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My Vision
is to delight in each breathtaking view in every room.

417 Rose Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805.965.7772 haywarddesigncenter.com
Whether I choose to entertain guests in the living room or relax by myself in the tub, I can embrace the stunning views of my locale. I found the perfect windows and doors from Kolbe - the large expanses of glass and slim profiles of the VistaLuxe® Collection.

Bringing your vision to life takes a higher level of creativity and expertise. Who you choose matters. Contact the experts at Hayward Design Center for your personal design consultation. Our extensive showroom and knowledgeable staff will help you view, operate, and choose the right Kolbe products for your home.

Home Theater
Flat Screen + Projection

Audio and Acoustics

Shades + Lighting
Whole House Control
Streaming Media