functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter This issue at a glance...
Page five Another diet cola with a difference
Page six Drink enhances power of flowers
Page five Low-cal option for new consumers
Optimising cognitive performance
Nawgan is a brain supplement developed by Dr Paul and is intended to support memory and thinking skills. The drink contains a patentpending blend of four key ingredients to protect the brain and enhance its functioning: lycopene to provide anti-inflammatory protection, vitamin E to deliver an antioxidant effect, as well as alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline and citicoline in the form of Cognizin - Kyowa Hakko's branded ingredient which has been scientifically demonstrated to increase mental activity and may be responsible for reversing age-related changes in the brain. These two chemicals help provide structural support to brain cells as well as increase acetylcholine levels, which is critical for memory and thinking skills.
brain, claims Nawgan's formulation is backed by extensive and sound research. Hence, according to Paul, the drink's main strength and appeal to consumers is its scientific background. Nawgan is targeted at adults, with the noncaffeinated version usually preferred by older adults, compared to the caffeinated variant which is preferred by younger adults. To increase brand awareness amongst its target group, Dr Paul said, "We have developed outstanding POS material to support the brand. Nawgan will be sponsoring events targeting adults, and engaging the local media outlets." Furthermore, the website features a memory test so that consumers can track their memory performance over time. The test changes with each administration to provide a fresh assessment of memory. Dr Paul is confident about the prospects for Nawgan given that since the soft launch in June 2009, sales of the drink have steadily progressed, especially in Missouri, one of two states where Nawgan is sold. Nawgan is currently available in select retail locations in Missouri and Arizona. In addition, the company has recently partnered with Major Brands, which will provide distribution coverage for all major retail outlets in the state of Missouri. Nawgan retails for approximately US$2.29 to US$2.49.
Dr Paul, who is a professor and has conducted extensive research on the
new age
24 March 2010
United States
Having recently completed the formal launch of its flagship drink, functionaldrinks spoke to Nawgan Products LLC founder and clinical neuropsychologist Dr Robert Paul, who told us about how sales of his eponymous drink have progressed since its launch last year.
Page three Shot stimulates UK market
Issue 181
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