 lodges in operation over is given to treading lightly on local community.
terials, minimizing waste and as much as possible, and organization that is very good g and is looking to push the
wth in recent years, and this share the country?s beauty tantly, to show how it can be 98 98
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Publisher's Message Em ily For got , In st allat ion IDS West 2019 Vancouver Convention Centre September 27, 2019
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Publishers Message Since launching in March 2019, the creation of Folio.YVR Luxury Lif estyle Magazine has been a solo endeavor, one that had me working at breakneck speed during the last week of each month. That all changed this issue with the welcoming of copywriters, Coleman Pete and Mona Butler, to assist in creating the stories that you just enjoyed.
additional titles quickly. The first, EcoLux? Lif estyle will be a magazine-format digital publication with a focus on the women's beauty, health and wellness market, to be followed by The EcoLux? List, which will be a YVR-based ultra- luxury listicle. The fantastic M?c Kenneth Licon is our new web developer, so in the next few months watch for changes to 102
I created Folio.YVR in response to what I saw as a gap in the coverage of our unique west coast lifestyle and in the way traditional publishing was not adapting to meet the needs of their advertisers.
Consultant, Tania Hogan, has joined me at EcoLuxLuv Communications to work with your team in maximizing your brand's digital strategy. Her expertise in sales, operations, client management, and all things that glitter and go really fast, has been a lifesaver as the demand for ELL Comms digital consulting has grown.
Now that our sponsored digital publication is flourishing, the next step is to launch two
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e I invite businesses that operate in the luxury lifestyle market to consider letting us write and share your story. Many of you know, print magazines cannot provide actual and accurate post-publishing readership numbers or social media reach statistics. This is why I created this unique digital marketing tool, to help the luxury market engage further with your brand. We focus on finding the story within the story and push it out into the digital universe via direct distribution to a network of over 22,000 subscribers and multiple RSS feeds, four weeks of social media boosts, and a 30-day post-publishing report that reflects the reach of your story.
In addition, ELL Comms offers digital consulting packages that allows us to work with your team in maximizing your brand's digital strategy. The next issue of Folio.YVR will take us to the end of the year and will be available in mid-November. Let me know if you would like talk about having your story in Issue # 8. Best wishes,
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