Edition 17, August 2017

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Edition 17, August 2017


Food Mag

Debbie Rogers

Editor & Business Head debbie@foodemag.com FB/Instagram: @coffeecakesandrunning T: @bettyboodubai www.coffeecakesandrunning.com I

Debbie shares her experiences through the joys of eating and travelling, as well as the pains and gains of exercise. She is passionate about Food, Baking, Cooking, Travel, Exercise and Specialty Coffee.

About Us Ishita B Saha

Editor, Creative Head & Co-Founder ishita@foodemag.com T/FB/Instagram: @ishitaunblogged www.ishitaunblogged.com I

Ishita is obsessed with street food and learning about culinary cultures across the world. She aspires to travel the world with her family - husband and two daughters – the Z-Sisters, and dreams about writing a book on Bengali cuisine, the kind that can be passed on as a wedding trousseau to her daughters.

Debbie Rogers

I’m the “DesiBrit” behind CoffeeCakesAndRunning and the Editor and Business Head of FoodeMag Dxb - favourite drink coffee, favourite food - too many to list, but I do love my spicy food! Favourite music - I don’t mind as long as it’s fast and has a good beat that I can exercise too. Kids no, just a rescue GSD cross dog who thinks she’s human called Lexi. One day I have a dream to quit mainstream society, live in a small house, be completely off-grid and grow my own veggies, perhaps on a remote beach somewhere warm. Before then I would love to do the Trans Siberian express train journey, see Gorillas in Rwanda, climb another big mountain, sky dive and travel (the world). What or who is the inspiration behind your start-up? I can’t take the credit for starting the magazine, that was done by Ishita and Sarah. I came a little bit later down the line but feel that I’ve contributed to how the magazine is now compared to the first three issues so I’ve made an impact in my own way. I have to be honest and say it took some convincing for me to come on board with FoodeMag dxb. Not because I didn’t love what had been created, but because I wanted to know how we could be different than any other magazine and how I could divide my time between my own blog and FoodeMag dxb. I think I’ve got that cracked now, but am always tweaking where the lines are in terms of a division of time and effort etc. Tell us why your business is the “best thing since sliced bread”? Whilst we keep an eye out to see what others are doing, I feel like we are very comfortable with what we do. We’ve spent many an hour debating should we follow a particular style or someone we admire, or to follow a trend that’s ‘hot’ (and might get extra engagement or website clicks etc), but at the end of the day we always go back to a small hand drawn page of notes we have debated over the years about ‘what makes us different’ and that’s what we focus on. It goes something along the lines of this - Ninety five percent of what we write about, or commission from other bloggers, is written specifically for FoodeMag dxb and our readers. We generate our own content, and are limited only in terms of our imagination and resources. We take our own images and write about actual experiences as we know that our readers enjoy this content. Our readers connect with our stories and engage with us based on this, we write in our own voice which is important. Who is your hero in the business – the one that you aspire to be? I take inspiration in many places so there’s nobody in particular that I aspire to be. I always quote Gloria Gaynor here, “I am what I am, I am my own special creation”. My mum taught me lots about cooking from scratch and the benefit of family time and dining at the table. Studying at nightschool to get my degree taught me that anything is possible if you really want it and work for it. My corporate life taught me many lessons in terms of strategy and commercialism, planning etc. But also in terms of the need to take time off and relax. My travels, both uber expensive and backpacking have shown me that there are many different cuisines and food stories out there just waiting to be explored and told. Many other bloggers have taught me lessons on sharing what your are passionate about, telling stories, taking photos and of course about dining experiences.

Chefs inspire me too as they share their story through their dishes and menu. Anyone that starts a business rather than treading the corporate ladder inspire me which is probably why I am passionately championing our #Foodprenuer section of FoodeMag dxb. What is your favorite item on your menu and why? Well FoodeMag doesn’t have a menu, but in terms of what we do, I love being out and about and exploring and experiencing cultures, people, food, drink and of course coffee etc. Articles that can be written from the heart inspire me greatly, as does reading feedback from people who’ve gone somewhere based on our experiences and recommendations. The fact that someone has sat down and read the magazine our taken a peek at our social media feed etc always makes me smile and feel humbled, as I know how precious time is to everyone, and what a busy space we operate in. What (lessons) have you learnt along the way that you would like to share with other foodpreneurs? I would say that the journey isn’t easy, but have faith that you will get there. Be authentic in what you do, don’t follow the trend, carve out your own patch if you have to - stick to what you believe in. Work with people who inspire you and who have the same values as you. Expect there to be obstacles and challenges (and frankly quite a lot of red tape) and rise to resolve those issues as eagerly as you can (drink coffee if you have to to steel your nerves), and realise they are just a diversion or bump in the road, not a road block.

And finally, something not everyone knows about you: I used to play Saxophone in a Jazz Band - back in the day!

Ishita B Saha

I always dreamt of writing, travelling the world, wake up inspired every day of my life, go to work where I will be surrounded by family, friends, laughter, good food, music and love. Basically, make the world my workspace and the workspace my world. I am the chaotic creative brain at FoodeMag that Debbie, apart from her day-to-day job of managing campaigns and pitches and thinking of new business ideas, also has to tame. I also dream of writing a travel cookbook one day and have a boutique restaurant of my own which will focus on Bengali cuisine, but not in the way it is known to people right now. What or who is the inspiration behind your start-up? I live by the quote of Hellen Keller: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart." For me, every moment has to be inspired. Every heartbeat has to be felt. If I can't inspire or make a difference by doing something, I would rather not do it. This philosophy shaped my culinary travel blog IshitaUnblogged. Blogging has given me much more personal gratification than my chosen career in advertising and as I delved deeper into blogs, I realised how much passion and effort it takes to build a blog with an unique voice. A good blogger is knowledgeable, impartial, has unique insights and writes for an audience that knows and loves them. We – Sarah (author of the very popular blog, The Hedonista) and I, both of us felt the urge to go beyond our own blogs and bring out a content that will be inspirational. As individual bloggers, we were not being able to go beyond the philosophy and the direction of our own blogs. At the same time we wanted to showcase the work of bloggers around us who had been inspiring us. This gave birth to our digital baby – FoodeMag dxb. Sarah has long left and Debbie joined the FoodMag journey and with her immense wealth of experience and vision is shaping it up in a way that I always hoped for.

Tell us why your business is the “best thing since sliced bread”? I can't say we are the best thing since sliced bread only because we never wanted to be consciously different from anyone or better than anyone. We are charting a course that is our very own and we are hoping that it resonates with our readers and followers. Having said that, yes, we are the best thing since sliced bread because we are extremely dedicated, passionate and hands-on. We create our own content, visuals and personally interact with our readers to engage them. And we write about our personal experiences in an honest way.

cooking and optimism in life, my fashion designer brother's talent in spotting quirky and arty stuff from random corners of life, my hubby's meticulous planning and organisation skills, my nanny's quest to perfection in whatever job she has in her hand, Debbie's tremendous positivity and calmness, advice and wisdom from my inner circle of friends and trusted colleagues in the industry... I find inspiration surrounding me all the time and feel truly blessed for that. What is your favorite item on your menu and why? This is the most difficult question of all... how can I pinpoint one favourite item? But what excites me more than the item on the menu is how that was conceptualised or created and if there had been any story, a nostalgic association etc. I am obsessed with street food and can't get over the fact that there are so many different cuisines in the world that I am yet to explore. I read cookbooks like fiction and can almost taste the ingredients as I read recipes. What (lessons) have you learnt along the way that you would like to share with other foodpreneurs? Be sure of why you are doing what you are doing and stick to the vision that you have. Most often, logistics and practicalities won't support that vision and that is absolutely understandable. You don't need many clients - you only need that one client who appreciates and values your way of working. And the very crucial thing here is to have a few key people surrounding you who share the same vision and is backing you up 24/7 even if you falter. It's like a commitment in a relationship - giving up is not an option!

And finally, something not everyone knows about you: I quit the subject Home Science in High School because I hated cooking!

Who is your hero in the business – the one that you aspire to be? I am inspired by so many people and that includes my two girls, aged thirteen and eight years! I believe that everybody has something unique that one can learn from and I try to appreciate these and note them down (although my husband believes that I am very stubborn and not open to others' ideas). While growing up, the travel opportunities I have got, courtesy my bureaucrat father, have opened my eyes to a different world altogether. That probably sow the seeds of my passion for travelling and meeting new people. My mum's yearning for a musical career and her dedication in pursuing higher studies at a very late stage of her life, my mum-in-law's passion for


Special •

Fruitful Day


Recipes • •


The winning recipes from Bicolored Apples from Europe Fruity Recipes


Dubai Dining


Culinary Travel


• • • • • • •

Summer Menu at Tresind Caviar Decadence at Hoi An A Meat Lover's Brunch at Ruth's Chris Saavan Special at Antique Bazaar Lunch Thali at Bombay Brasserie Nitro Coffee


Food Streaming

Balance • •


KO8 Debbie's Diary - #TrainWithMeDXB

Edition 17, August 2017

60 www.foodemag.com Prior permission for all editorial content and images have been obtained from contributors and featured sources. Images are sourced from authors for their respective articles unless mentioned otherwise. We have also taken measures to ensure that the info and data mentioned here are accurate. However, we take no responsibility for any factual error or for any misinterpretation, if there are any. Note: Some of the articles and/or recipes in this edition may contain reference to alcohol and other ingredients without intentions to hurt any religious sentiment.


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This competition is brought to you by

*A small discovery box contains 15-20 weekly basis depending on wha Click this page to enter the co


ul Day Discovery Boxes*

ompetition, simply answer the question ... uitful Day do with their excess fruit at the ek?

0 different fruit varieties, which are curated on a at is in season and available in the region. ompetion. Terms and Conditions apply.



Food Mag

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Images: Debbie Rogers

Special Have a Fruitful Day

Eating seasonally, is something we encourage and our friends at Fruitful day share with us the fruitful joys of what’s available now. Whereas July and August in Dubai can be a bit grueling and occasionally feels like participating in an endurance race, those who have grown up outside of the Gulf generally have a more favorable view of the summer season. Summer tends to evoke feelings of fun and relaxation, lounging by a pool or a beach, looking better than you did in April (and probably will look in October). People tend to travel more during the summer and visit new places, enjoying new experiences and taking in fresh perspectives. Completing that image is the unique food and especially, different types of produce that are on offer at this time of the year. Fresh in the mind are the overwhelmingly delicious melons from Iran that we served recently – both watermelon and sweet melon varieties were equally yummy. We’ve also delivered some outrageously tasty figs from Tunisia. However, nothing says summer quite like stone fruits. Starting around the end of May, we’ve served plums from Lebanon, cherries from Iran, nectarines from Tunisia and our absolute favorites, the peaches from Jordan – we are still dreaming about them and anticipating their return next year. Sweet and exceedingly juicy, stone fruits mainly originate from central and east Asia although today they are grown in warm climates throughout the world. Tricky and delicate to cultivate, stone fruits differ from other fruits in that they are tastiest and sweetest when picked ripe from the tree. This is one of the reasons that we focus squarely on local and regional produce, ensuring that fruit is picked at the right time and doesn’t have far to travel to finds its way into your tummy.

Our delicious cover shot this month comes courtesy of Fruitful Day who dropped off a box of yellow and orange fruit for our Editor, Debbie to play with. Inspiration came on an extremely hot summers day, in the form of the word frozen. The fruit was prepped them popped into the freezer for a few hours to freeze as individual slices and chunks. A quick rush against the clock then followed to get the perfect shot before the fruit defrosted and lost some of it’s frozen hue. #RebootWithFruit


Eating a diverse variety of fruit is vital for ensuring that you are getting all of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that your body needs to maintain health and wellbeing. Apricots and plums are a vital source of vitamin C, promoting collagen production, a protein which is vital to bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels. Peaches are an excellent source of potassium, supporting nerve and muscle function. Plums contain high amounts of vitamin K which is critical in keeping bones healthy as people age. Finally, always eat the skin, as it is a tremendous source of fiber. But if it is fun you’re after, then look no further than the doughnut peach, sometimes called the Saturn peach, or if you cannot spell, the donut peach. Healthier than an actual doughnut, they are sweeter and less juicy than their rounder cousins, which works well if you tend to find yourself covered in juice after eating a peach. They tend to arrive earlier in the summer season, around the end of May and this year, we were blessed with an excellent harvest from Tunisia.


Deb's take: Nothing was wasted, the frozen fruit was blended into a smoothie with a little yogurt and milk then frozen. Ice lollies in traditional lolly moulds were made as well as layers of different smoothies were formed in paper cups giving some delightful frozen fruit cups. These are perfect as they are or added to a bowl of breakfast oats for an occasional treat. Sweet enough to add a hint of sweetness without any processed sugar and nasty colourings. We’re watching our sugar intake of late so natural sweetness from fruit is the way to go.

Debbie’s favourite cup was a combination of passion fruit, mango, pineapple and a layer of frozen yogurt with a hint of lemon juice. Each layer had to be frozen individually, but it’s worth the prep to have a gorgeous looking and tasting dessert. Frugal is Debbie’s middle name it seems, and so it should be for all of us! Leftover pulp from the mango and pineapple trimmings were frozen ready to be used straight from the freezer for morning shakes and smoothies.

Ishita's take: When you have kids at home, everything can convert itself into a lolly from fresh coconut water to home made lemonade, cut fruits or plain yogurt. We can think of the toppings later!

Image: Ishita B Saha

Popsicle recipes

mango, coconut milk & toasted coconut Image: Prachi Grover

Ishita is obsessed with Infused water. Dunk in your favourite fruits in water and let them soak for a few hours (minimum 45 minutes), add crushed ice and fresh mint leaves, a tiny hint of rose water and voila, an exotic natural summer coolant is ready!

orange, watermelon, lemon & mint

Shakes & Smoothies recipes

cucumber, mint & apple peel cooler 18

Image: Sally Prosser

Fruity Salad recipes

pear & goat cheese tart Image: Drina Cabral


This amazing competition was courtesy of Bicolored Apples from Europe, and enjoy all the winning recipes in this special fruit edition. You will find all these delicious recipes in our website – all of the recipes had been judged according to the criterion: Use of Apples, Appearance of the Dish, Story behind the recipe, Complexity to make and whether it is Tempting to make.




A Middle-Eastern/Persian touch has been given in this baklava inspired dessert – by transforming apples and phyllo pastry into lovely rose-shaped deliciousness with exotic flavours of cardamom, saffron, apricots and orange blossom water.


This recipe won the First Prize

Apple, Nut & Cardamom Baklava Roses with Honey Saffron Syrup Prep Time: 30-45 min (with defrost time) Cooking Time: 45 min; Serves: 12

By Roya Tarzaban

Ingredients For Apple Filling 4 apples (2 bicolored, 2 green) 10 dried apricots, soaked in hot water 1 cup walnuts ½ cup whole almonds ½ cup slivered pistachios 2 tsp cardamom powder ¼ cup packed brown sugar ½ lemon, juiced 1 tsp butter pinch of salt 9 sheets of phyllo pastry 1 stick of butter, melted 2 tbs powdered sugar For Honey Saffron Syrup 1 ½ cups water ¾ cup honey 5 cardamom pods pinch of saffron 1 tsp orange blossom water ½ lemon, juiced

Method • •

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Preheat the oven to 180ºC, and butter your pie or cake pan. Defrost the phyllo pastry and roll out gently. Remove 9 sheets onto a cutting board, slice them in half width-wise, then half again. You should have 4 long stacks of phyllo. Cover with a damp towel to keep it from drying, and refrigerate the remaining phyllo to use in another dish. In a food processor, add the walnuts and almonds and pulse until they’re small in size. Pour into a bowl and mix in the cardamom powder, brown sugar, and a pinch of salt. Once the apricots soften, drain, add 2 tbs fresh water and blend into a paste. Cover and set aside. Core the apples and using a mandolin on the thinnest setting (1.5mm thickness), slice each apple, discarding the bottom and top slices. Take each stack, and slice in half to get half-moon slices. Place the apple slices in a bowl, pour the lemon juice, add 1 tsp butter and mix it gently. Cover with bowl with cling film and microwave the apples for 2 minutes, in 30 second increments until they are softened and pliable. Set aside to cool. Working in batches, layer three sheets of phyllo pastry on top of one another, brushing each layer with the melted butter. Brush some apricot paste onto the phyllo stack, and place the apple slices on the top halves, slightly overlapping. Alternate between the red and green apples for a nicer appearance. Sprinkle 1-2 tbs of the nut mixture on the lower half of the phyllo, and fold the bottom half over the apple slices with the rounded edges of slices exposed. Starting from the left end, gently roll the phyllo to form a rose shape, and place into the pie dish. Repeat this process three times to form 12 apple roses. Cover the apple roses with foil and bake for 30 minutes, then uncover and bake for another 15 minutes until golden and crisp. Keep an eye on the last 5 minutes so the edges of apples don’t burn. In a saucepan, place the water, honey, cardamom and saffron and bring to a simmer. Reduce the syrup in half, then add a squeeze of lemon juice and orange blossom water. Once the baklava is ready, pour the syrup over it. Set aside to cool, then lightly dust with powdered sugar and serve with your favourite tea!


seared ahi tuna with apple & mango salsa, ginger-lime sauce & baked sesame crisps

This recipe won the Second Prize

green apple & kiwi sauce

recipes ...next page This recipe won the Third Prize

Click here for the winning recipes from 2016 26

Seared Ahi Tuna with Apple & Mango Salsa, Ginger-Lime sauce and Baked Sesame Crisps By Roya Tarzaban

Prep Time: 30 min; Cooking Time: 15 min Serves: 2-4

Ingredients 300-325 gms Ahi Tuna Steaks (x2) ½ cup white sesame seeds ½ cup cup black sesame seeds Phyllo pastry ¼ cup vegetable oil ½ tsp salt & pepper Sauce 2 tsp sesame oil 2 tsp soy sauce 3 tsp white rice vinegar 2 tsp honey ½ shallot, finely minced 1 small garlic clove, crushed 1 thumb size ginger, minced 1 lime, zest

Method • • • • • • • •

Salsa 2 green apples 1 Thai mango 1 small red bell pepper 1 avocado 1 lime, juiced ¼ cup cilantro leaves 1 scallion (green part)

Garnish (optional) 1 mild red chili, sliced microgreens

"It’s easy to make, fresh and light, sweet and umami, and perfect as a summer appetizer in this oh-so-hot city!"

• •

Preheat the oven to 180ºC, and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. In a shallow plate, mix the sesame seeds, salt and pepper. Defrost the phyllo pastry and roll out gently. Depending on the overall size of the pastry, starting from the top edge, measure and cut out 10x10cm squares. Refrigerate the remaining phyllo to use in another dish. Working in batches, layer three sheets of phyllo squares on top of one another, brushing each layer with oil. Cut the square stack diagonally in half to form 2 large triangles, then fold each half over pressing down, to form 2 smaller triangles. Repeat this process 6 times to form 12 small triangles. Take each phyllo triangle, and press them down into the sesame seed mixture. Place them onto the baking sheet, and bake for 5 minutes until they are golden brown. Remove them from the tray and set aside to cool. Prepare the sauce by adding all the ingredients into a small blender/food processor, and blending until you have a smooth dressing consistency. Alternatively, you may finely mince the shallot, garlic, and ginger; placing all the ingredients in a tight-sealed jar, then shaking to combine. Set aside in the fridge. Prepare the salsa by finely dicing the mango, red bell pepper, and lastly apples and avocado as they quickly can oxidize. Place them in a bowl, then add the lime juice, cilantro, and scallions. Mix them gently, then cover and refrigerate. Take each Ahi Tuna steak and gently press each side down into the rest of the sesame seed mixture. In a large, non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat, add a tsp of vegetable oil and place the tuna in. Depending on the thickness, sear each side for 1-1 1/2 minutes, turning over once. Remove the steaks from the pan to cool slightly. Slice the tuna steaks into thin strips and place them onto a platter. Top with the fresh apple-mango salsa, and drizzle over some sauce. Garnish with microgreens and mild red chili if desired, and serve with the sesame crisps.

To Serve •

This sesame-crusted and seared Ahi Tuna went all Tropical Asian with a wonderfully vibrant and delicious combination of crisp and tart green apples, mango, red bell peppers, avocado, and cilantro. Drizzled with a soy-ginger-lime sauce, and served with crispy sesame phyllo triangles.

Green Apple and Kiwi Sauce By Khushbu Gandhi

Prep Time: 10 min; Cooking Time: 15 min Serves: 10 Serves 4

Ingredients 4 kiwis scooped and chopped 1 green apple grated 1 tbsp sugar 1 tsp salt 1 green chilli chopped 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp cumin powder 1 tsp garam masala (ground spice mix) 1 tsp mustard seeds 1 tsp olive oil

Method • •

In a pan, heat olive oil and add mustard seeds. Now add remaining ingredients and cook for 15 mins. Keep on stirring in between and your chutney is ready.

Refrigerate it in order to enjoy it for more days.

To Serve

"Made from tangy and sweet kiwis and green apple, it’s the most simple and tasty chutney."

Apple Rose Pie Prep Time: 10 min Cooking Time: 15 min Serves: 10

Ingredients ½ sheets puff pastry ¼cup cream cheese 3 tbsp sugar cinnamon 1 apple 1 tbsp lemon juice 3 tbsp waterA pinch of cinnamon cold water


Method • •

By Jnalyn Manabat

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Take out the core and thinly slice the apple. Combine the apple slices with lemon juice and water in a bowl and microwave 3 minutes. Cool the bowl in some ice water. Pat dry the apple slices of excess moisture and set aside. Roll out the puff pastry and cut into small strips. Spread cream cheese and sprinkle on sugar onto the puff pastry strips. Arrange the apple slices and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Fold the pastry puff in half lengthwise and roll them up. For the Crust, just crumble a biscuit,mix it with butter.Place it in the tin. Bake for 40 minutes at 375ºF.

You can sprinkle also with confectioners sugar when serving.

To Serve

Date and Apple Kheer is a delicious, gluten-free Indian pudding. This is one of those versatile Indian desserts, which is eggless and made of minimal ingredients.

Quinoa Apple Rice Pudding Serves 2

Ingredients 2–3 firm and ripe apples, peeled and grated 1 litre full fat milk ¼ cup chopped dates 4 tbsp sugar or as per taste ¼ tsp cinnamon powder 1 2 crushed cardamom pods ¼ Cup chopped cashewnuts

Method •

By Khushbu Gandhi

• • • •

In a heavy bottomed saucepan heat milk and add chopped dates, cardamom pods and cashews. Cook on a medium flame while stirring continuously until milk thickens and reduced to almost half. Meanwhile combine grated apples, sugar and cinnamon in a broad non-stick pan and stew till sugar melts and continue to cook till most of the moisture evaporates and apples turn golden in color with thick jam like consistency. Remove from the flame, allow it to cool completely and keep aside. Once cooled, add the prepared apple mixture to the reduced milk. Stir nicely. Bring to boil once and then remove from the flame. Serve hot/chilled garnished with chopped nuts.

Serve hot/chilled garnished with chopped nuts.

To Serve





The newly launched summer menu in Tresind Dubai showcases 20 new dishes


Dubai Dining

The Summer Menu at Tresind Dubai: witty playfulness matches flavours

#TriedNTested: How many times can one go back to the same restaurant in a city that boasts of new restaurant openings very single night? As I asked myself the question as I opened another invite from Tresind, this time to taste new summer menu which promised 20 new dishes, I had already accepted the invite. Curiosity won me over – what’s the culinary twist this time? xx Ishita

Read our experience


1. 2. 3. 4.

Rajbhog Cake and Mango Fruit Cream Tandoori Falafel Sandwich Prawn Koliwada and Malvani Curry Beetroot Tikki Falafel Images: Ishita B Saha


The Caviar Decadence Menu at Hoi An in Shangri-la Dubai: a refined decadence of the highest order #TriedNTested: We tasted a 4-course menu that included 100 grams of Yasa Premium Caviar and a bottle of Laurent Perrier Brut Champagne to be shared between two people. Mood... champagne and caviar and a delicately steamed Boston lobster ... how more decadent can one ask in one's lifetime? xx Ishita


Image: Ishita B Saha


Dubai Dining

The Meat Lovers Brunch at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse: a laid back a la carte brunch perfect for meat lovers #TriedNTested: At first glance the new menu offers enough choices to satisfy our hungry appetite and we are more than happy to see some of our favorite dishes on the menu. The deal is that you can order as many dishes as you want from the menu. Each dish is roughly two thirds of the normal portion size and is cooked to order. Perfect! No more wandering around an endless buffet, or spending time away from the table rather than enjoying the company of your guest(s). xx Debbie

Read more in our website Image: Debbie Rogers


Saavan Special at Antique Bazaar: a drift of monsoons in the platter

#TriedNTested: A sweltering August is not the time to expect rain in Dubai, not even a tiny drop. But that shouldn't stop one from enjoying some traditional delicacies like Makai Palak Roti, Saag Chole, Sawan ki Kheer and other regional specialities that are stirred up during the monsoons at this time in many parts of India. You can take me out of India during the monsoons but you cannot take the love of the monsoons out of me, so here's to August and to the Saavan Special! xx Ishita


Images: Ishita B Saha


Dubai Dining

Bombay Brasserie introduces Lunch Thali: a delicious seasonal collage

#TriedNTested: What is it about "thalis" can anyone tell me please? Bombay Brasserie recently launched it's curated lunch Thali that will be available to the diners only on weekdays. Some of the North Indian classic dishes like Daal Makhani and Butter Chicken will be complemented with seasonal classics like Saag Meat or Lamb leg cooked in garlic spinach. The Scottish Salmon in mustard and grilled in tandoor caught the attention of the Bong in me, not to mention the stunning Burj Khalifa at the backdrop! xx Ishita

Read more in our website 35

Poke Poke: a bowl of health & happiness

#TriedNTested: On our visit to Poke Poke, which is UAE’s First Poke Bowl Restaurant, we were told that the name is pronounced “poh-kay” and rhymes with “okay,” and not a mere social media “poke"! Poke in Hawaiian refers to a chunk or a slice of cubed fish in Hawaiian, generally marinated raw fish or seafood. The simple concept has now been elevated to a different level where the diner can choose so many different components - from sushi to meat (yes, vegetarian option is also available), at the same time maintaining the health and delicious aspect of a poke bowl. Moana, we too are in love with your poke bowl! xx Ishita


Images: Ishita B Saha


Dubai Dining

Taste of Summer at Eat Well Restaurant: a guilt free indulgence

#TriedNTested: Starting from delicious salads to indulgent desserts, Chef Patrick Ikinofo and his team has created a healthy menu that is an utter treat. Sourcing local produce wherever possible and trying to incorporate season fresh ingredients and catering to all dietary preferences, Eat Well also boasts of a stunning Dubai skyline. The beef carpaccio with sprouted rocca and poached yolk or the salmon wrapped in purple cabbage are just a few of our favourites here. Yes, it was a gorgeous working breakfast and lunch or should I say brunch.... tasty, healthy and light just the way a working lunch should be. xx Debbie

Read all about our recent dining experiences 37




Nitro Coffee: a fad? a new Trend? or something quite clever…

#TriedNTested: Nitro what? Nitro Brew, Nitro Coffee and Nitro Cold Brew are words that I’m sure you are beginning to hear more about, yes even here in Dubai! Once the preserve of Speciality Coffee shops, it’s now becoming much easier to get your hands on a cup of this gas infused drink and whilst you might think it’s just fizzy coffee there’s so much more than that. xx Debbie

Read our experience


Images: Debbie Rogers








1. 2. 3.

Elle CLancy A KO8 session in Safa Park KO8 Escapes in Thailand

Images: Supplied



By Sean Clancy

KO8: shock the system and break a sweat with a smile

As a fitness educator I constantly ask myself “What do people want?”. Exercise ideas and trends can come and go. What was cool last year can often be gone the next, but ultimately I’ve found that there is a common pattern amongst people I ask. Almost everyone says that they want to improve the way they look and the way they feel, which may seem typical, but another thing that keeps popping up is that they want to have fun along the way. Exercise should not be boring, and it certainly doesn't have to be. Sadly, a lot of the feedback I receive when I ask people about their past experiences includes being sick and tired of the same boring and mundane training programmes and working with personal trainers that aren’t very motivating. Let’s face it, getting in shape is hard work! I believe that if something’s hard to do you must disguise the hard work with something that’s interesting. Going back to my football days, the coaches would do exactly the same thing to us. They would plan a session which involved a disgusting amount of running BUT they would smartly involve the ball in some way that would keep our minds stimulated distracting us from realising how difficult the session actually was. The players aptly nicknamed these drills “Disguised Running”. Running without a ball was boring and painful, we hated every second of it! Add a ball, and it wasn’t nearly half as bad. The only reason for this is because when a footballer has a ball at their feet they aren't concentrating on the intense workload, they’re just having fun!

KO8 is a training method that has made an impact on the Dubai fitness scene. It is a dynamic functional movement workout consisting of bodyweight suspension and resistance exercises that will certainly burn a ton of calories while shaping, strengthening and sculpting your body. You can count on having a good time during a KO8 session too as there is a vibrant atmosphere and a lively, friendly crowd. Come and try it out down at NRG Fitness based at Marina Walk or at Fit Inc in DIFC. #KO8Escapes

www.ko8academy.com www.ko8.co.uk

My goal is to highlight the fun in exercise and to get people breaking a sweat with a smile on their face. Human beings are hard wired to move toward things that make them happy so my formula is very simple. Create a new healthy habit based on the feel-good factor that involves frequent exercise and enjoyment. This will almost certainly tick all three boxes that I mentioned earlier. Feeling Good, Looking Good, Having Fun! So I challenge you to find this for yourself. Find a trainer / training method that brings back the buzz. Change things up and go for something new that will shock your system and kick start your metabolism so you can see and feel the progress. If you find yourself going to the gym and doing the same routines every time you go, its no wonder you aren't seeing the results you want! The body is a very clever system, it learns and adapts. If you want validation from an elite expert check out Arnold Schwarzenegger's quotes on shocking the system. He would constantly try to ‘outsmart’ his body by training differently as often as possible to avoid the training plateau and continue to make gains. So how can you find something new and where should you start? Everyone has their own individual interests but if you're asking for my suggestions I welcome you to try KO8!


The scales are down 15kgs so far so my mantra is onwards and downwards! 1





By Debbie Rogers

It’s been a busy few months! My twelve weeks on the Switch 360 programme ended just before Ramadan and since then I’ve been figuring out my food and exercise routine on my own. Not as scary as it sounds as I learned so much during the programme that it’s been fairly easy to put new habits and routines into practice. The first month, though was taken up with Ramadan. As I fast during this period, I put in place an interim program which allowed me to train and stay active before committing to a new programme afterwards. I also committed to training, albeit not at such an intense pace as the Switch 360 programme. My Ramadan routine consisted of healthy eating and a simple exercise routine. Food wise I focused on fuelling my body for a long period of fasting which typically meant a home made soup, laban, dates and water at Iftar time followed by a more filling meal later. Exercise wise I either did a K08 bootcamp at Iftar time which was tough, or working out in the gym in my building. Now Ramadan is over, I feel like I’ve really begun to put into place routines which work for me, which are allowing me to work towards a simple goal of being fit and healthy and of course, by having my life in balance.


1. 2.

Exercise If Switch 360 has taught me anything, it’s that I enjoy variety in my training and that in order to know what I like and what I don’t like, I need to get out there and experience different things. I haven’t as yet settled on gym membership, or signed up to one of the class deals that allow you to train at different places. However, I have been trying some new classes and facilities and I’ve shared them in the next post titled #TrainWithMeDxb. Whilst variety is great, and something that I think that I need, I also need some stability in my training and the one thing that has been constant is my love of K08 training. The moment I went to the first K08 bootcamp I knew that I had found something that I absolutely loved and wanted to continue with. Their mantra is #WeTrainWhereWeWant and this really resonated. The first time I met the team was at the Calisthenics Park next to SkyDive and the high energy of the trainer and the class convinced me that this was for me, it was addictive! K08 is a piece of exercise kit which works with suspension and resistance allowing you to do strength, resistance and cardio training. The K08 can be adjusted to work for all levels of fitness from beginner to elite and to cover a huge range of different exercises. Pair your K08 with on-line training, personal training, an exercise class or Bootcamp and I can guarantee you will have fun and get results! The bootcamp comes highly recommended, it’s high energy, high intensity, and gives high rewards. I love training outdoors and this really hit the spot for me. Don’t worry though they also operate indoors and you can find them at NRG Fitness, Dubai Marina and Fit Inc in DIFC. You can hear more from Sean Clancy from K08 who writes - SHOCK THE SYSTEM and BREAK A SWEAT WITH A SMILE in his first article for us. Nutrition I’m still working on finding the right level of balance on this one If I’m honest. I don’t want to feel that I’m permanently on a diet and having to monitor and measure what I eat each day. I want to feel like I’m eating in a particular way because this is my permanent lifestyle for me, and it has to be something that works for me so that it’s long lasting. What this means is practice is still panning out, but it’s going to mean a bit of trial and error and experimenting, some indulgences and of course a few blips along the way. I eat out a lot as part of my job so I’m trying to balance some intermittent fasting, healthy eating and dining out so that I still work towards my goals, but also manage to do my job and of course, enjoy eating. It’s not always easy, but I am still seeing results on the scale and more importantly in how I feel and also how my clothes feels. In practice I am mostly cooking from scratch so I know what’s in my food, I’m mostly avoiding sugar and have reduced the amount of processed food I eat and the amount of calories I drink - my flat white is mostly replaced with americano, a good nitro coffee or cold brew.

Lululemon Yoga Fitness First Images: Debbie Rogers



KO8 sessions at NRG Fitness

Want to recommend something for me to try? Drop me a line debbie@foodemag.com



By Debbie Rogers

I’m not the fittest, I’m not the fastest and certainly not in my prime! I’m an average person who loves my food, and is trying to get fitter and healthier whilst trying to look half decent in my exercise kit and a tonne of sweat! Honest, raw and based on my actual experiences, here’s my new section - #TrainWithMeDxb. I’m on a continual quest to try out new exercise facilities and ways of training so over the last few months here’s some of what I’ve done. Meditation TriedNTested: This was one of a series events organised by Lululemon. This was in conjunction with UAE Meditates. I did a yoga & meditation session at Orbi in Mirdiff City Centre. The location was stunning, we were in Blue Layer so it felt like we were underwater. After a few mobilising yoga moves and breathing exercises we were taken through a thirty minute guided meditation. I can see the attraction of guided meditation, I certainly slept well that afternoon! Next time I’ll take a wrap as I was freezing due to fierce a/c whilst trying to visualise myself on a hot sunny beach. TIP: Check out Lululemon and UAE Meditates for their free community classes. Barry’s Bootcamp TriedNTested: Promoted as ‘The best workout in the world’ I attended a press event class full of high expectations. You either do a classic (half cardio and half strength) or a double floor class (I did this as I have a bit of a treadmill phobia). I came out a bit flat, the class didn’t live up to it’s hype for me - maybe as I did the double floor or maybe as it wasn’t a regular session. Others were buzzing and loved it. Will go back to test it again. TIP: Deliveroo has teamed up with Barry’s Bootcamp and Flywheel with a Summer Body promotion. Order two Summer Body promotion meal bundles (think healthy tasty food) in a week with Deliveroo and receive a free class! Plus 20% off Namshi activewear.

Fitness First Athletic Club - Mudon TriedNTested: This is a new facility with a heavy focus on functional training and HIIT classes, there’s also a pool and outdoor training area. I have done a few of the classes, Rips, Ropes & Straps, Charge and BOXX as well as two different fitness challenges. Functional movement and HIIT training is the way to go as far as I’m concerned. Loved the classes and the community feel that the club has, just wish the club was closer to me. The MyZone heart-rate monitor allows you to see your performance as you train and to challenge yourself to stay in the right training zone depending on your goal. TIP: You can get a one day free pass to check out the club. Speedflex, JA Ocean Resort TriedNTested: Circuit type class using dynamic machines and resistance. It’s low impact and high intensity so pretty efficient. The class is instructor led and each class is quite varied. Initially I wasn’t a fan as I found the machines a bit tedious. Add in some friendly team competition and some additional off machine exercises and it’s much more fun and more for me. They lend you a MyZone heart-rate monitor so you can see how you are performing compared to others in the group or to challenge yourself. As an added bonus the team from Plotos were on hand to give some insights about fuelling for exercise (pre and post) and general tips for healthy eating as well as providing a healthy breakfast (though if I’m honest I was craving a cooked breakfast!. Do check out their app for further information. TIP: Try a free session and see if Speedflex is for you. www.speedflex.com NRG Fitness TriedNTested: I did a HIIT class followed by a NRG Cycle Class - both were accompanied by a live DJ who worked the decks to the speed of the class (wish they did this more often!). Loved the Cycle class, didn’t enjoy the HIIT so much, didn’t like the class organisation, but as this was in their first week of operation I would go back and try again. They use the MyZone Heart-rate monitor system which is fantastic for an added push (your heart rate and stats are beamed up on the wall as you train). I’ve since been back to do K08 in the studio - high energy, intense, sweat inducing & fun- what more could you ask for! TIP: Plenty of Summer Offers available at the moment and booking is easy via their app. www.nrgfitness.me



Healthy Eating & Healthy Indulgences

1. 2. 3. 4.





Ahi Tuna at Ruth's Chris Food cooked from scratch Fresh Fruit from Fruitful Day Salad

1. 2. 3. 4.

Salad at Ruth's Chris Food Treat - Snack Day Lunch at Bombay Bungalow Millefeuille & Coffee





Images: Debbie Rogers

Walking through the torii gates of the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The trails lead into thte wooded forest of the sacred Mount Inari, dedicated to the Shinto godof rice. Images: Rupal Bhatikar

Culinary Travel By Rupal Bhatikar


Kyoto is a city ageing gracefully. Whether it is in slow Kaiseki meals or the traditional architecture, it is a place that begs you to slow down and savour instead of speeding through life. Quite the contrast to the bustling Tokyo. To get a true feel for the city, start off at the Nishiki Market where every imaginable vegetable is pickled in a different way! The art of food preservation is well and truly an integral part of Japanese food culture. So many myriad textures and flavors, some mild, some shocking. Get lost in the alleys of Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka, a pair of gently sloping lanes that lead down from Kiyomizudera Temple. Stop by at Yoshimura Kiyomizu-an, for a bowl of traditional vegetarian hand-made Soba Noodles in broth. This is also one of the most tranquil settings you’d find. I highly recommend an early morning alarm to beat the rush - for both the peace and the great photo opportunities. Walking through the torii gates of the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The trails lead into the wooded forest of the sacred Mount Inari, dedicated to the Shinto god of rice. To arrive here before the maddening crowd does, and soaking in the fresh air and calm, is an experience I'll remember for a very long time. A walk around the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto and standing in the midst of soaring stalks of bamboo, gives you the feeling of being in another world. Sneak in a cup of coffee by the lake at Arabica. A seafood-focused Kaiseki (below) at one Michelin star Gion Nanba should definitely be on your bucket list - a special experience with the chef cooking exclusively for the guest, one on one over 10 courses. To relish every mouthful, every texture of local seasonal ingredients in it's prime, this is easily some of the best seafood you’ll ever eat. The simplicity and respect for ingredients makes the dining experience here truly special and unlike any other.

Rupal is a passionate traveler with a keen interest in documenting experiences that cover world cuisines, cultures and memorable restaurants. In her blog, Rupal loves sharing easy recipes for home cooking, specially traditional Goan recipes. When not meeting deadlines as a full-time Brand Manager, she lives to cook, eat well & explore. She loves cookbooks, coffees, seafood & spices - in no particular order, and all of these loved in equal measures! #FoodieNFabulous


Sign off Kyoto with a fun dinner at Sumibi Torito - Tsukune (grilled Japanese chicken meatballs) with tare sauce and a perfect egg yolk to dip in. Endless little plates of grilled chicken parts, a lot of sake and a great team of people made this one of my favorite yakitori experiences in our entire trip in Japan!


Walking through the torii gates of the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The trails lead into the wooded forest of the sacred Mount Inari, dedicated to the Shinto godof rice.

(In this page) Locals dressed in traditional attire at the entrance of the Nishiki Market, Kyoto. Japan is truly timeless, a place where ancient traditions are fused with modern life as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I had read this when I was researching Japan before we began our tholiday there and realised how true that was! (Left) Different kinds of pickles at Nishiki Market - the art of food preservation is well and truly an integral part of Japanese food culture. A trip to Kyoto's famous Nishiki Market will blow your mind every imaginable vegetable pickled in a different way! So many myriad textures and flavors, some mild, some shocking. This is a great way to get a feel for the city through its food.


Two of Kyoto’s most attractive streets are Sannenzaka and Ninen-zaka, a pair of gently sloping lanes that lead down from Kiyomizudera Temple.


Images: Rupal Bhatikar

A traditional vegetarian Soba Noodle at Yoshimura Kiyomizu-an, a restaurant that takes great pride in making their noodles by hand.

Tsukune (grilled Japanese chicken meatballs) with tare sauce and a perfect egg yolk to dip in, at Sumibi Torito.


Hotel Granvia Kyoto is home to over 1000 stunning pieces of museum-quality art that blend "Modernity with Tradition". Artwork from Kyoto-based artists, some of the most famous in Japan, including paintings, sculptures, and photographs adorn the guestrooms.


Images: & Info: Supplied

Balance Where to stay in Kyoto

Hotel Granvia Kyoto (left) and Japan Tour Operator Ayabex, in conjunction with Cathay Pacific, have launched a number of special holiday packages with exceptional value, tailored to visitors from the United Arab Emirates, and allowing them to easily visit Kyoto and enjoy Forest Bathing. A 7-day family package for a minimum of 6 persons highlighting the best of Kyoto and Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, starting from AED 8,400 per person. The package includes return economy class flights from Dubai with Cathay Pacific, 3-star hotel accommodation with breakfasts, seat-in-coach tours in both Kyoto and Hokkaido and airport transfers by English-speaking drivers. Starting from AED 15,300 per person, the package can be easily upgraded with business class flights and accommodation at higher grade hotels such as the Sapporo Prince Hotel and Hotel Granvia Kyoto, which includes private tours in Hokkaido and Kyoto. (Packages do not include domestic flights between Hokkaido and Kyoto and seasonal surcharges might apply). These packages are available through local U.A.E. travel agents and is valid until the end of December 2017.

And we say why not? The world’s first-ever traditional Japanese style Starbucks with noren curtains at the entrance, opened very recently in Kyoto. In this Japanese style zashiki space, you have to take off your shoes, sit on a zabuton or traditional cushion covered with Tango chirimen, a silk fabric produced in the Tango region of Kyoto and enjoy a cuppa. The Kyoto Ninei-zaka Yasaka Chayaten is located on the Ninei-zaka street which leads to the Kiyomizu-dera temple, a World Heritage Site. The store is in a two-story, 100-year old traditional Japanese townhouse in an area filled with historic and cultural atmosphere from the Taisho era.

Images: Pixabay; Info Supplied

Balance Shinrin-yoku or Forest Bathing

Kyoto, Japan’s ancient imperial capital for over 1,000 years and home to Japan’s many cultural traditions, arts and crafts, has struck a chord with the hearts and minds of an increasing number of nationals from the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman, with the total number of visitors from the region choosing to overnight in Kyoto increasing by 33% in 2016 compared to 2015 figures. In 2016, nationals from UAE increased by 51%, followed by nationals from Qatar at 43% and KSA at 11% respectively. According to the latest figures available, 2017 results for the months of January and February show the trend is continuing at a 30% increase across the region. To further encourage Middle Eastern guests to visit and return to Kyoto, a new attraction known as Shinrin-yoku in Japanese, or ‘Forest Bathing’, is being touted as a new attraction to not only experience the natural beauty of Kyoto’s Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, but provide visitors with wellness effects that are reported as reducing stress and increasing wellbeing. Says Shuhei Akahoshi, Managing Director Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau: “Contemplative walks through the woods that reconnect the individual with nature can lead to decreased stress, natural mood elevation and even a stronger immune system. This means of mobile meditation has been recognized by the Japanese government since 1982 and has been endorsed by the Forest Agency of Japan as a means of improving quality of life. We invite visitors from the Middle East to share in this unique Kyoto experience, to not only enjoy the cultural, shopping and gourmet offerings that Kyoto is famous for, but also to return home feeling uplifted, healthy and inspired by nature.” Forest Bathing can be enjoyed throughout the year, with each season providing its own unique experience. In addition to strolling along the bamboo grove paths, visitors have the option of traversing the groves by rickshaw. For female visitors, there is even the possibility of choosing a female rickshaw driver. Dr. Qing Li, President of the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine and senior professor at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, has studied the effects of Forest Bathing and found that by using a mood profile, participants' feelings of stress, anxiety or anger had decreased through Forest Bathing experiences, and their perceptions of energy or vigour had improved. In two other related studies, Li and fellow researchers sent groups of young men and women on three-day trips that included several forest baths and a stay in a hotel in the middle of the forest. Blood tests taken before and after these trips showed a significant boost in natural killer cells, which play a vital role in the immune system's ability to fight off illness. Li speculated that forest bathing allows participants to breathe in air that contains essential oils from surrounding trees with active components such as limonene that have antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties.



If you love Chefs, Ingredients and Restaurant Stories, then these are some of our top picks for you!



Our top pick Theatre of Life - follows Massimo Bottura as he opens a soup kitchen to cook gourmet meals for the needy from food wastage at the 2015 Miland Expo. We found this really heart warming, it’s as much about the characters who visit the food kitchen as it is the food and the chefs involved in the Theatre of Life. Very thought provoking as well as inspiring.


Chef’s Table Season 3 Chef's Table features six of the world’s most renowned international chefs and offers viewers the opportunity to go inside the lives and kitchens of these culinary talents. Each episode focuses on a single chef and their unique look at their lives, talents and passion for their piece of culinary heaven. With two seasons to indulge in, visit the kitchens of renowned chefs from South Korea, Russia, Berlin, Peru, New York, Los Angeles, and others. FEM Watches: There are 3 Seasons of Chef’s Table each with six episodes. Our top picks Massimo Bottura (Season 1), Images: Web

Food Streaming By Debbie Rogers Gaggan Anand who we met earlier this year at his Dubai pop up (Season 2) and Nancy Silverton whose story left me smiling all the way through, would love to meet her sometime (Season 3). Chef’s Table: France Audiences are invited back to take another globe-trot in Chef’s Table: France, where the series will showcase the crème de la crème of French chefs; talking about what inspires them and how it translates into their individual styles. The filmmakers embark on a personal look into the daily lives of these carefully curated chefs, from their diverse backgrounds to the evolution and craft of their chosen cuisine as well as their quests for sensory perfection. Raja, Rasoi Aur Anya Kahaniyaan Explore the food habits of the Maharajas and delve into the royal kitchens of India! This series explores the history behind the cuisine of the Indian royals, showing you how dishes were discovered, and the events that influenced culinary practices across different parts of the country. The show also features a combination of recipes using local herbs, rare fowls and elaborate preparation methods. The Mind of a Chef Chef David Chang, along with his friends, explore, explain and enjoy food from around the world combines travel, cooking, history, science and humor in a weekly series about everyone's favorite topic -- food. Each season brings with it a new host as well as fresh and exciting recipes. The series is narrated by chef Anthony Bourdain. Steak (R)evolution Tag along on a gourmet road trip looking for the best steak in the world. Breeders, farmers, butchers, cooks, historians and business men all around the world (from France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Argentina, Brazil) help us understand the (r)evolution taking place when it comes to steak and the challenges ahead. FEM review: This brought back fond memories of an event at Ritz Carlton DIFC a few years ago, when we sat in the butchery department as a Butcher and Chef discussed best cuts of meat, how to cut them, how to cook them. A spirited debate occurred over steak tartare - with or without seasoning etc. in the end both suggestions were served to us, a tiny portion of unseasoned from the butcher and a large portion of the seasoned from the chef. Chef’s version won hands down! Cooked As he tries his hand at baking, brewing and braising, acclaimed food writer and bestselling author Michael Pollan explores how cooking transforms food and shapes our world. The series examines the primal human need to cook and issues a clarion call for a return to the kitchen in order to reclaim lost traditions and restore balance to our lives. Each of the series’ four episodes examines one of the physical elements used throughout the ages to transform raw ingredients into delicious dishes through cooking: fire, water, air, and earth.

Food, Travel, Fitness & Wellness movies you should be watching this summer... usually we write a book review in every edition of the magazine, but it’s the summer! And what happens during a long hot Dubai summer? A lot of us take to our sofa’s and catch up on movies etc. Before digital TV it would have been box sets or dodgy DVD’s delivered to the door in suitcases (if you’ve lived in Dubai long enough you know what I mean!). But we don’t want to encourage anything shady, and after all, we now have Netflix bringing the latest shows to our sofa so we can sit back, relax and hopefully be inspired. Fitness/Travel Inspiration

Losing Sight of Shore This documentary recounts the feats of the Coxless Crew, a team of four women who rowed from San Fransisco to Australia in support of two charities. FEM review: Arm chair, or should we say sofa inspiration at it’s best. The mental and physical strength and determination of this group of ladies is really inspiring. From Fat to Finish Line Need a bit of a virtual kick or some motivation to get moving? Then From fat to Finish Line could be for you! A dozen obese men and women change their lives when they each commit to shedding a hundred pounds and competing a 200-mile relay run together. FEM review: I was glued to the sofa watching this one. A story that inspired me so much, to make changes to the way that I eat and exercise. It didn’t make me want to put my shoes back

on and run (I did a few half marathons before and didn’t enjoy them), but it reminded me what can be achieved with determination and a support network.




Next Edition

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