FOOD & Beverage Magazine June 2016

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cover st


Diner Brand, Du-Par’s Restaurant A Has Arrived In Las Vegas.

biff nay DU-PAR’S








Rock & Brews

Joseph carr








ost Established And Legendary And Bakery.










Also In This Months Issue

10 31 33 45 57 58

Windset Farms

Movies For Foodies Gabriele Originario Bundaberg Brewed Drinks

Dining With Donshe Wings On Wheat



FROM THE PUBLISHERS DESK Therefore, you would be safer hiring an experienced chef to make the desserts and pastries you will be serving to your customers.

LET’S TAKE a closer look at desserts. The word “dessert” originated from the French word “desservir”, meaning “to clear the table.” However, we traditionally associate it with something sweet. It can be be cold like ice cream, or hot as in apple pie. It can be a rich Black Forest gateau or even after dinner mints. But a cheese plate with a selection of cheeses and savory biscuits is also a dessert as is a selection of seasonal fruits. The difference is in how we perceive the words and the context we use them in.

Quality desserts begin with quality ingredient. One of the things that play an important role in the final outcome is the ingredient used in the dessert. Hence it is important that they make use of some of the best quality ingredients on the market. Callebaut Product line is a great place to start in preparing flavorful dessert items. F&B Magazine editor Kiaulani Delgado is an award winning pastry chef and celebrity dessert artist, who offers her service, skills and expertise. Alternatively finding a good chef to prepare desserts or even custom desserts for your restaurant should not be a difficult task today.

Food & Beverage Magazine and our website www., will continue to be a “Go to Source” in Want to bring some changes to your restaurant? your search for quality experience pastry chefs. This Making subtle changes to your menu can do wonis where you can find a list of chefs that post their ders. If you do not wish to make major entrée chang- work and bio. Our website and online magazine can es, then you can adjust the desserts on the menu. offer you some very good alternatives in your search Adding certain desserts can be a great idea in an ef- for a qualified pastry chef. One of the latest trends fort to draw people into your restaurant and it could in desserts is an attempt to blur the lines between the treats that we buy in the shop as a snack and the make your menu selection stand out from others. Especially if you add great well made treats, that are desserts we’re offered after eating a main course. different or uniquely styled. One great example are the desserts prepared and At the time when you’ve decided to add stand-out desserts to your new menu ensure that you are prepared for the things on which you will need to focus on. Unlike the usual desserts where you can contact a wholesale supplier a day before and place bulk order. Instead, one good option would be to hire a Pastry Chef that will offer quality dessert items to your customers.

produced by pastry chefs using Callebaut products, the premier chocolate manufacturer that produces fine quality chocolates as well as other fine products to prepare delicious pastries for the sophisticated palate.

YOUR PASTRY CHEF One of the vital considerations is the qualification which you need to consider at the time of hiring a chef to prepare desserts for your restaurant. In order to make delicious and well presented desserts, that person needs to be well qualified. Hiring a chef can be risky. They may be excellent in his/her work but at the same time there’s a chance that they might not be able to stand up to your expectation.

If you decide to make changes for the betterment and extended profitability of your restaurant, then great tasting desserts can be a great choice for you. Your menu should not entirely rely on entrées. But also be know for its dessert menu. Hence this ensure that customers will search out your restaurant knowing your establishment provides and serves quality well prepared items. In a comfortable relaxed atmosphere.

Pastry chef that use Callebaut products as part of their dessert preparation is changing the way customers perceive desserts.

Remember, stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I don’t think so!



FOOD & BEVERAGE MAGAZINE was created by Publisher Michael Politz with the expert help of original advisory board members: Bobby Flay, Wolfgang Puck, Emeril Lagasse, Mario Batali, Kerry Simon and David Burke.

Eddie Rivkin Senior Editor, Spirits

Donsh’e Usher Contributing Columnist

In Additon To A Host Of Contributing Writers, PR Firms And Advertising Contributors Publisher - Micheal Politz • Food & Beverage Magazine® is owned and published electronically by Beautiful People LLC. Copyright 1995-2016 Beautiful People LLC. All rights reserved. Food & Beverage Magazine® and distinctive logo are trademarks owned by Beautiful People LLC. “” is a trademark of Beautiful People LLC. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Food & Beverage Magazine. Requests for permission should be directed to: The information contained has been provided by such individual, event organizers or organizations. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author, organization or public relation firm. Nor are we afflicated with ANY OTHER FOOD&BEVERAGE or HOSPITALITY PUBLICATION. Articles and Comments are welcome, but they should be on-topic and well-expressed.

His Column Begins On Next Page



WHAT’S NEW and hot can quickly become old and boring…or so it seems. How do you know what’s a passing fad and what’s a viable trend that you should implement? It’s a question we get asked a lot. Fortunately, we spend a lot of time asking ourselves THAT VERY SAME QUESTION. When is it time for a new design? How do I offer service throughout different meal periods without diluting my concept? Here are a few fundamentals to consider with regard to keeping your concept fresh.

Critical to the success of any business, is the ability to clearly communicate what you do, how you’re different and what makes you better. People have to “get what you do.” A concept or “brand” is all encompassing. It’s the wellspring informing everything from your visual and verbal identity to the genre of food to the setting and ambience to your service style. But it’s also your story, the “why” behind your identity. It’s what makes your restaurant unique in a sea of competition.

When you know who you are, you are in a better position to gauge if a new ingredient, service style or marketing promotion reflects your identity. If you are a red sauce Italian restaurant and you create a specialty sushi menu – you’ll have some explaining to do! Understanding who you are can also help you decide if it’s worth the investment to makeover your physical space. Concepts evolve overtime, just like people do. You probably aren’t wearing the same clothes you wore in 2002 and your restaurant may need an updated look as well. Considering your restaurant’s true identity against its physical appearance is an important exercise. KNOW THYSELF: A boilerplate is a way to describe the essence of an idea, using only a few sentences. Developing one on your own in 25, 50, and 100 words can be a great exercise for any operator. It can help your staff convey a direct message to guests and also ensure consistency across collateral. However, it can also be a telltale of how approachable and relatable your business is. If for instance, you have trouble conveying how sushi and nightly pasta specials are the most popular items at your Tiki inspired restaurant, you may have a concept problem.

See you next Month!



June 2016


Named as one of the Top 25 Most Extraordinary Minds in Sales and Marketing by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International, Andrew Freeman brings a combination of experience, passion and creativity to every endeavor. His company, Andrew Freeman & Co., has developed and launched over 100 restaurant concepts, provided marketing and public relations programs for over 200 others, and has created unique culinary events of all sizes. Prior to opening AF&Co., Andrew was Vice President of Public Relations and Strategic Partnerships for Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, where he launched more than 50 hotels and restaurants. Andrew has also worked at the legendary Rainbow Room, Russian Tea Room and Windows on the World, where he was Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing.

Andrew is a contributing editor to numerous industry magazines and a recognized hospitality trend expert. AF&Co.’s annual trend report is highly regarded and has garnered tremendous worldwide coverage. In a highly competitive hospitality environment, smart operators are always keeping their eye on the latest industry trends. From popular ingredients to the latest design features to hot technology for saving time and money, Andrew Freeman & Co.’s annual trend report covers what’s coming in the year to come. Published annually in October, the report has been cited by media outlets including ABC, CNN, USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal as well many other industry publications.


A column dedicated to fielding industry questions from owners and operators. This is the first installment of a monthly column from Andrew Freeman, president of San Francisco-based AF&Co. Hospitality Consultants. Have a question? Email or post a message on facebook,




June 2016

Q&A with

Chef Samantha Mendoza

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SAVORY DISH? SM • I really hate just picking one dish, because I love Italian food and it is really a huge comfort food for me; but since my family is Hispanic, I have to go with tacos de trompo with rice and beans. I love the marinade on the meat, and it’s just the perfect meal.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? SM • I love bonbons! Chocolate has always been my favorite. I get excited

walking into new chocolate shops and getting to try more than one, since they are so small. I have traveled all over the world, and it’s always on my list to see a new shop. I’ve seen different takes on the same flavors, and every chef makes them different. I love tasting different cultures’ chocolates.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR INSPIRATION? SM • I find inspiration everywhere. I love reading and seeing new techniques, as well as, taking classes from top chefs. I am always carrying around a notebook, because I will see something and immediately think of something new to make. I love staying on top of this industry, because there is so much talent and I love seeing everyone’s creations.

F&B • WHAT IS THE MOST REWARDING THING ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION? SM • I love seeing people enjoy what I create, because I work very hard to make a new flavor or dessert; and, it’s so satisfying when people enjoy that. I love my job and I love being able to create new things every day, and as Chefs, we do this to make people happy and to comfort them. So, it’s always rewarding to know I am doing my job well.

Chef Samantha Mendoza Q&A Continues on Next Page >




Chef Samantha Mendoza

F&B •


SM • I was very discouraged when I first started in this industry. I was 19 and my first job was with a very well-known chef who has worked with chefs, such as, Thomas Keller and Joel Robuchon. So, I was out of my comfort zone for sure. I wanted to quit after the first two days, and thought this is never going to work; but, I was so passionate about learning that I was determined to keep going. My best advice is that you have to be dedicated and passionate about your work, and the product you are putting out; because if you’re not, you will be unhappy in the industry. It takes a lot of work, hours and sacrifice, but the end result is worth it. So, hang in there!

F&B •


SM • I went to Barcelona two years ago and I ate at Espai Sucre. I did the five course tasting and one of the desserts was just so simple, but it was the best thing I had ever eaten. Coconut tapioca, burnt yolk ice cream and “orujo de Galicia”. As they served the dish, it came with a small jar full of Tonka beans and the waiter shaved some of that Tonka on top of my dessert and the aroma itself was just amazing!

F&B • WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU? SM • I just started working at Killen’s in Houston about 6 months ago. I have started a chocolate program, and so far, it has been very successful. In the future, I would love to have my own shop to be able to sell my own products. This has been my long term dream



June 2016June 2016


Chocolate Glaze Ingredients 400g 450g 450g 200g

Water Heavy Cream Sugar Callebaut 22/24 High Fat Cocoa 130g Glucose 100g Condensed milk 12 Gelatin sheets

Crème Anglaise Ingredients 450g 60g 120g 60g 1

Milk Heavy Cream Egg yolks Sugar Vanilla bean

Preparation 1. Set aside a large mixing bowl filled with an ice bath. 2. In a medium sauce pot add water, cream, sugar, cocoa powder, and glucose. Bring to a boil whisking constantly. 3. Once your mixture has come to a boil, add condensed milk and gelatin sheets. Place in a medium mixing bowl and set on top of water bath. Let cool.

Preparation 1. Gather two medium mixing bowls, one filled with an ice bath. Ready and set aside. 2. Combine milk, heavy cream, and scraped vanilla bean in a small sauce pot. 3. As the milk mixture is simmering, place the egg yolk and sugar in the second mixing bowl and whisk together. 4. Once your cream mixture has come to a boil, temper in the egg mixture; and then, place back into the pot. Whisking constantly without curdling your eggs and bring to a simmer. 5. Once you have reached a thick custard stage, pour back into the mixing bowl and place your bowl on top of the ice bath. Recipe Continued On Next Page >



Chocolate Crème Ingredients 375g 3g 400g 6g 2

Milk Heavy Cream Egg yolks Sugar Vanilla bean

Preparation 6. In a separate container, measure your milk chocolate, salt and 350g crème anglaise and fully melt the chocolate. Your mixture should be smooth. If you see that your mixture is a little broken, you can use the immersion blender for a couple of seconds, and it should combine back together. 7. In a separate container, gather another ice bath for your gelatin to bloom. 8. In a standing mixer, slowly whip your heavy cream to a fairly soft peak. 9. Strain the water from the gelatin and wring out the excess water. Add the gelatin sheets to the container with the praline and crème anglaise mixture and heat for 30 second intervals until the gelatin is completely melted. Once the gelatin is completely melted, fold in the mixture with the semi-whipped cream.

Cacao Nib & Praline Financier Ingredients 70g 240g 100g 45g

10. Once everything is well incorporated pour into desired molds, place in freezer. Once it is set, pop out and glaze.

All Purpose Flour Sugar Almond flour

Preparation 1. In a mixing bowl place flour, sugar, almond flour, cocoa powder and egg whites together and set aside.

2. In a separate bowl melt your dark chocolate. 3. In a sauce pot, place your butter to cook. 4. Once your butter is fully cooked, place over your flour mixture and begin whisking 60g Callebaut Sao Thomé Single making sure you don’t cook you eggs. Once Origin 70% Dark Chocolate combined, add your melted chocolate and whisk. Once everything is combined, fold in 120g Praline grains your praline grains and cacao nibs. Spread 120g Callebaut Cacao Nibs mix on a sheet pan and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Callebaut 22/24 High Fat Cocoa Powder 200g Egg whites 220g Brown butter



June 2016

Raspberry Jam Ingredients 1000g 500g 50g 7g

Raspberry Sugar Lemon juice Pectin

Preparation 1. In a large saucepot, place raspberries, 200g sugar and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Once the jam has come to a boil, use an immersion blender until the mix is smooth. Place back on the heat and let the jam come to a simmer. 2. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and pectin together. 3. Place the pectin and sugar mixture into the jam and whisk. Let the jam come back to a boil while whisking vigorously. 4. Place jam in a metal pan and let cool.back into the pot. Whisking constantly without curdling your eggs and bring to a simmer.

Assembly 1. While molding the chocolate crème, only fill the mold ¼ of the way and place in freezer. Once frozen, pipe raspberry jam into just the center of the mousse. Continue to fill the entire mold with the remaining chocolate crème. 2. Place the molds in the freezer. The crème needs to be frozen completely to glaze. 3. Heat your chocolate glaze. 4. Place frozen chocolate crème down on a wire rack, and glaze. 5. Once the crèmes are glazed, place them on top of a round financier and add more praline grains. 6. Place in cooler until ready to serve



fresh thinking.




June 2016

Delightfully fresh flavors. Our exciting snack-sized tomatoes come in a

sweet or tangy exclusive Axiany and Nebula

perfect medley of super sweet, zesty, crunchy

varieties of CAMEO® ELITE and TANGO™,

choices! Locally grown using leading-edge


technology and sustainable growing practices,

tomatoes, to the CONCERTO® CLASSIC grape,

you’ll adore the fresh flavors. From the

our tomatoes will leave you craving for more.







June 2016

Continued On Next Page PAGE 15>


SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA’S most established and legendary diner brand – Du-par’s Restaurant and Bakery – has arrived at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino. Located just south of the Summerlin area, the newest location provides Du-par’s fans in the northwest Valley a convenient new location to enjoy what Esquire magazine called “the best pancakes in the country,” as well as made-from-scratch pies and more fresh, authentic favorites. “We are excited to bring the Du-par’s experience to the Summerlin area,” said Kerrie Burke, Vice President and General Manager at Suncoast. “Du-par’s is the perfect addition to Suncoast’s great dining options, offering high-quality, hand-crafted meals that satisfy, any hour of the day.” For more than 75 years, Du-par’s has been serving up world-famous old-fashioned buttermilk hotcakes, fresh-ground hamburgers, award-winning fresh fruit pies and more. The restaurant uses the freshest ingredients to provide wonderful taste, meaning that pastries are handmade from scratch each day; potatoes are hand-peeled and cut; juices are fresh-squeezed and all soups, gravies and salad dressings are house-made.


“At the heart of every great casino is a great 24-hour restaurant,” said Biff Naylor, President and Chief Executive Officer of Dupar’s Restaurants. “The Boyd and Naylor families have long shared a commitment to delivering authentic, memorable experiences for our guests, and we are excited to build upon our rich history with the Boyd family.” The relationship between the Boyd and Naylor families goes back to the late 1950s, when “Tiny” Naylor, Biff’s father, worked with Sam Boyd at The Mint Casino in downtown Las Vegas. Naylor oversaw the property’s food and beverage operations for several years, while Boyd served as Vice President and General Manager of the property until the late 1960s. Du-par’s is the latest new dining concept to debut at Suncoast, following the November 2015 opening of Brigg’s Oyster Co. The restaurant is part of Boyd Gaming’s nationwide campaign to enhance its properties’ amenities. To learn more about this and other projects, visit Amenities


June 2016



Successful entrepreneur, journalist and co-owner of San Antonio’s wildly popular BIRD Bakery and soon to be Dallas extension. Elizabeth has served as judge on several Food Network shows, and is known for her correspondence and hosting roles with E! News, CNBC and a variety of shows on NBC, CBS and FOX networks.



June 2016


Elizabeth Chambers F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SAVORY DISH? EC • My mom’s Roasted Rosemary Chicken is my go-to savory dish. It’s a complete meal with delicious herbs and roasted vegetables and is incredibly simple to make in a single dish or cast iron skillet. It takes less than an hour and requires little monitoring of temperature and is one of the most moist chicken recipes. Desserts are my deal, so when it comes to savory, I like to keep it simple.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? EC • Our BIRD bakery Mexican Hot Chocolate Brownie is absolutely delicious. It has a rich, fudgey texture with a deep chocolate taste and the perfect amount of cinnamon and spice. The cayenne gives this recipe an unexpected twist and the vanilla extract brings out the complex flavors of the Callebout Chocolate. It’s quintessentially San Antonio and loved by all.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SWEET DISH? EC My grandmother’s English Trifle is the ultimate dessert. She was very

british and made everything from French to Indian-inspired cuisine, but her English Trifle is everything delicious all in one. The angel food cake layered with preserves, lemon curd and homemade custard, come together beautifully. I usually make it with berries, but change the fruit depending on what’s in season, although the crushed pineapple is the one fruit that must remain a constant. Almond extract in the whipped cream and an extra soaking of Sherry are the secret to ensuring that the Trifle is boozy and delicious. And like all good trifles, this one’s even better the

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR INSPIRATION FOR BAKING/COOKING? EC I find baking and cooking incredibly therapeutic. I come from a long line

of chefs, cooks, bakers and restaurateurs, so it’s in my blood. When things are going exceptionally well, I cook and bake. Bad day? Same thing. It’s the best kind of therapy. Continued On Page 20




MEXICAN HOT CHOCOLATE Ingredients (Makes 48) 10 tbsp

Unsalted butter,

1 cup

Cocoa powder Cups sugar

3 1/4

plus more for pan

3 1/2 tsp Cinnamon 1/2 tsp Sea salt 1 1/4 cups Bittersweet Callebout

chocolate chips

Directions Bake until cake tester inserted in the center comes out with only a few moist crumbs, 35 to 40 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack to cool completely. To make for easier cutting, chill brownies for about 1 hour. Preheat oven to 300º. Butter a 13x9”. baking pan. Line pan with parchment paper, leaving a 1 inch. overhang on 2 sides. Melt butter in microwave-safe bowl. Add cocoa powder to melted butter and stir thoroughly. In a large bowl, combine sugar, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Using a wooden spoon, stir in cocoa and butter mixture. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating until just combined. Stir in vanilla. Mix in flour and salt in additions, stirring until just combined. Mix in chocolate chips. Pour into prepared pan.



June 2016

ENGLISH TRIFLE By Elizabeth Chambers


(9-inch) angel food or sponge cake, sliced horizontally into four pieces

1 cup 2cups

Seeded Raspberry jam Custard 2cups Lemon curd 4oz Fresh Blackberries 4oz Fresh Raspberries 4 Strawberries, quartered 4oz Drained crushed Pineapple 1/4 cups Slivered Almonds, toasted 2cups Whipped cream High-quality Sherry


1 qt Whole milk, warm 1 cups Granulated sugar 4 tsp All-purpose flour 6 lrg Organic eggs High-quality pure vanilla 4oz 4 tsp extract

LEMON CURD 6 lrg 6 3 cups 5 1/2 oz 2 1 1/4 cups

Organic eggs Egg yolks Granulated sugar Lemon juice Lemon zested Butter cut into pieces


8 cups Heavy whipping cream, cold 1 cups Confectioners’ sugar 1 Pure almond extract



DIRECTIONS 1) In the bowl of an electric mixer whisk eggs on medium speed until frothy. 2) In a medium bowl combine the sugar and flour, stirring well. Gradually add to egg mixture beating until thick. Slowly incorporate hot milk into egg mixture, stirring constantly. 3) In a double boiler, bring water to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Place egg mixture into a medium saucepan and cook. Stirring constantly for 20-30 minutes or until custard thickens and coats spoon. 4) Stir in vanilla. Remove to large bowl, cover and refrigerate.


1) In a small saucepan, whisk eggs, yolks, and sugar together over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. 2) Add butter and stir mixture until thick, about 20 minutes. 3) Transfer mixture to a medium bowl, covering surface of the curd with plastic wrap to avoid a skin from forming. Refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour.


1) In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the heavy whipping cream and confectioners’ sugar until soft peaks form. 2) Add almond extract and continue to whisk until peaks are stiff. Remove to large bowl, cover and refrigerate.


1) In the bottom of a very large, deep glass bowl, spoon one dollop of chilled custard. 2) Spread preserves on both sides of the first layer of cake. Put the first layer of cake in the bottom of the bowl on top of the custard. Cover cake with pineapple, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. Spoon lemon curd over berries, covering the perimeter. 3) Cover with custard and whipped cream and add next piece of cake with preserves, repeating the layers of fruit, lemon curd, custard and whipped cream until fourth piece of cake is topped. 4) Spread remaining cooled custard over the top of the cake. Pour sherry over entire trifle. Top with whipped cream and toasted almonds and garnish with berries. 5) Chill 2 hours before serving. Enjoy! PAGE 22


June 2016

Popular Fillings Crema Dell’artigiano And Tintoretto Switch To Rspo Segregated Palm Products Towards offering fully traceable solutions to its customers The Barry Callebaut Group has switched the production of two of its most popular fillings for bakery and confectionary products from RSPO mass balance to RSPO fully segregated palm products as of January 2016. With this sustainable approach, the company aims to lead the confectionery market in offering fully traceable solutions to its customers. Sommelier Anthony Mueller


F&B PRODUCT INFORMATION 7-Minute Presentation Covers California Avocado Production from Tree to Table

Fresh California Avocados are in season now – spring through early fall, so it’s also the best time to educate your foodservice staff about this popular fruit and versatile menu item. The California Avocado Commission has put the facts at your fingertips and every piece of fruit.

Following the fruit from sunny grove to efficient packing station to busy restaurant kitchen, the video presents the culinary benefits and possibilities that accrue from using locally grown, quality Fresh California Avocados. California Avocados are grown on nearly 4,000 family farms on approximately 53,000 acres throughout Central and Southern California. The coastal climate of this region provides ideal growing conditions to produce delectable Fresh California Avocados.

For more information about the Fresh California Avocado difference, visit On the site, browse the Fresh California Avocado recipe database and serving suggestions, and find a variety of helpful resources–nutrition, selection, storage and handling information– for optimizing Fresh California Avocado usage. Created in 1978, the California Avocado Commission strives to increase demand for California avocados through advertising, promotion and public relations, and engages in related industry activities that benefit the state’s nearly 4,000 avocado growers. The California Avocado Commission serves as the official information source for California Avocados and the California avocado industry. For information about California avocados, visit, or join us on Facebook at CaliforniaAvocados and @CA_Avocados on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for updates.



June 2016 4

Large egg yolks

Pure honey 2/3 cup Salt

1/8 tsp

Half and half

2 cup


1 cup

Lime zest

2 tsp

Ripe, fresh California Avocados, peeled, seeded and pureed



Whisk together eggs, honey and salt in a medium bowl; set aside. In a medium saucepan over low heat, bring the half-and-half, buttermilk and lime zest to a full simmer. Once liquid begins to bubble, remove from the heat. Cover and let steep 2 hours. Once cream mixture has cooled, strain into another medium saucepan. Over low heat, bring to a simmer again. Temper the egg and honey mixture by adding the simmering cream to the mixture in a ladle a little bit at a time while whisking. Then, return the mixture to the saucepan. Continue to simmer over medium-low heat, whisking constantly until the custard thickens enough to coat a spoon and the thermometer reads 170°F to 175°F, about 4 minutes (do not allow mixture to boil). Strain mixture into a clean bowl and allow the steam to escape. Cover and chill mixture until cold (at least 3 hours, and up to 1 day). Process the custard in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Add avocado purée halfway through freezing. Transfer to a bowl or tub and freeze until firm, at least 3 hours, and up to 3 days


Ripe, fresh California avocado, seeded and peeled

1 tbsp

Container toasted coconut vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt


Container raspberry or strawberry Greek yogurt


Fresh or frozen red raspberries

1 cup

5-ounce paper cups


Flat wooden sticks


STEP ONE: Combine avocado, coconut vanilla yogurt, and honey in blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Divide mixture evenly among paper cups. Tap cups gently on counter to make avocado mixture even within cups and to eliminate any air pockets. Cover cups with foil and insert stick into center of each cup. Freeze for 2 hours or until completely frozen. STEP TWO: When first layer is frozen, remove foil from pops. Combine strawberry yogurt and raspberries in blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Spoon mixture into each cup over the frozen avocado layer. Again cover cups with foil with sticks poking through center. Freeze until completely frozen, about 2 hours. To eat, peel off paper cups. Enjoy.





June 2016



Tomato Compote Chilled Salad Windset Farms® Symphony® Ensemble Tomatoes paired with a savoury base of Symphony® Ensemble Lettuce and zesty Dijon makes for a delicious flavor combination.


2 cups/10 oz Symphony® Ensemble tomatoes, halved

Symphony® Ensemble lettuce

2 cups chicken or vegetable stock

8 eggs, hard boiled and peeled, whites and yolks separated

¼ cup Dijon mustard

½ cup apple cider vinegar

1 ½ cups extra virgin olive oil

INSTRUCTIONS Rinse Symphony® Ensemble lettuce under cold running water and place onto individual serving plates. Whisk together mustard and vinegar in a medium size bowl. Slowly drizzle in oil to emulsify the vinaigrette. Season to taste with salt and pepper. TO SERVE: Toss Symphony® Ensemble tomatoes with a few tablespoons of the vinaigrette. Push cooked egg whites through a medium sieve. Repeat with yolks. Create a bed of Symphony® Ensemble lettuce and top with the Symphony® Ensemble tomato mixture. Sprinkle the sieved eggs over top to finish.






June 2016 March 2016

SKIPSTONE owners Fahri and Constance Diner are thrilled to announce the arrival of Master Sommelier Emily Wines as Skipstone’s General Manager & Brand Ambassador. Previously the Senior Director of National Beverage Programs at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, Wines is widely regarded as one of the industry’s most well respected wine experts. Counted among only 230 master sommeliers worldwide, Wines is particularly noted for passing all three sections of the rigorous exam in her first attempt, winning the prestigious Remi Krug Cup.

Beginning in April, Wines will oversee all of Skipstone’s operations, including hospitality, wine sales and marketing programs, while also working closely with consulting winemaker Philippe Melka. Among her many career milestones, Wines was named the “2010 Wine Professional of the Year” by Santé magazine and was elected in 2014 to The Court of Master Sommeliers Board of Directors. She was also the driving force behind “Wines that Care,” a brand-wide Kimpton initiative celebrating conscientiously grown varietals and wineries. It is this interest in thoughtfully cultivated products and hospitality experiences that drew Wines to Skipstone, where she will have the opportunity to contribute to the production of each vintage,

while maintaining the tradition and excellence of the Skipstone guest experience and industry relationships. “I’m excited to dive into my new position, which will afford me both a challenge and an opportunity to continue partnerships with many of the incredible wine professionals with whom I’ve worked with over the years,” explained newly-appointed General Manager Emily Wines. “Skipstone is truly a magical place. Creating the best wine that the land gives us means that quantity and demand are secondary considerations. Skipstone exemplifies what is hidden throughout Sonoma—the beauty in both its terroir and geography. I love the unique balance and elegance we are able to achieve with Bordeaux varietals at Skipstone”

Master Sommelier

Emily Wines





June 2016



W San Francisco is pleased to announce the appointment of Gabriele Originario as Director of Beverage & Food. PAGE 33


June 2016

With nearly 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Originario will oversee operations for W San Francisco’s acclaimed beverage and food program, including the hotel’s signature TRACE restaurant. Continued On Page 35> PAGE 34


GABRIELE ORIGINARIO Continued From Page 35

Dedicated to socially responsible food created from locally sourced and sustainable ingredients, Upstairs Bar & Lounge, a dynamic lounge fuses signature cocktails with vibrant design, and The Living Room Bar, a chic hangout that couples craft cocktails with dynamic décor and electric beats spun by a live DJ. “We are incredibly fortunate to welcome Gabriele Originario to our W San Francisco family,” said Roger Huldi, general manager of the W San Francisco. “Our thoughtful and distinctive beverage and food offerings are designed to inspire the senses and create unforgettable memories. Gabriele’s remarkable industry experience and passion will further enhance our guest’s experience.” Over the years, Originario has worked with renowned chefs and sommeliers, including Thomas Keller, Larry Stone, Gaston Acurio and Hubert Keller, providing an invaluable and inspiring foundation for his career. Prior to joining W San Francisco, Originario held the title of director of operations at Emporio Rulli’s, a beloved artisan bakery in downtown San Francisco and general manager of La Mar, where he developed, implemented and maintained exceptional customer service standards. Originally from Rome, Italy, Originario made his way to the U.S. bringing along a passion for wine, shoes and fitness. PAGE 35




W San Francisco is an electric urban oasis in the heart of San Francisco’s SoMa district. With more than 400 guest rooms including 9 suites, the hotel’s chic and contemporary design offers a hip, stylish retreat downtown. Property features include The Living Room, a perfect gathering spot for cocktails or an energizing place to work, FIT, the hotel’s state-of-the-art fitness center, TRACE, the hotel’s signature restaurant, and seven stateof-the-art meeting room and banquet spaces including the award-winning SOCIAL terrace. The hotel offers panoramic views of the city’s skyline and a breathtaking view of the Bay Bridge and is just steps away from attractions including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Yerba Buena Gardens, and the waterfront. W San Francisco is a leader of sustainable initiatives and is currently one of only four LEED Platinum-certified hotels in the United States. For more information, please visit

June 2016

Gabriele Originario





June 2016

Continued on Page 39



AFTER TEN YEARS, serving as a world class sommelier, then another ten as an international industry executive, Mr. Carr set out on his own in 2005, to form his family-owned wine company. It was, as Mr. Carr says “a chance to follow a dream.” After launching his namesake brand, Joseph Carr Wines, Carr’s next project was creating the Josh Cellars brand in tribute to his father, a volunteer firefighter who also served in the United States Army. Working with partner-growers and winemaker Wayne Donaldson on each vintage, Josh Cellars offers bold, complex and approachable wines handcrafted for drinking with family and friends. Joseph Carr’s winemaking philosophy is balance, sophistication and approachability.



Sourced from vineyards across the Napa Valley, Sonoma Valley, Mendocino County, and even the Central Coast of California, Josh Cellars offers six California varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Merlot and a new red blend, “Legacy.”

June 2016

Q&A F&B • JC • F&B • JC •

F&B • JC • F&B • JC •

F&B • JC •

WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF A GOOD WINE LIST? First and foremost balance, both in selection and price, and perhaps a few gems just waiting to be discovered. IN YOUR OPINION WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED WINE REGIONS? In the United States, I think Lodi and Paso Robles are many times overshadowed by Napa and Sonoma, but these areas are producing amazing wines. Outside of the US, the satellite appellations of Bordeaux and Cahors. WHAT NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN WINE SHOULD SOMMELIERS LOOK OUT FOR? Sustainable farming, brands that have a story, wines that are authentic and give a sommeliers something to share, other than the oak maturation. WHAT FOOD & WINE TRENDS ARE YOU SEEING AT THE MOMENT? In terms of food, farm raised oysters from Cape Cod are out of this world as well as farm raised caviar. In regards to wine, I am seeing wines that are complex but approachable with balanced acidity. Additionally, keep looking at wines from the Sonoma Coast and Big Reds coming out of a little known region of Napa called Coombsville WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE PURSUING A CAREER AS A SOMMELIER? You have the greatest job in the world. Enjoy it, but never forget you are there to enhance the experience of others

F&B • JC •

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WINE? Other than my latest vintage of Carr Cabernet, I am very fond of Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou, from St Julian Bordeaux. It means beautiful pebbles

F&B • JC •

LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUR RELAXING? Cooking for massive amounts of people, which usually include a large number of nieces and nephews who will only eat hamburgers.

Special Father’s Day Offer Next Page





June 2016



ingredients 2 large Ripe Avocados 1/2 cup Vanilla Greek yogurt Agave nectar 1/2 cup Lime, zested 1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract 1/2 cup Light coconut milk 1/2 cup Lime juice 1

directions Blend avocados, yogurt and condensed milk until smooth. You may want to consider reducing the condensed milk if it’s too sweet. I found that when I tasted it before it was chilled, it wasn’t too sweet. But it got sweeter while setting. I might reduce the condensed milk slightly next time. Pour batter into crust and smooth top with spatula. Refridgerate overnight. Keep in fridge until just before serving.

Graham Cracker Crust

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Place the almonds in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until coarsely ground. Add the graham crackers, sugar and salt and pulse until finely ground. Add the butter and egg white and pulse until evenly moistened and combined. Press the crumb mixture firmly on the bottom and up the sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, or until fragrant and golden. Cool completely before filling.



Envelope unflavored gelatin

June 2016 2016 June



G’day USA!, This month, Bundaberg beverages will be available in 170 Safeway stores and adding two new flavors, Peach and Blood Orange Sparkling, to its existing Bundaberg line-up of Ginger Beer, Diet Ginger Beer, Root Beer 4 packs and Ginger Beer 750 ml. In addition, it will be expanding its Albertsons availability to 168 stores with its Ginger Beer and Diet Ginger Beer 4 packs, and Ginger Beer 750 ml.

Bundaberg drinks are brewed up to seven days, and made with locally grown ginger and sugar cane, and other real ingredients, from family recipes, winning them brand fans worldwide and contributing to the company’s exponential growth. “We are so excited to expand our relationship with Albertsons banner brands both in stores and on shelf – they are a wonderful partner and we look forward to continuing to offer solutions to meet their customer preferences and With its iconic bottle shape, needs,” said National Chain rip cap, and craft brewing Account Manager, Nelda process, Bundaberg has be- Jacobs. “Our awareness in come a consumer favorite the U.S. market continues to and has seen a 130 percent grow as consumers seek presales increase in the U.S. mium craft beverages with mainstream grocery marreal ingredients, and brands ket over the last year. with authentic stories.” “We Consumers today, especial- are so excited to expand our ly millennials, are seeking relationship with Albertsons authentic, crafted, premibanner brands both in stores um brands according to and on shelf they are a wonMintel. derful partner and we look

forward to continuing to offer solutions to meet their customer preferences and needs,” said National Chain Account Manager, Nelda Jacobs. “Our awareness in the U.S. market continues to grow as consumers seek premium craft beverages with real ingredients, and brands with authentic stories.” Bundaberg has been brewing its world-renown beverages for over 55 years, perfecting its craftsman brewing process, while always trying to source its ingredients locally, including growing their own ginger. Most drinks on the market are quick, factory mixes that take less than one hour to make. Bundaberg carefully craft-brews its drinks for as long as it takes to achieve an exceptional taste.

Bundaberg Brew Drinks is a family-owned company that was established in 1960 focused on brewing drinks that people love. The company proudly craft some of the world’s most delicious non-alcoholic beverages, made from the finest real ingredients in the fertile sub-tropical soils of Queensland on Australia’s east coast. Today, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks are available in grocers, specialty retail, bars and restaurants in more than 46 countries. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and



June 2016



“Chef Jennifer Backman Creates Unique, Seasonal Menus That Offer An Unforgettable Dining Experience.”

Q&A F&B • JB • F&B • JB • PAGE 47

DESCRIBE SPICER MANSION’S RESTAURANT IN ONE WORD Pristine (I think everything about it is beautiful) WHAT IS YOUR COMFORT FOOD? Braised meats. I loved braised lamb shanks, osso buco or short ribs. Anything like that.


June 2016

F&B • WHO WAS YOUR GREATEST COOKING INFLUENCE? JB • I would say my greatest cooking influence was my

chef when I first started at Castle Hill, Jonathan Cambra. I think he came into my life at a really pivotal time which helped to sculpt who I was going to become as a chef. So he’s definitely one of them. I was also in the genre that looked up to Julia Child. I actually cooked for her. That was really, really special. She was always someone I aspired to be because of the way she was able to teach and mentor so many different people, both men and women.

F&B • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INGREDIENT TO COOK WITH? JB • Aside from butter? (laughs). My favorite ingredient F&B • JB • F&B • JB • F&B • JB •

would be eggs. I love eggs. I think they are really versatile. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WHITE WINE? FAVORITE RED? Sauvignon Blanc and I enjoy a nice Sangiovese. CELEBRITY YOU WOULD LOVE TO COOK DINNER FOR? Well, I’ve already cooked for Nicolas Cage, but I’d love to cook for him again because I really like him. I think he’s a great actor. I cooked for him at Castle Hill. CHEF WHOSE STYLE OF COOKING YOU REALLY ADMIRE? Michel Bras. He’s a French chef who revolutionized the use of vegetables and presenting them in a very beautiful and artistic way.

F&B • HOW DO THE TERM “GLUTEN-FREE” MAKE YOU FEEL? JB • I’m not a fan. In my mind, it means you have to F&B • JB •

F&B • JB •

F&B • JB •

modify everything you cook. WHAT LEARNINGS FROM THE WEEKAPAUG INN AND OCEAN HOUSE WILL YOU BE CARRYING OVER TO SPICER MANSION? Adaptability – being presented with various challenges and troubleshooting and conquering them in order to excel. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WITH ASPIRATIONS OF BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL CHEF? Think long and hard about it. It’s a labor of love, and you have to be truly passionate about it and willing to sacrifice in order to do it and to do it well. So think about it. And think about how much you’re willing to sacrifice. If the answer is still “yes,” then go for it, find a mentor and work hard. LASTLY, WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX? Well, when I have time which isn’t often, my boyfriend is a sailor and we like to go out on the water, enjoy a couple of beers and get away from everything. .



1 1/4 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup Callebaut Dark Chocolate (811)

In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. In a large bowl, combine the butter, sugar, brown sugar. Mix together until creamy. Add in the egg and vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture. Add in the chocolate chips and peanuts. Drop the dough by teaspoons onto baking sheets.

Bake in a 375 degree oven for 7 to 10 minutes or until the edges of the cookies are set but the centers are soft. After removing the cookies from the oven, leave them on the baking sheets for 4 minutes before removing them.



June 2016



Is A Quintessentially Italian Product. It Is The Crucial Cog At The Center Of The Italian/Mediterranean



June 2016

OLIVE OIL is so often the very first step in creating extraordinary Italian dishes. Start by simmering garlic and basil in extra virgin olive oil and you have the beginnings of a flavorsome and fresh pasta sauce. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to a simple salad and you have an enriched and delicious side dish to accompany fish or meat. The health benefits of olive oil, abundant in anti-oxidants and low in cholesterol levels, also make this wonderful product of Italy a most desirable addition to the American kitchen. So what really lies behind the wonderful aromatic nectar? It is history. Olive trees were introduced in Italy after the Greek diaspora around 800 BC. Hence olive oil has a millennia-old tradition which shapes its production to this day. These majestic trees can grow up to 40 feet tall in size and live to be hundreds of years old. For authentic extra virgin olive oil the olives are handpicked to preserve their delicate quality. Italian olive farmers hold great pride in their olives and olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil must be yielded from the first pressing of the olives and the acidity level must be lower than 8%.

“Buy Authentic Italian Food, get more�. When you bring home a bottle of authentic, Italian made extra virgin olive oil you are bringing home much more than a condiment. You are bringing home the tradi-tion and passion of thousands of years and more than thousands of dedicated producers. You are bringing home the heart of Italy. The authentic products of Italy are ready to be shared with America, and more! For suggestions on how to make the best use of authentic Italian products visit





June 2016

2.5 lb. pork butt/shoulder roast · 1 tablespoon garlic powder · 1 teaspoon course sea salt · 1/2 cup BBQ sauce · 3/4 cup Crabbie’s Alcoholic Ginger Beer · 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce · 4 hamburger buns · cabbage slaw, carrot chips, and kimchi (I got mine in the produce section of the grocery store) for garnish (optional)

Rub pork with garlic, sea salt, and soy sauce. · Place pork in a small slow cooker. · Pour in the BBQ sauce and ginger beer. · Cover and cook on low for 8 hours or high 3-4 hours. · Once tender and cooked through, remove from the slow cooker and place on a plate. Use two forks to shred the pork. Return to the slow cooker and stir completely to cover in all the juices. · Keep on warm until ready to serve. · When ready to serve, place pork on buns topped with cabbage slaw, carrots, and kimchi if desired. Pork is also delicious as a topper on nachos, in tacos, or by itself! · Enjoy!



A PORTLAND DELI CUT THEIR PAYMENT PROCESSING TIME IN HALF MOST RESTAURANT owners dream of one day growing from a single location to many. When Elephants Delicatessen opened their doors over thirty years ago, they had a similar goal. Thanks to their focus on ensuring that the pleasure of eating is an all-encompassing sensory experience, they’ve become Portland’s favorite specialty foods & catering company. Elephants Deli has also grown from just one location to eleven. Although the business has many reasons to be proud of what they’ve accomplished over the course of three decades, their growth hasn’t been without some very significant pains. This pain was directly felt by Elephants Deli’s Controller Becca Peters. Becca is responsible for processing around 2,000 invoices a month for the business. Not long ago, a significant percentage of those invoices were delivered by mail or printed out after being emailed. Elephants Deli’s reliance on paper invoices meant that Becca was also manually writing over 700 checks a month. These inefficiencies in the way the payment process was handled cost the business over 8 hours a week of Becca’s very valuable time. Being stuck with repetitive but necessary administrative work every week instead of being able to focus on helping the business continue its growth caused Becca to hit a breaking point. PAGE 55


Realizing the inefficient and unsustainable nature of their manual payment processing, Becca set out in search of a better solution for Elephants Deli. It didn’t take her long to find multiple options for automating the payment process. The only problem with those solutions is they weren’t designed with the specific nuances of the food service industry in mind. After digging a little deeper, she came across a platform named Sourcery. Unlike the other accounts payable solutions she had reviewed, Sourcery was specifically built for the foodservice industry. Features that include invoice storage, analytics and multiple integrations persuaded Becca to give the platform a try. With help from Sourcery’s implementation team, it took less than two weeks for Elephants Deli to fully transition to the platform. That transition has resulted in the business cutting their payment processing time in half. According to Becca, the switch from manual to automated processing has also increased the efficiency of store-level team members. And instead of feeling like an operational bottleneck, Becca can now leave the office for strategic meetings and be confident that payables will still get out on time.

June 2016





Like many great ideas, all it takes is one visionary to think it, then a few others to believe in it. Like many great starts. It begins with that one good idea. Owner and Chef Aaron Weldon had that good idea. Hence. “Wings On Wheat” was born. With owners, Ben Johnson and Marshall Mitchell, over-seeing the second location.

I have stated in several of my previous columns. “It’s always the first impression that sets the stage when dining.” When I arrived at the new establishment, I was greeted by a young lady with a welcoming smile. The menu offers 34 different chicken wing flavors. With a variety of home-made sauces. Three more flavors then that “Ice Cream place that boasts 31 flavors.” In addition to wings, they serve fresh fish dinner’s, which is always a dining favorite, prepared with a unique OLD Memphis recipe, that’s over 50 years old.


There are several family meals, and combo special’s to choose from, that could become one of those weekly family traditions. “Hey, Let’s Have a Wings On Wheat Night.” They serve two variations of fries as side orders. The Regular Cut and the WOW Fries. I decided on the six party Wings & Tenders Special that was tossed with the Honey Lemon Pepper sauce. They were served hot, crispy and very tasty. The WOW fries are to die for. So good they will. “Make You Wanna Holla, Throw Up Both Your Hands”. The wings have a sweet tangy taste, and the fries were cut from fresh Idaho potatoes. Not the frozen bag type. Their specialty beverage is a soft drink called, “Peach Krack.” All I can say is watch yourself because you might just become addicted. The atmosphere is like many of Atlanta’s dining spots, very inviting and social, it reminds me of a cozy sports bar, just without the bar.


The atmosphere is like many of Atlanta’s dining spots, very inviting and social, it reminds me of a cozy sports bar, just without the bar. Flat screen TV’s are hung on the walls with plenty of space to sit and enjoy your meal, with or without the family. The staff and customer service was outstanding, very attentive and personable. Now let’s talk prices, when I say reasonable and affordable prices all I can say is “WOW!”…”Ya, Like how I got their name in…The girl got skillz.” This is definitely the place to go dine, even if you’re on a budget, or looking to place a large order on game-day. Even if it’s just the two of you having a stay at home movie night.

Order some of those delicious wings and sides an I am sure they will WOW you!. I am sure Chef Aaron won’t mind. Although once your dude or dudette takes the first bite he or she will know exactly where they came from. My experience at Wings On Wheat was another one of those times where the food was so good, “My Tongue Got Into a Fight with my Mouth.”

June 2016

COUPLE YEARS back at their 25th year Fraternity reunion, Benjamin and Marshall talked about life and discussed the abundance of opportunities that lies within Atlanta. This in-depth conversation encouraged them to formulate a business partnership. That is where PHLATL, LLC actually came into fruition. However, in taking the first steps of entrepreneurship, they still had to address two important questions: “what can they do” and “what could be a good business venture. Ultimately we settled on “Wings On Wheat.” “I have always been a wings lover, says Marshall. I have been waiting on an opportunity to return to Atlanta, says Benjamin. I wanted to expand my brand with the concept of providing quality foods and excetional service, says Aaron.” Then the big day came. We came together to expand and improve a great business idea. The inspiration for “Wings On Wheat” started back in our college days at the Atlanta University Center (a.k.a. AUC) which consisted of Morris Brown, Clark, Spelman, and Morehouse. Stegall Grocery, Mr. Stegall had a small kitchen carved out in the rear of the store from which hot food was served. The menu selection was small and very reasonable. And it is our belief that this was due to most of his customers being students. The most popular menu item was Wings on Wheat. It included a chicken wings on wheat bread.




Abadía Retuerta LeDomaine, the exclusive hotel located in a restored 12th century abbey surrounded by vineyards in Spain’s Duero winegrowing region, has named Marc Segarra Sauné the five-star property’s Executive Chef. Over the past 10 years, Chef Segarra has developed a broad range of skills and experience working with top chefs in a number of acclaimed and Michelin-starred restaurants across the country.



June 2016

He assumes responsibility for LeDomaine’s Refectorio, the hotel’s One Michelin Star restaurant where he has put the finishing touches on new signature menus that are paired with the award-winning wines produced on the Abadía Retuerta LeDomaine estate. In addition to the Refectorio, he is overseeing the Vinoteca wine cellar, serving tapas and small plates; Jardin del Claustro, the hotel’s summer restaurant, and catering including the many weddings held at this popular hotel for tying the knot. “Chef Segarra’s career and talents have seen a meteoric rise over the past decade as he has collaborated with a series of Spain’s star chefs in the kitchens of their award-winning restaurants,” said Andrés Araya, Managing Director of Abadía Retuerta LeDomaine.

“He brings a breadth of culinary knowledge, and a fountain of creativity, to our food and beverage operations at LeDomaine that bodes well for earning our second Michelin star in the near future.” Chef Segarra’s new menus are sophisticated and artistic culinary creations designed to inspire and tantalize savvy palates. The dishes are based on delectable specialty foods of the highest quality, with a focus on seasonal offerings produced in the local Duero region, the province of Castille y León and across Spain. The Stables Menu features such dishes as Braised Sunchoke with Seasonal Mushrooms, Chestnuts and Artichokes, Seasonal Fish with Scarlet Shrimp Marinade, T-Bone Steak Tartare with Bone-Marrow, Beetroot and Bordelaise Sauce, and Frozen Pear Juice, Ginger Cream and Black Beer Toffee.

He assumes responsibility for LeDomaine’s Refectorio, the hotel’s One Michelin Star restaurant where he has put the finishing touches on new signature menus that are paired with the award-winning wines produced on the Abadía Retuerta LeDomaine estate. In addition to the Refectorio, he is overseeing the Vinoteca wine cellar, serving tapas and small plates; Jardin del Claustro, the hotel’s summer restaurant, and catering including the many weddings held at this popular hotel for tying the knot. “Chef Segarra’s career and talents have seen a meteoric rise over the past decade as he has collaborated with a series of Spain’s star chefs in the kitchens of their award-winning restaurants,” said Andrés Araya, Managing Director of Abadía Retuerta LeDomaine.



Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants is thrilled to announce that Executive Sous Chef Stephen Bonin has been appointed as Executive Chef of Geraldine’s and Hotel Van Zandt. A graduate of Le Cordon Bleu, Bonin joined Geraldine’s all-star culinary team prior to its opening in 2015 with a resume boasting some of Austin’s top restaurants including Odd Duck and épicerie café. In his new role, Bonin is responsible for menu conception and day-today operations at the restaurant and hotel.



June 2016

Geraldine’s current menus feature a selection of seasonally-driven crowd pleasers, dinner highlights include the Cobia Ceviche with fried chicken skin, toreado and avocado; Salt Roasted Beets with deviled egg, pickled mustard seed, beet chips and rye crumble; and Crispy Pork Ribs with date, Asian pear, pickled gooseberries, cilantro and chive. Bonin’s Sunday brunch menu features a Duck Skillet Egg with roasted maitake mushroom, duck confit and pickles; a Pimento Cheese Empanada with harissa and avocado and a Short Rib Quesadilla with a fried egg, avocado, salsa and sour cream, which can also be found on the daily breakfast menu. Geraldine’s is open for breakfast and dinner service seven days a week, in addition to Sunday brunch.

“Stephen’s hard work and creativity has been an essential part of Geraldine’s success thus far,” said Tobias Peach, Director of Food & Beverage at Geraldine’s and Hotel Van Zandt. “We are delighted to have him take on the role of Executive Chef; there are more great things to come.” The restaurant is now serving lunch Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with indoor and outdoor patio seating available. Seasonal lunchtime offerings include the Braised Short Rib Sandwich with caramelized onions, pepper jack cheese and Russian dressing; Country Style Pork Torchon with crispy kale, seasonal greens and sherry vinaigrette and Fried Fish Tacos with cabbage, pickled jalapeno and chipotle aioli. To make reservations,visit or call, 512-476-4755.



FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES Explore franchise opportunities with Wienerschnitzel! We are the Worlds BEST Hot Dog Chain, with a devoted customer following for over 50 years. You are cordially invited to review all the reasons to potentially invest in a classic American brand. Here, we offer you an engaging opportunity to learn more about our value and positioning for growing successful franchise partners in both new, and existing markets. Every great success story has a beginning. May this exploration process serve as one of yours! Enjoy ~ Chili Cheese Dog, please! Cindy Galardi Culpepper • CEO



June 2016



Jalapeño Jack Burger is featured “Burger of the Month” for March Sometimes you just wanna sink your teeth into something that’ll bite you back! Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar has just what you’re looking for. Throughout the month of March, WalkOn’s is serving up its Jalapeño Jack Burger, a spicy, two-handed sensation that will take your taste buds on a ride they won’t soon forget. It’s an 8 oz. seared burger topped with fried jalapeños, pepper jack cheese and jalapeno cream cheese stacked on a warm jalapeño cheddar bun and fully dressed with homemade chipotle mayo, sliced tomato, red onions and spring mix. It’s served with a side of crispy shoe-string fries for just $11.99. Trust us…you’ll want something cold to go along with this one, and Walk-On’s suggests the Lagunitas IPA Don’t be shy, and don’t wait too long. This limited-time Burger of the Month will only be around till March 31. Participating locations only. Walk-On’s now has seven locations – two in Baton Rouge and one each in New Orleans, Lafayette, Houma, Shreveport and Lake Charles.Covington and Alexandria, as well as Lubbock, Tyler and Houston, Texas. PAGE 65


Other restaurants are under construction in Juban Crossing, Zachary, Covington and Lubbock, Texas. Several additional markets across the Southern United States are likewise on the drawing board. ABOUT WALK-ON’S ENTERPRISES Walk-On’s Enterprises is arguably the most distinctive restaurant company in America. Its concepts are fresh, fun and original, from Walk-On’s Bistreaux & BarSM – voted ESPN’s “#1 Sports Bar in North America” in 2012 – to Happy’s Irish Pub and Walk-On’s Catering. Additional growth lies ahead, as the company expands on its winning combination of delicious, affordable food and drinks presented in an uncommonly warm and friendly atmosphere. For more information, visit, or contact Ladd Biro at Champion Management at or 972.930.9933Scott Taylor at franchise@ For a complete menu and more information, visit To inquire about franchising opportunities, qualified applicants may contact Walk-On’s Enterprises President & COO Scott Taylor at

June 2016



AMORIM the world’s leading cork producer, has achieved a major technological breakthrough to become the world’s first cork producer to produce and deliver natural cork stoppers to winemakers with a non-detectable TCA guarantee.


Known as NDtech, the cutting-edge technology greatly enhances Amorim’s quality control measures by screening individual cork stoppers on the production line to eliminate the risk of corks contaminated with 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA) reaching winemakers. “Until now, no cork producer has been able to engage independent, scientific validation for a quality control system for natural cork stoppers that screens corks individually,” said Amorim’s research and development director Dr. Miguel Cabral.


“We have been working to achieve this goal for several years. Now we can examine an individual cork using sophisticated gas chromatography in just seconds, making the technology practical on a major industrial scale.” Two of the world’s leading wine industry research facilities — Germany’s Hochschule Geisenheim and The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) are currently engaged in the validation of the performance of NDtech. “The fact that Amorim’s NDtech is the only individual cork screening technology to engage in validation from both Geisenheim and the AWRI underlines the magnitude of this Amorim technological breakthrough,” said Cabral. Previously, gas chromatography examination took up to 14 minutes, making it impossible to use on production lines. Instead, Amorim applied the technology in laboratory-controlled batch testing as part of its quality control measures for the 4.2 billion corks it produces each year — and at the same time worked to improve the technology so it could be used in production.

As the world’s leading cork producer, Amorim has stood at the forefront of the fight against TCA — a naturally forming chemical compound that is a problem in the packaged food and beverage industries — through the application of rigorous production standards and certified quality control methods.

NDtech will initially be applied to Amorim’s topend natural cork stoppers used on some of the world’s most valuable wine brands. U.S. wineries are among the first to utilize natural cork stoppers that have undergone NDtech screening.

“The initial response from U.S. winemakers has “Amorim has experienced been as positive as we had phenomenal growth in anticipated, especially givdemand for natural cork en the important role that stoppers over the past five premium wine packaging years with annual sales has in a market as sophistiincreasing from three bilcated as the United States,” lion cork stoppers to more said Amorim Cork Amerithan four billion,” said Am- ca’s general manager Pedro orim’s chairman and CEO Fernandes. António Amorim. This groundbreaking technology presents U.S. wine“This is due, in part, to makers with an opportuincreasing awareness of nity to harness the unique cork’s environmental and benefits of sustainable technical advantages and natural cork knowing that acknowledgement of the Amorim has examined and added value that a quality guarantees each individual natural cork closure brings stopper. A non-detectable to bottled wine. Now, with TCA guarantee means that NDtech, we have made the if any TCA remains in a world’s best wine stopper cork it is below the deteceven better.” tion threshold of 0.5 nanograms/litre.

ABOUT AMORIM Tracing its roots back to the 19th century, Amorim ( en/) is the largest producer and supplier of cork stoppers worldwide with sales of more than $680 million (€605 million). Amorim sells to over 15,000 active clients in 82 countries, including some of the world’s most renowned wine, Champagne, and spirits producers. With an annual production of more than four billion cork stoppers, it is evident that Amorim is well-equipped to meet the high performance demands of the industry. Additionally, Amorim and its subsidiaries are an integral part of a conservationist effort to guarantee the survival of hundreds of thousands of cork trees throughout the Mediterranean Basin.


F&B Magazine News American Mixers, the parent company of Dirty Sue Premium Olive Juice, today announces the appointment of Tim Bekins as its National Vice President of Sales. Bekins brings more than 45 years of beverage industry experience to his new role, including 36 years with Trader Joe’s

Restaurant and franchise veteran Jarrod Brooks has joined Huddle House as Director of Franchise Development to support the aggressive expansion of the iconic brand known for serving “Any Meal, Any Time.” Brooks brings 18 years of franchise and restaurant development experience, including leadership positions with such high profile brands as Quiznos Sub and early lifecycle brands such as tre’za, You’ve Got Maids and ZAGG. As Director of Franchise Operations and Development for Quiznos, Brooks helped the franchise brand grow from 400 stores to more than 5,000 nationwide in 10 years, averaging 460 new locations per year. Following his tenure with Quiznos, Brooks helped pioneer concept design, franchise sales and operations strategies at multiple emerging franchisors. Brooks is also a former multi-unit franchisee for Quiznos. “Jarrod’s wealth of experience and industry knowledge will have an immediate impact on our growth.

According to the 2016 American Express Restaurant Trade Survey, restaurant operators are feeling bullish about the economic environment: 39% of restaurateurs said they see the economy improving and expanding opportunities for their businesses over the next six months, while another 32% expect their businessTo help drive the culinary es to grow regardless of the economic conversation, American climate. Restaurateurs are projecting an Express released today its average revenue growth of 33% in 2016. Restaurant Trade Survey ahead of the 27th an- Other topline findings include: nual American Express ·Biggest technology trend for the restauRestaurant Trade Pro- rant industry in the next 12 months pregram, an exclusive feature of the Food & Wine dicted by restaurant operators is mobile Classic in Aspen. The payments. program offers a forum · Almost two-thirds of restaurant operafor attendees to exchange tors said they would possibly increase the business ideas and strat- price of their menu items due to rent inegies, educational plat- creases. forms to gain insights from top industry talent ·29% of restaurant operators plan to and networking opportu- adopt the no-tip trend facing the restaunities to fortify relation- rant industry while 18% report that they ships with peers. have already adopted.

It is honored to announce the naming of John Johnstone, C.M.C., as Vice President of Food & Beverage. Mr. Johnstone will oversee not only the resort, but overall food and beverage operations at The Broadmoor Wilderness propAs The Broadmoor erties of The Ranch at Emerin Colorado Springs ald Valley, Cloud Camp, The Broadmoor Fishing Camp and approaches its Centennial in Seven Falls. Most recently, Mr. 2018, Johnstone served as

Director of Club Operations at the esteemed Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters®. There he was in charge of club house operations, as well as all Masters Tournament food and beverage operations. This encompassed the support and direction of all hospitality operations including concessions, luxury sponsor cabins and suites and 24 separate venues for members, players and patron dining.

His extensive resume also includes serving in pre-opening varying leadership capacities with Ritz-Carltons in Washington D.C., Boston, Sarasota, Greensboro, Georgia, and Los Angeles. Internationally, the list is extensive and includes Bali, Milan, Dubai, Thailand, as well as multiple properties in China. “I am truly honored and excited to join The Broadmoor family and I look forward to many years of contributing to the world-class excellence.


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