Foochow Methodist Church English Bulletin 17 July 2022

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Welcome Call to Worship Praise Pastoral Prayer PROCLAMATION

Scripture Reading 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 Sermon: : Life of Breakthrough

Speaker: Ps Simon Neo


Song of Response Greetings & Family News Tithes & Offerings Doxology SENDING FORTH

Benediction Praise Leader • 8am and 9:45am – James Lau | 4pm - David Chen. Scripture Reader • 8am – Kuek Chung Lee| 9:45am – Leslie Kwek | 4pm – Luen Wai Teng PULPIT ARRANGEMENT Date



July 24 8:00am & 9:45am

GPS – God Missions for People in the community who are Spiritually Transformed | John 4: 1-45

Ps Benjamin Lee

July 31 8:00am, 9:45am & 4pm

Finding Unity in Diversity Acts15: 1-3; 6-21

Rev Lau CY

Aug 7 8:00am, 9:45am & 7pm

Ezra Nehemiah Overview What is the purpose of it all?

Rev Andy Goh

FOOCHOW METHODIST CHURCH VISION 125 “A Welcoming, Nurturing & Transforming Church Relevant to and Engaging Community and World with the Good News of Jesus Christ.” THEME 2022: Transforming - Growing stronger together as a Community in Christ.


• Meeting ID: 928 0106 3889 Password: fmc12345 There is no prayer meeting on the last Wed of the month.

2ND OFFERING COLLECTION FOR MISSIONS & EVANGELISM SUNDAY A 2nd offering will be collected today for the above. Please indicate “CAC Missions” during the offering. SPEAKER FOR TODAY Pastor Simon Neo of Singapore Breakthrough Missions did not complete his primary school education. He joined the gangs at 14 and set up his own at 15. When he got tired of gangland violence he switched to hip rock music and hippy lifestyle and soon made a name for himself. At 16, he became hooked on drugs.

1976 :

He repented and was saved by the grace of the Lord.

1977 : This was the turning point in his life. By the grace of Lord Jesus he overcame drug addiction as well as his many years of smoking and all vices and bad habits. He began to spread with great fervor and zeal the message of the grace of Jesus Christ’s salvation to drug addicts mired in pain, destitution and despair. 1981-85 : He received his theological training and graduated from Chin Lien Bible Seminary.


We will be having a combined service (English 4pm and Tamil) to celebrate 27th Anniversary of the Tamil congregation, at 7pm. Do join us as we celebrate together.

AN UPDATE FROM CRECHE In view of the high Covid cases, we have decided to revert to Zoom classes until further notice. CLICK TO ATTEND ZOOM CLASS

FMC ELDERLY CORNER FMC’s Elderly Corner ministry has been actively reaching the seniors in the community for more than 15 years. We believe that the elderly are indeed a “a crown of glory, gained in a righteous life” Prov 16:31, and we want to be part of that journey. Elderly Corner @Farrer Park RC • We have partnered Farrer Park RC and have been organising monthly activities to engage the senior residents living there. Activities include handicraft, cooking, exercise and excursions. Elderly Corner @Tekka RC • With the relaxation of pandemic measures, we now have the opportunity to include Tekka RC as another partner and to serve the seniors there. How can I help? Elderly Corner @Tekka • Monthly – Every 3rd Saturday (8.30am to 10am) As we start the ministry with Tekka RC in September this year, we are looking for assistance for the ministry. Activity Leader/Helper Lead or help in handicraft , cooking, excursion, purchase of items, logistics, etc Befrienders Join the residents in the activities and befriend them. Contact Person John Ang 9383-6609 or Chee Seng 9617-9805


is a book that is not merely for reading. It is a book for

studying so that it can be applied. Otherwise, it is like tasting food without swallowing and then spitting it back out again — no nutritional value is gained. The Bible is God’s Word for Spiritual Growth…… We should read and study the Bible because: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

God’s Word to us. Totally reliable and without error Is always relevant Helps to discern truth from falsehood Equips us to serve Tells us when to resist or flee from sin

Are you Studying The Bible?


07 August 2022

Caring Community Clinic Rededication & Tamil Ministries 27th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service JOIN US TO CELEBRATE • 4.30pm Healthcare Professionals & Volunteers Fellowship Learning about our clinic ministry & exploring the opportunities to serve. • 5.30pm Caring Community Clinic Rededication • 7pm Tamil Ministries 27th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service Guest of Honour Bishop Dr Gordon Wong FOOCHOW METHODIST CHURCH TAMIL MINISTRIES SINGAPORE


COLLECTION FROM WEEK OF 10 July 2022 Offerings Tithes & Pledges Thanksgiving Church Missions For Church Ministries Others Total

$34,928.95 $2,426.00 $300.00 $2,050.00 $270.00 $130.00 $40,104.95

QR Code for FMC Offerings is on the right: Notes: 1. Receipts may be provided and sent either by email, WhatsApp or by post. We encourage members to switch to e-receipts for those who require receipts. 2. If you do not require a receipt, you may indicate ‘No Receipt’ in your transfer reference or inform the Church Office at 62938757 3. For any clarifications regarding your offering, please contact Church Office

(1) Church Mission Fund Budget (1 Aug 2021 - 31 Jul 2022) Consolidated Mission Fund B/F (Unaudited) Funds Collected to-date Collection on 10 July 2022 Balance to meet Budget (2) FMC Kindergarten Financial Needs FMC Kindergarten Budget Funds Collected to-date

$250,968.00 $0.00 118,583.78 2,050.00 -130,334.22 $20,000.00 $20,520.00


经文 Scripture 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 日期 Date 17/7/2022 Sermon Discussion Questions: 1.



The love of Christ controls us – Whatever Paul did, he did because he loved Christ. This was the underlying motivation for his life. i. Can you say the same thing about yourself? ii. Does the love of Christ control you? iii. What motivates you? iv. What guides your major decisions? v. Do you know of any “Zacchaeus” in church today ? Paul wrote the letter addressed to the brethren in Philippi, while he was in prison in Rome. But yet in such times of uncertainty, instead of feeling lost, lonely and anxious, his heart was full of joy and thanksgiving. The letter carried words of gladness, anticipation and encouragement. i. If you were in Paul’s position being wrongfully imprisoned, what kind of things would you write ? ii. How did God use Paul’s imprisonment to work together for good? iii. How can we use our own troubles to encourage other believers? “Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.” i. Is sharing the gospel an obligation or opportunity ? ii. Why do you think Paul uttered “woe to me if I do not preach the gospel” ? iii. What is your “woe” today ? iv. Are you regularly sharing the gospel? When was the last time you shared with someone?

教牧同工 Pastoral Team & Staff 主理 Pastor-In-Charge 吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah 9655 1978 协理 Associate Pastor 刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw 9145 7511 曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah 9456 7196 助理 Assistant Pastor 王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow 9770 4215 事工同工 Ministry Staff 李文花传道 Ps Lee Boon Hwa 9637 3677 多马传道 Ps Raja Thomas 9483 7725 曾秀霞传道 Ps Ruth Zeng 9835 3097 王裕凯弟兄 Mr Alvin Ong 9325 3189 熊志辉弟兄 Mr Alex Yong 84316960 事工助理 Ministry Assistant 杨静霞姐妹 Ms Jaffrine Yeo 8128 0051

(部分时间 Part-time)

行政经理 Admin Manager 洪敏珠姐妹 Ms Wendy Hoon 9092 2902 行政同工 Admin Staff 刘雪梅姐妹 Ms Rachel Law 8437 5297 蔡清城弟兄 Mr Chua Cheng Seah 9728 8819 陈伟敏姐妹 Ms Evon Tan 9072 0515

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