2 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 3
THIS WEEK // 4.17.19-4.23.19 // VOL. 33 ISSUE 3
HART RAMP HIGH LINE Can Jacksonville follow New York
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RE.: “A Perfect Preservation,” by Jennifer Melville, April 3
THIS TREASURE NEEDS SUPPORT AND, yes, it needs a marker! Please, everyone, let’s rescue the The Maple Leaf, a national treasure in our backyard! Rainbow Williams via email
I DON’T THINK DEMOLISHING CONFEDERATE monuments is a good idea. I was born in Ohio. I can trace three branches of my family living in America before the Revolutionary War. They were farmers. None of them ever owned slaves. They just had a bunch of children to help out. I believe destroying any monument of any kind is unwise. Yes, many Confederate officers were slave-owners and fought to keep that way of life legal. Some were fighting for states’ rights. (We want to be independent of the nation and should be free to make our own laws.) But many Confederate soldiers were teenagers and boys, farmers and tradesmen. Many who never owned slaves were brainwashed into fighting for their home, their way of life or whatever. Sound familiar? Their sacrifice should not be dismissed just because they were on the wrong side. We shouldn’t destroy Confederate monuments any more than we should destroy Holocaust monuments. History is the teacher. Elizabeth Cash via email
A LITTLE BOY, A THIRD-GRADER, STOOD UP and told the superintendent, “It’s OK. It happens all the time.” Diane L. Greene was meeting with the third-grade class at a local elementary school to tell them how sorry she was that their window was pierced by a stray bullet from guns being fired across the street. Their reaction? They’re immune to it. It’s been a part of the lives of too many children in Jacksonville since they entered the world. It’s routine: hearing the shots, hiding under the bed, hoping to stay alive. The trauma of living in such incredibly difficult circumstances
rewrites their very biology. These children arrive daily at school less able to learn. The challenge facing the school system is to create a safe place where the trauma eases, biology recovers and learning takes place. But children grow up. And when they grow up with gunfire all around them, fearing for their lives, they begin to think maybe they need to fire back. Even if they don’t, the belief that guns are a legitimate way to settle disagreements is a part of the culture that often results in murders such as that of Maurice [last name withheld]. How do we change a culture of violence? How do we make a difference? Maybe it starts with recognizing that we are one community and what affects one, affects all. There’s no silver bullet (an ironic phrase if ever there was one). There’s not one right answer. It will take many small and large steps. It will take rational thinking–the kind of thinking that says more guns on the streets is not the answer. Stray bullets are pieces of metal. They don’t have minds. They don’t stop to think whether or not the person they are about to strike deserves it. They follow the physics of their launch. If you’ve ever wondered why teachers don’t shut up and just do their jobs, this is it. Every societal woe, every crisis and every inequity walks through the classroom door every day. Children are hungry. Children are dirty. Children are neglected. Children are hiding from bullets. That keeps them from learning. That keeps them from living the kinds of lives everyone deserves. And, in too many cases, it cuts their lives short. Gregory Sampson via email
RE.: “Our Picks,” April 10
NICE JOB, FOLIO WEEKLY! KISS IS LIVE AT Veterans Memorial Arena on Friday, April 12 and not one mention of it at all. Instead, you put a picture of some magician at the TimesUnion Center. Very weak! Tom Mady via Facebook
LEND YOUR VOICE If you’d like to respond to something you read in the pages of Folio Weekly, please send an email (including name, address and phone number for verification purposes only) to mail@folioweekly.com, visit us at folioweekly.com or follow us on Twitter or Facebook (@folioweekly) and join the conversation.
BRICKBATS + BOUQUETS BOUQUETS TO NANCY SIKES-KLINE On April 8, St. Augustine Commissioner Sikes-Kline suggested her position on the city’s Confederate monuments is evolving. Once an opponent of removal, Sikes-Kline now recognizes the hurt caused by the monuments’ public display. She attributes her change of heart to weekly meetings at Grace United Methodist Church, where she has learned that race relations have a long way to go in the Ancient City. BOUQUETS TO UNF SURF The University of North Florida Surf Team recently won its fifth successive victory in the NSSA East Coast Championships, organized annually by the nonprofit National Scholastic Surfing Association. With the national championships slated for June, UNF Surf team members are hoping this regional laurel heralds national victory. BOUQUETS TO DENNIS BROWN On April 5, at a surprise ceremony, Anheuser-Busch recognized the local man for his 50 years of brewing at its Jacksonville facility. The company dedicated a special-edition lager to him (the Dennis Brown Ale) and named the drive outside the brewery in his honor. Brown joined the beer company as a 22-year-old, fresh out of the military. DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO DESERVES A BOUQUET? HOW ABOUT A BRICKBAT? Send submissions to mail@folioweekly.com; 50 word maximum, concerning a person, place, or topic of local interest. APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 5
A Nassau County developer’s plans WS-LEADER E N H C A E B A are causing consternation on the FERNANDIN south end of Amelia Island, as Julia Roberts of the Fernandina Beach News-Leader reported on April 11. Signature Land, based in Yulee and owned by Steve Leggett, is in talks with the Richmond-based Riverstone Group to purchase “50 acres of forested land overlooking the ocean between The Sanctuary subdivision and Amelia Island State Park.” In response, Creighton “Corky” Hoffman, president of The Sanctuary Homeowners Association, convened a crisis meeting “drawing approximately 200 people.” The neighbors are looking to stop Leggett and co. before the deal has even been sealed. Why are they so worked up? Roberts wrote, “Hoffman said Leggett’s company is under contract to pay $70 million for the property [appraised at $41.35 million], but that sale is contingent on some conditions, which include Leggett receiving a Future Land Use Map amendment and zoning changes from the county and completing due diligence on the purchase within a year.” The exact nature of Leggett’s plans are nebulous, but neighbors fear intensive commercial development. So Hoffman has enlisted the aid of Jane West, “an attorney who specializes in environmental, land use and real estate issues.” West has already successfully challenged a projected Leggett development in Duval County in 2014. The community has thus advertised its commitment to fight Leggett every step of the way. The ball is now in his court.
FLORIDA TIMES As we approach the 20th anniversary -UNION of the Columbine High School massacre (April 20), we’re reminded of how little has changed. The Florida Times-Union’s Dan Scanlan reported that, on the morning of April 12, “[a] 16-year-old boy was arrested [...] after he was found with two loaded handguns and a ski mask on the campus of St. Paul’s Catholic School at 428 N. Second Ave. in Jacksonville Beach.” Two school employees saw something and said something, thus averting a potential catastrophe. They “noticed the teen walking on school property just before 11 a.m. and made contact, noticing he was ‘displaying abnormal behavior and not acknowledging their presence,’ police said. The staff contacted its off-duty Ja Beach Police Department officer, who checked out the teen and found him carrying two semiautomatic handguns, one with an extended clip with more bullets. The teen also had a rolled-up ski mask marked with a yellow spider on it.” The suspect, “who is not being named due to his age, was charged with two counts of possession of a weapon on school grounds, plus possession of a weapon by a juvenile delinquent.” Yes, he has a record. No, he is not cooperating with investigators. “It’s unclear what the teen’s intentions were,” Scanlan observed, “or if he had any connection to the school.” PARTY LIKE IT’S 1565
A series of recent ‘incidents’ has focused the attention of St. Augustinians on the city’s nightlife. Indeed, some concerned citizens are ready to mount an Inquisition against the heathen revelers. Stuart Korfhage, of The St. Augustine Record, attended an April 12 Chamber of Commerce meeting, at which burghers discussed the escalation of party-related crimes.9. “Several shootings and suspected DUI-related crashes in downtown St. Augustine in the past few months—some as recently as the past two weeks—have prodded city officials and business owners into discussions about what action can be taken,” Korfhage reported. “They’re afraid for the safety of the residents and visitors and worried that continued incidents will mar the reputation of a destination that has enjoyed a clean image for decades.” One of the officials quoted was St. Augustine Police Commander Jennifer Michaux: “I never thought we would turn into the bachelor or bachelorette destination [...] Ten years ago, we’d be walking around looking for people to talk to just to stay awake. Now I come into work at 4 in the morning and it’s, ‘Why are all of these people out?’” “These people,” according to Michaux, can number as many as 3,000 to 5,000 in the wee morning hours on a busy weekend. The meeting concluded with a call to action rather than a detailed plan. “There were no suggestions Friday of adopting draconian measures to stifle the burgeoning late-night business sector with curfews or a serious rollback on the hours available for alcohol sales. But there seemed to be solidarity in the feeling that inaction is not an option.” The next step, it seems, is a stakeholder summit. “The city,” Korfhage wrote, “is bringing together hospitality industry leaders from both late-night establishments and those in the more traditional hours in order to brainstorm for solutions.” Watch this space. 6 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
LOCAL ELECTIONS HAPPEN NEXT MONTH, or at least that’s what the calendar says. However, there are just five races to go, and while we’ll discuss them here, it’s hard to imagine much drama. We basically know what local government will look like, barring anomalies, through mid-2023. One more piece of the puzzle came into view Thursday, April 11, when Chief Administrative Officer Sam Mousa announced his retirement. Chief of Staff/ interim Downtown Investment Authority head Brian Hughes, who understands Mayor Lenny Curry as well as anyone, will assume that role. Meanwhile, expect a few termed-out City Councilmembers to relocate to Suite 400. Ex-Council President Lori Boyer is a good bet to take Hughes’ DIA position. And ex-president Greg Anderson could be useful as well, if he wanted to move. Mousa’s departure puts a wrap on the first-term staff. CFO Mike Weinstein left last year, after having shepherded pension reform to completion. Past Chief of Staff Kerri Stewart moved to JEA more than a year ago. Former spox Marsha Oliver has transferred over to the private sector. Mousa, quite likely, will do the same. The majority of Mousa’s non-governmental experience has been with connected contractor J.B. Coxwell. In a press release announcing Mousa’s departure, Curry said that he expects to continue working with him in a different capacity. The current City Hall team (Mousa is going to be hanging around for a while longer) is a tight-knit group. Mousa, Hughes, Curry and General Counsel Jason Gabriel drink together and whatever daylight may exist between them never makes it to press quotes. Curry’s second term, meanwhile, will see Brian Hughes in a lead role. There will be some changes worth watching. Curry has a unique opportunity to transform local government. Permitting can be quicker. Zoning can and should be updated. Government can and likely will be retooled. Some people will complain, but it’s not going to matter. The mayor called his critics’ collective bluff, having learned lessons from predecessors who hadn’t set the narrative and paid for it. Curry has gone after political opponents and unfriendly media repeatedly, in a manner his immediate predecessors wouldn’t have dared. He trolled and goaded opponents, who have flailed in the face of fairly obvious psy-ops. He cowed local Democrats into not running a mayoral campaign. He baited Anna Brosche into the race, and his team clowned her to such a degree that the main question quite
a few people asked me at the end was, “Does she really want to win?” Curry is an exponent of machine politics; the Democrats called him a “party boss” in 2015, and he’s lived up to that. With one or two exceptions, the mayor has a functional slate. The Republicans line up with him philosophically. And the Democrats? Just happy to be there, going along on the votes that matter. The slate of City Council races to be decided next month reflects the certain consensus. The one race that has a betterthan-even shot of a capital-D Democrat winning is the battle in District 10, where it looks like former School Board chair Brenda Priestly-Jackson will capsize the Chamber-endorsed Celestine Mills in the runoff. Priestly-Jackson filed an illfated court challenge to the appointment of Republican Terrance Freeman, and though she lost that case, she parlayed it into a political relaunch. Expect her and newly re-elected Garrett Dennis to be on the losing end of some 17-to-2 votes in the next few years. The other four races are set up well for people rowing in the same direction as the mayor. Former Democratic Party chair Lisa King is up against Freeman for the At-Large seat Anna Brosche vacated to challenge Curry. Can an eviscerated Democratic party compete with the unlimited and untraceable money that will come in for Freeman from around the state? The question answers itself. Meanwhile, At-Large Democrat Tommy Hazouri, who endorsed Curry to the consternation of what’s left of the local party, is set to roll over Republican Greg Rachal. Hazouri is the sole Democrat in the city with real-deal name ID. His goal is simple: to be council president in the next couple of years. His path will be cleared for him by the mayor’s office. Quid. Pro. Quo. Appointed Councilwoman Ju’Coby Pittman, a nominal Democrat, hasn’t said or done much worth mentioning since taking the District 8 seat. So don’t expect Suite 400 to take her proverbial oar away. She can be counted on to help row. In District 14, Randy DeFoor got 40 percent in March, and the FIS executive looks poised to down Democrat Sunny Gettinger. Gettinger is one of the most thoughtful and smart candidates to run this year, but it’s the wrong year for a nonmachine candidate to get traction. A second term can be a static time for chief executives. But not this CEO, given the convergence of aggressive leadership and the legislative branch’s lack of resistance. A.G. Gancarski mail@folioweekly.com @aggancarski APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 7
This edition of the annual pop culture convention features appearances by dozens of actors, writers and artists, representing pop properties as varied as Game of Thrones and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Noon-6 p.m. Friday, April 19; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, April 20; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, April 21, Morocco Shrine Auditorium, Southside, collectivecon.com, $15-$80.
The British post-punk outfit lit up American college radio in the 1980s before shooting to superstardom when film director John Hughes wrote a teen blockbuster around their song, “Pretty in Pink.” Spacehog’s Royston Langdon opens. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, pvconcerthall.com, $46.50-$66.50.
Time to worship the sun. California reggae duo The Wheeland Brothers and Amelia Island troubadour Sean McCarthy perform a complimentary all-ages concert on the beach. 6 p.m. Friday, April 19, Anastasia State Park, St. Augustine, floridastateparks.org/anastasia, free with park admission.
prolific and unashamedly political hip hop veteran kicks off a four-date Florida tour in Downtown Jacksonville. The acronym stands for Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone, in case you were wondering. 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, 1904 Music Hall, Downtown, 1904musichall.com, $25-$35. 8 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical adaptation of the hit film features 14 new tunes played by a for-real kids rock band. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday, April 17 & 18; 8 p.m. Friday, April 19; 2 & 8 p.m. Saturday, April 20, Times-Union Center, Downtown, fscjartistseries.org, $42-$131.50.
APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 9
Featuring marching bands, storm troopers, pirates, royals and the Easter Bunny himself, the 60th annual edition of this St. Augustine tradition starts at the Old Jail and wends its way down San Marco Avenue to the Plaza de la Constitución. 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 20, Historic St. Augustine, free.
This free, engaging program introduces students to a variety of zoo careers. Meet zoo staff, discuss college programs and volunteer opportunities, and learn all about day-to-day responsibilities for the critters and their homes. 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 20, Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, jacksonvillezoo.org, free with online registration.
At a traveling fair, awkward kid Josh asks a mystical coin-operated robot to make him “big”–and his wish is granted. Soon, though, Josh wishes he could just be a carefree 13-year-old again. This high-energy musical is PG-13, and it’s preceded by a fabulous three-course dinner. Through May 5, Alhambra Theatre & Dining, alhambrajax.com, $38-$66. 10 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
The Flagler College men’s and women’s golf teams host the Peach Belt Conference Tournament. It’s three days and 54 holes of action on the Slammer & Squire course. Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 19, 20 & 21, World Golf Village, St. Augustine, flaglerathletics.com, free.
The Florida State USBC 85th Open Championship Tournament gets underway at two local bowling alleys. After the opening weekend, the tournament resumes May 4-June 20. Saturday & Sunday, April 20 & 21; Teams (9 a.m. & 1 p.m. both days): Batt Family Fun Center, 1838 Cassat Ave.; Doubles/Singles (9 a.m. & 2 p.m. both days): Bowl America Mandarin, 10333 San Jose Blvd., floridastateusbc.com, free to watch.
Want a job in sports? Here’s your chance to network with executives from the Jaguars, PGA Tour, Jumbo Shrimp and Sharks. Hear presentations, get some one-on-one time, then stick around and watch the Jumbo Shrimp play the Birmingham Barons. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, milb.com/jacksonville, $46-$66. APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 11
Must Have Base Access
Kids up to 12 years old may join the fun to find where the Easter Bunny hid 25,000 Easter eggs on base. 7-7:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, NAS Jacksonville McCaffrey Softball Complex, 542-3227 or nasjaxmwr@navy.mil, free. Must have base access.
This global event, launched in South Sudan in 2012 as a way to bring friendly competition to enemy tribes, comprises an inclusive 5K run (or walk), followed by a social gathering to meet new friends. 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, April 20, 415 Pablo Ave., Ste. 140, Jax Beach, teamrwb.org.
This University of North Florida ceremony recognizes graduating active-duty military, ROTC, veterans and reservists with special red, white and blue cords. Noon-2 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, Talon Room, Bldg. 16, Osprey Commons, UNF, unf.edu/military-veterans, free with online reservation. 12 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
Every Sunday, Mario Peral’s Latin Jazz Band plays rumba, flamenco, salsa and mambo before a scenic Camachee Harbor. Visit the bar and you just might catch Dave Hammond, voted Best Bartender in our Best of Saint Augustine 2019 readers’ poll. 5-8 p.m. Sunday, April 21, Kingfish Grill, 252 Yacht Club Dr., St. Augustine, kingfishgrill.com, free.
The Dance Shack hosts its monthly Latin Dance Party, preceded by a one-hour salsa dance class. All skill levels welcome. 8-11 p.m. Friday, April 19, The Dance Shack, 837 Southside Blvd. Ste. 1, Southside, thedanceshack.com, $5-$15.
Rumba 106.9 FM and iHeart Radio personality Liliana Sanchez presides over a night of spicy Latin music. 8-11 p.m. Thursday, April 18, LIVE Bar, 331 East Bay St., Downtown, rumba1069.com, free.
APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 13
The weekly stroll is led by Friends of Hemming Park. Learn about public art and city history as you exercise. Walkers meet near the sculpture “Opposing Forces” on the corner of Monroe and Laura streets. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, Hemming Park, Downtown, hemmingpark.org, free.
Several local organizations join forces for an Earth Day double-feature: a yoga class and a park clean-up. There are prizes for most cigarette butts collected and weirdest find. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, April 22, Memorial Park, Riverside, cleanyour904.org, free.
Yoga instructor Christy helps you dive deep into introspection and become enchanted through meditation with crystal bowl sound healing. Surrender to the harmonics occurring naturally within our cosmos and embrace your higher self within a safe environment. 6:30-7:45 p.m. Thursday, April 18, Soluna Yoga Spa, 4154 Herschel St., solunayogaspa.com, $21.25-$25. 14 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
mpossibly delicate and immensely powerful, Hiromi Moneyhun’s artwork is simple yet stunning. No computer design software is used, only a hand-drawn guide, black paper and a knife. Yet the finished product is so complex, so breathtaking that one can’t help but stop and stare. Each work is a geometric ballet of positive and negative space. The Kyoto native’s multi-dimensional masterpieces beckon Northeast Floridians to ponder their tales. Moneyhun first fell in love with Kirigami, the ancient Japanese art of papercutting, as a child. She discovered it in the pages of a children’s book called Mochi Mochi No Ki (The Tree of Courage), by Jiro Takidaira. The images stayed with her, and she couldn’t wait to share the book with her own daughter. Papercutting provided an enjoyable hobby, but it wasn’t until nine or 10 years ago that it grew into a profession for her. After moving to Jacksonville from Kyoto in 2004, Moneyhun worked with her husband and father-in-law at their embroidery business. “It wasn’t computer embroidery,” the artist told Folio Weekly. “It was an old Singer sewing machine and I used both hands and both legs to control this machine. It’s manual— it’s freehand embroidery.” When a customer commissioned a papercut project, the 33-year-old realized that art was her calling. She eagerly leapt into this brave new world. Since then, her work has appeared in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and she’s won multiple awards. She’s created dozens of carefully cut works of art since then. Her current show, Inside Out: An Exhibition by Hiromi Moneyhun, is currently on display at Cathedral Arts Project in Downtown Jacksonville through June 28. The collection, which took two years to create, is a celebration of women and architecture. “The long view of history is that women have only recently emerged as individuals in their own right, though there are still places in this world where this has not yet happened,” the self-taught Kirie artist said in a statement. “The images in this series are representative of this emergence. The featured architecture was purposefully chosen for its level of complexity, which alludes to the tangled story of women’s struggle to emancipate themselves in male-dominated society. While the female figures in each piece are present and visible, they remain somewhat obscured and confined by the intricate web of the structure in which they reside.” In the works that comprise
HIROMI MONEYHUN CARVES ARCHITECTURAL WONDERS Inside Out, women wear buildings—or parts of them, at least—as clothes (hence the exhibition’s title). Rather than being neatly tucked away inside the buildings, the female figures are larger than life
and beautifully adorned with Japaneseinspired architectural structures. Each work is named after a building, yet the woman is the focal point. Are they emerging from male-dominated social
PG. 18 PG. 18 PG. 19 PG. 21
structures, shaking off the imperious bonds of yore? Or are they creating something entirely new and beautiful from the remnants, something the world has never before witnessed? “I was looking at old Japanese architectural images and I was fascinated with the detail of the woodwork. It’s so complex,” Moneyhun said. She sought inspiration in library books and online galleries. “Almost immediately, I thought, ‘This can be armor, a helmet, or this can be a dress.’ I saw images in my mind— that was the start.” “These pieces represent the emergence of women from the Old World order, which was completely male-dominant,” she continued. “Women’s roles are changing. Especially here, you see it. I’m from Japan and I think many people around the world think Japan is a really developed, FirstWorld country and so modern. But I grew up there and that’s true— it’s First-World, very modern, but behind that, it’s still very conservative. Male first. That idea is so old and deep in society.” Moneyhun’s papercut images represent women emerging from society’s stranglehold: “I just want to tell women, not just Japanese women, but women in the world, ‘Wake up! We need to change.’” After an image sparks her imagination, Moneyhun draws a mock-up with pencil and pen. She then copies the drawing to create a guide for cutting. After taping the copy paper onto a sheet of black paper, it’s time to get to work. “After I cut out all the negative spaces on the image, the copy paper on top of the black paper is going in the trash can,” she explained. “The black paper underneath is the keeper.” The result is anything but simplistic. Each piece takes untold hours of precision and artistry. Impossibly delicate, a detailed skeleton remains to behold. And beheld—and admired— it is. “Papercut is a unique art medium here in Jacksonville. Many people have never seen [it]. It’s different from just looking at paintings,” Moneyhun explained. “When people see my art, they come back and forth. It’s not five minutes looking at one piece—they come back to the same papercut piece again and learn more, find more, something else, from the first time.” The curiosity of the viewer is matched by the satisfaction of the artist. For Moneyhun, creation is a vital function: “Art elevates my life. It’s essential. I need art. It simply makes me happy and makes me feel great.” Jennifer Melville mail@folioweekly.com
INSIDE OUT: AN EXHIBITION BY HIROMI MONEYHUN • Until June 28, Cathedral Arts Project, Downtown, capkids.org, free. APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 15
story by SCOTT GAILLARD • photos by IWAN BAAN & HIGH LINE 16 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
n Mayor Lenny Curry’s Jacksonville, wrecking balls and dynamite demolish buildings and roads. Curry envisions gleaming new office towers, residences and hotels that will fill the skyline and announce that Jacksonville is open for business. The only problem: Crony contractors and would-be developers seem to call the shots while taxpayers foot the bill. One of the next structures to fall is the Hart Bridge ramp flying over Shad Khan’s Sports Complex into Downtown Jacksonville. (Note: The Sports Complex, situated more than a mile away from City Hall, is not Downtown.) The ramp is tentatively scheduled for demolition next year, funnelling traffic to Khan’s planned developments around the Jacksonville Jaguars’ TIAA Bank Field. Curry’s ramp renovation plans include nearly $40 million in local, state and federal tax dollars. This sweep-and-clear approach stands in sharp contrast to cities like Savannah and Charleston which seek to preserve historical structures, which in turn can be catalysts for future development. Indeed, Charleston’s ex-mayor, James P. Riley Jr., spoke at a recent City Beautiful Jax meeting. He outlined his 40-plus years of service, during which he encouraged planning and reuse. Riley made Charleston a
(Photo courtesy of High Line)
great city by finding creative ways to utilize existing structures which others wanted to condemn. Environmental activists in Jacksonville believe the Hart Bridge ramp could be transformed through adaptive reuse with an ecological focus. “Adaptive reuse,” the hip practice in urban planning, involves using existing structures for new purposes. The primary reuse options are the creation of greenways and parks. Adaptive reuse projects have been completed in Atlanta, New York and Toronto. Jimmy Orth, executive director of the nonprofit watchdog St. Johns Riverkeeper, has suggested the Hart Bridge ramp could be converted into a greenspace for pedestrians and cyclists. He observed that the river views afforded by the elevated ramp are among the best in the city. It may be possible, too, to incorporate them into Shad Khan’s development plans. Orth also believes the space underneath the ramp could be utilized for similar purposes. “If Jax wants bring traffic from the Hart Bridge down to the street level, do it,” he posted on Facebook, “but don’t tear down the off-ramp. The views are amazing! Build over and under it, like they have done in NYC. It could be our High Line.”
New York City’s High Line is a park and pedestrian overpass adapted from an elevated Lower West Side Manhattan rail line that went out of service in the early 1980s. Completed in 2014, the project has since increased adjacent real estate values and transformed the area into a destination for visitors from around the world. It has also served as an inspiration. The High Line Network is a peer-to-peer group of infrastructure projects in increasingly dense urban areas around the country. Orth believes Jacksonville’s leaders have been too quick, historically, to eliminate old buildings and infrastructure without considering their reuse. He told Folio Weekly, “We must think creatively to maximize the benefit of existing structures, if at all possible, especially if they can provide value to the local taxpayer.” Architect and former Jacksonville mayoral candidate Bill Bishop would like to see Jacksonville follow a plan similar to Toronto’s Bentway Park, the first phase of which was completed in 2018, as a model for the Hart Bridge ramp. Bishop explained, “Toronto took a mile-long stretch of abandoned land under an elevated highway and turned into a great new urban park. It could be done here as part of the Metropolitan Park redevelopment project.” In Bishop’s vision, the area
under the ramp could be transformed into a series of public spaces that would connect sections of Downtown with Metropolitan Park. Like the Bentway Park project, the finished product could host markets, festivals and other events. In Miami, ground has been broken on a similar park, which will ultimately stretch 10 miles underneath the city’s Metrorail tracks. The Underline will serve as a linear park connecting neighborhoods and facilitating social exchange and healthy living from Downtown to Dadeland. The project is also intended to make the city safer for pedestrians. The National Complete Streets Coalition ranked Miami the 14th most dangerous in the nation for pedestrians. Jacksonville fared even worse, ranking sixth most dangerous. While most citizens want safer streets and more green spaces, those concerns are facing a barreling freight train coming straight down the line, with Mayor Lenny Curry as engineer, as Shad Khan rides shotgun. Khan and Curry want to redirect “Downtown” development away from Downtown and toward the Sports Complex (note: not Downtown). And when the Hart Ramp’s demolished, there will be fewer structures in their way. Subscribe to the Folio Weekly Newsletter at folioweekly.com/newsletters APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 17
Photo by Aaron Berkshire
hen a local band forms, its for each song and let it breathe.” mission is to achieve something Among the album’s highlights is “Hollow that stands out within its peer Pain,” an intimate track with special group. Jacksonville’s AXIOM—incidentally, meaning for Austin Fadley. “Slave to the a word that means “truism”—hopes that System was a very angry album,” the vocalist something is honesty and heart. Which said, “but this one is a lot more personal. doesn’t mean the six-piece metal outfit I think this album will reach people in doesn’t rock. The music is heavy, blunt a different way than our last album did. and up-front, but the players consider [“Hollow Pain”] in particular is a tribute to themselves a family, and they have a desire one of my best friends in the whole world, to share the stage with their community. who died in 2017.” These musicians take pride in making each The CD’s lead single, “The Wretched,” is other and every audience member feel as if a stomper complete with a certified-metal they are part of something bigger. promotional video. The visuals go handThe AXIOM fam spoke with Folio in-hand with the music, with the band Weekly about their new full-length album, performing in front of a giant outdoor fire Portraits of Tomorrow, which drops this pit as myriad witches prepare a sacrifice. week. It’s been a few years in the making. Spoiler alert: The sacrifice is Fadley, who No surprise, AXIOM has changed since seems to be just fine in the end (despite the its debut 2016 EP, Slave to the System. The blood and gore). dueling distorted guitars of Easton Ray and AXIOM’s album release show doubles Justin Ignacio remain, but now AXIOM as a hard-rock festival of sorts, featuring boasts dueling voices as several fellow Jax metal well. Founding vocalist outfits: Crypteria, AXIOM ALBUM RELEASE Austin Fadley’s throaty A Matter of Honor, growl is complemented by 6 p.m. Saturday, April 20, 1904 Music Strangled to Death and Hall, Downtown, 1904musichall.com, his wife Jamie’s haunting, Shadow the Earth (OK, $8/$10 high-pitched wail. It’s a that last one is from match made in heaven, North Central Florida). The lineup is a cross-section of rock and according to drummer Ryan Schleifer: “On metal subgenres, from metalcore to prog. the last album, we only had one vocal, so we were very limited in what we could do. Now Music is the highlight of the show, but there are many other aspects, too. “It’s not with two vocalists, we can add harmony.” just a concert,” Schleifer said. “It’s more Bassist Skip Green has helped the AXIOM sound evolve, too. “I personally like a 4/20 party that we happen to be experimented with some new sounds on the releasing our album at.” bass, so it’s not just distorted and heavy,” he Portraits of Tomorrow finds AXIOM in rare form and ready to play. Sideshow told Folio Weekly. “There is quite a bit more performer Andrew Ratliff is set to appear melody as far as the bass goes.” Portraits is a leap forward for the band, between musical sets. The Jacksonville entertainer has earned a reputation for fireand they’re excited to get it out into the breathing and sleight-of-hand. “He’s a crazy world. While the sound is still rooted in metal, AXIOM experimented with the escape artist,” said Fadley. “He’ll be doing formula in an attempt to balance space and some insane juggling with lasers, knives and things like that.” weight, instrumental and vocal passages, Scottie Brown cleans and screams. Above all, they allowed mail@folioweekly.com themselves the time to get it right. “With this album, we had room to try Subscribe to the Folio Music Newsletter different parts and change things,” Ray at folioweekly.com/newsletters explained. “We would take, like, a month 18 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
GET THEE BEHIND ME L New Hellboy can go back whence he came ife is not fair. To wit, Neil Marshall’s new Hellboy reboot was probably doomed from the start. Series predecessors had set the bar hellishly high, leaving the new production very little wiggle room to differentiate itself from the original except through its R-rating and gratuitous cartoon violence. In the process, however, Marshall missed what made the material so engaging in the first place. The opinion isn’t ours alone. After one weekend in multiplexes around the world, this new Hellboy is turning out to be a turkey of epic proportions. Where did it all go wrong? It’s been 15 years since Guillermo del Toro got his whimsical hands on the eponymous cult comic-book character and his surreal world, in which literal forces of evil are plotting to take over, while the U.S. government secretly recruits its own monsters and misfits to fight them. Del Toro promptly made all this his own. The Academy Award-winning Mexican filmmaker crafted two auteur installments of a projected trilogy—Hellboy (2004) and Hellboy II: The Golden Army (’08)—before studio suits in their uninformed wisdom pulled the plug and rebuilt with a new creative team. But del Toro’s aesthetic had already marked Hellboy’s world. His aesthetic was Hellboy’s world for a generation of moviegoers. As much as comic-book purists grumbled about certain plot liberties (Hellboy’s creator, Mike Mignola, was not one of them; he was well-pleased with the author’s work), the coherence of del Toro’s visual imagination placed his Hellboy films on the same shelf as his Oscar-winning features, Pan’s Labyrinth (’06) and The Shape of Water (’17). Above all, del Toro’s leading actor owned the role. The great Ron Perlman balanced Hellboy’s supernatural origins, immense power and adolescent insouciance. It didn’t hurt that del Toro gave him time to breathe. We got to glimpse his home life, lounging around with lots of cats. Enter Neil Marshall and his new Hellboy, David Harbour. The Stranger Things star is a passable demon spawn. In
an alternate reality, one in which Perlman had pursued a career in plumbing rather acting, Harbour might even be the iconic Hellboy. But it’s already been done, and Perlman had far better material with which to work and create. The reboot suffers from pacing problems, poorly developed characters and awful CGI effects (here’s looking at you, Ben Daimio). The villains tend to be nondescript giants and middling monsters. There’s gore. It’s superfluous to the script. The film wouldn’t have suffered with a PG-13 rating. One of the film’s few bright spots is Ian McShane, who shines as Professor Broom, Hellboy’s adoptive father. The secret to McShane’s success: He’s allowed to play a different kind of father figure than John Hurt’s Broom. In del Toro’s 2004 film, Hurt played Broom as a thoughtful sage; McShane’s turn is, naturally, more aggressive (and foul-mouthed). It’s unusual, and it works. It’s not a bad movie. It is a B-movie, though. (The casting of Milla Jovovich as the Blood Queen should’ve been fans’ first indication that the production would be more Uwe Boll than Werner Herzog.) And it’s not the Hellboy movie we needed. We needed a third and final Guillermo del Toro/Ron Perlman romp. Georgio Valentino mail@folioweekly.com Subscribe to the Folio Film Newsletter at folioweekly.com/newsletters
NOW SHOWING CORAZON CINEMA & CAFÉ To celebrate Earth Day, Corazon and Panache jointly present March of the Penguins, noon; Sweetwater, 4 p.m. & Hometown Habitat, 7 p.m. April 19. $8 in advance, $10 door. Capernaum and Styx run. Throwback Thursday: Talk of Angels, noon April 18. SAFF presents The Beginner, noon April 20. 36 Granada St., St. Augustine, 679-5736, corazoncinemaandcafe.com. Game of Thrones 9 p.m. every Sun. WGHF IMAX THEATER Shazam, Pandas, Great Bear Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef screen. Avengers: Endgame starts April 25. World Golf Hall of Fame, St. Augustine, 940-4133, worldgolfimax.com. SUN-RAY CINEMA Pet Sematary, Climax, The Beach Bum and Transit screen. Diane, Her Smell and The Brink start April 19. Penguin Highway runs April 21 & 24. Avengers End Game starts April 26. 1028 Park St., 5 Points, 359-0049, sunraycinema.com.
ARTS + EVENTS ARTRAGEOUS ART WALK Downtown including Honors chamber ensembles, is PERFORMANCE Fernandina Beach art galleries are open held 7:30 p.m. April 18 at JU’s Terry Concert SMALL MOUTH SOUNDS Words fail us. The 5 for self-guided tours, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Arlington, & Dime presents Bess Wohl’s play about six May 11 and every second Sat., 277-0717, cityfolk who go to the woods to seek … well, 256-7386, ju.edu, free. ameliaisland.com. they’re not sure, and they don’t talk, they listen to a mediator. You may end up hearing BOOKS & POETRY MUSEUMS WORLD BOOK & ROSE DAY The 24th the incessant cacophony of life differently. BEACHES MUSEUM & HISTORY PARK 381 annual celebration of St. George’s slaying Staged 8 p.m. April 19, 20, 26 and 27 and Beach Blvd., Jax Beach, 241-5657, beaches of a dragon to save the woman he loved 2 p.m. April 28 and May 5 at 112 E. Adams museum.org. The Sand, Soul & Rock-n-Roll: is marked on April 23 at The BookMark, St., Downtown, the5anddime.org; $22 Music at the Beaches exhibit is on display. 200 First St., Neptune Beach, 241-9026, advance; $25 door. The Mother of Beaches History: Celebrating bookmarkbeach.com. Anyone who buys a BIG THE MUSICAL Based on the beloved the Life of Jean McCormick is on display. book there gets a complimentary rose. film, this comedy about growing up CRISP-ELLERT ART MUSEUM Flagler College, TERRI DEAN BOOK SIGNING Author Dean fast–way too fast–runs Tuesday-Sunday, 48 Sevilla St., St. Augustine, 826-8530. reads from and signs copies of her new through May 5 (check website for times) at Erin Raedeke’s works are shown in Making book, A Year of Living Creatively: 52 Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Sense of Things, through April 20. Weeks of Inspiring Ideas, 1-4 p.m. April Blvd., Southside, 641-1212, $38-$61, CUMMER MUSEUM OF ART & GARDENS 829 19 at The Book Loft, 214 Centre St., alhambrajax.com. Riverside Ave., 356-6857, cummermuseum. Fernandina, 261-8991, thebookloft.com. SCHOOL OF ROCK Based on the highorg. Talks & Tea: Permanent Collection is 1:30 HEATHER MACHT BOOK SIGNING Author energy movie, with adorable talented kids, p.m. April 17; members free; nonmembers Macht reads from and signs copies of her and now with 14 new songs by Andrew $10, registration required. Free Tuesday is new children’s book, Ant Farm Escape, 1-4 Lloyd Webber, the smash production hits April 23. Carlos Rolón: Lost in Paradise, is p.m. April 20 at The Book Loft, 214 Centre the stage 7:30 p.m. April, 17 & 18; 8 on exhibit through Oct. 21. Kota Ezawa: The St., Fernandina, 261-8991, thebookloft.com. p.m. April 19, and 2 & 8 p.m. April 20, at Crime of Art, shows through Dec. 1. Edmund Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts’ Greacen & World War I runs through Dec. 15. COMEDY Moran Theater, 300 Water St., Downtown, KARPELES MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY & 630-3900, fscjartistseries.org, $42-$121.50. THE COMEDY ZONE Hypnotist Rich Guzzi MUSEUM 101 W. First St., Springfield. Lincoln appears 7:30 p.m. April 17; $20. The winner SONGS FROM THE JEWISH HEART Operatic as a Boy, examining the 16th president’s of Last Comic Standing Josh Blue, who soprano Robyn Marie Lamp, accompanied by early life, with Lloyd Ostendorf’s original has cerebral palsy, cracks ’em up 7:30 pianist Gordon Ramsey, with local cantors illustrations, exhibits through April. Jane Sandhaus-Packer LIGHTNER MUSEUM 75 King St., and Jeff Packer, perform St. Augustine, 824-2874, lightner classical liturgical pieces museum.org. A Chic Soirée opens and popular music the Edgar Degas: The Private written by early 20th Impressionist exhibit. century European Jewish immigrants–think Rogers & Hammerstein, Gershwin, MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY Berlin–7:30 p.m. April ART JACKSONVILLE 333 N. Laura 17 at Story & Song St., 366-6911, mocajacksonville. Neighborhood Bookstore unf.edu. Micro-Macro: Andrew & Bistro, 1430 Park Ave., Sendor and Ali Banisadr, Invisible Fernandina, 601-2118, Cities: Paintings by Nathan Lewis, storyandsongbookstore. Interior Geography: Mark Lester com; $20. and Painting the Picture exhibit. AN EVENING WITH LOVE OR DRAGON-SLAYING? The BookMark observes WORLD BOOK & ROSE DAY DAVID SEDARIS with a free long-stemmed rose with every book purchase. The holiday is a Catalan variant GALLERIES Who’s more observant of the Feast of St. George, the patron saint of Catalonia and famous dragon-slayer, ALEXANDER BREST MUSEUM & flower-giver and–presumably–avid reader. Tuesday, April 23, The BookMark, Neptune and funny and GALLERY, Jacksonville University, , Beach, bookmarkbeach.com. introspective and 800 University Blvd. N., Arlington, ironic than the brilliant 256-7371, arts.ju.edu. Division of Visual Arts p.m. April 18, and 7:30 & 10 p.m. April 19 humorist, writer and truth-spreader Annual Thesis Exhibition displays through & 20 at The Comedy Zone, 3130 Hartley Sedaris? No one, which is why you’ll April 24. Rd., Mandarin, 292-4242, comedyzone.com, be at the Times-Union Center’s Terry BOLD BEAN SAN MARCO 1905 Hendricks $20-$119.50. Theater at 7:30 p.m. April 25, 300 Water Ave., 853-6545. Brook Ramsey’s figurative oil JACKIE KNIGHT’S COMEDY CLUB The Comedy St., Downtown, 630-3900, fscjartistseries. Showdown, with Jane Schlager, Richard Lucas, paintings are on display. org, $42-$121.50. If he shares tales of his BREW 5 POINTS 1026 Park St. Kenny Wilson’s Larry Kardon, Howard Harrison, Jeanie Froman brother Paul, you’ll be getting a Sedaris No Men Do It Alone is on exhibit. Bohall, Phil Smith, Alex Soto, Valerie Adams tattoo the next day. We sure as hell did. BUTTERFIELD GARAGE ART GALLERY 137 and Lauren Bresette, is 8:30 p.m. April 19 UKULELE GATHERING Ukulele means King St., St. Augustine, 825-4577, butter at Gypsy Cab Company, 830 Anastasia Blvd., leaping flea–that’s how your fingers act– fi eldgarage.com. Joseph Paul Getchius’ works St. Augustine, 461-8843, thegypsycomedyclub and enthusiasts, as well as singers and display. Mark Moran is April’s featured artist. .com; $12. The winner gets $100! acoustic instrument players, jam at 6 p.m. CATHEDRAL ARTS PROJECT 207 N. Laura LAUGH LOUNGE Comedy is staged at 8 p.m. April 25 and every fourth Thursday in The St., Ste. 300, Downtown, capkids.org. Hiromi every Sunday, Dos Gatos, 123 E. Forsyth St., Courtyard, 200 First St., Neptune Beach, Moneyhun’s works, Inside Out, are on exhibit Downtown, 323-2471, laughloungejax.com. 612-4975. through June 27. THE CULTURAL CENTER AT PONTE VEDRA ART WALKS & CLASSICAL, JAZZ BEACH 50 Executive Way, 280-0614, ccpvb. UNF GREAT AMERICAN JAZZ SERIES The 31st FARMERS MARKETS org. Grate Works of Art, works by Bobbi RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET Local and regional annual series presents JE 1 Plays the Music Mastrangelo, runs through April 27. art, local produce, crafts, entertainers, and of JE 1, directed by J.B. Scott, 7:30 p.m. April CUTTER & CUTTER FINE ART 333 Village Main live music by Mere Woodard, Collapsible 18, University of North Florida’s Robinson St., Ponte Vedra, 395-3759, cutterand B, Jenni Reid, 10 a.m. April 20, below Fuller Theater, Southside, unf.edu, $8-$12. cutter.com. Award-winning artist Tang Wei JU CHAMBER ENSEMBLE The annual concert Warren Bridge, free admission, 389-2449, Min exhibits his works. riversideartsmarket.com. by Jacksonville University students, APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 19
CHILDREN’S ART SHOW IN MANDARIN Every Easter weekend for the last 50 years, Mandarin Community Club has presented the MANDARIN ART FESTIVAL under its majestic oaks. This 51st edition features more than 100 local, regional and national artists of every genre. The Children’s Art Show (pictured) is an annual highlight. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 20; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, April 21, Mandarin Community Club, mandarinartfestival.org, $2 suggested donation. FLORIDA MINING GALLERY 5300 Shad Rd., Mandarin, 268-4681, floridamininggallery.com. Slamdance Cosmopolis, a collaboration of Matt Allison and Matthew Usinowicz, is on display. HOME STREET GALLERY & STUDIOS 1451 Home St., Southbank, 236-8202. The new gallery shows the exhibit Art is for Everyone, featuring artists Enzo Torcoletti, Allison Watson, Pablo Rivera, Colin Misenar, Terse Mullen Muller, Jeff Luque, Kevin Author, Richard Lundgren, Rebecca Daily and Steven Durden. Curated by April Collum. JENNA ALEXANDER STUDIO 73 San Marco Ave., St. Augustine, 850-384-3084, jennaalexander.com. Stripes and Buns exhibits. PAStA FINE ART GALLERY 214 Charlotte St., St. Augustine, 824-0251, pastagalleryart.com. Clint Burbridge is featured in April. ROTUNDA GALLERY St. Johns County Admin. Bldg., 500 San Sebastian View, St. Augustine, 471-9980. Mary Hubley’s new works are exhibited in Living the Coastal Landscape, through May 23. SOUTHLIGHT GALLERY 1 Independent Dr., Downtown, southlight.com. Brook Ramsey exhibits works. Architect-sculptor David Engdal exhibits lamelliforms on the second floor, through May. Ronald Gibbons shows his paintings and drawings, on the second floor, through April. STELLERS GALLERY AT PONTE VEDRA 240 A1A N., Ste. 13, 273-6065, stellersgallery. com. The new exhibit Blush, with works by Page Jones Davis, Karin Olah and Laura Lacambra Shubert, is showing through April. Profits benefit the nonprofit Art with a Heart in Healthcare. THE VAULT@1930 1930 San Marco Ave., thevaultat1930.com. New works by Sergei Orgunov are on display. The Vault seeks artists interested in being part of the San Marco Art Festival, held at the end of 20 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
November; call 398-2890 for details. THE YELLOW HOUSE 577 King St., Riverside, 419-9180, yellowhouseart.org.
at River House, 179 Marine St., St. Augustine, 209-3655, coasjc.org; $15 members; $20 nonmembers, in advance. KAYAK FISHING Park naturalist Ayolane EVENTS Halusky guides the paddle on Hallowes Cove, COLLECTIVECON The sixth annual three-day 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 17; bring your own boat experience with multigenre fandom mania– and fishing license. Fee is $20; details and anime, comic book, sci-fi/fantasy, pop registration at 209-0348; sjcfl.us. culture–celebrity guests, voice actors from ZOOMANGI The Wild Things Young anime/video games, vendors, panels, video Professionals gather at the zoo for drinks, game tourneys, cosplay/costume contests, games and giveaways, 6 p.m. April 18 at after-parties and more. We’re listing 10 Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, 370 Zoo Parkway; celebs scheduled to be there ’cause we 757-4463, jacksonvillezoo.org; members free, don’t want all y’all to overfreak. Here nonmembers $35. goes: Sam J. Jones, David Yost, Brittany CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE FORUM Karbowski, Tom Wlaschiha (eee!), Emilie de Candidates for District 8 and the At-Large Ravin, Teddy Sears, Miltos Yerolemou, Walter Group 1 discuss issues with voters at the Jones, Michael Copon and Colossal Smidgen. debate hosted by Jacksonville Public Library Whew! Noon-6 p.m. April 19, 10 a.m.-6 and League of Women Voters, 6:30-9 p.m. p.m. April 20, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April 21 at April 18 at Highlands Library, 1826 Dunn Ave. Morocco Shrine Auditorium, 3800 St. Johns 757-7702, Northside, jaxpubliclibrary.org. Bluff Road S., Southside, collectivecon.com; CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE FORUM $15-$60 single day; $40 weekend pass; $80 Candidates for Districts 10 and 14 discuss VIP weekend pass. issues with voters at the debate hosted by MANDARIN ART FESTIVAL The 51st festival, Jacksonville Public Library and League of which includes a juried fine art show with Women Voters, 6:30-9 p.m. April 18 at Webb categories of functional fine craft, jewelry, Wesconnett Regional Library, 6887 103rd St., mixed media, painting, photography, Westside, jaxpubliclibrary.org. sculpture and best in show. Judges are ART IN THE JU LIBRARY TOUR The 10th Hope McMath and Ted Head. A children’s annual tour has more than 140 original art show, a green market, bake sale, food, pieces, many by regional artists, in Carpenter live music and tours of the grounds and Library, Jacksonville University, 2800 buildings are featured. The festival is University Blvd. N., Arlington, ju.edu, free. open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April 20 and Tours run through May. from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. April 21 at Mandarin DARK OF THE MOON GHOST TOUR A guide Community Club, 12447 Mandarin Rd., discusses all the spooky rumors–and the 268-1622, mandarinartfestival.org, $2 eerie true stories–about the St. Augustine donation suggested. Proceeds benefit the Lighthouse after dark at 8:30 p.m. April club’s programs. 17 at 81 Lighthouse Ave., 829-0745, DINNER & A MOVIE Dinner, then popcorn, staugustinelighthouse.com, $25 adults/ soft drink, beer or wine–sounds like a good seniors, $20 under 12. deal. Second Act screens 4:30 p.m. April 18
CHEERS, 1138 Park Ave. Little Green Men April 19. Wildfire Rising April 20. Julia Gulia April 27 DALTON’S Sports Grill, 2620 Blanding Blvd. Clint McFarland April 18. Craig Hand April 19. Rusty Shine April 20 The ROADHOUSE, 231 Blanding Blvd. Melt Behind the Wheel April 20
Photo by Flournoy Holmes
Live Music Venues AMELIA ISLAND, FERNANDINA EMERALD GOAT Irish Pub, 96110 Lofton Sq. The Chelsey Michelle Duo April 17 The GREEN TURTLE Tavern, 14 S. Third St. Royal Johnson April 20. Buck Smith every Thur. Dan Voll every Fri. Yancy Clegg every Sun. The SALTY PELICAN, 12 N. Front St. Hupp April 17. Davis Turner April 18. Shawn Layne April 19. Chelsey Michelle April 20. Kevin Ski, Sam McDonald April 21 SLIDERS Seaside Grill, 1998 S. Fletcher Ave. Radio Love April 19. Paul Ivey, Reggae SWAT Team April 20. Luke & Shotgun, The Firewater Tent Revival April 21. King Eddie & Pili Pili every Wed. Tad Jennings every Thur. JCnMike every Sun. Mark O’Quinn every Tue. SURF Restaurant, 3199 S. Fletcher Ave. The Macys April 17. Kyle Freeman April 18. JC April 19. Davis Turner April 20. The Guise April 21
CASBAH Café, 3628 St. Johns Ave. Goliath Flores every Wed. Jazz every Sun. Live music every Mon.
(All venues in Jax Beach unless otherwise noted)
ATLANTIC BEACH Brewing Co., 725 Atlantic Blvd. Turntable Tuesdays every week; BYOV BLUE JAY Listening Room, 2457B S. Third St. Resonant Rogues April 19. Walter Parks, Mama Blue April 20. Heather Gilliss April 25. Andy Zipf April 26. Corey Kilgannon: Transcontinental Residency April 28 COOP 303, 303 Atlantic Blvd., AB Whim April 19. Kyle Megna & Ross Catterton April 25. Cyrus Quaranta April 26. Barrett Thomas April 27 CULHANE’S Irish Pub, 967 Atlantic Blvd., AB Michael Funge every Sun. FLYING IGUANA, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach Live music April 19 & 20. Samuel Sanders April 21. Whim April 26 FLY’S TIE Irish Pub, 177 Sailfish Dr., AB Live music on weekends GREEN ROOM Brewing Co., 228 N. Third St. Adam Latiff April 20. Mark O’Quinn April 26. The Grace Band April 27 GUSTO, 1266 Beach Blvd. Groov every Wed. Piano Man Murray Goff Fri. Ventura Latin Band every Sat. LEMON Bar, 2 Lemon St., NB Anton LaPlume April 18 LYNCH’S Irish Pub, 514 N. First St. Taller Trees April 19. Hello Celia April 20. Spade McQuade April 21. Barnes & The Heart April 26. BLUprint April 27. Kristen Campbell April 28. Dirty Pete every Wed. MEZZA, 110 First St., NB Gypsies Ginger every Wed. Mike Shackelford, Steve Shanholtzer every Thur. Trevor Tanner every Tue. RAGTIME Tavern, 207 Atlantic Blvd., AB Billy Bowers April 17. Rough Mix April 18. Bluff 5 Band April 19. Str8Up April 20. The Bald Eagles April 21 SINGLETON’S Seafood Shack, 4728 Ocean St., Mayport Village Billy Bowers April 28
Born in Georgia and raised in South Florida, TINSLEY ELLIS cut his teeth on 1960s British blues and 1970s Southern Rock before unveiling his own brand of note-bending, face-contorting guitar heroics in the 1980s. He appears here at 8 p.m. Friday, April 19, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, pvconcerthall.com, $36.50-$38.50. SURFER the Bar, B 200 N. N First Fi t St. St Travis T i McCoy M C April A il 22. The Hip Abduction April 27 WHISKEY JAX, 950 Marsh Landing Pkwy. The Gunners April 17. The Groov April 19. 4Play anniversary concert April 20. Groov Band every Tue. Great Dames every Wed.
1904 MUSIC Hall, 19 Ocean St. N. KRS-One April 17. Axiom album release party: A Matter of Honor, Strangled to Death, Shadow the Earth April 20. Max Frost April 25. Ward Davis April 27 BREEZY Jazz Club, 119 W. Adams St. Lisa Kelly/JB Scott 5tet, Joshua Bowlus, Mike Perez, Stefan Klein April 20 COWFORD Chophouse, 101 E. Bay St. Band Be Easy April 17 DOS GATOS, 123 E. Forsyth St. DJ Hollywood every Thur. DJ NickFresh every Sat. The FLORIDA Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St. Gary Mullen & The Works: One Night of Queen April 25 HEMMING Park, 135 W. Monroe St. Beau & The Burners April 26 The JUSTICE Pub, 315 E. Bay St. The Anti-Queens April 24. Jazz Jam Sesh April 25 MAVERICKS Live, Jax Landing Strangelove The Depeche Mode Experience April 20 MYTH Nightclub, 333 E. Bay St. Latin house vs EDM April 17. Mike Shea, Mario Maric April 20. Gaspo April 27. Drewlface April 28. DJs Lil Yankee, Killoala every Wed. DJs Q45, Bird every Thur. DJs Spyderbot, Basilisk every Tue. TIMES-UNION Center, 300 Water St. School of Rock April 16-20. Dream Theater April 27 The VOLSTEAD, 115 W. Adams St. The Snacks Blues Band April 19. Swing Dance April 21
BOONDOCKS, 2808 Henley Rd. Branden Parrish April 17. Random Tandem April 18. Duval County Line, Colby Word April 19. Southern Rukus, Scott Elley April 20 MELLOW MUSHROOM, 1800 Town Ctr. Blvd. The Chris Thomas Band April 18 WHITEY’S Fish Camp, 2032 C.R. 220 Jimi Graves April 18. John Taylor Band April 19. Briteside April 20. Downpine April 27
CLIFF’S, 3033 Monument Rd. Dillon & DJ Sharon April 17. Highway Jones April 19. The Remains April 20 JERRY’S, 13170 Atlantic Blvd. Boogie Freaks April 19. Sidewalk 65 April 20
ENZA’S, 10601 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 109 Brian Iannucci April 17, 23 & 24 IGGY’S, 104 Bartram Oaks Walk Brady Clampitt April 17. Blistur April 18. Fat Cactus April 19. Neon Whiskey April 20. Robbie Litt & Family April 21
FIONN MacCOOL’S, 145 Hilden Rd. Ace Winn April 19 PONTE VEDRA Concert Hall, 1050 A1A N. Edwin McCain April 17. The Weight Band: Members of Levon Helm Band & The Band April 18. Tinsley Ellis April 19. The Psychedelic Furs, Royston Langdon April 23. FFreaky Friday April 26, 27 & 28 RROSCOLUSA Songwriters Fest April 27, Palm Valley TTAPS Bar & Grill, 2220 C.R. 210 Redfish Rich April 117. 5 O’Clock Shadow April 19
M MURRAY HILL Theatre, 932 Edgewood Ave. SSidecreek, The Citrus Trees, Subdivision April 20 NNIGHTHAWKS, 2952 Roosevelt Blvd. Anton laPlume AApril 17. Dancing Room Only, Max Danger & his FFriends April 20. AK April 24. Duval Shed Sessionz AApril 25. Order by Chaos preparty April 26. Order by CChaos April 27 RRIVERSIDE Arts Market, 715 Riverside Mere Woodard, Collapsible B, Jenni Reid April 20 W TABULA RASA Brewing, 2385 Corbett St. Anton LaPlume April 20
The AMP, 1340 A1A Leon Bridges, Jess Glynne April 17. A Toast to the Coast: Wheeland brothers, Sean McCarthy, Anastasia Park. Santana April 20. Kelsea Ballerini, Brett Young, Brandon Ratcliff April 26 ARNOLD’S, 3912 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd. DJ Alex April 19. Fratello April 20 CAFÉ ELEVEN, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Aug. Beach Lucy Kaplansky April 26 Planet SARBEZ, 115 Anastasia Blvd. The Swell Fellas April 27 PROHIBITION Kitchen, 119 St. George St. Justin Howl, 8Ballaitken April 18. Miranda Madison Music, Chillula April 19. G.W. Souther April 20. Sam Pacetti April 21. Tranquilo April 22. Colton McKenna April 23 TRADEWINDS Lounge, 124 Charlotte St. Live music April 19 & 20. Elizabeth Roth every Sat.
GRAPE & GRAIN Exchange, 2000 San Marco Blvd. The Chris Thomas Band April 17. Kelly Green Trio April 19 & 24. Be Easy April 20. Bold City Improv Jam April 23 JACK RABBITS, 15280 Hendricks Ave. The Casualties, The Adolescents, Neighborhood Brats, Scum Florida April 17. Sam Riggs April 18. Discordant generation, Cardinal Slinky Edenfield, Tuberider, Chemtrails April 19. Ruffians CD release party: Neon Bombshell, Borromakat April 20. Scream Blue Murder April 24. Brandon Taz Niederauer, Bobby Lee Rogers April 25. Acid Mothers Temple Yamantaka, Sonic Titan, Darkhorse Saloon April 26 MUDVILLE Music Room, 3104 Atlantic Blvd. Roy Bookbinder April 18. Ellis Paul April 19. The Peyton Brothers April 20. Debra Rider Linda Ronstadt Tribute April 22. Joe Popp, Arvid Smith, Roy Peak, Lauren Fincham fundraiser for Lisa King April 24. Mike Shackelford, Steve Shanholtzer, Dean Spry, Great Dames April 26
VETERANS UNITED Craft Brewery, 8999 Western Way, Ste. 104 Jason Taylor April 19. La Grunge April 20. The Bald Eagles April 26 WHISKEY JAX, 10915 Baymeadows Rd. Jason Evans April 17. Bob E. & the Pink Paisleys April 18. Julia Gulia April 19. Boogie Freaks April 21. Mojo Roux April 21. Cassidy Lee April 23
COPPERTOP Bar, 12405 Main St. Folk U & the Horse You Rode In On April 19. Disciples of the South open mic April 21. Jason Evans April 26 PALMS Fish Camp, 6359 Heckscher Dr. Taylor Shami April 18. Ciaran Sontag, Bill Ricci April 20. Lisa & the Mad Hatters April 21 APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 21
CONCERTS Upcoming Concerts
Union Center for the Performing Arts GOV’T MULE May 3, The Florida Theatre KEM & JEFFREY OSBORNE May 4, Times-Union The KATE RAYS, SWINGERS PIECES LEFT, BRENDAN Center for the Performing Arts MORRISON April 27, Jack Rabbits TOM JONES May 6, The Florida Theatre The TEMPTATIONS, The FOUR TOPS April 28, The THY ART is MURDER May 6, 1904 Music Hall Florida Theatre TAME IMPALA, MDOU MOCTAR May 6, The Amp INDIA.ARIE April 30, The Florida Theatre BRYAN ADAMS May 6, Daily’s HEART ATTACK MAN, FREE THROW, SEAWAY April 30, TYLER CHILDERS May 7, The Amp Backyard Stage 1904 Music Hall INTERPOL May 7, The Florida Theatre FAYE WEBSTER, LORD HURON May 1, Mavericks Live GRETA VAN FLEET May 9, Daily’s TRACE ADKINS, CLINT BLACK, CHASE RICE, STEVIE STONE, MADCHILD May 9, Surfer the Bar GRETCHEN WILSON, CRAIG CAMPBELL, FRANKIE JUICE WRLD, SKI MASK the SLUMP GOD, LYRICAL BALLARD, HANK WILLIAMS JR. May 1-4, Suwannee LEMONADE ALLSTARS May 9, The Amp Music Park MADCHILD & STEVIE STONE May 9, Surfer the Bar FUN SICK PHONY May 1, The Volstead DAVE MATTHEWS BAND May 1, Veterans Memorial Arena B2K Millennium Tour: BOOG, OMARION, RAZ B, FIZZ, MARIO May 10, Veterans Memorial Arena TAUK, The GROOVE ORIENT May 1, 1904 Music Hall BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, TRAITORS May 10, 1904 The MILK CARTON KIDS, DARRIN BRADBURRY May 1, Music Hall Ponte Vedra Concert Hall ‘A Little Night Music: MAMA BLUE May 10, Plaza de la Welcome to Rockville: KoRN, The PRODIGY, WAGE Constitución WAR, EVANESCENCE, FLOGGING MOLLY, TASH SULTANA, PIERCE BROS. May 11, The Amp CLEOPATRICK, DIRTY HONEY, JUDAS PRIEST, St. Augustine BREWERS’ FEST: The FIREWATER TENT YELAWOLF, TOOL, INCUBUS, PAPA ROACH, The REVIVAL, LONESOME BERT & the SKINNY LIZARD May STRUTS, FEVER 333, WHILE SHE SLEEPS, The 11, Fountain of Youth DIRTY NIL, CHEVELLE, SHINEDOWN, BRING ME the STAR TREK LIVE feat. MICHAEL GIACCHINO May 11, HORIZON, The CULT, IN THIS MOMENT, KILLSWITCH Daily’s ENGAGE, CIRCA SURVIVE, TOM MORELLO, MARK RUSS LIQUID, BELLS & ROBES May 11, 1904 Music LANEGAN BAND, BEARTOOTH, ARCHITECTS, The Hall INTERRUPTERS, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, TREMONTI, REIGNWOLF, BADFLOWER, The DAMNED THINGS, The CAMILLE RAE TRIO May 12, Arnold’s Lounge Second Sunday at Stetson’s: WILLIE GREEN May 12, GLORIOUS SONS, DOROTHY, BLACK PISTOL FIRE, Beluthahatchee, Fruit Cove YUNGBLUD, ZEAL & ARDOR, HANDS LIKE HOUSES, BOB SEGER & the SILVER BULLET BAND May 12, MOVEMENTS, HYRO the HERO, LIGHT the TORCH, Daily’s WILSON, AMIGO the DEVIL, PRETTY VICIOUS, DEMOB MARC REBILLET May 13, 1904 Music Hall HAPPY, CLEOPATRICK, SHVPES, HYDE, DEAD GIRLS MURS, LOCKSMITH, COJO May 14, Jack Rabbits ACADEMY May 3, 4 & 5, Metro Park G. LOVE, The RIES BROTHERS May 14, Surfer the Bar LITTLE BIRD May 3, Surfer the Bar YHETI, EAZYBAKED, DREWLFACE, SFAM, VLAD the 24th annual Gamble Rogers Music Festival: AL INHALER May 15, Myth Nightclub POINDEXTER, AMY HENDRICKSON, ASLYN & the BRETT BASS & the MELTED PLECTRUM May 17, Blue NAYSAYERS, BRETT BASS & the MELTED PLECTRUM, BRIAN SMALLEY, CHELSEA SADDLER, DAVE DOWLING, Jay Listening Room DON’T CALL ME SHIRLEY May 17 & 18, Flying Iguana DAVIS & the LOOSE CANNONS, DOM FLEMONS, DOUG G-LOVE May 17 & 18, Café Eleven SPEARS, DUNEHOPPERS, EDEN REWA, ELAINE & GARY STARLING QUARTET May 17, Hemming Park SAM MAHON, FIONA CHALMERS, GATORBONE TRIO, The ORIGINAL WAILERS May 17, Surfer the Bar GRANT PEEPLES, GYPSY WIND, HAWKTAIL, JAMIE The WILDFLOWERS Tom Petty Tribute Band May 18, DEFRATES, JERRY MINCEY, JOE MARK, JOHN DICKIE Suwannee Music Park IV & COLLAPSIBLE B, JORDAN FOLEY, KATHERINE ONE NIGHT in MEMPHIS May 19, Thrasher-Horne ARCHER, KRICKETS, LON & LIS WILLIAMSON, Center for the Arts LONESOME BERT & the SKINNY LIZARDS, MICHAEL JIMMY EAT WORLD, TAKING BACK SUNDAY, BLUE JORDAN, MR. AULLIE, PARADOX, PASSERINE, OCTOBER, FLORA CASH May 19, The Amp PHOEBE HUNT & the GATHERERS, PIERCE PETTIS, BEAR & ROBERT CD Release May 19, Blue Jay RACHEL GRUBB, RED HENRY & FRIENDS, REMEDY FRAMING the RED May 19, Jack Rabbits TREE, RON & BARI, SALT & PINE, SAM PACETTI, The JOE JACKSON May 21, The Florida Theatre CURRYS, The OBSCURE BROTHERS, The SKINNY, HOZIER May 21, Times-Union Center The TROUBADOURS (Bob Patterson, Jim Carrick, Larry WINEHOUSED: The Amy Celebration May 25, Ponte Mangum, Charley Simmons), The WILLOWWACKS, TODD Vedra Concert Hall JONES, UNCLE MOSIE, VERLON THOMPSON, WAX FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL May 24, 25 & 26, Stephen WINGS May 3, 4 & 5, Colonial Quarter Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, White Springs DiCARLO THOMPSON May 3, Coop 303 STEEL PANTHER, WILSON, TRUE VILLAINS May 28, 8TH & RED May 3, Lynch’s Irish Pub Mavericks GRIZ May 3, The Amp TREY ANASTASIO & his Band May 29, The Amp MERCY ME May 3, Veterans Memorial Arena ART GARFUNKEL May 30, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Prince Tribute Show: PURPLE REIGN May 3, TimesBEASTO BLANCO May 31, Jack Rabbits LIONEL RICHIE June 1, Daily’s Place The FRITZ June 1, 1904 Music Hall MICKEY AVALON, DIRT NASTY June 1, Jack Rabbits The TURTLES, CHUCK NEGRON, GARY PUCKETT, The BUCKINGHAMS, The CLASSICS IV June 2, Florida Theatre LAKE STREET DIVE, The RAD TRADS June 5, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall STEVE EARLE & the DUKES June 6, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall The RISE TO SLAUGHTER showcase series travels from city to city, shining a spotlight CREEPING DEATH, on up-and-coming local bands (and encouraging said bands to hawk pre-sale tickets). PLAGUE YEARS June This Jax edition features DANCING WITH GHOSTS (pictured) plus The Fallen Sons, 6, Nighthawks Giants of Atlantis, Disdain, A Wolf Amongst Sheep, Blood Bath and Beyond, Corrupted SLIGHTLY STOOPID, Saint and Silent/Running. 4 p.m. Sunday, April 21, at 1904 Music Hall, Downtown, 1904musichall.com, $10.
22 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
MATISYAHU, TRIBAL SEEDS, HIRIE June 6, The Amp STEPHEN SIMMONS June 7, Mudville Music Room The CHRIS THOMAS BAND June 8, TIAA Bank Field, Boys & Girls Club Benefit WEIRD AL YANKOVIC June 9, The Amp LIVE FROM MARS: David Bowie Tribute June 12, The Florida Theatre TWENTY ONE PILOTS June 14, Veterans Memorial Arena ROD McDONALD June 14, Mudville Music Room The MIGHTY O.A.R., AMERICAN AUTHORS, HUNTERTONES June 15, The Amp GREAT ATLANTIC Country Music Fest June 15, SeaWalk Pavilion, Jax Beach Free Energy Tour: The HEAVY PETS, ROOSEVELT COLLIER BAND June 16, 1904 Music Hall BRIT FLOYD 40 Years of The Wall June 16, Florida Theatre The NATIONAL, COURTNEY BARNETT June 17, The Amp Texas-born R&B singer LEON BRIDGES marries classic soul style with HIPPO CAMPUS June 17, Ponte contemporary pop production values. Last year’s Good Thing tour was so successful, Bridges added a second leg in 2019. British singer/ Vedra Concert Hall songwriter Jess Glynne opens. 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, The Amp, AGENT ORANGE June 18, Surfer St. Augustine, staugamphitheatre.com, $29.50-$84. (Photo by Jack McKain) the Bar FLOW TRIBE June 22, Hemming Park BOOK of LOVE Sept. 7, Jack Rabbits BOWLING for SOUP, REEL BIG FISH, NERF HERDER CHRIS YOUNG, CHRIS JANSON, LOCASH Sept. 12, June 22, The Amp Backyard Stage Daily’s JON BELLION, MARC E. BASSY, LAWRENCE June 23, BEATLES vs STONES Sept. 16, Ritz Theatre The Amp KASEY MUSGRAVES benefit Sept. 21, The Amp TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND, BLACKBERRY SMOKE, PUDDLE of MUDD, SALIVA, TRAPT, SAVING ABEL, SHOVELS & ROPE June 28, Daily’s Place TANTRIC Sept. 21, Thrasher-Horne Center LADY ANTEBELLUM June 28, The Amp ALAN JACKSON, WILLIAM MICHAEL MORGAN Sept. 21, YACHT ROCK REVUE June 28, The Florida Theatre Veterans Memorial Arena ADAM SANDLER June 30, The Amp SNARKY PUPPY Sept. 24, The Florida Theatre ROB THOMAS, ABBY ANDERSON July 6, Daily’s Place THOMAS RHETT, DUSTIN LYNCH, RUSSELL TRAIN, GOO GOO DOLLS, ALLEN STORE July 9, Daily’s DICKERSON, RHETT AKINS Oct. 4, Veterans Memorial NEW KIDS on the BLOCK July 12, Vets Memorial Arena Arena JOJO SIWA July 13, The Amp BUILT to SPILL Oct. 9, Jack Rabbits LONG BEACH DUB ALL STARS & AGGROLITES, MIKE Suwannee Roots Revival: OTEIL & FRIENDS, LEFTOVER PINTO July 14, Surfer the Bar SALMON, DONNA the BUFFALO, KELLER WILLIAMS’ KIRK FRANKLIN July 15, The Florida Theatre PETTYGRASS, The HILLBENDERS, JIM LAUDERDALE, The Royal Affair: YES, ASIA w/ STEVE HOWE, JOHN VERLON THOMPSON, REV. JEFF MOSIER, BRETT BASS LODGE (Moody Blues), CARL PALMER’S ELP LEGACY & MELTED PLECTRUM, CORBITT BROS., JON STICKLEY, with ARTHUR BROWN July 18, The Amp The LEE BOYS, SAUCE BOSS, WHETHERMAN, BELLE DIERKS BENTLEY, JON PARDI, TENILLE TOWNES July & the BAND, QUARTERMOON, PETER ROWAN FREE 18, Daily’s MEXICAN AIRFORCE, BRUCE COCKBURN, The SELDOM YOUNG the GIANT, FITZ & the TANTRUMS, COIN July SCENE, HORSESHOES & HAND GRENADES, SAMANTHA 19, The Amp FISH, DUSTBOWL REVIVAL Oct. 10-13, Spirit of the BRETT BASS & the MELTED PLECTRUM, RUSTY Suwannee Music Park SHINE, SALT & PINE July 20, Hemming Park CHRIS STAPLETON, KENDELL MARVEL, DAVE COBB, SUBLIME with ROME, MICHAEL FRANTI & J.T. CURE, DEREK MIXON, MORGANE STAPLETON Oct. SPEARHEAD, COMMON KINGS July 25 & 26, The Amp 10, Veterans Memorial Arena ANUEL AA July 20, Daily’s Place MAGGIE ROGERS, JACOB BANKS Oct. 11, The Amp IRATION, PEPPER, FORTUNATE YOUTH, KATASTRO BENISE Oct. 13, The Florida Theatre July 27, The Amp CHEAP TRICK Oct. 16, The Amp DONAVON FRANKENREITER July 29 & 30, 1904 ZAC BROWN BAND Oct. 17, Daily’s Place Music Hall CARRIE UNDERWOOD Oct. 20, Veterans Memorial WYNONNA JUDD July 29, Orange Park Freedom Fest Arena IYANLA VANZANT Acts of Faith Remix Tour Aug. 2, ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY Oct. 31, Ponte Vedra Concert Florida Theatre Hall WIDESPREAD PANIC Aug. 2, 3 & 4, The Amp RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE Nov. 2, The Florida Theatre WHY DON’T WE Aug. 2, Daily’s Place JUKEBOX HERO Nov. 10, The Florida Theatre DIRTY HEADS, 311 Aug. 4, Daily’s Place SARA BAREILLES Nov. 22, Daily’s Place MOE., BLUES TRAVELER, G. LOVE Aug. 7, Daily’s JOHN OATES & the GOOD ROAD BAND Nov. 24, Ponte LYLE LOVETT & HIS LARGE BAND Aug. 9, Florida Theatre Vedra Concert Hall NICK JORDAN Aug. 13, Jack Rabbits A PETER WHITE CHRISTMAS: EUGE GROOVE, VINCENT REBELUTION, PROTOJE, COLLIE BUDDZ Aug. 14 & 15, INGALA, LINDSEY WEBSTER Dec. 10, Ponte Vedra The Amp Concert Hall BRAD PAISLEY, CHRIS LANE, RILEY GREEN Aug. 16, CELINE DION Jan. 8, Veterans Memorial Arena Daily’s Place KANSAS: Point of Know Return Tour Feb. 1, The Florida UMPHREY’S McGEE, MAGIC CITY HIPPIES Aug. 17, Theatre The Amp AL STEWART Feb. 14, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall STEWART TUSSING Aug. 17, Mudville Music Room BUSH, LIVE, OUR LADY PEACE Aug. 18, Daily’s Place PENTATONIX, RACHEL PLATTEN Aug. 24, Daily’s VAMPIRE WEEKEND, CHRISTONE ‘KINGFISH’ INGRAM To list your band’s gig, send time, date, location (street, Aug. 25, The Amp city or neighborhood), admission and a contact number 40th Anniversary Tour: ORCHESTRAL MANOEUVRES in to Marlene Dryden, email mdryden@folioweekly.com or the DARK Aug. 30, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall 45 W. Bay St., Ste. 103, Jacksonville FL 32202. Items PETER FRAMPTON, JASON BONHAM Sept. 4, Daily’s are included on a space-available basis. Deadline is noon Wednesday for next Wednesday publication.
Photos by Devon Sarian
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o say that Jamal Oakes has cultivated a diverse array of professional interests would be an understatement. For two decades, the Philly-born rapper and musician has floated in and out of Jacksonville’s hip hop and rock scenes. His punk-hip hop hybrid project, Askmeificare, was able to successfully speak to several audiences. Over the years, Oakes has earned a reputation for outspokenness and verbal dexterity to rival almost anyone else. Now he’s taking his skills into a new venture: His carry-out wing joint, Trap House Chicken, opened in Arlington late last month—in the same storefront where Askmeificare used to rehearse. THC has a decidedly “urban” aesthetic that blends in well with its surroundings. It’s nestled between a laundromat and a convenience store on Justina Road, about 1,000 slightly curved feet from Merrill Road. In between are apartment complexes like the Villager, the Caroline and Miramar, which all have unique histories, not all of which are particularly pleasant. The strip embodies the faded glory of 1980s Arlington. “I’ve had this building since May, and I have had to fight,” Oakes told Folio Weekly, with exasperation still fresh in his voice. “Zoning, permits, city hall, everything. Because this was an existing restaurant, but they didn’t do it the right way, so I had to go file an exception ... I’ve been going
through it, trying to get this place open. They didn’t roadblock me, it was just stuff that I had to do.” The Trap was finally sprung on March 30. “It was hectic,” he said. “We closed at 7 [p.m.], but we had people coming until 8.” Oakes’ wife and son work there, and it was their first day as well. He also employs young men from the neighborhood, who are learning not just about food but about life. “We’re starting young,” Oakes quipped with a laugh. His apprentices can be seen running around, bringing food to patrons and promoting the business outside by flaunting branded T-shirts. The uniforms are eye-catching to be sure, all canary yellow and neon green, adorned with the company’s logo: a (trap) house and star crafted to spec by local artist Eddie B. Oakes has paid close attention to branding in every aspect of his career. THC (get it?) is no different. “Everybody does the ghetto chicken,” he said, “and I’m, like, ‘No!’ I’m not doing no chicken with a gun, I’m not having a chicken with a gold chain.” Oakes opted instead for a slightly more subtle drug-den theme, reinforced in the names given to some of their items. For example, THC offers fried, thick-cut potatoes smothered in melted cheese and chunks of boneless fried rib chunks; they’re dubbed “crack wedges” for their addictive qualities. Sauce for the fried ribs comes 9.5” at three different levels of heat: “reggie,”
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APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 23
24 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
which is served with a variety of sauces like “mids” and “fiya.” But perhaps the most butter garlic, butter krab and Philly style. habit-forming ingredient is Oakes’ “Kilo Sauce,” a creamy condiment that tastes like a “What separates our chicken from everyone cross between Boursin cheese and fondue. It else’s,” explained Oakes, “is that I wanted comes out cold, but the heat of the food melts to go with flavors that enhance the chicken, it just enough to dip smoothly. (It’s a good versus just regular hot wings, where you fry the idea to always order a couple extra, for later; chicken and cover it with hot sauce.” it goes great on sandwiches.) Like everything Trap House Chicken is only the first of served here, the recipe is a family secret— several business concepts that Oakes hopes don’t bother asking! to roll out in the months and years ahead. They all reflect his long-term goal of uplifting Born in Philly, Oakes moved here some the neighborhood and 15 years ago. The Nathan B. providing a positive example Forrest (now Westside) High TRAP HOUSE CHICKEN for young people who can School grad has spent his fair 2944 Justina Rd., Arlington, share of time at various actual 683-1268, welcometothetrap.com always use more role models. “If we’re profitable, I trap houses around the city, but don’t see why my employees shouldn’t be he’s matured into a husband, father and upmaking $15 an hour,” he said. “I want them and-coming community leader. For him, Trap to be making $50,000 a year. Helping the House Chicken is bigger than just business. community isn’t giving them jobs where “My purpose is showing people in this they still have to be on welfare. Helping the neighborhood that there are other ways than community is giving them jobs where they selling drugs,” Oakes explained. “Anything can can actually start their own businesses, put be a trap, if you’re positive and you’re pushing their kids through college. That’s how you forward and you’re getting money from it. It change a community.” doesn’t have to be drugs. It doesn’t have to be sports. It can be any business that you put THC is a mouthwatering throwback to your mind to, you know? That’s the impact kinder, gentler times, when neighborhood I’m hoping to have on the community.” pride was a thing and local food shacks commanded the same fierce loyalty as college THC’s Southern Fried Baptist wings— football. With the decline of Regency Mall made from a special recipe of Oakes’ dragging the whole area down, Arlington gets mother—lead the menu. These are served a bad rap these days. But the stunning exteriors in increments of five (a nick), 10 (a dime) of Miramar are reminders of how beautiful or 20 (a dub) and can be combined with the area was once. While Jamal Oakes wasn’t exclusive “Duuuval” fried ribs or “Blk Pines” around to witness its glory days, he’s made it shrimp. The name comes from the Mayport his mission to help bring the better aspects of neighborhood where Oakes lived when he those days back. first landed in Northeast Florida, and from where he sources the product today. Between Shelton Hull the high quality and the low price, this is mail@folioweekly.com one of the better seafood deals you’ll find in Subscribe to Folio Weekly’s Food Newsletter Northeast Florida. at folioweekly.com/newsletters The main event, however, is the chicken,
SHELL YEAH! With mallets toward none and OLD BAY for all HERE COMES SUMMER (WHEW! SPRING
went by fast!). And it’s the time of year to enjoy the virtues of one of the quintessential foods of spring and summer: the blue crab. Though live blue crabs are not widely available down here in the 904, where I’m from, they’re the kings of spring and summer seafood. The Chesapeake Bay, which splits Maryland’s Western Shore, aka Baltimore/D.C. Loop, and its historical, genteel Eastern Shore, is home to the indisputably best crabs on the planet. They are, of course, blue crabs, renowned worldwide for their delicate, succulent flavor and exquisite texture. When I was a kid, the extended family would pack into our non-air-conditioned cars during the sweltering summer months and head to the bay. We were not seeking standard fun in the sun beaches or puttputt golf. Instead, we were headed toward the creeks which empty into the greater Chesapeake estuary. It was there that the crab shacks stood—or more likely, leaned. These were old clapboard structures, precariously purchased on ancient rotting wooden docks. In the summer heat, folks like us flocked to gorge ourselves on as much hot, Old Bayseasoned, steamed blue crab and beer (no doubt National Boh) they could possibly hold. But there was much more to this than eating some crab meat. This was a ritual practiced by generations of locals, a time-honored tradition which involved all of the senses. One did not just stop by and ‘eat some crab.’ These crab shacks were completely open to the outdoors, no windows, just screens and no fancy restaurant amenities, like plates or napkins or tablecloths. You’d sit on old-time picnic tables covered with brown butcher paper. Rolls of paper towels were positioned at each end and, of course, there were several of the most important accessories, small wooden mallets and metal picks. The beer and sodas were delivered in pitchers and the crabs themselves were brought in a large metal pail by a waitress, dumped directly on the table. Often, there was a good-sized hole in the middle of the table, with a big bucket directly below. That’s where we’d toss the few parts of the delicious darlings of the deep we didn’t eat. Now the almost-primeval fun begins.
Everyone grabs several of still-steaming crustaceans, trying not to burn their fingers. They first tear off the hapless creatures’ legs. Mmmm, the aroma of the exposed meat was beyond intoxicating. Now the mallet was raised up for its first blow to those claws; getting the fatty meat from those pinchers wasn’t easy without a fight. The bodies were then dissembled revealing the back-fin lump meat, which we would dip into a mixture of Old Bay seasoning and white vinegar—some locals dipped the meat in melted butter. You have no idea how much I wish I was wrist-deep in this ritual right now! And the crab meat was enhanced with sides such as this tangy barbecue slaw.
Ingredients • 1 cup mayonnaise • 3 tablespoons cider vinegar • 1 tablespoon whole grain mustard • 3/4 teaspoon celery seeds • Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper • One 1-pound head of green cabbage, quartered, cored, shredded; yield 12 cups • 2 carrots, coarsely shredded • 1 fennel, shredded • 6 radishes, shredded • 1 jalapeño, minced • 1 jicama • 2 limes, juiced Directions 1. In a very large bowl, whisk mayonnaise with vinegar, mustard and celery seeds. 2. Season with salt and pepper. Add cabbage and carrots, toss to coat thoroughly. 3. Refrigerate until slightly chilled, about 30 minutes. Toss the coleslaw again; serve. Until we cook again,
Chef Bill Thompson cooking@folioweekly.com _______________________________________
Contact Chef Bill Thompson, owner/chef of Fernandina Beach’s Amelia Island Culinary Academy, by email at cooking@folioweekly. com, to get inspired and be a culinary star! Subscribe to Folio Weekly’s Cooking Newsletter at folioweekly.com/newsletters
FOLIO COOKING’S GROCERY COMMUNITY EARTH FARE 11901 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 250, Arlington GRASSROOTS NATURAL MARKET 2007 Park St., Riverside JACKSONVILLE FARMERS MARKET 1810 W. Beaver St., Westside NASSAU HEALTH FOODS 833 T.J. Courson Rd., Fernandina
NATIVE SUN NATURAL FOODS MARKETS 11030 Baymeadows Rd. 10000 San Jose Blvd., Mandarin 1585 N. Third St., Jax Beach PUBLIX MARKETS 1033 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine 2033 Riverside Ave. 4413 Town Ctr. Pkwy., Ste. 100 THE SAVORY MARKET 474380 S.R. 200, Fernandina
ROWE’S 1670 Wells Rd., Orange Park 8595 Beach Blvd., Southside FERNANDINA BEACH MARKET PLACE Art & Farmers Market, North Seventh Street WHOLE FOODS 10601 San Jose Blvd., Mandarin
YOU MAY HAVE SSEEN EEN EE N THE BILLBOARDS AS you’re driving I-95. There’s a new beer in town, and it’s called Patagonia. The name alone conjures thoughts of high adventure, trekking through distant mountains, Sherpas laden with mountain gear and heroic explorers standing askimbo before their intended conquests. It probably also reminds you of a certain clothing company known to make apparel for those adventurers. Thing is, Patagonia (the beer) has nothing to do with Patagonia (the apparel company). And Patagonia (the apparel company) is spittin’ mad about it. Who’s behind Patagonia beer? None other than the biggest beer purveyor in the land: Anheuser-Busch InBev. In a move Patagonia (apparel) is challenging in a lawsuit, AB InBev acquired trademark rights to the name in 2012. To make matters worse, in the eyes of the clothier, the beer multinational is using a logo strikingly similar to the silhouetted mountain peaks on Patagonia garments. And the treachery doesn’t stop there. AB InBev has taken to marketing its Patagonia (beer) at ski resorts where Patagonia (apparel) is entrenched as a valued and trusted brand. The beer is being sold in popup shops by brand ambassadors sporting beer branded black jackets. To further muddy the waters, all kinds of Patagonia (beer) branded merch are hawked. There are now at least a dozen Patagonia brews. AB InBev has also tried to position Patagonia (beer) as an environmentally conscious brand. Billboards vaunt the claim that, for every case of the brew sold, a tree is planted. It’s another tactic that blurs the line between the beer and the clothing company, which is—surprise!—recognized as an advocate for environmental causes. Patagonia (apparel) execs are so
iincensed by Patagonia (beer) that they have filed suit in California, asking the court to find that the beer behemoth has impinged on their trademark and, in doing so, has diluted their brand. They also allege that AB InBev should never have been able to trademark the Patagonia name. The clothing company seeks restitution to the tune of all profits made by AB InBev on the strength of the Patagonia name (plus punitive damages and legal fees). “AB has done everything possible to make it appear as though this Patagonia beer is sold by Patagonia,” writes the clothier in its lawsuit. AB InBev “tried to connect its beer with environmental conservation by claiming to plant a tree for each case of beer sold, an initiative that Patagonia would welcome but for the fact that AB is clearly attempting to copy Patagonia’s famous brand identity to confuse consumers.” In 2016, Patagonia launched its own Long Root Pale Ale under its Patagonia Provisions label. This first release was recently followed by a Belgian-style wit brew. It’s brewed with coriander, orange peel and an unusual grain which is sustainably farmed. In the lawsuit, Patagonia claims that AB InBev had a representative contact its brewers about the perrennial grain. Only time will tell which company will prevail in the eyes of the law. But in the court of popular opinion, AB InBev isn’t making many friends—especially in the already competitve craft beer community. Marc Wisdom marc@folioweekly.com Subscribe to Folio Weekly’s Beer Newsletter at folioweekly.com/newsletters
1461 Hendricks, San Marco
2670 Rosselle St., Riverside
228 Third St. N., Jax Beach
318 Centre St., Fernandina
ANCIENT CITY BREWING 3420 Agricultural Ctr. Dr.
1100 Ellis Rd. N., Northside
725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 3
1012 King St., Downtown
BOG BREWING COMPANY 218 W. King St., St. Augustine
109 E. Bay St.
BOTTLENOSE BREWING 9700 Deer Lake Ct., Southside
77 Bridge St., St. Augustine
ENGINE 15 DOWNTOWN 633 Myrtle Ave. N.
1500 Beach Blvd., Jax Beach
FISHWEIR BREWING CO. 1183 Edgewood Ave. S., Jacksonville
1740 Main St. N., Springfield
929 E. Bay St., Downtown
300 Anastasia Blvd., St. Augustine
12 Blanding Blvd., Orange Park
9735 Gate Pkwy., Southside
463646 S.R. 200, Yulee
1312 Beach Blvd., J.B.
207 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach
1229 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach
14965 Old St. Augustine Rd., Ste. 129, Southside 1636 Main St. N., Northside
RUBY BEACH BREWING 131 First Ave N., Jax Beach
RIVER CITY BREWING CO. 835 Museum Cir., Southbank
2385 Corbett St., Northside
4100 Baymeadows Rd.
APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 25
FOLIO PETS Behind every good human is an AWESOME PET waiting to share its story
LOCAL PET EVENTS & ADOPTABLES S SAFARI EGGscursion • It’s a non-traditional egg hhunt–guests search for egg signs in areas of the zoo, bbased on their age. There are prize drawings, a DJ, bbunny ear crafts, relay races, lawn games, goodie bags aand a visit from that hoppin’ dude himself, the Easter BBunny. It’s from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 at Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, 370 Zoo Pkwy., Northside, Ja 757-4463, jacksonvillezoo.org. Free with regular zoo admission. Proceeds benefit zoo programs.
ancestral pedigree roots can be traced back to ancient times, but the noble greyhound is one who can. Greyhounds have been around for about 3,500 years and are believed to have mingled with ancient Egyptians and Greeks. They’re even mentioned in the Bible (Proverbs 30:29-31, Old Testament). Above all, greyhounds are sprinters at heart, but when they’re not running, their favorite thing to do is absolutely nothing, earning them the nickname 40-mph Couch Potatoes. Rather than springing into action at any noise or movement, this breed would rather take leisurely naps on the couch with their favorite human.
Davi: What’s the most interesting thing about you? Grace: I was bred to be an athlete and raced for a year before retiring to the luxury hi-rise life. I favor cool seasons, so I can model my extensive wardrobe. You’re outside for a whole day. What are you doing? I’ll spend two minutes running very fast in a circle and then find a shaded area, dig up some cool dirt and lie down for the rest of the day, and wonder why I can’t go upstairs to my comfy couch. Do you have a special talent? I do what’s called roaching. I jump up on the couch, roll on my back with my legs straight up—I look like a dead roach. I can hold the position for hours. You know I’m fully committed when my tongue hangs out of my mouth. Tell me something about greyhounds that would surprise folks. We greyhounds have a special universal blood type, which makes us ideal blood donors. Many volunteer greyhounds go to clinics and give blood regularly. What’s your favorite food? I love marshmallows! Would you rather chase or be chased? When I raced, I often finished last. Not 26 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
because I was slow—I’m actually superfast, but I liked to chase other dogs, so I’d hang back from the pack and run right up their heels. Where is your happy place? The couch! What accomplishment of yours makes you proudest? My ability to fall asleep anywhere, no matter what’s going on around me. I once slept through the Jazz Festival. How do you show people you care? When I like someone, my tail wags a mile a minute! I also shake my head and bottom at the same time. Weird, right? What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? I’m often told I’m beautiful and sleek. Mom calls it “supermodel chic.” In what way would you make the world a better place? I’d teach people to just stop, roll over and relax. What makes you feel thankful? As a dog who suffers from separation anxiety, I’m most thankful for places that make me comfortable, like home. In one word, describe your family. Love. I never expected to learn so much about greyhounds, but here I am, brimming with knowledge about this remarkable breed. Spending time with Grace has taught me so much about the finer points of this gentle companion breed—they’re almost like royalty! And there are so many in shelters and Humane Societies ready to join your happy family! Davi April is National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month, so it’s the perfect time to make a new fast friend. If you’re looking for a friendly, gentle dog with plenty of love to give, an elegant greyhound may be the right pet for you!
STRAIGHT UP, NOW TELL ME: do you really wanna love me purr-ever? I’m Paula, and I like to think I was named for Ms. Abdul, my fave pop icon. JHS is cool, but I’d love to have a bigger space to relax, and take naps. I’m quite a chill gal who’d like to unwind from a long day with my hooman by my side. Come by 8464 Beach Blvd. and meet me today! I’ll be fur-ever your girl, so Rush Rush! EASTER ADOPTION SPECIAL • At Jax Humane Society, pick an egg to reveal your special pet adoption price, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 20 and 21 at Jacksonville Humane Society, 8464 Beach Blvd., Southside, 765-8766, jaxhumane.org. FIRST COAST CLASSICAL DRESSAGE SHOW • The schooling show is 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 20 at Jacksonville Equestrian Center, 13611 Normandy Blvd., Westside, 255-4254, fccds.org, jaxequestriancenter. com. And as always, admission and parking are free. COMMUNITY ANIMAL COMMUNICATION READINGS • Constance Frankenberg offers half-hour readings, $45, at Salty Paws Healthy Pet Market, 677 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, by appointment only, call for dates, 800-588-3659, constancefrankenberg.com. BYOB PUGS • Bring Your Own Breed honors this cute breed, 6:30-8:30 p.m. April 19 at Kanine Social, 580 College St., Brooklyn, 712-6363, kaninesocial.com. Noon-2 p.m. it’s Bring Your Own Corgis!
ROMEO, ROMEO … could you be my Romeo? I promise we’ll have a happy ending! I’m a sweet, polite senior girl looking for someone to cuddle. If you’re willing to share your Pup-Peroni, even better. Let’s meet at Jacksonville Humane Society! I’ll be waiting for you in Suite 6. DOGGONE EASTER EGG HUNT • Friends of Clay County Animals and Woof Gang Bakery host the seventh annual hunt, with Easter Bunny photo ops, bounce house, bake sale, silent auction, raffles, food truck and flyball demos, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 20 at Orange Park Town Hall, 2042 Park St., friendsofclaycounty animals.org. Proceeds benefit FOCCA programs. SPIRIT THE R.E.A.D. DOG • Kids practice reading to Spirit, a therapy dog who loves to listen, 2:30-3:30 p.m. April 24 at Beaches Branch Library, 600 Third St., Neptune Beach, 241-1141, jaxpubliclibrary.org. PET PHOTO SHOOT • A fundraiser for Pit Sisters, a rescue, rehab and outreach nonprofit facility helping bully-breed dogs, is 6 p.m. April 24, Hotel Indigo, 9840 Tapestry Park Cir., Southside, pitsisters.com. Sign up at agoldphoto.com.
NEWS OF THE WEIRD OR IT COULD DRY UP & BLOW AWAY … PUNK In Raleigh, N.C., residents of The Dakota apartment complex are strolling more easily after management hired the company PawzLife. On March 22, The Raleigh News & Observer reported residents were disgusted with the amount of dog feces on the sidewalks and green spaces at the complex. So management turned to a high-tech solution: Residents who own dogs are required to bring them to a “pup party,” where PawzLife collects their DNA with a simple saliva swipe and creates a “unique DNA profile” for each dog. The company then hits the neighborhood to pick up stray poop, and owners whose dogs match the poop DNA are fined $100/offense. PawzLife owner Matthew Malec said, “We’re just trying to make the Earth a little bit better to live on.” JESUS! TAKE THE WHEEL Traffic on a street in LA’s Koreatown neighborhood came to a virtual stop as two cars engaged in a legendary standoff over a parking space on April 1. Fox News reported Mariah Flores, who was positioned across the street, documented the entire two-hour dispute on Twitter, as the “black car” and the “silver car” jockeyed to parallel park in one open spot along the sidewalk. As horns honked and tensions mounted, a “plot twist” changed the whole dynamic: The owner of a third vehicle, parked in front of the empty space, left, leaving room for the other cars to park. The drivers quickly positioned their vehicles but sat in their cars for a while. “Like, are they afraid of each other or is it just awkward now?” Flores asked. Finally, the driver of the silver car emerged, prompting Flores’ comment, “SILVER takes the gold.” A PAGE RIGHT OUTTA HISTORY San Francisco philanthropist Florence Fang, 84, is being sued by the city of Hillsborough over the “Flintstones” home and grounds she has in the suburb. Fang bought the oddly shaped 1976 house in 2017. Now it’s painted purple and red, has a large “Yabba Dabba Do” sign near the driveway, and Fang’s put dinosaur and mushroom figurines, plus Fred Flintstone himself, in the yard. “We don’t like it when people build things first, then come in and demand or ask for permission later,” huffed Assistant City Attorney Mark Hudak, who told KTVU Fang didn’t have the proper permits; the property is subject to code violations as well as offending the neighbors’ aesthetic sensibilities. Fang’s attorney Angela Alioto said the home is Fang’s “happy place.” Fang doesn’t live there but entertains and has charitable events. “She’s had an incredible life, and I think it’s wonderful that, at 84 years old, she’s found something that makes her happy,” Alioto told San Mateo Daily Journal. SHHH! GET THE LEASH! Kaz James, 37, from Salford, Greater Manchester, England, has known since he was little that he was different from other people. “I didn’t ever feel like a human. I always felt like a dog that was really out of place,” James told Metro News. At 17 years old, he began to understand his peculiarity when he gained access to the internet. “I was known by my friends for ... grabbing … their shirt in my teeth and biting or licking them, very canine-type behaviors,”
DALE RATERMANN’s Folio Weekly Crossword presented by
James said. He eats from a dog bowl and has three custom-made dog suits—one’s a $2,600 Canadian fur suit. “[M]y behaviors were dog-like in childhood, probably from age 6,” he said. “No one talked about it.” YOU’RE A GROWN-ASS MAN–MOVE OUT INSTEAD Carter County, Tennessee, Sheriff ’s Department had strong leads in Edith Betty Ralph’s death on April 6. The strongest? The way her son, John Christopher Ralph, 51, acted. He’d been living with her and often bitched to friends and family she was “driving him crazy.” “The night of Mrs. Ralph’s murder, John asked co-workers to take pictures of him at work, saying that if anything happened to his mother, he’d need an alibi,” according to the sheriff ’s department. ABC News reported Edith, 75, was dead from severe head trauma and gunshot wounds. John was nabbed at Atlanta’s HartsfieldJackson International Airport, ready to board a flight for Amsterdam. He’s held on a $1 million bond. KMART SHELL GAME When you buy a new home, you get new stuff to put in it. In early April, Andrew Francis Lippi, 59, of Key Haven, bought an $8 million private island, Thompson Island, off Key West. It includes a large estate once owned by philanthropist Edward B. Knight. On April 6, Lippi was charged with felony grand theft for stealing $300 worth of home goods from Kmart—two coffeemakers, eight lightbulbs and a bed skirt. His clever method? He’d buy the items, then return their boxes with other things inside, according to the Miami Herald. Lippi, speaking to the Herald, denied the charges and said, “ … it has to do with a commercial dispute. … It’s very complicated and I’d rather not get into it.” He’s scheduled for court April 18. STAND BY YOUR MAN Lauren Jenai, 47, CrossFit cofounder has a new love with an old flame: Franklin Tyrone Tucker, also 47, currently at Florida’s Stock Island Detention Center, waiting trial for first-degree murder and armed robbery. Jenai sold her CrossFit shares for $20 million after divorce; she’s in Portland, Oregon. She and Tucker, childhood pals, reconnected on Facebook before Tucker’s arrest, and she’s risen to his defense, offering to go his $1 million bond (denied in January) and hiring PIs. They haven’t met face-to-face, but used video visitation until, by Jenai’s admission, she “got a little risqué.” Her account suspended, she used her mom’s account, but oops did it again. Tucker and Jenai are scheduled to wed in prison; she told Daily Mail there’s no prenup: It feels “a little inappropriate. ... I trust him. I love him. My house is his house.” SOUNDS LIKE A GLENN FREY SONG The Smuggler’s Inn on Canada View Drive in Blaine, Washington, is a stone’s throw from the border. On April 4, a Canadian court charged owner Robert Joseph Boule, 69, with 21 counts of “inducing, aiding or abetting” seven people trying to illegally enter Canada from May 2018-March 2019. Boule told CBC News it wasn’t unusual to see folks with night-vision goggles sneaking across the border after dark. He is in Canadian custody. weirdnewstips@amuniversal.com
Serving Excellence Since 1928 Member American Gem Society
San Marco 2044 San Marco Blvd. 398-9741
Ponte Vedra
330 A1A North 280-1202
Avondale 3617 St. Johns Ave. 388-5406
Voted Best Jeweler in FW's Best of Jax readers' poll!
35 40
23 25
55 59
48 52
ACROSS 1 Give and take 5 Barflies 9 Crab parts 14 Type of grapes 15 Builder’s map 16 ___ Holland Buckman Bridge 17 Roman “fiddler” 18 Unoccupied 19 Dine at home 20 Start of an April 22 comment 23 First U.S. retailer with an ad featuring a gay couple (in 1994) 24 Choose 25 “Cola Wars” brand 28 For 17+ viewers 31 Approximately 35 Elongated square 37 Time period 38 In stitches 39 Goat’s cry 40 Comment, Part 2 43 72, at Amelia National 44 “___, Brute?” 46 JSO alert 47 Prayer beads 49 Envisions
50 52 53 55 57 63 64 65 67 68 69 70
Mud dauber Sun, for one Python kin UF frat letter End of comment The ___ Purple “You betcha!” Tea choice Tara’s Scarlett Deco designer Tiny iPod Billing cycle, often 71 Active sort 72 Basic idea
13 21 22 25 26 27 29 30 32 33 34 36 41 42 45 48
Dict. entry ___ out a living Courtesy car Some fruits Web discount Home for the Jumbo Shrimp Hit and run, e.g. Stooge ___ Howard Settle up Bee bunch Like a Reuben “Scram!” JU transcript fig. Kanye’s kid PC connection Shielding from the sun
62 66
51 Jolly Roger flier 54 The “O” of O Magazine 56 The second “O” of OTOH 57 Santa sound 58 First U.S. Secretary of Transportation (born in Jax) ___ Boyd 59 Watched 60 Flying prefix 61 Palm berry 62 Desires 63 Follower of 66-Down 66 Preceder of 63-Down
DOWN 1 IRS ID 2 Misfortunes 3 Tim Tebow’s ambience SOLUTION TO 4.10.19 PUZZLE 4 Stipulation S A C K S A L T N O M S G I K E A E L A T E A L A I 5 Grudge H E R O N C O R M O R A N T 6 Passé S T A R E W E S T E M S 7 Fisherman’s E U R O O N U S whopper G U L L E P C O T A B B R A J A R E E Y O R E A N A 8 Stair part P E L I C A N I I I T I N 9 Cut-rate S O T S S A G E T C E T C 10 Crude shelters T E P E E T E R N D Y E S P I E R D R N O 11 Kick in the game H O D D D A Y A N O D E 12 Duval County S A N D P I P E R E G R E T Court order E L S E T E A R L L A M A D E B U G
APRIL 17-23, 2019 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | 27
FOLIO WEEKLY helps you connect with a person you’ve seen and want to get to know. Go to folioweekly.com/i-saw-u.html, fill out the FREE form correctly (40 words or fewer, dammit) by 5 p.m. THURSDAY for the next Wednesday’s FW.
An especially great day this week: Wednesday, April 17 is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH DAY and a PRINCESS’ BIRTHDAY! (It’s her seventh 27th birthday!! Love you, Abs!) Thursday, April 18 is Newspaper Columnists Day and National High-Five Day (down low; too slow). 4/20 (get it? heh heh) is Look Alike Day (look like who?), 4/22 is National Jelly-Bean Day. Then … you know it: Find love with FW’s ISUs.
Each submission must include your real, full name. (No goofy aliases; we toss bogus ones.) Real address, city, state & ZIP, contact phone number and your real birthday. (It’s an Excel thing.) None of that stuff is printed. Start with a five-word headline so they’ll recall you and/ or the event. Then, describe them, yourself, other folks if applicable, and what happened or didn’t happen, so they recognize magical moments. NO MORE THAN 40 WORDS! (We toss ’em if you go over.) Make it interesting. (None of this ‘you were cute. I wore a black T-shirt.’) Tell when and where the ‘sighting’ was and BAM! True love–or a reasonable facsimile–is within your grasp! Email the whole thing to mdryden@ folioweekly.com (a real person); grab the next FW issue and get ready to pitch and woo! Find love with Folio Weekly’s legendary ISUs! ATTRACTIVE CHURCH WOMAN Your group sat in front of me. You: Attractive, long hair, glasses, beverage. We locked eyes near sermon’s end. I’ll sit in same area next few Thursdays. I go to 5:22 Sunday services, too. Coffee sometime? When: March 21. Where: Church of Eleven22, San Pablo. #1725-0417
YOU CAME OUTTA NOWHERE... Want to hold hands again and stroll under the nighttime sky & live that Nick13 song. You make these Kentucky knees weak when you kiss me. Nothing worth having comes easily; you’re worth the wait, W. When: Dec. 2018. Where: Had my sights on you for months now. #1719-0313
BE MY ENDGAME? MCU CAPTURE You: Buttery bowtie alpha stud manager. Me: Thanos purple high-tops, interested in your gauntlet. Rewind time, never stop, soul search this reality, use this space, see where this power takes us? More theories if interested. When: April 3. Where: Regal Avenues 20. #1724-0410
TINSELTOWN LINE FOR PIZZA We were in line, talking. I don’t want anything I can’t have, but I feel like we had a connection. I’d like to talk more. And I forgot to say Happy Valentine’s Day. When: Feb. 14. Where: Tinseltown Cinema. #1719-0220
TRAFFIC CONE TROUBLE You: Trying to lure a pesky orange traffic cone out from under your front bumper. Me: Lent a hand, wrestled an obtrusive pylon out; you cutely muttered of being embarrassed. I’m free next Friday if you run it over again. When: March 29. Where: Gate Parkway Starbucks. #1723-0403 SHRINERS CIRCUS JUMP ROPE MIME You: Being a great guy helping the mime/ clown. Me: Blown away by your jump-roping and your body. The bumbleverse can’t keep up with me, but I think you could. Didn’t see a ring; single? When: March 17, 1 p.m. Where: Shriners Circus. #1722-0403 MAYORS RACE, DONATING BLOOD, LAKEWOOD You: Braces, with dog. Me: Eating clam chowder. Any chance you are free for coffee, breakfast or happy hour? When: March 9. Where: Riverside Publix. #1721-0320 SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE WANTS I’d like to meet a smart, handsome man. I like golf, tennis and disco dancing. I’m retired, no small kids. If you enjoy the same things, let’s meet and see what develops! We’ll discuss when & where when you reply. #1720-0313. 28 | FOLIOWEEKLY.com | APRIL 17-23, 2019
DOWNSTAIRS BAR You: Ball cap, T-shirt, shorts. Me: Longlegged woman, shorts, teal tank, sat by you, didn’t like your first name. Our eyes did the talking; love at first sight. You’ve taken my breath away ever since; my moon and stars. When: July 2018. Where: Julington Creek Fish Camp. #1718-0220 BALLSY BLUE TACOMA Me: Brunette walking briskly north, jeans, brown jacket. You: Ballsy man, slowly drove by, whistling. Wish I’d talked ;) you made me smile. I’m more than my excellent arse. Let’s ride off-road! When: 11:40 a.m. Feb. 2. Where: 8th Ave. N., Jax Beach. #1717-0213 DANCING TO MY MUSIC! Me: Parked at Yobe, pink hair. You: With pal, going in Ted’s, jamming to my music; pointed at me, stared. Thought of asking your number; I chickened. I smile thinking about it. When: Jan. 19. Where: Ted’s Montana Grill, OP. #1716-0123 DESSERT, DRINKS, bb’s We moved so you could sit with your friends. Glad you did. My GF gave her number to guy beside us; it’s cool I gave you mine. Like to hear from you. Unmistakable electricity, flirtation; get in touch. When: Dec. 26. Where: bb’s. #1715-0109
ARIES (March 21-April 19): French writer Simone de Beauvoir sent a letter to her lover, Aries author Nelson Algren. She wrote, “I like so much the way you are so greedy about life and yet so quiet, your eager greediness and your patience, and your way of not asking much of life and yet taking much because you are so human and alive that you find much in everything.” Embody that state in the weeks ahead. In my astrological opinion, you are mandated to be utterly relaxed and totally thrilled; satisfied with what life brings and skillfully avid to extract the most out of it; at peace with what you already have and primed to get much more. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The Beat Generation of American poets arose in the late 1940s as a rebellion against materialistic mainstream culture and academic poetry. It embraced sexual liberation, Eastern spirituality, ecological awareness, political activism and psychedelic drugs. One of its members, Jack Kerouac, tweaked and ennobled the word “beat” to serve as the code name for their movement. In its old colloquial usage, “beat” meant tired or exhausted. But Kerouac re-consecrated it to mean “upbeat” and “beatific,” borrowing from the Italian word beato, translated as “beatific.” You’re on the verge of a similar transition, from the old meaning of “beat” to the new. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Scattered through the ordinary world, there are books, artifacts and perhaps people who are like doorways into impossible realms, of impossible and contradictory truth.” Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges said that, and now you have it, just in time to enter a phase when such doorways will be more available. Use Borges’ counsel as a reminder to be alert for everyday situations and normal people to lead you to intriguing experiences, extraordinary revelations and life-changing blessings. CANCER (June 21-July 22): The FreeWill Astrology Committee to Boldly Promote Cancerian’s Success is glad to see you’re not waiting for opportunities to come to you. You’re tracking them down and proactively wrangling them into a form that’s workable for you. You seem to have realized what you had assumed was your fair share isn’t actually fair; you want and deserve more. Though you’re not being mean and manipulative, nor are you overly nice and amenable; you’re pushing harder to do things your way. I approve! I endorse your efforts to take it even further. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Many experts who’ve studied the art and science of running fast believe it’s best if a runner’s legs are symmetrical and identical in their mechanics. That theory isn’t supported by the success of champion sprinter Usain Bolt. Because he’s suffered from scoliosis, his left leg is a half-inch longer than his right. With each stride, his left leg stays on the track longer than his right, and his right hits the track with more force. Some scientists speculate this unevenness not only doesn’t slow him down, but may enhance his speed. In accordance with current astrological variables, you’ll be able to thrive on your asymmetry in the weeks ahead, just as Bolt does. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo adventurer Jason Lewis traveled the world using transportation powered solely by his own body. He walked, bicycled, skated, rowed, pedaled and swam more than 46,000 miles. Make him your role model for the next four weeks. You’re primed to accomplish gradual breakthroughs through the use of simple, persistent, incremental actions. Harnessing your physical vitality’s power is an important factor for success.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Curcumin is a chemical in the plant turmeric. When ingested by humans, it may diminish inflammation, lower the risk of diabetes, support cardiovascular health and treat digestive disorders. But there’s a problem: the body is inefficient in absorbing and using curcumin–unless it’s ingested along with piperine, a chemical in black pepper. Then it’s far more available. What’s the symbolic equivalent to curcumin in your life? An influence that could be good for you, but would be even better if you synergized it with an additional influence? And what’s the symbolic equivalent of that additional influence? It’s time to investigate. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “I have the usual capacity for wanting what may not even exist,” wrote poet Galway Kinnell. How abut you? Do you have an uncanny ability to long for hypothetical, invisible, mythical and illusory things? If so, downplay that amazing power for a while. It’s crucial for your future development that you focus on yearning for actual experiences, real people and true possibilities. I’m not suggesting you’re bad or wrong for having impossible desires. Just saying that for now, thrive on being attracted to things truly available. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in,” wrote Sagittarian novelist Jane Austen. I’m guessing you’ve had that experience–maybe more than usual, of late. You’ll soon find ways to express those embryonic feelings. Congrats in advance! You’ll find secrets you’ve been hiding from you. You’ll get information that will make it easier to understand the whole story. Your unconscious mind reveals the rest of what it’s so far merely hinted. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): All over the world, rivers and lakes are drying up. Water sources are shrinking. Droughts are more common and prolonged. Why? Mostly due to climate change. The good news? Lots of people are responding to the crisis with alacrity. Among them is an engineer in India, Ramveer Tanwar. Since 2014, he’s organized efforts leading to the rejuvenation of 12 dead lakes and ponds. Make him your role model for the coming weeks. I hope he inspires you to engage in idealistic pursuits to benefit others. I hope you’re motivated to foster fluidity and flow everywhere you go. The astrological time is ripe. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The blogger Caramelizee offered her definition of elegance: “being proud of both your feminine and masculine qualities; seeing life as a non-ending university and learning everything you can; caring for yourself with tender precision; respecting and taking advantage of silences; tuning in to your emotions without being oversensitive; owning your personal space and being generous enough to allow other people to own their personal space.” This definition is apropos and useful for Aquarians in the weeks ahead. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Pisceans have been summoning heroic levels of creative intensity, working extra hard and extra smart. You haven’t been fully recognized or appreciated for your efforts. Don’t let it discourage you from continuing to express great integrity and authenticity. Keep pushing for your noble cause and offering your best gifts. And though you may not have reaped all the benefits you’ll sow, three months from now you’ll be glad you pushed so hard to be such a righteous servant of the greater good. Rob Brezsny freewillastrology@freewillastrology.com
readers have routinely chimed in to ask about the evolution of our state’s cannabis scene. Ever since Amendment 2 went into effect in January 2017, most everyone has wanted to know when–and if–Florida would make the jump from medical marijuana to recreational reefer. Hard answers have been elusive, for the most part. However, a recent stroll through historic St. Augustine went a long way toward clarifying those matters. It has always been the presumption that pro-pot activists would attempt a petition drive to get medical marijuana on the ballot in 2020–an effort that, one assumes, would be successful. Yet I had heard nothing specific until last Wednesday, and it happened entirely at random. “Medium” Jim Minion and I were walking to Casa de Vino 57 for #FindYourFolio Happy Hour gathering (nice place, by the way) when we encountered a young man with a clipboard in his hand and a dream in his heart. He was pushing petitions to legalize the stuff recreationally. We, of course, filled them out while he brought me up to speed on the matter. As it turns out, the petition drive was launched last June. The fact that neither you nor I had heard a word about it until now is not a good sign, of course. Our interlocutor explained that his merry band of pot activists–they’re called Regulate Florida–is vastly understaffed and thus generating signatures at a disappointing pace. They have until Feb. 1, 2020 to produce 750,000 signatures. In the past 10 months, they’ve gotten only about 20,000. Surely that will change as they build momentum and money-marks affix themselves to the cause. Between Surterra, Knox and Trulieve, the weed lobby should
have no problem fi nding funds to float more volunteers up in them streets. One would expect guys like John Morgan and good ol’ Roger Stone to start publicizing these efforts as we get into summer. I’ve looked around and asked around in the days since, but so far, no one I know has seen any petitions being collected anywhere except in St. Augustine. Nothing in Five Points, nothing at the Beach(es) and nothing Downtown at ArtWalk–not yet, anyway. But, folks, this is the only path forward at the mo. Remember, a recent bill to fully legalize died a quiet death in the state legislature a couple weeks ago, as Governor Ron DeSantis was mum on the matter. At the current pace, Regulate Florida needs to average about 2,600 signatures every day for the next 10 months to make the ballot. If it happens, if voters are given the choice, passage seems inevitable. But crunch time is coming (actually, it’s already here), and Regulate Florida needs all the help it can get. If you’d like to sign up, or to help others sign up, go to regulatefl orida. com and get those deets, dilly-dilly, be he a stud or she be a filly. If you support full legalization–and I know you do–then it’s all hands on deck. NOW!
Shelton Hull mail@folioweekly.com
(Note: We’re debuting a semi-regular Folio Weed segment on WJCT’s First Coast Connect. The first one is at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 17, and then one airs every couple weeks thereafter. Segments will be archived online at wjct.org. Tell us what you think!) Subscribe to the Folio Weed Newsletter at folioweekly.com/newsletters
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everything out there to lose weight? If so, an old-school method may be the best way for you to achieve and maintain your weight-loss goals. Just like there are laws that apply to nature such as gravity, there are laws that apply to successful weight loss. Let’s dive right in. PROVEN PRINCIPLE NO. 1: Create a Calorie Deficit ‘Calories in, calories out’ is a triedand-true way of eating to achieve weight loss, no matter what eating plan you choose. It all comes down to you “creating a calorie deficit” which has proved to help you lose weight. Studies show that going over your calorie count by as little as 50 to 100 calories each day can add up to a weight gain of up to six pounds a year. This principle rang true in my own quest to lose weight and maintain that loss. I joined a weight-loss program, lost 10 pounds and was nicely kicked out because they thought I was too small to start with. Needless to say, I gained it all back, plus some. So, I started running races. But that didn’t do the trick either, since I would go home to nacho dip and banana pudding. After giving a number of diets and
exercises a try, I finally decided to try what I had outright rejected for years: calorie counting. To my delight, I lost 42 pounds in three months and, 10 years later, I’m still maintaining. You can find calorie calculators online. PROVEN PRINCIPLE NO. 2: What You Eat Matters Choosing to eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can help to stave off your hunger pangs with a greater feeling of being satisfied. Eating nutrient-dense foods makes you feel fuller and more satisfied; it also increases how long you feel satisfied. Which goes right back to ‘calories in, calories out.’ If you’re feeling less hungry between meals, this could decrease your desire to snack. Those little candies between meals really add up. A piece of candy here, a glass of soda there can add several unwanted pounds throughout the year. In addition to protein, fruits, vegetables and grains, your calories should consist of 35 percent fat (less than 10 percent from saturated fat) and less than 10 percent from added sugars. Sodium intake should be no more than 2,400 mg a day (1 teaspoon
of salt equals 2,000 mg). Example: For a 1,600 calorie diet, you would eat six servings of grains, three servings of vegetables, two servings of fruits, two to three servings from the milk group, five ounces of meat, no more than 53 fat grams (less than 10 percent from saturated fat), and no more than six teaspoons of added sugar. PROVEN PRINCIPLE NO. 3: Mindful Eating Remember what your mother told you about “chewing your food well”? There is actual research to back her up. One study showed greater weight loss in those who slowed down and actually chewed their food thoroughly before swallowing it. Being mindful and slowing down while paying attention to the color, fragrance, taste and even texture of your food can make a notable difference in allowing your stomach time to tell your brain that you are full. Practicing this could mean fewer calories eaten and a lower number on your scale. PROVEN PRINCIPLE NO. 4: Drink “Enough” Water Finally, drinking enough water is another way to help you lose
weight. Studies have proved that drinking water between meals can reduce your hunger and drinking water right before meals can increase feelings of fullness. So drink a glass of water before each meal to fill up faster and eat fewer calories. You can use an online water intake calculator to get the specific water intake required for your weight and exercise level. The general amount for most people is six to eight glasses of water each day. These four proven principles, along with 150 minutes of exercise each week, can help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss throughout your lifetime. Now you have some solid tools for weight loss success. Go ahead and give it a try. I know you can do it! Patricia Harrell mail@folioweekly.com _______________________________________
Harrell, a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and a Certified Health Education Specialist, is a University of North Florida Master of Public Health graduate student. She lives in St. Johns County.
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