Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) was established in 1939 and is the humanitarian solidarity organisation of the labour movement. The base of our organisation is firmly rooted in fundamental values of the labour movement. It was founded at a time when democracy was challenged in Europe and dictatorship was on the advance. Democracy is crucial for people to defend their legitimate rights. The values of NPA are based on equal rights for all, irrespective of sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and social status. Hence, it is imperative for the organisation to be known for its work against prejudice and for social inclusion. Norwegian People’s Aid should be a credible and courageous organisation with opinions based on knowledge and experience from practical work; an organisation challenging power and injustice in cooperation with oppressed groups. SOLIDARITY IN Action characterises our work and engagement. This means everyone in NPA should show responsibility as individuals within the framework of a community. Norwegian People’s Aid prioritises recruitment of young people and to provide them space in the organisation. Young people are often important agents for change. NPA Youth is free to develop independent positions as long as these are not in conflict with the values and statutes of NPA. Young people should have opportunity to participate on their own terms in all our activities. NPA Youth will contribute to engaging activities and arenas for debate within a safe and drug-free environment.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
I. A World View
Globalisation has led to concentration of power and resources in a few hands. It has also provided increased opportunities for individuals and organisations to establish contact across national borders. The challenge is to develop regulations and democratic organisations that can improve local governance, nationally and internationally. The unequal distribution of power influences who will be listened to and what decisions will be taken. Strong popular participation and organisation is crucial to change power relations. Women’s power must increase to enable them to participate on equal terms with men. Just development means promoting a society that is good to live in for all. Sustainable development requires increased democratic control over natural resources, sound global agreements and local management. This applies to the access to, the framework for extraction of resources and how income from such operations is distributed. There is a growing tendency for private companies to control these resources to the detriment of common interests. Strategic natural resources belong to the community at large and should benefit everyone. The interests of both men and women must be taken into consideration. Hence, it is essential that the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international financial institutions refrain from demanding conditions in their restructuring programmes that reduce communities’ access and ownership to these resources. A just distribution of power and resources provides sound social development and social equalisation. The market has taken over many responsibilities earlier handled by the state. Many public services are exposed to competition and privatisation. Norwegian People’s Aid is against any development where access to important welfare services are dependent on financial and social status.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
Violence is currently one of the greatest challenges we are facing. This is expressed in various ways. Usually, violence is linked to armed conflicts across national borders, civil wars and ethnic or religious conflicts. It is also violence to allow large parts of the world’s population to live in poverty, and that power and resources are gathered in few hands. Women’s exposure to violence increases due to the uneven division of power and resources between the sexes. People who are exposed to violence can be important actors in work to combat violence and harassment, but they need help and support to do so. Violence in close relationships is as unacceptable as violence in society at large. The transition from war to peace is difficult. With peace, new challenges arise. Countries and communities are very vulnerable in the aftermath of a conflict. It is crucial that reconstruction and normalisation happen as quickly as possible. This fragility is often exacerbated by the fact that large areas of land are unsafe and cannot be taken into productive use owing to the presence of landmines and other explosive remnants of war. These continue to take lives long after peace agreements have been signed. Reconstruction and normalisation remain impossible until such dangers have been removed. For this reason, clearance rates of these weapons of war must be substantially increased. Access to explosives and handguns contributes to destabilising countries over the longer term and to prolonging hostilities. Issues of migration, development, globalisation and conflict are interlinked. Many are forced from their home countries because of war, hunger or poverty. Most flee to neighbouring countries. The majority of asylum seekers arriving in Norway come from countries in conflict. Many come from countries where Norwegian People’s Aid is engaged in development cooperation or mine- and explosives-clearance work.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
People fleeing their homes are people in crisis. They are entitled to be met with solidarity and respect. There is a marked polarisation in the immigration debate in Norway compared to what it was just a few years ago. This often centres on attitudes and views of humanity – one of the most important value battlegrounds of our time. Our authorities’ perspectives of control and cutbacks contribute to negative attitudes in the population. Asylum seekers, refugees and ethnic minorities come out worst in a number of areas and, in many cases, are not given the rights to which they should be entitled. The voluntary sector plays a significant role in the Norwegian social structure. Voluntary organisations contribute to democratic development and are a guarantor of democracy. Through their members, organisations actively contribute to the wider social community and are an important resource in creating opportunities for exchange. They greatly assist welfare provision and contribute with positive social criticism. The Norwegian search and rescue service is based on the solidarity of neighbour with neighbour. Voluntary organisations constitute a significant resource. The search and rescue service is an example of how the voluntary and public sectors working together may provide security and availability in the event of accident or disaster.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
II. The Role of Norwegian People's Aid
Local chapters and individual members of Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) make important contributions with local social initiatives that are not provided for by the public sector. This is of great important to those who are covered by such initiatives. Mobilisation and participation in important issues are central to the way NPA works. Local chapters and members are involved in influencing local communities to improve people’s daily lives. A huge variety of social tasks is undertaken at local level. NPA should be a bridge-builder between different groups, cultures and generations in local communities. Hence, it is important to organise fora for meaningful exchange. Norwegian People’s Aid cooperates with marginalised and oppressed groups to support their efforts to defend and promote their own interests. Mutual respect and equality is a precondition for cooperation between NPA and our partner organisations, both nationally and internationally. Norwegian People’s Aid shall, through its practical work for solidarity, be a credible and courageous organisation that shows solidarity with other organisations and groups that stand up for their legitimate rights. It is important that NPA challenge power and injustice for the benefit of the common good. Our work is based on solidarity, not on charity.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
III. Key Areas
Norwegian People’s Aid works within two key areas: Just distribution of power and resources, and protection of life and health.
Just Distribution of Power and Resources Democratic development in partnership with popular organisations
An organised civil society is crucial for democracy to be consolidated. Collective organisations do not only represent members’ interests, but help build and protect democracy by holding decision-makers accountable and demanding results, access to information and representation. Norwegian People’s Aid supports organisations around the world that represent people struggling for political and social rights. NPA often engages in societies where democracy is weak or in areas of conflict or post conflict. Popular organising for democracy and organisation-building is a method by which oppressed groups, popular groups and organisations may gain strength and have a say in their local communities or on a national or even an international level. Norwegian People’s Aid will: • Cooperate with popular organisations and civil society to promote democratisation and thus contribute to a more just distribution of power and resources. • Support our partners’ work for land rights and for strategic natural resources to benefit the society at large. • Promote human rights, equality and a just distribution of power and resources between women and men. • Lobby for an increased focus on power and the distribution of resources in Norwegian development policies.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
International solidarity in Norway Cooperation with our partners obliges Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) to raise political views on democracy and the distribution of resources with Norwegian authorities and the Norwegian public. Cooperation with our partners also obliges us to speak on behalf of our partners in national and international conflicts where NPA has a political position. The solidarity work NPA supports internationally provides experience and knowledge that must be further communicated. Hence, it is important to maintain an engagement within the organisation that contributes to developing knowledge about international issues. Our international experience must be consolidated within the organisation at home to create engagement among NPA members. Broad engagement provides legitimacy in relation to Norwegian authorities and helps develop knowledge about international matters among the population at large. Norwegian People’s Aid will: • Contribute to increased engagement and understanding of development issues in the population at large. • Mobilise local chapters, members and partners to develop an opinion in important international issues. • Represent our partners before Norwegian authorities. • Strengthen the engagement in relation to our international work in local chapters and among individual members in Norway. • Give young people and adults an opportunity to show solidarity in action.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
Social inclusion and refugee work Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) is engaged in work to improve the living conditions and rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Norway. It is essential that asylum seekers be granted the rights they are entitled to. Norwegian People’s Aid has amassed a wealth of experience and know ledge from its operation of refugee reception centres, giving the organisation a unique role within work to influence political policy. The combination of practical experience and the focus on rights provides a solid basis for political influence, both in ensuring that the intentions and regulations of the institute of asylum are maintained in relation to people in flight and that those who do not fulfill the necessary criteria are properly treated. Norwegian People’s Aid will fight discrimination on the basis of experience and knowledge. We undertake long-term work to prevent racism, contribute to integration and thus secure an inclusive society. Norwegian People’s Aid will: • Lobby for a framework that will enable us to maintain and strengthen our unique position as an operator of refugee reception centres in Norway. • Strengthen both voluntary and political work to combat racism and discrimination. • Make active contributions through local chapters and members to refugees being integrated in Norwegian society. • Encourage asylum seekers in local refugee reception centres to activity through local chapters and members. • Be a driving force and advocate of rights and proper living conditions for asylum seekers. • Exert a positive influence upon how asylum seekers and asylum policy is talked about in public debate and to counteract untruths and prejudice in particular. • Ensure that unaccompanied minor asylum seekers receive nationwide, independent, competent legal guardian provision. • Assist asylum seekers to promote their own needs and rights. • Work for an acceptable standard of housing in refugee reception centres.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
Protection of Life and Health
Mine- and explosives work Millions of people are exposed to the consequences of armed conflicts. Land mines, cluster munitions and other explosives result in death and destroyed lives. These are clear breaches of human rights and undermine opportunities for peaceful development and democratic participation. Mines and unexploded ordnance kill and maim at random, while people with limited financial opportunities are more vulnerable to such dangers than others. Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) works actively to ensure that states satisfy the Mine Convention’s humanitarian and political objectives of a mine-free world. The convention concerning the ban on cluster munitions has entered humanitarian legislation. NPA works actively to get more countries to ratify the Cluster Munitions Convention and for this new convention’s objectives and obligations to be achieved. The knowledge and experience that NPA possesses within the field of mine- and explosives clearance provides a sound foundation for broadening our engagement with explosives work both politically and practically. This broadened engagement occurs within the framework of the official Norwegian strategy ”Norwegian Humanitarian Policy”. Norwegian People’s Aid will: • Continue to be one of the world’s most important organisations within humanitarian explosives clearance. • Strengthen practical and political work to ensure that the political and humanitarian objectives of the 1999 Land Mine Convention can be achieved. • Work for the 2010 Cluster Munitions Convention to become as comprehensive and effective a framework as the Land Mine Convention. • Work to set in place mechanisms that will ensure that stockpiled cluster munitions are destroyed, and that the competence and experience of NPA is brought into on the implementation of the Convention. • Work to maintain and develop dialogue, and to ensure that Norway follow up on its ambitions and obligations under the two conventions. • Ensure that we help shape developments for regulating other types of weapons that breach the principles of humanitarian law.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
Search and rescue services and accident prevention work Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) is one of the country’s largest voluntary rescue organisations and has a key role in the Norwegian search and rescue service. All suitable resources – public, private and voluntary – are used in officially coordinated efforts. Members of NPA 's Health and Rescue Service are made available in the event of disasters and search and rescue operations as well as for actively undertaking prevention work. A locally-based, voluntary health and rescue service provides security and is of great importance to communities in the countryside. Initial assistance often determines the outcome of acute illness or injury. That is why NPA ensures that members, school children and the public at large receive sound First Aid training. NPA provides First Aid preparedness of the highest quality at various public and private events. The organisation also prioritises preventing accidents from happening. To this end, systematic accident prevention work, with particular attention to the dangers of drowning and avalanches, is undertaken at both local and national level. Other preventive work based on local challenges is also carried out. Norwegian People’s Aid will: • Play a visible political role within health and rescue services and accident prevention at both local and national level. • Develop and expand our efforts within the Norwegian search and rescue service. • Lobby for those engaged in voluntary rescue services to avoid the loss of earnings, have proper insurance arrangements and a proper financial framework. • Lobby for the exemption of VAT and other taxes on equipment in the voluntary rescue service. • Lobby towards universal First Aid knowledge within the Norwegian population. • Be an active contributor of First Aid services and provider of high quality First Aid training. • Maintain a high professional standard to our efforts within search and rescue services and First Aid. • Undertake active work to prevent drowning accidents and accidents in the mountains.
Norwegian People’s Aid - Principles And Value Basis 2011–2015
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