ENGLISH WORSHIP SERVICE Mother’s Day/WSCS Sunday 8 May 2022
ENTRANCE Welcome Call to Worship Praise Pastoral Prayer PROCLAMATION Scripture Reading
Lamentations 3:22-24 Sermon: Every Season Matters
Speaker: Mrs Percy Low
Song of Response Greetings & Family News Tithes & Offerings Tithes & Offerings 2nd Offering for WSCS Sunday Doxology SENDING FORTH
Benediction Praise Leader • 8am and 9:45am – James Lau Scripture Reader 8am – Lim Tee Lan | 9:45am – Wong Wai Heng PULPIT ARRANGEMENT Date
May 15 @ 8:00am, 9:45am & 4:00pm
Knowing and Being Known Peter 2:4-10
Rev Patrick Chen
May 22 @ 8:00am & 9:45am
Aldersgate Sunday: Aldersgate Message
FOOCHOW METHODIST CHURCH VISION 125 “A Welcoming, Nurturing & Transforming Church Relevant to and Engaging Community and World with the Good News of Jesus Christ.” THEME 2022: Transforming - Growing stronger together as a Community in Christ.
ANNOUNCEMENT WELCOME We warmly welcome you to worship with us. SPEAKER FOR TODAY Percy graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from Trinity Theological College and was a former pastoral staff with Charis Methodist Church. She has more than 20 years of experience working and mentoring children and youths, as well as helping parents develop strong parenting skills. Believing that Family is the bedrock of society and everyone has a role to build strong families, she hopes to inspire the next generation to believe, live out and champion family. Percy has been happily married for 26 years and they have 3 beautiful daughters. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Tan Yong Geng and Gloria Ng on the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Tan Shao Ting, on 5 May 2022. May the Lord pour forth His abundant blessings over Elizabeth and family! PRAYER MEETINGS ENGLISH PRAYER MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, 8PM CLICK TO JOIN PRAYER MEETING
Meeting ID: 928 0106 3889 Password: fmc12345 There is no prayer meeting on the last Wed of the month.
ANNOUNCEMENT PARKING IN FMC No double parking is allowed. a) Please park your vehicle within the designated lots. b) Park in the church only if there are available lots. c) Do notify the church office in advance, for ease of management. Monday to Friday Parking is allowed from 9am to 5pm. Saturday Parking is allowed from 9am to 12pm. Sunday NO parking for ALL from 7am to 1pm.
FMC 125 BOWLING We are excited and look forward to seeing you and your friends for a fun time of fellowship. Join us and bring a friend along. • • • • CLICK TO REGISTRATION
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Date: Saturday July 2nd 2022 Time: 12-3PM Venue: Mount Faber Safra, Superbowl, 2 Telok Blangah Way, #02-06, Singapore 098803 Program: • 12-1pm: Fellowship Lunch (Lunch Provided) • 1-3pm: Bowling Registration starts: 17 April 2022 Registration fee: • $7.00 (Children age 6 and below) • $12.00 (Everyone else) More questions: • Lijun (91511135) • WenKai (97983314)
ANNOUNCEMENT 2022 2-DAYS QUIET TIME WORSHOP Disciples & Nurture will be organizing 2022 Quiet Time (QT) Workshop. Registration opens 24 April 2022 Sunday and closes 24 May 2022 Sunday. Admission is by registration ONLY. Meeting link and password will be sent to registered participants prior to the meeting. CLICK TO REGISTER
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Workshop 1: Thurs, 26 May 2022 Workshop 2: Thurs, 2 June 2022 Time: 8PM TO 9.30PM Online via Zoom
TOA PAYOH CHINESE METHODIST CHURCH (TPCMC) ARE HIRING! TPCMC is looking for Worship / AV Ministry staff. To apply please submit your CV & resume to: FOR MORE INFORMATION
BREAKTHROUGH MISSIONS ARE HIRING! Breakthrough Missions, a Christian half-way house for ex-drug offenders Is looking for Full-time Accounts Executive and Full-time Graphic Designer. FULL-TIME ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE
Interested applicant, please email to Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
ANNOUNCEMENT 8th MISSIONS CONFERENCE The Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore (CAC, MCS) will be hosting the 8th Missions Conference of the World Federation of the Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC). The theme for this year’s Missions Conference will be “Living A Missional Legacy”. Due to the pandemic, the conference will be held fully online this year. Join us at the 8th Missions Conference! Registration closes 15 May 2022. Kindly register under the Annual Conference you are from. •
Date: 9-13 June 2022 CLICK TO REGISTER
ANNOUNCEMENT ALDERSGATE SG 2022 - LOVE GOD BY LOVING OUR NEIGHBOUR ENEMY Saturday 21 to Tuesday 24 May 2021 ... via livestream, on-site and Zoom online. Come and join us online and on-site at Aldersgate SG 2022! FOR MORE INFORMATION
What is ALDERSGATE SG about? Aldersgate SG is the yearly keynote event of The Methodist Church in Singapore. It is organised annually by The Methodist Church in Singapore to commemorate Methodism’s founder John Wesley’s Aldersgate experience on 24 May 1738. This annual series of events brings together the Methodist family to celebrate the values of compassion and discipline in our rich Wesleyan heritage and be inspired anew to serve God through social action, evangelism and discipleship.
FOOCHOW METHODIST PRESCHOOL JUNE HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES For the upcoming June school holidays, Foochow Methodist Preschool has made plans to run 2 Holiday programmes : 1. Big Art! June Holiday Programme Children will explore and paint nature-themed Folk Art inspired by artist Heather Galler, and discover how to create animal face collages using different art mediums and recyclables. • Date: 30 - 31 May 2022 • Time: 10am - 12pm • For N2, K1 and K2 children FOR MORE INFORMATION
Minecraft Education June Holiday Programme Students will develop basic digital literacy skills, creativity, elementary computational thinking and problem-solving skills, responsible digital citizenship, as well as basic coding while completing fun-filled activities in a safe and immersive Minecraft world. • Date: 20 - 23 June 2022 • Time: 10am - 12pm • For K1 and K2 children FOR MORE INFORMATION
Enquiries/Registration: Call 6294 2516 / WhatsApp 9469 9550 Vacancies are limited. Call / WhatsApp to enquire and register today!
COLLECTION FROM WEEK OF 1 May2022 Offerings Second Offering Tithes & Pledges Thanksgiving Church Missions For Church Ministries For External Organisations/Individuals For FMC Kindergarten Others Total
$34,995.70 $0.00 $4,657.50 $2,276.20 $4,700.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $295.00 $53,924.40
QR Code for FMC Offerings is on the right:
Notes: 1) Receipts will be mailed to FMC members. 2) You can contact Church Office at 62938757, if a) You are a worshipper and you would like to receive a receipt. b) If you have any clarificaions regarding your offering. ISSUE OF OFFICIAL RECEIPTS
If you would prefer not to receive a receipt, you can either inform the Church Office or indicate “No Receipt” in your transfer reference.
(1) Church Mission Fund Budget (1 Aug 2021 - 31 Jul 2022) Consolidated Mission Fund B/F (Unaudited) Funds Collected to-date Collection on 1 May 2022 Balance to meet Budget (2) FMC Kindergarten Financial Needs FMC Kindergarten Budget Funds Collected to-date Collection on 24 April 2022 Balance to meet Budget
$250,968.00 $0.00 $98,313.78 $4,700.00 -$147,954.22 $20,000.00 $15,220.00 $0.00 -$4,780.00
经文 Scripture Lamentations 3:22-24 日期 Date 8/5/2022
Discussion Questions on Every Season Matters Scripture Text: Lamentations 3:22-24
教牧同工 Pastoral Team & Staff 主理 Pastor-In-Charge 吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah 9655 1978 协理 Associate Pastor 刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw 9145 7511 曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah 9456 7196 助理 Assistant Pastor 王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow 9770 4215 事工同工 Ministry Staff 李文花传道 Ps Lee Boon Hwa 9637 3677 多马传道 Ps Raja Thomas 9483 7725 曾秀霞传道 Ps Ruth Zeng 9835 3097 傅淑贞传道 Ps Lim Siok Ching 9889 2846 王裕凯弟兄 Mr Alvin Ong 9325 3189 熊志辉弟兄 Mr Alex Yong 84316960 事工助理 Ministry Assistant 杨静霞姐妹 Ms Jaffrine Yeo 8128 0051
(部分时间 Part-time)
行政经理 Admin Manager 洪敏珠姐妹 Ms Wendy Hoon 9092 2902 行政同工 Admin Staff 刘雪梅姐妹 Ms Rachel Law 8437 5297 蔡清城弟兄 Mr Chua Cheng Seah 9728 8819 陈伟敏姐妹 Ms Evon Tan 9072 0515