“A Welcoming, Nurturing & Transforming Church Relevant to and Engaging Community and World with the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
THEME 2022: Transforming - Growing stronger together as a Community in Christ.
We warmly welcome you to worship with us.
• Meeting ID: 928 0106 3889 Password: fmc12345
There is no prayer meeting on the last Wed of the month.
Manpower required for Audio & Visual support for All English Services (afternoon services inclusive)Zero to little knowledge on either is fine. Training will be provided. They must at least commit for 12 months & be open to learning.
• Date: 16 October 2022
• Time: 1.15pm
• Venue: Room 401 Members to take note and attend.
• Date: 16 October 2022
• Time: 4pm
• Venue: Room 401
• Jaffrine Yeo's beloved father, Mr Yeo Yak Khiam passed away peacefully on Wednesday, 12 October 2022.
• Hong Phaik Khoon (Marcus Goh's beloved mother) went home to the Lord on Thursday, 13 October 2022.
Our condolences and prayers be with the family at this time.
1. 4 7 October our team had a digital mission trip to Myanmar. Pray for children to grown in their understanding and love for God. Pray for those who hasn’t believe to seek God.
2. My soul is able to rest in God when I am busy with work, family and church commitments. My heart finds refreshment from God’s word.
3. My 90 year old grandmother (non believer) whose physical health is failing can find joy and true freedom in Christ.
1. Pray for David's preparation and teaching next semester. He has a heavy load: Theology of Church and the End Times, Worldview & Apologetics and 2 preaching classes.
2. Pray that Titus's seizures can be controlled. He was warded in ICU for 6 days due to status epilepticus. Though discharged he continue to have daily seizures.
3. End October, one of our helpers, Jocelyn, will be going home after 10 years with us. We have not decided on a replacement yet. We will try to see if we can manage with one.
1. God’s guidance for the completion of Changi café renovation works in Jan 2023 & completion of Breakthrough Village by end of 2023. God to use this new location to bless many more ex offenders & drug addicts.
2. Strengthen the faith & spirit of every brother during this period waiting and transitioning, to continue the mission of Gospel based drug rehabilitation without wavering & be united in seeing to completion the Changi café & Breakthrough village projects.
We praise God for His spiritual blessings, financial provisions, and Grace in healing.
1. John’s preparation for the PhD qualifying comprehensive exams in November 2022.
2. John & Jessie’s responsibilities to care for international families.
3. Jason and Joash To excel in the Semester exams in Nov Dec 2022.
4. God’s continued financial provisions.
1. Perseverance and strength to finish the SBC assignments as I come to the last lap of the semester (with 4 more weeks to go).
2. Preparation for our first-time family mission project to a Melaka orphanage/foster home in 12 17 Dec.
3. Wisdom to start preparing for first time attempt to teach P3-P4 students in FMC Dec VBS Camp.
1. Siew Hwee has experienced giddy spells from time to time in the last few months. Visit to ENT confirms that it is due to BBPV. Please pray for her that she will eventually recover through adequate rest and exercise instructed by the doctor.
2. Other than ministry work in FES and FMC SS, Siew Hwee is also doing part time study (She is doing Intro to OT this sem) at TTC. Please pray for her to have the wisdom, strength and health to juggle the demand from ministry, study and family.
3. Yong Zheng will have his one-month internship at FMC at the end of the year. Please pray for him that he can develop a better understanding of the pastoral needs of the ministry he will be involved in and enable him to be a vessel useful to the Master.
1. My husband is currently out of work. Pray that God will bless him with a job soon.
2. Pray for clarity of mind to be able to multitask and to remember the things I studied.
3. Pray for good time management, every module has something due in the same period of time.
1. For strength, protection and wisdom as the Church Discipleship Ministry team plans and executes Season 2 of the Online Disciple Making Community (ODMC), an online platform for church pastors and leaders from four different countries to be equipped as they learn from one another, be encouraged and affirmed as disciple makers. Pray that the participants of the ODMC will faithfully apply what they have learnt in their various ministry contexts to raise laborers in the harvest field.
2. Pray for an excellent time of bonding, discovering and applying God’s truths as leaders and church pastors of a local church embark on learning to use a mentoring tool.
3. Please pray for each of my pre-believing siblings and their family members to know Jesus Christ personally as their Savior and Lord.
be a FMC
remember members we have known and loved who have passed on during the last 36 months. It is a time where we gather with those who have been bereaved, to renew our trust and confidence
of the
Sing Chee 林新琦
Dennis Er Ing Yon 余英勇
See Kim Kok 徐镇国
Meng Kiaw 符明娇
Helen Nga 符亚梅
Hong Kok Sit 洪可植
Tan Ing Quee 陈仁贵
Quan Sing Wei 管新伟
Lou Yu En Katherine 劳于恩
Lok Wai Ling 骆玮玲
Lee Ai Sin 李爱心
Ding Diong Ming 陈朝明
Lau Foo Nam 刘甫南
Lee Guan Bee 李銮微
Huang Phay Ching 黄佩今
Wong Bee Choo 王美珠
Ling How Chong 林孝耑
Lee Lip Poon 李立本
Ong Lui Choo 王明珠
Cheng Pek Keow 钟碧娇
Leong Wah Shing 梁华胜
Chieng Hea Ding 詹惠珍
Diong Woong Siew 张文寿
Liu Chia Ying 刘家英
Ke Xi 柯晞
Margaret Ng Shwu Woan 黄淑雯
Wu Tsung Kan 吴从干
Albert Wu Say Hock 伍世福
Yu See Choo 俞仕珠
Liu Chien Sin 刘建新
Tan Chye Muay 陈才妹
Soh Jin Koon 苏仁坤
Bertie Cheng Shao Shiong 郑绍雄
Ling Siok Jiew 林雪球
Lee Bih Yuk 李碧玉
Khoo Wee Peng 邱伟鹏
Ting Kwee Choo 丁贵珠
Pang Ee Ann 潘裕安
Belinda Yee Swee Guat 余瑞月
Guok Fong Moi 郭凤梅
Lee Lau Tee 李春玉
Ling Ngan Ngieng 林颜严
Justina Lang YiZhen 蓝义贞
Cheong Kum Voon 张锦换
Goh Ee Choo 吴依珠
Ling Chon San 林全宋
Ng Siang Ngo 黄祥娥
Ling Mee Lang 林美兰
Chan Siew Yen 曾秀燕
February 16
February 23
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 23
March 30
April 6
April 13
April 20
Biblical Word
Creating God
Rebel People
Called People
God Hears the Cry
God Sends the Law
When God Draws Near
The People Without a King
The People With a King
God Warns the People
Holy Week
God Punishes the People
God Restores the People
of the Heart
Like a Tree
Trouble Comes
People Hope for a Savior
Time of
June 1
June 8
June 15
School Hols
Radical Discipleship
Mounting Controversy
June 22 20 The Hidden Messiah
June 29 BREAK
July 6
Hari Raya Haji
God Seeks the Least, the Last, the Lost
July 13 22 Lifegiver
July 20 23 Advocate
July 27 24 The Explosive Power of the Spirt
August 3 25 The Gospel Penetrates the World
August 10 26 Put Right with God Through Faith
August 17 27 A Congregation in Ferment
August 24
The Son Shall Set Us Free
August 31 29 A Pastor Gives Guidance
September 7 BREAK School Hols
September 21
October 7 (Sat)
7 (Sat)
of Certificates and
by Congregation in
Our Great High Priest
A People Set Apart
We Never Lose Hope
Gifts of Each Disciple
Full Day 104pm
have you faced opposition
by an enemy?
turn you away from doing
you tell the
the obvious
also the
Where does it play a subtle role in my life.
life around me today?
there a work or task that
not on your list,
feel the tug of the Holy Spirit
Wendy Hoon