Bulgarian Folklore Dances Blended Learning

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Friday, 29 July, 2016 Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Through Blended Learning System to increase of the youth dancers and choreographers...

Technology for Collaborative Creativity! Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Blended Learning (BL) Definition;

Orse System Decomposition


The Teacher as a Communicator in 21th Century; Pilot project implementation.

Internet of Things; Inexpensive Digital Devices; Multimedia Systems; Shifts from Traditional to BL; Millennium Generation – born in Digital Era. Comparative study: • Traditional Learning - 30%; • Virtual Learning - 70% (using Advanced ICT). Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Blended Learning

Formal Educational Institutes

Online Learning

Life Long Learning

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Vigotsky determined: What is the Children’s actual knowledge? What is the form of External Help? What is the Children’s own Actualized Activity in Relation to the new External Action? Lev Vigotsky.The Zone of Proximal Development-In L. S. Vygotsky's classical theory, the ZPD is determined by adult help provided in small doses in the form of hints, leading questions, and so forth. This study demonstrates that help can take other forms. Children's own actualized activity can be realized through various adult positions (active adult, neutral adult, inept adult, etc.) in relation to the assimilation of a new external action (orientation on a diagram of the action, real and vicarious trial and error, various types of speech utterances, the speed and temporal features of the action). Such parameters of ZPD as the level of adult help, stages of the assimilation of the integral structure of an external action, and the level of children's actual development comprise the main lines, the breadth and depth, along which ZPD can be analyzed and its content and structure can be represented.

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

ORSE BL System Decomposition; ORSE BL System and Individualization of Learning Path;

ORSE BL as a Collaborative Creativity Platform(Social Net).

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

- Leaning Management System;


- Task and Events Automation; - Personalized Communication Channels for Knowledge Exchange; - Multimedia Search Subsystem; - Knowledge Extractor with Natural Language Processor in Main Scientific Areas; - Personal Knowledge Bases; - Educational Multimedia Presentation Subsystem;

- Learner’s Personal Portfolio; - Teacher’s Personal Portfolio.

Creating Educational Content

Educational Module

Scenarios for the Learners Assessing


Interactive Tools

Search and Accumulation of Literature

Discussion Board

Basic Textbook Further Readings Literature Search Google Scholar




Audio Materials Video Materials




Wiki E-Group

Image Materials URLs

Voice Mail

Multimedia Presentations PDF-Educational Materials

Voice Presentation (MP3) Podcasting (Audio and Video) Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Educational Big Data Resources Infographics

Traditional Archives

Dance Notation

Geo Dance Map

Audio Archives

Personal Archives

Image Archives

Who’s Who in Folklore

Video Tape Archives

Other Dance Notations

Folklore Calendar

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Unit 1. Searching and Watching on the Best Folklore Dance Performances. Unit 2. The Dance Origins – understanding the folklore ritual in dance performance; narrative, music, costumes and specific dance vocabulary;

Unit 3. Creating Personal Multimedia Dance Library; Unit 4. Studying the Basic Folklore Dance Movements; Unit 5. Classical Dance Patterns according to the Sixth Ethnographical Domains;

Unit 6. Creating the Folklore Dance Infographics. Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Two Sides of the Coin – Individual approach according to physical and psychological data to each learner; Individual learning speed and path to each learner; Creating framework to disclosure and develop the creativity of each individual. Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Two Sides of the Coin – The Learner Active is Involved in Learning Process as Creators and Sharers Digital Learning Materials; Social Net ORSE as Digital Environment for Knowledge Sharing.

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Implementation in National Art School – Varna, BG; Dance School - Varna, BG; & Orse Dance Studio. Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

SelfStudy Personal Experience Collaborative Experience Decision Maker The Teacher as a Mediator of Knowledge Exchange Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

With collaborative work we described a folk dance using Difon Ontology and KiNeTiX Notation System... Step-by-Step Multimedia Explanation.

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

KiNeTiX Dance Notation Systems

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Online Learning Bulgarian Folklore

Preservation of National Heritage

3-D Multimedia Visual Knowledge

Creating SIGs for Knowledge Exchange

We Know!

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Our approach provided mixed, blended learning on all different levels – K12, Bachelor, Master and PhD.

We Created and Preserved Advance Multimedia Archives of Bulgarian Folklore Music and Dance as a forms of Living Memory! With combining the good “Old” Practices and Storage Facilities with Advance Multimedia Archives we increased the number of different learners and potential users.

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Web Accesshttp://bit.ly/vhNczK Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Оrse Apps On the Net, Desktop and Tablet

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute :: www.d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva :: DIFON Institute www.d1f0n.com office@d1f0n.com

Dr. Maria Drazheva maria@Drazheva.dance


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