4 minute read
Baking it through a Baking it through a
BAKING IT THROUGH A PANDEMIC One year ago Jen and had even been offi cially listed Ray Ezenbacher decided to online, they decided to pursue turn their favorite late night renting the storefront and snack into a Jacksonville Beach Cookies and Creme was born. small business, having never “We had been talking anticipated the challenges about this idea, and it was like coming their way. the very next day the big real Despite dealing with estate sign was outside ” Jen a global pandemic, the said. “It happened so fast.” couple credits devotion to “We’ve let the business improvement and a supportive grow very organically local community as to what has since then. We didn’t force helped them survive. anything,” Ray added. Back in 2019, the Once acquainted with Ezenbachers were simply their new space, locals began thinking about how much fl ocking in to check out the they loved cookies, especially newest dessert spot in town. Jen’s. She grew up in a family The response was great, but that loved to bake, and was customers began asking if the constantly testing recipes from ice cream was homemade in friends. After meeting Ray, addition to the cookies. While it turned out he didn’t mind it wasn’t at fi rst, Ray decided being a taste-tester. he was going to learn the art As a married couple, of ice cream making - and not homemade cookies with ice just from Google. Instead, he cream became their go-to found a former ice cream shop treat. This mutual love of owner to mentor him for a sweets got them thinking, month. why couldn’t they bake and “He taught me the sell their own cookies at the process of putting the ice beach? cream together, building Yet, as fate would have fl avors and how you work it, one day Jen passed by what the machine. Now all of our appeared to be an empty shop recipes are literally ones I’ve on a corner of 13th Ave. N. made up myself,” Ray said. Curious, she returned with Ray “To be quite honest, most of and a ‘for sale’ sign appeared the ice cream fl avors I make out front. from scratch are made on a Before the property whim based on what sounds good.” Now able to sell both homemade cookies and ice cream, Cookies and Creme has developed a long list of repeat customers. Their most popular fl avor is Cookies and Creme Extreme, made with ground up frozen cookies from the day before. Delicious and sustainable. Jen and Ray say they have worked hard to create a place where all ages can go, enjoy their products and “just be.” “The response has been overwhelming,” Jen said. “People have been so encouraging and supportive. They’ll even stop by just to check on us and ask how we’re doing if they’re next door getting gas.” Although Cookies and Creme anticipated business picking up during the spring and summer months, the spread of coronavirus rapidly changed day-to-day business operations. Once bustling with playful kids and hungry patrons, the Ezenbachers say they were forced to use the virus as an opportunity to

elevate their standards and ensure they could deliver their products in the safest way possible. “It’s been scary and nerve wracking, but at the same time it’s comforting to know how unbelievably supportive the local community has been,” Ray said. “We have locals that come here fi ve to six times a week, buy gift certifi cates just to get them and genuinely support us. That’s incredible to me.” Since they already wore gloves and hairnets in the kitchen area, the onset of the coronavirus mostly meant shifting service to the door rather than from behind the counter. Everyone wears masks, everything is constantly wiped and sanitized and any employee who feels uncomfortable performing certain tasks is accommodated. Why? Because they say their shop is about more than just making a dollar, but about proving that they are a part of the community that truly cares. “I think we just do a lot of things that are different from other ice cream-type places,” Jen said. “We wake up in the morning trying to just catch up with what happened overnight. We want to know what people are thinking, talking about and what they want.” Heading into their second year of business, Ray says that he and Jen are assessing business operations daily. Along with staying on top of all coronavirusrelated mandates, they use a suggestion box and use online feedback to ensure that they’re doing all they can to promote happy customers and continued success. “When we fi rst opened I took on the motto ‘all you’re trying to do is get a little bit better everyday,’” Ray said. “Focusing on getting a little better each day is how everything has grown into what it has. Our business is growing and it’s cool to watch, but it’s even cooler to be a part of.” Through these efforts, Cookies and Creme has survived a pandemic in its fi rst year. Whatever comes the business’s way during year two, Jen and Ray are ready with the support of Jacksonville Beach. “We appreciate the community more than they’ll ever know,” Ray said. “What you put out you always get back.”