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What part of the job gives the most pleasure?
Hearing how much our customers enjoyed their meal and see them again the following week.
If you couldn’t be a chef, what would you be and why?
Master Gardener – I love plants and gardening. I plant over an acre with my family and work the garden every chance I get. Beside my favorite kitchen knives, I wash and clean my garden tools after each use.
Best advice you ever got was...My father always said you have to get up each day and keep trying no matter what. My Irish mother would say “forge ahead and don’t surrender” I would say I do just that every day to enjoy life, I just keep on the move and try to find some fun along the way.
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What do you enjoy most about FIN? All the great information that is shared among this industry. Where do you like to vacation? I enjoy traveling to the backroads of the US. My husband and I love car trips and bring a cooler to visit farms and local growers, local breweries and local bourbon whether in the midwest, east coast or out west where they grow amazing peppers.
Who was your greatest culinary influence? I have learned so much from other chefs who are willing to share techniques and recipes. When you work next to someone for 12 hours a day and learn something new makes me feel like I accomplished something positive.