Fontenelle Forest's Leaflet - March / April 2016

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April 22 at Hilton Omaha see page 3 for more information


Fontenelle Forest also offers many other ways for members to experience, learn about and enjoy the natural world. We offer over 200 public education programs each year including live animal demonstrations, nature activities, guided hikes, and major science exhibits. Our live raptor education programs are offered locally and throughout the state of Nebraska. The Forest even offers an online nature learning opportunity. Our NatureSearch. org website is an online field guide for the flora and fauna of Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods. NatureSearch offers close up photos and descriptive information about many of the plants and animals who inhabit or visit our properties.

Field Notes Greetings Fontenelle Forest Members and Friends! We are excited that spring is just around the corner! Of course, that means the Forest will soon be awakening from its long winter slumber. Plants will be growing again and Forest animals will become more active and visible. Migratory birds will also soon be using the Forest as a ‘rest stop’ as they move north to their nesting grounds – and some will make their summer homes right here. In the meantime, lots of exciting things are going on around here. Our new Raptor Woodland Refuge exhibit is nearing completion. This outdoor display will showcase more than twenty live, non-releasable birds of prey. We are looking forward to the Grand Opening of our one-of-a-kind Raptor Woodland Refuge in the late-spring to early-summer timeframe (Specifics will be announced on the Forest website). Enrollment is now open for our 2016 summer Nature Discovery Day Camp programs. The various day camp experiences target different age groups of students with age-appropriate nature activities. Sign up your children today for these fun-filled summer learning adventures!

Jeanine Lackey works on a controlled burn at Neale Woods

With the coming of spring, numerous groups of school children are now visiting Fontenelle Forest to learn about the water cycle, the food chain, and the habitats of many of the amazing flora and fauna who call the Forest home. Forest Education team members are also visiting classrooms across the metro area to help students learn about the natural world. Last year, more than 35,000 school children participated in Forest-sponsored natural science classes and field study. About one-third of the students were from low-income households and attended for free.

Now let’s turn our attention to the Fontenelle Forest’s Save the Oaks woodland restoration initiative. As you may recall, last year Fontenelle Forest was awarded a three-year grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust. This grant enables the Forest to create and implement a comprehensive oak woodland and wildlife restoration strategy for Neale Woods and Fontenelle Forest. The grant will help fund the restoration and enhancement of more than 1,100 acres of oak woodland, floodplain forest and prairie. An array of restoration strategies which include prescribed fire, invasive species control, and thinning shade-tolerant shrubs are targeted for use at both locations. As a result, when you are out hiking you may notice new service roads, wider trails and fire breaks in some areas of Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods. You may also occasionally see or smell smoke from controlled burns conducted at either property. Oak trees are fire resistant with thick bark and deep roots, and are thus fire-tolerant. Over the past several years, we have restored small segments of oak savannas on ridge tops at both Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods. We have also conducted controlled burns on some prairie and woodland tracts at Neale Woods.

Greg Wagner, Nebraska Game & Parks, speaks at a SUN program

In addition to young people, our Forest Educators also provide programs about the natural world to senior citizens. Last year about 5,000 elder Americans attended more than 300 Forestsponsored SUN: Seniors Understanding Nature outreach programs throughout the Omaha and Council Bluffs area. Monthly SUN programs were also conducted onsite at the Forest.

March and April 2016

Through deployment of various restoration activities in the years to come, we anticipate that sizable tracts of our oak woodland will be restored to the condition of a healthy ecosystem. Opening up the tree canopy will allow more light to reach to the forest floor.


This in turn will clear the way for germination and growth of more oak seedlings. It will also promote the growth of a diverse mix of native wildflowers, grasses and sedges. These plants will provide habitat for diverse animal species ranging from bats to bees to deer to woodpeckers. A more open woodland and canopy will allow more airflow and breezes, thus reducing the number of pesky mosquitoes and increasing wind-blown flower and grass seed dispersal.

Feather Our Nest

Finally, since spring is right around the corner, our 25 miles of hiking trails (eight miles at Neale Woods and 17 miles at Fontenelle Forest) will soon be ice-free and dry enough for enjoyable hiking . I hope you’ll plan to take advantage of the many opportunities afforded by the Forest to experience the emergence of spring and enjoy the quiet wild of nature. See you on the trails!

You are invited to partner with Fontenelle Forest in presenting Feather Our Nest 2016 on Friday, April 22 at the beautiful Hilton Omaha, located in Downtown Omaha. With your gift to the event, you join Fontenelle Forest’s Board of Directors, Trustees, Guild, staff members, and volunteers in supporting our diverse environmental education programming.

Tad Leeper, Interim Executive Director

The proceeds of this event open a door to the natural world for the youth in our community. This year’s Grand Opening of Raptor Woodland Refuge includes an opportunity for the public to view nearly two dozen live, non-releasable birds of prey in a unique outdoor setting. Various species of raptors including owls, hawks, turkey vultures and more, inspire both adventure and learning. Your participation will ensure that the over 40,000 children who visit Fontenelle Forest each year will walk amidst the variety of distinctive tree-house like mews.


Your contribution will provide continued community access, conservation of native animal species, public education, and FrogWatch USA is an Association of Zoos and Aquariums school programming, not only for Raptor Woodland Refuge but (AZA) citizen science program designed for long-term monitoring of frog and toad populations. For 2016, the Fontenelle Forest for all offerings at Fontenelle Forest. and Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo chapters have merged with Individual Ticket - $125/person training taking place at the zoo and monitoring at the Forest’s Patron Ticket - $250/person (includes private tour of Raptor Woodland Refuge) wetlands learning center. Cocktails at 6:00p.m. and dinner at 7:30p.m.

Training sessions will be held at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium: 3/3/2016 from 6:00-8:30pm 3/12/2016 from 10:00am-12:30pm (Please meet at guest services near the front entrance 10 minutes before the start of each session.)

To register for the event, please visit Please contact Barb Naughtin, Development Associate, with questions about supporting Feather Our Nest 2016 at or 402-731-3140 x1024.

Field sessions to be held at Fontenelle Forest’s wetlands learning center: 4/8/2016 from 7:00-9:00pm 4/29/2016 from 7:30-9:30pm To register, please contact: Elyse Watson Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium (402)738-6908


March and April 2016

Fairy Faire

MUD PIES For ages 5 and younger.

March 19 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. FFNC

Fairy Faire Do you want to dress up and meet some forest fairies? The Fairy Faire is returning to Fontenelle Forest. This is your chance to come build a fairy house, make a craft, blow bubbles with the bubble fairy, and have your face painted. You can even go visit the Queen of the Fairies and get your own fairy name. The Fairy Faire is from 10am to 2pm, so dress up like your favorite magical (or non-magical) creature and come on out to the Fairy Faire. Check our website the week of the Faire for a schedule of events.

Every Thursday 12:30p.m.-2:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Kate Murphy

Mud Pies in the Afternoon Unable to attend Mud Pies in the morning? Drop by the Nature Center on Thursday afternoons to explore nature activities with your child. One adult is required for every two children. A different natural science topic is introduced each week through interactive stations within “Habitat Hollow”. This program is for children ages 5 and younger.

Members only, for ages 5-11. Registration Required. Members Only April 23 1:00p.m. - 2:30p.m. WLC Leader: Kathy Fischer

Nature Explorers: April Showers Bring Wildflowers! Explorers will go on a scavenger hunt to find wildflowers. We will head in doors and learn about pollinators. For children ages 5-11, snacks provided. Please dress for the weather. Registration required. Space is limited!

YOGA IN THE FOREST Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. - snow, rain or shine!

Nebraska SciFest 2016 We’re excited to be a part of the Nebraska Science Festival for the third straight year! Join us as we celebrate spring with raptor programs, wildflower walks, a look at the history of Raptor Recovery Nebraska, guided exploration hikes, and more. Admission is discounted with a NeSciFest ticket for non-members.

Every Sunday morning 9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m. FFNC Leader: Julie Mckeone

Visit for more information on the state-wide 2016 Nebraska Science Festival.

March and April 2016

Mud Pies Drop by to explore nature activities with your child. One adult is required for every two children. A different natural science topic is introduced each week through interactive stations within “Habitat Hollow”. Check the calendar at to learn the weekly topic. This program is for children ages 5 and younger.


Nebraska Science Fest April 16 and 17 FFNC

Monday - Thursday 9:30a.m.-11:30a.m. FFNC Leader: Lindsay Cooley


Yoga in the Forest Join us for an hour-long vinyasa style yoga class, surrounded by nature, designed to de-stress and relax you. This class is accessible for all levels of yogis, from beginner to experienced, and will feature the sounds of the forest as your soundtrack as you move towards complete wellness. A meditative walk will follow the class, ending with tea for those who can stay.

March 7 10:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. CB Leader: Kate Murphy

PROGRAMS Programs are listed in chronological order Members Only March 3 7:00p.m.-9:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Rick Schmid

March 4 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. CB Leader: Tracy Van Zee

Bird Club Galapagos Islands: A Field Guide. Presenters will be bird club members Suzanne Gucciardo and Ross Silcock. The presentation will cover their 2015 custom cruise in the Galapagos Islands, focusing on the environmental conditions that make the archipelago biologically unique. Although the bird fauna is not large, the islands’ isolation produces many endemic species. March 8 9:45a.m. - 11:00a.m. These, along with more wide ranging speFFNC cies, will be discussed and shown. Leader: Catherine Kuper March Campfire Program: Cabin Fever? Spring is on the Way! With the vernal equinox comes the promise of longer, warmer days, new life, and the end of the cold, dark days of winter. Join us by the campfire for stories, songs, and fun facts about the signs of spring! We will plan to be outside (weather permitting) this month so don’t forget your blanket and maybe even a camp chair. Bring a mug for hot cocoa after the program.

March 5 9:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. Schramm Park SRA near Gretna Leader: Rick Schmid

Bird Banding at Aksarben Aquarium Get a people’s-eye-view of our feathered friends as we capture live birds, “tag” them with tiny light-weight leg bands and release them back into the wild. Drop by any time between 9:00am and 11:00am and stay as little or as long as you like. All ages are welcome, and anyone who wishes to may touch a live bird.

March 6 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leaders: Ingrid Johnson and Bonnie Newman

Family Sundays in the Forest: Spring Awakening With the onset of spring, animals that hibernate in Fontenelle Forest are waking up from a long period of deep sleep. They spent the winter hibernating to conserve energy when food was scarce. Come discover which animals hibernate – some of them may surprise you! – and find out which creatures move away in the winter instead. Let’s explore who is waking in the forest and who is returning.

Home School Science Discoveries: Geology Basics Learn about the geology of Camp Brewster. After making models of minerals and changing them to rocks, the group will walk the geology trail searching for glacial till and glacial erratics. They’ll discover loess soil and maybe uncover a “kinchen”. Each participant will take home a rock and a mineral. Snack is included. This program is limited to 12 students ages 5 11 and registration is required.. There is a $5.00 materials fee per student. Seniors Understanding Nature: Pollinators - Who Are They and Why Should We Care? Jennifer Hopwood, Pollinator Conservation Specialist from the Xerces Society will talk about the impact of pollinators in our region and what you can do to encourage pollinators in your own yard.

March 11 6:30p.m. - 8:00p.m. Neale Woods Leader: Bob Fuchs

Night Sky Observation at Neale Woods What’s in the sky tonight? Come find out! We will meet in the Neale Woods parking lot. Bring binoculars if you have them so we can search for deep sky objects. The event will not occur if the sky is overcast. Remember to dress for the weather. All ages welcome.

March 13 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Jayne Hutton

Family Sundays in the Forest: The Forest Wakes Up! Spring has almost officially arrived, and the forest is looking quite different already! Come find out what’s sprouting now and who’s wandering around, and enjoy a wonderful spring afternoon with your family at the Forest.

March 17 7:00p.m. FFNC Leaders: Clem Klaphake

Audubon Society of Omaha speaker: Snowy Owls with Denver Holt Join us for a presentation by Denver Holt about Snowy Owls. Denver Holt is the founder and president of the Owl Research Institute and the Ninepipes Wildlife Research Center, a nonprofit organization located in Charlo, Montana. His award-winning work has been published by National Geographic magazine and featured in documentaries around the world. This talk is sponsored by the Audubon Society of Omaha and Fontenelle Forest. This talk will also be the Fontenelle Forest Photography Club’s March meeting.



March and April 2016

Fairy Faire

March 19 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. March 19 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. FFNC Leader: Denise Lewis

See page 4

April 1 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. CB Leader: Tracy Van Zee

April Campfire Program: April Fools! Tricksters in Nature Tricksters are used to teach lessons and tell tales across many cultures. Tap into your inner child, bring along the kids, and join us for an evening of playful stories and even some family-friendly pranks by the outdoor campfire. Grab a buddy and bring a blanket, and don’t forget your mug for hot cocoa after the program.

April 3 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Jayne Hutton

Family Sundays in the Forest: Feathering the Nest Ever wondered about the family dynamics of birds? Curious as to why different species of birds make differently-shaped nests? Bring your own (human) family to the forest for a walk, and discover all the ins and outs of nest making and bird families before you go out. There’s a good chance you’ll see some nests already built out there!

April 4 10:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. WLC Leader: Kate Murphy

Home School Science Discoveries: Birding in the Wetlands Bring your binoculars for a peek at migrating birds in the wetlands. (Binoculars will be available to borrow.) Examine a sandhill crane taxidermy mount to learn about the great migration of the sandhill crane. The group will walk to the bird blind along the “Great Marsh” trying to spot other migrants, especially water fowl. A “bird” snack is included. This program is limited to 12 students ages 5 - 11 and registration is required.. There is a $5.00 materials fee per student.

Members Only April 7 7:00p.m.-9:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Rick Schmid

Bird Club Ruth Bentzinger, Environmental Resource Specialist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will review properties the Corps manages that are adjacent to the Missouri River and offer potential birding opportunities.

April 9 9:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. FFNC Leader: Rick Schmid

Bird Banding Get a people’s-eye-view of our feathered friends as we capture live birds, “tag” them with tiny light-weight leg bands and release them back into the wild. Drop by any time between 9:00am and 11:00am and stay as little or as long as you like. All ages are welcome, and anyone who wishes to may touch a live bird.

Raptors... Live! This is your opportunity to come visit us and meet our amazing raptors! See and learn about these fascinating owl, hawk, and falcon wildlife ambassadors; photographs are encouraged. Stay and enjoy the Fairy Faire!

March 20 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Kelly Propst

Family Sundays in the Forest: About The Woods Although forests in stories are frequently portrayed as scary or spooky, they are actually wonderful places to explore! Join us on a child-paced walk through the woods, and get a glimpse of what’s out there to discover. One hike will begin around 1:15 pm, with the other beginning around 2:15. Join us for one or both!

March 25 6:00p.m. - 8:00 p.m. FFNC Leader: David Muska

Returning to Nature: Part 1 Join us for an evening with David Muska of Ondatra Adventures. This presentation will introduce the tools and information necessary to creating meaning relationships with nature as individuals, families and community members. Join us on March 26th for the Community Workshop as well! Registration is required and all ages are welcome. This program is free for members or with daily admission.

March 26 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. FFNC Leader: David Muska

Returning to Nature: Part 2 This day of exploration will provide opportunities to put into practice the skills and tools presented at last night’s presentation. Bring a lunch and a sense of adventure as we head out into the Forest to uncover the tales of the natural world. Registration is required and all ages are welcome. This workshop is $5 for members or $12 for non-members.

March 26 9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. FFNC Leaders: Ann Cole & Mary Lou Alfieri

Little Stars Astronomy Do you know a preschool-aged child who’d love to learn what’s up in the sky? This new program series is geared towards kids ages 3-5 and focuses on a different astronomy topic once a month from January through May. Drop in anytime to learn through hands-on experiments, games, and going outside. Adults must accompany children.



April 10 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leaders: Bonnie Newman and Kelly Propst

April 12 9:45a.m. - 11:00a.m. FFNC Leader: Catherine Kuper

Nebraska SciFest April 16 and 17

April 16 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. FFNC Leader: Denise Lewis

April 16 10:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. FFNC Leader: Eric Scholar

April 17 1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Denise Lewis

April 17 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Kelly Propst

Members Only April 21 7:00 p.m. FFNC

Family Sundays in the Forest: Bird Egg Beauty Bird eggs are some of the most beautiful works of nature’s art, and are also designed amazingly to suit their purposes. Bring your family for a close-up egg encounter, and learn all about the different shapes, sizes, and colors of eggs – plus the reasons behind each feature!

Fontenelle Forest Photography Club Nebraska Photography Destinations presentation by Jenny Nguyen, Nebraskaland Magazine Associate Editor.

Feather Our Nest April 22 at 6 p.m.

Seniors Understanding Nature: Raptor Woodland Refuge - Up Close and Personal Join us this month for a tour of our stateof- the- art raptor exhibit. Learn what went into making this beautiful facility and then join a guided tour to see the new mews and more.

See page 4 Raptors... Live! This is your opportunity to come visit us and meet our amazing raptors! See and learn about these fascinating owl, hawk, and falcon wildlife ambassadors; photographs are encouraged.

See page 3

April 23 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Lisa Jorgensen

Spring Stroll Ready to get out and enjoy the spring season? Join us for a moderately paced hike starting at the Nature Center. We’ll follow the trail to Child’s Hollow and beyond. Bring water and a snack. Wear sturdy shoes. This hike is best suited for participants age 10 and older.

April 23 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Kate Murphy

Earth Day Citizen Science Celebrate the earth by caring for the magnificent monarch butterfly. Monarch caterpillars are totally dependent on milkweed plants as their food source. Stop by the nature center to pick up a packet of Common Milkweed seeds that can be planted in your own home garden.

April 24 1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. FFNC Leader: Holly Hofreiter, Joanne Langabee, and Jane Palmer

Family Sundays in the Forest: Butterflies and Spring Flowers Warmer weather means the butterflies are out in force! Come find out more about these amazing creatures, and the plants they depend on for survival – like spring flowers. Short walks will be offered between 1 and 3 pm, so take this great opportunity to see some spring blooms and butterflies up close!

Spring Wildflower Walk We made it through the winter – now spring blooms are a sweet reward! Spring Beauty, Bloodroot, and Dutchman’s Breeches are just a few of the species popping up now. Want to see them in person? Come along and walk with us as we search for the wildflowers of spring. This hike is best suited for 10 years old and up. Wear sturdy footwear, appropriate for potentially Members Only Insect Club muddy trails. April 28 For April, the club’s own Eric Scholar 7:00p.m.-9:00p.m. will provide a program on Pollinators and Raptors... Live! FFNC Pollination. This is your opportunity to come visit us Leader: Rick Schmid and meet our amazing raptors! See and learn about these fascinating owl, hawk, April 30 Little Stars Astronomy and falcon wildlife ambassadors; photo9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. Do you know a preschool-aged child graphs are encouraged. FFNC who’d love to learn what’s up in the sky? Leaders: Ann Cole This new program series is geared towards & Mary Lou Alfieri kids ages 3-5 and focuses on a different Family Sundays in the Forest: astronomy topic once a month from JanuWildflowers ary through May. Drop in anytime to learn Flowers are irresistible, and the search through hands-on experiments, games, for them is just as fun as the moment of and going outside. Adults must accompany discovery! Join us on a child-paced walk children. through the woods and find out what colors and sizes are the wildflowers of spring. Two walks will be led for about 45 minutes each. One will begin around 1:15 pm, with the other beginning around 2:15. Join us FOR PROGRAMS REQUIRING REGISTRATION for one or both! Wear sturdy footwear.



March and April 2016

Discoverers (Preschool, Ages 4-5)

Fontenelle Forest welcomes you to a summer of discovery and learning in a place where the quiet wild of nature offers an unparalleled opportunity for your child to learn. Nature Discovery Day Camps feature science based learning through play taught by our year-round professional educators. Our staff is committed to providing your child with high quality, positive experiences.

Let your four or five year old discover Camp Brewster. These three day sessions are for those not entering kindergarten in the fall of 2016. June 8-10 8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. Camp Brewster

Visit for more information and to register. Camps are filling fast, so make sure to register soon! Proof of OR age is required. July 13-15

8:30a.m. - 11:30a.m. Camp Brewster

Toddlers (Ages 3 and under with adult)

Each session is limited to 12 campers. Snacks provided. Cost: $90 / $155 nonmembers

Explore the wonders of nature with your toddler. These sessions are geared for children ages 3 and under accompanied by an adult. June 6-7 9a.m. - 11a.m. Camp Brewster OR July 11-12 9a.m. - 11a.m. Camp Brewster

Discovering Nature’s Little Creatures Join your toddler in natural play as they search for and examine little critters such as snails, roly polys and ladybugs. Each morning includes outside play, time for a short walk, a snack and a craft.

Adventurers (Ages 5-8)

These camps are designed for children who are ages 5 – 8 years on June 1, 2016. From exploring the wetlands and forest to learning about our animals, everyone will find a learning adventure this summer.

Each session is limited to 10 toddler / adult teams. Snacks provided. Cost: $90 / $155 non-members

June 13-17 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. Wetlands

Grands and Me (Ages 4-8 with grandparent)

Give your grandchild wonderful memories of special times with you in the great outdoors. We will learn about nature through games, hikes, animal visitors, and more. June 20-21 9a.m. - 1p.m. Camp Brewster OR July 7-8 9a.m. - 1p.m. Camp Brewster

Stories and Puppets Build wonderful memories of natural adventures with your grandchild/children. Link favorite stories to the natural world. Each day camper teams will enjoy a good book and then head out to the prairie, pond or forest that surrounds Camp Brew- June 27-July 1 ster to engage in trail activities related to 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. the book. After a theme related snack, the Camp Brewster campers will create a puppet to help them retell the story at home. Each session is limited to 10 camper/ grandparent teams. Campers should bring their own lunches. Snacks provided. Cost: $90 / $155 non-members

Visit to register today! March and April 2016

The World of Pooh Come play in the “Hundred Aker Woods” (Camp Brewster). Meet one of Rabbit’s relations and Owl himself. Join Pooh in his search for honey bees. Help Pooh and Piglet track a Woozle. Build a house for Eeyore. Make Pooh snacks and crafts.


Wetlands Wonders Here’s an opportunity to jump feet-first into the wetlands. Come discover the wetlands habitat with us as we learn all about the water-loving beasts that call our marsh and streams home, from frogs and turtles to crawdads and dragonflies. We will dip in the pond, look for evidence of beaver and muskrats and explore the marsh trails. We might get muddy so bring your old clothes! Each session is limited to 24 campers. Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members In the Air, Water, Ground, Under Logs What Have We Found? This camp will be a week of scientific exploration, discovering the forest, the prairie, the pond and the living things around us. We will be doing experiments and looking for clues, becoming Nature Detectives as we do. Each session is limited to 24 campers. Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members

Explorers (Ages 9-12)

Adventurers (Ages 5-8) continued July 6-8 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. FFNC 3 Day Camp

July 25-29 8:30a.m. -3p.m. Camp Brewster

August 1-5 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. Camp Brewster

Explore more! We are offering children who are ages 9 – 12 years on June Crazy about Critters 1, 2016 a chance to spend more time honing their science skills as they If you love animals, this is the camp for you! From reptiles and amphibians to enjoy a week of exciting explorations, activities and games. mammals, birds, and insects…you will look June 13-17 Nature’s Engineers at all of them up close. Learn how these 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. We will explore the prairie and forest critters, move, eat, and spend their days. at Camp Brewster to find what nature’s Campers will have a chance to meet some Camp Brewster engineers have done there. From the bee’s of our resident educational animals during honeycombs and the bird’s nests to the this informative week. spider’s webs, we will discover the wonders Each session is limited to 24 campers. of nature’s ingenuity. Be prepared to add Snacks provided. Campers bring their own your own touches to the environment. lunches. Cost: $135 / $200 non-members. Each session is limited to 24 campers. Snacks provided. Campers bring their own Fantastic Pollinators - Butterflies, lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members. Bees,Wasps, and More! We will roam the forest and the wild Creativity Camp flower garden to find these very important June 27 - July 1 8:30a.m. 3p.m. This camp is where creativity and nature insects. We will look at them up close FFNC collide! Beginners are welcome! This and far away. Why are they so important? camp is for anyone between the ages of 9 How do they pollinate? We will learn and 12 who loves to be creative, no matter about this and much more through explowhat your prior experience may be! We’ll ration, activities, games and songs. explore the forest and let it inspire us to Each session is limited to 24 campers. write, draw, paint, and more! Come enjoy Snacks provided. Campers bring their own the great outdoors with fun games and lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members. activities that will give you the opportunity to create something wonderful! Open the Door, Let’s Explore Each session is limited to 24 campers. There are exciting secrets hidden in nature Snacks provided. Campers bring their own around Camp Brewster. If you love the lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members. idea of exploring both the forest and the prairie, this is the camp for you. Each day July 6-8 Challenge Camp you’ll explore a different natural concept 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. Your adventure will begin with the chalfrom life cycles to adaptations. Outdoor Wetlands lenge of completing a ropes course taught games, songs, and art activities are in3 Day Camp by trained instructors. Then practice your cluded. What will you discover? outdoor skills and stretch your knowledge during this fun camp. The adventure Each session is limited to 24 campers. continues as you learn proper fishing Snacks provided. Campers bring their own techniques and explore our wetlands. We lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members. will spend time hiking some of the lesstraveled trails. Stories, crafts, and games are also a part of this adventure. Each session is limited to 24 campers. Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $135 / $200 non-members.

Visit to register today!


March and April 2016

Explorers (Ages 9-12) continued July 11-15 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. Wetlands

Seekers (Ages 12-14) continued

Canoe Camp July 25-29 Have you always wanted to learn how to 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. canoe? Then this is the camp for you! Ca- Wetlands noe Camp is for campers who have never tried canoeing before, as well as those who want to get more practice. Come learn and review the basics of canoeing! You will also spend time exploring the Great Marsh and have a chance to practice team building skills through fun games and water activities. On Thursday, pack your sleeping bag because we are going to camp out! On Friday morning we will get out in the canoes to watch the sun rise and discover the Great Marsh during a totally different time of day! This is a week of getting wet and muddy, so make sure you wear your old clothes.

Canoe Camp Have you always wanted to learn how to canoe? Then this is the camp for you! Canoe Camp is for campers who have never tried canoeing before, as well as those who want to get more practice. Come learn and review the basics of canoeing! You will also spend time exploring the Great Marsh and have a chance to practice team building skills through fun games and water activities. Then on Thursday, pack your sleeping bag because we are going to camp out! On Friday morning we will get out in the canoes to watch the sun rise and discover the Great Marsh during a totally different time of day! This is a week of getting wet and muddy, so make sure you wear your old clothes.

Each session is limited to only 14 campers, so register soon! Snacks provided. Includes dinner / breakfast for campout. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $240 / $305 non-members.

Each session is limited to only 14 campers, so register soon! Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $240 / $305 non-members

Seekers (Ages 12-14)

Here’s an opportunity for our oldest campers to continue to learn about the natural world through more adventures and exploration on our trails. Each session provides participants with a variety of hand-on learning experiences that go deeper into ecology, natural and cultural history and keep them on the move! June 6-10 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. Wetlands

August 1-5 8:30a.m. - 3p.m. FFNC

Trail Blazers Looking for wilderness adventure? Want to learn new outdoor skills or improve your skills? Among other activities, you will trek many of Fontenelle trails (with backpacks if you desire), learn how to use a compass, read a topographic map, practice Leave No Trace techniques, design your own day hike, and learn a little history at the same time. Each session is limited to 24 campers. Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members.

Visit to register today! March and April 2016


Remarkable Raptors and More Are you a future naturalist, zookeeper or veterinarian? Join us as we explore the world of raptors. This camp will delve into the mysteries of how these incredible birds of prey live and hunt in our region. We will have behind-the-scenes access to animal care and the new Raptor Woodland Refuge here at the Forest. Visits from Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery staff, Nebraska Wildlife Rehab, and a local veterinarian are included. We will also spend time outside looking for signs of these amazing animals! Each session is limited to 10 campers, so register soon! Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunches. Cost: $225 / $290 non-members.



March 3 Members Only: Bird Club

1 Campfire Program: April Fools!

4 Campfire Program: Spring is on the Way!

3 Yoga in the Forest

Family Sundays: Feathering The Nest

5 Bird Banding at Aksarben Aquarium

4 Home School Science Discoveries*

6 Yoga in the Forest

7 Members Only: Bird Club

Family Sundays: Spring Awakening

7 Home School Science Discoveries*

8 Bird Banding

8 Seniors Understanding Nature: Pollinators

10 Yoga in the Forest

Family Sundays: Bird Egg Beauty

11 Night Sky Observation at Neale Woods

12 Seniors Understanding Nature: Raptor Refuge

13 Yoga in the Forest

16 Nebraska Scifest

Family Sundays: The Forest Wakes Up!

Spring Wildflower Walk Raptors... Live!

17 Audubon Society Speaker: Snowy Owls Fontenelle Forest Photography Club

17 Nebraska Scifest

19 Fairy Faire

Yoga in the Forest Raptors... Live! Family Sundays: Wildflowers

Raptors... Live!

20 Yoga in the Forest

21 Fontenelle Forest Photography Club

Famly Sundays: About The Woods

25 Returning To Nature, Part 1*

22 Feather Our Nest*

26 Little Stars Astronomy

23 Spring Stroll

Returning To Nature, Part 2*

Nature Explorers* Earth Day Citizen Science

24 Yoga in the Forest

Family Sundays: Butterflies & Spring Flowers

28 Members Only: Insect Club Mud Pies meets Monday - Thursday mornings from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. for children ages 5 and younger.

30 Little Stars Astronomy

New for 2016: Mud Pies in the Afternoon meets on Thursday afternoons from 12:30 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. for children ages 5 and under. * denotes program that requires registration FOR PROGRAMS REQUIRING REGISTRATION GO TO FONTENELLEFOREST.ORG


March and April 2016

1111 Bellevue Blvd. North Bellevue, NE 68005

General Information Phone: 402.731.3140 Email: Web: Find us on:

Fontenelle Forest Nature Center

Neale Woods

1111 Bellevue Boulevard North, Bellevue, NE 68005 • Hours: Open daily, 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Closed December 25 & January 1 • Trails open dawn to dusk for FF members. Nonmembers admitted before close have trail access until dusk

14323 Edith Marie Avenue, Omaha, NE 68112 • Trails open year round, dawn to dusk • Nature center CLOSED for renovation

Admission: Fontenelle Forest members Free One Day Admission $7 Adult | $6 Senior (62+)| $5 Child (2-17)

Admission: Fontenelle Forest members Free One Day Admission $5 Adult | $4 Senior (62+) | $3 Child (2-17)

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