Daily Manna Together - John Believe, Belong and Become Booket 2

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The Gospel of John is a powerful and personal account of Jesus’ life and ministry, written to inspire faith, transformation, and a life of discipleship. Its central purpose is summed up in John 20:31: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name. ”

John invites us to a journey of discipleship which we will explore through the themes of Believe, Belong, and Become:

1. Believe: John calls us to place our faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. From the opening declaration of Jesus as the Word made flesh to His miracles and teachings, John reveals Jesus as the source of eternal life. True discipleship begins with believing in Jesus and trusting in His promises, as seen in the faith of the disciples and those He calls to follow Him.

2. Belong: John emphasizes the relational aspect of discipleship. Believing in Jesus leads to belonging to His family, where we abide in His truth and are united by His love.

3. Become: Discipleship in John is transformative. Believing and belonging lead to becoming becoming one with Christ and His mission. Through the Spirit, we are empowered to bear fruit, grow in Christlikeness, and live as His witnesses.

John’s Gospel shows that discipleship is not just about knowing Jesus but about a relationship with Him that changes our lives. It calls us to trust in Christ, remain in His love, and live out His mission as His followers.

Author: John

Introduction To The Gospel Of John

The Gospel is attributed to John, who is identified as the son of Zebedee. Internal evidence suggests the author was an apostle, one of the twelve disciples, and specifically “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” This disciple is often associated with Peter in various accounts, supporting the identification as John, the son of Zebedee.

Date: A.D. 70

The Gospel was likely written between A.D. 70 and 100, but the exact date is uncertain.

Audience: Jews and Gentiles

Purpose of Writing:

John wrote the Gospel to help people believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God, leading to eternal life. He aimed to inspire both initial faith and deeper, informed belief. John presents evidence through Jesus’ miracles and witnesses, including Scripture, John the Baptist, Jesus himself, God, and the Spirit. He also portrays Jesus as the new temple and center of worship, which would have been especially significant after the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in A.D. 70.

Theme Verse:

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)


1:1-18 Prologue: The Incarnate Word

1:19-12:50 Signs of the Messiah, with Teaching about Life in Him

13:1-17:26 The Farewell Teaching and the Passion Narrative

18:1-20:31 The Passion Narrative

21:1-25 Epilogue: The Roles of Peter and of the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

How To Practice Daily Devotions

God is a personal Spirit, and “Heavenly Father” is more than just a title—it reflects the deep reality that He is our loving and caring Father. Through the spiritual discipline of daily devotions, we come to know, communicate, and walk closely with Him.

Daily devotions involve setting aside specific times to draw near to God, to know Him, and to align with His will. Through reading the Bible, we come to understand His intentions, and we can respond to God in prayer and reflection. By dedicating time each day to read the Bible, pray, and meditate on God’s word, we allow God’s presence into our lives to guide us. Jesus often withdrew from the crowd and His disciples to commune with the Father in solitude, gaining strength and direction to fulfil His mission.

1. The Purpose of Daily Devotions

a. To draw closer to God and communicate with Him. In these end times, God calls us to be awake and alert, using His Word to sustain us.“I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.” (Psalm 119:147-148, NIV)

b. To receive guidance and light for our lives.“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105, NIV)

c. To renew our minds to live out our new life in Christ. By studying the scriptures, God’s servants are thoroughly equipped for every good work and taught to live righteously. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV)

2. Preparation for Daily Devotions

• Time: Select a time when you can be undisturbed and alone, whether in the morning or in the evening for reflection.

• Place: Find a quiet, distraction-free space where you can focus.

• Materials: Have your Bible, a notebook for recording reflections, and a pen ready.

• Mindset: Approach God with a calm and open heart, prepared to hear from Him and encounter Him.

3. Spiritual Discipline

Daily devotions as a spiritual discipline is not meant to be rigid or legalistic, just as our relationships with family members are not meant to feel burdensome. Time spent with our Heavenly Father should feel genuine and heartfelt. For those starting out, simple and practical methods can help cultivate meaningful spiritual habits and deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Daily Scripture Readings

3/2 John 4:27-42 24/2 John 10:19-30

4/2 John 4:43-54 25/2 John 10:31-42

5/2 John 5:1-18 26/2 John 11:1-44

6/2 John 5:19-47 27/2 John 11:45-57

7/2 John 6:1-21 28/2 John 12:1-19

8/2 John 6:22-40 1/3 John 12:20-36

9/2 Sermon-John 6:22-40 2/3 Sermon-John 12:27-36

10/2 John 6:41-71 3/3 John 12:37-43 11/2 John 7:1-31 4/3 John 12:44-50

12/2 John 7:32-52 5/3 John 13:1-11

13/2 John 7:53-8:11 6/3 John 13:12-17 14/2 John 8:12-30 7/3 John 13:18-30 15/2 John 8:31-47 8/3 John 13:31-38 16/2 Sermon-John 8:31-47 9/3 Sermon-John 13:1-20 17/2 John 8:48-59 10/3 John 14:1-6 18/2 John 9:1-12 11/3 John 14:7-11

19/2 John 9:13-23 12/3 John 14:12-17

20/2 John 9:24-34 13/3 John 14:18-21

21/2 John 9:35-41 14/3 John 14:22-24

22/2 John 10:1-18 15/3 John 14:25-31

23/2 Sermon-John 9:1-41 16/3 Sermon-John 14:1-14


John 4:27-42

The disciples returned to find Jesus speaking with a Samaritan woman and they were surprised but kept their thoughts to themselves. The woman, having encountered the Messiah, ran back to town and testified about Jesus, leading many in her town to believe in Him. Jesus then taught His disciples about the spiritual harvest, emphasizing the urgency of sharing the good news.

Who in your life might be ready to hear about Jesus, and how can you share the good news with them?

Application & Prayer


John 4:43-54

Later Jesus went to Cana and was met by an official who pleaded with Him to heal his son. Jesus healed the boy from a distance, demonstrating His power and calling for faith beyond visible signs. The official believed Jesus' words, and the miraculous healing confirmed it, leading to the entire household of the official coming to faith.

How can you grow in trusting Jesus even when you don’t see immediate results?

Application & Prayer

John 5:1-18

Jesus went up to Jerusalem and encountered a man who had been disabled for 38 years. The man had been waiting to enter the Bethesda pool for a chance to receive healing, but had no one to help him. Jesus approached the man and demonstrated His compassion and power by healing him with a seemingly impossible command, "get up, take up your bed, and walk". The religious leaders criticized Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, ignoring the fact of the miracle, thus revealing their legalistic hearts.

Are there areas in your life where you prioritize rules over compassion and love?


Application & Prayer


John 5:19-47

Jesus declares His oneness with the Father and His authority to give life and execute judgment. He also points to the testimonies of John the Baptist, His works, and the Scriptures, all affirming Jesus' identity as the Son of God. Jesus calls for his listeners to believe in Him, whom Moses had written about. In what ways can you respond to the invitation to hear Jesus’ word and believe in Him more fully?

Application & Prayer


John 6:1-21

Jesus feeds the crowd of 5,000 by multiplying the five loaves and two fish that had been offered up by a boy. Later, He walks across the water over the rough sea and blowing winds to meet His disciples on a boat, calming their fears. These miracles display His power over nature and His care for His followers. How can you trust Jesus to provide for your needs and calm your fears today?

Application & Prayer


John 6:22-40

Jesus teaches the crowd that He is the bread of life, offering eternal satisfaction to those who believe in Him. He calls them to seek spiritual nourishment and everlasting life with him, rather than temporary physical fulfillment.

Are you seeking lasting satisfaction in Jesus or temporary fulfillment in worldly things?

Application & Prayer


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John 6:41-71

Jesus continues teaching about being the bread of life sent by God, emphasizing that eternal life comes through believing in Him. His words challenge the crowd and many disciples, who struggle to accept this teaching and turn away. Peter, however, affirms faith in Jesus as the Holy One of God.

Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust Jesus? How can you, like Peter, reaffirm your faith in Jesus when you face doubts, challenges, or hard teachings?

Application & Prayer

John 7:1-31

Jesus avoids traveling publicly to Judea due to threats against His life but eventually goes to the Feast of Booths in secret. He teaches in the temple, revealing His divine mission and the source of His authority, stirring both amazement and division among the people. Despite the growing tension, the Jews did not lay a hand on Him to arrest Him, because His time has not yet come.

Despite opposition, Jesus continued to boldly speak the truth. How can you remain faithful in sharing your faith even when it’s met with resistance or doubt?


Application & Prayer


John 7:32-52

As Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit and living water, the religious leaders grow more determined to arrest Him, but they failed. The crowd remains divided—some believed in Him as the Messiah, while others questioned His origins. Even among the Pharisees, there is disagreement, as Nicodemus defends giving Jesus a fair hearing. How can you, like Nicodemus, be a voice of reason in discussions about faith, even when it’s unpopular?

Application & Prayer


John 7:53-8:11

The religious leaders brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, seeking to trap Him. Jesus responded with wisdom and compassion, challenging those without sin to cast the first stone. One by one, they left, and Jesus forgave the woman, calling her to a new life free from sin.

How can you reflect Jesus’ grace and mercy in dealing with the sins of others and your own?"

Application & Prayer


John 8:12-30

Jesus declared Himself the light of the world, guiding those who follow Him out of darkness. Despite opposition by the Pharisees, Jesus revealed His divine relationship with the Father. While the Pharisees failed to understand Him, many others heard what Jesus had said and believed in Him.

Jesus warned the Pharisees that they will die in their sins if they do not believe in Him. How does this challenge you to take your faith seriously?

Application & Prayer


John 8:31-47

Jesus taught about true disciples who abide in His word and find freedom in the truth. He confronts those who resist Him, exposing their spiritual blindness and bondage to sin. They claim to be children of Abraham, but their deeds show that they are children of the devil, the father of lies. Their rejection of the truth show that they are not of God. How can you actively live as a child of God, reflecting His truth and love in your relationships and actions?

Application & Prayer


Application & Prayer

John 8:48-59

In this heated exchange, the Jewish leaders accused Jesus of being demon-possessed and dishonoring God. Jesus defended His mission and identity, emphasizing His obedience to the Father and promising eternal life to those who keep His word. When Jesus declared, "Before Abraham was, I am," He claimed divine eternal existence, echoing God's name revealed in Exodus 3:14. This bold statement led the crowd to attempt to stone Him for blasphemy, but He escaped unharmed.

Jesus said that Abraham rejoiced to see His day. What does this reveal about God’s plan of salvation throughout history? How does it encourage you to trust in God’s faithfulness?


Application & Prayer

John 9:1-12

Jesus healed a man blind from birth, declaring that his condition was an opportunity for God’s works to be displayed. By mixing mud with His saliva and instructing the man to wash in the Pool of Siloam, Jesus restored the man’s sight. This miraculous healing amazed those who knew the man and sparked questions about Jesus’ identity.

The man's testimony about his healing to those who knew him, led to amazement and curiosity about Jesus. What can you testify about Jesus in your life that could bring others closer to Him?


Application & Prayer




The Pharisees questioned the healed man and his parents, skeptical about Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath. While the man boldly testified to his healing, his parents fearfully avoided taking a stand due to the threat of expulsion from the synagogue.

When faced with opposition, how can you stand firm in testifying to God’s work in your life?

Application & Prayer


John 9:24-34

Under pressure, the healed man refused to discredit Jesus, even as the Pharisees ridiculed him. He argued that Jesus’ ability to heal must come from God. The man’s growing faith contrasts sharply with the Pharisees’ spiritual blindness, and they cast him out of the synagogue. How can you remain steadfast in your faith, even when others reject or challenge you?

Application & Prayer


John 9:35-41

Jesus seeked out the man after his expulsion from the community and revealed Himself as the Son of Man. The man responded in worship, while Jesus explained that He came to give spiritual sight to the humble and expose the blindness of the self-righteous.

Are there areas in your life where you need Jesus to open your spiritual eyes?

Application & Prayer


John 10:1-18

Jesus described Himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. Unlike thieves and hired hands, He cares deeply for His sheep, calling them by name and leading them to safety. His sacrifice is voluntary and demonstrates His relationship and obedience to the Father.

How does Jesus’ self-revelation as being the Good Shepherd give you confidence and security in your faith?

Application & Prayer


John 8:31-47-Sunday Service

Application & Prayer

John 10:19-30

Jesus’ teaching about being the Good Shepherd and His unity with the Father caused division among the Jews. He made it clear that His sheep hear His voice, He knows them, and He gives them eternal life. No one can snatch them from His hand. Jesus’ identity and mission are evident here: He is the eternal protector, united with the Father, whose love and power are unmatched.

How can you listen more closely to Jesus’ voice? Can you recall a time when you experienced the peace of God as you placed your trust in His sovereignty?


Application & Prayer

John 10:31-42

The Jews tried to stone Jesus because He declared His unity with the Father. Jesus responded wisely, pointing out that His works align with the Father’s will and prove His identity. Despite their opposition, Jesus continued to perform miracles, and many believed in Him. This passage demonstrates Jesus’ courage and persistence in standing for truth even in the face of rejection.

How do you rely on Jesus to stay firm in your faith when facing challenges? In what ways can you demonstrate courage in responding to criticism or doubt?


Application & Prayer


John 11:1-44

When Jesus heard about Lazarus’ illness, He delayed His response for two days. Eventually, He raised Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, declaring to Martha that He is the resurrection and the life. Through this miracle, Jesus revealed His power and challenged His disciples to deepen their faith. How do you trust in God’s timing and plan when waiting for answers to prayer? How can you place your hope in Jesus when faced with seemingly impossible situations?

Application & Prayer


John 11:45-57

The resurrection of Lazarus brought two responses: many believed in Jesus, but the religious leaders, fearing the loss of their authority, plotted to kill Him. Caiaphas, the high priest, prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, unknowingly confirming God’s plan of salvation.

Have you ever faced opposition for your faith? How can you stay faithful to God’s calling even when under pressure or threat?

Application & Prayer


John 12:1-19

In Bethany, Mary anointed Jesus with expensive perfume, symbolizing His impending death and burial. Judas pretended to care about the poor, but Jesus accepted Mary’s loving act. Later, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecy as the crowd shouted “Hosanna,” simply meaning "save us, now" or "please save us", though they misunderstood His mission as a spiritual Savior, not a political one.

How can you express your love for Jesus through your actions? What does Jesus’ kingship mean to you in your life?

Application & Prayer


John 12:20-36

Some Greeks sought to meet Jesus, representing Gentile interest in Him. Jesus spoke of His death as a seed falling to the ground to bear much fruit, calling His followers to sacrifice self-interest to follow Him. Troubled by the cross, Jesus still chose to glorify the Father’s will, prioritizing His mission.

In what areas of your life is God calling you to surrender for His purposes? How can you reflect His sacrificial love to those around you?

Application & Prayer


Application & Prayer


John 12:37-43

Despite seeing many miracles, some people still refused to believe in Jesus because their hearts were hardened. Others believed but were afraid to openly confess their faith due to fear of rejection or losing status.

Have you hesitated to share your faith because of fear? How can you grow in boldness to prioritize God’s approval over human acceptance?

Application & Prayer


John 12:44-50

Jesus declared that His mission was to bring light and salvation to the world, not condemnation. His words were not His own but from the Father. Those who reject Him will face judgment, not by His choice but by their own.

How can you live as a light in the world, reflecting Jesus in your daily life? What steps can you take to show God’s truth and love to those around you?

Application & Prayer


John 13:1-11

At the Last Supper, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, demonstrating humble service and foreshadowing His ultimate sacrifice. Peter initially resisted, but Jesus explained that accepting His humble service and ministry of sacrifice was necessary to have a relationship with Him.

Do you sometimes feel unworthy of God’s grace? How does Jesus’ example of humility inspire you to serve others selflessly?

Application & Prayer


John 13:12-17

After washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus taught them to serve one another, as He had done for them. He emphasized that true blessing comes from putting His example into practice. Are there times when pride or discomfort holds you back from serving others? How can you serve with humility and love, even to those who are difficult to love?

Application & Prayer


John 13:18-30

During the Last Supper, Jesus predicted that one of His disciples would betray Him. Though He knew Judas’ plan, He treated Judas with love and patience, giving him opportunities to repent. Judas ultimately chose to leave, and darkness filled his heart.

How do you respond to people who have hurt or betrayed you? What does Jesus’ patience teach you about loving those who fail you?

Application & Prayer


John 13:31-38

Jesus spoke of His glorification through the cross and gave His disciples a new command: to love one another as He loved them. This love would be their defining mark. Peter passionately declared his loyalty, but Jesus foretold Peter’s denial, reminding us of the need for humility and reliance on God.

How can you love others unconditionally, as Jesus commanded? In moments of weakness, how do you depend on the Holy Spirit to stay faithful?

Application & Prayer


John 13:1-20-Sunday Service

Application & Prayer


John 14:1-6

Jesus comforted His disciples, urging them not to be troubled by His impending departure. He assured them that He was going to prepare a place for them. He declared that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him. This passage reveals the core truth of Jesus as the only way to salvation. When you feel lost or anxious, how do you remind yourself that Jesus is the path to eternal hope?

Application & Prayer


John 14:7-11

When Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father, it revealed the disciples’ incomplete understanding of His identity. Jesus responded by affirming that knowing Him is knowing the Father. His words and deeds fully revealed the character and glory of God. He emphasized His unity with the Father. How can you deepen your understanding of Jesus through Scripture to better know the heart of God?

Application & Prayer


John 14:12-17

Jesus promised His disciples that they would do even greater works than His because He was going to the Father. He also promised to send the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, to be with believers forever, guiding them into all truth.

In what ways do you rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance to recognize and witness God’s works in your daily life?

Application & Prayer


John 14:18-21

Jesus promised that He would not leave His disciples as orphans but would come to them through the Holy Spirit. He assured them that those who love Him and obey His commands will experience His presence and revelation.

Have you experienced Jesus’ presence in moments of obedience to Him? How might you grow in loving Him more deeply in your daily life?

Application & Prayer

John 14:22-24

Judas (not Iscariot) asked Jesus why He would reveal Himself only to the disciples and not to the world. Jesus answered that those who love Him will obey His teaching, and both He and the Father will make their home with them, symbolizing a close and intimate relationship. This reminds us that loving Jesus is not just about emotion but about obeying His Word. Those who reject Jesus cannot experience God because they do not accept His truth.

In what ways do you demonstrate your love and obedience to Jesus in your daily life? Are there moments when your actions feel superficial, lacking heartfelt obedience?


Application & Prayer


John 14:25-31

Jesus assured His disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember everything He had taught and would give them a peace that surpasses worldly understanding. He encouraged them not to be afraid, as His departure was part of God’s redemptive plan. Instead, they were to rejoice in His victory. Are you willing to surrender all your worries to God and receive the peace He offers?

Application & Prayer


John 14:1-14-Sunday Service

the Father

Application & Prayer

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