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CLean air kitChen
With the awakening of our need to be environmentally sensitive to our planet, “going green” is a commonly used expression. We are all looking for ways to incorporate environmentally sustainable choices into our lives. d esignArt Studios offers cabinetry that will help you in your endeavor to live green. The new cabinetry line that they offer leads the industry when it comes to low V o C emissions with the sealers and topcoats used in the finishing process. Uniboard’s NU Green zero particleboard is used in the construction of the cabinetry that is urea formaldehyde free. h ardware is 100% recyclable and made completely of metal and polymers, no plastic is used. These are just a few ways that d esignArt Studio through the offering of The Bamco Group cabinetry line is working to bring you a greener home. Start living green right in your own kitchen; there is no need to sacrifice beauty or style to have an environmentally friendly kitchen. Complete customization is possible from style to color and not limited to just the kitchen, d esignArt Studios can provide cabinetry throughout your home. o n top of it all Bamco cabinetry is a great value.
For more information call DeSIGNarT STuDIoS at 886-974-6444 to receive a Clean Air Kitchen Checklist an discuss your design and remodeling needs.