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Northeast Florida’s News & Opinion Magazine • December 18-24, 2013 • 111,191 Readers Every Week • We Plan Ahead


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Inside / Volume 27 • Number 38


Artist Thony Aiuppy is asking “What does it look like to live in the American South today?” in his exhibit “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow” in CoRK Arts District’s North Gallery. Aiuppy’s oil-on-wood piece “Ducasse” is included in the exhibit, which opens with a reception Dec. 27.



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Screwed-Up Priorities on Drugs

Many are against a medical marijuana amendment in Florida. Some groups, such as Save Our Society from Drugs, cite public-safety concerns for opposing the proposal. Another common argument I hear against a possible medical marijuana amendment is that it would send the wrong message to children about drugs. These people are against a drug that harms fewer people a year than Tylenol does; meanwhile, cocaine is legally available by prescription in this country. Both methamphetamine and

amphetamine are prescribed to children for ADD/ADHD. I might be naïve, but I would think if public safety or sending the wrong message to kids about drugs is such a major concern, the very first place to start would be preventing an extremely dangerous and addictive drug like methamphetamine from being prescribed to kids. Some people have screwed-up priorities. Will Avera IV Jacksonville

Forrest Name a ‘Finger in the Eyes’

Dick Cardell’s letter hit the nail on the head [“Forrest Letter Missed the Point,” Nov. 20]. Never mind the pros and cons about Nathan Bedford Forrest himself. If it hadn’t been for the integration efforts and the desire of some parties to express defiance to the Supreme Court and the federal government, it’s likely that a more appropriate name would have been chosen. It seems that at least some of those who wish to retain the name are motivated by the same sentiment: a finger in

the eyes of those who fi nd it offensive. Joe Lowrey Jacksonville If you would like to respond to something that appeared in Folio Weekly, please send a signed letter (no anonymous or pseudonymous mail will be printed) along with address and phone number (for verification purposes only) to themail@folioweekly.com or THE MAIL, Folio Weekly, 9456 Philips Highway, Ste. 11, Jacksonville FL 32256. Letters may be edited for space and clarity.

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 5

DEEMABLE TECH Ray Hollister and his wife are about to have a baby, so we’re repeating a few of his columns in December.

Apple TV or Roku Box? Q: I’ve been considering getting an Apple TV or a Roku Box. Which one is better? A: Both are great devices that are simple to set up and use, have a lot of good content on them and are around the same price, $89 to $99. The Roku Box is backwards compatible with older TVs, whereas you must get an adapter for the Apple TV if you don’t have HDMI, which costs at least $30. All of the music, photos and videos on your iTunes account can be played on an Apple TV. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can control your Apple TV and show anything on them on your TV with AirPlay Mirroring. Both boxes have YouTube, Netflix, Hulu Plus, Vimeo, NHL, NBA and MLB, but the Roku Box also has Amazon Instant Video and Pandora. The Roku box has a USB reader for video, music and photos. In the end, it’s all about personal preference. If you’re invested in iTunes, you may want Apple TV. If you have an older TV or you want to watch Amazon Instant Video, you might want the Roku Box.

ASK DEEMABLE TECH A QUESTION Ray Hollister and co-host Tom Braun answer technology questions on their podcast (deemable.com). They also answer questions each week on their blog at folioweekly.com/deemable. Call 1-888-972-9868 or email questions@deemable.com.

6 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


Christmas is next week; so is Kwanzaa. As a rule, I avoid participating in major holidays (I’m counting the days until National Grilled Cheese Day, though). But that doesn’t mean I don’t imagine the presents I would give. Here, then, are some gifts I’d hand out to some well-known locals. I mean, it’s the thought that counts, right? To Mayor Alvin Brown: I can’t decide between a thesaurus and a sense of humor; Mrs. Mayor Alvin Brown: Anybody know what to get an invisible woman?; Grandpa’s Cough Medicine: A night off (seriously, do these guys play every event in town or what?); Jaguars QB Blaine Gabbert: A one-way ticket anywhere; Blood Alliance: As much A-positive blood as they need so they can stop stalking me; Public Defender Matt Shirk: A lesson on why you should never post an apology to your wife on Facebook; Times-Union restaurant writer Gary T. Mills: A year of home pest-control service (having to write about roaches is bad enough); Action News sports anchor Dan Hicken: A ladder to come down from his pedestal; musician and “WOP” creator J. Dash: A major recording contract, Grammy Award and official fan club that I can be president of; and to U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown: A hat, duh. For more gifts I’ll never give or to suggest your own, visit folioweekly.com/specktator.

READ THE SPECKTATOR BLOG Kerry Speckman shares her unique perspective and observations on people, places and events around the First Coast and beyond. She’s also the 2012 winner of Jacksonville Dancing With the Stars, so she’s got that going for her. Contact her at thespecktator@aol.com.

Stephen Baker, incoming president of First Coast Tiger Bay Club, wants to restore the group’s primacy. Photo: Dennis Ho

Who Cares About the Tiger Bay Club? Stephen Baker is on a mission to save the 40-year-old institution from irrelevance


here was a time, back in the 1970s and ’80s, when the First Coast Tiger Bay Club (then called the Bull Snort Forum, after a fictitious Georgia town conceived by a Florida TimesUnion political columnist) was nothing if not a local powerhouse. Its monthly luncheons — occasions for local hoi polloi to listen to debates and speeches by presidential candidates, U.S. senators and other big-shot politicos — saw crowds of 300, and the group’s membership rolls hovered around 150, movers and shakers all. Speakers’ responses to members’ prodding questions often became fodder for the next morning’s headlines. But then, in the ’90s, attendance began to drop — and continued to drop and then stagnated, even as Tiger Bay paid top dollar to lure high-profile speakers — and alongside its decline so too fell the Tiger Bay Club’s clout. Into this void steps the soft-spoken, mildmannered Stephen Baker, a recently retired political scientist from Jacksonville University who very much exemplifies the “distinguished professor” image. His attention to detail is reflected in his selection of fashionable shoes and tailored blazers that set off his ice-blue eyes, close-cropped silver-gray hair and adroitly manicured moustache. Baker has spent the better part of his 68 years trying to understand political dysfunction. When he takes over as Tiger Bay’s president in January, he’ll become the first academic to head the group in its four-decade history. His mission is to restore the club’s primacy — to bring First Coast Tiger Bay a little closer to its heyday. And even if you’re not likely to fork over $100 to become a member anytime soon, Baker contends that it’s in your interest — in the interest of democracy itself — that he succeed. Organizations like his are needed now more than ever, to flush out “real political dialogue that is necessary for democracy to work.” The media, he says, “have become more news aggregators of simplified stories instead of sources of investigative journalism. The media are supposed to be the information conduit between people and their government while other citizen organizations act as forums for debate. Unfortunately, that dialogue is sorely missing at all levels of government in America. The two agents through which this dialogue occurs — the media and voluntary civic organizations —

have deteriorated in recent years.” As with many civic groups, Baker says, Tiger Bay’s dwindled numbers are a result of changing times, part and parcel of a larger societal shift toward less in-person social interaction. The key to turning the ship around, he believes, is more creative programming — programming that challenges its members’ beliefs and preconceptions, that makes them think about issues more deeply. The group has already seen

“Tiger Bay serves as an alternative to what passes for political dialogue in Jacksonville.” some success on that score. Recent forums on the real costs of comprehensive immigration reform and the unexpected consequences of prison policies boosted attendance. On Jan. 17 — Baker’s first monthly luncheon as Tiger Bay president — State Attorney Angela Corey and Bernie De La Rionda, the lead prosecutor of the George Zimmerman case, will be on hand to discuss their failed prosecution of Trayvon Martin’s shooter. “I am betting that our members will find some programs disturbing but rewarding,” Baker says. “These types of programs can … also push the media to perform their expected function in a democracy. Real and informed political debate is contagious.” And this, he believes, is ultimately his group’s role, to serve as a corrective both to the pervasive shallowness of local political reporting and the excessiveness of political gamesmanship. “Tiger Bay serves as an alternative to what passes for political dialogue in Jacksonville, where the media frequently just reports market-tested talking points of both sides and then think the media’s job is done,” Baker says. “Unfortunately, neither side actually engages the other and often posits ridiculous, though unchallenged, assertions. By bringing contesting sides together over a shared meal — an ancient and often effective method of getting beyond the normal shouting matches — we can really involve people in dialogue.” Billee Bussard themail@folioweekly.com


Politicians Behaving Strangely Guess who just signed up his family for the District of Columbia Health Care Exchange? Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who’s fought to kill what he calls Obamacare, signed up his family Dec. 9, according to The Washington Post. He also took the federal subsidy afforded to lawmakers and staff. Sen. Bill Nelson also bought his policy from the exchange last week. Closer to home, U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, a Republican who represents Clay and several other counties in Northeast Florida, is taking heat from Americans United for Change for scheduling a firearms safety event in Lake City on the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, which resulted in the deaths of 26 people, including 20 children. Yoho said in his Facebook post that the event was not held to coincide with the tragic shooting.

Give the Boy a Gun The University of North Florida says it’s reviewing an opinion from the 1st District Court of Appeals that ruled the college could not regulate guns on campus. The appeals court’s 12-3 ruling means UNF students have the right to have concealed weapons on campus, as long as they are locked securely in their vehicles. UNF’s “no guns” policy was challenged in 2011 by a student and the guns rights group Florida Carry.

Give the Man Some Money Former Florida State College President Steve Wallace continues to receive money from the school more than a year after he was fired. The school will pay Wallace about $318,000 for leave time and retirement payouts owed under his previous employment contracts. According to the Times-Union, the FSCJ Board of Trustees refused to pay the bulk of $30,000 in legal fees and $150,000 in unpaid salary, at its Dec. 10 meeting. In addition, the board demanded that Wallace repay FSCJ $160,473 for compensatory time during his 15 years as president.

No Lease For You The bill to award a lease for the former National Guard Armory to the Sons of Confederate Veterans has been withdrawn after several City Councilmembers questioned the ability of the group to raise money for expensive renovations. City officials estimated repairs to the 98-year-old structure would cost about $9 million. A discussion about the lease of the structure hit a fevered pitch in the last few weeks, after a coalition of arts groups also expressed an interest in the dilapidated building, for an arts center. The armory, built during World War I, was used for military purposes until 1973. Several city offices used the building, but it’s been vacant since 2000. The bill’s sponsor, Councilwoman

Kimberly Daniels, withdrew the bill at a meeting on Dec. 10, but she can refile it at any time. If the measure had failed in a vote by the City Council, it could not have been considered again for another year.

Traffic Jams Ahead The state Department of Transportation has announced plans to widen the Fuller Warren Bridge where it spans the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville, from six lanes to eight lanes. The bridge-widening construction project was unveiled Dec. 9 at a public meeting where the proposed five-year list of projects for Northeast Florida was announced. The $136 million project, scheduled to start in fiscal year 2016, will take about three years to complete.

Off With Their Heads The Atlantic Beach City Commission has voted 3-2 to fire its city manager and city attorney. City Manager Jim Hanson, who has been manager for 14 years, and Alan Jensen, who has served the city for 27 years, were dismissed without cause, according to several media sources. The action came after a contentious meeting held Monday, Dec. 9. Reasons for the dismissals were not given, other than disagreements with city commissioners on a variety of issues. Finance Director Nelson van Liere will replace Hanson on an interim basis, and an Orange Park law fi rm will replace Jensen.

Forrest No More Come July 1, Nathan B. Forrest High School will cease to exist. At a meeting held on Dec. 16, the Duval County School Board voted unanimously to change the name of the school, named in 1959 for a Confederate general, slave trader and fi rst leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Because it’s 2013, people.

Bouquets & Brickbats Bouquets to Michelle Clowe of World Relief Jacksonville, who is being honored by the FBI with the 2013 Director’s Community Leadership Award. Clowe, the reception and placement coordinator for the Jacksonville branch of the organization, also serves as co-chair for the Northeast Florida Human Trafficking Coalition. The FBI bestowed the honor to her for her service, leadership and significant contributions to Northeast Florida. Brickbats to the city of Jacksonville for allowing millions of dollars’ worth of valuable real estate to fall into disrepair because it’s not being used. The former National Guard Armory needs $9 million worth of repairs. An arts group turned down an offer to use Snyder Memorial at Hemming Plaza because the building is tilting. The Shipyards property has been empty for several years. The city says the 393 “lazy” properties it owns have a total assessed value of $91.7 million — assets that, right now, are just going to waste. DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 7

Crime City

Hell Hath No Fury

Hey fellas, know what to do if your lady starts whoopin’ on you? Uncle Wes is here to help


8 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

adies know what to do when men beat them up. There are hotlines to call, counselors on hold, handy pre-printed brochures and a sympathetic, mostly female Florida State Attorney’s Office ready to kick some ass. There’s even a safe house in which to hide during the abuser’s prosecution. (Alas, this lovely refuge is located a few blocks from me in ever-cheerful Police Zone 1. At least the women there can drift off each night secure in the knowledge that the hoodlums on all sides are interested in killing each other and not them, which must be a great comfort.) But what happens when a woman starts pounding you, guys? What do you do when the yelling advances to in-your-face screaming — and then out comes the crockery, with the rolling pin and the skillet close behind? Maybe she’ll grab a butcher knife or a gun. Need I remind you what infuriated women can do with scissors? And to make matters worse, women in this condition, like the Hindu goddess Kali, often seem to have eight arms, so while they’re whaling on you, they’re simultaneously stomping your iPad, chopping the Xbox, and launching your jeans, jackets, jock straps and NBA-licensed sneakers through the window. Worse yet, one of those Kali-like arms will have a cellphone that has already dialed that three-digit number. The po-po are on their way — and they’re not coming for her. As I said, ladies have an infrastructure in place to help them. But men? You poor bastards. All you’ve got is me. Listen up, because Uncle Wes knows what to do: • Shut the fuck up. You cannot win arguments with out-of-control people, and you certainly can’t win arguments with cops. • Turn around, exit through the door, keep walking — not a word. Once outside, do not run. This makes you easy for cops to spot. Do not drive your car. Why? Cars have colors, makes, models and license plate numbers and are easy to track because they’re located where the cops are, on the streets. A friend can retrieve your car later as well as any stuff the street jits and the rain spared. • Get to a store, restaurant, bar or public building where you can sit down, cool off and consider your options. Have a cold, non-alcoholic beverage. You need all neurons firing. • Call a friend to pick you up. • Do not call the woman. You’re likely to get

a cop. Don’t leave messages on the answering machine; those are evidence. Ditto angry Facebook postings, emails, tweets and cyberbleats of all kinds. They’re just more evidence that can never be erased. • Don’t go back to her house. Neighbors will testify against you. If she’s in a gated community, the gate system will record your entries and exits accurately to the second and perhaps videorecord them. • If she swears out a complaint, and especially if she lies, convinces her friends and family to corroborate her lies, or cuts herself or smacks her head to create colorful wounds, the po-po will come for you. Nothing you can do about it. • Break out your cop card, which of course you’ve been keeping in your wallet. What’s that? Our back issues are lining the bird cage? No worries. Simply go to folioweekly.com and download it again. No computer? No problem. When the inevitable knock comes, just say these words: “Officer, my legal name is ________. My attorney’s name is ________. He/she will speak for me in this matter.” Gently close the door. You cannot, repeat cannot, withstand interrogation. No one outside the justice system is familiar with the code words that constitute an indirect confession. Here’s an example that comes up all the time: “Buddy, I know you didn’t hit her much because she doesn’t have a mark on her.” If you reply, “Yeah,” congratulations! You’ve just confessed to assault and battery! You’re gonna get jugged at 500 East Liberty, then dumped downstate for a year or so. Bye-bye job, home, kids, education, savings account. Assuming you’re a decent guy and not a woman-beating lowlife, ponder this: If a woman is willing to lie to get you arrested, she’s obviously lost that lovin’ feeling. What’s left is just Mr. and Ms. Fuzzy wanting a workout. That you can get handled elsewhere. You can’t win arguments with women who hate you, or with cops who arrest you. So be smart, leave quickly, let an attorney do the talking and stay free. That’s winning enough, In Crime City. Wes Denham themail@folioweekly.com

Wes Denham is currently writing “Why Wasn’t It Murder? The Death of Trayvon Martin and the Prosecution of George Zimmerman.”


Trophy Case

Famous Jameis, the Heisman and the Scandal That Just Won’t Go Away


rom a USA Today article that described Jameis Winston’s ultimately inevitable Heisman win on Dec. 14 as a “coronation” came an interesting insight into the mindset of Heisman voters — and how much they cared about sexual assault charges that shrouded the FSU quarterback in recent months. “I think that there are some people who sort of feel distaste about it, but I don’t think it’s a huge issue for people,” said Chris Huston, publisher of Heisman Pundit. “I think it’s people who were probably less likely to vote for him anyway. Whatever reason they didn’t want to vote for him, this sort of confirms it.” Whatever reason, indeed. Earlier this month, Leon County State Attorney Willie Meggs held a press conference to announce — to precisely nobody’s surprise — that his office would not be pressing charges against the local football hero. This followed an investigation by Tallahassee police that, at minimum, can only be described as indifferent. An indispensable article in the Tampa Bay Times last week contains a treasure trove of indictments of the willful lassitude of smalltown cops on a big-time case. “There are many, many things that should have been done,” former Tallahassee cop George Kirkham told the Times. “[It was] not a well-handled police investigation, I think.” Samuel Walker, a criminal justice professor at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, added: “This is criminal investigation 101, it seems to me. It’s a real failure. The question in my mind is: Are they incompetent or was this willful?” The police didn’t bother to track down evidence that could have corroborated — or entirely busted — the accuser’s story. Nor did they bother to locate easily findable witnesses, one of whom had a cellphone video of the alleged assault in progress (he later deleted it and unloaded his phone). Then, a police detective reportedly discouraged Winston’s alleged victim from pressing charges, telling her that “she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable,” according to a statement from her family. It’s easy for people with a vested interest in the Famous Jameis myth — FSU partisans, the sports media, college football fans — to

dismiss these problems and trot out the old canards about how “boys will be boys” and “she shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

“Are they incompetent or was this willful?” The latter rings true, that perhaps she shouldn’t have put herself in that situation, surrounded by testosterone and booze and the young, invincible gods of Bobby Bowden Field. Perhaps, you could argue, she shouldn’t have bought into this culture and the way it blurs the lines, making propriety and prudence bygone concepts. (None of that, of course, means that she had it coming, no matter how much she had to drink or how promiscuous she may or may not have been otherwise. There is no excuse for rape.) The resolution of the Winston case serves many purposes. Burnishing the narrative of the FSU football renaissance is probably the primary one, at least for FSU fans. No less vital, however, is that it sends a message that — whether Winston did it or not, and that we may never know — if you’re important enough, and especially if you’re a high-profile athlete, the cops may well be inclined to look the other way. Also willing to look the other way: FSU’s diehard fans, so starved for a winner that, no matter the undeniable shoddiness of police work or the many questions that will forever remain unanswered, they’ll happily assume the best about the QB and the worst about his alleged victim. For them, what’s at stake here isn’t about what happened between Winston and this young woman last December, but rather the absolute need to believe that this, the best football player on the field every week, also happens to be — needs to be — a paragon of virtue. AG Gancarski themail@folioweekly.com twitter.com/aggancarski



Share your thoughts on Jameis Winston’s Heisman Trophy win and other sports news at folioweekly.com/sportstalk. DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 9


Our Picks Reasons to leave the house this week


It’s closing time! The “RAM-ily” – artists, performers, musicians and farmers – set up one last time to wrap up their fifth season. The Riverside Arts Market won’t be back until March, and this event offers a tantalizing chance to shop local for last-minute gifts. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 21, under the Fuller Warren Bridge, 715 Riverside Ave., Riverside, free admission, 389-2449, riversideartsmarket.com.


The Giants get buckets. They’ve broken the ABA scoring record at least twice. They’ve made Jacksonville into Title Town USA. If you don’t believe it, you must have missed the Giants’ 2012 and 2013 ABA Championships. Giants vs. Southwest Warriors, 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at Veterans Memorial Arena, 300 A. Philip Randolph Blvd., Downtown, $8-$100 (plus transaction fees), and Dec. 22 at Bob Hayes Sports Complex, 5054 Soutel Drive, Northside, 355-6531, jacksonvillegiants.com.


Human pyramids can be accidents waiting to happen. The Golden Dragon Acrobats build theirs on bicycles. The “fearless Chao Li” leads 21 performers – contortionists, jugglers and daredevils – as they attempt the impossible in a two-hour show. Veterans of Broadway and a touring show that’s been to 65 countries, the acrobats fuse dance, martial arts and sports while displaying artistry, strength and grace. 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20 at The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Downtown, $28.50-$78.50, 355-2787, floridatheatre.com.


With reports of more than 5,900 dead and 1,700 missing after Typhoon Haiyan, a few of Northeast Florida’s most popular musicians join others around the world to raise funds for the recovery. Black Kids vocalist Reggie Youngblood, Dancell and Master Radical take the stage for the Typhoon Haiyan Benefit Concert for the Philippines – the sixth day in Jack Rabbits’ annual 12 Days of Xmas series. 8 p.m. Dec. 23 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $8 in advance, 398-7496, jaxlive.com. Photo: Kevin Snow


Local jazz icon, former Channel 4 newsman and storyteller John Thomas returns to the St. Nicholas location where he used to unwind. With more than 50 years as a performer and 18 years at WJXT TV-4, the Neptune Beach resident leads his group – bassist Stan Piper, percussionist Ron Palmer, trombonist Dave Steinmeyer and Bill Prince on reeds and brass – for the Listen to the Holidays concert. 7:30-9 p.m. Dec. 19 at Mudville Music Room, 3104 Atlantic Blvd., St. Nicholas, 352-7008, raylewispresents.com. 10 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


Born three months prematurely and blind, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts graduate Conrad Oberg’s musical career is already star-studded – at age 19. The pianist, guitarist and bluesman recorded his first album hours before his 10th birthday with Jerry Lee Lewis’ touring band at Memphis’ legendary Sun Studio. Oberg performs in support of his 2013 album “Spoonful” in a style he calls “Jimi Hendrix meets Ray Charles.” 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Underbelly, 113 E. Bay St., Downtown, $10, 353-6067, underbellylive.com.


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Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) tries to convince an unwilling P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson) to sign the rights to “Mary Poppins” to his studio. Photo: Walt Disney Pictures

Capturing the Magic

Tom Hanks exudes real-life Disney essence while Emma Thompson deserves an Oscar nod for her star turn SAVING MR. BANKS

***@ Rated PG-13 • Opens Dec. 20


t’s hard to remember the last time either Emma Thompson or Tom Hanks gave a bad performance. Those two rock-steady performers are a big reason why “Saving Mr. Banks” is such a rewarding experience. The new movie revolves around two weeks in 1961 when an extremely reluctant P.L. Travers (Thompson), the author of the popular “Mary Poppins” series of children’s books, travels from her home in England to Disney Studios in Los Angeles to collaborate on adapting the book for film. For 20 years, she’s rebuffed Walt Disney’s advances to make this happen, not wanting her beloved characters to be altered by Hollywood. Financial woes have forced her to reconsider and make the trip, though she still holds a trump card — she hasn’t relinquished the book’s film rights to Disney. Hanks stars as successful entrepreneur Disney, who’s determined to bring the story of the magical nanny to the big screen and fulfill a promise he made to his daughters when they were young and loved to read the book. Walt makes concessions for P.L. (for Pamela Lyndon) he’d never make for anyone else as he tries to persuade the eccentric, staid writer. The movie shifts back and forth from 1961 to 1906 Australia, where we see P.L. as a child, growing up with her alcoholic father (Colin Farrell), put-upon mother (Ruth Wilson) TOM YESTERDAY Tom Hanks’ turn as Walt Disney is far from the first time he’s brought real people to life on screen. Here are some other reallife portrayals in his oeuvre: “APOLLO 13” (1995): Hanks stars as Jim Lovell, leader of a team of astronauts aboard the damaged Apollo 13, struggling to find a way to get their crippled vessel home. “CHARLIE WILSON’S WAR” (2007): Hanks takes on the title role as Texas Congressman Wilson, who uses his political clout to aid Afghan rebels in their fight against the Soviet Union, with some unexpected consequences. “CAPTAIN PHILLIPS” (2013): Hanks portrays Capt. Richard Phillips, whose ship is hijacked by Somali pirates in 2009. The two-time Oscar winner (“Philadelphia,” “Forrest Gump”) could draw Academy attention again.

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POPPING OFF Share your review of “Saving Mr. Banks” and other films at folioweekly.com/movies.

and little sister Biddy (Lily Bigham). They move to a small town when her father takes the latest in a series of bank manager jobs. As these parallel stories progress, we see how her childhood shaped the story of “Mary Poppins” and why these characters are like family to her. Though Walt Disney orchestrated her visit to America, the three people who have to win her over are screenwriter Don DaGradi (Bradley Whitford) and the songwriting Sherman brothers, Robert (B.J. Novak) and Richard (Jason Schwartzman), who penned many award-winning tunes for Disney — along with the earworm “It’s a Small World After All.” (You’re welcome.) One of P.L. Travers’ many eccentricities was her insistence that all of the collaboration sessions be recorded, a boon for this new film’s screenwriters Kelly Marcel and Sue Smith, who were able to hear those recordings. Those scenes ring particularly true and are the best part of the film. Whitford, Novak and Schwartzman all hand in strong performances, as does Paul Giamatti as Ralph, who is assigned to drive the decorous author around Disneyland. The scenes in Australia are interesting, but there’s no way to know how much is true and how much the writers used of her childhood as cinematic device. Through the flashbacks, we come to realize that Mary Poppins really came to the Banks’ home to save the father, not the children, hence the title of the film. Thompson is excellent as P.L. Travers; expect her among the next round of Oscar nominations. Hanks has less screen time than Thompson, but in some ways he has the bigger challenge because Disney had a very public persona due to his many years hosting the many anthology TV series he created. In a smart move, Hanks doesn’t try to mimic the avuncular creator of “The Happiest Place on Earth,” but he seeks to capture the essence of the man. He’s mostly successful, but I never quite shook the feeling that I was watching Tom Hanks playing Walt Disney, rather than seeing Disney brought to life. Given that “Mary Poppins” was made into an Oscar-winning movie, the outcome of “Saving Mr. Banks” is never in doubt, but the journey is still well worth watching. John Hoogesteger themail@folioweekly.com



Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams, left) and Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) attempt to scam an undercover agent in “American Hustle,” directed by David O. Russell. Photo: Francois Duhamel, Columbia Pictures

A Big, Delicious Con

Charismatic caper does it with style, not substance AMERICAN HUSTLE **G@ Rated R • Opens Dec. 20


f you have zest and enthusiasm, you attract zest and enthusiasm.” That pearl of wisdom from perennial positive thinker (and possible hustler himself) Norman Vincent Peale may explain why “American Hustle” is so likeable and engaging despite its overly long running time, sloppy screenplay and rambling structure. As a follow-up to arguably his best movie, “Silver Linings Playbook,” writer-director David O. Russell has fashioned a beautiful, cinematic junk heap and apparently conned the New York Film Critics Circle into thinking it’s a masterpiece. It’s not even close, but the film’s selection as the Circle’s best of the year at least reaffirms that life imitates art, as the film itself is one big, delicious con. Based loosely on the FBI’s ABSCAM sting operation in the 1970s, which targeted corrupt public officials, “Hustle” is the story of two con artists who, caught committing nickeland-dime crimes, are offered the chance to clear their names if they assist the FBI in some big-time hustles. Christian Bale, sporting a bulbous belly and scintillating ’70s fashions, plays Irving Rosenfeld, and you simply can’t take your eyes off him or his spectacular comb-over. Amy Adams is Sydney, his mistress and pilfering partner, Jennifer Lawrence is Rosalyn, his molten-hot mess of a wife, and Bradley Cooper is the embarrassingly enthusiastic FBI agent Richie DiMaso, who manages to bust Irving and Sydney at the beginning of the film but is hopelessly inept when organizing the larger sting. In attentiongrabbing minor roles are Louis C.K. as an FBI agent and straight man to Cooper’s lunatic lawman, Jeremy Renner as the wellintentioned but shady mayor of Camden, N.J., and Robert De Niro as a powerful crime boss. Lawrence might just snag an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress,

though her character could have been more fully developed — in her back story, definitely not her front — and her New Jersey dialect came and went and came again as quickly as Russell’s active camera. Not quite worthy of a nomination is Adams, who is jaw-droppingly seductive but also patently annoying with her badly botched British accent. Yes, we know the accent is supposed to be fake, but no one

“American Hustle,” with its alternating flashes of brilliance and tedium, has all the energy and charisma of “Boogie Nights,” but all the intelligence and finesse of “Talladega Nights.” should buy for a second that the FBI doesn’t know that Sydney isn’t really English, or couldn’t at least have figured out that the dialect was flawed. Adams is instead more suited to an award for best unsupported actress, as her braless breasts dominate almost every scene she’s in, thanks to her cut-to-the-navel dresses. “American Hustle,” with its alternating flashes of brilliance and tedium, has all the energy and charisma of “Boogie Nights,” but all the intelligence and finesse of “Talladega Nights.” Still, in the end, despite a twist that takes too long to arrive and makes only a small impact, Russell’s crime caper hustles us with its style, humor and musical mementoes, not to mention its cornucopia of twists, turns and tits. Cameron Meier themail@folioweekly.com


WERE YOU HUSTLED? Share your review of “American Hustle” and other films at folioweekly.com/movies. DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 13

FILM RATINGS **** ***@ **@@ *@@@


NOW SHOWING 12 YEARS A SLAVE **** Rated R Chiwetel Ejiofor is great in the powerful film based on real events. He plays Solomon, a free black man in pre-Civil War New York who’s abducted, then sold into slavery for 12 cruel years. He meets a Canadian abolitionist and hopes his misery is over. Co-stars Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender and Quvenzhané Wallis. ALL IS LOST ***G Rated PG-13 When his 39-foot yacht collides with a shipping container in the Indian Ocean, a man sailing alone (Robert Redford, in an Oscar-worthy performance) is knocked out. He wakes up as his vessel is taking on water. Unable to contact anyone, he sails into a violent storm with nothing but his strength and mariner’s intuition. AMERICAN HUSTLE **G@ Rated R • Opens Dec. 20 Reviewed in this issue. ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES ***G Rated PG-13 The most-ballyhooed comedy this year reunites the quartet of newsmen – Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), Brick Tamland (Steve Carell), Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and Champ Kind (David Koechner) – as they blithely blunder toward the ’80s. Co-stars Christina Applegate, Kristen Wiig, Vince Vaughn and James Marsden. BAD GRANDPA **@@ Rated R “Jackass” character Irving Zisman (Johnny Knoxville) and his impressionable young grandson, Billy (Jackson Nicoll), go on a wild hidden-camera road trip across America, placing real citizens in stupid situations. THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY **@@ Rated R This comedy, just in time for the holidays, has the bestlooking cast we’ve ever seen. Really: Monica Calhoun, Morris Chestnut, Melissa De Sousa, Taye Diggs, Regina Hall, Terrance Howard, Sanaa Lathan, Nia Long, Eddie Cibrian and Atif Lanier. BLACK NATIVITY *G@@ Rated PG The holiday musical, based on Langston Hughes’ play, is about Langston (Jacob Latimore), an adolescent who spends Christmas with grandparents he’s never met – a strict preacher and his wife (Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett) – New York City kin of his single mother Naima (Jennifer Hudson). Co-stars Tyrese Gibson, Mary J. Blige and Nas. BLUE JASMINE ***@ Rated PG-13 Director Woody Allen elicits a stellar performance from Cate Blanchett in his drama showcasing characters bent on selfdestruction. Co-starring Alec Baldwin and Andrew Dice Clay. THE BOOK THIEF **** Rated PG-13 Amid the chaos and horror of WWII, Liesel (Sophie Nélisse) steals books – before the Nazis can burn them – and shares them with the folks around her. Co-stars Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson. DALLAS BUYERS CLUB ***G Rated R The drama, based on a true story, is sparking serious Oscar talk for stars Matthew McConaughey, who plays redneck electrician Ron, and Jared Leto, who plays transvestite Rayon in Dallas, 1985. Ron is shocked when he learns he’s HIV-positive, with only one month to live. He’s even more stunned to find out the drugs that might save his life aren’t for sale in the U.S. Co-stars Jennifer Garner, Steve Zahn and Griffin Dunne.

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DEAR MR. WATTERSON: AN EXPLORATION OF ‘CALVIN & HOBBES’ **@@ Not Rated • Sun-Ray Cinema The documentary from Joel Allen Schroeder sheds some light on the reclusive comic strip writer Bill Watterson.

Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street” takes a look at the rise and fall of real-life stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio). Sun-Ray Cinema screens four of the director’s best films for Playing Hooky with Martin Scorsese – “Taxi Driver,” “The King of Comedy,” “Goodfellas” and “The Departed” – then premiers “The Wolf of Wall Street” at a 9:20 p.m. screening Dec. 24. Photo: Mary Cybulski, Paramount Pictures DELIVERY MAN **G@ Rated PG-13 Underachiever David Wozniak discovers that his 691 sperm donations to a fertility clinic in the early 1990s have resulted in 533 children, 142 of whom filed a court action seeking his identity – they want to meet the man known only by a donor nom d’essence, “Starbuck.” Co-stars Cobie Smulders and Chris Pratt.

Tolkien’s books into lucrative movies and made stars of the cast members, including Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Luke Evans – Ian McKellen was already a star but now he’s amassed a whole new fanbase. Then there’s the titular Smaug (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch), a villainous fire-breathing dragon who lays claim to Bilbo’s homeland. The film sings with vibrant colors and stunning images.

DHOOM 3 **@@ Not Rated • Opens Dec. 20 Bollywood superstar Abhishek Bachchan plays a tough cop in this third installment in a popular series. Co-stars Aamir Khan and Uday Chopra. In Hindi, English, Tamil and Telugu.

HOMEFRONT ***@ Rated R Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay and Jason Statham is the hero, DEA agent Phil Broker, who kicks ass and looks cool doing so. Co-stars James Franco (who’s in danger of over-exposure), Kate Bosworth and Winona Ryder.

ENDER’S GAME ***@ Rated PG-13 In the not-so-distant future, the International Military searches for a young soldier to command troops in battle against an alien foe. Col. Graff (Harrison Ford) chooses bright young mind Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield) to lead the fight to determine the future of Earth. FREE BIRDS **@@ Rated PG This animated comedy, with voices of Woody Harrelson, Owen Wilson, Dan Fogler, Amy Poehler and George Takei, explores time travel by two determined turkeys who want to not be the main course for the holidays. FROZEN ***G Rated PG Disney’s latest feature introduces sisters Anna and Elsa, royalty of the northern land of Arendelle. Princess Anna (Kristen Bell) and Queen Elsa (Idina Menzel) are strong characters in this animated version of “The Snow Queen.” THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG ***@ Rated PG-13 Co-writer and director Peter Jackson has stretched J.R.R.

THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE ***G Rated PG-13 In Part 2 of the saga, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is a celebrity warrior hero manipulated by the Capitol’s leader Snow (Donald Sutherland). There’s revolution in the air due to her win at the Games. Co-stars Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson and Stanley Tucci. INEQUALITY FOR ALL **G@ Rated PG • Sun-Ray Cinema As the 1 percenters get richer and the rest of us don’t, former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich seeks to raise awareness of the yawning chasm that separates us. JUSTIN BIEBER’S BELIEVE Rated PG • Opens Dec. 25 The Beebs in all his glory. Billed as the “real story” behind the megastar’s rise to fame, this documentary is a sure-fire hit for his screaming fans. A MADEA CHRISTMAS *G@@ Rated PG-13 Tyler Perry is wringing every last ounce from his megastar creation Madea; now she’s celebrating Christmas in her


AMELIA ISLAND Carmike 7, 1132 S. 14th St., Fernandina Beach, 261-9867 ARLINGTON & REGENCY AMC Regency 24, 9451 Regency Square Blvd., 264-3888 BAYMEADOWS & MANDARIN Regal Avenues 20, 9525 Philips Highway, 538-3889 BEACHES Regal Beach Blvd. 18, 14051 Beach Blvd., 992-4398 FIVE POINTS Sun-Ray Cinema@5Points, 1028 Park St., 359-0047 GREEN COVE SPRINGS Clay Theatre, 326 Walnut St., 284-9012 NORTHSIDE Regal River City 14, River City Marketplace, 12884 City Center Blvd., 757-9880

ORANGE PARK AMC Orange Park 24, 1910 Wells Road, (888) AMC-4FUN Carmike 12, 1820 Town Center Blvd., Fleming Island, 621-0221 SAN MARCO San Marco Theatre, 1996 San Marco Blvd., 396-4845 SOUTHSIDE Cinemark Tinseltown, 4535 Southside Blvd., 998-2122 ST. AUGUSTINE Epic Theatres, 112 Theatre Drive, 797-5757 IMAX Theater, World Golf Village, 940-IMAX Pot Belly’s, 36 Granada St., 829-3101

Movies own unique style, with her brutal panache. Co-stars Chad Michael Murray (OMG!), Tike Sumpter, Larry the Cable Guy, Kathy Najimy and Anna Maria Horsford. OLDBOY *G@@ Rated R Josh Brolin plays Joe, a man who was kidnapped and kept in solitary confinement for 20 years for no apparent reason. Well, he was an advertising exec … Co-stars Elizabeth Olsen and Samuel L. Jackson. OUT OF THE FURNACE ***@ Rated R Everyman Russell Baze (Christian Bale) takes care of his terminally ill father while working at the steel mill. When his brother Rodney (Casey Affleck), an Iraq War vet, joins a crime ring then disappears, Russell seeks justice. Directed by Scott Cooper, the film co-stars Forest Whitaker, Woody Harrelson and Zoe Saldana. PHILOMENA **** Rated PG-13 Journalist Martin (Steve Coogan) needs to boost his career. Philomena (Dame Judi Dench) wants to find the son she gave up for adoption, forced by not-so-holy nuns decades earlier. Stephen Frears directed. SAVING MR. BANKS ***@ Rated PG-13 • Opens Dec. 20 Reviewed in this issue. THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY ***G Rated PG • Opens Dec. 25 The versatile Ben Stiller plays James Thurber’s classic dreamer, Walter Mitty, who puts himself in fantasy situations with daring femme fatales and dastardly villains, with him as the hero who saves the day. Then he gets the chance to be a real hero on a real adventure. Co-stars Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott and Shirley MacLaine, with cameos from Andy Richter and Conan O’Brien. THOR: THE DARK WORLD ***@ Rated PG-13 The sequel, with more action and special effects, stars Chris Hemsworth as the golden-tressed Thor and Natalie Portman as his Earth-time girlfriend Jane. Co-stars Christopher Eccleston, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hiddleston, Kat Dennings and Stellan Skarsgard. WALKING WITH DINOSAURS Rated PG • Opens Dec. 19 This animated feature about dinosaurs is not the usual kiddie film of cute-but-doomed characters. The realistic

3D depiction of prehistoric creatures features the voices of Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Rice, John Leguizamo and Justin Long.


IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE The lesson here: Be grateful for what you’ve got. Frank Capra’s holiday film about nice guy George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart), his beloved Mary (Donna Reed) and Clarence (Henry Travers), one very persistent angel, is screened 2 and 7 p.m. Dec. 18 at Cinemark Tinseltown, 4535 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, 998-2122, cinemark.com. SUN-RAY CINEMA “I Am Divine” screens 7 p.m. Dec. 19 and “White Christmas” (mulled cider and hot cocoa available) screens at 7 p.m. Dec. 22 at Sun-Ray Cinema, 1028 Park St., Riverside, 359-0047, sunraycinema.com. THE PUNK SINGER The documentary on activist and musician Kathleen Hanna screens 7:15 p.m. Dec. 23 with Girls Rock Jacksonville covering some of the best tunes from Bikini Kill’s and Le Tigre’s catalog before the show at Sun-Ray Cinema. PLAYIN’ HOOKY WITH MARTIN SCORSESE Sun-Ray Cinema celebrates acclaimed director Martin Scorsese on Dec. 24 with “Taxi Driver” at 11:45 a.m., “The King of Comedy” at 1:50 p.m., “Goodfellas” 3:55 p.m. and “The Departed” at 6:30 p.m. Scorsese’s new film, “The Wolf of Wall Street,” opens Dec. 24 with a 9:20 p.m. screening at 1028 Park St., Riverside, $20 for all four classic Scorsese films, $7.50 for one; separate ticket required for “The Wolf of Wall Street,” 359-0047, sunraycinema.com. LATITUDE 30 MOVIES “Ender’s Game” and “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2” screen at CineGrille, Latitude 30, 10370 Philips Highway, Southside. 365-5555. WORLD GOLF HALL OF FAME IMAX THEATER “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - The IMAX 3D Experience,” “Great White Shark 3D,” “Tornado Alley 3D” and “The Last Reef 3D” are screened at World Golf Hall of Fame Village IMAX Theater, 1 World Golf Place, St. Augustine, 940-IMAX, worldgolfimax.com. For more film events, go to folioweekly.com/calendar. For details on how to add yours, go to folioweekly.com/ eventhowto.html. Folio Weekly doesn’t accept emails for print listing events. Deadline for print is 4 p.m. Monday, 10 days before publication. Due to space constraints, not all events appear in print.

Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell, second from right) takes aim at the nation’s first 24-hour news channel, along with sportscaster Champ Kind (David Koechner, from left), reporter Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and weatherman Brick Tamland (Steve Carell) in “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues,” directed by Adam McKay. Photo: Gemma LaMana, Paramount Pictures

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remember it like it was yesterday: New Year’s Eve 19(mumble, mumble). I was in my early 20s, hanging out with friends at a bar in Atlantic Beach that was jam-packed with people — 10 deep to get anywhere near the bar, never mind a drink. But I loved it — especially scouting a target for the ritual midnight lip-lock. I remember seeing a group of “old” people

(probably younger than I am now) sitting … at a table … against the wall … far from the fray. I thought to myself right then, “I will never, ever be like them.”

¶ I’m just like them.¶ The thought of spending hours, elbow-to-elbow in a sardine-

crammed bar with music blaring way too loud, waiting an hour for a drink, makes me want to beat someone with one of those obnoxious tin horns they give out at these things. But if you’re like me, if you’d like to ring in the New Year without being side-eyed by a lovelorn 20-something on the prowl or pushing through a crush of human debauchery and sadness to score a 16 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

watered-down rum and Coke, you’ve got options — lots of options, none of which involves assault with a party favor.


Make Walter Shoback Proud With “extreme” flashing, colored lights on each alley and the explosive sound of 10-pound balls crashing into bowling pins, Batt Family Fun Center is kind of like an indoor fireworks display, where cocktails are served in plastic cups and everyone wears hideous shoes with the germs of 100 strangers. In other words, perfection. In addition to bowling, guests can play in the arcade, hit the 18-hole glow-in-the-dark miniature golf course course or relax in the lounge. Lane rental includes snacks, party favors and a champagne toast at midnight. New Year’s Eve ain’t on Shabbos this year; go ahead and roll. 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., Batt Family Fun Center, 1838 Cassat Ave., Westside, lane rental $75 for as many as six people, $100 for VIP lanes, 389-2360, battfamilyfuncenter.com

Alhambra Lang Syne Following the old dinnerand-a-show date model, the Alhambra Theatre & Dining hosts its annual New Year’s Eve celebration. For $125, you’ll Ev get pre-show champagne and hors d’oeuvres, a special New Year’s Eve dinner menu created by Chef DeJuan Roy and a performance of Pump Boys & Dinettes. Following the show, enjoy live music and dancing, a balloon drop and champagne toast at midnight, as well as an after-midnight breakfast buffet. In keeping with this year’s theme, guests are encouraged to wear denim and accessorize with diamonds (or at least look sparkly), which is perfect if you’ve been looking for a reason to wear those bedazzled jeans. Doors open at 6 p.m., performance at 8 p.m., Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Blvd., Southside, $125, 641-1212, alhambrajax.com

That Times Square Experience Costume parties aren’t just for Halloween. Consider hosting a New Year’s Eve-themed soirée where guests come as someone with a connection to the holiday – Father Time, Baby New Year, Dick Clark or, for you old-timers, Guy Lombardo. (Kids: Google it.) More daring types could couple up as Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin, who host CNN’s live coverage from Times Square. Dress up as Cooper and you can stand around all night giggling every 15 seconds, but to impersonate Griffin, you’ll need to insult Vice President Joe Biden and talk about pap smears and penises. If you really want to capture the New York City/Times Square experience, throw the party in a small closet and turn the A/C turned down as low as it will go so everyone’s slammed up against each other, freezing their asses off with no access to a bathroom for four hours.

Happy Blues Year If bluesy, swampy rock with a dash of country is more your thing, check out Gregg Allman and J.J. Grey & Mofro at The Florida Theatre. Allman, you’re probably aware, was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and named one of the best singers of all time by Rolling Stone, not to mention once being married to Cher. What JJG&M haven’t reached in fame they more than make up for in dirty-funk-blues-soul riffs and whiskey-soaked awesomeness. They’ve also changed venues from their usual New Year’s Eve gig at Freebird Live. The show is a homecoming of sorts, too, because both The Allman Brothers Band and Mofro formed in Jacksonville. 9 p.m., The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., $53-$103, 355-5661, floridatheatre.com

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(YOU’RE WELCOME.) NIGHTS OF LIGHTS* Through Feb. 2, downtown St. Augustine, free, nightsoflights.com NOON YEAR’S EVE* 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, 370 Zoo Parkway, $10.95-$15.95, 757-4463, jacksonvillezoo.org

Pinkies Up! Pinki The Jac Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra rings in 2014 with the annual “Toast! To the New Ne Year.” Ye Led by conductor Stuart Chafetz, the program includes symphonic favorites and features Mike Eldred – who, for those of you not up on these sorts of things (guilty as charged), is something of a rock star among the operatic tenor set. Following the performance, guests can get their party on with live music and dancing overlooking the St. Johns River. By “party,” of course, I mean sip champagne, preferably with your pinky raised, with polite applause following each song. Glow sticks won’t be necessary. 8:30 p.m., Times-Union Center for Performing Arts, 300 W. Water St., Downtown, $75-$150, 354-5547, jaxsymphony.org

CHILDREN’S NEW YEAR’S PARTY* 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Adventure Landing, 1944 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, 246-4386; 2780 S.R. 16, St. Augustine, 827-9400 and 4825 Blanding Blvd., Jacksonville, 771-2803, $10-$15, adventurelanding.com

NEW YEAR’S EVE BALLOON DROP 2013* 11 a.m.-noon, The Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach, 50 Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, $5, 280-0614, ccpvb.org

ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH BLAST OFF 2014* 2-10 p.m. Dec. 30-31, fireworks 8:30 p.m., St. Augustine Beach Pier Park, 350 A1A Beach Blvd, St. Augustine, free, beachblastoff.com

NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION 7:30 p.m.-2 a.m., Casa Marina Hotel, 691 First St. N., Jacksonville Beach, $100, 270-0025

© 2013


Roll Away Rol Have kids? Good luck finding a sitter. But before you resign yourself to an Hav evening of carbonated apple juice and sparklers and falling asleep to Ryan even Seacrest’s clawing voice on your television, here’s another option for making the Seac little bastards someone else’s problem for the night. After all, this is your holiday – your chance to get liquored up and clothes-free with your significant other (or a complete stranger; I don’t judge). Drop the kids off at Skate Station Funkworks night. Both Skate Station locations host a New Year’s Eve shindig and all-night skate party for the 15-and-under set. For $25 ($30 at the door), the rug rats will enjoy unlimited skating, dinner and breakfast, party favors and a midnight balloon drop for cash and prizes. And here’s the best part: you don’t have to pick them up until 7 a.m. 7:30 p.m.-7 a.m., Skate Station Funworks (3461 Kori Road, Mandarin, 880-7703; 230 Blanding Blvd., Orange Park, 272-5600) $25, $30 at the door, funworks.com

HHappy New Yucks Comedians Tim Statum and Karen Mills want you to spend Dec. 31 at The Comedy Zone in Mandarin. They would also like to suggest you purchase the New Year’s Eve celebration package featuring GiGi’s famous all-you-can-eat buffet because it would be really cool if they made you laugh so hard a crab leg came out of your nose. Dinner is served at 8 p.m., followed by the show, dancing and a champagne toast. Please note that the $65 ticket price does not include mints, which you may need to mask your prime rib breath before the kissing hour comes. There are two other deals available; check their website. 8 p.m., The Comedy Zone, 3130 Hartley Road, Mandarin, $65, 2924242, comedyzone.com

OOr Just Stay Home SSo you want to stay in for the night – this is, after all, the epitome of amateur hour – but bu don’t want to abandon the holiday altogether? Make it movie night, but only New Year’s movies. Check out The Poseidon Adventure, a disaster film where a tsunami capsizes a luxury ocean liner during a New Year’s Eve gala; or 200 Cigarettes, a widely cast dramedy that follows various characters on NYE in 18 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

1981. Or you could just watch what Entertainment Weekly calls “possibly the greatest New Year’s scene of all” – Billy Crystal’s character kinda-sorta proposing to Meg Ryan’s in When Harry Met Sally – on a loop.

O Don’t Do Anything, Or B Because Really A then there’s my personal And favorite way to celebrate New fa Year’s Eve: not celebrating it at Ye all. B By simply pretending like it’s all just another day of the year, because it is, you’ll avoid the stress of deciding what to do, save money and lessen your chances of getting a hangover. Observing anti-NYE is also very easy. You simply decline all invitations to watch a clock strike 12; avoid any TV station with live coverage of the “event,” especially those broadcasting from Times Square (sorry, Seacrest); abstain from making even one New Year’s resolution; and, most important, make sure you are asleep before midnight. Of course, this means coming to grips with the fact that you’re now officially old and boring. Kerry Speckman themail@folioweekly.com


TELL US HOW YOU PARTY. Share your ideas at folioweekly.com/happenings.

9 p.m.-2 a.m. (admission not guaranteed after 10:30 p.m.), SUITE, 4880 Big Island Drive, St. Johns Town Center, $15-$30, 493-9305, suitejacksonville.com

POP! 333NYE 10 p.m.-2 a.m., Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, 333 N. Laura St., Downtown, $100 per person, $180 per couple, 366-6911, mocajacksonville.org, nightsoflights.com

BLACK & WHITE GALA 9 p.m.-2 a.m., The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, 4750 Amelia Island Parkway, $195, 277-1100, ritzcarlton.com

GRANDPA’S COUGH MEDICINE, CORBITT BROTHERS BAND Doors open 8 p.m., Freebird Live, 200 N. First St., Jacksonville Beach, $10, 246-2473, freebirdlive.com

PARKER URBAN BAND Doors open 9:30 p.m., Dog Star Tavern, 10 N. Second St., Fernandina Beach, 277-8010 THE ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE FRITZ (PRINCE TRIBUTE), CHROMA, S.P.O.R.E., THE POLITIX Doors open 8 p.m., 1904 Music Hall, 19 Ocean St., Downtown, $20 in advance, $25 at the door, 1904musichall.com

JACKSONVILLE LANDING & GATOR BOWL 5K run 1 p.m., pep rallies, parade, live music by Smokin’ Aces, Radio 80, Sun Jammer and Something Distant and midnight fireworks at Mavericks, Fionn MacCool’s and The Jacksonville Landing, 2 Independent Drive, Downtown, 353-1188, jacksonvillelanding.com. *Family-friendly



Masked Maestro

Slow Magic maintains anonymity while creating atmospheric electronic music SLOW MAGIC with LE GINGE and MAZIK 9 p.m. Dec. 20 The Original Café Eleven, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach Tickets: $8 460-9311, originalcafe11.com


ontemporary electronic music is obsessed with the larger-than-life DJ. In Las Vegas, superstar names like Skrillex, Deadmau5 and will.i.am make upward of $250,000 a night based on their reputation alone. That makes the anonymity of Slow Magic, a one-person electronic outfit (a frontman in a colorful handmade animal mask and tasseled zebrastripe tunic) so refreshing. Though the man behind Slow Magic has successfully kept his identity hidden for two years, describing the project as “music by your imaginary friend,” he talked openly with Folio Weekly about marrying the organic and the synthetic, traveling for inspiration and, yes, even getting lonely on stage.

Folio Weekly: Your identity has been secret since Slow Magic started in 2012. What’s the reason for that decision? Slow Magic: It’s simple: I’ve been doing that from the start so that the project is about the music being at the forefront. F.W.: You came to St. Augustine last year opening for El Ten Eleven. Was the show so good it convinced you to come back? S.M.: Yeah, it’s a really nice city and I definitely had a good time. So I’m excited to come back. It’ll be nice to be there when it seems like it’s cold everywhere else, too. F.W.: Has the evolution from opening for bigger bands to headlining your own tours felt natural for you? S.M.: It’s been about two years since I started touring with Slow Magic, which was only a few months after I started the project. So it’s been steady — but it also seems quick to me. I’ve been making music my whole life under different projects and names, and this is the fi rst time I’ve gotten to travel and have this much fun. F.W.: Was it challenging to translate Slow Magic’s first album, “∆,” which was recorded before you toured, to the stage? S.M.: That was a natural process, too. And it actually took a few accidents to add elements like live drumming and going out into the crowd with the drum. I think it’s a lot different than the record. And it’s been really


WHO IS THAT MASKED MAN? See a video of Slow Magic at folioweekly.com/music.

cool working on a new record, to play some of those songs live and see how they work differently than I expected. F.W.: That live drumming represents an intriguing bridge between the digital and organic elements of your music. Was that a goal from the beginning? S.M.: That’s a good way to put it, because I really want my music to have that mix of the organic and electronic elements. When I’m recording, I like to play as many instruments and record as many things live as I can. Onstage, it’s also important for me to have something tangible. F.W.: Are most of your beats built with organic elements? S.M.: I’m really drawn to music that intrigues me because I’m not sure exactly how it was made. Th at’s my favorite way to discover the wonder of music. So I’ve used a few samples from various sources, but for the most part I try to create all my own samples, voices and things like that. I’ve had a few friends sing on a few songs, but for the new record I’m trying to have every song contain 100 percent of my recordings.

© 2006

F.W.: Is it fulfi lling to lead such a fiercely independent career? S.M.: I do work with different people as far as touring and labels go, so the overall project is a team effort. But it’s definitely nice to have creative freedom. It also sometimes gets lonely on stage — I do miss being in a band and playing off of other people. F.W.: Your music has such an atmospheric, almost corporeal vibe to it. Has the touring you’ve done over the last few years affected your creativity? S.M.: I think travel is one of the best ways to inspire the music I’m making. Iceland was one of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever been — a really inspiring landscape but also an inspiring music community that’s smaller, with everyone making amazing music and everyone trying to help each other out. Other places like Italy, France and Sweden were really cool. I find a lot of inspiration going to places that I would have never expected to like. Nick McGregor themail@folioweekly.com DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 19


2007 Park St., Riverside 384-4474, thegrassrootsmarket.com

In 2001, Grassroots Natural Market in Riverside was opened by brothers James and Jack Robison. Every day since then, they listen to the wants and needs of their customers, then work to get the very best products at the lowest possible prices and pass the savings on to their customers. This year, they’d like to thank their customers with a special deal. Purchase $100 in gift cards and you’ll receive an additional $10 gift card to do with as you please. Gift cards can be purchased for any amount. (Good only at Grassroots Natural Market, Riverside.) Offer valid through Dec. 24, 2013. See store for details.


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PUT IT ON CANVAS 252-3225 putitoncanvas.com

It’s the perfect gift: Your photos turned into art! Locally-owned Put It On Canvas is the artist’s choice for the highest quality image reproduction on canvas, made ready to hang. Buy one photo on canvas and get the second one half-off (of equal or lesser value). Just supply your high-quality image and let the magic begin. Offer expires Dec. 24, 2013. Free delivery or shipping in the Jacksonville area. Order online at putitoncanvas.com or call (904) 252-3225. Photos: Christy Whitehead


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20 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

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DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 21

© 2013

22 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

Live Music


PETER WHITE CHRISTMAS with RICK BRAUN, MINDI ABAIR 8 p.m. Dec. 18 at The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Downtown, $35-$42, 355-2787. ANGELO MOORE, REBELMATIC, PROP ANON 8 p.m. Dec. 18 Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $5, 398-7496. THY ART IS MURDER 6 p.m. Dec. 18 at Brewster’s Megaplex, 845 University Blvd. N., Arlington, $10, 223-9850. STOOP KIDS 8 p.m. Dec. 18 at 1904 Music Hall, 19 Ocean St., Downtown, $5. HOLIDAY on the RIVER Dance & Concert Series Dec. 18-21 at The Jacksonville Landing, 2 Independent Drive, Downtown, free, 353-1188. WES COBB 9:30 p.m. Dec. 18 at The Palace Saloon, 117 Centre St., Fernandina Beach, 491-3332. STRUNG LIKE A HORSE 8 p.m. Dec. 19 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $8, 398-7496. HED PE, AMB 7 p.m. Dec. 19 at Brewster’s Megaplex, 845 University Blvd. N., Arlington, $15-$30, 223-9850. THE HEAVY PETS, PARKER URBAN BAND 8 p.m. Dec. 19 at 1904 Music Hall, 19 Ocean St., Downtown, $10. THE JOHN THOMAS BAND 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at Mudville Music Room, 3104 Atlantic Blvd., San Marco, 352-7008. SCHNOCKERED 9:30 p.m. Dec. 19 and 22 at The Palace Saloon, 117 Centre St., Fernandina Beach, 491-3332. KINESIS, COMBUSTIBLE, WALI SADEQ, BEN DOBSON, INCYTE, SCOTTIE P, ALBERT ADKINS 9 p.m. Dec. 20 at 1904 Music Hall, 19 Ocean St., Downtown. PRESTON POHL, SAM SANDERS 9 p.m. Dec. 20, The Standard, 200 Anastasia Blvd., St. Augustine, $12-$15, 274-2090. BURN SEASON, CRASHMIR, STAYNE THEE ANGEL, WORLD GONE, ROCK N ROLL CHROME 7 p.m. Dec. 20 at Brewster’s, 845 University Blvd. N., Arlington, $10-$30, 223-9850. SLOW MAGIC, LEGINGE, MAZIK 9 p.m. Dec. 20 at The Original CafÊ Eleven, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine, $8, 460-9311. KALIYL, THE BLANK CANVAS, ARBOR PARK, LEAH SYKES, BETHANY STOCKDALE 8 p.m. Dec. 20 at Murray Hill Theatre, 932 Edgewood Ave. S., Murray Hill, $8-$10, 388-3179. ZACH DEPUTY 8 p.m. Dec. 20 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $10, 398-7496. MEDICINE BOWL9:30 p.m. Dec. 20 at The Palace Saloon, 117 Centre St., Fernandina Beach, 491-3332. WAVE FUNCTIONS, ORANGE AIR, THE CROWKEEPERS, HERD OF WATTS 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $5, 398-7496. RUBY BEACH, WESTJAX JAZZ ENSEMBLE Starts 11:45 a.m. for final RAM of the season, Dec. 21 at Riverside Arts Market, 715 Riverside Ave., free, 389-2449. ANDREW ALTMAN CHRISTMAS JAM 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Dog Star Tavern, 10 N. Second St., Fernandina Beach, 277-8010. DUBBED OUT VIBEZ 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21 at Burro Bar, 100 E.


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Fort Lauderdale jam band The Heavy Pets – called “a living, breathing force of nature� by Relix Magazine – fuse R&B, jazz funk, nu-disco, rock and reggae Dec. 19 at 1904 Music Hall in Downtown Jacksonville; Parker Urban Band opens. Adams St., Downtown, free, 677-2977. SHARAZ 9 p.m. Dec. 21 at Eclipse, 4219 St. Johns Ave., Avondale, free before 10:30 p.m., $10 after, 387-3582. INSPECTION 12, POOR RICHARDS, SOFTER SIDE, TOMMY HARRISON GROUP 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at Freebird Live, 200 N. First St., Jax Beach, $8, 246-2473. LEELYN OSBORN, STEPHEN CAREY, BAND CALLED CATCH, EVAN MICHAEL 9 p.m. Dec. 21 at 1904 Music Hall, 19 Ocean St., Downtown, $5. CONRAD OBERG 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Underbelly, 113 E. Bay St., Downtown, $10, 353-6067. CHIODOS, OUR LAST NIGHT, SET IT OFF 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at Brewster’s Roc Bar, 845 University Blvd. N., Arlington, $15-$40, 223-9850. REJOICE THE AWAKENING FAREWELL SHOW, BEWARE THE NEVERENDING, SET FREE, REFUGE 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Murray Hill Theatre, 932 Edgewood Ave. S., Murray Hill, $, 388-3179. JEFF TIMMONS 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21 at Mavericks at the Landing, 2 Independent Dr., Downtown, $, 356-1110. ASTRONAUTALIS, RICKOLUS, THE DOG APOLLO 8 p.m. Dec. 22 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $10, 398-7496.

TYPHOON Benefit Concert for the Philippines: Reggie Youngblood, Dancell, Master Radical 8 p.m. Dec. 23 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $8, 398-7496. BUCK SMITH 9:30 p.m. Dec. 24 at The Palace Saloon, 117 Centre St., Fernandina Beach, free, 491-3332. NOCTURNAL STATE OF MIND, REACH FOR THE SKY, FINDING EVERY ALTAR RUINED, KNOCK FOR SIX 8 p.m. Dec. 25 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, $5, 398-7496.




















LIVE MUSIC 4:30-8:30pm









1-30: Yonder Mountain String Band/ Travelin’ McCourys 2-1: Sidereal 2-15: Stop Making Sense 2-19: The Expendables/Stick Figure/Seedless 2-20: Shpongle/Desert Dwellers 2-23: Toubab Krewe 2-27: G. Love & Special Sauce

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 23

Night Eye





Quest for Fun


eep Search Records celebrated its first anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 15 at its 5 Points location on Lomax Street. The record store offered a keg and other treats, to the the delight of the 80 or so folks who celebrated with them. Local bands Fjord Explorer, Opiate Eyes, Civil Brute and Tambor performed for the festivities that went on into the wee hours. Text and photos by Dennis Ho dho@folioweekly.com 1. Devin McDonagh, Trinity Baker, Brittany Belda 2. Sophia Wagner, Tylor Seaton 3. Olivia Fore, Connor Hickey 4. Jazmyn Price, Rich Hickey 5. Brad Lauretti, Sadie Frederick


24 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


NIGHT EYE ONLINE For more photos from this and other events, check out the Pictures & Video link at folioweekly.com.

FLAGSHIP ROMANCE, OSCAR MIKE, LEAH SYKES Dec. 28, Jack Rabbits THOMAS WYNN & THE BELIEVERS Dec. 28, Underbelly NOBODY ON LAND, GREENBEAUX, ARTILECT, HELIOS HAND Dec. 28, Murray Hill Theatre BRYCE ALASTAIR BAND, SUNSPOTS Dec. 29, Jack Rabbits ASKMEIFICARE, BIG BOI MONEYMAKERS, DENVER, YT, FOREST PEYTON Dec. 30, Jack Rabbits GRANDPA’S COUGH MEDICINE with MARK SCHIMICK, CORBITT BROTHERS BAND Dec. 31, Freebird Live PARKER URBAN BAND Dec. 31, Dog Star Tavern GREGG ALLMAN, JJ GREY & MOFRO Dec. 31, Florida Theatre NEW YEAR’S EVE EXTRAVAGANZA: Antique Animals, Universal Green, The Groove Coalition Dec. 31, Underbelly THE ARTIST Formerly Known as The Fritz (Prince tribute), CHROMA, S.P.O.R.E., THE POLITIX Dec. 31, 1904 Music Hall GRANT PEEPLES, REBECCA ZAPEN Jan. 2, Mudville Music NEW MASTERSOUNDS, ORGONE, MONOPHONICS Jan. 2, Underbelly ANTIQUE ANIMALS Jan. 2, Dog Star Tavern MUD TEA, YANKEE SLICKERS Jan. 3, Underbelly PRANAYAM Jan. 3, Freebird Live MIKE DILLON BAND, SQUEEDLEPUSS Jan. 3, 1904 Music Hall TRAE LANDON Jan. 3, Jack Rabbits JACK WILLIAMS Jan. 4, Mudville Music Room CLUTCH, THE SWORD, CROBOTS Jan. 5, Freebird Live THE SCREAMING J’S Jan. 5, Jack Rabbits JOHN WESLEY HARDING, JOE PERNICE Jan. 5, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall NIGHT IDEA, FLIGHT CLOUD Jan. 6, Burro Bar B.B. KING Jan. 7, T-U Center’s Jacoby Symphony Hall THERA ROYA, FURNACE HEAD Jan. 8, Burro Bar MALCOLM HOLCOMBE Jan. 9, Mudville Music Room SPEEDY ORTIZ, GRASS IS GREEN Jan. 9, Jack Rabbits THE MICHAEL ALLMAN BAND Jan. 10, Underbelly WINTER JAM: Newsboys, Lecrae, Tenth Avenue North, Thousand Foot Krutch, Plumb, Newsong, Colton Dixon, Love & The Outcome Jan. 10, Veterans Memorial Arena NATALIE MERCHANT Jan. 11, The Florida Theatre ALLEN SHADD Jan. 11, Mudville Music Room QUEENSRYCHE Jan. 11, Brewster’s Roc Bar EDWARD APPLEBY, BEACHWHEATHER Jan. 11, Burro Bar BREAKING THROUGH, THE EMBRACED, TOM BENNETT BAND Jan. 11, Jack Rabbits MARCHFORTH MARCHING BAND Jan. 12, Freebird Live BIG DADDY LOVE Jan. 12, Underbelly ULTRA BIDE Jan. 14, Burro Bar THE WAILERS Jan. 14, Freebird Live ABBA THE CONCERT Jan. 16, The Florida Theatre JOSHUA BOWLUS TRIO Jan. 16, Mudville Music Room TAB BENOIT Jan. 16, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall GALACTIC Jan. 16, Freebird Live SEA WOLF Jan. 16, Jack Rabbits THE FRED EAGLESMITH TRAVELLING STEAM SHOW Jan. 16, The Original Café Eleven EMPIRE THEORY, GEORGE STEVENS Jan. 17, Jack Rabbits THE FIRST WEEK OF AUGUST Jan. 17, Murray Hill Theatre GURF MORLIX Jan. 18, Mudville Music Room MARCIA BALL & HER BAND Jan. 18, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall SMELLS LIKE GRUNGE Jan. 18, Underbelly CHEAP TIME Nobby’s, Jan. 19 SEEKER, DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR Jan. 19, Atticus Bar RICHARD SMITH, JULIE ADAMS Jan. 20, Mudville Music Room ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK Jan. 21, The Florida Theatre BILLY JOEL Jan. 22, Veterans Memorial Arena BIG SOMETHING Jan. 22, Jack Rabbits AGAINST ME!, THE SIDEKICKS, THE SHONDS Jan. 22, Freebird Live ANTIQUE ANIMALS Jan. 23, Dog Star Tavern RONNY COX Jan. 23, Mudville Music Room BARRY MANILOW Jan. 23, Veterans Memorial Arena SHAWN COLVIN Jan. 24, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall RODNEY ATKINS Jan. 24, The Florida Theatre GREEN SUNSHINE Jan. 24, Underbelly RODNEY ATKINS Jan. 24, The Florida Theatre ROBYN HITCHCOCK, ED COTTON, SHANE MYERS Jan. 25, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall THE CORBITT BROTHERS, GRANDPA’S COUGH MEDICINE, JACKSONVEGAS, PARKER URBAN BAND Jan. 25, Underbelly GAELIC STORM Jan. 26, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall TURBO FRUITS Jan. 26, Burro Bar KEB’MO’ Jan. 29, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall REBECCA LOEBE, ROBBY HECHT Jan. 30, Mudville Music Room YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND, THE TRAVELIN’ McCOURYS Jan. 30, Freebird Live DAVID WILCOX Jan. 31, The Original Café Eleven THE MANTRAS, BROCK BUTLER Jan. 31, 1904 Music Hall THE DELUSIONAIRES Jan. 31, Nobby’s MERLE HAGGARD Feb. 1, The Florida Theatre THE NEKROMANTIX, TWISTED GRAVES Feb. 2, Jack Rabbits TURQUOISE JEEP, YIP DECEIVER Feb. 3, Jack Rabbits QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE Feb. 3, The Florida Theatre THE SLACKERS, THE DUPPIES Feb. 4, Jack Rabbits ST. PAUL & THE BROKEN BONES, GRACE AND TONY Feb. 5, Jack Rabbits PAT MATHENY UNITY GROUP Feb. 5, The Florida Theatre TIM GRIMM Feb. 6, Mudville Music Room J BOOG, LOS RAKAS Feb. 6, Jack Rabbits OF MICE AND MEN, BRING ME THE HORIZON Feb. 6, Brewster’s CRAIG MORGAN Feb. 7, Mavericks at the Landing LADY ANTEBELLUM, DARIUS RUCKER, THOMPSON SQUARE, KIP MOORE, KACEY MUSGRAVES Feb. 8, Vets Memorial Arena LARRY MANGUM, BARRY DRAKE, MICKEY CLARK Feb. 8, Mudville Music Room SEBADOH Feb. 9, Jack Rabbits ABANDON ALL SHIPS, THE BROWNING, MY TICKET HOME,

I AM KING Feb. 11, Jack Rabbits HUNTRONIK Feb. 11, Underbelly BUDDY GUY & JONNY LANG Feb. 12, The Florida Theatre BIG SANDY & HIS FLY-RITE BOYS Feb. 12, Jack Rabbits DARLENE LOVE Feb. 13, The Florida Theatre SHOVELS AND ROPE, SHAKEY GRAVES Feb. 13, Jack Rabbits ANTIQUE ANIMALS Feb. 13, Dog Star Tavern KENNY LOGGINS Feb. 14, The Florida Theatre THE IRISH ROVERS Feb. 15, The Florida Theatre MASON JENNINGS Feb. 16, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall TIM DAISY, MIKOAJ TRZASKA Feb. 17, Karpeles Museum THE BEACH BOYS Feb. 17, The Florida Theatre THAT 1 GUY Feb. 17, Jack Rabbits BRONZE RADIO RETURN, RED WANTING BLUE Feb. 18, Jack Rabbits SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS Feb. 19, Jack Rabbits THE EXPENDABLES, STICK FIGURE, SEEDLESS Feb. 19, Freebird Live YOUNG THE GIANT Feb. 19, Mavericks at the Landing THE TEMPTATIONS, THE FOUR TOPS Feb. 20, Florida Theatre TOMMY EMMANUEL, MARTIN TAYLOR Feb. 20-21, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall SHPONGLE, DESERT DWELLERS Feb. 20, Freebird Live MELLOWDIME Feb. 20, Jack Rabbits STEPHEN KELLOGG Feb. 21, Mudville Music Room EL DUB Feb. 21, Dog Star Tavern DARK STAR ORCHESTRA Feb. 23, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall SNARKY PUPPY Feb. 23, 1904 Music Hall THE EAGLES Feb. 26, Veterans Memorial Arena G. LOVE & SPECIAL SAUCE Feb. 27, Freebird Live MATT OWEN & THE ELECTRIC TUBA Feb. 28, Jack Rabbits SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY & the ASBURY JUKES Feb. 28, Florida Theatre LOVE AND THEFT Feb. 28, Mavericks at the Landing ART GARFUNKEL Feb. 28, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall GREAT GUITAR GATHERING March 1, The Florida Theatre JULIO IGLESIAS March 2, T-U Center's Moran Theater TWO COW GARAGE March 4, Jack Rabbits HOPSIN, DJ HOPPA, FUNK VOLUME March 5, Freebird Live AMY SPEACE March 5, Mudville Music Room THE KENNEDYS March 6, Mudville Music Room CAROLINA CHOCOLATE DROPS March 6, P.V. Concert Hall DROPKICK MURPHYS, LUCERO, SKINNY LISTER March 6, Mavericks at the Landing MATRIMONY March 8; AGENT ORANGE March 9, Jack Rabbits MICHAEL BOLTON March 14, The Florida Theatre MICHAEL RENO HARRELL March 15, Mudville Music Room WE THE KINGS, THIS CENTURY, CRASH THE PARTY March 16, Freebird Live GEORGE THOROGOOD & the DESTROYERS March 19, The Florida Theatre WE BUTTER THE BREAD WITH BUTTER, LIONS LIONS, HONOUR CREST March 19, Jack Rabbits

LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO March 22, The Florida Theatre MOORS & McCUMBER March 22, Mudville Music Room WE ARE THE IN CROWD, WILLIAM BECKETT, SET IT OFF, STATE CHAMPS, CANDY HEARTS March 22, Jack Rabbits THE MOODY BLUES March 22, St. Augustine Amphitheatre MARC COHN DUO March 23, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall THE TURNPIKE TROUBADOURS March 24, Jack Rabbits DAVE HAUSE, NORTHCOTE March 26, Jack Rabbits GET THE LED OUT March 27, The Florida Theatre LINDSAY LOU & the FLATBELLYS March 27, Mudville Music Room THE BRONX WANDERERS March 28, Thrasher-Horne Center KB March 28, Murray Hill Theatre STILL ON THE HILL March 29, Mudville Music Room STEVE HACKETT April 2, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JESSE COOK April 3, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall PAUL ANKA April 3, T-U Center’s Moran Theater THE BLIND BOYS OF ALABAMA April 11, P.V. Concert Hall THE ZOMBIES April 13, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JON VEZNER April 13, Mudville Music Room LOCAL NATIVES April 17, Freebird Live ANTIQUE ANIMALS April 27, Dog Star Tavern REHAB April 22, Freebird Live SANTANA April 27, St. Augustine Amphitheatre THE FAB FOUR May 9, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall CHER May 14, Veterans Memorial Arena GLADYS KNIGHT May 16, T-U Center THE 1975 May 19, Freebird Live ANTIQUE ANIMALS May 22, Dog Star Tavern FLORIDA COUNTRY SUPERFEST: Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Eric Church, Miranda Lambert, Florida Georgia Line, Little Big Town, Big & Rich, Easton Corbin, Colt Ford, Joe Nichols June 14-15, EverBank Field


DAVID’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE, 802 Ash St., 310-6049 John Springer every Tue.-Wed. Aaron Bing every Fri.-Sat. DOG STAR TAVERN, 10 N. Second St., 277-8010 Andrew Altman’s Christmas Jam Dec. 21. Parker Urban Band Dec. 31. Working Class Stiff with real vinyl every Tue. GREEN TURTLE TAVERN, 14 S. Third St., 321-2324 Dan Voll and Friends, 7 p.m. every Fri. Live music every Sat. HAMMERHEAD TAVERN, 2045 S. Fletcher Road, 491-7783 Buck Smith, Jim Barcaro every Thur. A DJ every Sun. O’KANE’S IRISH PUB, 318 Centre St., 261-1000 Dan Voll 7:30 p.m. every Wed. Turner London Band every Thur.-Sat. THE PALACE SALOON, 117 Centre St., 491-3332 Wes Cobb 9:30 p.m. Dec. 18. Schnockered 9:30 p.m. Dec. 19 & 22. Medicine Bowl 9:30 p.m. Dec. 20. Live music Dec. 21. Josh McGowan Dec. 23. Buck Smith Project Band every Tue.


BREWSTER’S MEGAPLEX/PIT/ROC BAR/THE EDGE, 845 University Blvd. N., 223-9850 Thy Art is Murder 6 p.m. Dec. 18. Hed Pe, AMB 7 p.m. Dec. 19. Burn Season, Crashmir, Stayne Thee Angel, World Gone, Rock N Roll Chrome 7 p.m. Dec. 20. Chiodos, Our Last Night, Set It Off 7 p.m. Dec. 21. MVP’S SPORTS GRILLE, 12777 Atlantic Blvd., 221-1090 Live music 9 p.m. every Fri.-Sat.


BLUE FISH, 3551 St. Johns Ave., 387-0700 Paul Haftel every other Fri. for Elevated Avondale. CASBAH CAFE, 3628 St. Johns Ave., 981-9966 Goliath Flores every Wed. Live jazz every Sun. Live music every Mon. ECLIPSE, 4219 St. Johns Ave., 387-3582 Sharaz 9 p.m. Dec. 21. DJ Keith Karaoke every Tue. DJ Free every Fri. DJ SuZi-Rok every Mon. MOJO NO. 4, 3572 St. Johns Ave., 381-6670 Toots Lorraine & the Traffic 10 p.m. Dec. 20. TOM & BETTY’S, 4409 Roosevelt Blvd., 387-3311 Live music every Fri. Karaoke every Sat.


COFFEE GRINDER, 9834 Old Baymeadows Road, 642-7600 DJ Jenn Martinello every Tue. DJ Allen every Thur. DJ Mark Mallory every Fri. DJ Smoke every Sat.


(All venues in Jax Beach unless otherwise noted)

BILLY’S BOATHOUSE, 2321 Beach Blvd., 241-9771 Billy Bowers 5:30 p.m. Dec. 19. Jetty Cats Dec. 20. Live music every Wed.-Sun. BRIX TAPHOUSE, 300 N. Second St., 241-4668 DJ R3IGN every Thur. Live music, DJs every weekend. CULHANE’S IRISH PUB, 967 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 249-9595 DJ Vito every Karaoke Thur. Karaoke every Sat. Irish music every Sun. FLYING IGUANA, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 853-5680 The Gootch 10 p.m. Dec. 20. Darren Corlew 10 p.m. Dec. 21-22. Red Beard & Stinky E 10 p.m. every Thur. FLY’S TIE IRISH PUB, 177 E. Sailfish Drive, Atlantic Beach, 246-4293 Songwriters every Tue. Ryan Campbell every Wed. Wes Cobb every Thur. Charlie Walker 10:30 p.m. every Mon. FREEBIRD LIVE, 200 N. First St., 246-2473 Pool Party Dec. 20. Inspection 12, Poor Richards, Softer Side, Tommy Harrison Group 7 p.m. Dec. 21. Fusebox Funk, Parker Urban Band Dec. 27. ISLAND GIRL CIGAR BAR, 108 First St., Neptune Beach, 372-0943 Mark O’Quinn Dec. 20. Matt Collins Dec. 21. KC CRAVE, 1161 Beach Blvd., 595-5660 DiCarlo Thompson 8:30 p.m. Dec. 20. Live music 7 p.m. Thur.-Sat. LANDSHARK CAFE, 1728 Third St. N., 246-6024 Open mic every Wed. Matt Still every Thur.


THURSDAY Midlife Crisis


Atlantic Blvd. at the Ocean "UMBOUJD #FBDI t

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 25

LYNCH’S IRISH PUB, 514 N. First St., 249-5181 Danka Dec. 20-21. Uncommon Legends every Wed. Ryan Campbell every Thur. Be Easy every Mon. Split Tone every Tue. MELLOW MUSHROOM, 1018 N. Third St., 246-1500 Ivey West Dec. 18. Antique Animals Dc. 19. Firewater Tent Revival Dec. 20 MEZZA LUNA, 110 First St., Neptune Beach, 249-5573 Neil Dixon every Tue. Mike Shackelford & Rick Johnson every Thur. MOJO KITCHEN, 1500 Beach Blvd., 247-6636 Spade McQuade 10 p.m. Dec. 27. MONKEY’S UNCLE TAVERN, 1850 S. Third St., 246-1070 Wes Cobb every Tue. DJ Austin Williams Karaoke Wed., Sat. & Sun. DJ Papa Sugar every Mon., Thur. & Fri. NIPPERS BEACH GRILLE, 2309 Beach Blvd., 247-3300 Houston Keen Dec. 21. Jimmy Parrish Dec. 22. NORTH BEACH BISTRO, 725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 6, Atlantic Beach, 372-4105 Gary Lee Wingard 7 p.m. Dec. 19. Richard Smith 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21. PIER CANTINA, 412 N. First St., 246-6454 Ryan Campbell & Charlie Walker every Fri. Split Tone every Sun. POE’S TAVERN, 363 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 241-7637 Be Easy every Sat. RAGTIME TAVERN, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 241-7877 Neil Dixon Dec. 18. Midlife Crisis Dec. 19. Boogie Freaks Dec. 20-21. THE SHIM SHAM ROOM, 333 First St. N., 372-0781 Live acoustic 10 p.m. every Mon. Karaoke 10 p.m. every Tue. THE WINE BAR, 320 N. First St., 372-0211 Billy Buchanan 10 p.m. Dec. 21. Live music every Sat.-Sun. WIPEOUTS, 1585 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach, 247-4508 Live music 7:30 p.m. every Thur. & Sat.


1904 MUSIC HALL, 19 Ocean St. N., 1904jax.com Stoop Kids 8 p.m. Dec. 18. The Heavy Pets, Parker Urban Band 8 p.m. Dec. 19. Kinesis, Combustible, Wali Sadeq, Ben Dobson, Incyte, Scottie P, Albert Adkins 9 p.m. Dec. 20. Leelyn Osborn, Stephen Carey, Band Called Catch, Evan Michael 9 p.m. Dec. 21. BURRO BAR, 100 E. Adams St., 677-2977 Dubbed Out Vibez 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21. DOS GATOS, 123 E. Forsyth St., 354-0666 DJ NickFresh 9 p.m. every Sat. Rock ’n’ Roll Karaoke 9 p.m. every Mon. FIONN MacCOOL’S, Jax Landing, 2 Independent Drive, Ste. 176, 374-1247 Braxton Adamson 5-8 p.m., 2 Live Dudes 8:30 p.m. Dec. 20. Baystreet 8:30 p.m. Dec. 21. JACKSONVILLE LANDING, 2 Independent Drive, 353-1188 Palm Ave. School, Wayman Academy, Fletcher Dance Ensemble, AOE Step Team/Diamond Dancers, KIPP Middle School Band Dec. 18. SDS Performing Arts Center, Middleburg Elem. Jr. & Sr. Chorus Dec. 19. Sophisticated Gents, Hipp Street Dec. 20. Ballet Arts Center, Voices of Victory, Dulce Anaya School, I AM International, Fabulous Footwork, First Coast Christian Ctr. Music, Switzerland Dance School, Dynamics Dance, Go Ask Alice Dec. 21. Jordyn Stoddard, First Coast Kids, River City All Stars Dance Team, N. Fla. Twirling Academy Dec. 22.

MARK’S DOWNTOWN, 315 E. Bay St., 355-5099 DJ Roy Luis 9 p.m. every Wed. DJ Vinn 9 p.m. every Thur. DJ 007 9 p.m. every Fri. Bay Street 9 p.m. every Sat. MAVERICKS, The Landing, 2 Independent Drive, 356-1110 Jeff Timmons 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21. Michael Ray, Clemons Road 6 p.m. Dec. 27. Joe Buck, Big Tasty spin every Thur.-Sat. SHANTYTOWN PUB, 22 W. Sixth St., 798-8222 Cold Hearted Dec. 19. The Shorebirds Dec. 22. UNDERBELLY, 113 E. Bay St., 353-6067 Conrad Oberg 8 p.m. Dec. 21. Old Time Jam 7 p.m. every Tue.


MELLOW MUSHROOM, 1800 Town Center Blvd., 541-1999 DJ BG 10 p.m. Dec. 19. 7 Street Band 10 p.m. Dec. 21. Live music Wed.-Sat. MERCURY MOON, 2015 C.R. 220, 215-8999 Bandontherun Dec. 20-21. DJ Ty every Thur. Blistur every Wed. WHITEY’S FISH CAMP, 2032 C.R. 220, 269-4198 Yankee Slickers 9:30 p.m. Dec. 20. Overdrive 9:30 p.m. Dec. 21. Deck music 5 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 4:30 p.m. every Sun.


BRUCCI’S PIZZA, 13500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 36, 223-6913 Mike Shackelford 6:30 p.m. every Sat. & Mon. CLIFF’S BAR & GRILL, 3033 Monument Road, 645-5162 Banontherun2011 Dec. 18. Live music every Fri.-Sat. COPPER TAP HOUSE, 13500 Beach Blvd., 647-6595 Live music every Fri. JERRY’S SPORTS GRILLE, 13170 Atlantic Blvd., 220-6766 Karaoke Dude every Wed. Live music every Fri.-Sat. SALSA’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 13500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 46, 992-8402 Live guitar music 6-9 p.m. every Tue. & Sat.


AW SHUCKS OYSTER HOUSE, 9743 Old St. Augustine Road, 240-0368 Open mic every Wed. Live music 7 p.m. every Fri. HARMONIOUS MONKS, 10550 Old St. Augustine Road, 880-3040 Jazz 7 p.m., Karaoke 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Mon.-Thur. Dennis Klee & the World’s Most Talented Waitstaff Fri.-Sat. RACK ’EM UP, 4268 Oldfield Crossing Drive, 262-4030 DJ Randall Karaoke Sun., Wed.


CHEERS BAR & GRILL, 1138 Park Ave., 269-4855 Live music every Wed., Fri.-Sat. Ms. T Karaoke 9:30 p.m. every Thur. THE HILLTOP, 2030 Wells Road, 272-5959 John Michael every Wed.-Sat. PREVATT’S SPORTS BAR, 2620 Blanding Blvd., 282-1564 Ivey West Band 9 p.m. Dec. 19-20. Karaoke with Tammy every Wed. Live music every Thur.-Sat. THE ROADHOUSE, 231 Blanding Blvd., 264-0611 Live music 9 p.m. every Thur.-Sat.


DOWNTOWN BLUES BAR & GRILLE, 714 St. Johns Ave., 386-325-5454 Rick Randlett Dec. 21. Middleground Dec. 28.


ALICE & PETE’S PUB, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd., 285-7777 Aaron Kroener 8 p.m. Dec. 21. Live music 5 p.m. every Wed., 8 p.m. every Sat. ISLAND GIRL CIGAR BAR, 820 A1A N., Ste. E-18, 834-2492 Clayton Bush Dec. 20. Caleb Joye Dec. 21. PUSSER’S GRILLE, 816 A1A N., 280-7766 Live music every Fri.-Sat. SoundStage Sun. SAUCY TACO, 450 S.R. 13, Ste. 113, 287-7226 Live music Thur.-Sat. TABLE 1, 330 A1A N., Ste. 208, 280-5515 Gary Starling Jazz Band 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19. Brady 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20.


KICKBACKS, 910 King St., 388-9551 Ray & Taylor 8:30 p.m. every Thur. Robby Shenk every Sun. THE LOFT, 925 King St., 476-7283 DJs Wes Reed & Josh Kemp every Thur. Josh Kemp every Fri. DJ Wes Reed every Sat. MURRAY HILL THEATRE, 932 Edgewood Ave. S., 388-7807 Kaliyl, The Blank Canvas, Arbor Park, Leah Sykes, Kevin Briscoe, Bethany Stockdale, The Mistletoes 8 p.m. Dec. 20. Rejoice the Awakening Farewell Show, Beware the Neverending, Set Free, Refuge 8 p.m. Dec. 21. RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET, 715 Riverside Ave., 554-6865


MORE LIVE MUSIC Find more live music events and submit yours at folioweekly.com/calendar.

Ruby Beach, Westjax Jazz Ensemble Dec. 21.


ANN O’MALLEY’S, 23 Orange St., 825-4040 Rusty Scott 8:30 p.m. Dec. 20. CELLAR UPSTAIRS, San Sebastian Winery, 157 King St., 826-1594 Chillula 7 p.m. Dec. 20. Buffalo Rose 2 p.m., Ain’t Too Proud to Beg 7 p.m. Dec. 21. Vinny Jacobs 2 p.m. Dec. 22. CRUISERS GRILL, 3 St. George St., 824-6993 Live music every Fri.-Sat. Chelsea Saddler every Sun. DOS COFFEE, 300 San Marco Ave., 342-2421 Taylor Roberts & Co. every Fri. The Residents spin every Sat. HARRY’S, 46 Avenida Menendez, 824-7765 Billy Bowers 6 p.m. Dec. 18. MILL TOP TAVERN & LISTENING ROOM, 19 1/2 St. George St., 829-2329 Live music 9 p.m. Dec. 20-21, 1 p.m. Dec. 22. Todd & Molly Jones every Wed. Aaron Esposito every Thur. David Strom every Mon. Donny Brazile Tue. MOJO OLD CITY BBQ, 5 Cordova St., 342-5264 7 Street Band 10 p.m. Dec. 20. Love Chunk Dec. 21. Live music every Fri. PIZZALLEY’S CHIANTI ROOM, 60 Charlotte St., 825-4100 Dennis Fermin Spanish Guitar 3 p.m. every Mon. SANGRIAS PIANO BAR, 35 Hypolita St., 827-1947 Mitch Kuhman 6-10 p.m. Dec. 26. Live music every Fri.-Sat. SCARLETT O’HARA’S, 70 Hypolita St., 824-6535 Oh No 9 p.m. Dec. 20. Danka Dec. 21. Jeremy Austin every Tue. THE STANDARD, 200 Anastasia Blvd., 274-2090 Preston Pohl, Sam Sanders 9 p.m. Dec. 20. THE TASTING ROOM, 25 Cuna St., 810-2400 Dennis Fermin Spanish Guitar Band every Sat. TRADEWINDS, 124 Charlotte St., 829-9336 Spanky 9 p.m. Dec. 20-21. Matanzas Sun.-Thur. Elizabeth Roth every Sat.


AMICI ITALIAN RESTAURANT, 1915 A1A S., 461-0102 Piano Bar 5 p.m. every Sun. THE ORIGINAL CAFE ELEVEN, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., 460-9311 Slow Magic, LeGinge, Mazik 9 p.m. Dec. 20. SHANGHAI NOBBY’S, 10 Anastasia Blvd., 825-4959 Karaoke 10 p.m. Mon.-Tue. Live music Fri.-Sat.


BLACKFINN GRILLE, 4840 Big Island Drive, 345-3466 Live music 5 p.m. every Wed., 9 p.m. every Thur.-Sat. SUITE, 4880 Big Island Drive, 493-9305 Live music every Fri.-Sat. WHISKY RIVER, 4850 Big Island Drive, 645-5571 DJs 8 p.m. every Sat.


JACK RABBITS, 1528 Hendricks Ave., 398-7496 Angelo Moore, Rebelmatic, Prop Anon 8 p.m. Dec. 18. Strung Like a Horse 8 p.m. Dec. 19. Zach Deputy 8 p.m. Dec. 20. Wave Functions, Orange Air, The Crowkeepers, Herd of Watts Dec. 21. Reggie Youngblood Dec. 23. Astronautalis, Rickolus, The Dog Apollo Dec. 22. Nocturnal State of Mind, Reach for the Sky, Finding Every Altar Ruined, Knock for Six Dec. 25. Fit for Rivals, The Embraced, Ryan Raw Dec. 26. MUDVILLE MUSIC ROOM, 3104 Atlantic Blvd., 352-7008 The John Thomas Band 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19. Tommy Talton Dec. 28. THE PARLOUR, 2000 San Marco Blvd., 396-4455 The Snacks Blues Band 8 p.m. Dec. 20. RIVER CITY BREWING CO., 835 Museum Cir., 398-2299 Brett Foster 8 p.m. Dec. 19. Double Down Dec. 20. DJs spin every Thur. Live music every Fri.


AROMAS CIGARS & WINE BAR, 4372 Southside Blvd., Ste. 101, 928-0515 Will Hurley every Fri. Bill Rice every Sat. ISLAND GIRL, 7860 Gate Pkwy., Ste. 115, 854-6060 Aaron Kyle Dec. 20. Lance Neely Dec. 21. Live music Fri.-Sat. JOHNNY ANGELS, 3546 St. Johns Bluff Road S., 997-9850 Karaoke 7 p.m. every Sat. LATITUDE 30, 10370 Philips, 365-5555 VJ Didactic 9 p.m. Dec. 19. Blonde Ambition 9 p.m. Dec. 20-21. MELLOW MUSHROOM, 9734 Deer Lake Ct., Ste. 1, 997-1955 Charlie Walker Dec. 19. Live music Thur.-Sat. SEVEN BRIDGES, 9735 Gate Parkway N., 997-1999 Live music Fri.-Sat. TAVERNA YAMAS, 9753 Deer Lake Ct., 854-0426 DJ Night 8 p.m. every Fri.-Sat. WILD WING CAFE, 4555 Southside Blvd., 998-9464 David Luthra 5 p.m., Contraband 9 p.m. Dec. 20. Pop Muzik Wed. WORLD OF BEER, 9700 Deer Lake Ct., Ste. 1, 551-5929 A Nickel Bag of Funk 9 p.m. Dec. 20.


DAMES POINT MARINA, 4542 Irving Road, 751-3043 Mr. Natural Dec. 22 & 28. Live music Fri.-Sat. HIGHWAY 17 ROADHOUSE TAVERN, 850532 U.S. 17, Yulee, 225-9211 Live music Fri.-Sat. SKYLINE SPORTS BAR, 5611 Norwood Ave., 517-6973 The Fusion Band 8 p.m. Dec. 19. THREE LAYERS CAFE, 1602 Walnut St., 355-9791 Al Poindexter open mic 7 p.m. Dec. 19. For a complete live music list, go to folioweekly.com/calendar. For details on how to submit your event, go to folioweekly. com/eventhowto.html. Folio Weekly does not accept emails for events to appear in print listings. Deadline for print is 4 p.m. Monday, 10 days before the issue. Due to space constraints, not all submissions appear in print.

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Photo: Magnolia Pictures

The South Feels Right

Rock legend Gregg Allman comes back to Jacksonville while staying focused on the road ahead GREGG ALLMAN with JJ GREY & MOFRO 9 p.m. Dec. 31 The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Downtown Tickets: $53-$103 355-2787, floridatheatre.com


regg Allman, co-founder of seminal Southern rock band The Allman Brothers, returns to Jacksonville to help ring in the New Year. The Rock & Roll Hall of Famer and one of Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Singers of All Time performs at The Florida Theatre as the headliner in a New Year’s Eve concert with Jacksonville natives JJ Grey & Mofro. Allman took a moment to talk about life on the road with Folio Weekly, but he doesn’t believe in slowing down. Allman discussed past projects as well as some exciting prospects on the horizon.

Folio Weekly: The Allman Brothers are considered by many to be among the leaders of the Southern rock movement of the ’70s. Is it true you’ve never cared for the term “Southern rock”? Gregg Allman: Not really. Rock ’n’ roll was born in the South. Rock ’n’ roll came from the blues, and the blues were born in the South. The blues and rock are the only two musical genres that this country can really claim. Country music wasn’t even born in America; only the blues and rock ’n’ roll. F.W.: You and your brother Duane were actually in a band before The Allman Brothers formed called The Hourglass; that band even managed to release an album on the Liberty Records label in the short time it was together. What was it that led to that group disbanding? G.A.: The record label was fishing for anything they could turn us into that would sell, attempting to turn us into a psychedelic band. They were only interested, as most record companies are, in new acts. ‘If we do this, put ’em in some different clothes, etc.’ They were twisting us in any direction that they could, which they were able to since they had the upper hand, being as new artists are usually broke and naïve; between the two, they tend to be taken advantage of, and that’s exactly what happened to us. F.W.: You recently appeared in “Muscle Shoals” [shown here last month at Sun-Ray Cinema], the new documentary on the legendary recording studio in Alabama. What are your thoughts on this new attention being focused on Muscle Shoals? G.A.: I think it’s wonderful. It’s past time for people to find out what happened in that magical place. It’s just as important as Hitsville in Detroit, the old Motown studio that is now


ROCKING ON See a video of Gregg Allman at folioweekly.com/music.

a closet from what I understand, or the old Sun Records Studio. It’s right up there with Stax, Sun and Chess Records, all of those old studios. Muscle Shoals is where all the big record companies came with their artists to get their music cut right, instead of New York, where all of the musicians were just like robots. In the South, we just played what felt right. F.W.: Your solo work has always been interesting, as it is so different from your output with The Allman Brothers. How does your approach differ in the studio for the two projects? G.A.: That comes from being inside a kitchen that only has one head chef. You don’t need a boss, you just need a focal point for the music. Most people would call that a bandleader. The Allman Brothers does not have this; everyone has a say in where the music might end up. F.W.: What do you remember of your brother Duane’s life in Jacksonville? G.A.: He met some boys from there, and this was back in the day when a musician would just crash here and there. That’s where he met some of the boys who would join the band, which would have been Dicky Betts and Berry Oakley. He never owned a house or anything like that in Jacksonville, but he definitely spent some serious time there. F.W.: In 2012 you released a memoir of your life in music, “My Cross to Bear.” What led to publishing that book? G.A.: Well, it’s not meant to be taken as an autobiography; it’s actually a journal, one that I started on the road in 1981. I just thought someone might find it interesting. The fi lm rights have actually been sold, and that’s going quite well. The screenplay is finished, so they’re going into casting right now. F.W.: You’re the subject of a special concert event next year, called “All My Friends.” It’s set to be filmed for DVD release, with an album release as well. Was there anyone who disappointed you by not being able to show up? G.A.: Everybody has a different schedule, so it’s amazing to me that everyone who signed on for it was able to sign on for it. You’ve got one guy on a tour of Australia, another on a tour of Japan, so to get everyone under one roof for one night isn’t the easiest thing to do. Some of my friends headed up the event, so I had nothing to do with the guest list. Isaac Weeks themail@folioweekly.com

DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 27


“Prostrate,” an oil on wood, is a featured piece in Thony Aiuppy’s solo exhibit “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow.”

An Oscillation in Oil and Clay

Thony Aiuppy examines living in the American South today in “thickly manipulated oil paintings” THE DARKNESS BEYOND TOMORROW Reception 6-8:30 p.m. Dec. 27; displayed noon-5 p.m. through Jan. 2, by appointment CoRK Arts District North Gallery, 2689 Rosselle St., Riverside, 655-6856, facebook.com/corkartsdistrict


odern-day Renaissance man Thony Aiuppy thinks and speaks in rapid strokes that reveal a depth of character and intellect that’s reflected in his art. His work is as complex and multidimensional — literally and figuratively — as the man himself. Much of Aiuppy’s work in his upcoming solo exhibit at CoRK, “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow,” traipses the narrow plane between the two and three dimensional, drawing the viewer in for a closer look. Aiuppy, a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design with a master of fine arts in painting, depicts iconic and everyday figures in “thickly manipulated oil paintings” on wood in the exhibit. Aiuppy says the work offers his view on living in the racially divided South with socio-economic and socio-political themes. Through this exhibit, the artist asks, “What does it look like to live in the American South today?” In one painting, “Prostrate,” a white man lies face down in a position of complete resignation. Other paintings are portraits of early Civil Rights activists James Weldon Johnson and A. Philip Randolph and writer and activist William Stetson Kennedy, which hang alongside people in Aiuppy’s life. He says the use of common, familiar figures “touches on the idea of the sublime.” Aiuppy explains that the extremely thick layers of paint — one of the paintings weighs roughly 40 pounds — he used in “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow” allow him to explore the tension between movement and stillness. It gives the paintings their own topography, which challenges us to view from different angles and elevate the experience. Aiuppy can scarcely recall a time before his world included art. “Like most kids, I drew all the time. … It’s like another way to learn language,” he says. But the images he copied from Marvel comics, like “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “The Avengers,” as a child did not elicit encouragement so much as wellintentioned but often unhelpful suggestions. “I was given bad advice as a kid,” he says. “People would say things like, ‘That’s good, but make

28 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013


LIGHT IT UP See more photos of “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow” at folioweekly.com/arts-stories.

something out of your head.’ ” He let his art languish for several years after high school until, unfulfilled by working at Starbucks at age 25, Aiuppy returned to college with an idea of becoming a graphic designer. A painting class he took at Florida State College at Jacksonville inspired him to change his major to fine arts; he went on to receive a bachelor of fine arts in painting and drawing at the University of North Florida before attending SCAD. After years of neglecting his art, the return was welcome but also difficult. “If you don’t use your art muscles, you lose them,” he says. In “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow,” 33-year-old Aiuppy is flexing the muscles he’s been beefing up for the better part of a decade. Aiuppy, who would like to become a college- or graduate-level art professor, also imparts his knowledge of the language of figure, image and form on the younger generation; he teaches elementary school art. Residents of Springfield, he and his wife are expecting their third child in July. Aiuppy looks around his historic neighborhood and finds oscillation and dichotomy among walks of life and theories of existence all around. He sees families on state assistance struggling to make ends meet alongside gentrified homes where DINCs (dual-income, no children) collect fine wines and drive gleaming sports cars down streets shared by musicians, teachers, drug dealers, entrepreneurs and the homeless. It is inspiring; it’s enlightening, frightening and intriguing; it’s the world Aiuppy absorbs and digests and recreates with oil and clay and love and skill and sweat. It is reflected on him and he, in turn, reflects it back. Paintings and sculptures in “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow” at CoRK North are available for acquisition. Aiuppy, who will celebrate his second year with space at CoRK Arts District in February, also has a piece in the “Our Shared Past” exhibit showing at The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens through May 2014. Claire Goforth themail@folioweekly.com



Find more arts events and submit your own at folioweekly.com/calendar.


CHRISTMAS CAROLE Charles Dickens’ classic holiday story, adapted for the stage, runs Dec. 18-24 at Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Blvd., Southside; dinner and a show is $43-$49 (includes parking), reservations required, 641-1212, alhambrajax.com. HANDLE WITH CARE The romantic comedy about the love story of a young Israeli woman and a young American man is staged 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19 and 8 p.m. Dec. 20-21 at Theatre Jacksonville, 2032 San Marco Blvd., San Marco, $20-$25, 396-4425, theatrejax.com. EB SCROOGE: A SOUTHERN FRIED CAROL The performance, written and directed by Ian Mairs and based on Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” is staged 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19-21 at Wilson Center for the Arts, 11901 Beach Blvd., Southside, $12.50-$22.50, 646-2222. THE GAME’S AFOOT In the comedic mystery, subtitled “Holmes for the Holidays,” a Broadway star invites fellow cast members to his castle; when a guest is stabbed to death, festivities turn dangerous. Staged Dec. 19-Jan. 5 (7:30 p.m. Thur.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sun.) at Limelight Theatre, 11 Old Mission Ave., St. Augustine, $10-$25, 825-1164, limelight-theatre.org. GOLDEN DRAGON ACROBATS The traditional Chinese acrobats fuse elements of dance, martial arts and sports with acrobatics, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20 at The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Downtown, $28.50-$78.50, 355-2787, floridatheatre.com. A CHRISTMAS CAROL Artist Series presents the beloved holiday tradition, 8 p.m. Dec. 20 at the T-U Center, 300 W. Water St., Downtown, $26.50-$46.50; ages 12 and younger $12.75-$22.75, 442-2929, artistseriesjax.org. SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre presents Jason Robert Brown’s musical 8 p.m. Dec. 20-21 and 2 p.m. Dec. 22 at Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, $20, 249-7177, abettheatre.com. THE GRINCH The family-friendly production is 5 and 7 p.m. Dec. 20, 4 and 6 p.m. Dec. 21, and 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., 4 and 6 p.m. Dec. 22 at Celebration Arena, 9555 Skinner Parkway, Southside, free, 737-1121, celebration.org/grinch. THE SANTALAND DIARIES Northeast Florida playwright Ian Mairs stars in the one-man comedy based on the experiences of writer David Sedaris, 8 p.m. Dec. 20-21 in Riverside House, 2623 Herschel St., Riverside, $20, swampradiojax.com. WHITE CHRISTMAS The production, about two song and dance men who follow two sisters to a Christmas show, is staged 8 p.m. Dec. 20-22 at Orange Park Community Theatre, 2900 Moody Ave., $20, 276-2599, opct.org. THE NUTCRACKER The St. Augustine Ballet performs the holiday favorite at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21 and 2 p.m. Dec. 22 at Flagler College’s Lewis Auditorium, 14 Granada St., St. Augustine, 824-1746, saintaugustineballet.com. THE EIGHT: REINDEER MONOLOGUES The reindeer dish on the real Santa, Dec. 22 at Raintree Restaurant Dinner Theatre, 102 San Marco Ave., St. Augustine, $39.95, 824-7211, raintreerestaurant.com.


NORTHEAST FLORIDA SCHOLASTIC ARTS AWARDS Students in grades 7-12 in Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, St. Johns and Volusia counties may submit digital images of their works through Dec. 18; awards are held 10 a.m. Feb. 1 at Jacksonville University Auditorium, 2800 University Blvd. N., Arlington. Gold Key winning pieces are shown at a reception Feb. 1 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, 333 N. Laura St., Downtown, and through Feb. 28 at Main Library, 303 N. Laura St., Downtown; artandwriting.org. A CELEBRATION OF CULTURES The Art Center accepts art in all media “celebrating our differences as well as common interests” that help unite and educate, through Jan. 1 at Premier Gallery. The exhibit opens with a reception 5-7 p.m. Jan. 2 at the gallery, Bank of America Tower, 50 N. Laura St., Downtown, 355-1757, tacjacksonville.org/premier.html. TEEN ART CONTEST Kids ages 12-18 may submit a maximum of up to three entries for the Public Library’s Teen Art Contest – including photography, mixed media and sculpture – through Jan. 15 at any library. The grand prize winner is announced at a reception Feb. 5 during First Wednesday Art Walk. 630-0673, jaxpubliclibrary.org/teens/ teen-art-contest2014.pdf.


HOLIDAY POPS CONCERT Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra plays holiday favorites 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18 at Flagler College’s Lewis Auditorium, 14 Granada St., St. Augustine, $35, 797-2800, emmaconcerts.com. HANDEL’S MESSIAH Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, Chorus and guest artists perform the oratorio 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at the T-U Center’s Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 W. Water St., Downtown, $25-$72, 354-5547, jaxsymphony.org. JAZZLAND ALL STARS BIG BAND ENSEMBLE Carole Freeman’s Christmas Birthday Salute concert is held 8 p.m.


Dec. 21 at Jazzland Café, 1324 University Blvd. N., Arlington, $10, 240-1009, jazzlandcafe.com.


NORTH BEACHES ART WALK Galleries of Atlantic and Neptune beaches are open late, 5-9 p.m. Dec. 19 and every third Thur., at various venues from Sailfish Drive in Atlantic Beach to Neptune Beach and Town Center. 249-2222, nbaw.org. DOWNTOWN FRIDAY MARKET Arts and crafts and local produce are offered 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 20 and every Fri. at The Jacksonville Landing, 2 Independent Drive, Downtown, 353-1188. RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET Local and regional artists, strolling performers, bands and a farmers market are featured in the final Riverside Arts Market of the year, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 21 at 715 Riverside Ave., 554-6865, 389-2449, riversideartsmarket.com. UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT The self-guided tour features galleries, antique stores and shops open 5-9 p.m. Dec. 28 and every last Sat. in St. Augustine’s San Marco District, 824-3152. NORTHSIDE LOVE ARTS & VENDORS MARKET The market, “Lifting Our Various Enterprises,” includes entertainment, kids’ activities, arts, a fruit and vegetable market, food trucks and Zumba lessons, 2 p.m. Dec. 29 and every last Sun. at Lonnie Miller Park, 5054 Soutel Drive, Northside, 755-5281, northsidelove.com. FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK The tour of Art Galleries of St. Augustine is held Jan. 3 and every first Fri., with more than 15 galleries participating, 829-0065. COMMUNITY FIRST SATURDAY The event, held the first Sat. each month, features Art in the Park, free art classes in Hogan Street Gazebo, arts and family activities, food trucks on Pearl Street, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Jan. 4 on Northbank Riverwalk in Downtown Jacksonville, free, communityfirstsaturdays.com.


AMELIA ISLAND MUSEUM OF HISTORY 233 S. Third St., Fernandina Beach, 261-7378, ameliamuseum.org. The children’s exhibit, “Discovery Ship,” allows kids to pilot the ship, hoist flags and learn about the history of Fernandina’s harbor. CAMP BLANDING MUSEUM 5629 S.R. 16 W., Camp Blanding, Starke, 682-3196, campblanding-museum.org. Artwork, weapons, uniforms and other artifacts from the activities of Camp Blanding during World War II are displayed along with outdoor displays of vehicles from WWII, Vietnam and Desert Storm. CUMMER MUSEUM OF ART & GARDENS 829 Riverside Ave., Riverside, 356-6857, cummer.org. “The Art of Empathy,” an exhibit showcasing a permanent collection masterwork, “Mother of Sorrows,” one of five known works by the Master of the Stötteritz Altar, is displayed through Feb. 16. The artistic and devotional contexts of painting are explored through 21 works, 19 of which are borrowed from collections in the United States and Germany. “Modern Dialect: American Paintings from the John and Susan Horseman Collection” continues through Jan. 5. Florida State University Professor William Walmsley displays his work through July 8. “The Human Figure: Sculptures by Enzo Torcoletti” is on display through September. JACKSONVILLE MARITIME HERITAGE CENTER 2 Independent Drive, Ste. 162, Downtown, 355-1101, jacksonvillemaritimeheritagecenter.org. The permanent collection includes steamboats, nautical-themed art, books, documents and artifacts. KARPELES MANUSCRIPT MUSEUM 101 W. First St., Springfield, 356-2992, rain.org/~karpeles/jaxfrm.html. “Works of Yard and the Art of Lawn” continues through Dec. 31. “Russia,” a history of Russia from Peter the Great to the first conquest of space, is on display through Dec. 28. The permanent collection includes other rare manuscripts. LIGHTNER MUSEUM 75 King St., St. Augustine, 824-2874, lightnermuseum.org. The permanent collection features relics from America’s Gilded Age, exhibited on three floors. MANDARIN MUSEUM & HISTORICAL SOCIETY 11964 Mandarin Road, Mandarin, 268-0784, mandarinmuseum. net. Exhibits regarding Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Civil War vessel Maple Leaf are on display, as well as works by Mandarin artists. MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART JACKSONVILLE 333 N. Laura St., Downtown, 366-6911, mocajacksonville.com. Ingrid Calame’s exhibit “Tarred Over Cracks” continues through March 9 as part of Project Atrium in Haskell Atrium Gallery. The first exhibit to encompass the entirety of Michael Goldberg’s work, “Abstraction Over Time,” reappraises his contribution to postwar painting and presents a case study of the transformations of abstraction in American art, through Jan. 5. “Mythos: From Concept to Creation” – sculptural works by Enzo Torcoletti, reflecting a symbolic diversity of the human form – are displayed through Jan. 19 in the UNF Gallery MOCA. MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & HISTORY 1025 Museum Circle, Southbank, 396-6674, themosh.org. “Great Balls of Fire: Comets, Asteroids and Meteors,” developed by The Space Science Institute’s National Center for Interactive Learning, examines risk related to an asteroid hitting Earth and what

Denise Murphy’s “Ocean Explosion,” a fused-glass piece, is among the featured works in the exhibit “Fusion: A Celebration of Light, Color and Texture,” which runs through Dec. 22 at Seventh Street Gallery in Fernandina Beach. The exhibit is open during the farmers market Dec. 21. scientists can learn from the objects; through Dec. 31. “Uncovering the Past: Archaeological Discoveries of North Florida” is on display through August. RITZ THEATRE & MUSEUM 829 N. Davis St., Downtown, 632-5555, ritzjacksonville.com. The exhibit “Word, Shout, Song: Lorenzo Dow Turner, Connecting Communities Through Language” continues through December. Modeled after Harlem’s “Amateur Night at the Apollo,” host searches are held 7:30-10:30 p.m. every first Fri., $5.50.


ABSOLUTE AMERICANA ART GALLERY 77 Bridge St., St. Augustine, 824-5545, absoluteamericana.com. Romero Britto’s sculptures and limited-edition prints are featured. AMIRO ART & FOUND GALLERY 9C Aviles St., St. Augustine, 824-8460, amiroartandfound.com. Works by Ginny Bullard, Estella Fransbergen, Deane Kellogg, Wendy Mandel McDaniel, Jan Tomlinson Master and Marcia Myrick Siany are featured. THE ART CENTER PREMIER GALLERY Bank of America Tower, 50 N. Laura St., Ste. 150, Downtown, 355-1757, tacjacksonville.org/premier.html. “Our Feminine Side,” a multimedia exhibit of works representing the female form, women’s issues, politics and the stages of womanhood, is on display through December. The exhibit is a joint presentation with the Women’s Center of Jacksonville. AVONDALE ARTWORKS 3562 St. Johns Ave., Avondale, 384-8797, avondaleartworks.com. “Hats Off to Dr. Seuss!” – an exhibit of the author’s hat collection alongside a series of estate-authorized works from Ted Geisel’s original drawings, paintings and sculpture – is on display through Jan. 5. CORK ARTS DISTRICT 2689 Rosselle St., Riverside, 7070030, corkartsdistrict.tumblr.com. Thony Aiuppy’s “The Darkness Beyond Tomorrow,” an exhibit on the subject matter of portraiture and the figure, opens with a reception 6-8:30 p.m. Dec. 27 in CoRK’s North Gallery. The exhibit may be viewed by appointment through Jan. 2. CORSE GALLERY & ATELIER 4144 Herschel St., Riverside, 388-8205, corsegalleryatelier.com. Permanent works on display feature those by artists Kevin Beilfuss, Eileen Corse, Miro Sinovcic, Maggie Siner, Alice Williams and Luana Luconi Winner. THE CULTURAL CENTER AT PONTE VEDRA BEACH 50 Executive Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, 280-0614, ccpvb.org. Handmade art objects by more than 30 artists is displayed through Dec. 28. CYPRESS VILLAGE 4600 Middleton Park Center W., Egret Hall, Intracoastal West, 360-3923. “Winter Joy,” an exhibit of sketches and paintings by Cypress Village resident artists, is displayed through Jan. 9. FIRST STREET GALLERY 216-B First St., Neptune Beach, 241-6928, firststreetgalleryart.com. Pastel painter Richard Lundgren’s exhibit, “Coastal North Florida,” is on display through Jan. 3. FLORIDA MINING GALLERY 5300 Shad Road, Southside, 425-2845, floridamininggallery.com. David De Boer’s “Significant Work,” an exhibit co-curated by Nullspace and Staci Bu Shea, features installations, video and stills. The exhibit is on display through January. GALLERY725 725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 5, Atlantic Beach, 345-9320, gallery725.com. “Wonderland,” an exhibit of multimedia work by artists Tonsenia Yonn, Linda Olsen, Matthew Winghart, Flew, Ken Daga, Kelly Meagher and

Shayna Raymond, is displayed through Jan. 20. THE GALLERY AT HOUSE OF STEREO 8780 Perimeter Park Ct., Ste. 100, Southside, 642-6677, houseofstereo.com. Painting, art glass, photography, woodcrafts, pottery and sculpture are featured. GEORGIA NICK GALLERY 11A Aviles St., St. Augustine, 806-3348, georgianickgallery.com. The artist-owned studio displays Nick’s sea and landscape photography, along with local works by oil painters, a mosaic artist, potter, photographer and author. HASKELL GALLERY & DISPLAY CASES Jacksonville International Airport, 14201 Pecan Park Road, Northside, 741-3546. Works by Diane Fraser and Mary Atwood (in Haskell Gallery), Jim Smith (in Connector Bridge Art display case before security) and Chris Moore (Concourse A and C display cases past security) are on display through December. HIGHWAY GALLERY floridamininggallery.com/exhibitions/ the-highway-gallery. Nine artists — Nathaniel Artkart Price, Ken Daga, Ashley C. Waldvogel, Brianna Angelakis, Christina Foard, Linda Olsen, Sara Pedigo, Zach Fitchner and Russell Maycumber – are featured on digital billboards throughout the city in collaboration with Clear Channel of Jacksonville through July. PALENCIA GALLERY 701 Market St., Ste. 107A, St. Augustine, 819-1584, palenciafineartsacademy. com. “Passport: Cambodia,” an exhibit of Gina Torkos’ oil paintings created from her experiences traveling in Cambodia, runs through Dec. 20. ST. AUGUSTINE ART ASSOCIATION 22 Marine St., St. Augustine, 824-2310, staaa.org. Woodworker Leonard Ruel’s miniature village of historic St. Augustine buildings is on display through Dec. 29. The 39 replicas include the Cathedral Basilica, Villa Zorayda, Government House and the Pena Peck House. SEVENTH STREET GALLERY 14 S. Seventh St., Fernandina Beach, 432-8330, seventhstgallery.com. “Fusion: A Celebration of Light, Color and Texture,” featuring works by Amelia Island photographer Ann Kemp and fused-glass artist Denise Murphy, continues through Dec. 22. SOUTHLIGHT GALLERY 201 N. Hogan St., Ste. 100, Downtown, 553-6361, southlightgallery.com. The UNF Faculty Show, featuring works by 25 local artists, including Jack Allen, Enzo Torcoletti and Allison Watson as well as guest artists Hillary Hogue and Dorian Eng, continues through December. SPACE:EIGHT GALLERY 228 W. King St., St. Augustine, 829-2838, spaceeight.com. “Playbook,” an exhibit of works that are fueled by desires, hunger and thirst by Georgia artist George Long and Brooklyn’s Mario Schambon, continues through January. VANDROFF GALLERY Jewish Community Alliance, 8505 San Jose Blvd., Mandarin, jcajax.org. “Point of View,” a juried exhibit of contemporary fiber art presented by the Fiber Artists Network, runs through Jan. 8. Nofa Dixon, University of North Florida associate professor of drawing, painting and design, selects the winners. For a complete list of art events, go to folioweekly.com/ calendar. For instructions on how to submit your event, go to folioweekly.com/eventhowto.html. Folio Weekly does not accept emails for events to appear in print listings. The deadline to submit for print publication is 4 p.m. Monday, 10 days before publication. Due to space constraints, not all events will appear in print.

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Happenings EVENTS

FOOD & CLOTHING GIVEAWAY The D.I.P. Foundation offers food and clothing 11 a.m. Dec. 21 at 4545 Moncrief Road, Northside; while supplies last; 881-1067, dipfoundation.org. THIRD ON THIRD LECTURE SERIES The Amelia Island Museum of History presents Peter Mullen, who discusses “How I Became a Confederate Soldier,” the life story of R.M. Heater, 6 p.m. Dec. 20 at the museum’s Baker Hall, 233 S. Third St., Fernandina Beach, 261-7378 ext. 102, free for members, $5 for nonmembers, ameliamuseum.org. SANTA CLAUS & POLAR EXPRESS STEAM LOCOMOTIVE The Beaches Museum & History Center presents this holiday event 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 21 and noon-3 p.m. Dec. 22 at 381 Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. Kids meet Santa and crafts, games, cookies and hot chocolate are available. Admission is free. 241-5657, beachesmuseum.org. A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER “It’s a Wonderful Life” is screened 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340C A1A S., free, 471-1965, staugamp.sjcvenues.com. SS AMELIA GINGERBREAD PIRATE SHIP The 17-footlong, 12-foot-tall ship is displayed through Dec. 28 at The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, 4750 Amelia Island Parkway, 277-1100. VILLA ZORAYDA CANDLELIGHT TOURS The fourth annual event features a courtyard Christmas tree, nativity scene and guided candlelit tours of the historic villa, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 19, 21, 27, 28 and 30, at 83 King St., St. Augustine; tickets are $17; $8 for ages 7-12, 829-9887, villazorayda.com. COSMIC CONCERTS Laser Holiday 7-8 p.m., U2 9 p.m., Queen 10 p.m. Dec. 20; online tickets $5, Bryan Gooding Planetarium, Museum of Science & History, 1025 Museum Circle, Southbank, 396-7062, moshplanetarium.org. RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET RAM wraps up the season with Theatre on a Mission at 10:30 a.m., Ruby Beach 11:45 a.m., WestJax Jazz Ensemble 2:30 p.m., local and regional art, gift-wrapping and a farmers market 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Dec. 21 at Riverside Arts Market, under Fuller Warren Bridge at Riverside Avenue, 554-6865, 389-2449, riversideartsmarket.com. SANTA’S STORYBOOK TEA Fireside reading, photo ops, sandwiches, pastries, candy and cakes are featured noon Dec. 21, at Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, 4750 Amelia Island Parkway; $49 for adults, $10 ages 5 and younger. 277-1100. NIGHTS OF LIGHTS St. Augustine’s historic district presents its 19th annual holiday event nightly, 6:30 p.m. through January at Plaza de la Constitución, downtown historic district, 825-1004. CLAY COUNTY FOOD DRIVE J.A. Long Design Builders accepts nonperishable food items, cash, checks or grocery gift card donations for the Food Pantry through Dec. 20. To make a food or monetary donation, stop by 1677 Wells Road, Ste. D, Orange Park, 264-3073 or email info@jalong. com. For details about Food Pantry of Green Cove Springs, call 284-0814. AMELIA FARMERS MARKET Farm-direct fruit and vegetables, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. every Sat. at Shops of Omni Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, 491-4872, ameliafarmersmarket.com.


FOOD FOR FINES St. Johns County Public Libraries offer the resolution of overdue fines and help those in need with this program, accepting non-perishable food items in lieu of overdue fines through Dec. 21. Donations distributed locally to St. Johns County Food Closet. Up to $1 in overdue fines are resolved for each sealed, non-expired, non-perishable item donated. Donation waivers are for library fines only and aren’t applied to fees for printing, lost items, or credit against future fines. No fine? Drop off canned foods at any library branch or bookmobile stop. 827-6925, sjcpls.org. BRENTWOOD BOOK SALE The Friends of the Brentwood Library seeks new members; join for $5. Shop for books 10 a.m.-noon and 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. every Tue. and Thur. at Brentwood Branch Library, 3725 Pearl St., Downtown, 630-0924, jpl.coj.net. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOKSTORE Hard-back, soft-cover, audio and kids’ books are available 9 a.m.-noon Tue., Thur. and Sat. at University Park Branch Library, 3435 University Blvd. N., Arlington, 630-2304, fjpl.org. KIDS READING CLUB Readers read popular favorites to kids 6 months-8 years, 4 p.m. every Wed. (except First Wednesday Art Walk) at Chamblin Bookmine, 215 N. Laura St., Downtown, free, chamblinbookmine.com.


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RODNEY LANEY Laney appears 8:04 p.m. Dec. 19 and 8:04 and 10:10 p.m. Dec. 20-21 at The Comedy Club of Jacksonville, 11000 Beach Blvd., Ste. 8, Southside, $6-$25; 646-4277, jacksonvillecomedy.com. D CAMERON The comedian appears 8 p.m. Dec. 18-19 at

The Comedy Zone, Ramada Inn, 3130 Hartley Rd., Mandarin; $8 and $10; 292-4242, comedyzone.com.


FAMILY & FRIENDS KAYAK DAY Ripple Effect Ecotours offers guided kayak tours, noon-2:30 p.m. Dec. 21 and 28 at Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Reserve. For fees and other details, call 347-1565 or go to rippleeffectecotours.com. EXPLORE AND CREATE MINI CAMP Adventures in the Estuary, featuring beach exploration, marine debris clean-up, shell ornament craft, trail hike and palm frond door hanger, for kids ages 7-10, is held 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 23 at GTM Research Reserve, 505 Guana River Road, Ponte Vedra, 823-4500, gtmnerr.org. SOUTH BEACH WALK The walk, led by GTM Research Reserve docents at Guana South beach, is held 8:30-10 a.m. Dec. 21 at 1798 A1A S., Ponte Vedra; reservations required, $3 per vehicle parking fee; 823-4500, gtmnerrbeachexploration.eventbrite.com. TALBOT PLANTS A park ranger discusses edible and medicinal Florida native plants on a hike (bring bug spray and bottled water), 2 p.m. Dec. 21 at Ribault Club, Fort George Island Cultural State Park, 11241 Fort George Road; free; 251-2320, floridastateparks.org/littletalbotislands. JAGUARS VS. BILLS The Jacksonville Jaguars wrap up regular season play against the Tennessee Titans, 1 p.m. Dec. 22 at EverBank Field, 1 EverBank Place, Downtown. Single-game tickets for home games start at $45, 633-2000, jaguars.com.


GENEALOGY SOCIETY The Jacksonville Genealogy Society offers an intermediate genealogy class 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 21 at Bartram Trail Branch Library, 60 Davis Pond Blvd., Fruit Cove; free, but registration required – email your name, address and phone number to jaxgen@comcast.net. MARINE VETERANS GROUP The Oldest City Detachment 383 gathers 7 p.m. on first Tue. of the month at Elks Lodge 829, 1420 A1A S., St. Augustine, 461-0139, mclfl383.org. DEPRESSION, BIPOLAR SUPPORT ALLIANCE This group meets 6 p.m. every Tue. at Baptist Medical Center, 800 Prudential Drive, Pavilion Building, Southbank; free; 322-4040 or 294-5720. PRACTICE WORLD PEACE Brenda Star Walker leads a group 11 a.m.-noon every first Sun. at Memorial Park, 1620 Riverside Ave., Riverside. Bring a ground cover. Practice suitable for all ages and abilities. MEMORY ENHANCEMENT Volunteers are needed in the new Memory Enhancement class to assist with class activities, make coffee and serve lunch 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tue. and Thur. at Fruit Cove Baptist Church, 501 S.R. 13, St. Johns, 209-3686, stjohnscoa.com. YOUNG SURVIVORS Young Survivors Group (those diagnosed with cancer at a young age) meets 7-8:30 p.m. on the first and third Mon. each month at the Women’s Center of Jacksonville, 5644 Colcord Ave. 722-3000 ext. 224 or email mail@womenscenterofjax.org. FREE YOGA ON THE RIVER Karen Roumillat, RYT, teaches free gentle yoga 9 a.m. on the fourth Sun. of the month on the boardwalk, weather permitting, at Walter Jones Historical Park, 11964 Mandarin Road, Mandarin. Bring a mat. 287-0452. DEBTORS ANONYMOUS Debtors Anonymous 12-Step meetings 7 p.m. every Thur. at Christian Family Chapel, Bldg. D, 10365 Old St. Augustine Rd., Jacksonville, 269-8010. NAMI SUPPORT GROUP National Alliance on Mental Illness meets 7-8:30 p.m. every first and third Thur. each month at Ortega United Methodist Church, 4807 Roosevelt Blvd., Westside. Admission is free. 389-5556, ortegaumc.org. NICOTINE ANONYMOUS Want to quit smoking or using other forms of nicotine? Nic-A is free, and you don’t have to quit to attend the meetings, held 6:30 p.m. every Wed. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1415 S. McDuff Ave., Westside, 404-6044, nicotineanonymous.org.


JEFF DUNHAM Jan. 24, Veterans Memorial Arena LILY TOMLIN Feb. 6, The Florida Theatre HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS Feb. 28, Veterans Memorial Arena For a list of happenings, go to folioweekly.com/calendar. For details on how to submit yours, go to folioweekly.com/ eventhowto.html. The deadline for print publication is 4 p.m. Mon., 10 days before issue. Due to space constraints, not all events will appear in print.



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Mandaloun’s thick, creamy hummus is drizzled with olive oil and paprika. Photos: Caron Streibich

Kebabs, Tabouli and Baba Ganoush Baymeadows spot serves authentic Mediterranean with a smile


MANDALOUN 9862 Old Baymeadows Road, Baymeadows 646-1881, mandaloun.com/florida.htm

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andaloun offers an authentic Lebanese culinary experience in the Baymeadows neighborhood. For the past five years, Mandaloun has opened seven days a week for lunch and dinner. Chef Pierre Barakat usually visits each table at lunch and dinner, flashing his warm smile and speaking with a thick accent that adds to the authenticity of the experience. If you’re new to Mediterranean food, check out the expansive lunch buffet ($12.99 weekdays, $19.99 on Sunday), which offers an impressive assortment of authentic hot and chilled Lebanese delicacies. From the cold mezze (appetizers) selections, my go-to choices are baba ganoush ($5.95), a smoky tahini, garlic and eggplant dip, and the thick, creamy hummus ($5.95) topped with a swirl of olive oil and a scattering of chickpeas. Both are served with warm pita bread. Another favorite is the vegetarian-friendly, lemony tabouli ($6.45), a mix of finely chopped parsley, diced tomatoes, bulgur wheat, onion, lemon juice and olive oil. If you’re craving a warm starter, share an order of falafel ($5.95) — four crisp balls of gently fried ground chickpeas, herbs and spices. For a light lunch or side item at dinner, try the fatoush salad ($6.45) — a mix of lettuce, tomato, chopped cucumber, radish, onion, mint, sumac and crispy pieces of Lebanese

Fatoush is a mix of lettuce, tomato, chopped cucumber, radish, onion, mint, sumac and crispy pieces of Lebanese flatbread tossed in an olive oil, pomegranate molasses and lemon dressing.

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See more dishes from Mandaloun at folioweekly.com/bite-sized.

flatbread tossed in a dressing of olive oil, pomegranate molasses and lemon. Entrées include kebab skewers of shish taouk (cubed spiced chicken, $12.95), kafta meshwi (minced lamb with parsley and onion, $11.95) and kafta khosh-khash (charcoalgrilled minced beef, $11.95). Each is served with sautéed mixed vegetables and a side of warm rice or salad. Seafood and vegetarian items are also available. With indoor and outdoor seating, the restaurant is spacious and comfortable with large windows lining the perimeter. A small bar area is good for a pre-meal beer, glass of wine or cocktail. For dessert, indulge in a traditional favorite — baklava. These petite, layered squares are sweet and nutty. Wash one down with a cold bottle of Almaza, a pale lager from Lebanon.

© 2013

Caron Streibich Folio Weekly Bite Club host biteclub@folioweekly.com

The fresh tabouli blends chopped parsley, diced tomato, onion, bulgur wheat, lemon and olive oil.

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Dining Directory

To have your restaurant included, contact your account manager or Sam Taylor, 904.260.9770 ext. 111, staylor@folioweekly.com DINING DIRECTORY KEY

Average Entrée Cost: $ = Less than $8 $$ = $8-$14 $$$ = $15-$22 $$$$ = $23 & up = Beer, Wine = Full Bar C = Children’s Menu = Take Out B = Breakfast R = Brunch L = Lunch D = Dinner *Bite Club Certified! = Hosted a free Folio Weekly Bite Club tasting. Join at fwbiteclub.com. 2013 Best of Jax winner F = FW distribution spot



BARBERITOS, 1519 Sadler Road, 277-2505. 463867 S.R. 200, Ste. 5, Yulee, 321-2240. F Specializing in Southwestern made-to-order fresh favorites: burritos, tacos, quesadillas, nachos, salads. Salsa’s handcrafted with fresh tomatoes, cilantro, onions, peppers. $$ C L D Daily BRETT’S WATERWAY CAFÉ, 1 S. Front St., 261-2660. the water at historic Centre Street’s end, it’s Southern For questions, please call your advertising representative atF On 260-9770. hospitality in an upscale atmosphere; daily specials, fresh seafood, aged beef. $$$ C L D Daily FAX YOUR PROOF IF POSSIBLE ATlocal268-3655 CAFÉ KARIBO, 27 N. Third St., 277-5269. F In a historic building, family-owned spot has eclectic cuisine: homemade veggie burgers, fresh seafood, salads, made-from-scratch desserts. Dine inside or on oak-shaded patio. Karibrew Pub has beer brewed onsite. $$ C L D Tue.-Sat.; L Daily Produced by Kk Checked by Sales Rep RO SUPPORT ASK FOR ACTION HALFTIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL, 320 S. Eighth St., 321-0303. Sports bar fare: onion rings, spring rolls, burgers, wraps, wings. $ L D Daily JACK & DIANE’S, 708 Centre St., 321-1444. F In a renovated 1887 shotgun home. Favorites: jambalaya, French toast, mac-n-cheese, vegan and vegetarian selections. Dine inside or out on the porch. $$ C B L D Daily LULU’S AT THE THOMPSON HOUSE, 11 S. Seventh St., 432-8394. F Innovative lunch menu: po’boys, salads and seafood little plates served in a historic house. Dinner features fresh local seafood, Fernandina shrimp. Reservations recommended. $$$ C R Sun.; L D Tue.-Sat. MOON RIVER PIZZA, 925 S. 14th St., 321-3400. F See Riverside. 2013 BOJ winner. $ L D Mon.-Sat. THE MUSTARD SEED CAFE, 833 TJ Courson Road, 277-3141. Awarded Slow Food First Coast’s Snail of Approval, the casual organic eatery and juice bar, in Nassau Health Foods, offers all-natural, organic items, smoothies, juices, coffees, herbal teas. $$ B L Mon.-Sat. PLAE, 80 Amelia Village Cir., 277-2132. Bite Club certified. In Omni Amelia Island Plantation’s Spa & Shops, the bistro-style venue has an innovative menu: whole fried fish and duck breast. Outdoor dining. $$$ D Mon.-Sat. THE SALTY PELICAN BAR & GRILL, 12 N. Front St., 277-3811. F Killer sunset view over the ICW from secondstory outdoor bar. Owners T.J. and Al offer local seafood, Mayport shrimp, fish tacos, po’boys and the original broiled cheese oysters. $$ C L D Daily SLIDERS SEASIDE GRILL, 1998 S. Fletcher Ave., 277-6652. F 2013 BOJ winner. Oceanfront restaurant serves award-winning handmade crab cakes, fresh seafood, fried pickles. Outdoor dining, open-air second fl oor and balcony. $$ C L D Daily THE SURF, 3199 S. Fletcher Ave., 261-5711. F Oceanview dining, inside or on the deck. Steaks, fresh fish, nightly specials, Sun. lobster special. $$ B Sat.-Sun.; L D Daily TIMOTI’S FRY SHAK, 21 N. Third St., 310-6550. F Casual seafood spot has fresh, local wild-caught shrimp, fish, oysters, blackboard specials, seafood baskets. $ C L D Daily T-RAY’S BURGER STATION, 202 S. Eighth St., 261-6310. F This spot in an old gas station is known for its blue plate specials, burgers, biscuits & gravy, shrimp. $ B L Mon.-Sat.

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LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 8818 Atlantic Blvd., 720-0106. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 1301 Monument Road F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily RACK ’EM UP BILLIARDS, 1825 University Blvd. N., 745-0335. F Cigar and hookah lounge has billiards tables, a full kitchen, a variety of subs for late-nighters. 200-plus imported, domestic beers. $ R Sat.-Sun.; D Nightly


ALE PIE HOUSE, 3951 St. Johns Ave., 503-8000. It’s pizza made your way, plus subs, paninis, calzone, stromboli, wraps, dinners. Gluten-free and vegan cheese available. $$ C L D Daily BAGEL LOVE, 4114 Herschel St., Ste. 121, 634-7253 2013

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BOJ winner. Northern-style bagels, sandwiches, wraps, salads, soups, bakery items, sides, fresh-squeezed orange juice and lemonade, coffees, smoothies and tea. Homecooked turkey, chicken and roast beef. Free Wi-Fi. Locally owned and operated. Outdoor dining on patio. $ C B L Daily THE CASBAH CAFÉ, 3628 St. Johns Ave., 981-9966. F 2013 BOJ winner. Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine on the patio or in a hookah lounge. Wi-Fi, belly dancers, hookah pipes. $$ L D Daily ESPETO BRAZILIAN STEAK HOUSE, 4000 St. Johns Ave., Ste. 40, 388-4884. F Celebrating five years, this churrascaria has gauchos who carve the meat onto your plate from their serving tables. $$$ D Tue.-Sun. FLORIDA CREAMERY, 3566 St. Johns Ave., 619-5386. Premium ice cream, fresh waffle cones, milkshakes, sundaes and Nathan’s grilled hot dogs, served in Florida-centric décor. Low-fat and sugar-free choices. $ C L Mon.-Sat. THE FOX RESTAURANT, 3580 St. Johns Ave., 387-2669. F Owners Ian and Mary Chase offer fresh diner fare and homemade desserts. Breakfast all day. Signature items: burgers, meatloaf, fried green tomatoes. A Jacksonville landmark for more than 50 years. $$ C L D Daily GREEN MAN GOURMET, 3543 St. Johns Ave., 384-0002. F This market features organic and natural products, spices, teas and salts. $ Daily LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 4530 St. Johns Ave., 388-8828. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LET THEM EAT CAKE! 3604 St. Johns Ave., Ste. 2, 389-2122. Artisan bakery serves coffee, croissants, muffins, cupcakes (The Fat Elvis!), pastries, individual desserts. Whole cakes made-to-order. $ Tue.-Sat. MOJO NO. 4 URBAN BBQ & WHISKEY BAR, 3572 St. Johns Ave., 381-6670. F 2013 BOJ winner. Funky Southern blues kitchen offers pulled pork, Carolina-style barbecue, chicken-fried steak, Delta fried catfish, hummus, shrimp and grits, specialty cocktails. $$ C B L D Daily SAKE HOUSE #5 JAPANESE GRILL SUSHI BAR, 3620 St. Johns Ave., 388-5688. F See Riverside. $$ L D Daily SIMPLY SARA’S, 2902 Corinthian Ave., Ortega, 387-1000. F Down-home cooking from scratch like Grandma’s: eggplant fries, pimento cheese, fried chicken, fruit cobblers, chicken & dumplings. BYOB. $$ C L D Mon.-Sat. TERRA, 4260 Herschel St., 388-9124. Owner Michael Thomas’ comfy spot serves local, sustainable world cuisine in a simple, creative style. Small plates: chorizo stuffed mushrooms, pork belly skewers; entrées: lamb chops, seared tuna, ribeye. Lunch features sandwiches. Craft beers. Onsite organic garden. $$ D Mon.-Sat.


AL’S PIZZA, 8060 Philips Highway, 731-4300. F 2013 BOJ winner. See Beaches. $ C L D Daily BROADWAY RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA, 10920 Baymeadows Road, Ste. 3, 519-8000. F Family-owned-and-operated Italian pizzeria serves calzones, strombolis, wings, brick-ovenbaked pizza, subs, desserts. Delivery. $$ C L D Daily INDIA’S RESTAURANT, 9802 Baymeadows Road, Ste. 8, 620-0777. F Authentic Indian cuisine, lunch buffet. Curry and vegetable dishes, lamb, chicken, shrimp, fish tandoori. $$ L Mon.-Sat.; D Nightly LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 8206 Philips Hwy., 732-9433. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 3928 Baymeadows Road, 737-7740. 8616 Baymeadows Road, 739-2498. F With locations all over Northeast Florida, Larry’s piles subs high and serves ’em fast. Natural meats and cheeses are hormone-, antibiotic- and gluten-free; the sub rolls are gluten-free, too. $ C B L D Daily MANDALOUN MEDITERRANEAN LEBANESE CUISINE, 9862 Old Baymeadows Road, 646-1881. F Bite Club certified. Owner Pierre Barakat offers authentic Lebanese cuisine, charcoal-grilled lamb kebab. Belly dancing Fri.-Sat. Monthly dinner parties. Outdoor seating. $$ L D Tue.-Sun. PATTAYA THAI GRILLE, 9551 Baymeadows Road, Ste. 1, 646-9506. F The area’s original authentic Thai restaurant has an extensive menu of traditional Thai, vegetarian and new-Thai, including curries, seafood, noodles, soups. In business since 1990, family-owned place has low-sodium and gluten-free dishes, too. $$$ L D Tue.-Sun. PIZZA PALACE, 3928 Baymeadows Road, 527-8649. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily STICKY FINGERS, 8129 Point Meadows Way, 493-7427. F Memphis-style rib house slow-smokes meats over aged hickory wood. Award-winning ribs, barbecue, rotisseriesmoked chicken, five signature sauces. Dine indoors or on screened patio. $$ C L D Daily


(Locations are Jax Beach unless otherwise noted.)

AL’S PIZZA, 303 Atlantic Blvd., Beaches Town Center, Atlantic Beach, 249-0002. F 2013 BOJ winner. Celebrating more than 20 years and seven locations, Al’s offers a selection of New York-style and gourmet pizzas. $ C L D Daily BUDDHA THAI BISTRO, 301 10th Ave. N., 712-4444. F The proprietors here are from Thailand, and every dish is made with fresh ingredients from tried-and-true recipes, beautifully presented. $$ L D Daily

Dining Directory

Heather Rivera, Morgan Parrish, Anita Hoffman and Mark Cochran entice with Guinness and other ales on tap at O’Kanes in downtown Fernandina Beach. Photo: Dennis Ho CAMPECHE BAY CANTINA, 127 First Ave. N., 249-3322. F Chili rellenos, tamales, fajitas, enchiladas, fish tacos, fried ice cream, margaritas. $$ C D Nightly CASA MARIA, 2429 S. Third St., 372-9000. F See Springfield. $ C L D Daily CULHANE’S IRISH PUBLIC HOUSE, 967 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 249-9595. Bite Club certified. Upscale Irish pub owned and managed by four sisters from County Limerick. Shepherd’s pie, corned beef; gastro pub menu soars to culinary heights. $$ C R Sat. & Sun.; D Tue.-Sun. ENGINE 15 BREWING CO., 1500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 217, 249-2337. F 2013 BOJ winner. Gastropub fare: soups, salads, flatbreads, specialty sandwiches, including BarBeCuban and beer dip. Craft beers. $ C L D Daily GREGORY PAUL’S, 215 Fourth Ave. S., 372-4367. Greg Rider offers freshly prepared meals and experienced catering services. $$ Mon.-Fri. LANDSHARK CAFE, 1728 Third St. N., 246-6024. F Locally owned and operated. Fresh, right-off-the-boat local seafood, fish tacos, houseground burgers, wings, handcut fries, tater tots; daily specials. $$ C L D Daily; R Sun. LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 1222 Third St. S., 372-4495. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 657 N. Third St., 247-9620. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily LILLIE’S COFFEE BAR, 200 First St., Beaches Town Center, Neptune Beach, 249-2922. F Beaches landmark. Locally roasted coffee, eggs and bagels, flatbreads, sandwiches, salads and desserts. Dine indoors or out; patio and courtyard seating. $$ B L D Daily M SHACK, 299 Atlantic Blvd., Beaches Town Center, Atlantic Beach, 241-2599. F 2013 BOJ winner. David and Matthew Medure are flippin’ burgers, hot dogs, fries, shakes and familiar fare at moderate prices. Dine indoors or out. $$ L D Daily MARLIN MOON GRILLE, 1183 Beach Blvd., 372-4438. F This sportfishing-themed casual place features fresh crab cakes – owner Gary Beach’s from Maryland’s Eastern Shore – and burgers, daily specials, craft beers, Orange Crushes, fresh-cut fries. $$ C R Sun.; D Wed.-Mon. MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS, 1018 Third St. N., Ste. 2, 241-5600. F Bite Club certified. 2013 BOJ winner. The psychedelic spot serves gourmet pizzas, hoagies, salads. Pies range from Mighty Meaty to vegetarian like Kosmic Karma. $ C L D Daily MEZZA LUNA PIZZERIA RISTORANTE, 110 First St., Beaches Town Center, Neptune Beach, 249-5573. F Near-the-ocean eatery serves casual bistro fare (for 20+ years) like gourmet wood-fired pizzas, herb-crusted mahi mahi. Dine indoors or on the patio. $$$ C D Mon.-Sat. MOJO KITCHEN BBQ PIT & BLUES BAR, 1500 Beach Blvd., 247-6636. F 2013 BOJ winner. Funky Southern blues kitchen offers pulled pork, Carolina-style barbecue, chickenfried steak, Delta fried catfish. $$ C B L D Daily POE’S TAVERN, 363 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 241-7637. F American gastropub offers gourmet hamburgers, ground in-house and cooked to order, hand-cut French fries, fish tacos, entree-size salads, Edgar’s Drunken Chili, daily fish sandwich special. $$ C L D Daily RAGTIME TAVERN & SEAFOOD GRILL, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Beaches Town Center, Atlantic Beach, 241-7877 F For 30 years, the popular seafood place has nabbed lots of awards in our Best of Jax readers poll. Blackened snapper, sesame tuna, Ragtime shrimp. $$ L D Daily

RENNA’S PIZZA, 592 Marsh Landing Parkway, 273-3113. F See Mandarin. $$ C L D Daily SALT LIFE FOOD SHACK, 1018 Third St. N., 372-4456. F 2013 BOJ winner. Specialty items, signature tuna poke bowl, fresh rolled sushi, Ensenada tacos, local fried shrimp, in a contemporary open-air space. $$ C L D Daily SHIM SHAM ROOM, 333 First St. N., Ste. 150, 372-0781. F 2013 BOJ winner. Seasonal menu of “cheap eats”: bar bites, chicken & waffles, badass fries, tacos. $$ D Nightly WIPEOUTS GRILL, 1585 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach, 247-4508. F Casual, beachy sports place serves burgers, wings, fish tacos in a chill atmosphere. $ C L D Daily

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AVOCADOS, 311 W. Ashley St., Ste. 1, 683-9947. Mac & cheese, Southwestern wrap, French dip. Fresh ingredients, cooked to order. $ B L D Mon.-Sat. CAFÉ NOLA at MOCAJAX, 333 N. Laura St., 366-6911.On Museum of Contemporary Art first floor. Shrimp and grits, gourmet sandwiches, fresh fish tacos, homemade desserts. $$ L Mon.-Fri.; D Thur. & ArtWalk CASA DORA, 108 E. Forsyth St., 356-8282. F Owner/ chef Sam Hamidi has been serving genuine Italian fare 35-plus years: veal, seafood, pizza. Homemade salad dressing is a specialty. $$ C L D Mon.-Sat. CHOMP CHOMP, 106 E. Adams St., 762-4667. F This spot has eats at moderate prices – most under $10. Chef-inspired street food: panko-crusted chicken, burgers, chinois tacos, bahn mi, barbecue. $ L Tue.-Sat.; D Fri. & Sat. DE REAL TING CAFÉ, 128 W. Adams St., 633-9738. F Caribbean spot features jerk or curried chicken, conch fritters, curried goat, oxtail. $ L Tue.-Fri.; D Fri.-Sat. FIONN MACCOOL’S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT, Ste. 176, Jacksonville Landing, 374-1547. F 2013 BOJ winner. Casual dining, uptown Irish atmosphere. Fish & chips, blackand-tan brownies, Guinness lamb stew. $$ C L D Daily ZODIAC GRILL, 120 W. Adams St., 354-8283. F Mediterranean cuisine and American favorites in a casual atmosphere. Panini, vegetarian dishes, daily lunch buffet. Espressos, hookahs. $ L Mon.-Fri.


BRICK OVEN PIZZERIA & GASTROPUB, 1811 Town Center Blvd., 278-1770. F Family-owned-and-operated; offers freshly made brick-oven pizzas, specialty burgers, melts, wraps, craft beers. Gluten-free items. $$ C L D Daily LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 1571 C.R. 220, Ste. 100, 215-2223. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS, 1800 Town Center Blvd., 541-1999. F See Beaches. Bite Club certified. 2013 BOJ winner. $ C L D Daily MOJO SMOKEHOUSE, 1810 Town Center Blvd., Ste. 8, 264-0636. F 2013 BOJ winner. Funky Southern blues kitchen offers pulled pork, Carolina-style barbecue, chickenfried steak, Delta fried catfish. $$ C B L D Daily WHITEY’S FISH CAMP, 2032 C.R. 220, 269-4198. F Authentic fish camp serves gator tail, fresh-water river catfish, traditional meals, daily specials on the banks of Swimming Pen Creek. Outdoor Tiki bar. Come by boat, motorcycle or car. $ C L Tue.-Sun.; D Nightly YOUR PIE, 1545 C.R. 220, Ste. 125, 379-9771. F Bite Club certified. Owner Mike Sims has a fast, casual pizza

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concept: Choose from three doughs, nine sauces, seven cheeses and 40-plus toppings and create your own pizza pie. Subs, sandwiches, gelato. $$ C L D Daily


AL’S PIZZA, 14286 Beach Blvd., Ste. 31, 223-0991. F 2013 BOJ winner. See Beaches. $ C L D Daily CASTILLO DE MEXICO, 12620 Beach Blvd., Ste. 19, 998-7006. F This spot, in business for 15-plus years, has an extensive menu served in authentic Mexican décor. Weekday lunch buffet. $$ L D Daily EPIK BURGER, 12740 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 105, 374-7326. F More than 34 burgers made from grass-fed beef, ahi tuna, all-natural chicken; vegan items from innovative recipes; gluten-free options. $ L D Mon.-Sat. LA NOPALERA MEXICAN, 14333 Beach Blvd., 992-1666. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 10750 Atlantic Blvd., 642-6980. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily MAHARLIKA HALL & SPORTS GRILL, 14255 Beach Blvd., Ste. E, 699-0759. Filipino-American restaurant and market features pancit bami, lumpia, turon strudle, halo halo with ice cream. $-$$ C R L D Daily MY MOCHI FROZEN YOGURT, 13546 Beach Blvd., Ste. 1A, 821-9880. See St. Johns Town Center. $ Daily TIME OUT SPORTS GRILL, 13799 Beach Blvd., Ste. 5, 223-6999. F Locally-owned-and-operated grill serves hand-tossed pizzas, wings, specialty wraps in a clean, sporty atmosphere. Late-night menu. $$ L Tue.-Sun.; D Nightly


PIZZA PALACE, 116 Bartram Oaks Walk, 230-2171. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily SAUCY TACO, 450 S.R. 13 N., Ste. 113, 287-8226. F The menu is light Mexican with American influences – and there are 40 beers on draft. $$ C B, Sat.-Sun.; L D Daily


AL’S PIZZA, 11190 San Jose Blvd., 260-4115. F 2013 BOJ winner. See Beaches. $ C L D Daily ATHENS CAFÉ, 6271 St. Augustine Road, Ste. 7, 733-1199. Dolmades (stuffed grape leaves), baby shoes (stuffed eggplant). Greek beers. $$ L Mon.-Fri.; D Mon.-Sat. BRAZILIAN JAX CAFE, 9825 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 20, 880-3313. F Authentic dishes: steaks, sausages, chicken, fish, burgers, hot sandwiches made with fresh ingredients. Traditional feijoada – black beans and pork stew with rice, collards, orange salad, toasted yucca flour with bacon – every Sat. $$ B L D Mon.-Sat. BROOKLYN PIZZA, 11406 San Jose Blvd., 288-9211. 13820 St. Augustine Road, Bartram Park, 880-0020. F The Brooklyn Special Pizza is a customer favorite. Also calzones, white pizza, homestyle lasagna. $$ L D Daily GIGI’S RESTAURANT, 3130 Hartley Road (Ramada Inn), 694-4300. F Prime rib and crab leg buffet Fri.-Sat., bluejean brunch Sun., daily breakfast buffet and lunch and dinner buffets. $$$ B R L D Daily LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 11700 San Jose Blvd., 288-0175. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LARRY’S, 11365 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 3, 674-2945. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily RACK ’EM UP BILLIARDS, 4268 Oldfield Crossing Dr., 262-4030. See Arlington. $ R Sat.-Sun.; D Nightly RENNA’S PIZZA, 11111 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 12, 292-2300. F Casual New York-style pizzeria serves calzones, antipasto, parmigiana, homemade breads. Buy by the slice – they’re humongous – or full pie. Delivery. $$ C L D Daily


ARON’S PIZZA, 650 Park Ave., 269-1007. F Family-owned restaurant has eggplant dishes, manicotti, New York-style pizza. $$ C L D Daily THE HILLTOP, 2030 Wells Road, 272-5959. Specialties at this upscale restaurant include New Orleans shrimp, certified Black Angus prime rib, she-crab soup. Homemade desserts. $$$ D Tue.-Sat. LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 1930 Kingsley Ave., 276-2776. F See San Marco. $$ C L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 700 Blanding, Ste. 15, 272-3553. 1545 C.R. 220, 278-2827. 1330 Blanding, 276-7370. 1404 S. Orange Ave., Green Cove Springs, 284-7789. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily PREVATT’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL, 2620 Blanding Blvd., Ste. 17, Middleburg, 282-1564. F What a neighborhood sportsbar should be: Familiar fare, all the spirits you’d want. $$ C L D Daily RENNA’S PIZZA, 6001 Argyle Forest Blvd., Ste. 16, 771-7677. F See Mandarin. $$ C L D Daily TED’S MONTANA GRILL, 8635 Blanding Blvd., 771-1964. See St. Johns Town Center. $$$ C L D Daily THAI GARDEN, 10 Blanding Blvd., Ste. B, 272-8434. Traditional Thai: pad kraw powh with roasted duck, kaeng kari (yellow curry, potatoes, choice of meat). Fine wines, imported, domestic beers. $$ L Mon.-Fri.; D Nightly


ALICE & PETE’S PUB, 1000 PGA Tour Blvd., Sawgrass Marriott, 285-7777. Inspired by TPC Sawgrass course designers Alice and Pete Dye. Northeast Florida flavors and Alice & Pete’s favorites: Dominican black bean soup, Pete’s Designer club sandwich. Outside dining. $$$ L D Daily AL’S PIZZA, 635 A1A, 543-1494. F 2013 BOJ winner.

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See Beaches. $ C L D Daily JJ’S LIBERTY BISTRO, 330 A1A N., Ste. 209, 273-7980. Traditional French cuisine: escargot, brie, paté, steak frites, crêpes. Daily specials, specialty pastries; French wines. $$ L D Mon.-Sat. LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 830 A1A N., Ste. 6, 273-3993. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily RESTAURANT MEDURE, 818 A1A N., 543-3797. Chef David Medure creates dishes with international flavors. The lounge offers small plates, creative drinks. $$$ D Mon.-Sat. TABLE 1, 330 A1A N., Ste. 208, 280-5515. Upscale, casual restaurant offers appetizers, salads, sandwiches, flatbreads, burgers, entrées. Extensive wine list. $$$ L D Daily


AL’S PIZZA, 1620 Margaret St., Ste. 201, 388-8384. F 2013 BOJ winner. See Beaches. $ C L D Daily BOLD BEAN COFFEE ROASTERS, 869 Stockton St., Stes. 1-2, 855-1181. F 2013 BOJ winner. Bold Bean brings a small-batch, artisanal approach to roasting coffee. Organic and fair trade coffees. $ B L Daily GRASSROOTS NATURAL MARKET 2007 Park St., 384-4474. F 2013 BOJ winner. Juice bar uses certified organic fruits and vegetables. The store has three dozen artisanal cheeses, 300-plus craft and imported beers, 50 organic wines, organic produce, meats, vitamins, herbs. Organic wraps, sides, sandwiches, salads to go; raw, vegan items. $ B L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 1509 Margaret St., 674-2794. 7859 Normandy Blvd., 781-7600. 5733 Roosevelt Blvd., 446-9500. 8102 Blanding Blvd., Ste. 1, 779-1933. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily MOON RIVER PIZZA, 1176 Edgewood Ave. S., Murray Hill, 389-4442. F Northern-style pizzas, more than 20 toppings, by the pie or the slice. $ L D Mon.-Sat. THE MOSSFIRE GRILL, 1537 Margaret St., Riverside, 355-4434. Southwestern menu with ahi tuna tacos, goat cheese enchiladas, gouda quesadillas, chicken enchiladas. Indoor or patio dining. $$ C L D Daily O’BROTHERS IRISH PUB, 1521 Margaret St., 854-9300. F Traditional Irish fare: shepherd’s pie with Stilton crust, Guinness mac-n-cheese, fish-n-chips. Outdoor patio dining. $$ C L D Daily SAKE HOUSE #1 JAPANESE GRILL SUSHI BAR, 824 Lomax St., 301-1188. F Traditional Japanese cuisine, fresh sushi, sashimi, kiatsu, teriyaki, hibachi in an authentic atmosphere. Sake. A real tatami room; outside seating. $$ L D Daily SUN-RAY CINEMA, 1028 Park St., 359-0049. F Beer (Bold City, Intuition Ale Works), wine, pizza, hot dogs, hummus, sandwiches, popcorn, nachos, brownies. $$ Daily SUSHI CAFÉ, 2025 Riverside Ave., Ste. 204, 384-2888. F Sushi: popular Monster Roll, Jimmy Smith Roll, Rock-nRoll and Dynamite Roll. Hibachi, tempura, katsu, teriyaki. Dine indoors or on the patio. $$ L D Daily


AL’S PIZZA, 1 St. George St., 824-4383. F 2013 BOJ winner. See Beaches. $ C L D Daily BACK 40 URBAN CAFÉ, 40 S. Dixie Highway, 824-0227. F Owner Brian Harmon serves Caribbean-flavored items – wraps, upside-down chicken potpie, fresh, local seafood – in an 1896 building. Wi-Fi. $ C L Sun.; L D Mon.-Sat. CARMELO’S MARKETPLACE & PIZZERIA, 146 King St., 494-6658. F New York-style brick-oven-baked pizza, fresh sub rolls, Boar’s Head meats, cheeses, garlic herb wings. Outdoor seating, Wi-Fi. $$ L D Daily THE FLORIDIAN, 39 Cordova St., 829-0655. Updated Southern fare, with fresh, local ingredients from area farms. Vegetarian, gluten-free options. Signature items: fried green tomato bruschetta, blackened fish, cornbread stack, grits with shrimp, fish or tofu. $$$ C L D Wed.-Mon. GYPSY CAB COMPANY, 828 Anastasia Blvd., Anastasia Island, 824-8244. F A mainstay for 25 years; menu changes daily. Signature dish is Gypsy chicken. Seafood, tofu, duck, veal. $$ R Sun.; L D Daily THE HYPPO, 15 Hypolita St., 217-7853 (popsicles only). 1765 Tree Blvd., Ste. 5, 342-7816. F Popsicles of unique flavors, of premium ingredients. Coffee pour-overs, cold-brew coffees. Handcrafted sandwiches, salads. $ Daily MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS, 410 Anastasia Blvd., 826-4040. F See Beaches. Bite Club certified. 2013 BOJ winner. $ C L D Daily MOJO OLD CITY BBQ, 5 Cordova St., 342-5264. F 2013 BOJ winner. Funky Southern blues kitchen offers pulled pork, Carolina-style barbecue, chicken-fried steak, Delta fried catfish. $$ C B L D Daily THE ORIGINAL CAFÉ ELEVEN, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach, 460-9311. F Coffee drinks, vegetarian meals, meaty Southern comfort dishes. $ B L D Daily PACIFIC ASIAN BISTRO, 159 Palencia Village Dr., 305-2515. F 2013 BOJ winner. Chef Mas created 30+ unique sushi rolls; fresh sea scallops, Hawaiian-style poke tuna salad. $$ L D Daily


BLACKFINN AMERICAN GRILLE, 4840 Big Island Drive, 345-3466. Classic American fare: beef, seafood, pasta, flatbread sandwiches. Dine indoors or on the patio. $$$ C R L D Daily BRIO TUSCAN GRILLE, 4910 Big Island Drive, 807-9960. Upscale Northern Italian restaurant offers wood-grilled, ovenroasted steaks, chops, seafood. Dine indoors or al fresco on



NAME: Rose Sanderson RESTAURANT: Avocados, 311 W. Ashley St., Ste. 1, Downtown BIRTHPLACE: South Dakota YEARS IN THE BIZ: 24 FAVORITE RESTAURANT (other than mine): Mondo’s Des Moines, Iowa FAVORITE COOKING STYLE: Stacking, layering, homestyle FAVORITE INGREDIENTS: Fresh food. IDEAL MEAL: Rare steak, mushrooms, onions, baked potato with sour cream, butter; fresh garlic toast, roasted carrots. WOULDN’T EAT IF YOU PAID ME: Goat. INSIDER’S SECRET: Cooking is all about love. CELEBRITY SIGHTING AT AVOCADOS: No one yet! CULINARY GUILTY PLEASURE: Making something from nothing.

the terrace. $$$ C R Sat. & Sun.; L D Daily MY MOCHI FROZEN YOGURT, 4860 Big Island Drive, Ste. 2, 807-9292. Non-fat, low-calorie, cholesterol-free frozen yogurts. More than 40 toppings. $ Daily OVINTE, 10208 Buckhead Branch Drive, 900-7730. 2013 BOJ winner. Comfortable, chic place features tapas, small plates of Spanish, Italian flavors: ceviche fresco, pappardelle bolognese, lobster ravioli. 240-bottle wine list, 75 by the glass; craft spirits. Outdoor dining. $$ R, Sun.; D Nightly RENNA’S PIZZA, 4624 Town Crossing Drive, Ste. 125, 565-1299. F See Mandarin. $$ C L D Daily SAKE HOUSE #3 JAPANESE GRILL SUSHI BAR, 10281 Midtown Parkway, 996-2288. F See Riverside. $$ L D Daily SEASONS OF JAPAN, 4413 Town Center Parkway, 329-1067. Casual-style restaurant serves Japanese and hibachi-style fare, sushi, quick-as-a-wink. $$ C L D Daily TED’S MONTANA GRILL, 10281 Midtown Parkway., 998-0010. Modern classic comfort food featuring finest cuts of bison, including signature steaks and award-winning gourmet burgers, served with timeless, genuine hospitality. Crab cakes, cedar-plank salmon, fresh vegetables, signature desserts and private label Bison Ridge wines complete the unique menu. $$$ C L D Daily


EMPEROR’S GENTLEMAN’S CLUB 4923 University Blvd. W., Lakewood, 739-6966. Upscale steakhouse features steaks, burgers, seafood and wings. $$ L D Daily FUSION SUSHI, 1550 University Blvd. W., Lakewood, 636-8688. F New upscale sushi spot serves fresh sushi, sashimi, hibachi, teriyaki, kiatsu. $$ C L D Daily MOJO BAR-B-QUE, 1607 University Blvd. W., San Jose, 732-7200. F 2013 BOJ winner. Funky Southern blues kitchen offers pulled pork, Carolina-style barbecue, chickenfried steak, Delta fried catfish. $$ C B L D Daily URBAN ORGANICS, 5325 Fairmont St., Spring Park, 398-8012. Weekly coop every Monday that offers local, fresh fruits and vegetables in bags of 10, 20 or 30 pounds.


BASIL THAI & SUSHI, 1004 Hendricks Ave., 674-0190. F Pad Thai, curry dishes, sushi, served in a relaxing environment. Dine indoors or on the patio. $$ L D Mon.Fri., D Sat. PIZZA PALACE GM Hala Demetree 1959 San Marco Blvd., 399-8815. F Relaxed, family-owned place serves homestyle cuisine: spinach pizza, chicken spinach calzones. Ravioli, lasagna, parmigiana. Outside dining. $$ C L D Daily THE GROTTO WINE & TAPAS BAR, 2012 San Marco Blvd., 398-0726. Varied tapas menu of artisanal cheese plates, empanadas, bruschettas, homestyle cheesecake. More than 60 wines by the glass. $$$ Tue.-Sun. LA NOPALERA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 1631 Hendricks Ave., 399-1768. F Tamales, fajitas and pork tacos are customer favorites. Some La Nops offer a full bar. $$ C L D Daily MATTHEW’S, 2107 Hendricks Ave., 396-9922. Chef Matthew Medure’s flagship restaurant offers fine dining in a refined, European-style atmosphere. Artfully presented cuisine, small plates, extensive martini and wine lists. Reservations recommended. $$$$ D Mon.-Sat. PULP, 1962 San Marco Blvd., 396-9222. Juice bar offers fresh juices, frozen yogurt, teas, coffees made one cup at a time. 30 kinds of smoothies, some blended with flavored soy milks, organic frozen yogurts, granola. $ B L D Daily SAKE HOUSE #2 JAPANESE GRILL SUSHI BAR, 1478 Riverplace Blvd., 306-2188. F See Riverside. $$ L D Daily


360° GRILLE, 10370 Philips Highway, 365-5555. F In Latitude 30. Familiar sportsbar favorites: seafood, steaks, sandwiches, burgers, chicken, pasta, pizza. Dine inside or on the patio. $$ L D Daily ALHAMBRA THEATRE & DINING, 12000 Beach Blvd., 641-1212. America’s longest continuously running dinner theater features Executive Chef DeJuan Roy’s menus coordinated with stage productions. Reservations suggested. $$ D Tue.-Sun. BUCA DI BEPPO, 10334 Southside Blvd., 363-9090. Popular chain restaurant has fresh Italian cooking: lasagna, garlic mashed potatoes; three portion sizes (half-pound meatballs!) served family-style. $$$ C L D Daily CASA MARIA, 14965 Old St. Augustine Road, 619-8186. F See Springfield. $ C L D Daily FARAH’S PITA STOP CAFÉ, 3980 Southside Blvd., Ste. 201, 928-4322. Middle Eastern cuisine: fresh sandwiches, soups, entrées, desserts, pastries and mazas (appetizers). $ C B L D Mon.-Sat. THE FLAME BROILER THE RICE BOWL KING, 9822 Tapestry Park Circle, Ste. 103, 619-2786. 7159 Philips Highway, Ste. 104, 337-0007. F West Coast fave has healthy, inexpensive fast food with no transfats, MSG, frying, or skin on meat. Fresh veggies, steamed brown or white rice, grilled beef, chicken, Korean short ribs. $ C L D Mon.-Sat. JJ’S BISTRO DE PARIS, 7643 Gate Parkway, Ste. 105, 996-7557. Authentic French cuisine served in a comfortable, charming setting. The scratch kitchen has fresh soups, stocks, sauces, pastries. $$ C L D Mon.-Sat. LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 3611 St. Johns Bluff S., 641-6499. 4479 Deerwood Lake Parkway, 425-4060. F See Baymeadows. BOJ winner. $ C B L D Daily MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS, 9734 Deer Lake Court, Ste. 1, Tinseltown, 997-1955. F See Beaches. Bite Club certified. 2013 BOJ winner. $ C L D Daily OISHII, 4375 Southside Blvd., Ste. 4, 928-3223. Japanese fusion cuisine: fresh, high-grade sushi, a variety of lunch specials, hibachi items. $$ C L D Daily SEVEN BRIDGES GRILLE & BREWERY, 9735 Gate Parkway N., Tinseltown, 9 97-1999. F Grill and brewery features local seafood, steaks, pizzas, award-winning freshly brewed ales, lagers. Dine indoors or outdoors. $$ L D Daily TAVERNA YAMAS, 9753 Deer Lake Court, 854-0426. Bite Club certified. 2013 BOJ winner. Greek restaurant serves char-broiled kabobs, seafood, traditional Greek wines and desserts. Nightly belly dancing. $$ C L D Daily TOMMY’S BRICK OVEN PIZZA, 4160 Southside Blvd., Ste. 2, 565-1999. F New York-style thin crust, brick-ovencooked pizzas – gluten-free – as well as calzones, salads, sandwiches made fresh to order, using Thumann’s no-MSG meats, Grande cheeses. Boylan’s soda. Curbside pick-up. $$ L D Mon.-Sat.


CASA MARIA, 12961 N. Main St., Ste. 104, 757-6411. F Family-owned-and-operated spot offers authentic Mexican food: fajitas, seafood dishes, hot sauces made in-house. Specialty is tacos de asada. $ C L D Daily LARRY’S GIANT SUBS, 12001 Lem Turner, 764-9999. F See Baymeadows. $ C B L D Daily RENNA’S PIZZA, 840 Nautica Drive, Ste. 117, 714-9210. F See Mandarin. $$ C L D Daily SAVANNAH BISTRO, 14670 Duval Road, 741-4404. F Low Country Southern fare, with a twist of Mediterranean and French, in a relaxing atmosphere at Crowne Plaza Airport. Crab cakes, New York strip, she crab soup, mahi mahi. Rainforest Lounge. $$$ C B L D Daily STICKY FINGERS, 13150 City Station Drive, 309-7427. F See Baymeadows. $$ C L D Daily


DRIFTWOOD BBQ, 412-4559, driftwoodbbq.com, facebook.com/DriftwoodBBQ Southern soul barbecue, sandwiches, subs at Pitmaster Patrick O’Grady’s truck. Pudding, pulled pork, sides, sliders, chicken. $ L D

Free Will Astrology

ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Life is best organized as a series of daring ventures from a secure base,” wrote psychologist John Bowlby. Some Aries enjoy the “daring venture” part of that, but neglect the “secure base” aspect. That’s why your daring ventures may sometimes go awry. If you’re that type of Ram, the first half of 2014 is an excellent time to correct bad habits. Life offers considerable help and inspiration in building a strong foundation. If you already appreciate how important it is for the pursuit of excitement to be rooted in well-crafted stability, the months ahead are golden.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Italian painter Tintoretto (1518-’94) was a Libra. He worked with such vigor and passion, he was nicknamed Il Furioso – he Furious. One crowning achievement was his painting “Paradise,” 74 feet long and 30 feet tall – about the size of a tennis court. It adorns a huge wall in the Doge’s Palace, a landmark in Venice. Tintoretto is one of your inspirational role models in 2014. The months ahead are a great time to work hard at crafting your own version of paradise on earth. You may not be so wildly robust to deserve the title “Il Furioso,” but you might.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Here are three renowned Taurus brainiacs: Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill and Bertrand Russell. They all had IQs above 175 and all made major contributions to philosophy; yet all three were physically inept. Kant had trouble keeping a sharp point on his writing instrument, the quill, because he was clumsy using a knife. Mill was so undexterous, it a chore to tie a knot. Russell’s physical prowess was so limited, he couldn’t brew a pot of tea. Chances are you’re neither as brilliant nor as uncoordinated yet, like them, there’s a disconnect between your mind and body, some glitch in the way they communicate. Next year is an excellent time to heal the disconnect and fix the glitch.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Between 2002 and 2009, Buddhist monk Endo Mitsunaga spent 1,000 days meditating as he did a ceremonial walk around Mount Hiei in Japan. In 2006, English writer Dave Cornthwaite took 90 days to skateboard across the entire length of Australia – 3,618 miles. The first man’s intentions were spiritual, the second’s adventurous. The months ahead are prime time to contemplate both kinds of journeys. Astrological omens suggest you’ll generate extra good fortune by seeking unfamiliar experiences on the open road.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A UK horticultural company sells TomTato plants to home gardeners. Each bush grows cherry tomatoes and white potatoes. The magic was accomplished through handcrafted hybridization, not genetic engineering. There’s a comparable marvel in your longterm future. I’m not sure the exact form; maybe you’ll create a product or situation that lets you satisfy two needs simultaneously. It’s possible you find a way to express two talents in a single mode, or unite two sides previously unbonded. Congratulations in advance!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Many farms in California’s Tulare County grow produce for supermarket chains. The problem? Those big stores only want fruits and vegetable that look perfect. So if there are brown spots on apples or zucchinis grow crooked or carrots get too big, they’re rejected. As a result, 30 percent of the crops go unharvested. That’s sad; a lot of poor people who live in Tulare don’t have enough to eat. Fortunately, some enterprising food activists have begun to work out arrangements with farmers to collect wasted produce and distribute it to hungry folks. There’s a comparable situation in your life: unplucked resources and ignored treasures. In 2014, take dramatic action to harvest and use them.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “To destroy is always the fi rst step in any creation,” said poet e. e. cummings. Do you buy that? Hope so; the cosmos has scheduled you to instigate major creative action in 2014. To fulfill that potential, you’ll have to metaphorically smash, burn and dissolve old structures standing in the way of the future. You’ll have to eliminate as many of the “yes, buts,” “I can’ts” and “not nows” as you can.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Derrick Brown has a poem, “Pussycat Interstellar Naked Hotrod Mofo Ladybug Lustblaster!” At least once in 2014, get up the nerve to call someone you love by that name. Even if you can’t quite bring yourself to utter those actual words, it’ll be healing to get to the point where you feel wild enough to say them. In the months ahead, you’ll be wise to shed inhibitions that have interfered with you getting all of the free-flowing intimacy you’d love to have.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): When did you first fall from grace? Do you remember? It’s happened to most of us. We spend time being privileged, cared about or respected and then, suddenly, we no longer are. We lose our innocence. Love disappears. Our status as a favorite ends. That’s the bad news. The good news? The months ahead may be time to climb back up to one of those high states of grace from once upon a time. Omens suggest you’re getting ready to rise back up; sooner than you think, there will be an invitation to do so.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Artists who are content merely to hone their gifts eventually come to little,” says Belgian writer Simon Leys. “The ones who truly leave their mark have the strength and the courage to explore and exploit their shortcomings.” Borrow those words and use them in 2014. Even if you’re not an artist, you’ll be able to achieve an interesting kind of success if you’re willing to use raw materials and untapped potential of your so-called flaws and weaknesses. Whatever is unripe is the key to your creativity.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Leonardo da Vinci created the painting “St. Jerome in the Wilderness” around 1480. It now hangs in the Pinacoteca Vaticana, a museum in Vatican City. For several centuries, though, the treasured artwork was missing. Legend says that in the early 19th century, Napoleon’s uncle found the lower half of the painting in a Roman junk shop. Years later, he stumbled upon the top half in a back alley, where it was being used as a wedge in a shoemaker’s bench. I foresee the possibility of a comparable sequence unfolding in 2014. You may manage to restore a lost beauty to its proper place of honor, one step at a time.

© 2013

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In 2014, you’ll have enough mojo to escape a frustration that’s drained you and pained you for a long time. You can end its hold on you for good. The months ahead also provide the chance to activate and cultivate a labor of love to last as long as you live. This project may not bloom overnight, but it will reveal its staying power dramatically. You’ll be able to draw on the staunch faith you need to devote yourself to it until its full blessings ripen. Rob Brezsny freewillastrology@freewillastrology.com DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 35

BLACK CROWES BEAUTY You: Brown-eyed, dark-haired American Indian-looking goddess. Me: Tall, dark, brooding musician. Talked after the show. You admired my Crowes tat, I admired your cheekbones. Best dancer in venue, and kind conversationalist. Shared tequila after the show. Heard you’re single. Let’s get together. When: Oct. 7. Where: St. Augustine. #1320-1218 DURING JAGUARS 3RD WIN IN 11 DAYS! You: orange shirt, being a good dad taking your son to the game. Me: waiting on ramp. We had INTENSE eye contact, but could only chat for a minute. Have any kid-free time coming up? When: Dec. 5. Where: Jags Game. #1319-1218 MARGARITA MADNESS! Are YOU the guy at La Nopalera bar Third St. Jax Beach a few months ago? You nearly fell off the stool when I asked if you were just passing through. Fun evening! Laughter, good-natured teasing. Loved your quick sense of humor; think you liked mine. Future connection? Me: Cute blonde English girl. When: Early Summer. Where: La Nopalera Jax Beach. #1318-1218 AVENUES MALL You wore a baby blue zip-up uniform well; sexy black frame glasses; some sort of pouch. Your personality shined through your gleaming smile. You were helpful with my phone troubles; confident – I like a man with confidence. Me: brown hair, brown eyes, black shirt, scarf. Hope this makes it to you. When: Nov. 22. Where: Avenues Mall AT&T. #1317-1218 BEAUTIFUL BLONDE Hi K_, I came over and introduced myself when you were sitting across the bar from me. We made eye contact numerous times and observed some funny people in the bar. I would love to get together and see if we have any chemistry. My name starts with T. When: Nov. 14. Where: Jacksonville Ale House. #1316-1204 BEAUTIFUL LADY EATING ALONE OUTSIDE ISU! Plum/purple T-shirt, rolled-up jeans shorts, sandals. We were both eating alone at outside tables. Me: In a white T-shirt and plaid shorts. I should have least said hi or hello and I’m kicking myself now! I think you’re beautiful! I’d love to talk and see. When: Nov. 23. Where: The Loop @ St. Johns Ave. #1315-1127 IN LINE It’s been so many years. Forgetfulness caught up with me. I apologize for thinking I was blowing you off when all I wanted to do was catch up! We were in line together at Publix; you remembered me from HS. I felt like such a jerk as you sped away in your maroon VW. When: Nov. 3. Where: Publix @ Tinseltown. #1314-1127 GATORS IN OAKLEAF ISU at the bar, in blue jeans and a black shirt. Blond hair and oh so gorgeous smile. It was early evening; you spoke to the bartender often. Our eyes met when I got up to leave. I wore tan cargo pants, a black short-sleeved shirt and glasses. When: Nov. 10. Where: Gators @ Oakleaf. #1313-1127 HOLIDAYS AND A SUBSPECIES OF BEINGS We chatted for a good bit in line at veg fest. You compared your name to a holiday and mine to a group of people? Took me a minute to get your meaning. Should have taken you up on your offer to stick around. When: Nov. 9. Where: Riverside Park. #1312-1113 ANIME TALK IN CHAMBLIN You: Pretty blonde, light blue eyes with a tan-ish scarf. Me: Wearing a single braid on one side, in a blue dress and a raccoon backpack. First, we

36 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | DECEMBER 18-24, 2013

bonded over a love for “Loveless,” then you recommended “Clamp School Detectives.” I wish I’d asked for your name. :) When: Nov. 6. Where: Chamblin’s Uptown. #1310-1106 BLACKSHEEP BARTENDED FRIDAY NIGHT You’re really cute slinging those drinks. I got a to-go order from you on Friday night around 8. I’m sorry you have to deal with creepy old men all of the time but you seem to handle yourself well. :) When: Nov. 1. Where: Blacksheep. #1309-1106 DOWNTOWN TSI SUNDAY BEERFEST GIRL “C” from Orange Park has a womanly adorableness; has a friend “M.” Me: Helping my friend get out of jail Sunday evening; stopped for a quick beer to kill time. Left for about 20 minutes; came back to talk more! Let’s chat a third time. When: Oct. 27. Where: Club TSI Discotheque. #1306-1023 DOGTOBERFEST Gator Woman walking Minnie Mouse, you were talking with handsome guy in Life Is Good shirt and brindle dog with a bandana. You left way too early; Fate was knocking! Even shy pups need love. When: Oct. 26. Where: Dogtoberfest. #1305-1023 JACKSONVILLE ZOO, MOM AND KIDS You: At the zoo with 2 children. ISU by the maze, then children’s play area. We passed a few times. I wanted to introduce myself; sorry I didn’t. Me: Guy who made eye contact with you as much as I could to see if there was interest. With my three beautiful little boys. Was there mutual attraction/interest? When: Oct. 19. Where: Jacksonville #1307-1023 DIDN’T DREAD LOOKING AT YOU You: Brown dreadlocks, cute smile at Yoga Fest. Me: Colorful dress with a screaming baby in a stroller. You asked me what I did to the kid. When: Oct. 12. Where: Riverside Arts Market. #1306-1023 PEGASUS GALLERY’S GODDESS You: tattoos, eyes to get lost in, tiny hands, buns to die for! Me: Redhead bombshell, can’t get enough, drooling over sexy you. The moment ISU smile, had to have you. Want to wake up to your beautiful face, make you feel special. Be my bite-sized goodness. I adore you. When: Oct. 10. Where: Pegasus Gallery, St. Augustine. #1302-1016

I SAW U Connection Made!

SEARCHING FOR SHARK TEETH You: Digging in sand, searching for shark teeth; looked as beautiful as I’ve ever seen you. You’re curious about the world; your curiosity’s sophisticated, inspiring, sexy. I think about you every day; hope I cross your mind now and then. Wish I was your missing shark tooth. When: Sept. 2. Where: Jacksonville. #1302-1016

FROM COLD SHOULDER TO PINING AFTER YOU We shared a picnic table, you snapchatting away. I yelled at you, I’m that drunk girl. I gave you the cold shoulder, but hey girl, can I take ya on a date and a half? Four and a half? When: A date and a half ago. Where: Park Place Picnicking. #1300-1009 PETERBROOKE BOY You: Peterbrooke bag, pink tissue. Tall, dark, handsome (dirty blonde), gray shirt/pants. Walked in the Loop, look confused, didn’t buy. I’ll help find where to go. Me: On lunch, young professional, gray skirt, white shirt, brown hair, light brown eyes met yours. Smiled at each other on sidewalk. When: Oct. 3. Where: San Marco. #1301-1009 READING JUXTAPOSE Me: Long brown curly hair, freckles and tight black pants. You: Denim & tattoos. We made eye contact several times. Maybe I’m lucky enough for you to read this! When: Sept. 26. Where: Barnes & Noble @ Town Center. #1299-1002

NewsNews of theof the Weird Weird

FOLIO WEEKLY PUZZLER by Merl Reagle. Presented by




330 A1A NORTH 280-1202

Holiday Trio



79 80 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90

Container weights Xterra maker Pilot’s dir. ACROSS Light-bulb moment word 1 Dickens’s Marley Warmer and sunnier 6 Garbo and Gable Real go-getters employer, once Actress Gershon 9 47 Down rank “A ride on the ___ ...” 12 It might be wireless Coffee order 15 Actor (and crossword fan) “... in my uncle’s ___ Matthew ...” 16 Mobile home?: abbr. 92 Exceptional 17 Prohibition, for one 93 “... and a ride back in my 18 Cry of dread uncle’s ___ ...” 20 “For Christmas my uncle 95 Lab subj. gave me a palm-tree 96 With 14 Down, a Mae coffee mug from ___ ...” West film 21 “A ___ full of cigars ...” 99 Relaxed 23 “A genuine Civil War ___ 101 Have a feeling ...” 103 Half a score 25 A bunch of 106 Bus lines, e.g. 26 Something to chew 108 Formal orders 28 Thompson and Stone 110 Rizzo the Muppet, for 29 “Then fine!” one 30 Little rascal 111 Mickey’s maker 31 “Haven’t ___ before?” 112 “When I got home a new 33 Best qualified ___ was in the driveway 35 Skin soother ...” 36 It often follows you 113 “... and a box set of 38 “A trip to the ___ ...” Robert ___ DVDs was 40 Actor prompter under the tree.” 42 “___ lessons ...” 115 “My uncle sure knows 45 Nasty-smelling how to make an average 46 “A DVD of the 1992 guy feel like a ___!” Rodney Dangerfield film 117 Croon a tune ___ ...” 118 The same partner? 50 Slippery varmints 119 Down Under critter 51 Baja bash 120 Register for (with “in”) 53 Fields Th of comedy Recurring emes: Lawrence Briggs, 18, 121 Show stoppers? 54 Pen pal? arrested in Marshalltown, Iowa, in November 122 Dept. overseer 55 ___ Lanka 123 Page Casting needwith after walked out of a Sports store 56 he Colorful annual Concisepay for. 57 worth Island crooner $153 of merchandise124 he didn’t 58 Room, to Ruiz Moments earlier, he’d filled out an application DOWN 59 Least fresh to 61 work at Sports Page, and when surveillance 1 Vatican VIP for 26 years My uncle’s name 2 “Not ___ eye in the 63 Fewexposed seconds him, managers cameras called him in house” 64 Theme, Part 1 for an “interview,” and police 3made the arrest. OSS successor 65 Theme, Part 2 Troy allegedly 66 Mitchell, Theme, Part47, 3 arrested aft4er Chilling 5 Remove feeling from robbing Valley First Credit Union in Modesto, 67 Relating to form 6 ___-jongg 70 How describe my Calif., on we May 14. While he was standing at the 7 You can stick with it ever since his, um, teller’suncle window, another employee of Valley First 8 Musical that features visitations saluted himresident (“Hi, Troy”) because“Dancing he remembered Queen” 74 Shiraz 9 dMilitary “fruitfor salad” 78 Henry VIII’sApril last wife Mitchell from 3, when he’ applied a car

Least Competent Criminals








15 A NOTW Classic (April 2009)










97 98 100 102 104 105 107 109 111 113 114 116

Movie-rating org. Pearl Harbor site Mild oath Potpourri bag Chirpy bird Auction ending? Round numbers? Eshkol’s land: abbr. Unique Meryl’s co-star in “The Devil Wears Prada” In the area Pageant toppers Usher, often Org. of the no-look pass As a team Big name in trucks Rich-voiced Classical, e.g. Bring into play Trade Feeling peevish Gull repairman in the comic strip “Shoe” Does a yard job Ancient Nile kingdom “Dallas” family name Skipper on the water Its hub is Tel Aviv Ultimate Fragile cartonful Shoving match? “___ calling?” Sitcom character, often Hut material Legendary Bruin





A M L A M A I S O N F E S K A L I P R O S B L EW I I A D G N S T 3 9 S T E P O N A D I O S R A N G E I L E S A I N U T O P T H U C H T H A R E Y R O N GM L B O U N O S S S











29 34













58 63 66 73





82 86 90 94




77 79 81 84 85 86 88 89 91 93 94 96




113 117








67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

Solution to Alfred Hitchcock







92 96



20 21 lawyer, Australian Marcus Einfeld (a prominent federal judge and Jewish community leader) 25 26 27 28 was once so revered, one organization named 30 a “living treasure, 31 ” but he fell into 32 33 him total disrepute in 2006 by deciding to fight a simple 36 37 38 39 speeding ticket. By March 2009, Einfeld had been 42 43 45 perjury and sentenced to two years in44prison for obstructing justice for lying in four elaborate 50 51 52 detailed schemes to “prove” he wasn’t driving that 55 His original defense 56 day. (that he’d lent the car to a friend who then passed away) was accepted by 59 60 61 62 the judge, but dogged reporting by Sydney’s Daily 64 Telegraph revealed Einfeld lied, and lied to 65 cover up each successive lie. Encouraged, reporters 67 68 69 70 71 72 went on to uncover Einfeld’s bogus college 78 degrees and awards and 79 a double-billing fraud against the government. (The speeding ticket 83 84 85 would have cost about $80.) 87

10 Came up 11 Cookie holder 12 1967 Peter Sellers film, “The ___” 13 Squabble 14 See 96 Across 15 Polite address 19 Hodgepodge 20 ASCAP rival 22 Michael Jackson’s 1987 assertion 24 Parisian season 27 Stun with sound 29 Place to rehearse 31 Attic sight 32 Dissertation 34 Criticize severely 37 Apt. units 39 Fastens 41 It might be keen 42 Take a break 43 Munich mister 44 ___ out of water 46 Protracted 47 Abbr. on a jet 48 Mickelson’s game 49 Convince 52 Certain earnings: abbr. 53 Overly 56 Fervor 57 West Indies nation 58 Gemini, e.g. 60 Kind of ski lift 62 Tiresome routine 63 Don or San follower 66 Audacious

91 95



110 114

111 115










Yellow and Brown Values

A Swedish TV show, “Biss och Kajs,” found itself in the spotlight in November — in Russia, where government-run television apparently used it to send a political message to Ukraine by highlighting the program’s theme of teaching kids about bodily functions. The episode Russia chose featured three bulkily costumed actors sitting around talking — one dressed in yellow, one in brown and the other unmistakably as a large, nude human posterior. “Biss och Kajs” is highly regarded in Sweden; “biss” and “kajs” refer, respectively, to the yellow and brown functions. Ukraine (against Russia’s wishes) is considering a trade agreement with the European Union and, the Russian station director said, pointedly, “There you have European values in all their glory.”

robbed by two men. A friend of Poulos later corroborated that, but police also learned the money Poulos had was proceeds of his having robbed a credit union earlier that night. He was treated for his wounds and then arrested. At least 44 health workers were struck with a suspected norovirus in September at a Creative Health Care Management convention in Huron, Ohio. Noroviruses are often called “Norwalk” viruses, named for a notable 1968 outbreak in Norwalk, Ohio, about 12 miles from Huron.

‘Masculine’ Values

The Bank of England, arguing before the U.K.’s Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards in October, warned against limiting bonuses bankers have come to expect from their lucrative deals — because that might encroach on their “human rights.” The Bank suggested it’s a human rights violation to even ask senior executives to show they tried to comply with banking laws — because it’s the government’s job to prove violations.

Breakaway former officials of the Boy Scouts of America met in Nashville in September to establish a Scouts-type organization that can freely discourage homosexuality, with one leader promising Fox News the result would be “a more masculine” program. Another prominent attendee, also quoted in the dispatch, described his sorrow at the BSA’s embrace of gay boys. Since the issue broke, he said, “I’ve cried a river.” In November, Sweden’s National Housing Board, in charge of building codes, ordered Jukkasjarvi’s famous Ice Hotel (built anew of fresh ice blocks each winter) to install fire alarms. “We were a little surprised when we found out,” said a spokesperson, who admitted the hotel’s bedding could catch fire.

Slick Talkers

Not My Fault

Compelling Explanations

A young woman, accosted by a robber on Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill in October, told the man she was a low-paid intern — for the National Security Agency and that, within minutes of robbing her, the man would be tracked down by ubiquitous NSA surveillance. She said, later (reported the Washington Examiner), the man just “looked at me and ran away [empty-handed].” In October, a 29-year-old cafeteria worker at Sullivan East High School in Blountville, Tenn., swore to police on the scene she wasn’t the one who took money from a co-worker’s purse. She voluntarily stripped to near-nakedness to show her innocence. “See? I don’t have it,” she said. Moments later, an officer found the missing $27 stuffed in her shoe. Busted in a London police raid last year, Clive and Katarzyna Dryden-Chouen (with a marijuana grow operation that netted an estimated $450,000) insisted to a jury in October their massive haul wasn’t for sale but for “personal” use — in that they worship Hindu god Shiva, and truly believe the world will end soon, so they needed a sizable offering to burn. The jury bought it. “Distribution” charges were dismissed, but the couple still faces jail for their cultivation activity.


Seattle City Council voted in October to seize a waterfront parking lot by eminent domain from the 103-year-old owner after negotiations to buy the property on the open market broke down. The state is funding a six-year tunneldigging project in the area, and the city decided it needs the property for not-yet-specified uses. The city said it plans to operate a parking lot on one part of the property.


Larry Poulos was stopped on an Arlington, Tex., street in September, bleeding from a head wound and complaining he’d just been

Conscience-Cleansing: Greg Gulbransen of Oyster Bay, N.Y., announced in September he was about to sue the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for dragging its feet in implementing the Gulbranseninspired 2007 federal legislation that he said would save lives, especially those of toddlers. The unimplemented law would force car manufacturers to install rear-facing cameras as standard equipment, a cause Gulbransen embraced after accidentally, fatally, backing over his own toddler in the family’s BMW SUV.


In November, an exhaustive American Civil Liberties Union report showed more than 3,200 people are serving life sentences in the U.S. for non-violent offenses (about 80 percent for drug crimes). Most were sentenced under “three-strikes”-type laws in which the final straw might be for trivial drug possession, for instance, or for petty theft, like a $159-jacket shoplifting in Louisiana, or a two-jersey theft from Foot Locker. Said the jacket thief Timothy Jackson, “I know that for my crime I had to do some time but … I’ve met people here whose crimes are a lot badder with way less time.” Added his sister, “You can take a life and get 15 or 16 years,” but her brother “will stay in jail forever. He didn’t kill the jacket!”

Undignified Deaths

Douglas Yim, 33, was convicted in September of murdering a 25-year-old man in Oakland, Calif., in 2011 after an evening of teasing by the man, who mocked Yim’s certainty about the existence of God. A 27-year-old yoga fanatic in St. Austell, England, was drowned in a pit in May during a well-publicized attempt to create an “out-of-body experience” to get as close to death as possible without going over the line. Chuck Shepherd weirdnews@earthlink.net DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 37



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Backpage Editorial

Photo: Keira Cattley

We Can Build It

Jax2025 is no longer a ‘potential,’ it’s a reality


hate “potential.” There, I said it. I unabashedly and irrevocably despise the word, the concept and its effect on the way we as a community define success. The ease with which it rolls off the tongue, the way its density builds stagnant air; this nine-letter word suppresses the oxygen to the flame of progress we so desperately want for our city. Enough’s enough, Jacksonville: I am hereby taking a stand against potential, and I hope you will join me.

BECOME A PARTNER IN PROGRESS To align your organization as a JAX2025 Partner in Progress, visit jax2025.org/ partners or contact Aschelle Morgan at Aschelle@jcci.org. Already working On Target for JAX2025? Send your success stories to progress@jax2025.org and use #JAX2025. MAKE JAX2025 REAL JAX2025 is a privately funded initiative made possible by contributions from the community. For more information on financially supporting JAX2025, contact Molly Wahl at molly@jcci.org or make a donation online at jcci.org/give. JCCI 101 OPEN HOUSE Tour JCCI’s new space and see a presentation on “Recession Recovery… and Beyond Implementation” from chair Tom Patton. 4:30-6:30 p.m. Thur., Jan. 16 JCCI, 100 Festival Park Ave., Downtown

I am incredibly proud to call myself a Jacksonville native and true advocate for my hometown that I love so much. Growing up here, I fell hard for Jacksonville’s people, beauty and distinctive charm. As a returning professional, I uncovered my passion for building our next generation of leaders and working with the community to bring to life the impossible. Throughout my time managing the Jax Chamber’s young professional organization and subsequent time working to launch the inaugural One Spark festival, I have found two underlying themes. First, that everyone in town is eager to talk about the potential of Jacksonville; but second, that fewer people are ready to talk about the action required to realize it. Every conversation around progress plays an important role. However, I have learned it is those who focus on touting their plan and following through with execution that ultimately move the mark for our community. These folks don’t have time to focus on that silly little word potential. They are too busy pushing past it, and quickly. The funny thing about uncovering their secret is that it becomes contagious. Once you experience the increments of change unfolding, you become addicted to the progress being made and have to realize more. For me, that craving has led me to my focus on JAX2025 and a new role as community planner at JCCI. Ironically, it is this nearly 40-year-old institution that has facilitated a community visioning process and provided Jacksonville with a platform to achieve the fresh update and game-changing development our city needs. Not only does JCCI bring long-term institutional knowledge, but this community convener now brings a citizen-


WHAT DO YOU THINK? Share your opinion about this Backpage Editorial or write your own at folioweekly.com/backpage-editorial.

grown vision and roadmap to long-term success through JAX2025. Together, we’ve already identified more than 60 strategies for improvement, 10 targets to track progress and one unified vision for Jacksonville’s future. With your buy-in, our community’s collective actions will transition us from just having imagined it to actually reaching it over the next 12 years. I’ve been asked by people in the community, “Is it true that JAX2025 is over? They created the vision, right, so that’s it?” Nothing could be further from the truth. Phase one, known as “Imagine It,” was only the beginning. We are now in the more critically important second phase: “Build It.” Now is the time when the rubber hits the road, and we all have the opportunity to join together and say that the future of this city, our home, matters. I am incredibly excited and honored to work with each and every one of you to connect, showcase and build a Jacksonville where we are too busy with action to ever mutter that nine-letter word. Whether you are a long-standing community leader, hole-inthe-wall small-business owner or energetic 20-something (or older), let’s forget being “partners in potential” and join JAX2025 as official Partners in Progress. Aschelle Morgan

Morgan, JCCI’s new community planner, is dedicated to seeing the community’s JAX2025 vision become a reality.

Folio Weekly welcomes Backpage Editorial submissions. Essays should be at least 1,200 words and on a topic of local interest or concern. Email your Backpage Editorial to themail@folioweekly.com. Opinions expressed on the Backpage are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or management of Folio Weekly. DECEMBER 18-24, 2013 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 39

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