Foochow Methodist Church English Bulletin 11 July 2021

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教牧同工 Pastoral Team & Staff

经文 Scripture Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:7 日期 Date 11/7/2021 Remember Your Creator (Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:7) 1. Enjoy the Light (11:7-11:10) a. What is one thing right now that you might be striving and toiling for in order to obtain future happiness? b. Enjoyment of our work and our life is a gift from God. What are some things you can do to appreciate God's gift today?

2. Remember your Creator (12:1-12:7) a. Are you currently experiencing or have experienced the "days of darkness"? What are some practical ways for you to remember your Creator? b. Do you know any younger person (or older person) personally in our church family? What can you do to connect with them in this period?

主理 Pastor-In-Charge 傅後利牧师 Rev Poh Heow Lee 9771 4553 协理 Associate Pastor 刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw 9145 7511 何威达牧师 Rev Dr Wilfred Ho 9712 0127 (隶属Attachment) 薛庆达牧师 Rev Seet Keng Tat 9225 1980 (部分时间Part-time) 传道 Preacher 王美娇传道 Pr Ong Bee Keow 9770 4215 事工同工 Ministry Staff 李文花传道 Ps Lee Boon Hwa 9637 3677 多马传道 Ps Raja Thomas 9483 7725 曾秀霞传道 Ps Ruth Zeng 9835 3097 傅淑贞传道 Ps Lim Siok Ching 9889 2846 王裕凯弟兄 Mr Alvin Ong 9325 3189 行政经理Admin Manager 洪敏珠姐妹 Ms Wendy Hoon 9092 2902 行政同工 Admin Staff 杨静霞姐妹 Ms Jaffrine Yeo 8128 0051 刘雪梅姐妹 Ms Rachel Law 8437 5297 蔡清城弟兄 Mr Chua Cheng Seah 9728 8819 陈伟敏姐妹 Ms Evon Tan 9072 0515

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