1 minute read
(continued from page 39)
Baking The Bread
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Butter a 10” diameter cast iron pan.
Combine wet and dry ingredients. Stir in the nuts and cranberries. Do not over mix. Bake for about 30 minutes, until top is golden and a toothpick comes out clean. Serve warm with local honey and fresh butter.
Acorn Squash Stuffed With Honeyed Pears
(For 6 people)
The word “squash” comes from the Massachuset Indian word askutasquash, meaning “eaten raw or uncooked.” Today, we generally prefer our hard squashes cooked, though I once enjoyed a fantastic pumpkin carpaccio near Sorrento. The combination of sweet, juicy pears and acorn squash is absolutely delicious, and the execution is simple.
3 medium-sized acorn squashes, rinsed, cut in halves, and seeded
2 lbs pears (Asian pears work well, or use a firm European variety such as Bosc), peeled and diced
1/3 cup honey
1/4 tsp. fresh grated nutmeg
1/4 tsp. allspice
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. fresh grated ginger, or 1/4 tsp dry ginger powder
2 T. melted butter roasTing The squash
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter a roasting pan. Toss the pears with the honey, butter, and spices.
Fill the squash cavities with the seasoned pears. Drizzle any remaining honey atop the squashes. Add 1/4” water to bottom of roasting pan, and bake until tender, about 45 minutes to an hour depending on size.
(Makes about 3 cups)
This is a very delicious dip for shrimp or grilled skewers of chicken or beef.
2 lb. 21/25 cooked shrimp
1 cup sour cream
1 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro
2 jalapeño chilies
4 oz. Lime juice
Salt to taste
Fire-roast the jalapeño chiles on a fork over the flame on your stove; just let it sizzle there until it has a lot of color, then flip it over and roast the other side. Pop them into a plastic bag and let them steam while you put the rest of the dip ingredients in a bowl. Peel most of the skin off the jalapeños, split them, remove the seeds and stem and chop them up. Add those to the bowl, stir and salt to taste. Platter the shrimp and dip with the other half of that cilantro as garnish.