functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter This issue at a glance...
Page six Research explores benefits of tea
Page three Ingredient reaches new horizons
Page seven Energy bubbles up in Brazil
Page three Small yet powerful shot in the US
Issue 194
United States
Drink provides security against food and drink excesses Security Beverages Company is on the brink of introducing the famed anti-hangover drink Security Feel Better in the US.
Leonardo Freitas, Managing Director for Security Beverages Company, commented, "We are planning on capitalizing and growing the evergrowing public interest in non-alcoholic beverages with innovative 'shot' packaging formats, thus targeting a sophisticated consumer base that will enjoy Security Feel Better as a digestive aid after heavy meals and drinking." The digestive drink is the result of six years of research and its formula is designed to stimulate the digestive system helping eliminate food and drink faster. It also helps eliminate toxins faster thus helping prevent hangovers.The drink contains several herbs, with the most important being artichoke, a hepatoprotector that protects the liver from damage and stimulates liver cells renewal.
The natural digestive drink is made from plant and herbal extracts, and has been around since 1996, when it was first launched in France amid some controversy about the drink's purported benefits. Nonetheless, well over ten years on, it has expanded its presence and is now available in more than 22 countries.
The benefits of a bottle of Security Feel Better can be felt within just 45 minutes after consumption and, taken before going to bed, it also helps prevent hangovers.
October 2010 marks the official launch date in the US, after which Security Beverages Company will start a nationwide marketing campaign to raise awareness of the brand and the drink's benefits.The marketing campaign will make use of public relations and social media as its main tools.
Produced in France, Security Feel Better is currently exported to Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and now the US amongst others. Security Feel Better will be on sale for US$5.99 per 30ml bottle at various retailers and online through the company's website.
Security Feel Better will be positioned as a sophisticated drink for affluent consumers who are concerned about digestive health. As such, the company has said the drink is targeted at both male and female adults between the ages of 21 and 50, be it 'party people' or business men and women.
new age
7 October 2010 X
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