DOCVILLE 2024 - English

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Welcome to DOCVILLE 2024

National Selection

20 years of DOCVILLE stands for more than 1250 documentaries, hundreds of guests, Q&A’s, debates, etc. Looking back on two decades of this festival’s existence, means being reminded of countless encounters, fleeting little chats or hour-long conversations. It also means thinking back on all those times things (almost) went incredibly wrong: an essential guest struggling to arrive on time or an impossible technical problem.

Things not working out are an inevitable part of a festival, and by extension, of life altogether. Even the most successful filmmakers, scientists, humans, … didn’t make it despite, but thanks to a trajectory full of setbacks. DOCVILLE shines a light on these meaningful and necessary mistakes in the program Focus on Failure.

The opposite of failure, is our Artist in Focus, Johan Grimonprez, praised director and visual artist. He presents us with his documentary Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat which is - in our opinion - his masterpiece, and will be the opening film of the festival.

Undeniably successful as well, is Nobel prize laureate prof. Kip Thorne, who will introduce the Faraway Nearby at the festival. His presence marks the second edition of ScienceVille: this thematic component about science was enriched this year with an even more ambitious selection and a more extensive programme for kids.

Finally, the only thing left for me to do is to thank the 19 loyal DOCVILLE fans who selflessly let us take over their living rooms for you, DOCVILLE visitors. Along with them, we rediscovered the past 19 years in their living room, with home projections of previous editions.

For the 20th time in row, thank you for your interest in DOCVILLE, with all its erors and shortcommings.

DOCVILLE presents the best Belgian documentaries of last year in a very diverse selection: compelling stories about people who live for their passion, whether it be cycling, circuit racing or mermaids, but also socially probing stories about illegal adoption, the dangers of criticism under Putin, the link between jazz and decolonization. or the abominable conditions in the prison of Forest. Finally, films with a more philosophical perspective on the mortality of the human body or the impact of imaging. The strongest film will be awarded the Jury Prize for Best Belgian Documentary.

Se crasher pour exister

On a circuit, somewhere on the border between Flanders and France, Alizée dreams of being a racing driver, just like her boyfriend, her father, her mother and soon her little brother.


500 years after his death, Andreas Vesalius takes us on a deep dive into the human condition. Is there a way to transcend our mortality, or the fear of it? Five contemporary pioneers, like Vesalius, combine art and science to explore the human body.

DOCVILLE screens this film in a unique place: the old anatomical theater of the KU Leuven.

0:56 - Belgium - 2024 - Director: Sofie Hanegreefs, Jelle Janssens - D Dutch, English, Danish - SUB English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (19:00), Sun (21:00) at the Anatomical Theatre, Wed 27/03 (10:00) in Cinema ZED

Emperors of Nothing

An immersion within the Brussels prison of Forest, notorious for its inhumane incarceration conditions, showing different reactions of peoples’ spirits to this harsh world. What it means to be behind bars, is illustrated by personal and candid moments with inmates and wardens alike.

1h30 • Belgium, France • 2023 • Director: Cédric Gerbehaye • D French • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (20:00), Sun 24/03 (10:30) in Cinema ZED


A captivating journey through the most extraordinary visual footage from past decades. Not only does it reveal something about the past, it also sheds a light on our contemporary perspective. This essayistic documentary uses stunning archival footage to reveal that our society is defined by the stories we tell and the paradigms we create as a result.

1h30 • Belgium • Director: Jozef Devillé, Pablo Eekman • D: Dutch, English • SUB Engels - Screening: Fri 22/03 (20:00), Mon 25/03 (14:00) in Cinema ZED


Every winter, a group of young people from the neighbourhood Peterbos in Anderlecht make a trip to the Pyrenees. Rupture follows these youngsters, on the brink of adulthood. During their journey, they slowly detach from their neighbourhood and their surroundings, reflecting on their youth and looking forward to the future.

0h52 • Belgium • Director: Zohra Benhammou, Younes Haidar • D: Arabic, French • SUB Dutch - Screening: Fri 22/03 (20:00) in Kinepolis

Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat

1961. The Belgian and American governments join forces to maintain their power in Congo.

In the aftermath of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the CIA deploys jazz artists as a distraction from Western interference in post-colonial African politics. Against the backdrop of the Cold War, jazz and decolonization thus become inextricably linked.

2h30 • Belgium • Director: Johan Grimonprez • D: French, English, Dutch, Russian • OT English - Screening: wed 20.00 (20.00) in Kinepolis (part of the opening night), Tue 26/03 (15:00) in Cinema ZED

Vranckx & de Nomaden: 100ste documentaire

For ten years, promising Flemish storytellers have been traveling the globe with Rudi Vranckx. Each with their own motivation and personal methods, they make a documentary about a unique aspect of the world, under the supervision of Vranckx’ experienced team. To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of this series of reports, Rudi Vranckx invites you at DOCVILLE to watch three unseen onestogether with him and the young filmmakers.

1u30 • Belgium • 2024 • Director: Eugenie D’Hooghe, Kanzi Louagie, Simon Clément, Jules Stallaerts, Seppe Vanden Broeck, Anneleen Ophoff • D Varia • SUB Dutch - Screening: Tue 26/03 (20:00) in Cinema ZED

Chelsea’s Blues

Not long after she was born, Chelsea was placed in a juvenile institution. At the age of 19, she reconnects with people who have been important to her: her juvenile court judge, the farmer where she sometimes worked, a former neighbour, her best friend, her father, etc. Over the course of these meetings, she tries to learn more about who she was, but also who she is now and who she wants to become.

0h58 • Belgium • Director: Danny Keuppens, Warre Keuppens • D: Dutch • SUB English - Screening: Tue 26/03 (20:00) in Kinepolis

Nenets vs Gas

In the heart of the Arctic lies the Yamal Peninsula. After the discovery of vast gas reserves, big energy companies have unsurprisingly drawn to the region. But Yamal is also the ancestral home of the Nenets, who have grazed their herds there for more than 200 generations.

1h15 • Belgium • Director: Sergio Ghizzardi • D: Russian, English • SUB English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (18:00) in Cinema ZED

Draw for Change! Rusland

For the past decade, cartoonist Victoria Lomasko has devoted herself to meticulously capturing Putin’s Russia. However, as Putin launches a “military operation” in Ukraine and demonises Russian dissidents, Lomasko realises that she will not be able to continue her work in Russia.

1h21 • Belgium • Director: Anna Moiseenko • D: Russian • SUB Dutch - Screening: Sun 24/03 (20:00) in Cinema ZED

This is my moment

Biniam Girmay, a 17-year-old promising cyclist from the African country Eritrea, dreams of riding the Tour de France. Against all odds, he rises in the international rankings and participates in European competition. Will he be able to make it to the Tour?

1h46 • Belgium • Director: Lieven Corthouts • D: English, French, Tigrinya • SUB English - Screening:

Tue 26/03 (10:00), Wed 27/03 (20:00) in Cinema ZED

Marching in the Dark

In rural areas of India, the suicide rate among farmers is high. A group of women farmers who have recently lost their husbands decide to meet with a local psychologist and activist to share their stories and problems and help others in their grief. Through that act of quiet rebellion against a patriarchal society, 28-year old introverted Sanjeevani finds the courage to be self-reliant. A haunting story of resilient women.

1h48 • Belgium • Director: Kinshuk Surjan • D: Marathi • SUB English - Screening: Sat 23/03

(18:00) in Cinema ZED

20 Years of DOCVILLE

Documentaries on the big screen are well-established now, but that was not always the case. Twenty years ago, they were mainly associated with dry information transmission and not with “cinema”; with visual power or emotion. Unjustified, according to the team of Fonk vzw, who sensed that a different approach was possible. In 2005, as a season opener, they presented a series of strong cinema documentaries under the title “DOCVILLE”. The public, the industry and the press were instantly convinced. The time was ripe for a real documentary film festival. Everything else is history. The festival moved dates and venues, and continued to grow. In 2018, DOCVILLE became Oscar® qualifying. More than 1250 films, hundreds of Q&A’s and debates, guests and exactly 61 awards later, DOCVILLE has become a festival that is nationally and internationally renowned.

20 Years of DOCVILLE

• Salt of the Earth (Geldenaaksevest)

• Bobbejaan (Andreas Vesaliusstraat)

• I’m Not Your Negro (Mechelsestraat)

• Kedi (Oud-Heverleestraat)

• One Child Nation (Broekstraat)

• Honeyland (Martelarenplein) 17.03

• Mystery of the Pink Flamingo (Pleinstraat)


• Project Nim (Justus Lipsiusstraat)

• Expedition to the End of the World (Tervuursesteenweg)

Gardenia (Twijglaan, Wijgmaal)

• Velvet Queen (Schapenstraat) 19.03 • Iraq’s Invisible Beauty (Laurent-Benoit Dewezlaan)

In 2019, DOCVILLE revolved around love. Therefore, the festival organized a “scientifically correct” speed date, together with Prof. Dr. Erick Janssen of the KU Leuven. Eleven matches came out of those dates, and for at least one pair of participants, that encounter was hugely successful. In fact, there is a DOCVILLE baby! We would love to repeat that success for this anniversary edition. Interested? Apply via the festival website and if a match is found for you, we would love to see you at the most romantic documentary festival!

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International Selection

Ten brand new author-driven documentaries from around the world that capture the essence of DOCVILLE: expertly made documentary films that not only deliver strong and thorough content, but are visually stunning as well, more than deserving of a place on the silver screen.

Phantoms of the Sierra Madre

Writer Lars fulfills a boyhood dream when he sets off on an expedition in the footsteps of Helge Ingstad, a famous Norwegian explorer, in search of a lost Apache tribe in Mexico. Gradually, however, he wonders if it is okay to search for a tribe that will not be found? Or is this urge for discovery simply an inherent part of our cultural tradition?

1h38 • Norway • Director: Håvard Bustnes • D English, Spanish • SUB English - Screening: Mon 25/03 (20:15), Wed 27/03 (10:30) in Cinema ZED

A New Kind of Wilderness

A wild and free life in nature. That is what Maria and Nik dreamed of before moving into a remote farmhouse in the Norwegian forest, where they now live with four children. All goes well until disaster strikes and they are forced to move to the city. An intimate documentary that won the Grand Jury Prize for international documentary at Sundance.

1h24 • Norway • Director: Silje Evensmo Jacobsen • D English, Norwegian • SUB EnglishScreening: Sat 23/03 (14:00) in Cinema ZED, Tue 26/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis


Phone calls from Russian soldiers to family and friends were intercepted by the Ukrainian secret service. They give a startling insight into the hearts and minds of the Russian armed force. Some conversations show them to be more human, and some more inhuman, than you could ever suspect. Hard-hitting, haunting, sobering.

1h33 • Canada, France, Ukraine • Director: Oksana Karpovych • D Ukrainian, Russian • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (18:00), Mon 25/03 (11:00) in Cinema ZED


The rugged Canadian forests of British Columbia contain trees that have been there for thousands of years. The ancient forests are the daily purview of industrial loggers. Their lives are closely tied to the forest; they feel like no other the dilemma between connection to and exploitation of the forest.

1h20 • Canada • Director: Jean-Philippe Marquis • D English • SUB EnglishScreening: Sat 23/03 (21:30), Tue 26/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED

Grasshopper Republic

Deep in the forests of Uganda, millions of grasshoppers gather to mate. It is a spectacular event of unseen proportions. But they are not alone: a group of young men set up a strange construction with the aim of catching the elusive prey.

1h34 • United States • Director: Daniel McCabe • D Ganda • SUB English - Screening: Fri 22/03 (22:00), Wed 27/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED


In the Catalan forest, shepherd Valeriano picks up a stray goat. On their way back to the herd, they pass a high-tech laboratory where scientists feverishly search for a Covid vaccine. A light-hearted but perceptive documentary about two vastly different worlds that are two sides of the same coin.

1h14 • Spain • Director: Pau Faus • D Catalan, Spanish • SUB English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (20:00), Thu 28/03 (11:45) in Cinema ZED

The Tuba Thieves

When tubas get stolen from a Los Angeles high school for the deaf, many questions remain unanswered. A surprising, joyful and very creative documentary by deaf filmmaker Alison O’Daniel, teaching you to look - not listento sound differently.

1h34 • United States • Director: Alison O’Daniel • D American Sign Language, English • SUB English - Screening: Fri 22/03 (18:00), Mon 25/03 (22:15) in Cinema ZED


This is Christmas

As a small Irish town prepares for Christmas, some people struggle with the stress, expectations and loneliness the holiday brings. A nostalgic film full of compassion, Irish humour and plenty of tenderness.

1h30 • Ireland • Director: Ken Wardrop • D English • SUB English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (22:15) in Cinema ZED, Thu 28/03 (20:00) in Kinepolis


In the lush forests of the eastern Himalayas, the night belongs to moths. In the shadows of the nighttime, two passionate researchers try to unravel the secret universe of these enigmatic nocturnal creatures.

1h22 • United States • Director: Anirban Dutta, Anupama Srinivasan • D English, Hindi • SUB English - Screening: Mon

25/03 (13:00), Wed 27/03 (22:15) in Cinema ZED

The Kyiv Files

In 2017, the former KGB archive was made public in Kyiv. For the first time in decades, Ukrainians were able to look into their personal file and answer questions that haunted them for years.

1h19 • The Netherlands • Director: Walter Stokman • D Dutch, French, Ukrainian, Russian • SUB EnglishScreening: Sun 24/03 (16:00), Tue 26/03 (14:00) in Cinema ZED


In consultation with the editors of De Morgen, DOCVILLE is hosting the first edition of De Morgen@DOCVILLE! Enjoy a whole day of films, panel discussions and introductions by DM journalists. You pay €49 for the full program, including lunch & coffee. Subscribers pay only €36. Find info and tickets at

Eternal You (10:00)

Immortality via AI - Dream or Nightmare? Panel discussion with Barbara Debusschere (DM)

Food Inc. 2 (15:30)

The Role of the Food Industry - Panel Discussion with Barbara Debusschere (DM)

A Storm Foretold (13:00)

Extended Q&A by America expert Maarten Rabaey (DM)

The Stones and Brian Jones (18:30)

Introduction by Marc Coenen (DM)

Artist in Focus: Johan Grimonprez

The overwhelmingly positive international reactions on his latest film speak for themselves: Johan Grimonprez is a renowned video artist excelling at creatively combining exceptional images with a profound social analysis. His feature debut dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y had its world premiere in 1992 in the Centre Pompidou in Paris and became a true festival hit. Double Take (2009), Shadow World (2016), Blue Orchids (2017) and Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat (2024) confirmed his unique talent again and again. As Artist in Focus, DOCVILLE shows a compilation of his work, and the director will give a Master Talk at the festival.

Blue Orchids

A double portrait of two experts representing the two opposite extremes in the playing field of

Double Take

casts Alfred Hitchcock as a paranoid history professor, getting unwillingly involved in another perspective on the Cold War era. A very creative collage film where images of the legendary director, his doppelganger and his films are fascinatingly placed in a parallel with historical events.

1h20 • Belgium • Director: Johan Grimonprez • D English • SUB Dutch - Screening: Sun 24/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED

Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat

1961. The Belgian and American governments join forces to maintain their power in Congo. In the aftermath of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the CIA deploys jazz artists as a distraction from Western interference in post-colonial African politics. Against the backdrop of the Cold War, jazz and decolonization thus become inextricably linked.

2h30 • Belgium • Director: Johan Grimonprez • D French, English, Dutch, Russian • SUB English - Screening: Tue 26/03 (15:00) in Cinema ZED

dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y

With this award-winning found footage film from 1997, Grimonprez made an unsettling foreshadowing of 9/11. With images from films, news reports, home movies and multiple archives, he delivers razor sharp commentary on sensationalism in the media, in light of the history of plane hijacking.

1h08 • Belgium • Director: Johan Grimonprez • D English • SUB Dutch - Screening: Sat 23/03 (15:00) in Cinema ZED

A staggering insight in the process of the international arms trade, that encourages corruption, decides the course of international politics and undermines democracy and causes suffering across the globe. Shadow World won national and international prizes.

1h30 • Belgium • Director: Johan Grimonprez • D English • SUB French-Dutch - Screening: Tue 26/03 (22:00) in Cinema ZED

Shadow World


For the second year in a row, ScienceVille presents must-see recent scientific documentaries. There are also panel discussions, workshops, debates, ScienceVille for Kids, the award for Best Scientific Documentary and the visit of Nobel Prize winner Prof Kip Thorne. ScienceVille is back, and it won’t go unnoticed!

The Faraway, Nearby

A lot can be said about the tragic life of Joseph Weber, the misunderstood founder of gravitational wave research. Until his death, he remained a pariah in his field of research and recognition did not come until 16 years after his passing. Through interviews with Nobel laureate Kip Thorne and psychologist Steven Pinker, among others, we learn, like Weber, to look at the world differently.

1h18 • United States • Director: Paula Froehle • D EnglishScreening: Sat 23/03 (19:00) in Auditorium Vesalius, Wed 27/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED

Kip Thorne & Thomas HertogThe Future of the Einstein Telescope

The new underground Einstein telescope will be Europe’s most advanced observatory for gravitational waves. Why do we need such a telescope? Why is the detection of those gravitational waves so essential to physics? And which country will get it? The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany are exploring the options to host this world-class observatory together

Lecture Kip Thorne: The Warped Side of Our Universe

Vertoning: Sat 23/3 (19:00) Auditorium Vesalius

Following the film The Faraway, Nearby

On Friday, March 22nd, prof. dr. Kip Thorne will be giving a lecture for the general public in the Vesalius lecture hall. Thorne is a theoretical physicist, known for his contributions to gravitational physics and astrophysics. He collaborated with Stephen Hawking and taught at the California Institute of Technology for years. Thorne is active in numerous projects on the cutting edge of science and art and gives scientific advice as well, for example for Interstellar by Christopher Nolan and Contact by Robert Zemeckis. In 2017 Thorne, together with Rainer Weiss and Barry C. Barish, received the Nobel prize for their observational discovery of gravitational waves.

Lecture: Fri 22/3 (17:00) Auditorium Vesalius

Opening ScienceVille

ScienceVille will open, under the supervision of Jacotte Brokken, with three short documentaries, two of which were produced by the festival itself. Two projects, both with a focus on research by a researcher from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), won 40,000 euros last year. After a pitch session and speed dates, two researchers were paired with filmmakers. The third opener is the Dutch short documentary Moonshot Mission. It follows quantum scientist and former hacker Stephanie Wehner in her mission to make the revolutionary quantum internet possible by 2030.


A team of researchers studies the disappeared Testerep peninsula at the Belgian coast. While the scientists try to unravel the mysteries of the peninsula, they ponder the symbiotic relationship between people, technology and our timescape.

15 min - Belgium - 2024Director: Vincent Langouche • D English, Dutch • SUB English - Screening: Sat 23/03 (13:00), Mon 25/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED

Coral City

A playful scientist, Marc Kochzius, takes a deep dive into the ocean together with his team, to unravel the future of coral reefs, that are being jeopardized by the fast-paced rhythm of our modern world. 22

Seaweed Tasting

Did you know that seaweed could possibly end global food problems? Yet it is still not part of our daily menu. High time to learn more about the product of the future. During a one-hour demo, you will get the chance to see, feel, experience and, above all, taste seaweed in detail! Ready to officially add seaweed to your diet?

Send Kelp

Did you know that seaweed produces more oxygen than ALL plants and trees on land combined? Did you know that it de-acidifies the oceans and may even be the ultimate solution to the global food shortage problem? In Send Kelp, we follow an enterprising ‘seaweed nerd’ who single-handedly fights climate change and global food insecurity.

Europe’s Mining Renaissance

Massive investments are being made in clean technologies in hopes of “saving the planet.” Yet all these technical gadgets rely on critical metals and markets dominated by only a handful of countries. Moreover, all that mining and processing is often done in socially and environmentally irresponsible ways. This documentary exposes the economic, ecological, (geo) political and social consequences of that paradox. To what extent could Europe take over the mining of such metals? And what about the Sami, the indigenous people in the far North, who oppose this mining for “energy transition metals.”?

0h40 • Belgium • Director: Stijn Van Baarle • D English • SUB Dutch - Screening: Wed 27/03 (20:00) in Auditorium Vesalius


The European market relies on countries like China and DRC for mining and refining metals. This is where the ecological and (geo-)political shoe pinches: why doesn’t Europe take care of the mining of these metals itself? What consequences does this mining have for the Sami? Is mining in the High North compatible with the indigenous population? Panel discussion with Peter Tom Jones, Ia Modin, Julia Poliscanova and Nick Meynen (moderated by John Vandaele)

Panel discussion: woe 27/3 (21u) Auditorium Vesalius

Following the film Europe’s Mining Renaissance

Immortality via AIDream or Nightmare?

What if a digital version of yourself could live on after your death? Your face, your voice, as well as memories or anecdotes would be recorded. Is it conceivable that a hundred years from now your great-granddaughter could talk to your avatar about life in 2024? Or that a mother of a deceased toddler can speak to her now “digitally raised” child? And do we want that?

A conversation about the ethical, psychological as well as technical aspects of AI and immortality.

Eternal You

Imagine a world where your great-grandchildren can speak to a digital version of yourself 100 years from now. They can hear your voice, listen to your memories and see your face. An unrealistic, far-fetched idea? Certainly not according to an American start-up that views immortality as a new business opportunity.

1h27 • Germany, United States • Director: Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck • D English • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (20:15) in Cinema ZED, Sun 24/03 (10:00) in Auditorium Vesalius

If Only Night Wouldn’t Fall

In an attempt to eliminate stress, anxiety and other mental health problems, three subjects try to rid their life of all “abnormalities”. Do we really become happier when we do not experience setbacks, insecurity or imperfection?

1h22 • Netherlands • Director: Marc Schmidt • D Dutch, English, Norwegian • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (16:00), Mon 25/03 (18:00) in Cinema ZED

Following the film Eternal You • 24/03

Universiteit van Vlaanderen: Missen is wenselijk

Scientists and universities like to let the world know when they have made a breakthrough. But what if a hypothesis turns out to be wrong after years of research? What if a fellow scientist made that groundbreaking discovery two months earlier?

What if a researcher finds that the figures on which their results are based turn out to be wrong? Trial and error lies at the basis of scientific research, and yet scientists rarely talk about their failures. University of Flanders and SciMingo are here to change that. For once, they will not discuss researchers’ successes, but their mistakes and failures.

Interviews with Koen Fillet, Edith Van Dyck (musicologist), Pieterjan Verhelst (marine biologist), Geoffrey Dierckxsens (philosopher), Sylvia Wenmackers (philosopher of science), Joris Vanden - driessche (science historian) and Ernst Koster (clinical psychologist), among others. Sat 23.03 (17:00) in Auditorium Vesalius

saucers are regularly discussed in the media, all the way to the U.S. House of Representatives. But why do people actually believe in UFOs? And if they don’t exist, what did all those witnesses really see?

Niels Bohr Larger Than Life

Niels Bohr, one of the founders of quantum physics, helped Danish Jews escape the Nazis, collaborated on the atomic bomb and won the Nobel Prize. In this documentary, we look back on the eventful life of the founder of modern science, against the backdrop of today’s society.

1h17 • Denmark • Director: Anna von Lowzow, Marie Breyen • D Danish, English, Russian • SUB English - Screening: Mon 25/03 (15:00), Wed 27/03 (18:00) in Cinema ZED

Agent of Happiness

Amber, an official Bhutanese Happiness Agent, travels the Himalayas surveying people’s happiness. On his remote mountain journey, he measures people’s happiness and struggles to find his own fulfillment.

1h33 • Bhutan, Hungary • Director: Arun Bhattarai, Dorottya Zurbó • D Nepali, Dzongkha, English • SUB EnglishScreening: Sat 23/03 (15:00) in Auditorium Vesalius, Sun 24/03 (22:00) in Cinema ZED

Type 1 diabetes is a serious condition that affects about 9 million people worldwide, with 500,000 new cases every year. By 2040, the number is expected to increase to 16 million. What prospects are there? Is there hope for a cure? Should we focus our attention on screening for prediabetes? What possible treatments or approaches do we have?

Interview with, among others, Prof Dr Pieter Gillard (endocrinologist UZ Leuven), Prof Jurgen Vercauteren (biostatistician and researcher KU Leuven). In cooperation with Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund.

THE QUEST FOR A CURE OF TYPE 1 DIABETES Following the film The Human Trial • 26/03

The Human Trial

Type 1 Diabetes is a serious condition that affects about 9 million people worldwide, with 500,000 new cases every year. Filmmaker Lisa Hepner herself has also been struggling with the disease for 30 years. Recently, she signed up for a groundbreaking clinical trial that involves implanting stem cells to hopefully make insulin again. An intimate look at patients’ lives and the challenges they face as they draw hope from this new, innovative treatment.

1h33 • United States • Director: Lisa Hepner, Guy Mossman • D EnglishScreening: Tue 26/03 (20:00) in Auditorium Vesalius


Every year, Ammodo Docs releases seven short documentaries that let you see through the eyes of innovative scientists and artists. This year, DOCVILLE screens four documentaries from last year’s Ammodo Docs series as well as the avant-premiere of Moonshot Mission by Sara Kolster, which takes you into the mysterious world of quantum bits. You can also take a leap underground towards fungal networks, or ascend to the highest mountain peaks, where climate change is mapped. Do you prefer staying close to yourself? Then you can dwell on the origins of your intuition. Are you passionate about MS research? The Ammodo Docs series provides a wide range of subjects.

Screening: Sat 23/03 (13:00), Mon 25/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED

Science Pitch

A unique show in which science watcher Hetty Helsmoortel guides you through nine projects, each presented by scientists in the hope that their research will be chosen as the subject of a new short documentary. The participating universities are the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, UGENT and the University of Antwerp. The subjects are all over the place: from vaginal microbiomes to cancer treatment involving dogs.

Screening: Mon 25/03 (18:00) in Cinema ZED


What if you decided to turn a barren rock in the middle of the ocean into a tropical paradise?

This is what project Ascension island, in the 19th century was about. It was one of the first terraforming experiments and it did not turn out as expected.

1h02 • Ireland • Director: Kevin Brennan, Laurence Durkin • D

English - Screening: Sat 23/03 (11:00) in Auditorium Vesalius, Sun 24/03 (18:00) in Cinema ZED

ScienceVille for Kids

ScienceVille for Kids is back! For all young explorers or nature lovers, 30CC/Wagehuys opens its doors for three childsized documentaries and a ton of workshops and activities. Fancy launching your own rocket or shaking hands with a stick insect? 23 and 24 March, 30CC/Wagehuys is the place to be!

Insect Road Show

Not everyone is a fan of insects. However, they are extremely important! During the Insect Road Show you will get to know different kinds of insects: Belgian species, but also critters from all over the world. From stick insects to centipedes and cockroaches: you can literally shake hands with them. Insect expert Peter Berx talks about the different aspects of their lives: what exactly they do, how they eat, fight and breathe; you will learn it all.

Screening: Sat 23/03 (14:45), Sun 24/03 (12:15) in 30cc/Wagehuys

Wervelende wetenschapsshow

During this dazzling science show, various scientific principles are demonstrated in an unforgettable way! The experiments range from amazingly simple to downright spectacular, taking you on a journey of discovery. During this interactive, humorous show, you’ll play the scientist’s part and participate in a series of surprising experiments.

Screening: Sat 23/03 (17:30) in 30cc/Wagehuys

Brussels WildDe terugkeer van de roeken

Bring out your inner birdwatcher! Discover what birds are hiding in our Brussels capital. Maybe you’ll spot a pitchblack crow, a stately heron, cute sparrows or even a green parakeet? And if you’re really lucky, you might spot a giant rook that hasn’t been seen for over 50 years. The film is narrated by biologist and journalist Dirk Draulans.

0h52 • Belgium • Director: Bernard Crutzen • D DutchScreening: Sat 23/03 (11:00), Sun 24/03 (16:00) in 30cc/ Wagehuys

Onder het maaiveld - Junior Editie

There are countless animals in our soil, a lot more than there are people, yet not everyone knows exactly what they do. Worms, fungi, moles and other critters play an important role in everything that grows and flourishes on earth. More than that, they keep the soil healthy.

1h13 • The Netherlands • Director: Mark Verkerk • D Dutch - Screening: Sat 23/03 (13:15), Sun 24/03 (10:30) in 30cc/Wagehuys

De geheimen van de oermens

Are you ready for a spectacular journey to a time where giant animals roamed the Asian jungle? In this unique docu-fiction filmmaker Jacques Malaterre takes you to a prehistoric China, using beautiful 3D animations.

1h36 • China • Director: Jacques Malaterre, Yves Coppens • D Dutch - Screening: Sat 23/03 (15:00), Sun 24/03 (12:30) in 30cc/Wagehuys

The ScienceVille for Kids weekend is full of child-sized activities. Apart from the three documentaries, there are not only shows, but also workshops and ongoing activities. Both creative and educational, somewhere between science and fun; ideal for young explorers, starting at six years old! Go home with your homemade bath bomb, hair gel or blueprint, get lost in the stars and planets or put the world under the microscope; you can find the full program on

Expo: Make your own bamboo structure

Bamboustics is the art of bamboo! Bamboo sticks are joined with rubber bands to create great works of art. Bamboo is strong enough to make a pyramid, a tower, a UFO or a mammoth. The bamboo structure gets bigger and bigger with everyone adding things to it. Will a house end up becoming a tower? Or does a giraffe turn into a mini-atomium? What will bamboo artwork look like at the end of ScienceVille for Kids?

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a rewarding medium for documentary makers to submerge you into a complete experience. Celebrate the day of the dead in Mexico, go on an interactive journey through the brain of someone with aphasia, or experience how it feels when you receive news that the world will come to an end.

You travel to southern Mexico, where the Mazatec community celebrates the Day of the Dead. In the 360° around you, you encounter nature spirits and ancestors. You ascend, but the landing is soft.

This unique installation is only available for one person per time slot. Buy your ticket early to ensure you get a slot.

0h31 • Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Belgium • Director: Juanita Onzaga • D English, Spanish • SUB EnglishScreening: info at

Workshop: De chemie van beauty

During this workshop you will make your own toothpaste and shampoo! You’ll discover all kinds of things about different everyday prodcts: what ingredients are in toothpaste? How does hair gel work? And why is there salt in shampoo? You will go home with answers to all your questions and your own creations!

Screening: Sat 23/03 (16:30), Sun 24/03 (10:30) in 30cc/Wagehuys


In this interactive and narrative experience, you will dive into the mind of a father with aphasia. It is the story of a father who is unable to speak and a daughter who tries everything in her power to get to know her father better.

0h40 • France, Germany • Director: Marion Burger, Ilan Cohen • D English, French • SUB English - Screening: info at

On The Morning You Wake (to The End Of The World)

On January 13th in 2018 at 08:08h, 1.4 million residents of Hawaii receive the same, chilling message: ‘Ballistic missile threat heading towards Hawaii. Take immediate cover. This is not a drill.’ For 38 minutes, 1.4 million people were convinced that the world was about to end. Take a unique glimpse into this strange incident and experience how they react to a nuclear threat and what choices they make in the face of impending death.

0h37 • France, United Kingdom, United States • Director: Mike Brett, Steve Jamison, Pierre Zandrowicz, Arnaud Colinart • D EnglishScreening: info at



Great films about contemporary hot topics. Films that take a critical perspective on our world, challenge questions and offer you food for thought on issues that affect us all. Topics compiles a remarkable array of films that sharpen your mind and give you fuel for discussion.

Hong Kong Mixtape

In the wake of massive protests in Hong Kong, China enacts a new national security law restricting certain words, images, books, slogans and songs. However, thanks to an underground network of artists, it appears that the fight for the freedom that once characterised Hong Kong is still being fervently fought.

1h26 • United Kingdom • Director: San San F Young • D English, Yue Chinese (Cantonese) • SUB English - Screening: Sat 23/03 (13:00) in Auditorium Vesalius, Mon 25/03 (22:15) in Cinema ZED

Life Is Beautiful

A young Palestinian filmmaker is invited to a film festival in Norway, but during his stay the border with Gaza closes. He cannot return to his home country, but neither can he stay. A bureaucratic nightmare. With the camera pointed at himself, he tries to hold his identity, story and future in his own hands. A documentary that won the Prize for Best Direction at IDFA.

1h33 • Norway • Director: Mohamed Jabaly • D Arabic, English, Norwegian • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (22:00), Sun 24/03 (11:00) in Cinema ZED

Food Inc. 2

The American food industry leaves a trail of victims: animals and humans alike pay the price for an extremely efficient yet vulnerable food system. A very small group of multinational corporations own up to 80 percent of industries like the beef processing industry. Workers in the (fast)food industry barely get by, and eating patterns fueled by ultra-processed foods head off towards an unseen health crisis. However, innovative farmers, food producers and legislators inspire and try to change course towards a more sustainable food industry.

1h34 •

The Role of the Food Industry

“Food is everywhere, that is: unhealthy food. Pushed by billions of advertising campaigns, and designed to mislead our sense of hunger, food is becoming more and more unhealthy. From artificial sugars misleading the body, to fake meat flavor. What are the dangers of ultra-processed foods? What is the responsibility of the industry? Does plant-based “meat” offer a healthy alternative? And what can we do, as consumers? A discussion with i.a. prof. Erik Mathijs (Faculty of bio-economics, KU Leuven), prof. Christophe Mathhys (UZ Leuven).”

Following the film Food Inc. 2 • 24/03

among young, progressive Indians, but they are also subject of discussion. As she is being sued for three cartoons, it is with humour and tenacity, but also with doubt and fear that she awaits her trial.

Total Trust

Through the haunting stories of people in China who have been monitored, intimidated and even tortured, the film tells of the dangers of technology in the hands of unbridled power. Taking China as a mirror, the increasing use of surveillance tools around the world gets questioned. If this is the present, what is our future?

1h37 • Germany, The Netherlands • Director: Jialing Zhang • D Chinese • SUB English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (13:30), Mon 25/03 (11:00) in Cinema ZED


In 2021, the U.S. military pulled out of Afghanistan in a hurry. Documentary filmmaker Ibrahim Nash’at follows a Taliban commander for a year while he takes over the CIA base Hollywoodgate. The abandoned base bulges with materials and information as a true treasure trove. Gradually, the Taliban come to realise that managing an administration is not the same as leading a terrorist group.

1h29 • United States, Germany • Director: Ibrahim Nash’at • D Dari, English, Pashtu • SUB EnglishScreening: Tue 26/03 (11:00), Wed 27/03 (19:30) in Cinema ZED

Gestolen Leven

Adoption fraud: Can we avoid it?

“Giving a child from another country a ”better life” in Belgium: the motivation of adoptive parents is often the very opposite of reality. As a result, numerous cases of abuse recently led to a halt in adoptions. Time for a discussion on how to proceed: with parents, children and policy makers.

In the presence of Rani T’Kindt and Miranda Ntirandekura Aerts

Following the film Gestolen Leven • 21/03

You think you are an orphan, adopted in a Western country, only to discover years later that your official papers have been forged. You are not an orphan, and your biological parents are still alive today... Rani, abducted as a child, testifies about child trafficking by the Catholic Church in India. The Dutch Marcia, a victim of adoption fraud, exposes corruption in Colombia, causing a shockwave in Belgium. And a journalist named Kurt risks his own life to expose a network of Congolese child traffickers.

1h10 • Belgium • Director: Daniel Lambo, Daniel Lambo • D Spanish, French, Dutch • SUB Dutch - Screening: Thu 21/03 (20:00) in Auditorium Vesalius, Wed 27/03 (14:00) in Cinema ZED

A Storm Foretold

Roger Stone, Trump’s political godfather, gave documentary filmmaker Guldbrandsen unprecedented access to his life, from 2018 to just after the Capitol riots in early 2021. A wild, mind-boggling ride through Stone’s sharp worldview. Disconcerting and perplexing.

1h30 • Denmark • Director: Christoffer Guldbrandsen • D English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (13:00) in Auditorium Vesalius, Tue 26/03 (22:00) in Cinema ZED


A wonderfully varied selection of films that are not in competition, but that the true documentary lover should not miss. Films that are creating a buzz in the international film festival circuit or little-known gems that DOCVILLE is happy to present to you.

Danger Zone

Is visiting a war zone the ultimate tourist experience? It could be. Some tour operators now organise special trips to zones of conflict, just for the thrill, to feel alive again or to be able to sell it as a cool story. A staggering clash between two worlds.

Patrick and the Whale

Patrick Dykstra has 20 years of experience studying whales and feels like he understands them inside and out. Yet he is completely blown off his feet by an intense encounter with a female sperm whale. He returns hoping to meet her again. A breathtaking documentary about the extraordinary bond that can exist between a human and a sperm whale.

1h12 • Austria • Director: Mark Fletcher • D English • SUB Dutch - Screening: Sat 23/03 (19:30) in Cinema ZED, Wed 27/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis

Joan Baez: I Am A Noise

Since her debut at age 18, musician and activist Joan Baez has been on stage for more than 60 years. The now 82-year-old singer candidly takes stock of her life, from her involvement in the civil rights movement to her friendship with Martin Luther King to her heartbreaking romance with Bob Dylan. A tribute to an icon who never told the full truth of her life, until now.

1h53 • United States • Director: Karen O’Connor, Miri Navasky, Maeve O’Boyle • D English • SUB Dutch - Screening: Sat 23/03 (22:30) in Cinema ZED

1h33 • Poland • Director: Vita Maria Drygas • D English, Italian, Pashtu • SUB EnglishScreening: Sun 24/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis Kim’s Video

The collection of Video Store Kim’s Video, New York, consisted of more than 55,000 DVDs and VHSs. After closing down, it was entirely donated to an unsightly village in Italy whose local government promised to turn the collection into a film museum. Director Redmon tries to recover the collection decades later, and what he discovers is even more peculiar than the script of a B-movie.

1h28 • United States • Director: Ashley Sabin, David Redmon • D English, Italian, Korean • SUB English - Screening: Fri 22/03 (22:15), Sat 23/03 (10:30) in Cinema ZED

Songs of Earth

Arctic-blue glaciers, gurgling waterfalls and green mountain slopes. His entire life, filmmaker

Margreth Olin’s now 84-year-old father has been hiking through the enchanting Norwegian valley of Oldedalen. Over the span of a year, he takes up the role of wise guide and invites her along for the journey, looking to connect with nature and each other.

1h30 • Norway • Director:

Margreth Olin • D Norwegian • SUB English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (20:00) in Kinepolis

The Contestant

A Japanese reality TV star left naked in a room for more than a year, tasked with filling out magazine sweepstakes to earn food and clothing.

1h30 • United Kingdom • Director: Clair Titley • D Japanese • SUB English - Screening: Sat 23/03 (11:00) in Cinema ZED, Thu 28/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis

Anselm (3D)

Wim Wenders delves into the life and work of Anselm Kiefer, one of the biggest names in contemporary art. Anselm (3D) is a unique film experience in which the boundaries between film and art fade away.

1h33 • Germany • Director: Wim Wenders • D German, English • SUB French-Dutch - Screening: Sat 23/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis

The Eternal Memory

In her new documentary, Oscar-nominated director Maite Alberdi tells the intimate and poignant story of a courageous woman who does everything she can to preserve the brilliant mind of her Alzheimer’s-afflicted husband. It is a deeply moving and human portrait of an eternal love and perhaps the most beautiful love story of the year.

1h25 • Chile, United States • 2023 • Director: Maite Alberdi • D Spanish • SUB English - Screening: Mon 25/03 (20:00) in Kinepolis

The Stones and Brian Jones

It was Brian Jones who formed the Rolling Stones in 1962. However, the shy, talented musician got kicked out of the band and died young. DOCVILLE-habitué Nick Broomfield (Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love) made a multifaceted portrait of this forgotten musician who had an undeniable influence on the Stones.

1h33 • United Kingdom • 2023 • Director: Nick Broomfield • D English • SUB Dutch - Screening: Fri 22/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis, Sun 24/03 (18:30) in Auditorium Vesalius

The Gullspång Miracle

Two Norwegian sisters decide to buy a new flat. Their lives turn upside down when they meet the real estate agent for the flat. She looks identical to their third sister, who committed suicide thirty years ago.

1h48 • Sweden, Norway, Denmark • Director: Maria Fredriksson • D Swedish • SUB

English - Screening: Wed 20/03 (12:00), Thu 28/3 (20:00) and (20:30)

Citizen Sleuth

True Crime is more popular than ever and podcasts from amateur sleuths like Emily Nestor are very succesful. Currently, Nestor is investigating the possible murder of a young woman, and its coverup. But what if the business aspect of her true crime series takes over? What if the number of listeners becomes more important than the truth?

1h22 • United States • Director: Chris Kasick • D English • SUB

English - Screening: Sun 24/03 (20:30) in Auditorium Vesalius, Mon 25/03 (20:30) in Kinepolis

Bedankt aan alle spelers van de Nationale Loterij. Dankzij hen kunnen wij jullie met DOCVILLE opnieuw een boeiend festival aanbieden. Jij speelt toch ook?

Interesse om bij de Nationale Loterij te werken?

Focus on Failure

From a young age, we are taught to chase our dreams. Go for it, and you’ll get there! But what if that doesn’t work out? Is failure something we should quickly cover up and forget about? Or can it offer us something precious? Three special documentaries about dreams, big and small, that didn’t become reality but where failure may prove to be very significant.

In Silico

A bold project of a visionary neurologist charmed everyone. He would replicate a human brain, in all its complexity, on supercomputers. No other project managed to convince the European Union to get that many subsidies. But as years and funds ticked away, the gap between excessive ambition and objective results kept getting bigger.

1h24 • United States • Director: Noah Hutton • D EnglishScreening: Fri 22/03 (16:00), Wed 27/03 (12:30) in Cinema ZED

Universiteit van Vlaanderen: Missen is wenselijk

Scientists and universities like to let the world know when they have made a breakthrough. But what if a hypothesis turns out to be wrong after years of research? What if a fellow scientist made that groundbreaking discovery two months earlier?

What if a researcher finds that the figures on which their results are based turn out to be wrong? Trial and error lies at the basis of scientific research, and yet scientists rarely talk about their failures. University of Flanders and SciMingo are here to change that. For once, they will not discuss researchers’ successes, but their mistakes and failures.

Interviews with Koen Fillet, Edith Van Dyck (musicologist), Pieterjan Verhelst (marine biologist), Geoffrey Dierckxsens (philosopher), Sylvia Wenmackers (philosopher of science), Joris Vanden - driessche (science historian) and Ernst Koster (clinical psychologist), among others. Sat 23.03 (17:00) in Auditorium Vesalius

Unfinished Sympathies

What’s the best documentary you haven’t made? What was the idea, and where did it go wrong? Failed funding, post-production disrupting the process or a distributor dropping out; all stories that are rarely told. Filmmakers talk about their failures and blunders, because we might learn more from those than from the successes.

Glass, My Unfulfilled Life

In the course of seven years, Rogier Kappers films himself as he strives to achieve the dream he had as a nine-year-old boy: to build an organ from singing glasses and getting rich and famous in the process. With the necessary self-mockery, he meanders between hope, despair and heartache. Because in real life, dreams are not always achievable.

1h34 • The Netherlands • Director: Rogier Kappers • D Dutch • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (18:00), Thu 28/03 (15:00) in Cinema ZED

The Amazing Johnathan Documentary

Director Ben Berman rejoiced when he heard about The Amazing Johnathan, a magician with a terminal illness who just kept on living. After all, every documentary filmmaker dreams of the perfect story about a perfect character. But nothing is what it seems in this meta-documentary about truth and illusions, as well as how to deal as a filmmaker with a subject who just won’t listen.

1h32 • United States • Director: Benjamin Berman • D EnglishScreening: Wed 27/03 (22:00), Thu 28/03 (10:00) in Cinema ZED

Outside the Dox

Every year DOCVILLE provides a special place for documentaries that venture to leave the classic trails. Films that experiment with form or content and thus broaden and enhance the genre. This year, for instance, there is an associative homage to film, an interactive research documentary, an extraordinary simulation of a crisis and a poetic immersion in Scandinavian melancholy.

Traces of Responsibility

In this interactive film, the viewer - like a true investigative journalist - must make choices about which path to pursue in an investigation of the complex genesis and aftermath of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

1h20 • Switzerland • Director: Reiß Anja, Jann Anderegg • D English, French, Kinyarwanda • SUB English - Screening: Sat 23/03 (20:30), Thu 28/03 (17:00) in Cinema ZED


Swedish melancholy at its best. Through 24 stanzas, this poetic film renders a mosaic of situations and individuals, each with their own doubts, memories and dreams, set in a land marked by the freezing cold winds. Carl Olsson’s beautiful tableaux vivants are reminiscent of another brilliant Swedish director, Roy Andersson.

1h22 • Sweden • Director: Carl Olsson • D Swedish, Polish • SUB English - Screening: Thu 21/03 (22:00), Sat 23/03 (17:45) in Cinema ZED

And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine

From British King Edward VII’s obsession with the very first camera to the now more than 45 billion cameras constantly recording around the world, moving pictures are everywhere. These filmmakers, who call themselves visual sociologists, demonstrate the human obsession with film and its impact on society.

1h28 • Denmark • Director: Axel Danielson • D Swedish, German, French • SUB French-

- Screening: Thu 21/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED, Wed 27/03 (20:00)

War Game

A group of top US officials, both Democrats and Republicans, lock themselves in a war room for a simulation of a recognisable scenario: an extreme group disputes the outcome of the election. Insurgents advance in major cities and a battle over news and social media breaks out. Raging, sobering or perhaps actually hopeful?

1h34 • United States • Director: Tony Gerber, Jesse Moss • D English - Screening: Fri 22/03 (18:00), Sat 23/03 (16:00) in Cinema ZED

Ket & Doc

Five brand new child-sized short documentaries, full of real-life stories. For instance, a young pianist tries to bond with his dad who is in the army. A girl fights for her two passions: baking and boxing. Fien discovers that her sister Hannah is threatened by a vicious crocodile that makes her very skinny and sick. A Ukrainian teen learns to trust herself and others during a climbing camp, and Lotta ends up in a world where everyone is allowed to be unique.

Hannah & De Krokodil - Lore Mechelaere

Wij, jongens - Charlotte Coeman, Arne Brown

Buitenbeentjes - Elke Vanoost

Grip - Laura De Baudringhien

Ronde 3 - Liesbeth De Mey

Screening: Sun 24/3 (14:00) Cinema ZED

Sabam Night

Belgian Association of Authors, Composers and Publishers Sabam supports audiovisual authors in various ways. There is support for filmmakers who have already earned their stripes, but also for young and new talent. On the Sabam evening, films will be screened that were realized partly thanks to this support.

Screening: Tue 26/3 (20:00) Cinema ZED

Dear Children

Lauranne Van den Heede Us, Boys Charlotte Coeman

Ronde 3 Liesbeth De Mey

Not only is DOCVILLE a public festival, it’s also the perfect platform for professional exchange. During various days, there will be activities and networking opportunities for professionals active in the documentary scene.

Master Talk: Johan Grimonprez

Tue 26/03 (18:00) Cinema ZED

His first feature film had its world premiere at the Centre Pompidou in Paris in 1992 and his most recent film won awards at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. For decades, Johan Grimonprez has been renowned worldwide as a video artist who knows how to interweave unique footage with in-depth social analysis in a highly creative way. Journalist Ruben Nollet interviews him for this DOCVILLE Master Talk.

Sabam Pitch

Tue 26/03 (13:00) Cinema ZED

Sabam for Culture has been committed for decades to the promotion, development and dissemination of its audiovisual repertoire. For example, Sabam supports directors and/or screenwriters directly through a development grant.

Science Pitch + Speeddate

Mon 25/03 (18:00) Cinema ZED, Mon 25/03 (20:30) Het Strand

Since last year DOCVILLE has been involved in the creation of new scientific documentaries. As a filmmaker, you have a chance to win a production budget of €40,000. Under the guidance of Hetty Helsmoortel, selected scientists pitch their research topic to interested film professionals. A speed date between scientists and filmmakers will then hopefully lead to an ideal match. Two projects ultimately win a film budget.

Day of the Doc

Professional documentary filmmakers traditionally gather on the last day of DOCVILLE for the annual Day of the Doc. An engaging round-up of the state of Flemish documentary films with time to reflect on some interesting issues.

Unfinished Sympathies

28/3 (10:00) Cinema ZED

What’s the best documentary you haven’t made? What was the idea, and where did it go wrong? Failed funding, post-production disrupting the process or a distributor dropping out; all stories that are rarely told. Filmmakers talk about their failures and blunders, because we might learn more from those than from the successes

Copyright through the eyes of documentary filmmakers

28/3 (13:00) Cinema ZED

Copyrights through the eyes of documentary filmmakers. Copyright raises many questions. New forms of collaboration and new technologies necessitate rethinking the concept in the heavily underfunded documentary film sector.

State of the Doc and Beyond

28/3 (15:30) Cinema ZED

What is the state of the Flemish author’s documentary? And what does its future look like: how can we as stakeholders work together to build a viable ecosystem for the genre? An open conversation.

Do 28

The documentary record of cinematographer Ben Bernhard is impressive. He has worked with award-winning directors such as Victor Kossakovsky ( Aquarella, ¡Vivan las antípodas!) and Pernille Rose Grønkjær (Solutions, Hunting for Hedonia). This year he even earned an Oscar nomination for his contribution to the film All That Breathes

A master class from a true master cinematographer in the world of docu.

Ben Bernhard Masterclass
mrt - 17:30 - Cinema ZED

Thu 21.03 (21:15) Agent of Happiness 29

Sat 23.03 (15:00), Sun 24.03 (22:00)

Ammodo Docs 31

Sat 23.03 (13:00), Mon 25.03 (16:00)

And the King Said, What a Fantastic ... ....... 48

Thu 21.03 (16:00), Wed 27.03 (20:00)

Anselm (3D) .......................................... 43

Sat 23.03 (20:30)

Auteursrechten door de ogen ... ........ 51

Thu 28.03 (13:00) B Blue Orchids 18

Sat 23.03 (16:30)

Bouw je eigen raket 34

Sat 23.03 (14:30), Sun 24.03 (12:30)

Brussels Wild - De terugkeer van de roeken 32

Sat 23.03 (11:00), Sun 24.03 (16:00)


Chelsea’s Blues ....................................... 6

Tue 26.03 (20:00) Citizen Sleuth 44

Sun 24.03 (20:30), Mon 25.03 (20:30)

Confessions of a Good Samaritan 27 Mon 25.03 (20:00), Wed 27.03 (11:30) Corpus 4 Sun 24.03 (19:00), Sun 24.03 (21:00), Mon 25.03 (20:00), wo 27.03 (10:00) D





Sun 24.03 (20:00)

Duurzaam Mijnen in Europa? .............. 25

Wed 27.03 (21:00)

Empereur ............................................... 35

Emperors of Nothing ............................... 5 Thu 21.03 (20:00), Sun 24.03 (10:30)

Eternal You 24

Thu 21.03 (20:15), Sun 24.03 (10:00) Europe’s Mining Renaissance 24

Wed 27.03 (20:00)

Expeditie exoplaneet 34

zo 24.03 (14:30)

F Fauna ..................................................... 15

Sun 24.03 (20:00), Thu 28.03 (11:45)

Floating with Spirits 35 Mon 18.03 (13:40) Food Inc. 2 17, 36

Sun 24.03 (15:30), Thu 28.03 (13:15) G

Gestolen Leven ..................................... 39

Thu 21.03 (20:00), Wed 27.03 (14:00)

Glass, My Unfulfilled Life....................... 46

Thu 21.03 (18:00), Thu 28.03 (15:00)

Grasshopper Republic 14

Fri 22.03 (22:00), Wed 27.03 (16:00)

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