101213_FD_Issue 200

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functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter This issue at a glance...

Page two US drink vitalises consumers

Pages three to six Innovation Awards announced

Page one Interest in health grows in the UAE

Page six Functional food feature


Issue 200

13 December 2010

functional dairy


Company 'activ'ates health-conscious consumers At Zenith's recent Beverage Middle East Congress held in Dubai in November, leading dairy company Al Rawabi Dairy unveiled its newly launched range of enriched dairy drinks under its B-Activ umbrella brand of functional dairy products. Al Rawabi Dairy is one of the largest dairy and juice companies in the region with existing product lines comprising milk, flavoured milks, yogurt, yogurt drinks, cheese, butter, fruit juice and juice drinks. In line with the growing number of healthconscious consumers across the UAE, Al Rawabi Dairy is the first in Dubai to launch functional dairy products that target specific health concerns. According to the company, the aim of its B-Activ portfolio is to encourage and help consumers lead healthier lifestyles and to take an interest in personalised nutrition.

The product line consists of a series of sub ranges including a breakfast drinking laban, as yogurt is known in certain parts of the Middle East. The drinking yogurts are available in Orange, Strawberry and Cucumber Mint variants enriched with oats, Al Rawabi's probiotic strain LA-5 and vitamins B and C. B-Activ also includes a three-strong line of preand probiotic drinks to help reduce and control blood sugar levels and help digestion. The drinks are sold in Mango, Peach and Forest Fruits and also feature the LA-5 probiotic strain. B-Activ Conjugated Linoleic Acid is targeted at consumers who wish to lose weight as CLA has been demonstrated to help reduce body fat mass and maintain lean muscle mass. Each bottle contains 750mg of CLA as well as 110mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D. For consumers who wish to reduce their cholesterol levels naturally, the company has created B-Activ Plant Sterols which it claims can reduce cholesterol by 15%. This drink provides 600mg of plant sterols, 110mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D. This, and the CLAenriched drink, are available in plain flavour. All B-Activ drinks are sold in Al Rawabi's characteristically shaped bottles in 200ml format.

www.alrawabidairy.com X

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functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter Page 2 Issue 200 13 December 2010

editorial comment Welcome to the 200th issue of functionaldrinks and the last one for this year. Despite the slow recovery some countries have made after the recession, the functional drinks market has continued to expand with new trends emerging and others reaching new geographies, proving that this is still an innovative and exciting area.

In Germany, we cover the launch by ProBioTan of its all-natural sour milk (see Page 3) as well as the expansion of PepsiCo's SoBe brand with a new variant designed to give consumers a welcome extra boost of energy (see below). We also report on the entry by UAE-based Al Rawabi Dairy to the functional arena with an extensive line of dairy drinks with various health benefits (see Page 1). It has been eight news-filled years since functionaldrinks launched and during this time the newsletter has sought to change with the times and remain as relevant to its readers as ever. We always appreciate your feedback and if you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve the newsletter you know how to get in touch with us.

As is tradition in our Innovation Awards, we celebrate the best new launches across a range of categories and highlight trends seen in 2010. It has not been easy to choose the winners, but we hope you agree with our selection (see Pages 3 to 6).

Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year from the functionaldrinks team!

In view of the fast approaching festivities and the associated over indulgence, we felt it would be an ideal opportunity to take a look at the latest developments in the equally exciting functional food arena (see Pages 6 and 7).

Cecilia Martinez-Nunez Deputy Editor cmartinez@zenithinternational.com

enriched beverages

United States

SoBe hopes for sales boom PepsiCo recently extended its elixir beverage SoBe Vita-Boom to include a Cranberry Grapefruit variant. enhanced


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In contrast to the existing Orange Carrot flavour which contains vitamins A, C and E, each bottle of SoBe Vita-boom Cranberry Grapefruit contains 100mg of L-carnitine and 25mg of red clover extract to give consumers an extra boost. Each 8oz serving also contains 40% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. The new variant's bottle is emblazoned with the familiar lizard mascot, and appeals to the brand's core young adult target market. A 20oz bottle of the enhanced water brand has a recommended retail price of US$1.29 and is available from grocery stores and convenience store nationwide.

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functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter Page 3 Issue 200 13 December 2010

The functionaldrinks Innovation Awards 2010

Among the 250 or so products featured in functionaldrinks in 2010, here are our favourites from each beverage category‌. nutraceuticals

wellness beverages

Winner: SoZo coffee fruit

Winner: Nawgan

Free radical-fighting SoZo made it to the top spot in the category.This is one of the first beverages to have been launched in the US that uses coffee berry extract, which previously had been discarded from the manufacture of coffee beans.

Developed by a neuropsychologist, Nawgan is a drink designed to stimulate the brain and improve mental performance.

However, recent research has shown that coffee berries are full nutrients, in particular the proprietary extract used in SoZo, CoffeeBerry, which was developed by VDF Futureceuticals and boasts over 10,000 ORAC units per 3oz serving, which is the equivalent to approximately 20 servings of fruit and vegetables, together with other vitamins and nutrients. SoZo is positioned as a dietary supplement that differentiates itself from other antioxidant-rich beverages in that it does not use Brazilian superfruits but instead focuses on a well-known but overlooked fruit.

Nawgan contains a range of ingredients such as lycopene for anti-inflammatory protection, vitamin E for its antioxidant properties, alphaglyceryl phosphoryl choline and citicoline, contained in the branded ingredient cognizin, which help increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain for memory and thinking skills as well as provide structural support to brain cells. Finally, there is a caffeinated variant of Nawgan for an extra boost of mental stimulation. According to its creator, younger adults tend to prefer the caffeinated version whilst older adults opt for the original variant. Despite being faced with strong opposition, Nawgan won the top spot in the nutraceuticals category as a clear example of an emerging trend in nutraceuticals for beverages that help increase mental alertness and focus. www.nawgan.com


functional dairy

Winner: Biokefir Of the vast range of functional dairy launches featured in functionaldrinks, Biokefir impressed us with its comprehensive health-credentials and product design that allows consumers to obtain a dose of targeted nutrients easily and conveniently with minimal disruption to daily routines or eating habits. The Biokefir range is powered by Lifeway Foods' traditional 10-Kefir culture in addition to two new strains: Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. There are five variants in the range of which two are for heart health, two for immunity and one for digestion. Furthermore, at just 60 calories apiece, all BioKefir shots provide an ideal way to deliver nutrients quickly and efficiently to the body. www.kefir.com



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The functionaldrinks Innovation Awards 2010

zenithinternational newsletter

enriched beverages

Page 4 Issue 200 13 December 2010

Winner:Valio Gefilus fruitshot Finish dairy and probiotics specialist Valio has a long tradition of being at the forefront of innovation, particularly where probiotics are involved. Probiotic drinks are well established in Finland, and in order to encourage new consumers into the category who for whatever reason cannot or choose not to consume dairy,Valio introduced a non-dairy based probiotic shot called Valio Gefilus fruitshot. The shot can be consumed by young and old alike as it contains the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain, which strengthens immunity as well as featuring vitamin D. The fruit-based probiotic drinks joins a non-dairy juice drink launched also under the Valio Gefilus brand back in 1997.


Winner: Col+

sports drinks

Winner: POWERade Citric' Reaction

Not one to rest on its laurels, Coca-Cola de MĂŠxico has spent 2010 implementing various innovations for its sports drinks brand Powerade. One of these is POWERade Citric' Reaction, which is a first in the country and, in our www.valio.com opinion, one of the best innovations in sports drinks this year. POWERade Citric' Reaction is, according to the company, the first isotonic drink to contain fruit juice in addition to the ingredients present in the original formulation, namely vitamins B3, B6 and B12, maltodextrin, electrolytes and no preservatives.

Col+, from New Zealand-based New Image Natural Health Ltd, was launched in Singapore in February and features colostrum as its star ingredient. Colostrum is the first milk produced by all female mammals for their newborns in the first days of life to protect and support the immune system. Colostrum is also unique in that it is the only natural product that contains active antibodies, hence the reason it has been revered for its health-giving properties for thousands of years. Col+ is produced using colostrum collected from New Zealand cows between August and September when most calves are born.The milk is then pasteurised using a proprietary technology developed by Fonterra which kills bacteria but preserves the antibodies. Produced 'just as nature intended', Col+ contains 1,500mg of the milk and is natural flavoured, preservative free, 99.9% fat-free and Halal compliant. www.colplus.com



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The sports drink is targeted at all consumers who need to stay hydrated throughout the day as well as all sports enthusiasts. POWERade Citric' Reaction is available in Orange and Lime variant.

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The functionaldrinks Innovation Awards 2010

zenithinternational newsletter

near waters

Page 5 Issue 200 13 December 2010

Winner: Ustronianka Called Ustronianka z Jodem (Ustronianka with Iodine), Ustronianka's latest proposition is arguably the first such product of its kind to feature the essential trace element. Iodine is an important nutrient for the proper functioning of the human body, particularly the thyroid, regulating the body's energy conversion process, influencing the growth and function of the brain, as well as helping to maintain weight, healthy skin, hair, nails and teeth. Shortage of the trace element can lead to the creation of a thyroid goitre (swelling). Ustronianka z Jodem is positioned as a convenient source of iodine for babies, children and adults, with 150mg of the element in every litre - the full recommended daily allowance (RDA) for the average adult. www.ustronianka.com.pl

energy drinks


Winner: Attitude Attitude energy drink, from Energizer Brands, won the first place in packaging for being the first beverage to feature Rexam's latest can innovation. Attitude was launched in September 2008, but it wasn't until March this year that the company decided to reformulate the product to make it a natural energy drink free from caffeine and taurine, and update its packaging as well. The wall of the new can used to package Attitude measures just 0.25mm in width, the thinnest in the world, reportedly, which means cost savings in terms of transport due to its reduced weight. Furthermore, the thin wall also means that the beverage can be chilled in 100 seconds without compromising strength. www.attitudedrink.com

Winner: B.EN Amidst the myriad of energy drink options in the market, B.EN stands out from the competition as a 100% natural energy drink made with premium berry juices, which make up 80% of the drink's volume. B.EN helps increase energy levels thanks to its content of plant extracts such as green tea, guarana, matĂŠ, schizandra, ginseng and acaĂ­. In addition, its high juice content from acerola, apple, aronia, pear, blueberry, elderberry, grape and pomegranate fruits provides a potent dose of vitamins and minerals. Finally, B.EN is sweetened using low GI Palatinit which also improves the drink's body. B.EN's health credentials have certainly helped spur the drink's success in the short time since it was launched and B.EN can already be found online and through select outlets across Germany,Austria and Denmark. www.berryen.com



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functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter Page 6 Issue 200 13 December 2010

The functionaldrinks Innovation Awards 2010

As well as our usual award categories, the newer ‘outrageous’ category had to be included again as well as an entirely new one‌. most outrageous

Winner: Milchkristalle

Only pharmaceutical melatonin had been available in Europe to date due to the low bioavailability of the substance in natural sources, hence Milchkristalle's innovation is breaking new ground and offers a higher degree of bioavailability. Melatonin is said to help fight against free radicals and is used for the treatment of sleeping problems and jet lag, as an anti-ageing substance and to reduce blood pressure.

For the Most Outrageous category, we had to choose Michkristalle. This unusual offering comes in the form of so-called night-time crystals, which are derived from defatted milk taken from cows at night, with studies showing that this contains far higher levels - up to a reported one hundred times of melatonin than that produced during the day.



Winner: BeautySleep

and protect cellular and tissue health; all of this with zero calories or sugar.

Positioned in two promising categories, cosmeceuticals and relaxation drinks, BeautySleep is described as an advanced dietary supplement that combines scientifically proven anti-aging compounds and cell protecting antioxidants with sleep enhancers. BeautySleep was designed to help maintain skin tone and elasticity, reduce inflammation, slow the effects of ageing, defend against sun damage

We decided to create a special category this year in order to highlight the emergence of functional drinks such as BeautySleep that cleverly combine two separate benefits and demonstrate that the functional drinks industry is always changing and evolving to produce exciting beverages that sometimes blur the distinction between categories. www.beautysleepusa.com

functional food


Food for thought With Christmas just a stone's throw away, and with it the customary over indulgence that most of us fall prey to, we thought it would be an ideal time to take a closer look at the recent developments in the functional food field. As has been the case in the functional drinks arena, consumer interest in improving health and wellbeing through the food that we consume



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continues to rise, with many of us opting for foods with added functionality.The field has been the focus of frenzied action amongst food technologists and scientists worldwide looking to add nutritional value to our plates and find the holy grail of functional foods! There have been many interesting developments during the course of 2010.We look at some of the more promising studies, still at developmental stage, before finishing on a sweeter note with functional chews and cookies. Cheese already offers a number of benefits in its own right, but scientists from South Korea have been working on fortifying cheese curds with polyphenolic compounds such as EGCG from

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functional food

zenithinternational newsletter Page 7 Issue 200 13 December 2010


green tea or extracts from dehydrated cranberry powder to make a potent antioxidant cheese. The results of initial studies have been positive, suggesting that the same technology could see the addition of bioactive phenolic compounds expanded to other dairy products, providing them with free-radical scavenging properties. Bran has long been linked to an array of health benefits including alleviating constipation, boosting weight loss, lowering cholesterol and the risk of colon cancer. However, for most of us, eating a high bran food can be akin to eating minced cardboard! But German ingredient specialist Kampffmeyer has been working on a new bran ingredient with a milder taste, making it a more palatable ingredient in a range of products from cakes and cookies to pies and pasta! All of which is great news for the elderly and children who often find bran hard to digest. Better still, the dietary-fibre rich product, Softbran Don Minus, also boasts an enhanced microbiological status, with a reduced mycotoxin content.The appeal of bran was reinforced most recently by a study from Harvard which showed that increased intake of whole grains, and bran in particular, may cut the incidence of hypertension in men. In Ireland, researchers have unveiled prebioticenriched apple wedges offering consumers with a gut health boost from fresh fruit.The study, carried out at Teagasc,The Irish Food and Agricultural Development Authority, looked into using apple wedges as carriers for prebiotics, which are generally used in combination with dairy products.The ability to coat fresh-cut apple wedges with an edible coating containing inulin and oligofructose fibres and alginate, offers a welcome alternative especially for people who are lactose intolerant. Researchers in Switzerland have been working on nano-structured iron compounds which could pave the way to fortified wheat and rice-based products. Scientists at Zurich's Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have discovered that nano structures show high iron solubility and low reactivity in foods, making them promising for food fortification applications. According to their findings, nano-structured ironcontaining compounds are more stable in food than water-soluble iron compounds, but their high solubility in dilute hydrochloric acid and



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consequent high-absorption rates are of particular interest. Fortifying foods with iron has proved problematic with scientists having to balance the level of bioavailability of the iron with adverse effects of its inclusion on the food's colour, particularly light coloured foods such as wheat flour and rice.This technology could be a godsend for the 2 billion people worldwide who are affected by iron deficiency, which can make them susceptible to infections and complications in pregnancy and infant health. Researchers at Reading University in the UK have been looking into the possibility of functional chicken, by supplementing chickens’ diets with soybean enriched with omega-3 fatty acid stearidonic acid (SDA).The resulting cooked meat from the chickens was found to have significantly higher levels of SDA without affecting its aroma, taste or aftertaste. With winter now fully afoot and little ones full of coughs and colds, US company Dr Sears Family Essentials recently launched a range of children's chews promising to boost immune health in children.The line, Immune Plus Fruit Chews, contains vitamins C and D together with zinc, selenium and Biothera's Wellmune WGP, a natural ingredient clinically proven to enhance immune health.The chews are available in two flavours, Citrus and Pom-Blueberry. Just the phrase 'cookies and milk' alone conjures up warm and comforting connotations but the concept has become even more enriching, with the development of a calcium-fortified cookie by US company Dr Siegal & Son, delivering 30% of the daily value (DV) per cookie. Called, CalciOs, the biscuits are enriched with calcium carbonate, a commonly used dietary calcium supplement, which also neutralises stomach acid and helps alleviate heartburn. But the cookies really stand out by offering more dietary calcium per calorie than other foods. Each 37 calorie cookie offers as much calcium as 125 calories of semi skimmed milk or 291 calories of fat reduced cottage cheese. With these promising developments in the pipeline, we wish you all a fortified Christmas and an enriching New Year!

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www.kampffmeyer.de www.drsearsfamilyessentials.com www.calcios.com X

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functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter Page 8 Issue 200 13 December 2010

functionaldrinks in brief


Finland: Olvi, producer of energy drinks and other soft and functional beverages, has said that it expects its full-year 2010 performance to be higher than estimated as a result of improved cost efficiency, a warmer summer and improved delivery services. France: Probiotics specialist Danisco has unveiled new facilities at its existing production site in Epernon, France.The new facilities will house its new ultra cold storage unit (UCSU) to secure the 12-month shelf life of the frozen lactic and probiotic cultures produced at the plant for cheese and fresh dairy products. UK: The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has advised local company HiPP Organic to amend advertisements making claims linking omega-3 and infant development.The ASA stated that although the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) had issued a positive opinion, this has not yet been adopted into EU law and thus should not be drawn upon. Research conducted at Manchester Metropolitan University has revealed that milk proteins may aid post-exercise fluid retention. Lead researcher Dr Gethin Evans stated, "The results of the present investigation indicate that, when matched for energy density, fat content and electrolyte concentration, a carbohydrate-milk protein solution is better retained than a carbohydrate solution after exercise-induced dehydration." The British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA) has dismissed suggestions that gym-goers who buy energy sports drinks are "wasting their money." BSDA countered, "Hypotonic drinks provide hydration, isotonic drinks offer a rapid energy uptake, and hypertonic drinks are there for maximum energy. As you would with the equipment or footwear you need, it makes sense to choose the right drink for your exercise routine."

functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter

Editor: Anya Hembrough Deputy Editor: Cecilia Martinez Contributors: Charmaine Holmes, Jenny Foulds Commercial Consultant: Matt Wilton functionaldrinks is issued 25 times a year and is only available by subscription: electronic PDF format only ÂŁ495; hard copy and PDF ÂŁ595* *VAT chargeable on electronic format to UK companies and EC companies not registered for VAT



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North America

US: Adina For Life has launched its Adina Holistics portfolio through food pavilions in key US airports. In total, seven airports will carry the drinks in the following cities: New York, Boston, Chicago,Tucson,Washington and Orlando. Wave Energy Drink has partnered with supermarket chain Kroger for the distribution of its energy drink in the Mid-Atlantic region. Under the agreement, Kroger will carry both Original and Sugar Free 16oz variants individually and in packs of four. OC Beverages and Quantum Health Beverages have announced they are jointly to launch three beverages.The first one is called Release and features a patented vitamin infusion cap that will contains the body's master antioxidant glutathione; DuBe is the second drink and contains omega-3, green tea and natural hemp; the third beverage is called PH Water which, as a pH balanced water, is said to help increase levels of absorption and balance the body's alkaline levels. Innovative Beverage Group Holdings has partnered with Grand Canyon Distributing which will make available Drank relaxation drink across fifteen counties in Arizona including major cities such as Phoenix,Tucson, Mesa and Glendale. The American Beverage Association (ABA) has defended the health credentials of sports drinks after scientists claimed that consumers who equate sugar-based sports drinks with a healthy lifestyle are mistaken. A spokesperson for ABA said, "They provide nutrients that help restore and replenish what is lost in the body during exercise. Sports drinks come in various calorie counts and different sizes and the calories in soft drinks serve a purpose." RelaxZen has announced its RelaxZen Day and Night relaxation drinks are now sold through Nouria managed stores, FL Roberts & Co stores and Price stations and stores across New England. 7 Kingsmead Square Bath BA1 2AB United Kingdom t +44 (0)1225 327900 f +44 (0)1225 327901 e functionaldrinks@zenithinternational.com www.functionaldrinksnews.com No part of this periodical may be reproduced in any form, copied or stored electronically without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Every effort is made to verify all information published, but Zenith International cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any losses that may arise as a result.

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