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Goa is in Development Mode
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Rajesh Ghadge rajesh@rajeshghadge.com
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Norbert D’Souza CA Gaurav Kenkre
Dr. Schuyler Pereira
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Circulations Manager huge makeover. You'll have noticed already that in every nook and cranny, roads and pavements are being dug up to lay down the cables and pipes. rajeshghadgeofficial
Looking at the numerous development projects underway here in Goa, it looks less like a tourist destination and more a business hub these days. The infrastructure in almost on par with Pune or Bangalore and with the hundreds of startups wanting to set up in Goa, businesses are on the rise. We can see so many new inland roads, highways and bridges being constructed rapidly. On top of that, the recently opened Manohar International Airport at Mopa will add to the hopefully smooth transition of this tiny, beautiful place into an upcoming business destination.
Meanwhile, the hospitality business is booming in the state due to a huge inflow of tourists and business travellers. All this is adding to the revenue of the state and at the same time, it is leading to inflation of property prices in the state. The real estate and facilities in Goa are still cheaper however, compared to the neighbouring cities like Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai which is prompting the big companies to buy entire floors of commercial establishments to fit their huge manpower of 200 to 500 seats.
Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together l e d t o t h e b i r t h o f a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.
Aakash Ghadge Team Incredible Goa subscribe@incrediblegoa.org ghadge.aakash96@gmail.com incrediblegoamedia@gmail.com

Cover Page Credits - IG Team
Infrastructure development is a good thing to keep up with growing demands. Traffic has increased almost 10-fold compared to what it was a decade ago which is making the existing infra development unable to cope with the demand. We may even see small towns turn into cities and in turn, cities into megacities.
Tech companies setting up here need two things immediately: reliable and efficient power and internet supply and to meet that demand, all the major cities in the state are undergoing a
If development continues at this rate, Goa will be a business hub very soon. The working-from-home concept came about during the Covid lockdowns and companies saw the potential of getting cheap resources while at the same time increasing productivity. Also, who doesn't want to work from Goa?! It's undoubtedly an incredible place to live and work. I am signing off now so till next time, happy reading…
Rajesh Ghadge rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadge www.rajeshghadge.com rajesh@rajeshghadge
Gear Up For The 10th Edition Of Goa Marathon On 12th February 2023
Our sunshine state is dotted with beaches and flourishing forests, attracting a magnitude of travellers, tourists and culture aficionados who have made Goa their home. There's no denying the beauty and benefits of living in this tropical paradise - until we acknowledge the existence of the underprivileged and homeless of our country, who rely on the kind and generous of our society. Here's where the Goa Marathon began - a concept that began in early 2012 with an aim to raise funds to aid the development of homes has since flourished, with the support of our patrons and enthusiasts who believe in the vision. Organised by El Shaddai Charitable Trust in collaboration with Goa Athletic Association, the Goa Marathon enters its 10th edition - a milestone achievement that has benefitted the society in a multitude of ways.
W i t h o v e r s i x t y t h o u s a n d participants for last nine years the event has grown to become a staple in Goa's running calendar. All the funds raised from the event will be disbursed to charities that support the homeless and give them the opportunity for a dignified life. Goa Marathon has assumed a stature of eminence, being the largest philanthropic sporting event in Goa. While the decade has brought together both the young and old, first time runners and veterans, corporates and families, we took a step forward to introduce a ZERO WASTE Marathon Our collaboration with Ayya Waste Management helps us convert all the material waste generated from the event into bricks for our h o m e s w h i l e k e e p i n g t h e environment clutter-free. Join us as we celebrate a decade of Goa Marathon on 12th Feb 2023 at Goa University GroundGoa, surrounded with go-getters and fitness enthusiasts, coming together in health and happiness to build homes and hope for the underprivileged of our society. We invite individuals from all walks of l i f e ; g e n e r a t i n g g r e a t e r awareness of the cause and the work of the NGO you choose to support. The ripple effect of your efforts has a lasting positive impact on the cause, beyond race day!
This year, we aim to attract over 8000+ participants to attend the event. In setting this goal, we will ensure to be moving forward under appropriate COVID Safe government plans assuring participants the Goa Marathon will be a fun and safe event. To know more about our mission and vision for the Goa Marathon 2023, contact us for an inviteonly orientation session with an exclusive and inspirational message from Founder and Philanthropist, Matthew Kurian along with his team. Gear up to start your New Year on the right foot with an unparalleled experience at Goa Marathon 2023.