15 minute read
Drishti Marine Launches Safety Initiatives to Ensure Beach Safety
campaign strives to raise awareness, share knowledge, and offer helpful tips for swimming in the ocean while encouraging people to appreciate the water in order to understand it better. The 60-minute activity includes a supervised swim lesson and aims to raise knowledge of lifeguard courtesy and water safety.
drills as part of their rigorous outdoor training, which also includes swimming pool sessions to help them become used to the water.
Drishti Marine, a lifeguard agency in the coastal state of Goa, has started a number of safety p r o g r a m m e s t a r g e t e d a t enhancing beach safety in the area. The plans include ringing off high-risk locations, installing AI systems to monitor the beaches, and raising knowledge of a p p r o p r i a t e s w i m m i n g techniques.
In response to the tragic deaths of four persons at Keri Beach in an area that has been declared a “No Selfie Zone,” the measures are being implemented in conjunction with the state administration Drishti Marine is working to improve its AI system and build a squad of trained dogs to assist lifesavers in rescue and beach safety operations, in addition to shutting risk-prone areas and executing the “Swim With Lifesavers” project.
At a special event in April 2023, Rohan Khaunte, the tourism minister and Porvorim MLA, announced the additional safety measures at Candolim Beach. The precautions are intended to prevent further incidents and make sure that the safety measures do not interfere with the local fishing communities.
Drishti Marine introduced the “Swim With Lifesavers” campaign in Goa in March 2021. The
Drishti Marine is also wrapping up work on its two AI platforms, Triton and Aurus, which use cuttinge d g e t e c h n o l o g y t o h e l p lifeguards maintain beach safety. The AI-powered surveillance system Triton and the self-driving robot Aurus will improve lifesaving skills on Goa's beaches. To assist on-call lifesavers in responding more quickly, both technologies can monitor the environment, evaluate dangers, and transmit real-time information.
A team of lifeguard dogs is being trained by Drishti Marine in preparation for deployment on Goa's popular beaches The eleven-dog squad is being trained to recognise and save people in danger, conduct search and rescue operations in rough terrain, and find missing children. Dog trainer Arjun Shawn Moitra is responsible for the “Paw Squad.” They put the dogs through agility
According to Navin Awasthi, manager of Drishti Marine Operations, “the vast expanses of the beach can be effectively monitored by this AI-powered monitoring system while the human resources, the lifesavers, can focus more effectively on the swim zones and save people's lives.”
2008 saw the start of Drishti Marine's operations in Goa In 2007, there were 200 drowning instances, which prompted the state government to put together an effective system and take urgent action. The service has greatly enhanced the travel experience in Goa and resulted in a 99% decrease in drowningrelated deaths. Since then, more than 6,000 lives have been saved. In conclusion, Drishti Marine's actions are designed to improve beach safety in Goa and avert future mishaps. The organization intends to make sure that tourists may safely enjoy the area ' s natural beauty by restricting riskprone locations, implementing AI systems, and raising awareness about safe swimming techniques
Rohan Khaunte Visits Niramayam and Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar
Printing and Stationary, Government of Goa, is currently in
Dehradun on a three-day visit for the signing of Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) between Goa and Uttarakhand, aimed at s t r e n g t h e n i n g t o u r i s m cooperation between the two states On 24th May, the honourable minister and his team visited Niramayam and Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar to meet r e n o w n e d Yo g g u r u B a b a Ramdev, and Co-Founder of Patanjali Ayurved, Acharya Balkrishna, respectively He invited Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna to Goa and emphasized promoting tourism and spirituality, discussing extensively the integration of spirituality and Ayurveda. Later, the honourable Minister and his team visited Har Ki Pauri Ghatone of the most sacred ghats located in Haridwar, on the banks of Ganges in Uttarakhand. In the evening, Shri Khaunte attended the Ganga Aarti in Har Ki Pauri and sought the blessings of Mother Ganga.

Dr Celso Fernandes embarked on a transformative path, initially as a dentist, and later ventured into creating a remarkable legacy in Goa. His unwavering determination led to the establishment of the Nave Marg Foundation, Goa's first self-funded charitable organization. The foundation's core mission is to uplift the learning environment for children by providing crucial infrastructural amenities like toilets, and playgrounds, and renovating school buildings. Through these efforts, the foundation aims to instil dignity, and convenience, and create a level playing field for students pursuing affordable education. Dr Celso Fernandes has garnered widespread recognition in Goan society as an esteemed educationist and philanthropist, and his remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to many.
Dr Celso Fernandes

From a tender age, Dr Celso Fernandes harboured an ardent passion for the realm of medicine, a flame ignited by his beloved grandfather's nurturing guidance throughout his childhood. "I always aspired to bear the esteemed title of 'Dr.' before my name," h e c o n f i d e d Ye t , f a t e intervened when a shortfall of marks in his 12th standard exams impeded his path to the Goa Medical College (GMC) for MBBS Instead, destiny guided him to the Goa Dental College (GDC), a divergence c a u s e d b y a m e r e 3 % discrepancy in his marks. Reflecting on this twist of destiny, he shared, "Initially, my parents were disappointed t h a t I c o u l d n ' t s e c u r e admission to GMC. However, it soon dawned upon me that dentistry held its own allure, offering independence and autonomy. As a dentist, you become the captain of your own ship, liberated from the d e m a n d i n g h o s p i t a l schedules and late-night calls that often accompany the field of medicine."
The incident left an indelible mark on Dr Celso Fernandes, inspiring him to articulate his profound admiration for dentistry in an article titled "Why Dentistry is the Best Profession." It was the year 1992, just after his graduation from dental college, when he felt compelled to pen this influential piece. The article swiftly gained widespread attention, spreading like wildfire throughout the nation. Driven by his aspirations to pursue further studies in the United States for his BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), fate intervened once again. A chance encounter with a dentist from Kerala, who had not only achieved his BDS but also employed 16 MDS (Master of Dental Surgery) graduates, altered Dr Celso's trajectory. The dentist imparted a valuable lesson: the key to success lies in effective management. Armed with this newfound insight, Dr Celso realized that with proper management skills, one could conquer any endeavour. The Turning Point Life often presents us with pivotal moments that have the p o w e r t o c o m p l e t e l y transform our path, and such a moment arrived in the life of Dr Celso Although he found fulfilment in his dental practice, a sense of something missing persisted within him. Deep down, he had an u n w a v e r i n g d e s i r e t o contribute to society, to give back in a meaningful way. Fate soon presented him with the opportunity he had longed for.
"In the year 2008, as the president of the Indian Dental Association, I attended a s e m i n a r o n M o n e y Management that would alter the course of my life," Dr Celso recounted. It was during this enlightening event that he discovered the concept of Active Income and Passive I n c o m e . A c t i v e i n c o m e required active participation in work-related activities to earn money, while passive income is derived from owning income-generating assets. Dr Celso realized that despite his successful dental clinics and substantial active income, his passive income was nearly non-existent This revelation struck a chord within him, for he realized that even though he earned it abundantly, he was still akin to a daily wage worker, reliant on his daily efforts for financial stability. Motivated by this realization, Dr Celso embarked on a gradual transition from dentistry to the financial realm. He attended numerous s e m i n a r s a n d e v e n t s organized by insurance companies, initially starting as a Life Insurance Advisor, capitalizing on the booming insurance industry at the time. According to him, the allure of foreign trips and rewards associated with his five-year tenure in the life insurance field played a significant role in his decision to stay However, it was the allure of regular trailing income that drew him towards Mutual Funds, ultimately paving the way for his transition He p a s s i o n a t e l y b e g a n educating people on the advantages of investing in Mutual Funds, explaining the potential they held for financial growth and stability.

Dr Celso's journey exemplifies how a pivotal moment, coupled with unwavering determination, can lead to a p r o f o u n d s h i f t i n o n e ' s professional trajectory.
An Author
Dr Celso, a multifaceted individual, not only served as a doctor for many years but also ventured into the realm of finance. However, his thirst for knowledge and sharing experiences did not stop there He embarked on a literary journey, penning down his insights and wisdom, and ultimately authoring a total of e i g h t b o o k s o n v a r i o u s subjects.
The inception of his literary career came with his first book, titled "Who Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees." The inspiration for this book struck him when he withdrew 60 thousand rupees from his account to purchase a laptop. Remarkably, within a mere two months, the remaining balance of his portfolio, amounting to nine lakh forty thousand rupees, grew back to ten lakhs. This occurrence reminded him of the resilient nature of a m o n e y p l a n t , w h i c h regenerates swiftly regardless o f h o w m a n y t i m e s i t s branches are pruned. It was from this experience that the idea for the book's title, "Money Grows on Trees," took root.
Dr Celso's foray into writing showcases his profound insights and the ability to draw valuable lessons from his own life experiences.
In the year 2014, a significant turning point arrived for Dr C e l s o a s h e a c h i e v e d m i l l i o n a i r e s t a t u s T h i s remarkable accomplishment coincided with a period of market growth, which he attributes to the favorable p o l i c i e s o f t h e B J P government, led by Prime Minister Modi Ji. The doubling of his money during this time fueled his interest in further investments, prompting him to diversify his funds across various avenues.
By 2018, he had successfully surpassed the remarkable milestone of one crore rupees. The following year, in 2019, Dr Celso was invited to share his i n s i g h t s a t a s e m i n a r organized by Sharekhan Trading Company, held at one of the prestigious hotels in Goa However, he soon realized that trading was not his area of expertise, as he found that his money seemed to circulate rather than grow. It was during this period that he penned his second book, titled "Don't Chase Money, Let Money Chase You." This book serves as a guide, imparting wisdom on transitioning from trading to becoming a prudent investor.
The Nave Marg Foundation
There exists a significant incident in Dr Celso's life that spurred him to establish the Nave Marg Foundation. From the young age of 22, he actively participated in the L i o n s C l u b , m a r k i n g a remarkable 30-year journey within the organization. In the year 2011, he aspired to contest for the esteemed position of District Governor. However, it is important to shed light on the unique composition of our district, comprising 60% Karnataka a n d 4 0 % G o a T h i s demographic distribution presented a formidable challenge for Goans aspiring to become District Governors, as the majority of votes originated from Karnataka D i s h e a r t e n e d b y t h i s realization, Dr Celso made the difficult decision to step away from Lionism and instead channel his efforts into establishing the Nave Marg Foundation.
The core motivation behind his desire to become District Governor was to secure international grants for various activities within Goa. R e g r e t t a b l y , g i v e n t h e p r e d o m i n a n t f o c u s o n Karnataka, he saw limited prospects for achieving this g o a l D r C e l s o k e e n l y observed the absence of even a single dialysis centre in Goa, a vital healthcare service desperately needed by numerous patients. In stark contrast, he discovered that the Lions Club had already established multiple dialysis units in Karnataka.
This realization fueled his determination to make a tangible difference in Goa's community, leading him to establish the Nave Marg Foundation Through this foundation, he aspired to create a positive impact by addressing critical needs and uplifting the lives of those in need.

In the year 2017, Dr Celso e m b a r k e d o n t h e establishment of the Nave Marg Foundation, driven by his desire to utilize the passive income he had accumulated for a noble cause. He proudly shared that he currently generates an income of 1 lakh US dollars, equivalent to 80 lakh Indian rupees This abundance of wealth led him to ponder the best use of his financial resources. It was this contemplation that served as the catalyst for the inception of the foundation.
Remarkably, in the previous financial year alone, Dr Celso allocated over 60 lakhs of r u p e e s t o w a r d s t h e foundation's initiatives He enthusiastically shared that this year, the foundation's expenditure is poised to s u r p a s s t h e s i g n i f i c a n t milestone of one crore rupees. Today, he passionately directs his financial resources towards the foundation's endeavours and is even willing to fund 50% of the projects undertaken by the Lions Club.
D r C e l s o ' s u n w a v e r i n g commitment to making a positive social impact is evident through his substantial financial contributions The Nave Marg Foundation stands a s a t e s t a m e n t t o h i s dedication to serving the community and uplifting the lives of those in need.
Dr Celso has ingeniously harnessed his trail commission, which comprises earnings from his investments in mutual funds, policies, and other ventures, to serve the needs of the less fortunate through the Nave Marg Foundation This sustainable source of income, fueled by his ongoing financial endeavours, allows him to perpetually contribute to his social work. Dr Celso joyfully declared, "I feel like a lifelong governor now, as this trail commission will continue to f l o w , e n s u r i n g t h e uninterrupted operation of the Nave Marg Foundation."
Impressively, Dr Celso's assets under management (AUM) have surpassed a remarkable 3 5 0 c r o r e s T h e t r a i l commission derived from this substantial sum provides ample resources for the successful operation of the foundation. He proudly shared that the foundation has already utilized these funds to construct 14 toilets in various s c h o o l s a c r o s s G o a , e x e m p l i f y i n g t h e i r commitment to addressing pressing needs within the community. Additionally, the Nave Marg Foundation has allocated funds to various other noteworthy projects, further exemplifying their dedication to making a positive impact on society.
As per Dr Celso, the Nave M a r g F o u n d a t i o n h a s allocated a budget of 1 crore this year. The foundation's focus has now expanded to include serving individuals with diabetes, boasting a current membership of nearly 900. Dr Celso firmly believes in the potential for diabetes to be reversed when effectively managed within a controlled environment comprising diet, e x e r c i s e , a n d s t r e s s management By diligently attending to these three aspects, individuals can maintain optimal control over their blood sugar levels. Inspired by this belief, the foundation has embraced the challenge of eradicating the need for insulin dependency through the implementation of a proper diet. Dr Celso confidently stated that they aim to achieve remarkable results within a mere three months Their dedication to providing support and guiding individuals on a transformative health journey underscores the Nave Marg Foundation's commitment to making a significant impact on the lives of those affected by diabetes. At present, the Nave Marg Foundation boasts over 25 diabetes clubs, and their ambitious goal is to expand this number to 50 by the upcoming year Dr Celso proudly shared that each club receives an annual allocation of 1 lakh rupees to sustain its o p e r a t i o n s , e x c l u s i v e l y catering to the needs of diabetic individuals. It is worth highlighting that this selffunded foundation stands as a u n i q u e e n t i t y i n I n d i a , providing comprehensive care and support to a significant number of people affected by diabetes The Nave Marg Foundation's unwavering commitment to serving the d i a b e t i c c o m m u n i t y showcases its dedication to i m p r o v i n g t h e l i v e s o f individuals grappling with this health condition.
When discussing future plans, Dr Celso expressed his desire t o e x t e n d s u p p o r t t o individuals in rural areas who are unable to afford the necessary expenses for diabetes care, which often leads to kidney failure He explained, "We are currently collaborating with hospitals that treat diabetic patients reliant on insulin. Our aim is to help them regain their health and become free from insulin dependency Once this project yields success, we will compile a comprehensive study report and utilize it to assist other patients on their journey towards insulin independence." Dr Celso passionately envisions making Goa a diabetes-free region by implementing these initiatives. R e m a r k a b l y , D r C e l s o highlighted that he receives a trail commission equivalent to t h a t o f a m e m b e r o f parliament, emphasizing that he does not need to engage in politics to serve the people of Goa He firmly believes in utilizing his trail commission entirely for the betterment of society. He stated, "When we depart from this world, it is crucial to be remembered for the positive impact we made on people's lives."
Regarding his message, Dr Celso imparted valuable financial wisdom, stating, "Instead of merely saving money, it is essential to invest wisely. Learning how to invest your money is far more beneficial than saving and engaging in trading, which can be akin to gambling. Investing is akin to entering into a committed relationship, and becoming an investor rather than a trader can pave t h e w a y f o r f i n a n c i a l prosperity." His words serve as a reminder of the importance o f m a k i n g i n f o r m e d investment choices and a d o p t i n g a l o n g - t e r m perspective.