2 minute read
Leena Kamat Prabhu's Trailblazing Journey

By Kalyani Merwade
Leena's roots trace back to a family deeply ingrained in India's history. Descended from freedom fighters and journalists, engineers and entrepreneurs, she inherited a legacy of strength and determination. Her upbringing i n t h e l a p o f n a t u r e , surrounded by the jungles of h e r g e o l o g i s t f a t h e r ' s expeditions, instilled in her the spirit of exploration and resilience.
Her mother, a creative force, introduced Leena to art, l i t e r a t u r e , a n d s o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y H e r grandmother, lovingly called Mai, taught her the importance of compassion and hospitality, creating a home where anyone c o u l d f i n d s o l a c e a n d nourishment. These values became the foundation of Leena's character, shaping her into the empathetic and dynamic leader she is today. Leena's father, a meticulous a n d s u p p o r t i v e f i g u r e , e n c o u r a g e d h e r independence from a young age. He instilled in her a sense of responsibility and taught her practical skills, such as changing fuses and operating banking procedures. With his unwavering support, Leena developed a belief in her abilities and a thirst for continuous learning.
Life's ever-changing nature, d u e t o h e r f a t h e r ' s transferable job, exposed Leena to different cultures and taught her the value of embracing change She developed a keen eye for interior design, honed during her mother's creative pursuits, w h i c h w o u l d p r o v e instrumental in her future endeavours.
Married to her childhood friend and welcomed into a joint family, Leena embraced the challenges of adjusting to a new dynamic. Her supportive husband encouraged her to pursue higher education in business management and master the art of driving, igniting a fire within her to achieve greater heights.
Prior experiences in marketing genetics and managing resorts in Goa fortified Leena's confidence to take on the ambitious project of Angriya Cruise. With only her brother's captivating tales of the sea as her guide, she delved into the maritime industry, immersing herself in its complexities and nuances.

I n D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6 , a serendipitous encounter led Leena to acquire a cruise ship that perfectly aligned with her vision. The vessel, originally from Japan, underwent a transformative redesign to reflect the spirit of India's west coast, paying homage to the legendary Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, the Maratha Empire's first admiral.
L e e n a f a c e d u n i q u e challenges in a traditionally male-dominated industry as the project progressed. Her determination made her the first woman to stay on board the ship during the interior decoration and hospitality team setup. Overcoming gender stereotypes, she earned the respect of her male counterparts, even sharing the camaraderie of sailor jokes.

Leena's journey had its challenges. She strived to ensure that the ship's safety measures accommodated women in sarees, symbolizing the need for inclusivity and practicality Through her experiences, she gained a deep appreciation for the intricacies of shipbuilding and the importance of precision in both the engine and deck departments.
Angriya Cruise, launched in October 2018, became India's f i r s t p r i v a t e l y - o w n e d domestic cruise ship of its size. Leena's meticulous attention to detail and passion for creating a vessel showcasing the region's history, culture, and marine biodiversity came to fruition. The ship became a floating testament to her dedication and the collective efforts of her team.
Leena's commitment to empowering women in the maritime industry shines through her initiatives.