Grade 1 Math at Foote

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Grade 1 Math Morning

Heather Zetterberg, Math Specialist

Audrey Morrow Krone, Grade 1 Teacher

January 8, 2025

Beliefs About Math Rooted in Research Beliefs.

The “why” that forms the foundation for the “how”.

The 10 skills people are expected to need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In 2015

2020 In 2025






Service Orientation


Rooted in Research

Everyone can learn math to the highest levels

➨ There is no such thing as a “math” person

➨ Everyone can reach the highest level they want to, with hard work

➨ Encourage students to believe in themselves

Mistakes are valuable

➨ Mistakes “grow your brain”
➨ It is good to struggle and make mistakes

Questions are really important

➨ Always ask rich questions

➨ Answer questions with questions periodically

Math is about creativity and making sense

➨ Math is a creative subject that is, at its core, about visualizing patterns and creating solution paths that others can see

➨ Creativity is about finding non-standard, original, innovative solution methods

Math is about connections and communicating

➨ Math is a connected subject and a form of communication

➨ Math is represented in different forms:

➨Words ➨Pictures ➨Graphs ➨Equations,…

Depth is much more important than speed

➨ Top mathematicians think slowly and deeply
➨ Faster doesn’t mean “smarter”

Math class is about learning, not performing

➨ Math is a growth subject, it takes time to learn and it is all about effort

➨ Active, engaging tasks might not yield written evidence

➨ Teachers confer with students often

Math is “open”

➨ Students see math differently

➨ Students are encouraged to use and share different ideas, methods, and perspectives

Beliefs About Math Rooted in Research Methodology. The

“how” - the systems and practices we use.

Classroom Experiences


and Engaging

Include Questions that Invite Communication


Call on a Student’s Number Sense

Require Flexibility, Efficiency, and Accuracy

Provide Opportunities to Struggle

Offer Open, Low Floor - High Ceiling Tasks

Centered Around Problem Solving

Help Develop Conceptual and Procedural Skills

Balancing Addition


Four Sums in a Row

2-Digit Addition Tiles

Use each digit card 0-9 exactly one time to make the equations true.

Add It Up

Create an addition problem that requires regrouping.

How can I help my child with Math?

Give your child a story problem to solve

Have your child explain how to solve the problem.

Give your child coins to practice counting money. Use accurate mathematical vocabulary.

Ask your child to point out patterns they find.

Stay positive about Math and share your excitement about the subject.

Invite your child help you cook.

Invite your child to teach you something they learned in class that day.

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