Foochow Methodist Church English Bulletin 11 December 2022

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11 December 2022 ENTRANCE Welcome Advent Candle Lighting Call to Worship Praise Pastoral Prayer PROCLAMATION Scripture Reading 1 Peter 2:4-8 Sermon: 3rd Advent: Christ the Cornerstone Speaker: Mr Alvin Ong RESPONSE Song of Response Greetings & Family News Tithes & Offerings 2nd offerings - Methodist Schools Foundation Sunday Doxology SENDING FORTH Benediction Praise Leader • 8am & 9:45am – Ong Lay Wah Scripture Reader • 8am – Kuek Chung Lee| 9:45am – Leslie Kwek PULPIT ARRANGEMENT Date Topic Speakers Dec 18 8:00am, 9:45am & 4pm 4th Advent: Christ the True Vine John 15: 1-8 Rev Patrick Chen Dec 25 9:00am Christmas Baptism Combined: Christ the Light of the World John 1:1-9 Rev Andy Goh Dec 31 10:00pm Watchnight Combined: God makes everything beautiful in its time Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 Rev Ong Bee Keow FOOCHOW METHODIST CHURCH HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE

“A Welcoming, Nurturing & Transforming Church Relevant to and Engaging Community and World with the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

THEME 2022: Transforming - Growing stronger together as a Community in Christ.






We warmly welcome you to worship with us.
SUNDAY SECOND OFFERING COLLECTION A special 2nd Offering will be collected today for Methodist Schools Foundation Sunday. FINDING YOUR PLACE 2023
FYP is a 3-month full-time discipleship program organised by the CAC BOYM and Sterling Campus. It will take place from 9 January to 24 March next year, every Monday to Friday. For those having a gap period, waiting for NS, Poly or Uni.
Annie Ho Huat Neo (Gasper Tan Peck Leong's mother and Esther Goh Tai Fen’s mother-in-law) passed away on 9 Dec 2022. Please uphold their family in prayers.
MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, 8PM • Meeting ID: 928 0106 3889 Password: fmc12345 There is no prayer meeting in the month of December.
Contact person: Mr Alvin Ong 9325 3189


DISCIPLE 1 (2023)

Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study

If you have always wanted to read through the whole Bible but ran out of steam, come and join the group to read and discuss it, and apply what you learn into practice.

Scan the QR code to register

Registration closes on 8 January 2023.


Allow me share some snippets on VBS 2022.

VBS 2022 prep work started months ago, with crew members coming back on Saturdays to work on props, administrative work such as 200 name tags for the crew and children, music and skit rehearsals etc. These called out all creativity in us to complete on time. As it has always been shared – not because we are able but only because God enabled.

Over 3 days of set-up just before VBS, the church was transformed into a creative studio.

And then the children came.

We had 111 sign-ups, 4 walk-ins during the programme itself, bringing the total number of participants to 115.

Blessed with over 90 volunteers, including individuals and small groups from within as well as from outside, Foochow Methodist Church hosted close to 200 of us between 1st and 3rd Dec 2022.

We prayed with children who came. We shared Bible stories and Bible points with them.

We sang and danced with them, we taught them lessons through skits, we even let them play with their food before eating during snack time! We did craft work together, we played with them.

In return, we received lots of love from them.

We also had a team who made sure all 200 of us were well fed! We look forward to the once-a-year spaghetti and nasi lemak! Thank you Uncle Bert and team! Some of us got tired, crew and children alike. But we all came back each day after a good night’s rest!


We shared the Gospel with over 80 of them from P1 to P6 and 42% of them expressed interest in knowing more about God. We thank God for opening the children's ears and hearts towards Him.

25% of the children were unchurched, children from our FMC Kindergarten, from referral, word of mouth sharing and even from Google search!

We thank God for the good weather, for holding up our hands and feet that there were no major injuries and that the children had a good time. Their active participation spoke multitudes, proving that it was not just us who missed holding VBS since the last one in 2019.

VBS is a precious experience for all of us, participants and crew members alike.

We get the chance to plant the seed of God's word in the children's hearts. We aim to make this an experience that will stick with the children for life. We thank God for His guidance in Spark Studios VBS 2022 and we pray for His guidance as we rev up the engine to prepare for the next one.

Last but not least, the VBS family is always looking for new members and we welcome you to join us for our next one!

See you next year!

~ Alexandria Cheng ~

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our church unless otherwise advised. No receipt would be issued for offerings indicated as "Sunday offerings" or collections
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ATTENDANCE OFFERING Onsite Worship Online Worship Onsite Online English - 8am 100 17 $664.00 $35,914.00 - 9.45am 158 $591.00 - 4pm 33 $206.00 Mandarin 210 37 $4,296.00 Foochow 45 7 $531.00 Tamil 62 9 $387.00 Sunday School Creche English Youth (Sat) Others $1,042.40 TOTAL 608 70 $43,425.40 QR CODE FOR FMC OFFERINGS IS ON THE RIGHT (1) Church Mission Fund Budget (1 Aug 2022 - 31 Jul 2023) $264,829.10 Consolidated Mission Fund B/F (Unaudited) $0.00 Funds Collected to-date $148,565.00 Collection on 4 December 2022 $2,310.00 Balance to meet Budget -$113,954.10
Receipt Issuance As part of
that have no
via the Church WhatsApp number. We assure members that such e-receipts are
as broadcast messages to the whole church.

经文 Scripture 1 Peter 2:4-8


日期 Date 11/12/2022

We are like living stones being built up as a spiritual house by God. (1 Peter 2:5)

1. What aspects of Jesus do you think you need to be shaped and aligned into?

2. What does it mean for you to be built up in God’s spiritual house together with other living stones?Whoever believes in Christ the Cornerstone will not be put to shame. (1 Peter 2:6)

3. What are some things that the world tries to use to demean Christians? Pray for faith to trust in Christ our Cornerstone.

4. Do you know someone who might be struggling with the guilt of shame? How might you extend a hand of grace to them today?

9145 7511 曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah 9456 7196

Ps Lee Boon Hwa 9637 3677 多马传道 Ps Raja Thomas 9483 7725 曾秀霞传道 Ps Ruth Zeng 9835 3097 王裕凯弟兄 Mr Alvin Ong 9325 3189 熊志辉弟兄 Mr Alex Yong 84316960

9092 2902 行政同工 ADMIN STAFF


Ms Rachel Law 8437 5297

Mr Chua Cheng Seah  9728 8819

陈伟敏姐妹 

Ms Evon Tan  9072 0515

Pastoral Team & Staff 主理 PASTOR-IN-CHARGE 吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah 9655 1978 协理 ASSOCIATE PASTOR 刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw
助理 ASSISTANT PASTOR 王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow 9770 4215
Ms Jaffrine Yeo  8128 0051
ADMIN MANAGER 洪敏珠姐妹 Ms Wendy Hoon
蔡清城弟兄 
 部分时间Part-time 信息笔记 SERMON NOTES

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