Foochow Methodist Church English Bulletin 29 October 2023

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FOOCHOW METHODIST CHURCH HOLY COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 5 November 2023 ENTRANCE Welcome Call to Worship Praise Pastoral Prayer PROCLAMATION Scripture Reading Joshua 21:1-3, 41-45 Sermon: Every Promise was Fulfilled Speaker: Rev Andy Goh RESPONSE Song of Response Greetings & Family News Tithes & Offerings Doxology Holy Communion SENDING FORTH Benediction Praise Leader • 8am & 9:45am – Andrew Koh | 4pm – John Nga Scripture Reader • 8am - Lim Lay Hong | 9:45am – Wong Wai Heng | 4pm - Roy Tan PULPIT ARRANGEMENT Date 12 Nov 8am & 9:45am 19 Nov 8am, 9:45am & 4pm 26 Nov 8am & 9:45am

Topic Speakers FMC 126 An Altar of Remembrance, an Unforgettable Ps Alvin Ong Altercation Joshua 22:1–34 Joshua Conclusion Joshua Dies in the Land, the Promise of Rest Rev Patrick Chen Lives On Joshua 23:1–24:33 The Women of the Advent - Introduction Mr David Lang Matthew 1:1-7


ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME We warmly welcome you to worship with us today. May the Lord minister to your heart and spirit as we gather in His Presence! If you are new, please do scan the QR code and leave us a message! We would love to connect with you! PRAYER MEETINGS ENGLISH PRAYER MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, 8PM Meeting ID: 852 8365 7963 Password: fmc12345

There is no prayer meeting on the last Wed of the month.

COMMUNITY WALK NOVEMBER Final Physical community walk for the year. Let come together with your CG to reach out to our neighbourhood. ‘

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Date: 12 November 2023 Time: 11am Briefing Venue: Social Hall Packet lunch will be provided after the walk.

Sigh Up Link:

BEREAVEMENT • Mdm Tan Siew Hoon (Foochow Congregation, mother of Kenny Lee), was called home to the Lord on 27 October 2023. • Mr Chng Shin Hao (Mandarin Congregation) was called home to the Lord on 26 October 2023. Our condolences and prayers be with the families during this time of loss.

ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW BORN Congratulations to Qiling Teo and Eugene Chew on the birth of their son, Samuel Chew Yong En on 21 October 2023. May the Lord pour forth His abundant blessings over Samuel and family!

UPDATE ON FMC PRESCHOOL (29 OCT 2023) From Jan 2024, FMC takes back the ownership and running of the Preschool as part of our Church Ministry to reach out to the community. We have set up the Preschool Committee, comprising John Ang (Chair), Lee Siew Choo, Ling Khoon Chow, Samuel Yeak, Agnes Lim, Seet Ai Lin, Judy Ng. Do reach out to any of them should you wish to find out more about the plans. Meanwhile, various committees such as Curriculum/Partnerships; Marketing/Communications; Transition/Integration and Renovations are in progress. To further the FMC Preschool, its financial needs currently are $150k for operational needs and $150k (after grant) for one-time renovation to convert from Kindergarten to Childcare. We are thankful for church worshippers who have stepped up to help in various ways including donating financially to our preschool needs. Please continue to pray with us for God’s guidance and provision towards the FMC Preschool needs. We also appeal to Church worshippers to give generously towards the Preschool needs. Please indicate ‘Preschool’ in your giving. There will be a sharing on the preschool development on 12th Nov Sunday services. God Bless! FMC Preschool Committee




- 8am - 9.45am - 4pm Mandarin Foochow Tamil Sunday School Creche English Youth (Sat) Others TOTAL

Budget (1 Aug 2023 - 31 Jul 2024) Consolidated Fund B/F (Unaudited) Funds Collected to-date Collection week Prior to last week Collection on 29 October 2023 Balance to meet Budget

Church Mission Church Preschool $ $ $228,277.80 $300,000.00 3,550.90 $30,157.88 50,315.00 $200.00 $0.00 $100,100.00 4,115.00 $0.00 ($170,296.90) ($169,542.12)

QR CODE FOR FMC OFFERINGS IS ON THE RIGHT Receipt Issuance As part of the efforts to go Green, except for "Sunday offerings", e-receipts would be sent to your email or mobile phone registered with our church unless otherwise advised. No receipt would be issued for offerings indicated as "Sunday offerings" or collections that have no specific indication. e-Receipts will be sent to you via the Church WhatsApp number. We assure members that such e-receipts are NOT sent as broadcast messages to the whole church.

信息笔记 SERMON NOTES 经文: Joshua 21:1-3, 41-45

日期 Date: 5/11/2023

教牧同工 Pastoral Team & Staff 主理 PASTOR-IN-CHARGE

Discussion Questions

刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw 9145 7511 协理 ASSOCIATE PASTOR 吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah 9655 1978 曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah 9456 7196 事工同工 MINISTRY STAFF 多马传道 Ps Raja Thomas 9483 7725 李文花传道 Ps Lee Boon Hwa 9637 3677 曾秀霞传道 Ps Ruth Zeng 9835 3097 王裕凯传道 Ps Alvin Ong 9325 3189 熊志辉传道 Ps Alex Yong 84316960 谭永正弟兄 Mr Tham Yong Zheng 97972763 事工助理 MINISTRY ASSISTANT 杨静霞姐妹  Ms Jaffrine Yeo  8128 0051 行政经理 ADMIN MANAGER 洪敏珠姐妹 Ms Wendy Hoon 9092 2902 行政同工 ADMIN STAFF 刘雪梅姐妹 Ms Rachel Law 8437 5297 刘民忠弟兄 Mr Lau Meng Choong 8876 2275 陈伟敏姐妹  Ms Evon Tan  9072 0515  部分时间 Part-time

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