5S Storage System: Checklist
Do you currently have a colour code plan for your site (by area/allergen/proces s)?
Yes No Comment s:
Do you have a documente d colour code plan that se gre gates di erent areas , produc ts , or changes later on to the colour s you are using in each area .
Do you have a lis t of tool s t ations that you will re quire?
Yes No Comment s:
The nex t s tep is to create a lis t of loc ations that will re quire a cleaning e quipment s t ation . Key considerations here include how far operator s will nee d to walk to retrieve and replace cleaning e quipment . If s t ations are too far apar t , this c an impac t compliance with s toring e quipment in the corre c t place.
Do you have a lis t of tools that you re quire at each s t ation?
Yes No Comment s:
You then nee d to determine what e quipment will be re quire d at each of these loc ations This may include look ing at what cleaning tools are currently being use d, and what improvement s could be made to the current cleaning proces ses .
Are you de cide d on what s ys tem you re quire?
Identi-s tore s t ainles s to options
Di erent aspe c t s to consider in choosing a s torage s ys tem include:
Flexibilit y : are the cleaning tool nee ds likely to change? Do you nee d a s ys tem that is eas y to adjus t?
5S culture – do you re quire f ull shadowboards to create the right culture and encourage compliance?
Safet y – are there narrow walk ways that re quire inward facing hook s?
Cos t – what is your budget for the program?
D urabilit y – do you nee d a produc t that c an withs t and har sh chemic als or potential misuse?
Do you have a budget set for this proje c t?
Yes No Comment s:
Do you have a budget for implementing these changes? Before inves ting too much time and e or t you nee d to ensure you c an complete the proje c t with the budget you have available.