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Photo Credits- Robin Stickel
B y S u n i l M a l h o t r a S t o c k I m a g e s
Let’ s first understand, what are Onions? Well onions, like garlic, leeks and shallots are botanically known to be a part of Liliaceae family. Onions contain highly potent compounds which are beneficial for your health though not as highly valued as garlic. Onions generally form the basis of a wide variety of dishes and can be eaten raw, sauteed, boiled, steamed or baked.
1.Antibacterial: Onions are used in folk medicine for relief of coughs, catarrh (excessive build-up of mucus in nose or throat) and colds. Onions are rich in antibacterial properties ,as supported by studies, against the likes of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has been observed that older the onion, like stored ones, the more potent it is. 2.May support gut health: Onions are known to be rich in fibre, more so the non-digestible type which is required to maintain gut health. Although we cannot digest prebiotic fibre, the bacteria that live in our gut are able to do so and use it as a fuel to increase their numbers and produce byproducts called short-chain fatty acids(SCFAs) which are valuable in the maintenance of your gut health and supporting our digestion and immunity. 3.Rich in anti-oxidant compounds: Onions are full of chemicals like flavonoids which have both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Flavonoids 25 in the onions are one of the richest sources in your diet. Consumed regularly and in sufficient amounts these compounds present in onions supposedly help protect against certain chronic conditions such as diabetes and cancer.
4.May support bone health: Bone density is highly improved because of the antioxidant properties in onions which reduces oxidative stress and seems to reduce bone
loss. Studies have further suggested that frequent onion consumption decreased the risk of hip fracture in peri-and post-menopausal women while middle-aged women who took onion juice improved bone density. 5.May support Heart health: Onions contain a flavanoid called Quercetin which has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which along with other beneficial compounds present in onions lead to its heartfriendly properties. Studies have shown that eating onions may help reduce your risk of heart disease as it helps lower blood cholesterol as well as manages its levels and reduces inflammation. There is one negative point and that is it’ s bad odour, so do brush your teeth after eating onions!!
Photo by Julia Volk
B y S u n i l M a l h o t r a S t o c k I m a g e s
This is one tricky condition to manage and a lot depends on what you eat as it can interfere with your treatment. A number of nutrients greatly influence the function of the thyroid glands while certain foods can inhibit your body ’ s ability to absorb the replacement hormones you may take as part of your thyroid treatment. As with many health issues, some factors are not in your control, like environment around you and your family history, but certain diets play a significant role in managing the condition. Since you are the master of your plate you can always choose thyroid friendly foods.
1.Quit Smoking: Supposedly the most harmful for your body as the toxins in cigarettes like thiocyanate block the production of thyroid hormone and are the cause for hypothyroidism. Due to insufficient iodine absorption, smoking cigarettes increases the chances of goitre. Smoking cigarettes also increases the risk of thyroid cancer, so advisable, one should abstain from smoking. 2.Limit the intake of Processed Foods: Processed foods like meats, ready meals and baked goods have a strong harmful effect on your body and are also known to be high in trans-fat, sugar and carbohydrates which lead to a hindrance in the functioning of pituitary gland which in fact controls the thyroid gland. 3.Increase the intake of Selenium: During the process of building up thyroid hormones certain free radicals are generated for which Selenium acts as a very crucial antioxidant to remove them. Selenium helps in the proper functioning of the gland and also helps check premature ageing. Brazilian nuts, most meat products, fish, rice, pasta, yeast and cereals should be taken but in moderate quantity so as to meet your daily requirements.
4.Keep stress and anxiety under Control: Chronic stress not only plays havoc with your overall well-being and health but also affects your thyroid levels too. Your thyroid gland slows down the metabolism, causes weight gain and fatigue due the impact of the stress. Take out time from your busy schedule, meditate and reflect, which will help your body to relax thereby reducing stress levels for proper functioning of the thyroid gland. A positive outlook, regular exercise and a healthy diet go a long way in keeping your thyroid levels in control and overall health. 5.Eating a Balanced Diet: One of the most important part of managing your thyroid levels is having a healthy diet. As it says, you are what you eat. A balanced diet which includes milk, nuts, yoghurt, eggs, fish, fruits, vegetables etc; providing you all the needed nutrients to maintain a healthy body. When you eat right, your body gets all the required nutrition which are essential to build your immunity to infections and inflammation.