Does anyone else have to dig deep into the memory vault to recall the last
Some wrap them in tissue paper as a makeshift ghost, others just hand them
time they went trick-or-treating? It’s kind of like trying to reminisce about
out as is. If you’re lucky and live near a pristine baker, some people even
those endless hours of playing outside as a kid — you know it was a thing, but
leave out boozy candies or desserts.
the specifics elude you, right? Parents or non-parents (over the age of 21, of course) hit the streets of their Now as grown-ups without little goblins of our own, what exactly is the game
neighborhood for a night of mingling and mischief. Think of it as a traveling
plan for Halloween? I mean, post-college life has left me with zero enthusiasm
cocktail party. You and your neighbors get to revel in the joy of donning cos-
for house parties, and I’ve learned to steer clear of the chaos at the Beaches
tumes, teaming up with kindred spirits and taking the cul-de-sac by storm.
bars on this haunted night. So what’s a responsible adult to do?
(Plus, free drinks?)
The answer is simple.
Certain hosts have even taken the “trick or treat” tradition to a whole new level by crafting a medley of boozy concoctions, each served in a shot glass.
You go trick-or-treating … with a twist.
Among these creations, some are bound to be wickedly awful (trick), while others are scrumptiously delightful (treat). But here’s the kicker: once you
Now, as I mentioned, I have no ghouls or goblins of my own (thank god), but
make your selection, you’re committed to downing it before you move on to
I do live in a nice area where trick-or-treaters frequent. So starting last year,
the next residence.
my boyfriend and I decided: to hell with house parties! Let’s be responsible adults and give candy to little kids (in the least sinister way possible). But let
Not only is it fun to relive the golden days, but it’s also an excellent means to
me just tell you … it was boring as hell. I mean, seriously. You just sit in a lawn
foster connections with your neighbors, either as a host or as a creepy (bar)
chair attempting to make small talk with the parents while their devils ransack
your candy bowl. Regrettably, my neighborhood hasn’t quite caught the drift of adult trick-orSo why do the kids get to have all the fun on this fright night? That’s a hypo-
treating just yet. But that’s perfectly fine; every grand tradition has to start
thetical question.
somewhere, and in this case, it’s with yours truly. With that in mind, if you’re feeling as weary as I am of Halloween house parties and packed, perspira-
Adult trick-or-treating – What a wonderful idea.
tion-soaked bars, why not be the spark for your neighborhood? I’m willing to bet they’ll relish the idea just as much as you do.
I had not yet heard of this last Halloween, and it wasn’t until our last editorial meeting that I realized adult trick-or-treating is in fact a very real and very exciting thing. After a lap (or two) around the neighborhood and after the parents put their gremlins to sleep, that’s when the party starts. Halloween bowls are refilled, but not with candy — with shooters.