14 minute read


Weddings are undeniably one of the most cherished moments in our lives, and thus, we were inspired to create a special wedding issue that we proudly present to you. When the idea of launching our wedding special edition arose, it faced scepticism from many, mainly due to it being off-season with fewer weddings taking place. However, at GPDM, we thrive on breaking conventions a n d a r e c o n f i d e n t i n t h e effectiveness of our endeavours, and history has proven our success in every undertaking. The rationale behind releasing this special issue during the offseason is to capitalize on the i n c u b a t i o n p e r i o d w h e n individuals are meticulously planning their weddings well in advance. By having the wedding special edition readily available d u r i n g t h i s p h a s e , i t w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y p r o v e t o b e advantageous and beneficial for them. write@incrediblegoa.org

Among these hidden gems are the finance and fitness sections, written by esteemed personalities in Goa The finance column, expertly penned by CA Gaurav Kenkre, provides readers with invaluable insights into GST filing, including tips on handling input credits and navigating the dos and don'ts of the GST portal Implementing these insights can lead to significant savings of both money and time, while also empowering readers to tackle even the most complex GST filings confidently.

Circulations Manager

Aakash Ghadge Team Incredible Goa subscribe@incrediblegoa.org incrediblegoamedia@gmail.com


Cover Page Credits

Image by Studio RDP

Sejal Gupta instagram.com/studiordp.in

This being our inaugural attempt at producing a special edition, we acknowledge that there may have been certain aspects we missed due to various reasons. However, I want to assure you that we are committed to rectifying these shortcomings soon. Our primary focus will be on enhancing the c o n t e n t a n d d e l i v e r i n g information that surpasses expectations in the upcoming editions Your feedback and support are invaluable to us in this j o u r n e y o f c o n t i n u o u s improvement.

In the past, we might have inadvertently overlooked some crucial sections of the magazine that offer readers valuable information. This time, I want to emphasize and highlight some of these essential segments that can truly transform your life.

Meanwhile, in the fitness section, we have content contributed by none other than Norbert D'souza, the renowned owner of a chain of gyms in Goa. His expertise in the fitness realm offers readers an opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards achieving their dream fitness goals. With his guidance, readers can take concrete steps towards improving their physical health and overall well-being. These sections hold immense value and are geared towards enriching your life beyond the usual mainstream features like cover stories and interviews. We believe that by shining a spotlight on these lesser-known yet vital components, we can empower our readers with a diverse range of knowledge and insights that cater to various aspects of their lives.

We are excited to share that we have more in store for our readers! Our team is diligently working on adding new sections to the magazine, aiming to make it even more valuable and informative. These upcoming additions will cater to a broader range of interests and provide further insights into various aspects of life. Till next time happy reading…

Rajesh Ghadge

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.

rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadge www.rajeshghadge.com rajesh@rajeshghadge

Mahesh Pai Ranks 4th In All India And Ended The Year With A Double Tot

he has commenced the Financial year 2023-24 on a high note by already accomplishing the Top Of the Table (TOT) again. Mr. Pai's remarkable performance is a testament to his exceptional skills and unwavering commitment.

o u t l o o k , e x t r a o r d i n a r y accomplishments are within reach.

We are thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to Mr. Mahesh Pai for his outstanding achievement in securing the fourth highest position in India and first in the state of Goa in the field of Financial planning for the year 2022-23. TOT is considered as the highest badge of honour in the field of Finance. Furthermore,

FIEO - GCCI Training Programme on Tools &Techniques of Marketing

FIEO in association with Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry is st organising an important training programme on 21 July,'23 atGCCI at 10:00 am. The programme will broadly focus on the ways to increase exports from the Goa.

The participants are going to derive a never before opportunity by attending this programme, and they will get benefits of understanding key aspects of the exports trade directly from the top officials of the office of the DGFT, Directorate of Industries, India Post, ECGC and MSME.

Official from the DGFT will provide insights on new foreign trade policy 2023, wherein exporters can derive benefits meant for them.

Official from the Directorate of Industries will highlight about the benefits/schemes existing in the Government of Goa for exporters from Goa.

Official from the India Post will inform about the ease of doing ecommerce exports through competitive services of India Post.

Official from the ECGC will inform about the ways to manage payment risk in exports through an insurance.

MSME department official will provide insights on multiple schemes/benefits meant for MSME exporters.

Apart from the above, an expert speaker of the programme will educate on several important aspects of the exports trade, with an emphasis on e-commerce exports. Officials from the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) will be present to address any queries of the exporter/s.

Mr Pai has brought immense pride to our state, he exclusively deals with High Networth Individuals, NRI's, Industrialists, b u s i n e s s o w n e r s a n d professionals His relentless determination and optimistic attitude has propelled him towards success. His consistent delivery of high-quality work and commitment to maintaining exceptional standards has earned him the admiration from the entire finance fraternity. This serves as a reminder to everyone t h a t w i t h h a r d w o r k , perseverance, and the bright

He was recently felicitated at Park Regis in Arpora by Kamal Kumar (Zonal Manager Mumbai) and Neeta Menghani (Divisional Manager Incharge Goa) for his outstanding performance. We wholeheartedly wish Mr. Mahesh Pai continued success in his future endeavours and with his decisive and exceptional abilities, we are confident that he will continue to rise higher and achieve even greater milestones. We wish Mr. Mahesh Pai all the best as he continues his journey towards securing the no. 1 position in India. With his exceptional skills and unwavering dedication, there is no doubt that he has the potential to reach the pinnacle of success.

AITUC Condemns Goa Government's Ban on Strikes in Pharmaceutical Industry

The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) in Goa is vehemently opposing the recent Notification issued by the Goa Government on 16th June 2023, invoking the "Goa Essential Maintenance Act, 1988," which p r o h i b i t s s t r i k e s i n t h e pharmaceutical industry The AITUC views this move as an infringement on trade union and human rights and a severe blow to workers' interests.

According to the AITUC, the Notification is undemocratic, unconstitutional, and seemingly influenced by pharmaceutical companies. The ban poses a direct threat to workers' rights, hindering their ability to form trade unions, engage in collective bargaining, and enjoy the protection of labor laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act and Factories Act The situation is exacerbated by numerous pharmaceutical companies in Verna and other Industrial Estates v i o l a t i n g s t a t u t o r y l a b o r provisions with impunity. Workers who have attempted to f o r m u n i o n s f a c e h a r s h c o n s e q u e n c e s , i n c l u d i n g harassment, victimization, false charges, and termination The A I T U C a s s e r t s t h a t s o m e pharmaceutical companies, with alleged support from government authorities, resort to transferring unionized workers to distant locations in a bid to dissolve the unions and maintain control. AITUC firmly upholds the right to form trade unions as guaranteed by Article 19(1)(a)(b) of the Indian Constitution, which ensures f r e e d o m o f s p e e c h a n d expression. The trade union demands an immediate repeal of the Notification to protect workers' rights. AITUC warns of sustained struggles alongside fraternal trade unions if the ban remains in force, and calls for united opposition and protests f r o m a l l w o r k e r s i n t h e pharmaceutical sector in Goa, regardless of union affiliations. T h e s i t u a t i o n h a s d r a w n significant attention, and the outcome holds implications for l a b o r p r a c t i c e s i n G o a ' s pharmaceutical industry The AITUC's unwavering stance aims to safeguard workers' democratic and fundamental rights and defend their interests in the face of perceived collusion between pharmaceutical companies and the government.

Rotary Club Of Dona Paula Gets New President Rtn Ca Gaurav Kenkre

dimensions to the same to further expand the work of the club

New team of Rotary Club of Dona Paula was installed on 2nd of July 2023 by DRFC Past District Governor, Rtn Dr Vinaykumar Pai Raikar, in the presence of Assistant Governor Rrn Shephan Shaikh and GSR Rtn Yogish Kulkarni. Rtn CA Gaurav Kenkre and Rtn Azeema Kulkarni were installed as President and

Secretary respectively.

Rtn Ryan Prazeres, the outgoing President thanked all for their support during the year 2022-23 which happened to be the first year of the club The new P r e s i d e n t K e n k r e a s s u r e d everyone that he would carry forward the plans of the previous President and add further

The new President elaborated his plans for the coming year He specified that the club will continue their work in the Happy school, which has been adopted by the club. Further, the club will launch its Skill Up mission focusing on skilling students across Goa. The club will also support local NGOs and businesses, recognise important but neglected strata of our society via youth awards, vocational awards, nation builder awards, thus encouraging and motivating them.

The Rotary International theme for the year 2023-24 is creating hope through Mental well being, and in line with that, the Rotary Club of Dona Paula signed an exclusive Memorandum of

U n d e r s t a n d i n g w i t h t h e Psychiatric Society of Goa, under the Presidentship of Dr Ravindra Agrawal. The MoU outlines the broad scope of work under the name “Project ASHA” wherein focus will be on Mental health camps, Student mental Health, Learning disability tests and Activities around creating awareness

The other members of the new team at the club are: Atithi Dalvi, Dr Elaine Rodrigues, Dr Sajal Dhond, Ryan Prazers, Gaurav Pokle, Diyana Sayed, Felipe Alvares, Ratna Vuppalla, Arushi Agarwal, Viresh Vazirani, Sidhant Amonkar, Sheebani Sriram, Saurabh Dalvi, Jyoti Jain, Dr Pawan Rane, Dr Rohan Badave and Rasika Nair Palekar

Bjp And Allies Nominate Sadanand Tanavade For Rajya Sabha

the Rajya Sabha seat.

“I am thankful to BJP president JP Nadda, P r i m e M i n i s t e r Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP general s e c r e t a r y B L Santhosh, Goa Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant and my party for giving me this o p p o r t u n i t y , ” M r Tanavade said after filling the form.

the AAP would not participate in the election process, as they do not wish to waste the precious time of the Assembly. He added that the AAP would consider contesting the Rajya Sabha e l e c t i o n w h e n t h e y h a v e sufficient representation in the Goa Assembly.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) h a s n o m i n a t e d S a d a n a n d Tanavade as their candidate for the Rajya Sabha seat from Goa. Currently, the BJP and its allies hold 33 out of the 40 seats in the G o a A s s e m b l y , w h i l e t h e opposition Congress has three seats. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has two members, and the Goa Forward Party and Revolutionary Goans Party have one legislator each, making up the remaining seats.

S a d a n a n d S h e t Ta n a v a d e officially filed his nomination papers at the Goa Assembly complex. The Chief Minister of Goa, Pramod Sawant, along with other MLAs, were present during the filing process. Expressing gratitude, Tanavade thanked BJP President JP Nadda, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP General Secretary BL Santhosh, and the Goa Chief Minister for the opportunity to be nominated for

C l a i m i n g t h e presence of all BJP MLAs and supporting party members during t h e n o m i n a t i o n , Tanavade expressed his intention to request opposition MLAs to vote for him in the upcoming election. With the BJP and its allies holding a significant majority in the assembly, it remains to be seen how the opposition parties will respond. Meanwhile, the AAP's Goa p r e s i d e n t , A m i t P a l e k a r , announced that their party would not field a candidate for the Rajya Sabha poll due to their insufficient numbers. Palekar also stated that

Regarding the possibility of s u p p o r t i n g t h e C o n g r e s s candidate, Palekar mentioned that his party is awaiting the announcement of the Congress candidate for the election. The stance of the AAP in this matter remains uncertain until further details are revealed.


On World Youth Skill Day, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant presided over a ceremony at Taleigao Community Hall, Taleigao, where he awarded apprenticeship contracts to unemployed youth who had successfully registered for the program The event, organized by the Directorate of S k i l l D e v e l o p m e n t a n d Entrepreneurship, aimed to provide valuable skill-building opportunities to the youth of Goa. During the program, Chief Minister Sawant presented over 6,000 apprenticeship contracts in v a r i o u s G o v e r n m e n t establishments and an additional 5,000 opportunities in the Private Sector. He emphasized that the apprenticeship certificate would hold value not only in private organizations but also when applying for any vacancy in the Government sector. With nearly 9,000 applicants for the apprenticeship scheme, these young individuals are now set to sign one-year contracts to engage in skill development and practical training The Chief Minister expressed his vision that the youth of Goa would take full advantage of the apprenticeship opportunities available in both the public and private sectors. By participating in these programs, young people can enhance their skill sets and knowledge, thereby increasing their chances of success in their chosen career paths and personal lives.

The Department of Information a n d P u b l i c i t y s h a r e d t h e importance of this initiative, as it serves as a stepping stone for the youth to gain valuable experience and improve their employability. The Chief Minister's commitment to skill development showcases the government's dedication to empowering the youth and preparing them for a promising future.

In conclusion, the apprenticeship award ceremony on World Youth Skill Day marked a significant milestone for Goa's unemployed youth. With a strong focus on skill enhancement and practical learning, the event represented a valuable opportunity for the young workforce to carve a path towards success and prosperity in their chosen fields.


international tourists visiting Goa for prolonged periods. During these stays, these high-income technocrats would prefer staying in rural areas, engaging with local families, embracing their culture, and contributing to the local economy through increased spending power.

Goa's Tourism Minister, Rohan Khaunte, has called upon the Union government to introduce a special "digital nomad visa" for IT, tech, and gig workers seeking to work remotely from anywhere Khaunte believes that such a visa would significantly benefit Goa, p a r t i c u l a r l y b y b o o s t i n g homestays that aim to attract visitors on extended stays.

Highlighting the growing trend of digital nomads who seek to work from creative spaces away from their offices and homes, Khaunte emphasized that post-Covid, tourists are drawn to Goa for its quality of life and vibrant creative atmosphere These digital nomads, often international travelers, opt for long stays, spanning three to nine months, a trend that many countries have begun to acknowledge by issuing specific visas catering to this group of workers.

By implementing a digital nomad visa, Khaunte envisions a rise in

The push for a digital nomad visa has garnered support globally, with approximately 46 countries already offering such visas, up from 13 initially. Khaunte intends to approach Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and request the pursuit of this visa category with the external affairs ministry. If successful, the digital nomad v i s a s c o u l d o p e n u p n e w opportunities for homestays, tech tourism, and positively impact the economy, especially in the hinterlands.

The move to introduce a digital nomad visa aligns with Goa's efforts to attract long-term visitors seeking a unique work-life balance in the state's inspiring environment. By catering to this emerging trend, Goa aims to tap into the potential of the digital

The Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industries, in collaboration with the International Institute of C S R a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y , conducted a workshop on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing on July 16th, 2023. The event aimed to raise awareness about ESG investment, which involves screening investments based on corporate policies to promote responsible practices The H o n o r a b l e M i n i s t e r f o r Environment, PWD & Law & Judiciary, Mr. Nilesh Cabral, emphasized the three pillars of ESG - Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance - and discussed measures to control plastic waste, including a forthcoming legislation for a "Deposit Refundable scheme "

The workshop also featured presentations on ESG integration in various industry sectors, providing an opportunity for Goan companies to tap into the international investment market. The occasion concluded with a certificate award ceremony for graduates of IICSR students studying CSR, sustainability, and ESG.

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