Full of Noises 2019 - Full Programme

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Fri 9th August

12:00 - 17:00

Barrow Park Pitch & Putt: Crazy Golf Hack II

On the move: The Higgs Bow Sound Collider & Swing Thing

Barrow Park Greenhouse: Not in the Shipyard Now by Jenn Mattinson

& works from the FoN Archive - pieces start on the hour

12:00 - 16:00

Piel View House: Print Your Own T-Shirt, drop-in workshop

19:00 - 22:00

Evening concert at Barrow Town Hall with:

Chiz Turnross, Ringmind, Lee Patterson, Tim Shaw

Sat 10th August 12:00 - 17:00

Barrow Park Pitch & Putt: Crazy Golf Hack II

On the move: The Higgs Bow Sound Collider & Swing Thing

Barrow Park Greenhouse: Not in the Shipyard Now by Jenn Mattinson

& works from the FoN Archive - pieces start on the hour

13:00 - 17:00

Barrow Park Pavilion (first floor):

Protolab: drop-in workshop with calibuYau 12:00 - 16:00

Piel View House:

Print Your Own T-Shirt, drop-in workshop 14:30 - 16:00 19:00 - 22:00

Soundwalk with Tim Shaw - free, booking recommended Evening concert at Barrow Town Hall with:

Ola Szmidt, ORE, Kelly Jayne Jones - Ruskin Rocks

Sun 11th August

12:00 - 17:00

Barrow Park Pitch & Putt: Crazy Golf Hack II

On the move: The Higgs Bow Sound Collider & Swing Thing Barrow Park Greenhouse: 10:30 - 12:00

Workshop: Kelly Jayne Jones - free, booking recommended

12:00 - 17:00

Not in the Shipyard Now by Jenn Mattinson

& works from the FoN Archive - pieces start on the hour

www.fonfestival.org Twitter: @fullofnoises / #fon19 facebook.com/fullof.noises instagram: fullof.noises / #fon19

This year’s special 10 year anniversary edition of Full of Noises brings artists from all over the UK to Barrow in Furness to share newly-commissioned pieces and rarely seen works over three days in August. We continue our four-year programme of new commissions for Barrow Park with a series of playful interactive sound sculptures for the pitch & putt course that revisit Crazy Golf Hack (2011) by Ross Dalziel, Chiz Turnross and Douglas Laing, our only piece so far to have featured in both The Wire and Private Eye. Expect new work from Domestic Science, Chiz Turnross, Nicki McCubbing, Sarah Kenchington, Sam Underwood, John Hall & Chris Dennett and a welcome entry from our neighbours Furness Model Railway Club. 2018’s bike-cranked instrument Thing Thong by Sarah Kenchington and Sam Underwood also returns in a new improved mobile form - look out for these around the park over the weekend. Whilst visiting the park, drop into the greenhouse where there is another chance to hear Jenn Mattinson’s evocative radio piece using interviews with people for whom the park holds special memories alongside works from our archive of radio commissions. Workshops with two of this year’s commissioned artists Kelly Jayne Jones and Tim Shaw also take place in the park, as does a chance to bring your favourite T-shirt and have it hand-printed with a specially created 10 year anniversary design by Susan Deakin, whilst art & science duo calibuYau take over the park pavilion on Saturday 10th for Protolab, showcasing their work with VR. Friday evening opens with artist Chiz Turnross presenting a set of skewed pop in the grand surroundings of Barrow Town Hall, alongside small and fascinating sounds made big by Lee Patterson. Newly developed work from Ringmind and Tim Shaw also feature with Tim’s work growing out of time spent on South Walney Nature Reserve earlier in the year as part of our collaborative residency project with Soundcamp. On Saturday, Kelly Jayne Jones presents a new work exploring Cumbria’s musical stones in a surround sound performance, folowed by a set from FoN 2013 favourites ORE and Ola Szmidt who some of you may remember from our very earliest shows, in a special collaboration with Lesley Harris. We look forward to celebrating our 10 year anniversary with you over a slice of cake and many weird and wonderful sounds - here’s to the next 10 years!

Crazy Golf Hack II by Domestic Science and invited artists Barrow Park Pitch & Putt Fri 9th / Sat 10th / Sun 11th August, 12:00 - 17:00 daily John Hall & Chris Dennett: Trumpy Tower (above image) - Designed by Chris Dennett and John Hall, the Trumpy Tower is built from recyclable modular units and electronics. It celebrates the key themes and pre-occupations of our time; rat-like ingenuity, low cost bling and crass vulgarity. Send your ball up the executive entrance to the fourth floor, where its descent will be tracked by motion sensors providing appropriate sounds from each stage of its journey through the buildings inner workings and out through the outlet pipe by the tradespersons exit and into the hole.

Chiz Turnross: A crazy golf challenge to navigate the ruins of New York and Euro Disco. Domestic Science (Ross Dalziel & Hwa Young Jung): The Black Box - Black Boxing is when a very

complicated technology (like a computer or a bank) effectively becomes a box hiding how it works: all we know is we put something in and something comes out. In our Black Box, the player’s ball enters a compartment from a short run. Held within the structure, it is only released after the ‘success’ or ‘failure’ of a condition. A ‘success’ triggers the ball’s release down another run advantageous to the player’s next hole, while a ‘fail’, releases the ball somewhere not to the players advantage, ie away from the next hole. The ‘success’ or ‘fail’ is triggered by 2 physical buttons controlled by fellow players who can decide whether the player deserves a `success` or `fail`. They can be honest or they can cheat; it’s up to them.

Nikki McCubbing: The Toy Breed Trip (above image) - A collection of large, colourful dogs

surrounded by squeaky dog toys that make a horrible noise when you stand on them. The ball goes up through their tongues and out through the bum!

Sarah Kenchington: Duet - This golf hole may look like an easy pitch but beyond the simple

structure it requires teamwork and cooperation to make the cowbell ring! Aiming the ball down the

plank’s groove should be simple but the sheer weight of the ball as it rolls down will make the plank tip down & miss the bucket. The only way to make it work is for two players to hit their ball simultaneously in opposite directions. When the timing is right the reward will be the sound of two cowbells played together. This is the only tune this instrument is capable of playing; it is a duet in its simplest form. It will require focus, two people working together, attempting to mirror each other. The sound will be a byproduct of their cooperation.

Sam Underwood: The Tumbler - Shoot your ball into the heart of the tombola. Once inside, crank the handle and let Lady Luck decide your fate. You might end up on the slow track or you’ll drop straight into the hole to a fanfare of sound!

Furness Model Railway Club - Featuring a small-scale replica of Sally the Caledonian Railway

Engine, players must score a perfect hole in one to fire up the engine and hear Sally roar! Furness Model Railway Club will also be running the original Sally Engine around their track, based in Barrow Park, on these dates and visitors have the opportunity to ride the trains with all proceeds going to local charities. ‘Crazy Golf Hack’ II is supported with funding from the Sir John Fisher Foundation.

Day 1- timetable

The Higgs Bow Sound Collider by Sam Underwood Swing Thing by Sarah Kenchington Barrow Park - on the move Thing Thong, a bicycle powered musical instrument housed in a domestic greenhouse was one of the highlights of FoN 2018, returning this year in a new, improved form. Split into two independent mobile units, the instruments will move around the park during the festival - look out for them and try your hand at generating your own mechanical music.

About the Artists Sarah Kenchington lives on a farm in the Campsies and for the past 10 years has been developing an elaborate and constantly evolving semi-mechanical orchestra. Made from strictly human-powered, mechanically assisted, acoustic instruments, this orchestra is designed to be played by one person and creates music that is dictated, in part, by the uncontrollable nature of the instruments in this set up. These include a pedal powered double ended hurdy gurdy/banjo, a pyramid structure that plays crystal glasses, a mechanical sequencer, and a brass band section which uses balloon membranes. Sam Underwood is a musician and musical instrument designer. His work in musical instrument design focusses on the development of new musical instruments, creating fresh interfaces with sound for both performer and audience. His installation work has appeared as part of major exhibitions throughout the UK and his instruments are played across the world by musicians and composers who have commissioned designs. Building on his work for Full Of Noises 2018, which saw him create a pedal-powered-greenhouse-of-sonic-delights in collaboration with artist Sarah Kenchington, Sam will deliver a mechanical musical machine custom-built onto a special trolley that will meet with another machine built by Sarah. They will make music together for the first time on site at the festival; powered by you! Image: Stephen Harvey

Ambulation: Soundwalk with Tim Shaw Meet at Piel View House, Barrow Park Sat 10th August, 14:30 - 16:00 Ambulation is a headphone-based sound walk that uses adapted field recording equipment and DIY listening technologies to explore the sonic quality of different environments through an expanded performance practice. Ambulation configures field recording as a live, performative act. Each Ambulation event responds to and engages audiences with the interplay between sound and space in a particular location. The performance supports a collective listening experience and considers how recording and performance operate as shared listening practices more broadly. “During the forty to eighty minute walk that is the performance of Ambulation, I use a variety of listening technologies, which I have adapted to record and manipulate the sounds of the immediate context in real time. The sounds I ‘collect’ during the walk are broadcast live for the duration of the performance to wireless headphones worn by participants who are walking alongside me. With this set up we walk together along a loosely planned route around the local environment. Using the portable system that I have developed for Ambulation, along the route I record, re-sample and manipulate the soundscapes of the contexts we move through. No pre-recorded material is used in Ambulation, which means that the first time the audience hears a sound is also the first time I hear it as the performer. The event is thus constituted of listening to the environment we are walking through via my improvised sound performance.” Places are limited - Advance booking recommended, please see fonfestival.org for details Lost in the park? Call the FoN office on 01229 871332

Drop-in Workshop: Protolab Barrow Park Pavilion (First Floor) Sat 10th August, 13:00 - 17:00 Artist duo calibuYau present a work in progress investigation into the commonalities between the interdisciplinary languages of art and science. The lab process looks at how artists can use narrative and aesthetics to explore science and it’s data to co-create meaningful dialogue and projects between art science collaborators, building on research from calibuYau’s cultural fellowship in art and science at the University of OverviewLeeds. / timetable calibuYau are Christophe de Bezenac and Dave Lynch. calibuyau.uk

Not in the Shipyard Now by Jenn Mattinson + works from the archive Barrow Park Greenhouse Fri 9th / Sat 10th / Sun 11th August, 12:00 - 17:00 daily Nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of Barrow-inFurness is a place of peace and loveliness. Right in the heart of the town, just minutes from the shops and busy streets, is Barrow Park, a 45 acre green space, designed by Thomas Mawson. Over a hundred years on, it is still thriving and has become a special place for so many people. Senior Park Ranger Ken Higginson loves the greenhouse. Mary and Irene, living in sheltered housing across the road from the park, have many tales to tell. The ladies may not be able to access the park in the same way they once did, but their memories are strong. So too are those from former Park Superintendent John Crossfield, who started as an apprentice and worked his way up to becoming the boss. Barrow-in-Furness is a town whose identity is often overshadowed by the presence of industrial giants, most notably BAE systems, or ‘the shipyard’. Not in the shipyard now is a dual celebration; of the history and heritage of Barrow Park, but also of the people who know it best and have generously shared their stories.

Print Your Own T-Shirt Piel View House, Barrow Park Fri 9th & Sat 10th August, 12:00 - 16:00 Bring your own t-shirt to have printed with a special 10th anniversary FoN design by textile artist Susan Deakin. Reflecting our environmental concerns, we’ve decided to produce all our t-shirts in-house using recycled garments and eco inks to create sustainable products; a fantastic way to extend the life of your t-shirt and have a unique piece of work. Cotton fabrics work best and we have gold, white or black prints available. The cost is £5 per print and printed t-shirts can be collected next day. A range of ready printed, up-cycled shirts can be also purchased during the day and at the evening performances for £10.

Workshop: Kelly Jayne Jones Barrow Park Greenhouse, Sun 11th August, 10:30 - 12:00 ‘Ruskin Rocks’ is a sound and music workshop with sound artist Kelly Jayne Jones as part of Barrow’s annual Full of Noises festival (9-11th August). Kelly is currently working on a new project exploring the history of Cumbria’s musical stones, using these as the basis for a performance and a new invented instrument. The workshops will focus on mindfulness and listening, with participants taking part in sonic meditation techniques with the use of rocks and stone. Exploring structured improvisation surrounded by the plants of Barrow Park’s beautiful Hothouse, this will be a slow and transcendental experience. Places are limited - advance booking recommended, please see fonfestival.org for details ‘Ruskin Rocks’ is supported by Arts Council England.

Evening Concert 1 Fri 9th August, Barrow Town Hall 19:00 (for 19:15 start) - 22:00 Chiz Turnross Live performance

Image: Collette Whittington

Enjoying the freedom of an often self imposed anonymity, the profile of Artist/Musician Chiz Turnross appears somewhat elusive. Often his aim is to engage directly with a larger public than a traditional art audience. Hence projects are regularly placed outside of conventional art spaces, (e.g. back alleys, bingo halls, river banks ) collaborating with non-artists and artist alike. “I’m still looking for inspiration everywhere ‘other’ In the past year, I’ve been; Riding the canals of the U.K on my shopper bike - Kim. Surprisingly picking up the pen. Foolishly taking up drums and pottery - in my fifties. Chipping away at the seam of Euro-Disco. I continue to paint and exhibit my miniature ‘sprite’ paintings. My old friend television really is rubbish but still an education. The cult of Rugby League is always close. I just finished Barbara Cartland’s ‘Dangerous Dandy’.”

Lee Patterson Performance

Image: Mark Rietveld

Terrain: for amplified objects and devices. When considered in detail, the tabletop can be seen as a kind of miniature terrain, a plateau upon which Patterson places objects devised to produce sound in simple ways. Self-built from materials found locally, he will explore the sonic potential of his unique instruments through the amplification and activation of these objects, devices and processes. From effervescent salts to amplified springs and vibrating ampoules to burning nuts, he will open up and play an often inaudible soundworld emitted by otherwise mute devices and objects. Lee Patterson is a FoN 2019 artist in residence with South Walney Nature Reserve in collaboration with Soundcamp and Cumbria Wildlife Trust

Ringmind Ashley James Brown, Tony Doyle, Bronislaw Szerszynski The Ringmind project is an art-science collaboration between visual artist (Ashley James Brown), sonic artist

(Tony Doyle, pictured) and academics from astrophysics (Chris Arridge, Sam Hinson, Thomas Cann), humanities and social sciences (Bronislaw Szerszynski). The work is an immersive experience consisting of live spatial audio and projected visuals and spoken word. The initial proof-ofconcept stage of this project took as its focus the selforganising powers of planetary rings (such as those around Saturn) as researched by astrophysicists. We present these dynamics visually and sonically with open source live coding software (Processing and Supercollider), and using this to creatively explore ideas about the nature of consciousness and intelligence.

Microstucture Tim Shaw

Image: Jonathan Turner

In this performance-installation, Tim Shaw presents Microstructure, a piece of work developed through his artist residency at South Walney Nature Reserve. Whilst on the island, Tim worked with the immediate environment as a giant listening device, unearthing sound, data and imagery for creative appropriation. Through field recordings, microscopic photography, saline sensing, solar energy harvesting, radioactive readings, natural radio listening, light to sound transformations and wind speed and temperature scanning, complex sensor data was collected and broadcast within the environment. Small, DIY devices were built to collect and transmit different unstable data activities which were then harvested for artistic appropriation. Through this performance-installation Tim presents his artistic findings through sound, image and objects, improvising with the materials and devices collected and built on the island. In this debut performance, Microstructure offers a re-imagining of South Walney Nature Reserve as a source of uncertainty and complexity.

Tim Shaw is a FoN 2019 artist in residence with South Walney Nature Reserve. Residency produced in collaboration with Soundcamp and Cumbria Wildlife Trust

Evening Concert 2 Sat 10th August, Barrow Town Hall 19:00 (for 19:30 start) - 22:00 ORE Performance ORE is the drone, doom brass sound of tuba player Sam Underwood and baritone horn / trombone player Beck Baker. The pair create weighty dronescapes that evolve at a glacial pace. ORE’s sound rewards the patient listener as their dissonant tones rub together; enhanced by the use of two custombuilt resonant gong speakers. The audience slowly becomes awash with the sound of ORE.

Ruskin Rocks Performance by Kelly Jayne Jones “The project draws upon Cumbria’s ‘musical stones’, including John Ruskin’s 1884 lithophone, to create a new work in the form of a unique interactive electroacoustic piece featuring rock sounds, though not exclusively. I have developed a unique acoustic-digital instrument using slate, various rocks and digital processing through which I am able to reach new audiences referencing electronic music cultures, sonic and performance arts.

There is an ancient history of using stones in music; the instruments in Coniston have a unique sound and story that connects people to the land and to many musicians and composers who have written and played these stones. They have mostly been explored playing them onsite, I propose to take these sounds to different locations by sampling them and also creating a unique instrument. I plan to explore the ancient fascination humans have to stones, their use in ritual gatherings and spiritual connections. This will lead a search for ways of connecting people to and communing with these ancient objects, physically and sonically via composition and performance.“

Ola Szmidt Performance Ola is a Polish singer-songwriter, musician, classically trained flautist and producer based in York. She is a PRSF Steve Reid Innovation Award winner and has been mentored by Four Tet. As a multi-faceted musician, her work combines vocal and instrumental improvisations with live looping techniques and self-produced electronics. Ola’s music shifts between Scandinavian and Eastern Folk traditions with jazz and contemporary classical influences. She is currently studying an MA degree in ”Improvised Music and Jazz” at The University of York. Ola has opened in the past for: Maja Ratkje, Hildur Gudnadottir and Braids. Ola will also be joined by Barrow-based musician Lesley Harris for a special FoN collaboration.

About Full of Noises Full of Noises is a sound art and new music organisation based in a public park on Cumbria’s Furness Peninsula. We produce and commission new work from contemporary composers and sound artists through a programme of residencies, performances and public realm installations.

Visit our website to see upcoming events, publications and films from the festival archive: fonfestival.org Image: Stephen Harvey

Full of Noises is: Glenn Boulter – Artistic Director Andrew Deakin – Programme Director Nina Valvi – Marketing Assistant Natalie Bowers – Producer Shaun Blezard – Producer Board of Directors: Linda O’ Keeffe, Ailie Robertson, Taylor Nuttall, Richard Foster, Phillip Atkinson Image - ASUNA at Full of Noises 2018 by Stephen Harvey

How to find us: All venues are within 10 minutes walk of Barrow railway station. All indoor venues are fully accessible except for Barrow Park Pavilion first floor. Please contact us with any specific access requirements and we will do our best to accommodate your needs: info@fonfestival.org / 07907 850432 Train services run from Barrow to Ulverston, Lancaster, Preston, Manchester, and local stations with connections to London and Glasgow. The last train from Barrow on Fri 9th / Sat 10th departs at 21:45. Regular bus services run from Kendal, Ulverston and Dalton-in-Furness. Visit the Stagecoach website for journey details. Car: From the M6 Northbound, exit at junction 36. At the roundabout, take the first exit onto the A590. Take the A590 following signs for Barrow-in-Furness. Parking is available at the rear of the Town Hall and at Barrow Park Leisure Centre. Taxis: Avon Cars 01229 471471 Barrow Cars 01229 432432

1. Barrow Town Hall, Duke Street, LA14 2LD 2. Barrow Park, Abbey Rd, LA13 9BD 3. Barrow Rail Station, Abbey Rd, LA14 5QZ

Credits South Walney residencies produced in partnership with Soundcamp and Cumbria Wildflife Trust. Illustrations by Ellie Chaney - www.eleanorchaney.com Print & Programme layouts - Shaun Blezard and Glenn Boulter. Programme based on a design by Tom James Scott With thanks to our artists, events staff, volunteers, board and supporters. Special thanks to: Sarah Dalrymple and Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Soundcamp, Laurence Campbell, Barrow park management, Barrow Borough Council.

Full of Noises 2019 is supported by:

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