Statutes 2011 2015

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Statutes 2011–2015



Norwegian People’s Aid is the labour movement’s organisation for solidarity.


Norwegian People’s Aid is a politically independent organisation. Norwegian People’s Aid takes independent views based on the organisation’s programme of principles and values basis.

The Norwegian People’s Aid vision is ”Solidarity in Practice”.


Norwegian People’s Aid, by means of political activism and practical work, both nationally and internationally, is to make efforts to improve the living conditions of individuals and to create a most just society.


Norwegian People’s Aid is governed by its members.

§ 2 FRAMEWORK Agreements entered into centrally, guidelines and mandates adopted by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid are binding on the whole organisation.

§ 3 STRUCTURE The highest authority of Norwegian People’s Aid is the General Assembly.

§ 4 MEMBERSHIP Anyone who accepts the objectives and statutes of Norwegian People’s Aid may become a member. Members are bound by the organisation’s ethical guidelines.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015



Enrolment in the organisation takes place in the following way: Individuals by means of individual membership in the local chapter. Exception: Where no local chapter exists, or where the local chapter is in its establishment phase, individuals may join the organisation centrally or through the regional division.


Youth membership encompasses all members under 30 years of age.


Local organisations, institutions and other associations by means of collective membership in their nearest chapter.


Organisations of a county-wide or regional nature by means of collective membership in the regional division.


Nationwide organisations, other associations, institutions and companies by means of collective membership in the Central Organisation.




The General Assembly determines how individual membership fees are to be distributed to the various parts of the organisation.


The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid determines both individual and collective membership rates.


Individual membership fees are payable centrally, and all members are obliged to pay their annual subscription fee within the given deadline.


Membership fees from collective members are payable to, and shall be retained in their entirety by the specific organisational level that the collective members have joined. ref. § 4.2 to 4.4.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


Members who give notification of the transfer of their membership to another local chapter in the course of the year maintain their membership rights in the new chapter.


Andre kontingentspørsmål behandles etter retningslinjer vedtatt av Norsk Folkehjelps styre.


The following disciplinary measures may be used: A. Suspension Responsibility: The organizational level concerned B. Quarantine Responsibility: The Regional Board C. Exclusion up to 5 years Responsibility: The Regional Board D. Permanent exclusion Responsibility: The Regional Board Decisions concerning disciplinary measures may be appealed to the superior level of the organisation. The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid may initiate disciplinary measures against all organisational levels, boards and members.


The superior organisational level, i.e. the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid or the Regional Board may, in special cases, call an Extraordinary General Assembly or meetings at a lower organisational level.


Use of this paragraph is to be made only in accordance with guidelines adopted by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015



Amendments or supplements to the statutes of Norwegian People’s Aid may only be adopted by the Ordinary General Assembly of Norwegian People’s Aid with at least a two-thirds majority. The deadline for putting forward proposals for amendments/ supplements is three months prior to the commencement of the General Assembly.


If local chapters or the Regional Board make payments liable to salary reductions or employer’s National Insurance contributions, they must ensure that the necessary public registration, with the duties and routines this implies, is undertaken. Conditions concerning this matter are regulated through the financial and administrative guidelines of Norwegian People’s Aid.


Employees may not undertake offices elected by the General Assembly on the same board that is responsible for their employment or where they carry out their daily duties, but may join the board with the right to address meetings and put forward proposals. Where a chapter has employees, a representative is elected from and by those employees to sit with full rights on the board of that chapter.



Centrally employed staff, other than those elected to the National Board, may not be chosen as delegates to the General Assembly.


In order to avoid financial loss/expenses on behalf of elected representatives, the responsible body may draw up guidelines for compensation.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


The establishment of business enterprises must be approved by the immediately superior organisational level for the proper assurance of financial preconditions, management options and registration in the Register of Business Enterprises.


The dissolution of Norwegian People’s Aid requires at least a twothirds majority at two consecutive Ordinary General Assemblies.


In the event of the dissolution of Norwegian People’s Aid, the dissolving General Assembly will determine by two-thirds majority upon the disposal of any remaining funds.


10.1 The General Assembly is the highest authority of Norwegian People’s Aid. An Ordinary General Assembly is held every fourth year. 10.2 The General Assembly has the responsibility to deal with: A. The agenda and authorisations B. Report and accounts together with the auditor’s report for the period of the General Assembly, report from the Monitoring Committee, Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity and Norwegian people’s Aid Health and Rescue Services. C. Submitted motions D. Stipulate distribution of individual membership fees to the various parts of the organisation E. Amendments to statutes F. Programme of principles G. Overriding priorities for the period of the General Assembly H. Election of the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid subsequent to the Election Committee’s recommendations

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


I. Election of leader and two deputies to the National Health and Rescue Service Committee J. Election of Monitoring Committee, consisting of leader and two members with deputies. 10.3 Preparations for the General Assembly: A: The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid will give notice of the convening of the General Assembly at least six months in advance. B: The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid appoints the Election Committee and further committees for the preparation of the General Assembly. C: The Election Committee, comprising a leader and four members with three deputies, is to be appointed at least 12 months prior to the General Assembly. D: The Election Committees recommendations are to be made available at last four weeks prior to the opening of the General Assembly. E: Motions for the General Assembly must be submitted to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid no later than three months prior to the opening of the General Assembly and only after organisational processing by the regional division and/or local chapter. F: Local chapters, the regional boards, organisations collectively affiliated through the Central Organisation, the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid, the youth membership’s annual assembly and the Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Services representative’s assembly all have the right to forward proposals to the General Assembly. G: The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid shall send the Agenda and documents relevant to the General Assembly at least four weeks prior to opening of the Assembly.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

10.4 The General Assembly comprises: A. The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. B. Up to six representatives from each of the regional divisions. C. Two representatives may attend from all chapters. D. Chapters with more than 400 individual members may have one further representative. E. Chapters with more than 2,500 collective members may have one further representative. F. One representative for every commenced 25,000 members of the collectively affiliated organisations, but no more than five representatives from a single organisation. G. Chapter representatives are to reflect their chapter’s activities. H. Two representatives from the National Health and Rescue Service Committee, elected at the representatives assembly in the year of the General Assembly. I. Three representatives from Youth Health and Rescue, elected at the representatives assembly in the year of the General Assembly. J. Two representatives from Youth for Solidarity, elected at the annual assembly for youth in the year of the General Assembly. 10.5 Election of representatives and deputies from local chapters and regional divisions in undertaken at their respective annual assemblies. 10.6 All elected representatives must have authorisation signed by two board members. Authorisations must be forwarded to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aide no later than three months prior to the opening of the General Assembly. 10.7 The National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid is to be comprised as follows: A. Leader and two Deputy Leaders B. Six representatives from the Regional Divisions C. Three representatives from the collectively affiliated organisations

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


D. Leader of Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity E. Leader of Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue F. Two elected employees’ representatives All board representatives (B to F) are to have two personal deputies in numbered order. 10.8 Where election to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid is concerned, equal representation between the sexes and geographical distribution are sought alongside the necessary experience and competence for undertaking the work of the Board. 10.9 National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid does not have the right to vote in relation to the adoption of the Report and Accounts. 10.10 Delegates’ travel expenses are to be distributed to all delegates in accordance with the given policy regarding such expenses. Other delegates’ expenses are to be borne by the relevant collectively affiliated organisations, local chapters and regional divisions. 10.11 All expenses of the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid are to be covered by the Central Organisation.

§ 11 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY 11.1 An Extraordinary General Assembly is held when requested by at least two thirds of the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid, or by two thirds of the Regional Boards. 11.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting may only deal with such issues as announced when convening the assembly.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


12.1 The National Board is the organisation’s highest executive body between General Assemblies.

The National Board is quorate when at least half of its members are present. In the event of a tied vote, the Leader has the casting vote.

12.2 Issues may be raised by National Board members, national committees, collectively affiliated organisations, regional divisions, local chapters and the Secretary General.

The elected leadership presents the Agenda in collaboration with the Secretary General.

12.3 The National Board has the responsibility to: A. Adopt the organisation’s overriding strategy documents. B. Adopt the organisation’s budget and accounts C. Appoint the Secretary General, deal with any changes of working conditions and termination of contract. D. Handle salary issues for the Secretary General E. Act as the body of appeal for cases handled in either the national committees or the Regional Boards F. Prepare for and conduct the General Assembly G. Convene and conduct the Annual Dialogue Conference H. Undertake any changes to regional boundaries I. Set up action committees J. Appoint representatives to boards, councils and committees K. Determine issues regarding the regulations L. Adopt guidelines and mandates M. Engage the services of a company of auditors N. Undertake supplementary elections

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


O. Deal with planning for overall preparedness in Norwegian People’s Aid. P. Facilitate development, courses and growth in the organisation 12.4 The National Board’s Leader and two Deputy Leaders comprise the National Board’s Working Committee.

§ 13 FORA 13.1 The Annual Dialogue Conference The Conference forms the link between local chapters and the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. The conference is to contribute to the exchange of information and the discussion of issues important to the organisation. The Annual Dialogue Conference is convened with at least one month’s notice and conducted by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. The Annual Dialogue Conference consists of the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid, the leaders of the local chapters or their deputies and the leaders of the Regional Boards. The Annual Dialogue Conference is to discuss. A. Current status and challenges of the period between General Assemblies to date B. Plans and priorities for the rest of the period C. Relevant issues / prioritized areas 13.2 Annual Activity Conference and Health and Rescue Conference The themes and content of the Activity Conference are determined by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid subsequent to recommendations and proposals from Norwegian People’s Aid


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

Health and Rescue Service, the Youth Board and the Dialogue Conference. Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service is to have an annual professional conference. The Health and Rescue Professional Conference is conducted at the same time as the Activity Conferences. The Representatives Meeting forms part of the Health and Rescue Professional Conference every second year. The Representatives Meeting makes recommendations for the formation of a new National Health and Rescue Service Committee (Leader, 1st and 2nd Deputy Leaders) to the Election Committee in years in which there is a General Assembly. In the period between General Assemblies, the Representatives Meeting makes recommendations from the National Health and Rescue Service Committee to supplementary elections in the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. The Representatives Meeting comprises one representative from each local health and rescue group and the National Health and Rescue Service Committee. The Health and Rescue Professional Conference comprises: A. The National Health and Rescue Service Committee B. Health and Rescue Youth Committee C. Representatives from local health and rescue groups and youth groups D. Preparedness managers at coordinating level E. Representatives to the Health and Rescue Youth Committee are elected democratically from and by Health and Rescue Youth members.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


§ 14 NORWEGIAN PEOPLE’S AID YOUTH FOR SOLIDARITY 14.1 Objectives The primary objective of Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity is to bring about a more just distribution of power and resources by means of active lobbying and information campaigns about international solidarity, anti-racism and asylum/refugee policy. Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity is subject to Norwegian People’s Aid principles and statutes but is free to take up independent views and adopt its own priorities for Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity. Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity members are those between 13 and 30 who are attached to youth chapters or youth groups with socio-political involvement. 14.2 Organisation Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity is organised through its own Annual General Meeting, the Youth Board, youth chapters and youth groups. 14.3 Annual General Meeting An executive organ for Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity Has responsibility for handling and adopting: A. Guidelines for Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity B. The political platform C. The budget and action plan for Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity D. Election of Youth for Solidarity Board and Youth Board leader and 1st and 2nd deputies to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid E. Adopt campaigns F. Set up action committees where appropriate G. Other priorities


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

All youth chapters and youth groups with socio-political involvement have the right to send three delegates to the Youth Annual General Meeting. One further delegate may be sent by youth chapters with more than 50 members. No youth chapter may send more than 4 delegates in total. 14.4 Youth for Solidarity Board: Is the highest executive organ between Annual General Meetings Is elected by youth members at the Annual General Meeting Comprises Leader, Deputy Leader and three board members from youth chapters/youth groups. Leader of the Youth Board represents the youth chapters/youth groups on the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid, with all rights. The Youth Annual General Meeting also elects 1st and 2nd deputies to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. The Youth Board may speak independently on behalf of Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity. 14.5 Local youth chapters and youth groups Youth for Solidarity may establish separate youth chapters organised such as the local chapters of Norwegian People’s Aid. The youth chapters are run in accordance with the statutes and separate guidelines adopted by the Youth Annual General Meeting. Where youth chapters are established, they are to be entitled as follows: Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity (chapter’s name, e.g. Blindern) – thus Norwegian People’s Aid Youth for Solidarity Blindern. Names of Youth for Solidarity chapters should preferably use place names (e.g. Tromsø).

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


Where local youth groups are established within a local chapter, they are to be entitled as follows: Youth Group in Norwegian People’s Aid (Chapter’s name, e.g. Bergen) – thus Youth Group in Norwegian People’s Aid Bergen.


15.1 Objectives The objective of Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service is to create safer local communities by means of rescue-service preparedness, first aid training and accident prevention. 15.2 National organisation Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service is led by a national committee comprising • Leader and two deputy leaders elected by the General Assembly • Members appointed on the basis of professional function • Leader of Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service Youth ref. §16.5 The Leader of the National Health and Rescue Service Committee is a permanent member of the National Board, with all rights, while the 1st and 2nd Deputy Leaders thus become first and second deputies to the board respectively. The election of members should seek to arrive at a varied composition whilst maintaining focus on the necessary experience and competence.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

Nomination of members on the basis of professional function is performed by the Health and Rescue Service Committee’s elected leadership. Nominations shall take place annually. The board adopts the guidelines for Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service. 15.3 Coordinating level At the coordinating level, health and rescue services are organised with a Chief Preparedness Officer and a Chief Training Officer. Health and rescue groups within a region may choose to organise themselves into a regional cooperative body for training purposes and joint operations. 15.4 Local level At the operative level, health and rescue is organised into health and rescue service groups. These operate under directives for Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service. 15.5 Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service Youth Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service Youth is organised through a health and rescue service youth committee. The Health and Rescue Service Youth Committee comprises a leader and three members from youth groups or activities directly linked to health and rescue services. The Health and Rescue Service Youth Committee is elected by youth delegates at the health and rescue service Professional Conference each year, with an overlapping term of office of two years.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


The Health and Rescue Service Youth Committee is responsible for: A. Adopting the activity platform for Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service Youth B. Adopting the action plan for Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service Youth C. Planning and conducting central youth activities for health and rescue service youth members D. Advising Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service in youth affairs. The Health and Rescue Service Youth Committee is subject to Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Service. The Leader of the Health and Rescue Service Youth Committee has a place on the National Health and Rescue Service Committee. Members of he Health and Rescue Service Youth Committee must be under 26 years of age. Equal representation between the sexes and geographical distribution is encouraged. Health and Rescue Service Youth members are between 13 and 26 years of age. 15.6 Local health and rescue service youth groups At the local level, separate youth groups or activity groups directly linked to health and rescue services may be established. Where such local youth groups are established, they shall be entitled as follows: Youth group in Norwegian People’s Aid Health and Rescue Services Bergen.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

§ 16 ACTION COMMITTEES The National Board may set up action committees when deemed necessary in collaboration with the Regional Boards and local chapters. Action committees are established for particular purpose and for a limited period only. Examples would be committees linked to recruitment-, political- or fund-raising campaigns, or issues which several chapters wish to examine together.

§ 17 MONITORING COMMITTEE 17.1 The Monitoring Committee reports to the General Assembly and may participate in meetings of the National Board with the attendant right to address the meeting. 17.2 The mandate of the committee is to monitor the National Board’s work and resolutions: A. To ensure that the organisational, financial and political dispositions made are in accordance with the statutes, guidelines and resolutions of the organisation B. Is able to summon the permanent auditor and any other person they wish to their meetings C. Is able to give the auditor assignments of an investigative nature in order to fulfil the Monitoring Committee’s information requirements D. To deliver a written report to the National Board at the end of each calendar year E. To deliver a written report to the General Assembly of Norwegian People’s Aid concerning their work and their comments for the period since the last General Assembly.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


17.3 The local chapters may elect a separate monitoring committee as a control body. The Monitoring Committee’s mandate would then be to: A. Ensure that the organisational, financial and political dispositions made are in accordance with the organisation’s programme of principles, statutes and the chapter’s resolutions B. Undertake a critical review of the dispositions and numerical audit of the organisation C. Present a written report to the Annual General Meeting each financial year.

§ 18 THE SECRETARY GENERAL 18.1 The Secretary General is appointed for a term of six years with the option of a contract extension for up to a further six years. 18.2 The Secretary General heads the Central Administration and is accountable to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. 18.3 The Secretary General participates in the General Assembly with the right to address the meeting and in the National Board with both the right to address the meeting and put forward proposals. 18.4 The Secretary General is responsible for the preparation of issues to, and implementation of decisions made by, the Board.

§ 19 REGIONAL DIVISIONS 19.1 A regional division is an association of all the local chapters in a given geographical area, plus the collectively affiliated associations directly enrolled under the regional division.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

The divisions are financially and legally independent entities with the pertaining duties and responsibilities, but are nonetheless subject to central resolutions and guidelines which, in accordance with the Statutes, are applicable to the whole organisation.

19.2 Any alteration to the regional divisions’ geographical boundaries is to be determined by the National Board Norwegian People’s Aid. 19.3 A regional division’s name is decided by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid subject to recommendation from the Regional Board. 19.4 The Regional Boards may organise their own action committees or working groups where deemed necessary.

§ 20 THE REGIONAL DIVISION’S ANNUAL ASSEMBLY 20.1 Annual Assemblies of regional divisions are to be held by the end of March and convened with a minimum of six weeks’ notice. Proposals for motions to be dealt with at the region’s annual assembly must be received by the Regional Board no later than four weeks prior to the opening of the assembly. The Agenda, together with the report, accounts and motions is to be sent to the local chapters and collectively affiliated associations no later than two weeks prior to the Annual Assembly. 20.2 The Regional Secretary has the right to address the Annual Assembly and to propose motions thereto. 20.3 The Annual Assembly comprises the Regional Board, representatives from local Norwegian People’s Aid chapters in the region and a representative from each of the collectively affiliated associations within the region.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


20.4 Each chapter may send up to three representatives to a regional division’s Annual Assembly. 20.5 The Regional Board is to engage an auditor when necessary. The auditor, and accountant if any, may participate in the Annual Assembly with the right to address the meeting and put forward motions concerning the accounts. 20.6 To ensure continuity in the work of the Board, representatives should be chosen for a two-year term, half the board in turn being up for election at each Annual Assembly. A term of office lasts a maximum of two years at a time. 20.7 For the regional division’s overall operations, the Annual Assembly addresses the following: • Report • Accounts • Submitted motions • Plan and budget for a minimum of two years Election of: A. The Regional Board, comprising 3 Members, Leader, Secretary and Treasurer B. Up to six representatives to the General Assembly of Norwegian People’s Aid in years when such an assembly is held. C. Election committee comprising at least three members with deputies.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

Nominations for: D. One representative plus two deputies to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid in years with a General Assembly E. Supplementary election, if necessary, for the region’s representative/deputies to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid Equal distribution between the sexes is sought at all elections. 20.8 Geographical considerations are to be taken into account regarding the composition of the Regional Board. 20.9 The accounts must be audited prior to consideration at the Annual Assembly. Regions with an annual turnover of up to NOK 500,000 may select two qualified persons to audit the accounts and report to the Annual Assembly. The audit is to be undertaken in accordance with the template adopted by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. If the annual turnover of the region exceeds NOK 500,000, the accounts are to be audited by a Registered Auditor, ref. § 20.5. The Regional Board does not have voting rights regarding adoption of the Report and Accounts. The Annual Report, together with the annual accounts and Auditor’s Report is to be sent to the Regional Office no later than the 15th of April. 20.10 Representatives’ travel expenses to the Annual Assembly are covered by the local chapter but may be distributed to all representatives in accordance with the given travel expense policy. All expenses of the Regional Board are covered by the regional division. Other representatives’ expenses are covered by the local chapter.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


§ 21 EXTRAORDINARY ANNUAL ASSEMBLY 21.1 An Extraordinary Annual Assembly is held on demand of at least two thirds of the region’s local chapters or when the Regional Board deem it necessary in relation to the regulations (establishment of business enterprises or taking up a loan, or in order to conduct elections if the whole or parts of the board step down). 21.2 Notice of an Extraordinary Annual Assembly is given in the same way, with the same time limits and the same representatives as at an ordinary Annual Assembly, but may only deal with the issues announced at the convening of the meeting.

§ 22 THE REGIONAL BOARD 22.1 A regional division is led by a board of 3 members • Leader • Secretary • Treasurer 22.2 The regional division’s representative to the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid is appointed to the Regional Board with full rights. 22.3 The Regional Secretary is appointed to the Regional Board with the rights of address and to put forward motions. 22.4 The Regional Board is quorate when at least half the members are present. in the event of a voting tie, the Leader has the casting vote. 22.5 Elected office may only be held in the Regional Division of which one is a member. 22.6 Signing on behalf of the organisation, accounting and auditing is to be undertaken in accordance with the ”Guidelines for Financial Management in Norwegian People’s Aid”. 24

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A. To ensure good contact and operate as the link between local chapters, regional divisions and the central executive. B. To coordinate training, and organisational training in particular. C. To facilitate at least one regional forum each year. D. To ensure good cooperation with the trade union movement and other partners at a regional level E. To deal with any organisational issues, including disciplinary measures and the establishment or dissolution of local chapters, and to give general advice. F. To bring about the establishment of new local chapters by means of a strategy for growth in local chapters.

§ 24 DISSOLUTION OF REGIONAL DIVISIONS 24.1 Dissolution of a regional division requires approval by the general Assembly of Norwegian People’s Aid 24.2 In the event of the dissolution of a regional division, its funds and property are to be kept by the central administration and its assets taken care of as well as possible by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid. Funds are to be deposited in a separate interestbearing account so that any interest may be credited to the purpose of, and used for, the reorganisation of the regional division. 24.3 If a new regional division is not set up within five years, the assets of the dissolved division are to be distributed between the remaining chapters within the geographical area.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


§ 25 LOCAL CHAPTERS 25.1 Norwegian People’s Aid local chapters comprise: A: Individual members B: Collectively affiliated associations and local associations within a geographical area. 25.2 The local chapters are financially and legally independent entities with the pertaining duties and responsibilities, but are nonetheless subject to central resolutions and guidelines which, in accordance with the Statutes, are applicable to the whole organisation. 25.3 The establishment of a local chapter, the choice of name and any changes to geographical boundaries are subject to approval of the Regional Board. 25.4 The chapter’s name will preferably use the name of the place (e.g. Norwegian People’s Aid Årdal).

The board is to approve guidelines for organisation where there are several chapters in the same geographical area.

§ 26 LOCAL CHAPTERS’ ANNUAL ASSEMBLY 26.1 Annual Assemblies of the local chapters are to be held by the end of February each year and are to be convened with a minimum of four weeks notice. Proposals for motions to be dealt with at the Annual Assembly must be received by the Local Chapter Board no later than two weeks prior to the assembly.


The Agenda, submitted motions and the recommendations of the election committee are to be made known to members no later than one week prior to the assembly.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

26.2 All individual members have right of entry to the Annual Assembly.

Collective members attend in the shape of one representative for every commenced 50 members, up to a maximum of five representatives.

All members have full rights given that their membership fees have been paid within the deadline set in accordance with guidelines adopted by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid.

Representatives for collectively affiliated associations have the same rights as individual members given that the association has paid its membership fees within the set deadline.

26.3 The auditor, and accountant if any, may participate in the Annual Assembly with the right to address the meeting and put forward motions concerning the accounts. 26.4 For the local chapter’s overall operations, the Annual Assembly addresses the following: A: Report B: Accounts C: Submitted motions D: Plan and budget for a minimum of two years E: Election of: • Board with deputies • Representatives with deputies to the General Assembly of Norwegian People’s Aid in years when such an assembly is held • Election committee, comprising at least three members with deputies • Up to three representatives, with deputies, to the regional division’s Annual Assembly.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


If the local chapter has collectively affiliated organisations, these should be represented on the chapter’s board. All those with voting rights at the Annual Assembly are eligible for election. Equal distribution between the sexes is sought at all elections. All those with valid membership, ref. §5, are eligible for election. 26.5 To ensure continuity in the work of the Board, representatives should be chosen for a two-year term, half the board in turn being up for election at each Annual Assembly. 26.6 The accounts must be audited prior to consideration at the Annual Assembly.

Chapters with an annual turnover of up to NOK 500,000 may select two qualified persons to go through the chapter’s accounts and deliver their report to the Annual Assembly. The audit is to be undertaken in accordance with the template adopted by the National Board of Norwegian People’s Aid.

If the annual turnover of the region exceeds NOK 500,000, the accounts are to be audited by a Registered Auditor.

The Board does not have voting rights regarding adoption of the Report and Accounts.

26.7 The Annual Report, together with the accounts and the Auditor’s Report is to be sent to the Regional Office no later than the 15th of March.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

§ 27 EXTRAORDINARY ANNUAL ASSEMBLY 27.1 An Extraordinary Annual Assembly is held on the decision of two thirds of the chapter’s board or when one third of the chapter’s members require it. 27.2 Notice of an Extraordinary Annual Assembly is given in the same way as at an ordinary Annual Assembly, but may only deal with the issues announced at the convening of the meeting. 27.3 Only members who have paid their membership fees within the set deadline have the right to vote at an Extraordinary Annual Assembly. Only those with the right to vote are eligible for election.

§ 28 THE LOCAL CHAPTER BOARD 28.1 The local chapter is lead by a board comprising at least three members who cover the following functions: • Leader • Secretary • Treasurer • Membership manager • Local committees, leader Board representatives other than the above are decided upon and elected at the Annual Assembly. Collective members may be elected onto the Board. The Regional Secretary may join board meetings with the rights of address and to put forward motions. 28.2 Members may only hold office in the local chapter of which they are a member.

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28.3 The Board is quorate when at least half its members are present. In the vent of a voting tie, the Leader has the casting vote. 28.4 The Board may set up a working party to manage day-to-day activities between board meetings under authorisation from the Board.

Decisions of the working party are to be put before the Board for approval.

28.5 Signing on behalf of the organisation, accounting and auditing is to be undertaken in accordance with the ”Guidelines for Financial Management in Norwegian People’s Aid”.

§ 29 RESPONSIBILITIES AND WORK TASKS 29.1 The Board of the local chapter is to: Ensure that the local chapter contributes to realising the organisation’s programme of principles within its geographical area of responsibility and in accordance with the statutes, guidelines and plans adopted by the local chapter’s Annual Assembly. The Board is to ensure: • Good contact with the members and a proper flow of internal information • Steady activity • Good collaboration with the local environment and relevant work partners • Recruitment • The proper operation of the chapter 29.2 Arrangements are to be made for recruitment, educational work, training and financial initiatives in particular.


Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015

29.3 The Board is obliged to keep minutes of all resolutions of a financial nature. Before taking up a loan, approval is required by the Annual Assembly, or Extraordinary Annual Assembly where appropriate. 29.4 The Board may hold members’ meetings when deemed necessary. 29.5 To engage an auditor, if appropriate, ref. § 26.6.

§ 30 DISSOLUTION OF LOCAL CHAPTERS 30.1 Dissolution of a local chapter requires approval of the Regional Board following adoption of such a resolution by two thirds majority at the chapter’s Annual Assembly. 30.2 The Regional Board shall actively work to reorganise a chapter in the municipality/community concerned.

If no activity is reported from a local chapter during the last two years, the Regional Board may convene an Annual Assembly and decide to dissolve the chapter if appropriate.

30.3 In the event of the dissolution of a local chapter division, its assets are to be taken care of as well as possible and used for reorganising a chapter or activity within the same geographical area. Funds are to be deposited in a separate interest-bearing account so that any interest may be credited to this purpose. Materials that will deteriorate in value are to be taken in use or sold. 30.4 If a new chapter is not set up in the locality concerned within five years, funds and property devolve on the Regional Division.

Statutes for Norwegian People’s Aid 2011–2015


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