functionaldrinks zenithinternational newsletter This issue at a glance...
Page three New shot of health and energy
Issue 209
United States
New ten minute relaxation range
feeling refreshed without side effects.
TAKE 10 Beverages has introduced a line of dietary supplements in day-time and nighttime strengths to aid relaxation and sleep. The eponymous supplements contain proprietary blends of natural herbs selected for their specific functionality.
Page five UK vitamin drink is rebranded
Page four US drink targets apathy
TAKE 10 to Relax contains organic valerian root extract, rose hip, eleutheroccus and rhodiola rosea organic extracts as well as GABA, Ltheanine and choline.This blend, the company claims, supports stress relief, muscle relaxation, tension relief and has a calming effect on the mind. In addition, the shot helps prevent fatigue and curbs anxiety. TAKE 10 to Sleep features a blend of chamomile, valerian root, rose hips, kava root, and passion flower extracts in addition to L-theanine, choline and melatonin. Reportedly, this variant helps consumers slip into a restful sleep without the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications.TAKE 10 to Sleep not only helps users fall asleep but also helps them to stay asleep throughout the night so that they wake up
Page five Weight loss in a concentrate
new age
11 May 2011
TAKE 10 to Relax and TAKE 10 to Sleep are white grape and blackberry flavoured respectively. Both shots are calorie-free and are packaged in 2oz bottles. Ryan Erickson, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of TAKE 10 Beverages commented, "We view the success of the energy shot category as telling in terms of how consumers are now looking at dietary supplements and the role they play in everyday life. It also forces us to think why are we in such need of energy boosts throughout the day? The answer is that an overwhelming number of Americans lack quality sleep and the tools necessary to relax.That's where TAKE 10 fits in, and it does so in the twoounce shot format that consumers and retailers are familiar with." Erickson continued, "There are other dietary supplements, but we believe TAKE 10 is the first to develop a blend of natural ingredients in a two-ounce shot that actually delivers on the 'calming' premise.We hear from new customers every day who've found a solution to sleep and relaxation without the use of medications, and that's the ultimate validation of our concept." Both shots are sold through a range of convenience stores across the US as well as through the company's website. A 12-pack retails online for US$35.88.
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