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S i d d e s h

Gaonkar, Yuti Sanvordekar,

D a v i s L i j o

Daniel, Junia

Sara Varghese, and Girish Arun

C h o d a n k a r

Each of the kids were presented with a memento cheque, gift vouchers worth Rs. 5000/-, and b r a n d ambassador kit.

COPPERLEAF, Goa's Favourite Restaurant, organized Gift Vouchers distribution ceremony for the "COLLECT & WIN" contest.

A t o t a l o f 4 1 9 f a m i l i e s participated in the contest and 8 families completed the contest successfully The "COLLECT & WIN" was an exclusive contest for kids below 12 years. The program was launched on 1st November and got completed on 20th December. For every visit, the kids were collecting magnets of each alphabet forming the word "COPPERLEAF". The contest was to collect all ten letters in a series before 20th December.

The Winners of the "COLLECT & WIN" contest were Vallen A Azavedo, Kayden Lanz Lobo, Aarush Mohit Kenny, Yuvaan

T h e p r i z e distribution was d o n e i n t h e p r e s e n c e o f

Copperleaf owners Mr. Shreekant Pai Bir, Mr. Sachin Pai Bir, and Mr. Vishwanath Pai Bir.

Shreekant Pai Bir, Chairman of Vishwamukta Group which owns & o p e r a t e s t h e b r a n d

"COPPERLEAF" addressed the guests by congratulating the little ones and their families. He also thanked them for showing their patronage and loyalty towards the brand. He also mentioned various ongoing discounts such as Armed Forces and Corporate programs running at Copperleaf along with the CSR activities.

S a c h i n P a i B i r , C E O o f Vishwamukta Group thanked all the winners and the team for motivating patrons to participate and complete the contest Vishwanath Pai Bir, COO of Vishwamukta Group informed everyone that more and more such offers will be coming for the year 2023 and they would be available for everyone. "On public demand, we are getting back HAPPY HOUR in which customers would get 50% discount on all food and beverages between 7-8 PM and this time it would be at both the locations." he said.

Ms. Clarissa Gonsalves, Hostess, did the compèring for the event and Mr. Vinu George, Restaurant Manager at Panaji outlet gave the vote of thanks.

Akasa Air Commences Operations From Goa

additional flight each day.

The first Akasa Air flight QP1392 on the Bengaluru-Goa route is scheduled to land at 1000 hrs IST a t N e w G o a M a n o h a r International Airport (Mopa) on Wednesday 11 January 2023.

Akasa Air, India's youngest airline, is set to inaugurate its maiden flight from Goa, the 12th city on its network. After Mumbai and Pune, Goa is the third city in the western part of India, to be added to the airline's network. Akasa Air will be offering double daily flights from Goa to Mumbai, and from Goa to Bengaluru from January 11, 2023. From February 1, 2023, the airline will increase its frequency from Goa to Bengaluru by adding an

Goa is one of India's most popular tourist destinations and has recently also emerged as a manufacturing base for several leading companies. The launch of Goa as the latest destination on Akasa Air's network, facilitating connectivity to Mumbai and Bengaluru reiterates the airline's commitment to strengthen important transportation links across the country. Akasa Air's operations from Goa will cater to the travel demand, further optimizing economic growth by increasing the tourist footprint.

Commenting on the start of operations, Praveen Iyer, CoFounder, and Chief Commercial Officer, Akasa Air, said, “We are pleased to take off from our 12th destination within five months of our commercial launch. To s t r e n g t h e n o u r d o m e s t i c connectivity, we are delighted to be able to connect the city of beaches with Mumbai and Bengaluru We are constantly expanding our network with an aircraft arriving every 15 days to fulfil our goal of developing a strong pan-India presence”.

Belson Coutinho, Co-Founder a n d C h i e f M a r k e t i n g & Experience Officer, Akasa Air, said, “We are delighted to bring the Akasa experience to Goa and Team Akasa is looking forward to delivering our promise of being a dependable airline focussed on delivering warm, efficient, and reliable service. As Akasa spreads its wings to Goa, we hope to create happy memories with our humane and inclusive travel experience.” announced Hyderabad as the 13th destination on its network offering daily flights on the Hyderabad-Bengaluru and Hyderabad-Goa routes starting from January 25, 2023.

Since its launch in August this year, Akasa Air has been progressively scaling up its operations and by January-end expects to cross over 500 weekly flights on a total of 20 routes across 13 cities - Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Kochi, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Guwahati, Agartala, Pune, Visakhapatnam, Lucknow, Goa, and Hyderabad. The airline will continue to grow its network to establish a strong pan-India presence focusing on the metro to tier 2 & 3 route connectivity, using a fleet expansion plan that adds one new aircraft every 15 days. Akasa Air's fleet size will be 18 aircraft by the end of March 2023 and over the next four years, the airline will add 54 additional aircraft, taking its total fleet size to 72 aircraft.


undertaken by GSL for Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard as well as t h e S h i p y a r d

Shri Giridhar Aramane IAS, Defence Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Government of India visited GSL on 02nd Jan 2023. During the visit, Defence Secretary inaugurated the newly setup Virtual Reality Center. The Virtual reality Centre is a state of the art facility that will provide an immersive experience to the designers of GSL in incorporating the requirements of the customer at the drawing board itself, accruing considerable savings and enhancing the efficiency of design process.

During the visit, Defence Secretary was briefed by Shri B K Upadhyay, CMD GSL on progress of ongoing Project being

M o d e r n i s a t i o n Program at GSL. Defence Secretary interacted with the senior management and was conducted around the shipyard to s h o w c a s e t h e Infrastructure facilities that was set up under m o d e r n i z a t i o n p r o g r a m H e w a s apprised of the various w o r l d - c l a s s i n f r a s t r u c t u r e especially the GRP Composite Facility, which will provide GSL indigenous capability to build weapon intensive and high technology Ships for Defence and for exports.

Defence Secretary took keen interest in ongoing construction program of ships, R&D, innovation & design being done by shipyard and while appreciating the good work done by the Yard, he urged GSL to further increase their productivity, turnover and adopt innovative skills to keep up with the latest emerging technologies in the field of ship building. During his address to the Officers of GSL, Defence Secretary reiterated that GSL has set high standards in the shipbuilding industry of the country and should work towards g a r n e r i n g m o r e o r d e r s , expanding product portfolio and at the same time supporting startups and innovators of the country.

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